The first time.
The next morning Crystal was indeed sore from Dale's forced sex on her. She laid in bed groaning faintly until her alarm on her phone began going off. She growled and quickly shut it off before it woke her husnband who was still sleeping beside her....
The first time.
_Why do I get talked into these situations?_ Walking though these dark woods, in the middle of the night, ALONE, I keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I thought of how I got to this point. My name is Valrez, odd name really, blamed my...
The First Time
"some first time huh?" he asked her, smiling as she closed her eyes and grinned. "nine!"
The first time
#21 of lena & liber lena's first time busting a nut. fun fact, polar bears have black skin. what would i be without xioneer? it was one of my first days in high school.
First Time
"mm.. and i want to go a bit slow.. this is my first time with such a good cock inside me.."
First time
**first time** i still remember the first time i executed a fellow dragon. it's not something that is easy to forget. and it is not something everyone can do.
Their First Time
She says, badly failing at holding in any laughter, "this was your first time too, wasn't it!" i look down, embarrassed. she was correct, it was my first time. i hadn't told her it wasn't, but when she made mention to it, i'd never corrected her.
First Times
The two laid on sahsa's couch, basking in each others company, both feeling completely content for the first time in what felt like eons.
The First Time
It's summer time in Neon City and schools had just gotten out the week before. The once busy youths were now enjoying their vacation time from classes and forced learning schedules at Neon High; a perpetual mixing bowl of different cultures from all...
First Time
She was going to ask him how he was doing, but since this was the first time he seemed in a calm state of mind, she decided to just get dressed and leave well enough alone.
First Time
I felt playful finger walking in my back, I knew I was crossing a limit I put myself long time ago, but I can't resist anymore. I got the necessity of feel that big cock I saw yesterday in the showers. That dobie knows how to play this game, but not...
first time
And old orgy story i wrote first time © 2,000 dbj. it's early morning, and i'm running along the track getting my daily exercise, when i noticed a lion following me. i decided to see if he was looking at me the way i think he was.