Enough is enough chap 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Enough is enough

Enough is enough

Jay headed home, then got dragged away on a long, tiresome family vacation. It was a full ten days before he came back to the school, slightly tanned and still feeling in control. He opened up his locker, looking down at the bag of tricks in the bottom, then picked up his books, looking around. Normally, this was when Kyle showed up with all his usual demands.

The Rat almost didn't see the lone figure sulking up beside him, far from biting the brash loud asshole he'd use to be. The young Tiger was clad in gray sweats, with the hoodie up over his head. His eyes were on the floor as he pushed up to Jays side, and mumbled in a soft whisper. "Welcome back... How... how was your spring break?" 'Was this even the same guy?' Jay wondered as he turned to look the feline over, his manner of dressing and attitude was completely different. "I... I was just wondering... ya know maybe you could take the cock lock off?"

Jay's wicked grin widened, making his pointed muzzle look like it was mostly teeth. "Mmm... I dunno... Do you think you understand what it's like to walk a mile in our shoes?" He asked, smiling darkly at the Tigers passivity clearly Kyle was a lot different than he use to be. After all, the Tiger didn't realize that he was going to end up walking a lot more than just a mile in the rat's shoes... it was going to be the rest of his life!

"Hey big boy..." A small mouse called as he hurried over to Kyle, the small rodent smirking up at the bigger predator. "I need some lunch money." Without saying a word the Tiger dug in his pocket and handed the cash to Melvin. "Thanx... listen the guys and I will be wanting out blow jobs down in the basement after school."

"Ooo ok." Kyle whimpered, and it was clear the Tiger had spent his Spring break learning how to suck rodent cocks.

"I'll tell you what." Jay grunted, suppressing a laugh as Melvin took the former bullies money. "How about this Friday... you and me go out on the town. We have ourselves a nice dinner, a nice movie, and if you can show me that you've learned your lesson, I'll take off the cage for you..." The sly Rat agreed, not that it would really do the former bully any good, though. With the very thorough treatment that the rat had given him, the big predator would never be able to perform like he had again. And that meant that his 'new life' would start as soon as the cage came off and he learned it.

"In the meantime, I think that you have some really adoring friends that you've been spending Spring Break with..." The Rat mentioned, noting the blush on Kyles nose as the big predator thought about his spring break. The bell started to ring, and as the hall cleared, instead of heading to his class Jay looped the predator's arm in his and led him to the nearby bathroom, taking him into the large, wide handicapped stall at the end. "Get against the wall and drop your shorts. I wanna see what you're wearing underneath and give you a little inspection..." He said, an evil grin on his pointed rodent muzzle as he watched Kyle move up against the wall.

"Ok... ok Friday." Kyle gulped as he backed up against the wall, that blush deepening as he pushed down his baggy sports shorts. The Rat had to laugh this time, as he saw the bright pink lacy panties stretched obscenely over the shiny steel cock lock. "Ummm the guys wanted me to... Ahem... to wear these instead of my jocks." The young Tiger moaned in utter humiliation, as he read the look of derisive amusement on Jays muzzle. Even so, the Rat could see dampness spreading form the still grid of the chastity belt, Kyle was secretly enjoying his sexual submissiveness.

"Turn." The Tiger jumped, and then spun around his nose pressed to the wall in front of him. The big predator could hear the Rat coming closer, and then he felt a hot paw on his ass cheek. Kyle gulped, as that hand fondled and squeezed those sleek cheeks and then a thumb hooked the waist band. Dragging those silky girly panties down, the Rats other paw helping slid the Tigers tail out. Listening to the Tigers breathe becoming heavier as Kyle, let his paws do whatever they wanted.

Jay slowly worked either of the Tiger's cheeks, grabbing them and working his paws in, squeezing and teasing. "These panties look pretty good on you, Kyle." He said, smiling and slowly moving them down, letting them bunch just under his ass as the rat slid a finger up the crack of the Tiger's ass. When he found the poor Kitten's abused asshole, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Hehe."

"That... that's what the guys all say." Kyle moaned softly as that finger was thrust inside of him, its tips finding the bulbous knot of his swollen prostate gland. Making his breath quicken and his hip's push back on the Rats slender finger, be hind him he heard Jay chuckle lewdly.

"Looks like you've been letting Napier take his pleasure all he wants..." The tiger was loose, and just to prove the point, he shoved his finger in with no resistance at all. "Who else have you been letting back here?" He asked licking his lips, smirking and nipping on the shivering Tiger's neck. "You've been letting the mice fist you?" Jay continued, it wasn't really a question, the Rat knew the mice really enjoyed doing it. "Maybe one or two friends of yours enjoying your punishment as well?" He asked, reaching around and squeezing the cage, the slipping his paw down to fondle the tiger's balls.

"I ask him to stop... or at least not do it sooooo much. But he just laugh at me and said my tail-hole belonged to him until someone bigger came along." The submissive predator whined, Kyle's breathing was rough and ragged now. "Yeah well Melvin, Tim, Gordon and Rick are as bad as Napier, they love to fist me in front of other furs. No... oho no... I wouldn't want anymore guys knowing about this." The Tiger stammered, even as that strong paw gripped and fondled his firm testicles, making the striped feline whimper. "Are you going to fuck me? Please fuck me its the only way I can get off." Kyle groaned, the fact was after that first time, it had proved my more difficult to get off in that manner. Still it was his best chance, and the big former bully was finding that being the bottom bitch really wasn't that bad.

Jay listened amused, chuckling a little as he heard everything the Tiger had to tell him. He quietly thought for a few moments, and then decided that things needed to change. He'd change his plans for the former bully, after all, Kyle was turning into the perfect little bottom boy... and that was a tempting thing to have on hand. However, he also wanted to have the big pred... all to himself. The Mice and Rats could be warned off a little, and of course with another option, they'd be happy enough. However, ol' Napier was a different story, the older donkey would need to be removed from the equation. If he was going to have a tight-assed pred bitch like he wanted, and not some Donkey spoo filled fuck pit. He thought for a moment, working his finger in and out of the moaning Tiger's ass, slowly poking and prodding at his prostate and squeezing his poor sac from time to time.

"Shhh... shhhh...." He murmured, shushing the big pred's needy little butt slut noises. "I'm not gonna fuck you." He said, hearing Kyle whimper in need as he rubbed his finger tip in circles on that swollen prostate. "Not yet. Not until you're ready for it." He added with a sneer, snickering softly as Kyle's anus did its best to clamp down on his finger. He turned around, reaching down and picking up his goodies bag, pulling out a small package. "But I got you a present while I was on break." He said, laughing and opening the brown paper bag, pulling out a small, disposable packet of lube and a nice, thick butt-plug. He coated the toy, then brought it to Kyle's ass, slowly sinking it into that needy hole. He grinned, watching the Tiger open around it, then watching it pop into place perfectly. He smiled, thinking thing were about to get very interesting in the near future. "Now, whenever you're horny, you just squeeze that as hard as you can, over and over again... You got it?" He demanded, grinning and patting the sexy young striped felines ass. "I'm heading to class. I'll meet you downstairs at lunch. We'll spend a little time alone, alright?" He said with a wide gloating smirk, winking at the helpless pred, and then spanked him once before walking away.

And with that, he opened the stall, taking his bag and walking out. He'd be late to class of course, but it was no big deal for him. He took out his Y-phone, texting each of the Mice individually. "I want Kyle. Tell me what you want, and I'll try to get it, but I want him full time." After all, Kyle had been casually raping Jay for a while now... and Jay decided that he wanted to get a proper revenge. One that would last forever, and would help him out forever as well. His next issue was Napier... however he realized that he still had his original plan for Kyle in his bag. A sharp scalpel, some some surgical glue and a bit of knowledge he'd learned online. "Hehehe... everything is falling into place."

Kyle slowly pulled up his panties and then his shorts, still a little bothered by the way he behaved with Jay. Not so long ago he was having, no ordering the Rat to suck his dick and it felt damn good. Now here he was almost begging the same little guy to rut him up the ass, a part of him hated that. But that dominant masculine male was kept trapped, by the old Donkey fucking him into submission or the other guys fisting him off. If he could somehow get away from these things, then the old Kyle could come back. Quickly he headed off to his first class, the teach not even batting an eyelash when she saw him entering late. It certainly wasn't the first time he'd been late for class, and of course some instructors just didn't give a damn. Kyle let the butt plug slid partly out of his ass, and then clamped his anal muscles down squeezing it back inside of him. The movement produced a thrill of pleasure as the plug rubbed against his prostate gland.

It wasn't until near the end of his second morning class, that it accrued to the Tiger what the butt plug gift was all about. It was helping Kyle over stretched anus tighten up, which meant that Jay did in fact want to fuck him maybe a lot. For some reason that sent a wave of pleasure through him, followed by a weak sensation of disgust and outrage. He knew it was going to happen of course, Jay had already told him that at lunch he would take him. This was all highly confusing to the former bully, confused, humiliation, and submission ruled his life lately. Unconsciously he'd been working his anal muscles wildly this whole time, the soft slurping noises drawing odd looks from the boys sitting around him.

In the meantime, Jay was negotiating with his mice buddies while huddled down in the back of English. He managed two of them with simply pay-offs. One of them asked for flat cash, even, and Jay could work with that. But the other two had banded together to require a new 'fuck-bitch' to replace Kyle when it was done. In the end, Jay told them to give him a name, and he'd see what he could do.

Lunch rolled around slowly, and by the time it got there, Jay was feeling... good. He was feeling really good, powerful, in control. It didn't dawn on his that it was the same way Kyle had felt pushing around the mice and him. It just felt nice to have power over someone else for a change. He headed down to the basement with his bag, grinning when he realized the musty place no longer smelled like Kyle's dominant scent... but more like mice and donkey. He laughed to himself setting the bag off to the side, then going over and reclining on the nasty couch. One leg up and resting on it while the other hung lazily over the side. He waited for the Tiger with a little grin, trying to decide if he wanted to fuck him... or just fuck with him.

There came the sounds of movement down at the other end of the basement, and then the clip clop of hoof steps. The old Donkey appearing out of the shadows, looking if anything even older and uglier. "Hummm." He grunted, seeing the grinning Rat lounging on the couch, he winked and smirked. "Gunno make the puss blow ya." It wasn't a question, but a flat statement of fact the way the Donkey said it. Jay glanced up at the big donkey, managing to stifle a sigh of displeasure. He'd wanted the Tiger to himself... which meant he needed to step up his 'correction' of the donkey's... attitude. He nodded slightly, well had planned for this...only hoping to not have to do it today.

"Yeah." He said, favoring the horny older male with a lewd grin, just because it was what the Donkey would expect.

"Hope ya make him jump through a few hoops first... that cock cage was a sharp idea. Punks all needy for an orgasm but he's not able ta get one anyway, except offer that butt up for a good hard pounding. Keeps him docile, doesn't let him forget his place as a rut boy." The old Donkey stripped off his coverall's, his light gray fur looking sweaty and matted. The scent of his body much strong now, the regular rutting appeared to be firing up the older males hormones. That or he just hadn't been showering, either way it make him that much more masculine.

"It was what he needed to embrace it, but I'm thinking he needs something else to make sure he keeps the bitch outlook forever." The wily Rat mentioned, amused by the thought that neither of them knew the whole truth. Neither Napier nor Kyle had any idea that the Rat had already done the required thing, and Jay was happy to keep it quiet. Let the tiger think it was a natural part of his transition from top to bottom. He decided to relax for the moment, wait for Napier to let his guard down, then pounce as he needed.

"Here he comes." Just then Kyle came around the air handler, seeing the two of them waiting on him the Tigers eyes dropped to the floor and his shoulders slumped.

As Kyle walked in, he licked his lips some, patting his knees as he watched the Tiger slowly walking over toward the couch. "Heya, kitten." He said, smiling and patting the couch in front of him, as Kyle got closer. "Why don't you come over here and take off your shirt. Let me get a good look at you..." He said, leaning back on the couch completely relaxed, but with an eager light in his eyes. He began to wonder how much cuter the Tiger would be without all that unnecessary muscle. A cute, round little tummy, slender arms and legs... a big, plush, round ass. He grinned wider at the thought, deciding how he'd go about making him into that image.

Kyle stripped his shirt off easily, he'd gotten use to being naked in front of others even other furs he didn't know. The mice had taking great pleasure in showing off their control of him to their friends and relatives. Strolling over he sat carefully on the couch, just where Jay had gestured. Glancing over he watched Napier fondle himself idly, that big black donkey was already dangling out of its sheath. For an old guy Napier was a real horn dog... or horn donkey anyway. He didn't say anything, but just stood there watching, as Jay run his funny pink paws over Kyle's silky fur covered torso. Finger tip's finding the feline tiny male nipples stroking and pinching them firmly, until the young Tiger was fidgeting uncomfortable. His barbed kitty cock was pressing against the inside of the chastity cage painfully, still he didn't move away. Wanting what he knew was coming... and hoping that it was be pleasurable enough to make him cum as well. "Ammmm..." He moaned, hearing Jay snickered and Napier snort as he as much as admitted what the Rat was doing was turning him on.

Jay grinned, playing with the Tiger's chest and lightly squeezing at his nipples a few times. "That's it." He muttered softly, smiling at the passive cat as those fingers teased. "You just relax and enjoy..." Jay murmured, laughing and pulling him closer, letting his hands tease and rub his body slowly. "That's a good kitten..." He praised, glancing down at the chastity cage and frowning slightly as he notice how full it was. He'd have to give him another treatment with the catheter if that kept up, but he didn't want to ruin his prostate's sensitivity. He grinned and stroked the pretty striped felines silky fur slowly. "Tell me what you need." He said firmly, smiling at Kyle as the Tiger trembled in his need.

He glanced over at the Donkey for a moment, looking at his low hanging nuts, then back at the predator, complete with his muzzle full of very sharp teeth... He grinned a little more, realizing that he didn't need to take care of the old Donkey at all. A little 'accident' would handle everything, and leave him with clean paws as it were. "C'mon, Kitten." He encouraged, laughing inwardly as he knew the needy feline would unwittingly play around. "Say it. Say what you want and where you want it."

"I... I want... your cock in... in my tail-hole please." Kyle begged plaintively, the once proud predator shivered as he submissively admitted he wanted to be the Rat's bitch. "Mount me... ride me... making me cum... I need to cum soooooo bad." The two of them could hear Napier chuckle from his place across the room, the Donkey's big rubbery black hose was bouncing up and down semi hard now. Clearly he thought that his cock was what the Tiger was really needing up his tail-hole. Standing up the naked Donkey, scooped a dollop of lube into the palm of his hand, and began to spread it over the big blunt head of his cock. And then smear it down the throbbing shaft, making that huge organ glisten wetly under the flickering florescent lights.

"I got what you need Punk." Napier snorted aggressively, moving in closer to the couch, as the air thickened with his aroused musk. "Everyone knows yer hole belongs to me."

Jay looked at Napier, looked at how he starred lustfully at Kyle, frowning slightly. Kyle was his bitch... HIS bitch, he was the one who had made him... after all. He waited a moment, then reached up stroking the Tiger's silky cheek gently. "Why don't you get down in your knees and start sucking those big, fat donkey nuts." He suggested to the passive pussy Tiger, making that feline body quiver. "And once you've shown me how much you love them, I'll give you a chance with mine." He promised, rubbing the feline's cheek, slowly stroking his lips gently, while looking at those sharp predator teeth.

He waited for Kyle to get up and get into position, and then rose groping himself a little, before walking over to his bag. He pulled out two bottles of water... an old one from the previous week that he'd prepped with sedative for use on the Tiger and one for himself.

"Hey." He called, nodding to Napier as the old fella managed to pry his eyes away from the passive feline. "Drink up." He tossed the doctored bottle to the donkey, then opened his own, tilting it back and taking a long drink. Before getting out the small medical sewing kit, palming it and walking to the side to watch Kyle get to work.

The old Donkey caught the bottle with one hand, looking at it curiously for a second. And then grinned, figuring the Rat mean to introduce the Tiger to water sports. Unscrewing the top the big equine gulped down his water easily, he'd be ready when it was time to piss on the slut.

"Ahem... ok." Kyle grunted hesitantly, clearly he wasn't looking forwards to having the nasty old Donkey's sweaty balls in his mouth. Slowly he slid off the couch and onto his knee's on the floor, even as Napier stepped up in front of him. Tossing the empty water bottle away, it bounced off a nearby by trash can and skipped across the basement floor.

Towering over the subservient feline, the ugly older male sneered as he looked down at him. He'd never really used the Tigers mouth before, so was more than a bit excited by the idea. Plus he was getting off, on making the former smart mouthed bully service him pleasure. Wrapping his hand around the neck of his floppy black sack, he squeezed those hefty orbs up into a bouquet of male-hood. "Heh... get on these nuts."

The young Tiger leaned forwards, opening his mouth impossible wide, even so he still had to work those massive nuts into his maw. The scent of them was so strong if stunned him, and Kyle could taste the salt sweat on them. Surprisingly it make his mouth water, which help those hefty nuggets slip deeper into his mouth. "Ummm." He moaned, suckling on those pulsing foal-makers overwhelmed by the musky male taste of and adult males organs.

"Ammm yeah that's it." Napier moaned bleary eyed, stroking his long black cock lazily, long strings of pre-cum already dangling from the blunt head. "How do ya like that? Taste better than the mice? All of them are just boys... ya got a real male in yer mouth now." The old Donkey bragged intoxicate, he was enjoying this soooooo much. Not having gotten to play this much in years, it was hard for a old guy to find sexy young studs to play with. "If yer real good... gunna give you something to swallow in a minute." He snickered groggily, thinking about the Rats water sports plan and wanting to piss down the Tiger sluts throat.

Jay nodded his head a little, licking his lips slightly as he watched. He edged up quietly, moving with the silence that Rats are known for, watching the Tiger. He had to admit... he was going to miss not getting his rocks off today, but this would fix the problems he was having fairly rapidly.

Stepping behind the old Donkey quietly, he waited, taking a slow breath and preparing himself. When the Donkey looked like he was starting to lose his balance, he figured he'd waiting long enough. He glanced down between ol' Napier's wide spread legs, looking at the Tigers jaws, and then quietly stood up and delivered a smooth, quick kick to his chin. That kick forcing those jaws together with a loud, crunching snap of ripping flesh and clicking teeth.

Napier staggered again, a burst of pain radiating up through his legs as the Tiger's jaws snapped shut. He stepped back slightly, moving away from the Tiger as the Rat moved smoothly to the side, guiding the Donkey backwards and against the walls. He let him slide down, then turned and looked back at Kyle, his eyes wide and his tone accusing. "Fuck, Kyle, I know you hated him but... What did you do!?" He demanded, keeping his eyes wide and trying to look shocked and horrified.

"MHMHGHF." The young Tiger tried to stammer, the huge testicles in his mouth pushing and twisting around until they got under his teeth. Suddenly there was a soft _ 'POP' _ followed almost at once by a second, as half a testicle shot out of his mouth and landing in his lap with a _ 'Plop' _.

Jay turned, shoving the Donkey's legs apart, smiling inwardly when he saw the bleeding wound underneath Napier's sheath. He quickly got his equipment, then did a rather haphazard job of stitching the old Donkey up. It was enough to keep him from bleeding out, at least until someone professional could fix things. Napier, though, was completely under by that point, the drugs having done their work. Jay stood up slowly, turning to look at the stunned and confused Tiger. "Just... spit them out in the trash can." He ordered, pointing at the large janitor's can on wheels that was near the door. "Then well... I guess we need to tell someone... The school nurse, I guess..." He suggested, watching as Kyle picked up the bit of testicle in his lap and then stood up.

The young Tiger walked over to the trash can dropping the bits in his paw inside, he lean over opening his mouth letting the rest of Napier's ruined male-hood fall into the garbage. After all that's all it was, now that they had been shredded by those pointed feline teeth. The taste of musky malehood and coppery blood making the Tigers cock so stiff, it felt like the metal grid of the chastity cage was cutting into his cock head. The bully had a sore chin, and knew something had hit him, although he had not seen what. Still there was a certain surge of power, when Jay had accused him of deliberately biting Napier's balls off. It brought up old feels in the former bully, he'd teased little guys about doing things like that. But never really would have... he was far to afraid of the anti-predatory police.

"I don't wanta go to jail." Kyle whimpered, looking up at Jay the Rat was looking at him strangely, was that fondness. "I... I'm not one of those... predators that goes crazy and starts eating..."

Jay looked up a him, smiling and reaching up to rub at his cheeks and hold his muzzle. "Hey, listen..." The rat said quickly, even as he couldn't hide his own arousal at what had happened. "We... well, we'll tell her the truth. We met up for a little liaison with each other... and Napier showed up without being invited. Pulls his dick out, and says he's gonna fuck you... and after a week of raping your ass, no less." Jay said, scratching at him, looking up at his red-stained muzzle and rubbing his cheeks. "It might have been an accident, but you're a predator, so you know what they'll say... How about... we tell her that we were dating? I mean, we've been going off together during lunch enough that some people might suspect it anyway..." The sly Rat suggested, a perfect little plan, all nicely wrapped up in a tight little package.

"Rape." Kyle sniffled, hugging Jay tightly as his mind raced over the Rats words, it made sense and he'd have a witness. "Rape yeah he's been raping me really bad." His eyes flicked back towards his abused tail-hole, which of course showed plenty of rough use. "Yeah... yeah of course it was all an accident... dating... well... I guess we kinda have huh." The Tiger agreed gulping, so he hadn't been imagining it earlier, their had been real caring in Jays eyes. "Thank you!" Kyle sobbed, his embrace of jay tightening to a almost uncomfortable level as he cried softly for a moment.

"I'll talk to the mice. We'll get them to leave you alone from now on... And Napier? Well, he's not going to be fucking anyone ever again, looks like to me." Jay snickered, rubbing Kyle gently with his slender pink rodent paws, he was acting consolatory, petting him and stroking him. He could smell the Tiger's musk, although, which meant that he was going to have to make he was completely impotent a second time.

"Really... you will, but their your friends." The striped feline sniffled and wiped his eyes, as Jay assured him the mice wouldn't be bothering him anymore. "Heh no I guess he won't huh." Kyle chuckled, cheering up a bit as the Rat joked about the gelded Napier not rutting anyone anymore.

"And... well... if the predation laws kick in... then we'll cross that road when we get there, alright?" He asked, scowling as he saw the flesh pressing against the grate of that cock cage. The Tiger slowly began to relax now as Jay stroked and petted his silky fur.

"I'm so glad I've got you." The Rat couldn't help smiling broadly over the Tigers shoulder as the two of them cuddled.


The school nurse wasn't as shocked by their story as they had expected, in fact she only seemed to get worried when they told her about the Donkey. Quickly she let the school admin know that a employee had been molesting students, and then she went down to see about fixing Napier up. By the time she got back the police had arrived, however they ignored Kyle for the most part. Focusing on the old Donkey, the laws about age of consent were strongly enforced. Jay and Kyle were both assured that the Donkey wouldn't be bothering them ever again. He was going to prison for a long time and with no balls... well he was going to be some ones mare. And since Kyle hadn't eating any testicle meat, they found it all in the trash can. Then that along with Jays testimony was proof that he'd not been intending to break the predation laws.

Jay and Kyle sat next to each other, as the officer finished delivering the information. He patted Kyle on the shoulder softly, clearly he saw the Tiger as the victim here. "Although." He concluded, looking from the principal, to the school nurse and then back to the Tiger. "You will still have to appear before a judge." He explained, smiling briefly at Kyle as he spoke. "But I don't think there will be a problem there." He finished, clearly thinking this was an open and shut case.

Jay smiled briefly, he'd have to make sure that he got the right judge, if that was the case. He patted Kyle a little on the shoulder softly, smiling at him slightly as the cop handed him a towel to wipe off his muzzle finally. As the cop walked away, Jay smiled and slid his paw down Kyle's back, slipping to his tail and undoing the snap over it. A moment later, he slid his paw down, moving it beneath the tiger's tail, pressing against the plug. "I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to fuck today." He said, pressing against the plug slowly, tugging it a little bit, then working it back into place. "We can soon, though... just keep working your plug. I've got some lube in my locker you can take home with you, alright?" He said, leaning it to kiss Jay's cheek, then slipping his paw up to reconnect the snap above his tail.

Kyle breath a sigh of relief, as he heard that he wouldn't be charged with a crime. The young Tiger looked at Jay, blushing as the Rat apologized for not fucking him. "Ummm yeah guess that's kinda my fault." His breath quickened as Jay's fingers pushed on the plug up his ass, those muscles weakly grasps and squeezed on it. "Ammmm yeah... I... I'll keep working at it."

He patted Kyle's knee gently, his smile sweet and leering as he looked the Tiger over. "I'll talk to the mice later." He assured, surprised to see Kyles eyes looking confused by these words. "Why don't you take a day or two for yourself? ...spend a little time at home? I mean, really, you could use some time for yourself with... everything considered." He gave the Tiger another big smile, and then tugged out his phone, looking down at it. The mice apparently found someone they wanted... he looked back up at Kyle. "Text me if you want to hang out, alright?" he said.

"Oh about what?" Kyle moaned, unsure why Jay would be talking to the mice... after all they hadn't even been there. "Yes I think that might be best... Oh gods here comes my folks." The young Tiger exclaimed as his parents rushed in to the office, his mothers coming over to them quickly. While his father stormed into the principles office with the police, angrily confronting them about what had happened. "Ok... ok Jay thank you." Kyle mumbled, as his mother sat down with them wrapping him up in a big hug.