Shutaro's First Transformation

Story by Shutaro on SoFurry

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Shutaro's First Transformation (Shutaro's Latex Menagerie, Part 0)


Shutaro ([email protected])

(Sheri © her player, and used with permission)

It was a dark, drizzly evening. Cool, but not cold, and the rain helped to freshen the air. Washing it clean, leaving behind only scents in it's wake... The slightly acrid smell of the fresh rain, moist earth, in patches, damp leaves... Sodden concrete. The subtle sights, sounds, and smells of the new fallen October rain were neatly masked by the throng of people, furs of all shapes and sizes, who milled down the street... Wandering from club to club on a whim, much like the clouds that drifted overhead. Shutaro melted through the crowd easily, passing almost unnoticed between furs too absorbed in their own lives to notice him.

Indeed, Shutaro was equally absorbed in his own affairs at the moment. Saturday evenings had not much changed for him in the last three-thousand years, since he had left his home village. Well, the names, faces, places, and dates changed... But little else had. Three thousand years of an aimless, wandering existence. Not that he complained much about it, mind you. He enjoyed the lifestyle, the freedom. Not having anywhere to go, anywhere to be... Anything do to. He was his own fox, answering to no one.


He was free to experience all the world had to offer, and free to indulge himself in any pleasure of his choosing. After all, who was going to stop him? His entire village, gone; no family, no pesky relatives, no nagging elders...


As the ages passed, the had world managed to change just enough to keep him interested; especially these days. It seemed as if there was no shortage of new things to try, and he drifted from one activity to the next, one pleasure to the next... Flower to flower, like a bee collecting nectar.

Of course, this meant sex; lots and lots of sex.... Night after night, constantly. He had an insatiable apatite, and when he wanted it, he usually got it. Without exception; he was persuasive like that, charming. Magic could open almost any door, even though so many in the world, today, refused to admit that such magic was possible, let alone even existed. He was living proof that magic existed. It wasn't like the old days, when villagers could be enthralled by a quick light show and easily intimidated into worshiping him as a God. But the old days were over and gone, though, and Shutaro has more pressing matters to be concerned with... Like the cute canine (husky, from the look of it) female sitting at the bar of the club he has just entered.

Bright blue eyes were the first feature he noticed, odd in that they drew him to her almost straight away, without thinking. Not that he usually put a whole lot of thought into which female he chose for the night's diversions. One was usually just as good as another. He was always very haphazard; leap first, look later. Slightly pointed, red furred, ears topped her head; peeking out from beneath a mass of long, soft, red hair that was tied into a ponytail with a length of green ribbon. She had a fine, yet athletic, slender build, and was a good seven or eight inches shorter than he was. He usually liked them with a little more... Meat on them. But, being a somewhat lazy creature by nature, convenience always overruled preference. Besides, she was cute, after all. She wore a simple, mulberry colored silk blouse which was tied in a knot over her taut, bare, white furred belly; the word "PREY" was written across the front of the blouse in prominent, red lettering. 'Have no idea,' he thought to himself as he chuckled softly, his eyes wandering down past her skirt and following the long lines of her legs.

Shutaro looked very much as he always had. His soft grey fur was somewhat groomed and his long, lavender hair, from which his two slightly oversized ears peeked out from, cascaded down his back in a loose ponytail, with one rogue lock shading one of his two bright green eyes. He wore his usual garb, a pair of sagging, faded, ratty old jeans, held up (just barely) by a black leather belt, and with a hole cut into the back to accommodate his bushy tail (he hid the other one when he went out), his black "Hi-STANDARD" t-shirt, and a pair of well-worn sneakers. Taking advantage of an open seat at the bar, he casually wedged himself in next to the huskygirl.

"You sure don't waste any time," she said, greeting him with a smile.

Shutaro just shrugged, "Am thirsty," he said casually, as he ordered a drink from the bartender. She looked him up and down, just as casually, as if assessing him, before she replied.

"I bet you are," she said with a wink. The reply almost startled him, as he had only just begun to gently tug at her mind, planting the seeds of a suggestion that would blossom into out-and-out passion.

He shrugged again, composing himself quickly, "Is better way to meet people," he said.

"Looking for some fun?" she asked him, up front. Again, he had to compose himself; caught off guard for the second time.

"Yeah... Of course. Am always up for good time," he said with the smoothest smile he could manage, given the circumstances. 'Wow... Was quick,' he thought to himself. She just smiled at him, almost reassuringly.

"I live just around the corner and a couple streets down... We can walk from here, if you want?"

"Sure," he smiled.

Like fish in a barrel.

He left a few bills on the bar before she led him back out onto the rain slicked streets.


She led him up the walk and into her house. A modest, simple, affair; wedged in next to all the other houses on the street. There was very little space in between the houses in this particular neighborhood. She switched on a light or two as she entered, and led him down a long hall.

"You live alone?" he asked. She smiled, and nodded.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," she replied with a wink. Was she up to something, he wondered? She had to be, there was no way his spell could take effect so quickly. This only confused him more. If this wasn't the spell, then what was happening? Was she resisting? He forcibly set those doubts aside. This was no time for worry and doubt. After all, what was the worst that could happen? She led him into a simple, large, room... Lit by a simple lamp in one corner that cast shadows long throughout the rest of the room. A large, round, bed sat in the middle, covered with an equally large, soft, purple silken sheet. Four posts surrounded the bed, as well as many pillows. The room had little else in the way of furnature, however.

"Is quite a place have here," he commented as watched her walk over and pull out a large chest, "What that?" he asked, only half wondering what was in store for him. He peered inside, and was greeted with a rainbow of colors in latex and a familiar, arousing scent. The light was low, however, so he couldn't get a good look but... He could've sworn he saw the occasional deflated, rubbery, foot, paw, or tail, inside the box... Must be a trick of the light.

She stood, and walked toward him, slipping her arms up around his shoulders and giving him a long, sweet, kiss... The smell of her fur, her clothing, everything filled his nostrils. What was that smell? Sweet, yet terribly familiar.

"Oh, I've a few things in mind for you, handsome," she said with a smile, her nose inches from his own, "Perhaps you might feel like slipping...", she paused, "Ooooout of those clothes?", she asked, seductively drawing out the first syllable of the question. "You're very cute, you know," she continued, smiling sweetly, "I know of your love for balloons... Perhaps I could blow up a few and have a little fun with you?"

He blinked, "I know you from somewhere?" was all he could get out before she kissed again, as if trying to persuade him even further. It wasn't like this was anything new for him, he'd done it before. But... How did she know? He continued to wonder, however the second kiss quickly accomplished it's goal.

He didn't need a second invitation, and quickly, eagerly, stripped off his shirt, "Thought would never ask," he said taking a seat on the bed. He pulled off his shoes and unbuttoned his pants. "What about you? Hmm? Are going join me?" he asked, in return.

She simply giggled, and grinned hugely, "Of course, sweetheart," she said, sliding off her top as her skirt shimmied down the length of her legs and joined her blouse in a heap on the floor. She posed for him, doing a mini-striptease as she removed her bra and panties and joined him on the bed; pressing her soft, furry, body up against him warmly and causing him to fall back against the silken sheets of the bed. "Mmm... handsome," she said with a little smile as she nuzzled at him, laying his arms out to his sides as she did so. That's when he felt something... Tighten around one wrist, then the other. Something like a rubber band. That's when he recognized that sweet, familiar aroma. It had been a long time since he had last smelt it.

It was magic.

It wasn't just her, either. The whole room was thick with it. If she knew that he knew, she didn't let on.

"I figured I might have to tie you down for this," was all she said, with a wink. Shutaro could only watch, and wonder what would come next.

"For what?" he asked helplessly, feeling weak and vulnerable in his present state. He couldn't seem to muster enough power to free himself, and frankly he didn't want to. He wanted to see what she was going to do next. She grinned almost evilly, her bare thighs rubbing up against the thick hardness beneath his pants. His shock, confusion, and fear had done little to diminish that, fortunately. He groaned as he felt her rub.

"Oh, what have I planned for you," she continued grinning, "For you, an experience you'll... *never* forget." She giggled, "Especially should you ever get to see your reflection..." She ran a paw down his chest, "I'm planning on... Increasing my inventory of balloons tonight," she added cryptically as she began to pull his pants off, slowly. A smile slowly crept onto Shutato's face... This might not be so bad. He began to relax, slowly, calmed by her voice.

"Guess am all yours, then," was all he could say in response, already resigned to his fate; whatever that would be.

"Oh you'll be all mine... Forever," she said, as she pulled his pants free and tossed them aside. She tied his legs the same way she tied his arms, leaving him spread eagle on the soft, silken bed. He groaned a third time as he felt her kiss his already painfully erect member, causing it to throb gently in response. She giggled, as if this were a game for her.

Shutaro watched with rapt attention as she reached into her box of latex wonders and withdrew a fairly normal looking green balloon. He didn't take his eyes from it as she raised it to her lips, slid it between her lips seductively, and filled slowly with one deep breath and an audible inrush of air. The sight left him near speechless and breathless, as he lay there. She tied it off, and let it fall between his legs... The taut, air filled, latex sphere rested against his genitals lightly.

He groaned and shivered...

She smiled at him and reached into her box again...

He could only watch as she withdrew a second, purple, balloon, which looked to be significantly larger than the first. She took another deep breath, and her cheeks puffed out as she blew another long breath into the second balloon. However, there was no way she would be able to blow this one up with only one breath. She blew again and again, the sound of her breath filling the room. The sagging purple latex took shape right before Shutaro's eyes as it filled slowly with her warm breath. Again, he stared; transfixed and moaning softly with every breath she took.

His cock throbbed again, not needing to be touched this time...

His body tingled all over...

He watched her sway slightly with the effort, as she blew the second balloon up to three feet before she tied it off... Slowly, she rubbed it over her breasts and down the length of her furry body, squeezing it between her thighs gently. He squirmed a little, as he was able to watch, which he did enjoy, but unable to participate... Unable to interact.

"Hmurmm," she moaned softly as she rubbed herself with the large balloon, "I balloons..." she said, as she brought it up to rub against his body now, bouncing it off his nose gently and allowing it to tickle his face. He inhaled deeply, taking in the aroma of latex and holding it in his lungs for a moment before letting it go.

"So... do... I-... *gasp*," he panted, cut short by the feeling of the soft latex pressing up against his already extremely excited member. He bit his lip. It took all his willpower for him to keep from shooting his load right there. He groaned, a deep sound far within the reaches of his throat. His paws clenched at the silk sheets beneath his paws as his legs kicked against his restraints, feebly. She just giggled.

"Mmmm... Not yet, sweetheart," she said, letting the balloon fall onto the bed at his side as she leaned forward to lick the pre from the tip of his shaft, "You'll be leaking a different kind of pre here in a few moments," she said with yet another enigmatic smile. She reached into her box a third balloon, far bigger than any he'd ever seen before!

Winking at him, she began to blow this one up as well; laboriously huffing and puffing into it as he watched. Panting heavily, she began to sweat as the balloon slowly, ever so slowly, began to take shape before him... Getting bigger, rounder... The scent of her sweat mingled sweetly with the scent of magic and latex.

"Ohh my," she said as she paused, panting for breath, "It's been a while since I blew up anything this big," she said with another lightheaded giggle, "Feel kinda woozy."

He panted along with her, the tingling sensation slowly spreading further throughout his body. The balloon soon grew to obscure her face entirely. Her body, and her breasts, shook with the effort, trembled with each deep breath. His mind couldn't sort it all out... It was like sensory overload! Her body, the large balloon, the laborious huffing and puffing... It was like heaven! Slowly it took it's shape, almost five feet across when she tied it off and let it come to rest against his body... All he could do was softly whimper, no, beg for more and more, "More... more... bigger..."

"Don't worry, you'll get much much bigger... I guarantee that," she said with a smile, resting atop the big pink balloon; pinning him to the bed, the latex pressing up against his body, his fur, and making an erotic rustle against the silken sheets. She pulled yet another balloon from her box, but he was unable to see how big it was. He could only see a faint shadow, through the latex of the balloon that covered his torso, as she slid it up between her legs.

"I'll make this one huge one for you," he could hear her say, before he once again heard the hissing of her breath against latex. She rolled the balloon aside, off the bed, so he could better see her. She smiled around the neck of the balloon as she blew. It was so large, it at first appeared as her breaths weren't doing anything at all. It took her several breaths before it slowly began to rise. Her breasts bounced and heaved with each deep breath. Giggling into the balloon, she swayed before him; reveling in her apparent lightheadedness.

"Ohh lightheadedness," she groaned, pausing for breath again, "I love that feeling... As if my head was turning into a balloon."

The balloon looked as if it were only about half full, but already it was bigger than the last one! Larger than him, even! It rested against his hips, the pre that continually leaked his erection making wet spot on the spreading latex. He shuddered, his body was almost numb, the tingling was so intense. Was something wrong? He couldn't tell if it was just his approaching orgasm, or something else. But he felt as if he was about to pass out himself, just watching her. How did she do it? Bigger and bigger it got. She moaned softly, having to sit down next to him... Not that it mattered, the balloon was almost big enough to cover the both of them, now. Her rump wiggled against his body, her fur soft in it's nakedness, as she continued to blow relentlessly. The balloon continuing to grow... and grow... Almost smothering him by the time it reached it's full size, at almost ten feet across!

"Yesyesyes..." he gasped and panted mindlessly, "More," he begs, "More... Make me cum!" he moaned, grinding his hips and shaft against the big, no, huge balloon; desperately seeking release.

"Not yet..." she said, watching his face, her nose inches from his cheek, as they both lay beneath the balloon.

"Pleeeeeeease!!!" he whined, as the tingling throughout his body became even more intense. It was like a thousand fingers, all touching and poking at him... Making him feel soft, and fluid.

"You'll soon know the fate than many before you have known," she said, smiling at him; grinning evilly again, "You'll help me add to my balloon collection!"

He gasped, as he felt a pleasure like none he had ever felt before. His eyes went wide his fur became smooth, soft, and shiny right before his eyes. What was this? Somewhere deep within his mind, he knew the answer. He knew it was magic. Magic unlike anything he'd ever seen before. He gasped again as he heard a faint hissing, deep inside him, and he felt his body, now hollow and filled with air, begin to stretch and expand. His hips and rear bulged and stomach began to bloat outward!

He cried out, writhing, his body squeaking and rustling on the bed, against the sheets, as he felt his belly begin to inflate slowly. He cried out in pleasure, feeling himself stretch, unable to put together the words to express the absolute pleasure, the absolute bliss he felt at being brought right to the edge and transformed into balloon... All he could do was squeak and make a few raw sounds of animal pleasure as he felt the cum beginning to travel up the length of his still sensitive, and still rock hard, latex cock.

She continued to laugh and giggle, as she watched his body grow bigger and bigger, with that familiar hiss... He bulged outward; three feet, four feet... Five feet. Shutaro moaned, eyes squeezed shut, and shivered as he felt her slide herself, and her moist fleshy sex, over his rubber member, which was also beginning to expand slightly. However, it was not expanding with an audible rush, as was the rest of him... No, it was beginning to bloat with hot, latexy, fluid... Ready to burst at any moment. He gasped as she begin to move against his inflating body; which carried her up, farther and farther from the ground...

Six feet...

Seven feet...

It wasn't long before he was even bigger than the balloons she was blowing up for him only moments before, and the rush showed no sign of stopping!!! He cried out as she bounced against him, bucking and bobbing, as he was unable to move, himself. But he didn't know; he had no idea how big he was, or how big he could get. He only knew that he was huge, and he wanted to be even bigger! He wanted even more air inside him!

"More... MMMMORE!!!", he panted, crying out and groaning, "Blow me up! UNNNNgh... Make me HUGE!!!", he pleaded.

He could no longer see her, but he could still feel her movements. Every movement sent ripples of pleasure and joy throughout the taut latex sphere that was now his body. Faster and faster she moved, bigger and bigger he got... As if the two were connected somehow.

Eight feet...

Nine feet...

Ten feet...

Shutaro cried out, unable to hold back any longer. Even though it was latex, his cock could only take so much before it was forced to release it's payload. He nearly screamed as he came, flooding his partner with his hot, rubbery seed. He could hear her, faintly, as if she was very distant, gasp.

"OH gods.... Yeeeessssss!!!", he could hear her moan, from somewhere inside his own fog of pleasure, "You'll be my sexy balloon forever, my lover," she moaned and squirmed against him, the throes of her own passion giving rise to several peculiar squeaks as his liquid latex coated her insides. It wasn't him... It was the sound of latex on latex. He opened his eyes, the fog beginning to lift as the pleasure from his recent orgasm slowly subsided, and was met with the sight of a beautiful latex canine spread out atop his massive, round body.

"Oh..." she sighed softly, taking a deep breath, "Look what you've done to me now..."

She smiled at him...

and he smiled back.


How'd he escape? ... Who says he ever did? But that's a story for another time, my friends. For this tale, I'm afraid, has come to an end.
