Episode Twelve: MAAB

Story by MammaBear on SoFurry

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#8 of Much Ado About Bluebottles

P'rao runs into Lili while waiting for Tr'lia and Lili spills a game-changing secret.

P'rao waited for her on a public perch within sight of the apothecary's cave. He preened his feathers to a high gloss, and watched the air traffic in and out of the cliff aerie and the pedestrians waddling back and forth across the valley's bare bottom.

A nice place, and as far as he could tell, completely cleared of vegetation. That might have been a symptom of the recent festival, or it might just be easier here, deep in the deserts where the borders weren't always being tested by grasses and weeds.

The high canyon wall had a variety of dark holes in it. P'rao had never imagined he'd find his hen in the most dangerous one. Either he'd been a bad influence on her, or she had a rebellious streak. Nice, ordinary girls didn't get involved with plants... or milkers. The fact that she'd done the one, gave him hope about the other.

His gizzard told him she might not have ended up there without meeting him, and that sent his plumage fluffing again and put his grooming skills back to the test.

He had till morning to get back to the front. Delivery seemed a leisurely pursuit when compared to border clearing, and he considered putting in for his final vesting sooner rather than later. It would mean more freedom, possibly, but it would also mean taking his turn on forays into enemy territory.

Dangerous. Not necessarily wise while wooing a hen, unless it was the danger that had caught her attention to begin with.

He ran his beak through the feathers on his wing and shifted his weight to the other foot. The brilliant sash made of Tr'lia's feathers slid toward his far shoulder. No. He'd sensed it when they first met, how straight Tr'lia usually flew. If she veered into rebel territory now, likely he was to blame.

Warmed by that thought, P'rao hopped in place and twisted his neck round to check the cliff again, the cave mouth, and then down to the dirt below where his eyes picked out a familiar, round blue hen bobbing past.

"Hey!" P'rao hopped and flapped his wings, but when the fluffy blue head twisted in his direction, realized he'd completely forgotten her name. "Blue-uh Bluey?"

"Oh great." The hen craned up at him and hopped in place, stirring a cloud of dust that nearly blocked her from view. "It's you."

He couldn't tell if the sarcasm in that was imagined or real, but the blue hen launched herself into the air before he could dwell on it. She brought the dust cloud with her, flapping so hard he had to clench his feet around the perch and lean into the updraft. When she'd landed beside him, she puffed herself into a sphere and began working on her plumage while talking.

P'rao scooted to the far edge of the wooden rail and searched the cliff for any sign of Tr'lia.

"My name is Lili. Not that I'd expect you to remember that, or anything at all, the way you and Tr'lia were carrying on."

"We weren't doing anything wrong."

"Of course not." Lilli finished cleaning her fluff and began pressing each feather back into place one at a time. "It's the whole point of the festival, isn't it? To mix with other flocks so we don't all pair bond with our cousins."

"I suppose that's the practical way to think." He flicked a glance to the cliff's again and frowned. "If you want to be blunt about it."

"Why not?" Lili looked up at last and widened her round eyes. "Man, you even make the same faces."


"That's exactly the same 'Lili you are horrible' expression that Tr'lia uses."

"When does she get off work?" He changed the subject, but Lili's accusation confirmed his impressions of Tr'lia. She had a proper streak, but could be daring when necessary, too. Since they'd met, his hen had bought live bugs and found a job working with plants, like him. She didn't hesitate, once she'd decided something. A lot like him.

"It depends on what he's got her doing," Lili said.

Or maybe a lot like he _wanted_to be. He still hadn't applied for his full vesting, and now, it seemed like he should have ages ago. He was ready. He could be brave enough now, knowing she was doing the same thing here.

"Sometimes she works almost to sunset and just goes straight home." Lili chirped beside him, and P'rao let his attention divide between her answer and his own sudden wash of insecurity.

Had he been hesitating? The border duty was good training, but he and Meech had been at it so long the plucking had grown routine.

"If she's done early she usually goes to work on her nest."

Maybe it was time to get vested, take some risks, earn his hen's respect. He swiveled his head toward the bluebird and clicked his beak. "What?"

"If she's done before sunset she works on her nest." She blurted it again and then cheeped and fluffed out her cheeks. "Oh. But..."

"She's nesting?"

"I should get going." Lili's feathers prickled all down her neck. "I have to get home."

"You said she's making a nest." P'rao shifted his weight, stood on one foot and waved at the caves with the other.

"Did I?"

"Yes. You did." He blinked, but the blue fluff ball just sat frozen beside him. "Well? Is she?"

"Sort of. I mean..."

"She is." He put his foot down and tightened his grip on the perch.

"I am too," Lili argue. "We're the right age, and there's no harm in starting."

No hesitation in that either. P'rao felt it creeping beneath his feathers. He'd been pulling grasses on the safe side of the border for too long. "I need to get back, Lili. Can you give her a message for me?"

"You're going? But she'll be off soon."

"Tell her I'll be back as soon as I can. I have some business that just came up."

Meech might argue, but he'd win in the end. It wasn't like they'd be facing Master Plants on their first day. A few incursions to collect sap and berries. They could manage that without too much risk.

"Maybe I can go get her," Lili said. "She might be ready."

"Lili." P'rao bounced in place. The perch wobbled and the little hen had to throw her wings out for balance. "This is important. Okay?"

"O-okay but--"

"Tell her to go ahead and keep nesting."

"Oh. but you could--"

"Tell her!" P'rao launched with a whoop and let the hen's answer wash away in his own updraft. He'd have his vest before he came back. He'd have an adventure to share and something to show Tr'lia that actually meant something. No hesitation. Not even the memory of the Master Plant could slow his wings, not even the giant, half moons stretched wide, exposing a fat red maw and long, sticky teeth. No hesitation allowed.

It was time to get real.