Love Locked

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well, this is one of those stories that I just have to get out of my head. It started when I saw a load of padlocks on a bridge that my bus goes past every day. I had seen them a lot but it suddenly hit me, why were hundreds of people leaving padlocks. So I did a little research and once I knew what they were a story formed around it. Take care this one is a bit of a rocky ride. I posted it on patron three or more weeks ago and I have had good feedback on there. Now my patrons have my next story to read and so I get to share this with everyone else. It jumps around a little at the end, but I kinda like it

A cold wind whipped past the bull, he pulled his jacket closer around him. With a hunch of his shoulders and a bowing of his neck, he tried to turn away the cold as he stood on the bridge and searched. It had been years since he had last stood there, things had been different then. In front of him a wire fence, part of a scaffold placed there to protect the grade one listed structure sagged under the weight of the extra burden people had placed on it.

It had been a craze started by the french, a silly love lost craze from the home of romance. A padlock and a message of love scratched into it. Love locks they were called, thousands of couples placing them there to show their love. Stupid really, love was not something you could lock down, it blew into your life like a hurricane, only twice as dangerous and far more destructive.

The locks were destructive too, too much extra weight and the council had announced they would be removed tomorrow. Collin had heard about it... it had taken him all day thinking to come back here, searching. He had tried to tell himself it didn't matter. Silly the lies we try and convince ourself are the truth. Like somehow we can make black white with just the sheer power of our denial.

Golden brown eyes ran over lock after lock looking. His paw reaching out he touched one of the support beams. A memory triggered, of the first time he had crossed the bridge alone. As a young man, barely legal and very eager. Going out on the drink he had told his family, but he never told them where. Truth was the destination scared him, there was another bridge upstream that would have gotten him there faster. However, taking this old railway bridge had the advantage, it led into the heart of Newcastle and if anyone he knew saw Collin they would think he was off to the Bigg Market for a night out. His destination had been somewhere else, the Pink Triangle it was called back then.

Collin had always known he was interested in guys, he was smart enough to keep it to himself. Nobody was a puff in his highschool, gay was an insult, something you spat out at your enemies. While inside you tore yourself up, trying to force your blackness to be white. Silly lies: I'm just too horny, I'm curious, just looking, I'd never really do it with a guy, I'm not one of those people.

Of course, he really was one of those people, proud of it now that he looked back. He looked down the tunnel that was the road and footbridge, the railway travelled on top. Decades earlier he had liked the path, it was dark making him hard to see. Although his golden brown fur tended to make him stand out even at midnight in a coal mine. His hair and mane were a lighter cream coloured, along with a treasure trail that had grown longer as he grew wider.

"Just more of you to love," the words echoed in his ears and he smiled at the memory. Of course, that had come years later, as a nineteen-year-old he had been almost fit, just a hint of the belly he was yet to grow. Broad and built like a truck, he had been in the school rugby team for years. Although that had made things hard, showering with so many guys. Eyes forward and think of making pies with grandma, that had been the key to stopping bull wood from sprouting.


He hadn't lingered on the bridge that day, he'd trotted, his golden tail flicking behind him. His eyes had never stopped roaming, his heart racing as he looked out for anyone he might know. As he drew near his destination his pace picked up, he passed a couple of pubs at top speed, his head twisted around in a feat that would have impressed an owl. The coast being clear his quick pace had been redirected and then he was inside... a gay bar.

It had been disappointingly similar to most of the normal pubs he'd been in. Tables, chairs, stools and a long bar with a selection of beer. A few pictures on the wall, where things started to get a little gayer, and then a rainbow flag hung over a fire. For a moment he stood in the doorway looking around, just waiting for someone to point at him and scream "Gay! Homo! Queer! Bent-boy! Bender!" Of course, nothing of the sort happened, there was only a handful of customers in. More would arrive later, once it was dark outside and people couldn't see who was going in.

Collin had slipped up to the bar and almost whispered his order for a pint of Woodpecker cider, low alcohol and high apple sweetness. Then he had found a small table in the corner and sat down, to wait. He stared at his pint to avoid staring at all the guys. The big question rose in his adolescent mind, "what now?" He wanted to talk to someone, just see what happened. Yet, every guy seemed far more at ease than him. They fit in, they belonged here, he was a stranger an outsider.

As his glass finally emptied he started to think about leaving, skulking back across the bridge, his tail firmly tucked between his legs. He really mustn't be one of those people, they are brave enough to actually speak to other people. Just as he was about to stand up, someone else decided to sit down.

"Heya, how are you doing?" The guy asking had a smile on his face and horns on his head. A deer, a roe deer by Collin's guess. His red fur was a giveaway, black around the face but red down the neck, which was as far down as he could see.

"I... am ok I guess. How... how are you?" Collin's voice trembled as he spoke, he glanced up at the alert blue eyes of the deer and felt the heat of a blush on his cheeks.

"Well, I was a bit bored. However, I am hoping my night might improve. I'm hungry... that's not my name, my parents aren't weird, no wait they are, but my name is Sam." The deer chuckled and then shrugged his shoulders. "My name is Sam and I'm hungry. That is what I was trying to say."

"Ah... nice to meet you, Sam," the bull muttered trying not to stare. Though it was hard, the deer had a beautiful slender form. He was wearing some loose-fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt that showed how trim the guy was. The body of a speed racer compared to Collin's tank. Those blue eyes widened for a moment, just lightly jogging the bull's mental processes. "Oh, I'm Colin."

"Well Colin, are you not going to ask me what I am hungry for?" Sam asked leaning across the table with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"What are you hungry for?" Colin asked a little baffled by the buck's questions. The hungry look in the deer's eyes was completely missed by the earnest youth.

"I'm ravenous for a good beef steak," announced the buck with a cheesy grin and a wink.

Both the innuendo and the expression sailed so cleanly over Colin's head they didn't even clip his two tall horns. "Oh well I think there is a Big Luke's up by Monument, they do a good steak."

The cervine's jaw dropped and hung there in pure disbelief as he tried to figure out what to say next. "I don't think you quite got my point..." Sam leant back in his chair and gave a confident predatory smile. "What I am trying to ask is..." Colin gasped as he felt a hoof stroking against his own under the table. "How do you feel about tasting some venison tonight?"

With the hoof gently stroking up his leg the penny finally dropped in the bull's head. He felt the rush of heat, only this time it didn't just flow to his face, his hormones were raging and he really liked the look of Sam. A little older but only a few years at most. He was confident, handsome, sexy and most importantly hitting on him! "I...I... I... like... the taste of venison... I think. I mean... I just..."

Sam smiled and reached out a paw landing on the stuttering bull's and silencing him. The bovine might as well have been wearing a pink neon sign that read 'virgin.' "It's ok, I promise you'll like it." The buck said confidently and leant over to whisper, "my place is just ten minutes walk away."

Ten minutes walk turned out to be just six minutes half trot. Collin glanced around nervously as they walked, he could feel his erection straining inside his jeans. Anyone who glanced down on the bull could see how aroused he was. Despite his worry and concern he couldn't help it, all he could think was 'I am going to have sex...with another person.' It certainly helped that the other person was hot as fucking hell. Taller than him, but far more slender; Sam's hips swayed with an almost feminine grace as they trotted through the streets. The bull's eyes had examined every inch of those wonderful mounds, within the short walk to a block of flats.

Inside was far from clean, it was the typical council block of flats with writing inside the lift. Not that Colin noticed any of that; when the doors closed Sam was pressed against him, the warm form pushing him back against the filthy walls. The cervine's hungry tongue claiming the young bull's muzzle. Colin kissed back desperately, trying to match Sam's movements. His breath began to come in deep pants and inside the bovine's jeans, his cock began to leak like a loose tap.

A deep rumbling moo escaped his lips, when he felt a strong paw groping his painfully erect cock through his very damp jeans. Blood rushed to the bovine's cheeks and he heard Sam chuckle, the buck licked his cheek, "mmm your poor little steer feels all trapped, I bet he wants to be let loose."

His cheeks on fire and his cock throbbing and aching like never before, the bull nodded in agreement. For a moment he was worried the stag would pull his cock out right there in the lift. If Sam had, Colin knew he wouldn't be able to resist. However, he was saved by a sudden stop and a ding as their journey to the fifteenth floor ended. The pressure teasing his maleness was removed and the bovine was pulled out of the lift.

Sam's grip on the bull's paw was almost painfully tight as he dragged Colin to his flat. With a loud slam, the door was thrust open, the buck far too excited to control himself. The flat was small, yet clean and tidy. Well decorated as well, someone had spent hours selecting wallpaper and very carefully lining up the pattern as they hung roll after roll. Of course, Colin saw none of that, all he saw was the ceiling as the buck pushed him backwards onto his sofa.

The bovine landed with a loud gasp of air, a second later he mooed loudly as two paws grasped at his jeans. Sam tore at the denim like a starving man trying to get the wrapper off a chocolate bar. A waft of cold air on his sticky, sweaty maleness signalled the cervine's success. Then Colin's mind went white, as bolts of pure pleasure ran up his cock. Hot warm caresses by a moist tongue ran over his pre soaked glans.

"Oh Fuck!" Gasped Colin, his paws grabbing at the sofa cushions desperately, as if they were solid rock supports. His body felt weak and yet full of energy, he had no control over his own body. Hips thrust upwards stuffing a thick cock into an experienced and welcoming warm maw. While the flat echoed with the bellowing moo of a bovine in full bestial climax. With powerful throbs his cock erupted, thick jets of hot bull spunk flooded Sam's mouth.

Gulping down greedily the deer chuckled as he milked the bull. He had known this was coming, a young virgin teased and groped, drooling and delicious. There was no way the bull could have lasted more than a few minutes. His velvet lips pulled off with a slurping sound and he swallowed the last, letting a trickle of bovine spunk run down the thick black bull cock in his paw. "Well, that was a delicious treat."

"I'm sorry...I usually..." the embarrassed bull muttered trying to sit up. Guilt and shame filled his mind, he'd blown his load in less than thirty seconds. None of the videos he'd seen had been like that. The feeling had been so much more than with his paw. There was something about the buck, his every touch seemed to make his body tingle and tremble. A musky finger was pressed to his lips, giving him a chance to smell his own maleness and cum.

"Shhhh, it's ok. First load is a freebie, especially with virgins," the buck whispered and then rolled his eyes at the shocked look on Colin's face. "I could just tell, it ain't a bad thing and by the end of tonight, it won't even be true anymore. I just needed to get that out of you so you would last longer, you know while I have my fun."

Colin was surprised at how those words, spoken so confidently, calmed down his worries and made his cock swell. He didn't resist as Sam pulled him to his feet, leaving his jeans and underwear in the lounge he followed the buck to a small bedroom. The bed was big, though, so big it almost filled the entire room. With a gentle nudge, Sam made the bull sit down.

"Now, why don't you take a chance to... explore," as he spoke the buck waved his paw at his crotch. It was a subtle as a brick to the face, but far more pleasant. It was all Colin needed his trembling paws reached out to the warm fabric. His fingertips felt the heat and more than that the moisture on the fabric. He realised he hadn't been the only person preing heavily.

Sam groaned happily as two trembling paws caressed his crotch, fingertips lightly brushing the tent he had erected. "That's good, go on lad no need to be shy. I'll let you know if you do anything wrong." The words of encouragement made Colin flush more, he was at least twice the size of the deer. He knew that the deer was no match for him physically, there was nothing Sam could do to make him obey. Yet he couldn't stop himself, his fingers grasped around the zipper and pulled down. His nose was suddenly bathed in the wonderful funk of a sweaty member. The scent potent and thick, like fine port and yet far more savoury. Notes of meat and more as his trembling paw reached inside the open flies and felt the heat of a sauna around his paw.

His fingertips brushed up against something hard, he gasped at the feel of the hard flesh. Above him the deer moaned softly, "that's a good boy, now just pull it out and get a good taste of venison." Two gentle paws caressed Colin's shaggy mane and he found himself nuzzling the warm palms, as his own paws pulled out the buck's cock.

Colin gulped as he looked at the maleness in front of him. It hung over his head like some deliciously perverted sword of Damocles. It shimmered in the light, pink and drooling. The rich scent flooded his nose, he couldn't smell anything but it dominated his nose. He couldn't stop himself inhaling more, deep lungfuls of potent buck cock smell.

"It's not going to suck itself," chuckled a voice from above him. Colin blushed deeply and then he closed his eyes, leaning forward with his mouth open. Something warm and musky smeared across his nose and he heard a stifled giggle above him. Opening his eyes he could see the thick drooling cocktip sitting on his nose. A dangerous mixture of shame, embarrassment and fear swirled around his head. Only to be calmed away with a gentle paw to the cheek and a soft whisper of, "It's ok, there's only us here. Just try to relax and enjoy. Now open wide."

Opening his mouth colin waited patiently. A paw gripped around his left horn and he felt his head being moved. Closing his eyes he put his trust in the more experienced male, letting Sam guide him seemed like the best idea. After all, he really knew nothing about what he was supposed to do, well nothing beyond the basic mechanics: cock goes in a moist hole of one person and is moved around until it reaches orgasm. That didn't tell him a thing about what he should do. Should he suck? Should he blow (it was a called a blow job after all)? Should he just grab his clothes and run like hell to where he wasn't going to embarrass himself anymore? Will Sam like it? Does he like him? Is this just a one-time thing? Will he want to do more?

Every single one of those questions melted from his mind as a warm pressure touched his tongue. His lips sealed around the thick maleness and he moaned softly as the taste of another male filled his mouth. It was everything he had thought it would be and so much more. He could taste the sweat and grim, somehow beefy on his tongue, He thought it would taste bad, but he found his tongue wriggling forward, eager to taste more. A soft moan above him let him know he was doing ok.

"Mmm, that's it. You like the taste of venison?" A voice asked from above him and Colin looked up. Sam was smiling down at him, his eyes filled with lust and yet kindness too. The deer knew it was his first time and was holding himself back to let the younger male explore. Not taking his lips away from the meat he nodded his head slightly. A moment later he felt two paws grip his horns and the meaty tip in his mouth moved.

Sam was thrusting into his muzzle, the thick meat suddenly filling his maw. It was so much hotter than he thought it should be, surely Sam must be burning up. The hot flesh was firm too, yet there was a slightly give against his tongue and lips. Not sure what to do the bovine held still, the older male taking control easily and gently rutting the eager virgin mouth.

"Mmm that's good, use your tongue more. Lick the tip as I pull back ok?" The buck asked and he obeyed, his tongue swirling around the cocktip. The taste of sweat had long since gone, leaving a sweeter and far meatier taste in his mouth. Every few seconds a new burst of flavour hit his tongue, bitter and yet tangy, the zest of orange maybe. It blossomed on his tongue for a moment or two and then was gone. This happened again and again, as the cervine jetted pre onto the young stud's tongue.

"Shit, yeah! That's good. Damn, you are going to be one amazing cock sucker. Those lips feel so good, your tongue is wonderful and you look so beautiful with my cock thrusting between your lips. You are so Ador-a-bull" The buck moaned above him, the dirty compliments raining down and nourishing the desire inside the bull. With each moan, gasp or compliment, Colin wanted to do more. His confidence grew moment by moment, his head beginning to bob on the hot meat. His tongue swirling around the hot member over and over as he drove it deeper into his mouth.

"Oh fuck....yes. Damn it! Just like that!" Cried out the buck, his hips thrusting faster and faster. His paws gripped the bull's horns tighter. The sensations around his cock driving through his body, he was lost to the pleasure. He couldn't control himself he had to take this male, Sam roared as he was gripped by feral needs.

Colin held still, his nose being shoved into the denim fabric of Sam's jeans with each thrust. He was shocked by how aroused he felt giving pleasure to another. It was so different to what he had expected, the sounds of pleasure he was giving and the feel of it inside his mouth. The heat of another body, the sweaty scent sticking in his nose and the knowledge that he was submitting to another. All of it combined to bring his bull cock back to a raging erection, it was screaming at him telling him how much he wanted this. There was no denying it anymore, he was a puff, a fag, a cocksucker and he was fucking elated to be there to feel the strong male dominate his mouth.

Then with a bellow of pure bliss, Sam rammed his cock home deep inside the bull's mouth. Holding his head by both horns as his cock throbbed. Colin's eyes went wide as a new taste and sensation began to flood him. Musky, bitter, thick and warm. Buck spunk spewed forth in thick creamy jets, his mouth was coated in a heartbeat. His tongue sloshed around in the thick fluid and he was faced with two options: Spit or swallow.

With a gulp, both mental and physical he chose. Pushing the copious fluid down his throat, it warmed his belly like a delicious hot chocolate and he closed his eyes sucking the source for more. More was quickly forthcoming, glob after glob was spat onto his hungry tongue, lapped up and swallows with delight. Until the river became a stream, then a trickle and finally a drip. The cock was pulled from his hungry questing lips.

"Fuck... I wasn't going to... but your mouth just felt so... " muttered the shell-shocked buck. Sam was embarrassed that a virgin had made him cum so easily. The combination of enthusiasm, beauty and natural talent had been far too much for him. He knew he had to regain the upper hand before the bull got any ideas of taking control. "Alright, you've had your venison, with a little creamy sauce. Now roll over, I want to taste some rump steak."

Colin paused... rump steak that could only mean one thing. He had assumed his first time he would be on top, yet the commanding tone the buck took made his cock throb. The bull took a deep breath and turned around, crawling onto the bed. His blonde ass presented to Sam like two perfect and ripe golden globes: All the stag had to do was earn them, for best performance of course.

The sound of a belt being unbuckled seemed to echo around the room. Then the thump of a pair of jeans hitting the floor made Colin's heart skip a beat. Yet his body stayed stock still as if held into position by some invisible force, he was the immovable object waiting for Sam to provide the unstoppable force.

Bovine fingers clenched the bedsheets desperately tightly, he closed his eyes and held his breath waiting to feel the brute force of the buck taking his cherry. Seconds passed like days and each moment the bull was expecting to feel something firm pushing in. A soft moo escaped his lips as two firm paws grasped his ass possessively. There was only one message a grip like that gave 'this ass belongs to me and I am going to do with it as I will'. Colin received the message with feverish ambivalence, his body desperate to feel the rush of true breeding and his mind fearful of the pain that might bring.

Fine hairs along his buttock cleft waved like a wheatfield in a summer's breeze. Then a tickling sensation, curiously pleasant. Colin wanted to look back, to see what was going on and yet he knew if he did... if he saw that thick meat approaching his entrance his nerve might go. So he stayed stock still his entire body tensed, a little mouse just waiting for a lion to pounce it.

Pounce it Sam did, only not as Colin expected. The huff of breath was followed by a warm firm stroke running up his taint and right over his puckered entrance. Sensations and emotions swamped the bovine, all he could do in response was cry out in pure bliss. Without hesitation the tongue struck again, lapping up the manly grime and sweat, feasting on it. Then it assaulted his ring, teasing and caressing it. Each motion made Colin cry out with the strange new pleasure filling his mind.

There were no words to describe it, his body knew what it wanted though and ignoring his confused brain it pushed back against Sam's tongue. Sam moaned happily as he prey told him to devour it and he did just that. His tongue forced it's way through the bull's ring, swirling around as he feasted on musky maleness. Pushing his fuzzy lips against the bovine's rear he dined on rump steak, tongue delving ever deeper to taste the very core of this man. He moaned and gasped as his tongue swirled, tasting and exploring. All the while his paw reached around to find a painful erect and drooling, bullcock.

With another moo of pleasure, Colin felt the paw closing around his maleness. His body was caught between two pleasures, thrusting forward into the paw and backwards against the wonderful maw. One moment he was bathing in the bliss of the dual attentions and the next he was bellowing out like an animal unable to contain its pleasure. Something inside him had blossomed against the buck's hungry tongue. The pleasure was unlike anything he had ever felt, for a moment he worried he once more would cum far too quickly.

However his concern was misplaced, as he felt himself near the point of no return Sam let go of his cock. The cervine never pulled his tongue from the bovine ass, his tongue was alive inside the bull, thrashing against Colin's prostate. Eating Colin out hungrily, he teased him right to the edge of orgasm again and again, but skillfully never let him fall off. While one of his paws stroked his own cock, smearing cooling lubricant over it making ready for the final push.

The fourth time his orgasm was denied by Sam letting go, Colin bellowed in frustration. His hips pushed back hard forcing Sam's face deep between his cheeks. All the buck could smell was eager, ripe virginal ass. He knew that Colin was desperate for release, so was he. Cervine cock throbbing and aching, begging to be thrust inside the bull.

By the fifth time he let go, there was no doubt the bull was begging with his body for more. No words were spoken, but a tongue pulled from a saliva soaked and gaping hole. The buck's own mind was spinning. His nose could scent only willing bitch and his ears were listening to the panting song of the desperate. Standing up quickly he grabbed those hips like they were made of gold, he snarled with lust as he owned this male more than twice his size. Drunk on lust his cock was pushed to a dripping pucker.

Unable to contain himself Sam thrust forward with bestial power, sinking hilt deep with one powerful motion. Colin bellowed out desperately as his ring was penetrated so forcefully, his body trembled and yet stayed put. There was something beneath the pain, some deep primal need and he could not deny it. The feeling of fullness inside him was overwhelming, alien, and yet very right. He knew this was what he had wanted all along and now that he was getting it he had no intention of making it stop. Somehow his body knew that the discomfort would not last forever.

Sam was lost to the world, all he could feel were the inches of himself wedged inside the tight spasming rear. The bull's rear seemed to squeeze and pull on his maleness, almost as if begging him to go deeper. He looked at the large male beneath him, the sight of such a strong beast submitting to his sexual desires threw napalm on the bonfire of his primal urges.

With a deep moan, the buck began to rut, fucking desperately into the needy bitch beneath him. The room echoed with the bellows of a bull, the meaty sound of hips smacking together and the soft rap of two leathery ballsacks slapping off each other. With what little conscious mind he had left Sam aimed his cock for the bovine's prostate. He knew he couldn't stop, all he could do was hold on and do what his body demanded.

Huffing loudly Colin felt something new growing inside him, the pain of the thrusts giving way and pleasure sparking inside his mind. He bellowed and pushed back into the thrusting maleness, desperate to feel more. His back arched and under him, his cock soaked the blankets with streams of hot pre.

"Fuck...yes. You like that don't you?" Sam groaned as the bull remained silent his paws reached out. With a growl of dominance, he took a firm hold of Colin's horns, pulling the bull back forcefully to meet his thrust. "Eh?...You like that don't you?"

The second question was shouted and as his horns were yanked Colin couldn't help but submit to the male behind him. So he replied, "yes... oh, fuck YES!" Somehow the answer freed the bull from chains he never knew held him. He bucked back wildly, bellowing into the night. His sounds a mixture of guttural animal noises and words, desperate begging words asking for more. All fear and doubt long since gone, no cares about family or friends. Certainly no consideration of the neighbours.

Animals don't give a shit who knows they are fucking, and that is what they were in that moment, animals. Lost to the world, two bodies writhing together with only pleasure on their minds. Sam reamed the bull desperately feeling his orgasm growing he did nothing to fight it. Roaring out as he fucked his seed deep inside some quivering bitch, snarling and wide-eyed. His cries of pleasure echoing down to the bull beneath, who was desperately jerking his aching cock.

With the sound of Sam above him, the feel of the warm flood inside him and his own paw furiously jerking his own maleness, he came. Deep bellowed moos rattled the windows as he cried out, his body lost to an orgasm more powerful and pleasurable than anything he had known.

More on instinct than and thought the two stayed together, bodies grinding lewdly together. Both soaked in the sweat, spittal and cum of each other. Sam rolled off and pulled the bull into a hug chuckling softly, "get comfort-a-bull" the two had passed out together without another word.


Years later standing on the bridge Colin smiled, a wonderful night and yet only the beginning. Things had moved on from there, they had fucked many more times and even talked. Sam was a wonderful person to be around, always joking and smiling. However if trouble came looking the deer was always willing to look it right in the eye and say, "who the fuck do you think you are staring at?!"

Deciding that the lock must be further on the bridge than he thought the bull took a step forward. Only for his path to be blocked by a deer, a stag to be exact. With a smile on his handsome face, a few extra lines and a wisp of two of grey around the muzzle. Older he may have been but his eyes still blazed with the passionate fury Colin had learned to love. "I might have known I would find you here."

Colin's jaw hit the floor and he gasped, "what are..."

Ignoring the bull's shock Sam looked out and down, in the murky light the water looked pitch black. "Bleh, looks cold. I heard some stupid sod jumped off last week. Freezing cold waters, but it is the mud that kills you, meters of soft silt holding you down no matter how much you struggle." The stag stepped back from the edge and shuddered visibly. "Not a nice way to go if you ask me. So you looking for..."

"Yes! I am, ok? I know it was a long time ago, but it... means something. You don't get a say in that, not anymore." Snorted the bull angrily as he started to look.

"Ok, ok. I'm not getting in your way. I know how bullish you can be when you set your mind to it," chuckled the stag holding his paws up in surrender. Then he noticed something and pointed, "hey look someone painted a rainbow on theirs! That is so gay! Do you remember when you let me paint a rainbow on your belly for pride?"

Colin rolled his eyes, how could he forget? That had been the year after he came out, the two had marched together. He remembered the streets lined with people, all staring. Some cheered, others jeered. Sam had been with him all the way.


"Fucking puffs," the voice had come from the crowd. Colin shrank back slightly. Why couldn't they just let them be?

Sam had laughed and shouted back, "I'm here, I'm queer, I'm gonna fuck this steer!" As he shouted the last line he grabbed one of Colin's horns and pulled him close to place a kiss on his burning cheeks. "Never let the fuckers think they've bothered you." The deer whispered and then blew a kiss in the direction of a scowling equine.

"Faggots!" The word was yelled from a new crowd, this time from a lion holding up a copy of the bible.

As Sam opened his mouth to reply a paw grabbed one of his antlers and a deep rich bovine voice bellowed, "I'm here, I'm queer and I'm gonna fuck this deer!"

"Oh my god! I am so proud of you right now!" The deer hissed and shook his head a little, he was used to being the one grabbing the horns. "My indomit-a-bull!"

"Fuck you!" Shouted another person from the crowd before Colin could reply.

Sam turned around bent over to show his teardrop tail and tight ass and yelled back, "come and have a go if your cock is hard enough!"

"Classy," observed the bull still wondering how Sam had talked him into it. Or why he had agreed to go topless with a rainbow flag dyed into his belly fur. Then he remembered Sam asked him mid fuck, mid really good fuck. It hadn't been fair, he would have said yes to literally anything with that deer cock inside him.


"It was a fun day you have to admit," chuckled the elder stag back on the bridge. "We really did have fun together."

The bull smiled and nodded, "yes we did." Then he sighed and gave the stag an accusing look "I never wanted it to end."

"Oh come on, you can't blame me for all of that, you should save some blame for the other guy, "Sam replied with a weak hopeful smile.

Of course, Colin did blame the other guy too, a whole lot of blame. When there is enough pain there is always blame to spare. He even blamed himself. Then his eyes spotted it, high up on the fence, "there!"

"Oh yes, do you remember the day we put it up there?" The deer asked reaching out to look at the padlock. No rainbow colours for it, just deeply stained bronze, with:

S & C


Etched into the metal with a crude heart drawn around.

Did he remember? The bull thought, of bloody course he remembered it was his wedding day too after all! His parents had been shocked, they like Sam of course. However gay marriage it had been a hard one for his family to swallow. So instead of the big wedding reminding the bull of who was missing, who never really accepted them. Sam had convinced him to elope. Well sort of elope.


Their ceremony had been the bargain basement affair, just the two of them and two gay friends as a witness. No big ceremony, no flowers or fancy clothes. They skipped it all, all except the love. That they brought with them, and they brought it big. Smiles, kisses and hugs. No tears for those who weren't there, just joy because they were.

Afterwards, Sam had dragged the bull down to the bridge for some big surprise. There had only been a few padlocks back then. The craze hadn't quite taken off. Co!in had looked at them with curiosity, "what on Earth?"

"They are love locks!" Sam announced with a chuckle. "Couples lock them and take away the key to show they will be together forever."

"Sounds like romantic rubbish to me," snorted the bull.

Sam smiled and nodded, "me too." Then he pulled something vaguely gold coloured from his pocket. "There isn't enough romantic rubbish in the world anyway!" He snorted and locked it down. Then he put his arms around Colin's neck and kissed him deeply, passionately.

Colin had sunk into the kiss happily and lost himself in the arms of his love. As the pulled apart Sam whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," the bull replied and then felt a slight pressure on his chest. It was a key, a padlock key on a chain.

"One for you, one for me," the stag had explained pulling his own key out.


Twenty years later a trembling bull pulled a key on a chain out of his pocket.

"Oh wow, you kept it!" The stag observed. "I kept mine too."

"I... know you did, I saw to that when...," as he touched the padlock he felt tears starting to fall. "Twenty-two years... I deserved more than a phonecall! You bastard!"

"I'm sorry," whispered the deer stepping closer. "If I could go back, do things differently I would."

"Hmp!" Snorted the bull slipping the key into the lock. Against all odds and decades of dirt and grime, the key turned. The lock sprung free so quickly and easily Colin almost dropped it into the water. He struggled to grasp it, tears in his eyes. "There." He muttered, more to himself that to anyone else.

"What now?" Sam asked.

"You know what?" Colin replied firmly pulling out his mobile. He had a text all ready to send. Phones, the bull was old enough to remember when they had not been the centre of life, the core of all social contact. They had become just like air, you seemed to need one to live. People call you and half the time you answer without thinking.

It had been that way the day he got the call, three months ago. Had it been that long already? Time had flown by. Not on that call time had stopped still. Colin had been on his way into the office, a sneaky blueberry muffin in his paw, he'd just taken a bite when he felt his phone start to vibrate.

He hadn't looked he'd just answered with a mouthful of muffin, "hello."

"Is this Colin Theakston?" A calm and yet strained voice asked him.

"Yes," he had replied spraying crumbs all down himself.

"This is Officer Gavin Bates, I'm afraid there has been an acci..." time stopped in that moment, it more than stopped it fractured. They say that your life passes before your eyes when you die, they are wrong: It passes before your eyes when your soul dies, your body can go on for years afterwards, though.

Somehow the world kept turning, without the reason for existence still being there. People had hugged him, kissed him and cried with him. For weeks they had been there and then, their duty done, they had begun to disappear. Leaving him alone.

"Just a fucking phone call," he whimpered staring at Sam accusingly.

"It wasn't my choice," Sam whispered. "I didn't get a choice, it wasn't my fault. It wasn't yours. Life is just a string of fuck-ups vaguely strung together with good intentions and half-assed plans."

"Well fuck it!" Shouted the bull stepping further down, to where somebody had wrenched the fence away from the edge of the bridge. Enough space for a determined man to force his way through.

"Stop it, Colin, you are my relia-i-bull, you are sens-i-bull," the stag whispered placing a paw on the bull's wrist. Colin froze in place and looked down at his paw, the padlock still open.

Sniffing the bull couldn't help but laugh, "damn you and your stupid jokes. I miss them, I miss you grabbing my horns. I miss your smell. How you used to watch Star Trek with me, even though I don't think you liked it that much. I miss how you used to hold me at night. Now I just lay there alone," the bull whimpered. " You aren't there, you are supposed to be there, why aren't you fucking there?!" A hoof lashed out kicking into the loose fence with enough force to send it flying into the black waters far below.

"I miss you too, but I am still there with you. In your heart, you know I am." The deer leant his head into the bull's broad neck. "The lock is open, it was never meant to open again." He muttered.

Colin looked at the lock, he could still make the etched letters out, S&C 4 EVA" Sam and Colin forever," he whispered.

"Wait is your name Colin? All these years I thought you were Chris!" The stag asked with a laugh.

"You fucker! You have to ruin everything don't you?" Laughed the bull wiping away his tears.

"Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be me," Sam replied sticking out his tongue. "Go home, let me go and don't you dare live your life alone and sad. I don't mind sharing, heaven is basically one long never-ending orgy after all."

"It is?"

"Ha! You are such a gull-i-bull," snorted the deer with a light laugh.

Laughing too Colin reached into his pocket and deleted the text. Looking up he found himself alone, nothing but the cold winds and shadows for company. Along with the locks, thousands of them. So many they were a danger to the bridge, so much love in the world. Maybe he could go on in it, for now.

His fist closed tightly around the padlock and he started to walk away, smiling as he heard a whisper, "my love-i-bull."

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by :iconedesk:

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