Story (c) amethyst mare commissioned by catprog, who has posted it on their website also **trickery** written by amethyst mare for catprog _it is never a good idea to insult a genie..._ _if some well-meaning soul had said that to you, in good faith, any
Celebration Trickery
Matt sighed in resignation, letting himself fall onto the couch. The oil painting of a tundra landscape that he'd once been so proud of now hung on his wall, just a tad lopsidedly now. He shook his head, and then leaned back on the couch with a huff of...
Kobold Trickery
"Hah! You should've seen how easy it was." Argyle's boasts were accompanied by the clink of gold, the adventurer having chosen to pay for the drinks of all the men in the tavern. It certainly got him the attention he craved; the rogue was surrounded by...
Trickery in Transformation
The trickery of transformation and sexual need would forever be his favourite weapon of the samurai way...
Trickery Finds A Way
Experience had taught Grinnon to be very worried about certain things. Any time the floor under his feet started to shift for no known reason, or for a variety of known reasons. Any time a spellcaster started to chant, or had energy start...
A Taste of Her Own Trickery
On her days off, Bianca wasn't the type to find herself anywhere **near** a bar or tavern, but when it came to hanging out with her friends, she was willing to make an exception now and again. Given the strange injection that she'd provided to her...
Dragon's Path 29: Trickery
** \*\*\*dragon's path 29: trickery
Why The Coyote Lives in The Desert
Already munching on the meat pile was the sinister coyote, who had managed to sneak in with his trickery!
The Unintended Curse ch12
THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 12 The whole deck was so quiet that you could hear the sound of waves lapping at the side of the boat, the sound of a few fish jumping out of the water, and even a few rats that had made the trip within the hold scurrying...
For One Nut # 21
Hard Times... For One Nut Donnell looked over at the sleek black Buffalo Cow in wonder, as she nuzzled against his fat bovine neck. The chubby young brown and white Bull was stunned that someone so pretty had an...