Brotherly Love

Story by TarantuLady on SoFurry

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The following story contains sex, porno, incest and anthromorphism (furries). If you don't like it, get out! If you are not of a legal age to view it, follow the guy who just left ;) By reading this, you automatically agree to take responsibility for your own actions. Enjoy.

Dear Readers: just a little shorty, while I try and hammer through the writer's block. Hope it reads more smoothly than it...wrote. Heehee.

Sadao yawned and stretched, as he glanced at the clock. It was after 1:00pm. He smiled and rolled out of bed, his tail wagging at the prospect of a day without the parental bullshit.

He was home alone with his brother for a whole two weeks. His parents had gone on vacation for their honeymoon and it was just him and his big bro. Most of his friends would hate to be left with their older sibling, but Sadao and Takashi had an awesome relationship. Sadao could talk to Takashi about anything and everything. He was a great friend, as well as a brother and Sadao looked forward to having a whole week to hang out with him.

He scratched his grey-furred head as he shuffled off to the bathroom. He paused and tilted his head at the sound of some really shitty sounding music from their parents' bedroom. Takashi was probably fucking with their cds or something.

Sadao's curiosity was outweighed by the urge to pee. He padded acrossed the cold tile in his boxers, pulling his dick out as he neared the toilet.

Takashi had told him that some guys have sheaths and some have foreskins. He wondered what a sheath was like, but he couldn't complain. He loved his foreskin.

He retracted the skin and pointed his limp penis at the bowl, sighing as the agony in his bladder subsided. At least he didn't wake up with a boner. Waiting for one of those to go down when you gotta piss sucked.

He was still in his own little reverie about his dick when he finished and shook it, dropping it and tucking it back in the "piss-flap" on his boxers.

He looked in the mirror and smiled. He was a good-looking wolf, just like his brother. Sadao was 16; Takashi 18, and they were both very well built. The two brothers lifted weights, often together while shootin' the shit about one thing or another.

They looked almost identical; both with sculpted muscles and grey-white fur. The most notable difference was the fact that Takashi's eyes were a piercing grey-blue while Sadao's were a warm green-brown color.

Sadao brushed his teeth and then stepped back from the mirror, pausing to note his bushed-out headfur (ergh...bedhead) but who the fuck was he trying to impress anyways, just good old Bro'. Speaking of which...?

Sadao padded onto the carpeted hallway and ambled towards his parents' bedroom, pausing to adjust the tailhole of his undershorts before pushing open the door to their parents' room.

The door was halfway opened when Sadao stopped pushing and his jaw dropped in a comical expression of surprise, his brown eyes widening. He didn't move... didn't blink. He was in awe of the scene before him.

His brother had his back to him, but he could still see what he was doing. And he could definitely see what he was watching.

The crappy music was coming from the television. There was a box of tapes next to the set, and two furs fucking around on the screen.

He watched the tape over Takashi's form, temporarily forgetting what he was doing...

The young cheetah (he had to be not a month over 18) was bent over the end of a table, his tail twitching as he slid his legs apart to reveal his puckered tailhole. His wrists were chained down but he didn't seem to mind the fact much. His balls hung just beneath and he was bent forward so that you could just see the tip of his cock dangling between his thighs.

Another male, this one a fox, was standing behind him with a whip. He brushed it along the cheetah's ass, illiciting a purring moan. Then he brought the whip down hard enough to sting but not leave much of a mark.

The cheetah looked over his shoulder beseechingly and whimpered but didn't move. He was whipped a few more times, more for show than for punishment it seemed and then the fox dropped the whip and began to use his black-gloved paw. He slapped harder, standing off to the side so the viewer could see the cheetah's balls bounce everytime his ass got slapped.

Through the whole episode, neither spoke. Only the harsh sound of the gloves smacking the firm butt of the young cheetah, and the occasional whimper or moan as the fox leaned to fiddle with the sub's balls before slapping his ass again.

Sadao didn't even realize he was grasping his own balls through his shorts, when Takashi chanced a glance towards the doorway. He did a double-take at his younger bro, holding his wolfballs for dear life and lightly stroking his erect member through the thin fabric of his shorts.

Sadao's eyes never left the screen until Takashi cried out, "Oh, fuck Bro! How long you been standing there?" Startled, Sadao jumped a step back and shut the door.

The music was still going and there was the occasional smack!, as the cheetah was dealt his "punishment". Sadao was still a bit dazed to do much but stare at the closed door, when his brother startled him again by opening it.

They stood there for a moment, blue eyes staring directly into brown-green ones. Takashi had put his shorts back on and was blushing and still panting. He cleared his throat and spoke, "So... you uh... I'm not mad or anything... ok?" Sadao nodded and Takashi continued, "I just found some tapes under Dad's side of the bed... wanted to see what they were or something I guess." he muttered to himself a bit more, apparently at a loss for words to fit the situation.

Sadao finally opened his muzzle, "They all like that? I mean the tapes?" Takashi shrugged, "I guess so. I mean, that's the only one I seen so far."

There'd never been such an awkward moment between the two brothers. Takashi chuckled and Sadao's shoulders untensed. He smiled. "What's so funny?"

Takashi laughed, "I dunno. You just saw me jerking off... hehe..." He blushed again as there was another silence. " wanna watch the tape? I mean, might as well. There's nothing else to do..."

"Yeah, cool" Sadao mumbled, launching them into another uncomfortable silence. Takashi seemed unfazed as he walked back into the room and sat down to rewind part of the tape and watch what he'd missed (more ass- slapping and some licking).

Sadao shrugged to himself and followed shortly thereafter, shutting the door behind him more out of habit than anything, since they were home alone.

The older wolf was watching the tape avidly. Sadao watched as well, keeping one eye on his brother's crotch and the rising swell in his underpants. He could smell his brother's musk, a scent he knew from his own jerk-off sessions, and he felt a bit panicked at the fact that his own cock was rising again.

The tape ended a few minutes later, and Takashi turned an amused eye to Sadao. "Up here, Bro" he chuckled. Sadao blushed as he realized he had been gawking at his brother's boner. He looked Takashi in the eye and blinked as if awakening from a dream.

"I'm horny" he blurted out. Takashi laughed, "no shit" pointing at Sadao's hardon. They both sat quietly on the floor, pondering this revelation for a bit.

Neither of them could really will their erections away, fueled by the sight of each others' wood. Finally, Takashi reached out with a tentative paw and lightly stroked Sadao's member through his underpants. "Does that feel good?" he whispered. Sadao murred as he watched through slitted eyes as his brother's paw stroked him.

Takashi used the back of his paw to trace the outline of his brother's cock, watching as Sadao's muscles tensed with pleasure. His own cock throbbed in his shorts.

Sadao leaned back on his paws and breathed heavily, as Takashi reached down and felt his balls through the cotton of his shorts. They'd never really done anything like this, but it felt right. It felt very good, actually, as Sadao would have attested. n_n;

"Takashi?", Sadao panted. "Yeah?" "Can you... take it out?" "Yeah."

Sadao lifted his butt, as Takashi pulled his shorts off and continued to stroke his brother's sheath. He moaned as his cock flopped out and Takashi's paw grazed the sensitive flesh. "You ok?" "Mmmm... yeah."

Without thinking, Takashi got to his knees and pushed Sadao back. He fell without much resistance, crossing his arms behind his head and keeping his eyes shut, smiling.

Sadao moaned as Takashi massaged his balls, leaning in to sniff and then lick his exposed cock. He grunted and then whined as Takashi's head began to move up and down on him. Takashi began to take the full length of Sadao's member, cupping it in his rolled tongue and slobbering on him.

He felt Sadao's balls begin to rise and then stopped before he could cum. Sadao sat up unsteadily and frowned, "what?"

"Well, you know I'm..." Sadao rolled his eyes, "Yeah, gay. It's definitely not a problem." They laughed and Sadao grasped his balls and moaned, tilting his head at Takashi.

Takashi sighed, "I know. I know. I'll finish that in a minute..." he continued despite the desperate look on Sadao's face and the heavy scent of musk, "well, I was wondering if you would want to. Well... do you want to fuck me?"

Sadao didn't miss a beat, "yes!" Takashi leaned in a kissed the slightly smaller wolf, before turning and lifting his tail. He moaned as Sadao pressed himself closer to the hole. "Are you sure?" Takashi nodded.

He pressed in closer, grasping Takashi's hips and listening to him inhale sharply as he entered his tightness. "You ok?" "Yeah, just start slow."

Takashi murred as his brother reached down and rubbed his ass, taking his time in penetrating him. Sadao was poised with his cock planted half in Takashi's ass, when Takashi suddenly leaned back onto him. "Uh! Oh Gods that's nice!", Sadao exclaimed, relishing the way Takashi's muscles squeezed his member.

Takashi laughed and pulled forward, followed quickly by Sadao's body. He leaned over and buried his face in the warm fur of Takashi's back, slowly rolling his hips from side to side and rubbing his brother's prostate, illiciting moans from him.

Sadao gasped as Takashi began to thrust back on his dick, murring. "Wait, too sensiti-unnnh! Oh!" he was cumming before he could finish the word, his hips bucking against Takashi involuntarily. He whimpered and bucked faster as he unloaded everything he had into Takashi's ass, some of it overflowing and spilling onto the carpet.

Eventually, Sadao pulled out and watched with sleepy eyes as Takashi jerked off, smiling at him the entire time. He finished rather quickly and pulled a pillow from the bed and leaned it against the side of the mattress. He laid his head down and pulled Sadao into a loving embrace.

"Sorry I came so fast, bro", Sadao was saying sleepily."I didn't know anything could feel like that." Takashi smiled, "it's ok, little bro. We got plenty of time to practice."

The End.

[now go here](%5C) and sign my guestbook and say nice things :) I need inspiration too, if anyone can tell me how to get some.

Love, Dee Cat ::giggle giggle::