Chapter 1 - Lemon Warning

Story by NameOfNonImportance on SoFurry

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Note: There is a lemon at the beginning. I kinda suck at lemons. I think. This chapter does not have a lot of story. If you do not like lemons, do NOT read this story. That is all.

Fukari POV

I looked over my shoulder. Good, i thought. _Jay is following like I said. "_There's not that much farther to go. ** ** We should get there in a few minutes."

"Are you going to tell me where you're taking me now? Or is it still 'a surprise'?" Jay asked, grinning. I neglected to answer, instead darting forward towards my den with Jay trying to keep up. "FUKARI YOURE BEING A DICK" He shouts at me as I run inside. I laughed, and laid down on the floor. I patted the ground next to me.

"Come on over. The rock is fine~" I say, smiling at him. He gulps, looking at me with nervousness in his eyes.

"Fukari... Are you sure about this?" Jay asks, licking his lips.

"As sure as I could ever be. I've been thinking about this for weeks. I think I'm ready." I say, slowly dragging my tongue over my front paw, staring him straight in the eyes. Jay growled lowly, like he was physically restraining himself from pouncing. All of the sudden, he leaped across the cave, pinning my chest beneath his paws, a giggle escaping my muzzle. "Not so nervous now, are we~"

"Fuck nervous. I'm taking advantage of this before you change your mind." He growled at me, a look of lust clear in his yellow eyes. I gulped, suddenly nervous.


Jay leaned in, dragging his tongue across my muzzle as I gasped. "J-Jay..." He took no notice of my moan, and moved downwards. He gently nudged against my chest, and then he came to the place I had been waiting for. A small, eager redness had begun to poke out as I shivered in anticipation. Jay slowly licked my cock, and I let out a small moan, urging him onwards. He started out slow, only licking it until it had been entirely unsheathed, and Jay slid his muzzle down over my waiting dick. "Mmmmn~ Jay..." He slowly slid up and down over my cock, making soft noises of contentment around it when I let out a loud groan every now and then. "Jay... I can't take it... I... I need you..." He growled, before removing his muzzle from my eager red mast. He looked at me, questioning. I nodded slowly, reassuring him. His face lit up like the sun, and then gently rolled me over. That turned me on more than anything else; his care for me. I slowly lifted my rear, and my tail went up. Jay let out a chuckle.

"Eager one, aren't you?" I whimpered quietly, and pushed back against him, trying to get some contact. He backed up away from me. "Ah ah ah, who said you could do that yet? Naughty wolf." All of the sudden, he slammed his member deep inside me. I moaned in a combination of pleasure and pain. He began thrusting into me, slowly at first but picking up speed.

"Jay! Fuck... yeeeeesss..." I groaned out, and began thrusting back against him. Jay began making grunting noises, and I felt his knot begin to swell. Oh shit! Already? I thought to myself, but out loud, "Do it!" He groaned, and thrusted in one final time, tying himself to me as rope after rope of his cum went deep inside me. I groaned softly, and came as well. When the knot had eased off, he slowly pulled out of me and laid down.


I panted for a while, the after affects of our recent endeavor taking hold. "That... Was... Amazing." I said to him, looking over. I grinned when I saw that he had fallen asleep. "I... Think I'll follow your example..." I yawned, and sleep took over, my eyelids drooping closed.