City Inn: Jay's Love

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#5 of City Inn

"Hey... hey... hey, Jay... come on, wake up for me..."

Jay mumbled and opened one eye. Customer? Damn, it was his free night... A tender kiss on his cheek made the wolf open his other eye as well. Only one guy would kiss his cheek and then stroke his shoulder. "Kev?" He sat up. "What are you doing here?"

"Invite you."

Still tired Jay shook his head. "Come again?"

Kevin gave him another kiss. "I talked to Jeremy. He says he 'could be asleep in front of the screens' tonight."

"You mean...?"

"Yes! Come on... let's go to the park. They won't catch us there."

Jay got off of the bed. Kevin seemed very cheery, but the young wolf had doubts. The last weeks he had done so well and had always followed the rules... But one look into the happy face of his boyfriend, and he could only smile and nod.

Quickly he followed the rabbit, and the two naked boys ran through the deserted corridors. Kevin seemed pretty secure, he wasn't afraid a guard could just appear and seize them. But nobody came to get them. They passed by closed doors, some quiet, behind others people were cuddling soundly. Very soundly.

"I think that was your sister..." Jay mentioned.

"Oh, she can go to hell," Kevin said as they climbed down the stairs.

Quickly Kevin opened the wooden doors to the park. They weren't locked. They were never locked, not necessary. The park was surrounded by the Inn on three sides and had a wall on the last side. Behind the wall was a precipice and a river, so the Inn was pretty sure the pets won't escape that way.

They both sucked the air in, the special aroma of a summer night, warm and full of smells. From the doors they could see the moon, which was full and bright, directly between the two edges of the building.

Kevin put his paw onto Jay's shoulder. "Wanna howl at it?"

Jay shook his head. "Naw. Not in the mood." He leaned over and kissed Kevin. "What do you have in mind?"

"I'm a rabbit."

"Oh, want me to eat you?"

Kevin smiled and suddenly ran of. Jay shook his head once again and ran behind the rabbit. He chased the bunny. As wolves do. Kevin loved those games, and Jay did him the favour.

The park was only small, with some trees and a small lake. Kevin was making sure not to run too fast, we wanted to get caught by his wolf. And so, after some minutes, he tripped. On purpose, of course. Jay pounced and landed on his back. Kevin turned around.

"Gotcha," Jay said.

"Oh my, a wolf! What'll he do with me?" Kevin grinned widely.

Jay embraced the naked lapine body under him tightly. "Only nice things..." He licked over the rabbit's smirking face, then Kevin tilted his head up. Jay's tongue stroked over the short lapine snout, moved down, over the neck, over the well trained and muscled chest, soaking the fur at the belly, and finally arrived at the rabbit's maleness, which was filling with blood quickly. With his left paw Jay stroked over the half erect cock tenderly, very tenderly. The penis was stiffening quickly under the rather unused treatment. Kevin wasn't forced to make a quick fuck, he was making love. A big difference.

"Hmm..." Jay breathed out, highly aroused himself. His own black flesh was arising out of his furry sheath. He nuzzled the lapine's balls and looked up. "You do me," he said, leaned back and sat down with folded legs.

Kevin nodded quickly and moved over, his nose right in front of the big, full erect and throbbing lupine penis. With one paw he started to stroke slowly, then he stuck out his soft, lapine tongue and licked over the glans. "Hmmm..." he sighed.

Jay grunted shortly, threw his head backwards and closed his eyes in anticipation. The licks and rubs continued, slowly, loving. His lover worked carefully, providing sweet pleasure, making Jay moan again. Kevin licked off the pre-cum, enjoying the taste, it was a proof that his mate was enjoying it as well. The white drop made him work faster, more intensive. Jay groaned out loud under pleasure, lust and anticipation for the orgasm.

Jay dug his fingers into the grass and groaned again. Only the climax was in his mind, he just wanted to release the emotions that had filled him, he'd just need a tiny bit more help by his lapine lover, just a bit more, a tiny bit... one more stroke... his body started to tremble, he writhed forwards and groaned out loud.

Kevin had opened his mouth widely as he had heard his wolf grunting with the special pitch of an approaching climax. The lupine seed splashed into his face and snout, he tried to catch as much as possible. He swallowed the semen he was able to catch and licked his lips. Then he looked up to his panting love, grinning out of a cum-covered face.

Jay smiled, very pleased, and licked some of his own semen from the lapine's head. He saw that Kevin was about to say something, but he lifted his finger in front of his muzzle. Softly he pushed the rabbit over, Kevin laid back, his throbbing erection standing out. Jay came over him and kissed him, his arms embracing the anticipating rabbit.

Their lips connected, they tongues met and played with each other for a while, slowly, tenderly, lovingly. Kevin stroked through the wolf's black fur on Jay's back. Actually he wanted to come off as well, but making out with Jay was also nice. They had only rarely the opportunity to make out, usually in the shower. Recently they preferred to suck each other at those times, so kissing had been neglected.

Then Kevin knew what Jay was intending. He felt the wolf's hard maleness pressing against his belly. Without stopping the kissing Jay moved his hips, until his glans was touching Kevin's tail hole. Kevin smiled smoothly and adjusted his legs, giving his lover an easy access to his butt area.

Lubricated by semen and saliva, the lupine cock stretched the muscles around the tail hole while entering the male rabbit. Jay was in no hurry. He wanted to make it as painless and pleasing as possible to his love.

Kevin groaned out loud as the big lupine maleness entered him and moved deep inside, deeper, deeper, and slowly. He was used to the feeling of having something in there, but it was always special with Jay. When the wolf entered him, it was like adding another layer of pleasure, just only because it was Jay and nobody else. He groaned even louder as the thick dick rubbed over his prostate, making his own cock producing the first drops of anticipation pre-cum.

Jay started with his thrusts, the professional, steady, pleasing rhythm, out, in, out, in, slowly, carefully. He took care he was rubbing the rabbit's prostate intensively. Kevin's body got pushed forth and back with the thrusts, he had his eyes closed, he mouth was opened to express his pleasure with loud moans, his head turned left and right, unable to do much more than enjoy.

Kevin held himself back, he didn't want to spurt before he felt the lupine cum splashing inside him. No knowing this, Jay was holding himself back as well, he wanted to the rabbit to go off first, to make sure he had had his orgasm before he would stop. So the two males moaned together, waiting for the other one to be first.

Jay knew he couldn't take any more, he needed to release himself. Then suddenly Kevin almost screamed, writhed and ripped grass from the ground. His load splashed out and turned parts of Jay's black chest and stomach white. That moment, Jay twitched and released his load into the hot lapine body.

Their movements froze after this, they only panted and took a dose of the other one's eyes. Jay waited for his softening cock to slip out of his beloved rabbit. He leaned over and kissed Kevin again.

They made out for a while in the park, on the grass, in the middle of the night. They both enjoyed the peace and the calm for a while. Just making out, proving their love.

"I love you," Kevin said between two kisses.

"I love you too..."

They both jerked as they heard somebody over them clearing his throat soundly.

"It'd been worth it," Kevin said. "Definitely."

Jay laughed. Being the most popular male pet, and since it hadn't been his idea anyway, there was not much punishment for him. He just had his paws and feet tied together and had been placed behind a glass wall, free to watch Kevin, who was punished a bit worth.

There was a sand pile in front of the Inn. Kevin was deep in the sand, only his head was over the ground, his entire body was embraced tightly by the sand, he was unable to move. Behind him was a sign. He was a 'Free Sample'. Jay couldn't stop smirking about this. Gods, how much he'd like to be able to paw off right now.

Two young feline males passed by. One was pointing at Kevin - or rather the rabbit's head - and they both laughed. After some moments they decided to come over.

"Good day, sirs," Kevin said.

The cats didn't waste time, zipped their pants open and took their penises out. But instead of squatting down, they just peed onto the lapine's head. Kevin, not every surprised of this, looked up and opened his mouth, to catch the yellow liquid. The cats blinked, but finished the job and zipped up. "You stupid faggot disgust me," the beige feline said and kicked sand into Kevin's mouth. Then they left.

Kevin spit and tried to get the sand out. "Nice people."

"Hmm..." Jay sighed and tried not to think of his rock-hard, throbbing penis. "Yes... it had been worth it. We must do it again, next week."

Kevin grinned. "You bet!"