On the Prowl Again

Story by Shutaro on SoFurry

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On the Prowl Again (Shutaro's Latex Menagerie, Part 4)


Shutaro ([email protected])


It was a sunny day in June...

Not pleasant like a warm spring day, however. It was downright hot, scorching and oppressive. It was the kind that beat into one's fur and left and individual feeling decidedly... Wilted. The sweat alone was enough to soak a fur clear to the bone. It was all one could do to find shelter, in the shade, and try to move as little as possible; to avoid working up a sweat in the first place. But it was a dry heat, if that was any consolation.

A typical California summer.

Only the hardiest of souls ventured outside, hitting the smog choked rippling air of the streets in search of relief. The crazy ones braved the cluttered roads and highways headed for the coast, to the beach, where the air was somewhat cooler. The saner ones stayed closer to home, hitting the air conditioned malls and theaters... Or even the local pool. The sky was clear blue, in places... But a greasy grey smear stained the horizon, and the air at the pool smelt of chlorine, car exhaust, from the busy street on the other side of the fence, and nearby brush fires; from up in the hills above town.

Typical California summer.

Shutaro was beginning to wonder about California, as he attempted to lounge and mingle in amongst the crowd at pool side. No, he had decided already that those old songs about endless, pleasant, summer days, sunny beaches, and surfing were all a load of... Well... Shit. It was crowded, polluted, and had little to recommend it. Were it not for his present... Task, he'd head back to his nice, cool, cave this very instant. But he wasn't here to enjoy the scenery, the weather, the company of the locals, or even the pool. Rather, he was concerned with one fur in particular...

A twenty-something calico feline that everyone seemed to like. Attractive, intelligent, most popular in her High School class... A real prom queen, straight out of the suburbs. A college student, working as a lifeguard over the summer to make a few extra bucks. Short dark hair, with a strategic blonde streak or two, and the prettiest big brown eyes. He licked his lips.

What, and you thought he just jumped right into things? Transforming furs all willy-nilly? No. Not this kitsune. He did his homework, after all... And then some.

She didn't see him watching her, as she stopped to help out a little one; struggling to inflate an air matress, to add to the population of inflatable vinyl toys bobbing around the pool. He bit his lower lip as he watched, from behind a pair of sunglasses. She was a swimmer, and a runner... A real athlete. Even then, however, her lung capacity was... Uncanny. She couldn't see him watching, as he used his magic to hide himself. Make no mistake, he was still there. He just seemed to blend into the background, a simple feat in such a large crowd.

Shutaro's brow furrowed as he tried to formulate a plan. It was hard to get her alone, as she always seemed to be surrounded with a crowd. Friends, family... Admirers... It was hard to get close enough to charm her, which took time to do. She wasn't the type who would take well to an intruder, either. So that option was out. She had a boyfriend she was fairly committed to, so seducing her without magic would, at best, be difficult. However, she did have a weakness or two... He knew. Hours of careful observation had yielded invaluable information about her.

He knew about her secret pleasures, her erotic fascination with latex, balloons, and just about anything else inflatable (a trait all the furs he had transformed shared). Oh, she tried her best to keep it a secret, just like the others. She had to maintain her sweet, pure, 'girl next door' image after all. To her parents she was still a virgin (they had no idea her boyfriend was living with her while she was away at school), but Shutaro knew better. However, unlike the others, she actively indulged herself in her pleasures, and did so quite frequently. While the world at large didn't know, her boyfriend knew. He was, perhaps, the only one who knew. He had a thing for bondage, so they both kept each other's secrets. Outwardly they appeared to be the perfect, all-american couple... Destined for years of marital bliss and a cookie-cutter suburban lifestyle.

But Shutaro knew better...

...and he had a plan.


Sarah got in late that evening. It was too hot out to spend the evening in, and the electricity constantly cutting in and out made such an evening impossible. So rather than stay in, she went out. She caught a movie, with some of her girlfriends, and hit a few clubs before coming home to a relatively cool apartment. She boosted the air conditioning a bit before she retrieved her mail from the small kitchen table. Housing was expensive, and the best her and Andrew, her live-in boyfriend, and her were able to do was a simple one-room studio apartment about half an hour from the University campus.

She was alone tonight, Andrew was back east, visiting family, and she was horny... He hadn't even bothered to so much as call, or send a postcard, or anything. It was enough to put anyone in a foul mood. She locked the door, an irritated expression on her face as she began to sift through the mail. Bills... Ads... A flier for a concert at a nearby club, featuring a several small-time garage and indy bands (punk rock really wasn't her thing) and a peculiar, unmarked, manilla envelope... The kind one kept documents in. No stamp, no address, nothing... She eyed it for a moment with a puzzled expression. It was too light and thin to be a bomb.

She tossed the rest of the mail back onto the table and carefully opened the envelope...

Her sensitive nose was greeted by the smell of fresh latex as she tentatively peered inside the envelope, which instantly brought a brief smile to her face. She reached inside, withdrew a large, thin, supple, piece of silver-grey latex. It almost seemed to slip like oil, or soap, in between her fingers. But what was it? She looked closer, laying it out on the bed in front of her as she took a seat. She flipped on a light, so she could get a better look at the rounded sheet of rubber before her. It was a balloon, only it looked to be far bigger than any she'd ever seen.

Was this a joke? If it was, she wasn't in the mood. With no address or stamp, someone had to have dropped it off. She peered into the envelope again, looking for a note, or instructions, or a clue of some kind. But there was nothing. She shivered, insecure. She felt like someone was watching her. Who could've known? Andrew? She shook her head, he wasn't in town to deliver it, and if he was she'd sure like to know where he was sleeping. Maybe one of his friends? She thought about this for a moment. Maybe he had someone deliver it. That would make sense. But if it was a gift, why no tag? Maybe a someone dropped it in the wrong mail slot my mistake. She shrugged, setting it aside; her brain having worked a perfectly logical scenario as to how the envelope arrived. Wrong address or not, she might as well enjoy it.

She climbed off the bed, and onto the floor; peering under the bed. She pulled out a medium sized box, filled with all sorts of... Odds and ends. An old yearbook or two, a few of their... Toys, Andrew's mostly, and a smaller box that Sarah kept all her balloons in. She was determined to enjoy herself tonight, with or without him. She would not sulk herself to sleep again. She set the box next to the empty envelope and the balloon. She stood and stretched, walking over to the stereo. She switched it on, turned the volume down to low, and pressed play on the CD player. She began to undress as the first notes of Train's "Hopeless" began to play softly. She hummed along softly with the song, as she switched off the light and settled back onto the bed...

She squirmed a little, enjoying the feel of the cool sheets against her fur, getting comfortable in the darkness; the only sound the soft playing of music in the background. She reached next to her, feeling the slippery smooth latex of her mysterious... Gift against her paw. It was so... Unusual; thin, but it seemed to be very strong. She'd never seen a balloon like this, and didn't have the faintest clue where she would get one. It tickled at her paw, and her fur, as she rubbed it up against her flat stomach and up over the curves of her breasts.

"Let's see what you're made of," she whispered to the balloon softly, before she raised it to her muzzle and took a deep breath blew into it... And another... It took her two good, deep breaths, which was a lot for her, before the latex began to stretch before her... Spreading out in front of her on the darkness, a black shape in the faint light that filtered in from the street lights outside. She 'mmmm'ed softly, 'This could take hours!' she thought to herself; the very thought instantly made her wet. She wasn't gonna let some weird balloon get the better of her... One of her paws slowly wandered between her legs, while the other held onto the balloon rather firmly as she continued to huff into it and began to gently massage her rapidly moistening sex.

She groaned softly, partially from her own attentions, and partially from the pleasant tingle she felt from within her lungs. It had been a long time since she felt that, and it helped lull her deeper into her own pleasure. It... The balloon... It felt, warm? How could that be? She didn't wonder about it for very long, as something inside her... A little voice seemed to be urging her on. 'More! Bigger!' it seemed to be saying to her, as if the balloon were speaking to her, and she gladly complied. Almost as if she was compelled to, as she began to fell a little... Light headed. She moaned again, the pleasure inside her building at an almost unnatural rate! She didn't even need to touch herself. It was if there was something inside her trying to get out, trying to burst free. Maybe it was the alcohol, she had a had a few drinks while she was out, or maybe it was just from the reduced flow of oxygen to her brain... Whatever it was, it felt exquisite.

She wanted more...

Squeezing her eyes shut, she panted even more frantically... Pushing herself harder and harder, trying to satisfy the voice inside her. But she couldn't. Nothing would. It only got louder and louder as she fought the urge to give up and let go. She let out a long, satisfied groan the dam inside her broke, and waves of pleasure washed over her...

Her world exploded into a thousand pinpricks of colored light and went black.


She awoke some time later, unsure of how much time had passed. Did she pass out? She blinked, groggily. Still a little lightheaded and spacy. First time that happened in... Well... Ever. She felt around in the darkness, groping blindly; trying to get her bearings. Her paw met with a slippery smooth shard of latex... She must've popped it, she reasoned, and immediately regretted that she wasn't conscious enough to see how big that strange balloon got before is finally burst. It felt wet against her paw...

Smooth, like liquid.


She tried to pull her paw away, but it seemed to be stuck. She reached, with her other paw, to pull it off and was somewhat shocked to find that, somehow, the piece of latex had melted into her. As if her body heat was enough to reduce it to a fluid state. It spread over her paw evenly, coating every hair smoothly. She rubbed at, hoping it would rub off, but that had little effect. It clung to her tightly. She frowned, hoping this stuff didn't stain the sheets or carpet.

She jumped, feeling something wet moving against her leg.

She froze.

It was warm, and wet, and slithering up her leg... 'Snake!' was her first thought, as she reached for the light and turned it on. No snake, it was something far more unusual than that. When she turned on the lights she saw several tiny rivulets, tendrils, of the same fluid latex that had become stuck to her paw, creeping up her leg. Not were they on her leg, but tiny puddles of the same latex were scattered all over the bed. She let out a cry and thrashed about on the bed, as if she were trying to shoo away some insect, or spider. However, this didn't do her much good. It only spread the latex further. She shivered, feeling tiny the tiny pools and puddles beginning to gather and spread over her body.

What the hell was happening here? Was this a dream? It had to be a dream. But what a dream! No, it was just too real to be a dream. What else? Had she been drugged? Was this a hallucination? She began to grow more and more frantic as more of her body became covered by the growing mass. Where did it all come from? That balloon was so... Thin... God, this stuff is alive! It's eating me!

She opened her mouth to scream, the last thing her muddled mind could think to do, but was cut short before she could as the living latex forced it's way into her mouth. She let out a strangled gurgle of a cry as she felt it slither down her throat and into her lungs and stomach, filling her and coating her from the inside. She thrashed on her bed, clawing at her mouth, nose, and throat. Trying to tear the muck free. But it was no use. The more she thrashed, the quicker the stuff spread. She tried to gasp, as her back arched involuntarily... She felt the ooze slide up inside her, in between the delicate flesh of her sex's lips and further up inside her. Further than any man could ever penetrate her.

She gasped again. How was she able to breathe, anyway? She simply groaned with pleasure, as her thrashing subsided slowly. A warm, tingling sensation replaced the sense of rising panic as the living latex entered her from the rear as well. Gradually she grew still, as the latex covered over her eyes and flowed into her ears; rendering her deaf, blind, and mute. She wasn't breathing anymore, and she couldn't smell anything. The only thing she could feel was the warm latex inside her. Probing her. It was... changing her somehow. She didn't know how, but it felt as if she was being taken apart, cell by cell, molecule by molecule, atom by atom, and being put back together again.

She sank back into the sensation, into the warm comfort, and felt nothing...



There was no other way to describe it. She took the bait perfectly, hook, line, and sinker. Of course, she did need a little encouragement, but not very much. She didn't need nearly as much hand holding as the last fur Shutaro had transformed, the vixen. Indeed, she practically transformed herself. Slowly he flowed out, and off, of her. The excess latex from the box of balloons, as well as a little magic, had been more than enough to do the trick.

He carefully reformed himself, first into an inflatable version of himself, and then back into his true flesh and fur form. Naked, of course; but that didn't matter much, to him, at least. It was late and he could conceal himself well enough to keep passers by from noticing, if need be. Not that he cared if anyone saw him, but naked furs walking around in the middle of the night, in plain sight, tended to alarm people.

He ran a paw over one of her rubbery breasts, squeaking softly, and moving down to her front. With a thought, he made the latex around her bellybutton fluid and shaped it into a makeshift nozzle so he could deflate her. Not much, but it would have to do until he could get her to her new room. He slowly let the air out of her new body, careful not to wake her (once all the air was out of her, she would). Carefully he folded her up and slipped her into the unmarked envelope in which he arrived, taking a moment to appreciate the irony before he tucked his new balloon kitty under one arm and slowly faded from sight...

Returning to his cave with another brand new specimen for his latex menagerie.