Working Bears 2: The Fox and the Firefighter

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#7 of Working Bears

This was easily the most challenging of all the Working Bears stories. Pretty much every aspect of it has proven to be a challenge.

It started out as an idea I had back when I first started on 'Working Bears 2', about a guy looking for his missing boyfriend, stumbling across the existence of the club, and getting enslaved. The problem was, at that time, I'd already started writing 'Tabloid Troubles' about a reporter who discovers the club and gets enslaved. Because this idea was a little too similar, I dropped it.

Except it remained lodged in my imagination and my mind kept going back to it for some reason. Until I realized I was looking at the idea from the wrong angle. The interesting part wasn't someone discovering the club, it was the idea of a couple who are both Thurman's slaves, one of whom is one of the club's slave bears. That relationship should be the focus. What would that relationship be like?

Suddenly the idea was much more compelling to me. And part of that was the idea of trying to do a Working Bears mind control/enslavement story that was also a love story. That seemed like it would be a fun challenge to try and pull off, so I went for it.

Working Bears 2 - The Fox and the Firefighter

by Cyberklaw

"I love you. So damn much..."

The polar bear smiled and turned his attention away from the television to the source of the voice, his eyes coming to rest on the red fox standing in the living room doorway. "You think I haven't realized that yet? I mean, you 'loved' me a lot in bed last night..."

The fox chuckled and padded over to him, throwing himself down on the couch beside the bear and wrapping his slender arms around the muscular frame of the ursine. "Yes, I did. But I mean it, I love you, my big hunky firefighter..."

The bear enveloped the fox in his arms, hugging him back warmly. "Aww... I love you too, my silly little fox."

"You've always been so good me." The fox continued, nuzzling at the bear's chest. "Looking after me, supporting me through the tough times. I'm glad I'll finally be able to pay you back some..."

"Hey now." The bear said, affectionately stroking the fox's head. "I'll always be there to help you when you need it. You don't owe me anything and don't need to..." He stopped, realizing what had been said. He looked down.

The fox was looking up at him, grinning a sly grin. "I was curious to see how long it would take you to pick up on that..."

"Pay me back?" Said the bear. "How can you... Does that mean... does that mean you got a job?"

"Yep!" The fox said, happily. "At long last! I just heard..."

"That's wonderful!" The big polar bear joyously jumped to his feet, sweeping the fox up in his arms and spinning him around.

When he stopped, the fox looked up at him adoringly. "And I owe it all to you. You never stopped believing in me... even when I didn't believe in myself. You never gave up on me. "

"Of course not." The bear leaned in and gave the fox a brief kiss. "You're a smart, capable, handsome fox. Always have been. I will never give up on you. Ever."

"And that's one of the many reasons why I love you so damn much..." Said the fox, choking back emotion, before he launched himself at the bear and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

A few minutes later, when they pulled apart, the bear asked. "So what's the job?"

"It's great, very prestigious!" The fox said, excitedly. "I'll be working at Thurman Industries! As a personal assistant to Dr. Bernard Thurman himself!"

"That is great!" Said the polar bear, filled with warmth at how happy his fox was, feeling so proud of him...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Axe? Hello, Earth to Axe!"

Axe blinked, snapping out of his daydream, forcing away the old memory. "Hmm? Yes?"

"I said, this is our floor." Said Red, exasperation in his voice, standing impatiently beside him. The fox grabbed the big polar bear by the arm and pulled him through the elevator doors before they closed, into the hallway beyond.

"Sorry." Axe mumbled. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Just old memories."Axe shrugged. "Nothing important."

Red cuddled up against him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Then try and stay focused in the here and now, with me."

Axe put an arm around the fox's shoulders and smiled at him. "Sounds like a plan."

"Come on then..." Red guided him along the corridor.

"By the way." Axe said as they walked. "It was pretty cool getting to see you at work. You were pretty hot as the 'no nonsense, super organized assistant' fox."

The fox chuckled. "Glad you think so, Hon. But now, I think I'd rather be 'loving mate' fox."

"Sounds good to me." Axe said, hugging him closer, relishing being so close to his lover.

They passed through a door and into a large open-plan apartment, very spacious and luxurious. Axe looked around, impressed. Red noticed his expression and explained. "Master Thurman's private apartment. The rooms you saw earlier were where he entertains guests. This is his real home."

Two giant walls were glass, offering an incredible view of the landscape and city. The main room they were in was two stories high and lit by elaborate glass chandeliers, and furnished with a selection of leather chairs and couches, glass coffee tables and display stands with abstract sculptures.

There was a staircase leading up to a mezzanine that ran around the two non-glass walls at the height of the second story. There were doors and corridors leading off from it.

"Very nice." Axe said, looking around. "Where's the bedroom Master wants us in?"

"Oh, up there." Red waved a paw at one of the doors upstairs. "But we don't have to go there just yet."

"But Master said..."

"Hon, I know what he said." Red grinned. "He wants us in his bedroom when he gets back. But he won't be back for a while yet. And he said we could find some way to pass the time until he gets here. Master was allowing us some freedom to spend some time with each other."

Axe was a little sceptical. "You sure?"

"I know what I'm talking about." The fox assured him. "I spend a lot of time with Master, and in my experience he rarely gives commands that he hasn't worded carefully."

The muscular polar bear smirked at him. "Okay, I think I can trust you."

Red poked him playfully in the stomach with one paw. "A little late in the relationship to just be figuring that out!"

"Well, I am just a big dumb polar bear." Axe shrugged. "Not a smart, capable handsome fox like you."

Red chuckled. "You may be big, in more ways than one." He rested a paw on the bulge of the bear's briefs. "But we both know you're far from dumb. And even if you were..." He leaned in and gave Axe a quick kiss on the end of his muzzle. "You are MY big dumb polar bear."

The bear grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around the fox. Red hugged him back, pressing into him, nuzzling against him. "Yes, I am." Axe murmured.

They stood there for a few minutes, simply enjoy the warm pleasant feeling of being pressed up against each other. Eventually, Red pulled out of it.

"Come on." He said, taking the polar bear's paw in his and leading him across the room.

"Where are we going?" Axe asked.

"I thought you might be hungry." Red explained. "And I know I am. So while you and the other bears were showering and changing, I made a call to the kitchen's and had them send something up for us."

Red led the way through a doorway and into what had to be Master Thurman's private dining room. It was quite large, with a long dining table occupying most of the space. At one end of the table, two places had been set side by side, plates with domed silver covers resting in front of two adjacent chairs. A bottle of wine with two glasses was sat beside them.

Axe wandered over to the table. "Very nice and intimate." He said. "Romantic even. All that's missing is..."

He was cut off by the sound of a match being struck. He turned to see Red standing at a sideboard, using a lit match to light a couple of candles in a small silver candlestick. "Candlelight?" He said, finishing the bear's sentence for him.

Axe chuckled as the fox carried the candlestick over to the table and set it down between the two place settings. "I can't remember the last time we had a romantic candlelit dinner..."

"Well, our jobs and serving Master Thurman tend to keep us pretty busy." Said Red. "It's difficult to find the time."

"I know." Said Axe, hugging the fox from behind. "But I'm glad we have the time right now."

Red giggled and slipped out of the hug. "Come on, let's eat before the food gets too cold."

They sat and lifted the covers off their plates, the aromas of cooked chicken and fresh vegetables hitting their noses. Axe opened the bottle of wine and filled their glasses.

The two of them sat and ate their meal, both finding it absolutely delicious. Master Thurman did try to only employ the best when it came to his serving staff after all.

They made some small talk throughout the meal, mainly about their respective days before Red showed up at the club. As they talked, Axe noticed that his fox seemed to get a little sullen, but when he asked about it, Red put on a smile and assured him he was fine. He tried not to think about it, but the worry that here was something up remained a minor niggle at the back of his mind.

When they were finished eating, Red grabbed his glass and the bottle of wine and motioned for Axe to follow him. The polar bear was concerned about their plates, but the fox told him that the serving staff would take care of them, so he just grabbed his glass and followed.

He led Axe back through to the huge main lounge area and pulled him down onto one of the couches, snuggling up against him. Axe smiled and wrapped a huge arm around his shoulders, squeezing him affectionately.

They pulled apart long enough to drain their glasses and Red offered Axe a refill.

"No thanks." The polar bear said. "I think I've had enough."

The fox smiled a sexy, suggestive smile. "Good." He said. He plucked the empty glass from Axe's paw and set it down on the coffee table in front of them along side his own and the bottle of wine.

He then turned back to the big polar bear and threw himself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck and crushing his muzzle to his in a affectionate kiss.

Although taken by surprise, Axe quickly recovered and relaxed into the kiss, slipping his tongue past the fox's lips and into his mouth. He hugged Red close, running his paws up and down his back.

He was so lost in the warm sensations of the kiss that he barely noticed the fox moving one paw, sliding it down, until it reached the bear's bulging briefs. The paw grabbed at the bulge squeezing and rubbing at it.

The shuddering pleasurable sensations made it so tempting to just lie back and let that paw work its magic, but Axe felt he had to stop it. He pulled out of the kiss, looking Red in the eye. "Hey, slow down there, remember what Master said..."

Red simply shrugged. "Master said no cumming. There's plenty we can do without cumming." He licked playfully at the bear's muzzle before diving in, nuzzling affectionately at his neck, running one paw through his head fur while his other continued to rub at his hardening bulge.

He wanted to just let go and indulge himself with the fox, but something was bothering Axe, this didn't seem right and he was trying to figure out why. Of course, Red wasn't making it easy to think straight. But that was part of the problem. His fox wasn't usually this forward and frisky. The out of character behaviour was a little worrying.

"Hon..." He stammered, having to force out his words as the fox continued forcefully nuzzling and rubbing. He really want to just give in, to just let everything else slip away and enjoy himself with his fox, but his practical side wouldn't let him. "Hold on..."

He put his paws on Red's hips and pushed him back slightly. The fox pulled away and looked at him, concerned. "Something wrong?"

"Can't we just talk and cuddle for a bit?" Axe said. "It's been a long day and I'm a little tired from earlier. I want to save some strength for when we're with Master later..."

"Of course." Red nodded, sitting down beside him on the couch.

Axe frowned. Something was definitely wrong here. He knew the fox very well, and could easily spot the disappointment in his expression even as Red tried to hide it. He could immediately tell something was going on here by his tense and anxious body language.

He had to know, had to find out what it was. "What's wrong, love?"

"I'm fine." Red told him, looking away from him.

Putting and arm around the fox's shoulders, Axe pulled him close. "Hey, remember who you're talking to. I can tell when you're not fine."

He felt the fox relax a little. "It's okay, really. I understand you're a little tired, you must be."

"That's for sure!" Axe chuckled. "Dominating that jaguar really wore me out. It was kind of weird, that whole 'dominant mode' thing, like I was someone else completely for a bit there, but it was kind of fun, I suppose..."

He trailed off as he felt Red suddenly tense up against him. "What is it?" He asked.

Red looked at him, annoyance in his eyes. "You don't have to boast about it so much..."

"What?" Said Axe, genuinely confused. "I'm not boasting. I'm just talking, being honest, what's wrong with that?"

"Because it's not fun hearing how much you enjoyed fucking some other guy..." Said Red. It came out as a half-sneer.

That caught Axe off guard. Surely he couldn't really be that upset about him having sex with someone else? After all, he was well aware of the life he led in service of Master Thurman. "You do know about the Working Bears club. You know what I do there..."

"Knowing is one thing." The fox grumbled, seeming to become more and more angry. "It's something else to hear about how much you enjoy having sex with guys who aren't me..."

"Hey now," Axe said, trying to reassure his fox. "I've been programmed to enjoy it for the sake of the customers. I'm supposed to enjoy it!"

It didn't work. Red turned away slightly, arms folded across his chest, his voice cracking slightly as he replied. "Well, maybe you enjoy it more than your supposed to, more than Master programmed you to..."

Axe couldn't believe what he was hearing, that Red had actually just said that "What the hell are you talking about?" He said, unable to keep an edge of anger from his tone.

Red glared at him. "You rebuff my advances, and then you go on about how much fun you had with someone else. What am I supposed to think?

The polar bear was desperately trying to figure out what was going on, why things had taken such a sudden argumentative turn, and blurted out. "Well, not something as stupid as that!"

"So I'm stupid now, eh?" Red sneered back at him, trying to hide the hurt look in his eyes, but not being completely successful.

Seeing that hurt, Axe was struck with a pang of guilt. He had to pull this back, get the conversation back under control. "I didn't say that, stop being so paranoid..."

Red's expression hardened at that comment. "Stupid and paranoid? Wow, I'm quite a catch, aren't I? No wonder you're more interested in fucking others instead of me..."

"Why are you being so bitchy?" Axe said, before he could stop himself. He regretted it immediately, but the fox's aggressive and abrasive attitude was getting to him. Frustration and anger started bubbling up in him. Why was Red seemingly so determined to get upset?

"And bitchy as well?" Red snarled, pulling away from him. "Keep going Hon, you're really making me feel appreciated."

Fine, the polar bear thought, if he wants to fight, then I'm damn well going to defend myself. He let out a growl of annoyance. "Hey! I'm not the bad guy here!"

The fox simply rolled his eyes at that. "You really think that? You're the one having fun fucking around with other guys..."

"Because of you! "

Red paused, taken aback by that statement. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Axe said, his voice hard and angry now. He hated that he was letting himself get this annoyed and resentful, but he couldn't help himself. Red's sudden mood had just grated on him too much.

The fox stared at him, shocked. "You're seriously blaming me?"

"As much as we both love being slaves of Master Thurman," Axe explained, indignantly, growling out every word and pointing a paw at the fox. "You can't deny we're both here because of you. So it seems somewhat fucking hypocritical for you to get pissy over the things I do serving Master!"

Red glared at Axe, his face a mask of fury and pain, tortured emotion raging in his eyes. He got up and stormed away, headed for the nearest doorway.

"Where the hell are you going?" Axe called after him.

The fox didn't stop, turning slightly to look back at him as he walked. "This stupid, paranoid, bitchy hypocrite could do with being away from you right now, you self-righteous fucking asshole!"

The pure undiluted anger hit Axe like a slap across the muzzle and before he knew what he was doing, he was yelling back with equal ferocity. "Fine with me, go be fucking alone then!"

Axe watched him go, stomping away and through an open doorway. He then sat back on the couch and stared into space, taking several deep breaths.

One thought bounced around his head as he sat there, a storm of conflicting emotions raging in him...

What the hell had just happened?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He had no idea what the hell was going to happen.

He was waiting. Waiting for the love of his life to return home so he could have what was likely going to be the most difficult and uncomfortable conversation of his life. He wished he could avoid it and was constantly fighting the urge to do just that, to put this off, hope things got better.

But no. He needed to do this. He had to confront his fox and deal with things before it drove him crazier than it already had done. And having no idea how this coming confrontation was going to go was scaring the hell out of him.

We'll work this out. He thought to himself. We have to...

The polar bear repeated that thought over and over in his head, clinging to it. It was the only thing keeping him afloat in the sea of tortured emotions crashing through him. He downed another gulp of beer to help steady his nerves. It might not have been the best idea to drink while he waited and stewed in his own thoughts and fears, but he hadn't been able to stop himself. He wasn't sure he'd have the courage to have this conversation if he were stone cold sober.

He looked up from his beer as he heard the front door of their apartment open and close and stared at the door to the hallway, where he could hear someone moving about.

The door opened and a tired looking fox slipped in, wearing a business suit. He took a few steps and then came to a halt when he saw the bear sat at the dining table in his simple jeans and black t-shirt, a selection of empty beer bottles spread out in front of him.

"It's late. I wasn't expecting you to be up." He said, flatly.

The bear shrugged. "Well, I am. I was waiting for you. Where were you?"

The fox took a deep breath. "You know where I was. At work. I was working late."


"Yes, again. Sometimes I'm required to work late." The fox sighed.

The bear narrowed his eyes at him and said. "You work late pretty much every night."

The fox simply nodded. "That's my job."

"What about me?" The bear asked, quietly.

The vulpine looked confused. "What about you?"

"Do I factor into your life at all anymore?" It took an effort, but the bear was able to say it without a snarl of anger. But he wasn't sure he could hold his feelings in much longer.

"Of course you do!" The fox said.

Something snapped in him. Unable to keep his emotions in check any longer, the bear slammed a paw on the table and growled. "Well, maybe you'd like to try fucking showing it sometime!"

The fox looked shocked and hurt, like he'd just been punched in the face. "I don't know what you mean..."

"Yes, you do!" The big polar bear growled. He was on the verge of losing his temper. "Ever since you started that fucking job, ever since that week long training seminar you went to, you've been distant and shut off. You hardly spend any time with me. Am I even that important to you anymore?"

A look of hurt crossed the fox's face. "Of course you are, Hon! Please don't think otherwise..."

"How could I not?" The polar bear couldn't stop himself raising his voice, or keeping the crack of emotion from it. "All the time you spend at work... And even when you're home, you avoid me, you make excuses, you don't show any interest in being with me..."

The fox simply looked down at his feet, shifting uncomfortably, unwilling to meet the bear's gaze. "Please... I love you..."

The bear glared at him, unsure what to say next. His fox seemed to be unwilling to give much away. He tried a different approach.

"When was the last time we had sex?" He demanded. "Do you even remember?"

The fox looked up at him sharply. "I remember..."

The polar bear nodded. "Then you remember it hasn't been any time recently. Any reason for that?"

The fox sighed. "My job keeps me busy... and tired..."

"Too tired to be intimate with the guy you're supposed to love?" The bear sneered.

"I DO love you!" The fox said, hurt and pleading in his voice.

The bear shook his head in response. "You're making it more and more difficult to believe that..."

"Please don't do this..." The fox said, rubbing at his forehead.

And then came the question the polar bear felt he had to ask, even if he didn't really want to. "Have you been sleeping with anyone else?"

"What?" The fox was shocked at the question.

The bear fixed him with a piercing stare. "Answer the question. Have you been having sex with anyone else?"

The fox could only look him in the eye sadly for a few seconds before looking away. "Please... don't ask me that..."

The lack of an outright denial made the polar bear's blood run cold, dimming some of his anger. That response left the door open for the most horrible of possible answers. He wasn't sure he wanted to hear more, but at the same time, he couldn't stop now.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Hon... please..."

"Why not?" The bear repeated, more angrily this time.

The fox looked at him, and the depth of sadness in his eyes was heart-breaking. "Because..." He hesitated, his voice weak and cracking when he carried on. "Because then I'll have to lie or be honest. You know me well enough to be able to tell when I'm lying... and the truth will hurt you... and I don't want to hurt you..."

The bear snarled, his fox's evasiveness getting to him. "And you suddenly care if you hurt me or not?"

"I've always cared!" The fox cried.

"Then be honest with me!" The bear said, thumping the table with a paw. "Have you had sex with someone else?"

A few moments passed in silence. When the fox finally choked out his reply, it was barely a whisper. "...Yes."

The simple word slammed into the bear's consciousness, confirming his worst fears. A cold empty pain crept through him. He slumped back in his chair, trying to fight off the urge to cry. "Fuck." Was all he could say.

The fox was looking at him, a few tears in his eyes, hurt and miserable. "But please, Hon, you don't understand..."

That stirred the bear into action, standing up so fast his chair tipped over hitting the floor behind him with a thud. Anger, pure and hot, rose up in him. "Then fucking explain it to me! Explain to me why you cheated on me!"

"I..." The fox stammered, ears flattening in shame. "I can't..."

The bear couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What, you don't think you owe me an explanation?"

"It's not that..." The fox said, uncomfortable.

"Then tell me why!" The bear yelled.

"I can't!" The fox yelled back at him, stepping towards him. "Don't you think I want to tell you what's been happening with me? But I just can't!"

The big polar bear snorted with derision."Sounds like you're just making excuses... and pretty lame ones at that..."

The fox took another step in his direction, visibly trying to keep calm. "Please, Hon... trust me... I love you, but I can't speak to you about this..."

"Trust you?" The bear spluttered, fury and rage bubbling up in him. "You tell me you've had sex with someone else... but can't tell me why or anything about it..." He shook his head in disbelief. "So please enlighten me... Tell me why I should fucking trust you."

The fox stepped forward and placed his paws on the bear's shoulders, looking at him, his eyes full of sadness and desperation. When he spoke, his voice was emotional, a mix of affection and pleading. "Because you love me. And I love you so damn much. You know me, better than anyone. And you know I don't ever want to hurt you if I can help it."

Deep down, the polar bear desperately wanted to believe that, wanted to wrap this damn fox in his arms, forgive him and tell him he loved him. But with the hurt and emotion running through him, the anger and the heartbreak, and the knowledge of his fox's betrayal burning in his mind, that option simply wasn't open to him.

He shook off the fox's paws, pulling away from him. "I don't know what I know anymore." He said, his tone dull and flat.

Tears were welling up in the fox's eyes as he pleaded. "Hon, please! I..."

The bear cut him off with a wave of his paw. Seeing the fox so hurt and upset was killing him, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything about it, couldn't bring himself to comfort him, not with his own hurt and upset tearing him apart inside.

"Just..." The bear had to make a monumental effort not to yell or growl. "Just get the fuck out of my sight..."

The fox turned and left, and the bear could hear his sobbing as he left the room.

In spite of everything, the bear felt guilt, actual damn guilt, at doing that to his fox. Conflicting emotions surged through him. He didn't know what to think or feel. He loved that damn fox, but he'd slept with someone else and refused to give any kind of explanation. He wanted to forgive him, but he was so angry and upset with him...

Frustration boiled over and he angrily swept the bear bottles of the table, sending them crashing to the floor, shattering and sending glass fragments skittering all over the place.

He turned and slammed a fist into the nearest wall. The shock and pain that shot up his arm almost felt good, cutting through the emotion, blocking it out for a split-second.

But then it all came flooding back. He slumped against the wall and slid down to the floor. He was unable to hold back any longer and tears spilled from his eyes. He sat there among the shattered glass, sobbing uncontrollably, as one thought reverberated around his head.

Why had his fox done this to him? Why?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Red paced up and down, each step driven by anger and frustration, that simple question echoing endlessly in his head.

He had retreated to Master Thurman's private study to get away from Axe and pull himself together. It was a lavish and sumptuously decorated room, as most of the bear's private rooms were, with a huge ornate desk, large leather chairs and whole walls of bookcases.

The fox kept clenching and unclenching his paws. He couldn't seem to calm down. And for the life of him, he didn't know why.

It had been silly and stupid for him to get as upset as he had. Everything Axe had said had been true and logical. Of course he was a little tired after the night he'd had. And he knew very well exactly the kind of things Axe did while working at the club.

And yet, some how, for some reason, tonight it had got to him, driven him crazy, causing himself to throw himself at his polar bear, as if needing proof and assurance that his mate still loved him...

It was utterly ridiculous. He knew Axe loved him, he had no doubts whatsoever on that front. But still he had these crazy confusing feelings bouncing around his head, leading him to pick a fight with his beloved polar bear.

He finally gave up his pacing and flung himself in a chair, suddenly feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted, wondering what he should do next.

A part of him really wanted to go apologise to Axe right away, admit how wrong and idiotic he'd been. But given how pissed off Axe had seemed to be at his behaviour, it was probably best to give him some time to cool off. Maybe he'd be able to figure out why he'd been that way in that time, although he wasn't hopeful on that front...

So he sat there, thinking and waiting...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The polar bear was sat, thinking and waiting.

He was in his car, parked in a darkened corner of a mostly empty multi-storey car park. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard. The guy he was here to meet was late.

He hoped the guy showed up. He needed any information he could get about Thurman. He needed to know what he was up against.

Things had just gone from bad to worse in recent weeks. A few days after the big fight with his mate, his fox had moved out and he hadn't spoken to him since. He missed him terribly, his heart ached for him.

But he'd seen him a lot. At a distance. He'd taken to spending a lot of time following the fox, looking for clues to explain his behaviour, explain the disintegration of their relationship.

Because the more he had thought about it, the more he realized how wrong things were, how there had been some truth in what his fox had been saying to him during that fight.

He knew that fox. He knew him very well. And he knew just how out of character his actions had been. The polar bear went on to conclude that there had to be something more going on.

Was the fox being blackmailed somehow? Was he being threatened and coerced in some way? He couldn't know for sure, but he was determined to find out. Because he loved that fox and there was not a chance in hell of him giving up on him.

The bear had spent a lot of time since then doing whatever he could to find more information. Since things had begun after the fox took the job at Thurman Industries, that had been the focus of his investigations.

It had not been easy. Concrete information on the operations of the company was hard to come by. Oh, there was a lot of information you could find, but it was all public relations fluff, standard stuff that provided nothing really useful.

As his research had continued, he'd come across all sorts of crazies and conspiracy theorists. He'd read a lot of insane and bizarre stories in relation to Thurman Industries and its owner and founder, Dr. Bernard Thurman. None of it seemed very believable. It did seem as if he wasn't the first to lose someone to the company, there seemed to be plenty of other cases of guys getting jobs there, only to drift apart from friends and families over the months that followed.

However, the stories and ideas put forward as to why this happened, on the various internet forums and message boards he'd stumbled across, were simply ridiculous. Conspiracy theories and crackpot ramblings, all sorts of nonsense like the company being a front to hide an alien invasion, or secret government cloning research, or mind control technology turning guys into mindless slaves. Absolute unbelievable garbage.

In some of his paranoid moments, he had entertained the possibility that maybe, just maybe, one of those crazy stories might be true. But those moments never lasted long, his common sense winning out and he discarded such ridiculousness.

There was a sudden knocking on the passenger side window and he turned to see a bulky, heavy-set cougar dressed in a scruffy suit peering in at him. The polar bear reached over and unlocked the door, allowing the cougar to open it.

"Are you...?" the bear began, but the cougar interrupted him.

"Yes, I'm the one you've been waiting for," The newcomer said, climbing into the passenger seat and closing the door.

"Great! I'm..."

The cougar held up a paw, silencing him. "I know who you are. Do you really think I'd meet without checking you out first?"

The bear noticed he was very fidgety, constantly glancing about, surveying the area around the car. He had to ask. "What are you so worried about?"

His passenger glanced at him sharply. "When you know the kind of things I know, you have to be careful. You have no idea who might decide you are a threat and come for you."

"So who are you?" The bear said. "You didn't say in your emails."

"And I won't be saying now." The cougar grumbled. "For my protection. And yours. Now, let's get this over with quickly..."

"Yes, when you got in touch, you said you had information that could help me..."

"More or less." The cougar shrugged. "Your posts on various internet forums about Thurman Industries caught my attention. So I thought we should meet so I can pass on what I know in person."

The polar bear tried to contain his excitement. At last he was getting somewhere! Maybe now he could...

"And what I know is this: Forget about it." The cougar said.

The bear was stunned. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Whoever it is you lost to them," The cougar explained. "Whoever he was... forget about him, forget about getting him back or seeing him again. Drop it and move on with your life."

This was far from what the bear had wanted to hear. "You... you said you had information that could help me!"

"That is helping you!" Growled the cougar. "Trust me when I say you have no idea what you are up against!"

"Then tell me!" The polar bear growled back at him. "And cut the paranoid cryptic bullshit!"

The cougar shook his head, sadly. "You won't believe me. And even if you do, it's likely to cause you more trouble than anything else."

"I don't care." The bear said. "Tell me what I want to know."

For a few minutes, the cougar just sat there, mulling it over, before he reached a decision. "Fine. But it's on your own head. You've been warned. Anything that happens to you next is your own fault."

"Sure." The bear nodded. "Now what the hell is the deal with Thurman Industries?"

"No one knows for certain." The cougar explained. "But there are a lot of clues and pieces that fit together in an interesting way..."

"Like what?"

"Like the numerous cases of males going to work for them," The cougar said. "Only for them to drift apart from friends and families over the following months and years, eventually losing all contact. There's the fact that a lot of the research they conduct is highly secretive, and among those recruited for their early projects include psychologists with expertise in things like hypnosis and mental manipulation."

"So?" The polar bear didn't understand.

The cougar continued. "So, I think that if you put the pieces together it paints a picture of a company that early on did some research into mental control, brainwashing, that kind of thing. I think they came up with some form of technique or even multiple techniques that they have likely been refining and perfecting over the years."

"I've heard this nonsense before." The polar bear sighed with a shake of his head. "It's ridiculous. If it were true, it would leak out in some way, it would be reported on, the police would investigate..."

"That's the thing. They have tried."

"What do you mean?" The polar bear frowned.

"Over the years, I have managed to get my paws on all sorts of police files from various cities and departments." Said the cougar. "They document a variety of investigations into Thurman Industries. And they all follow an eerily similar pattern. The police get some form of intel than something is up with the company or a company owned by them. An investigation is launched. After early indications that the intel was correct, the investigation suddenly stalls as the officers involved report they can find no evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing."

"And you think Thurman Industries brainwashed them?"The polar bear said, taking all this in.

The cougar nodded. "Afterwards, the officers involved would sometimes leave the police after a time and end up working for the company or a company owned by them. Those that remained would eventually rise to a position of authority where they would be able to block any further attempts to investigate Thurman."

The bear was shocked, trying to process this, as the cougar continued.

"It's a similar story with the press." He said. "There have been attempts to take a close look at Thurman Industries and what they get up to. Of course, it was always ended with the story they were working on being dropped. Those involved became employees of Thurman in some way or their biggest fans, always reporting on them positively."

After a brief pause, he added. "Even the obscure corners of the internet where you were looking for information aren't safe. I've seen numerous posters and hackers claim to have stumbled upon something big connected to Thurman, only to suddenly say they were wrong and soon after disappear for good, leaving only little clues they talked about beforehand, like 'Servus Inc.' and 'Sex Wrestling'."

"This seems so... unbelievable..." The polar bear said, shaking his head.

The cougar sighed. "I did say you wouldn't believe me."

The polar bear was thoughtful, but had more questions. "But... If its true and Thurman industries is brainwashing guys... what are they doing with them?"

The cougar beside him simply shrugged. "Who knows? Private army, sex slaves, test subjects for weird experiments... it doesn't matter. What matters is that anyone who opposes Thurman, or shows signs of being a threat, ends up belonging to them. You keep digging, you poke your muzzle in too far, the same thing will happen to you."

He sighed again, a downcast look appearing on his face. "Trust me, you don't want to live like I do. Knowing what I know, I have to be cautious all the damn time. I'm always looking over my shoulder, worrying they'll swoop in and grab me. So take my advice, whoever you lost, forget about them, move on. And don't ever speak to anyone about what I've just told you, as you'll just put them in danger."

The cougar opened the door and started to climb out of the car.

The polar bear couldn't just leave it at that. "There has to be a way to get him back!" He said, desperately.

"I'm sorry, but there really isn't." The cougar stated simply. "You either move on with your life, or you keep going until they take you and brainwash you too. Those are the only options. Either way, I'm done here."

With that, the cougar got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. He was soon hurrying away into the night.

The polar bear was left alone with his thoughts, mulling over all that he'd been told, thinking about Thurman and the options presented to him. He sat there for a long time before he figured out what to do next...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Axe was trying to figure out what to do next.

Of course he could go find Red and apologise. But there was a part of him that held him back from that course of action, a part that felt like this wasn't his fault, he shouldn't be the one to apologise. He hadn't started this fight. Hell, he wasn't even sure what the hell this fight was about...

They'd been having a nice evening together, something they didn't get very often, a good meal, a nice talk. And then somehow it had quickly devolved into a shouting match.

He had trouble believing Red could really be upset about him being with other guys. He'd always known it was part of his life as one of Master's slaves at the Working Bears club, and it had never seemed to bother him before.

But maybe it did bother him? He'd never mentioned it before, never had this kind of reaction on the other occasions they'd had time together and he'd briefly talked about some of his times at the club.

And yet, he couldn't see any other possibilities as to what might have bothered his fox so much as to get him angry and upset. Did it really trouble him? And he'd sat here rubbing his muzzle in it? Had he gone and hurt his lovely fox with his insensitivity?

That thought caused a cold feeling of regret and remorse to grip his chest. He leaned forward and buried his face in his paws. A few seconds later, they were dampened by wetness as a few tears spilled from his eyes.

He felt like such a fucking idiot. What kind of moronic mate was he, to just go and hurt the guy he loved?

He was tempted to go running after Red, grab him, apologise to him, hug him tight and tell him how much he loved him. But he thought about how hurt and angry the fox had looked and he found himself frozen in place. He wasn't sure he could face him like that, it would be too difficult, too heart-breaking. Best to give Red a little time to cool off before he talked to him again...

Assuming Red would want to talk to him again. Assuming that he would forgive him. Assuming this wasn't the end of their relationship...

Cold dread clamped around his heart at that thought, and he pushed it away. No, he refused to believe that. That was just his guilt talking. At least he hoped it was...

He clung desperately to that hope as he sat there, unable to stop thinking about his poor hurt fox. After all, this was hardly the first fight they'd had in all their years together, and he suspected it wouldn't be their last. It wasn't even the worst fight they'd ever had.

They'd been through some seriously rough times in their relationship, Axe knew that all too well. But they'd always pulled through. He hoped this was just another of those times and they'd work things out...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The polar bear hoped things would work out tonight...

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. He had no idea if this would succeed, how it might turn out. But after spending months planning this course of action, ever since the idea first came to him back in his car after the talk with that paranoid cougar, it was far too late to back out now.

It had been such a crazy few months, concocting excuses to get himself an extended leave of absence from work, weeks of constant surveillance tracking Thurman and his regular movements, searching for the right opening to get close to the bear that had taken the one he loved from him.

Dr Thurman spent a great deal of his time at the Thurman Industries headquarters. Which made sense, his research had revealed he live there, in a penthouse he had built in the main tower. He could always tell whenever Thurman left, as he seemed to be the only one who ever left the place in a chauffeur driven limousine.

Most of Thurman's comings and goings seemed to be random and unpredictable, which were of no use to him. But he had eventually recognized a few regular excursions that his target made.

One of those was to an expensive and exclusive restaurant in the upscale part of town. He went there for dinner every two weeks like clockwork, eating in an expensive private dining room. It seemed the perfect place to intercept and confront Thurman, away from the security of his corporate headquarters.

The polar bear had put a lot of time and effort into planning this. He'd tracked down the architect that had designed the restaurant, bribing him to acquire a copy of the plans. He'd studied the plans extensively, looking at every possible way in. He'd bribed one of the restaurants lower paid workers to allow him to have a look about the place, claiming he was working for a private investor considering buying the restaurant, giving him a chance to survey some of the layout in person and confirm that some of the ideas he'd had might work. It had been a productive excursion as he'd managed to slip away from his guide briefly and hide a bug in Thurman's dining room.

Throughout everything, he often found himself wondering what the hell he was doing, why he was going to all this trouble. And he would always remind himself that he was doing this for the fox he loved so much, to free him, to get him back. And then he simply couldn't imagine not doing this.

After much planning, he eventually settled on a course of action. The private dining room was located on the building's second floor. Just down the corridor from the one used by Thurman was a bathroom with a frosted glass skylight. That was his point of entry, after getting to the roof by climbing a suitably sturdy drainpipe.

Once he'd jimmied open the skylight and dropped inside, he quickly made sure the corridor outside was clear and then quickly picked the lock on the closet a few feet from the bathroom. He'd had to spend a good amount of time studying how to pick locks just for this.

Inside the closet he found just what he was expecting. Mops and buckets and shelves stacked with detergents and cleaning supplies. He had sat down in a corner and waited for the right moment, listening on an earpiece to the activity in Thurman's dining room. He knew the bear was in there before he switched it on, of course. It was the right night, and he'd seen Thurman's limo arrive out front before he'd begun his entry.

From his observations of previous visits, he knew that once he was done with dinner, his fox always went out to the limo first, Thurman and his usual two burly bodyguards, a wolf and a tiger in smart, tight-fitting suits, following several minutes later. That was would be the moment.

And so now he was sat there, patiently waiting and building up his courage for confronting Thurman. The moment was almost here...

"Well, that was an excellent meal, as always." He could hear Thurman saying. "Red?"

"Yes, Master?"

That was the unmistakable voice of his fox. He bristled at him having apparently having had his name changed to 'Red' and at him calling Thurman 'Master'.

"Go give the chef my usual compliments." Thurman said. "And make the offer to come work for me again. I doubt he will accept, of course." He heard a sigh. "I am getting close to simply hypnotizing and enslaving him..."

There it was. Confirmation directly from Thurman about the kind of thing he was up to, what he must have done to his fox. A part of him had still not fully believed it before now. Now his doubts were gone. His fox had been brainwashed, enslaved. He had to try and rescue him, get him back.

"Then settle the bill with the manager," Thurman was still giving instructions. "Make sure the reservation for two weeks from now is all set. Then have my limo waiting outside."

"Yes, Master."

He heard the sound of a door opening, both through the bug and the closet door. He heard it close again and someone padded along the corridor just outside his hiding place.

The polar bear got a grip on himself, fighting back the urge to burst out there and grab his fox, hug him tight, tell him how much he loved him and missed him. He had to be strong and focus on dealing with Thurman.

He waited a minute for the fox to head off on his tasks before easing himself out of the closet. He strolled quickly to the door to Thurman's dining room. He paused as he placed his paw on the handle, taking one last moment to steel his nerves and take a deep breath.

Then he threw open the door and stepped through it.

The room was just as he remembered it during his previous visit. Elegant and luxurious with art deco styling. In the centre of the room was a large dining table, and sat at the table, relaxing in a big comfortable chair, was the bear he had come to see. Dr. Bernard Thurman.

He looked just as big and imposing as all the photographs he'd seen. Thurman looked up at the polar bear as he entered and approached the table, raising one eyebrow in surprise.

"Dr. Thurman?" Said the polar bear.

"Yes?" Said the seated bear. He looked the polar bear up and down, taking in how he was dressed in dark clothing. "You don't work here, do you?"

"No." The polar bear admitted.

Thurman nodded and sighed, making a small gesture with one paw. The polar bear was suddenly aware of movement behind him as the bodyguards who had been quietly waiting in the corners of the room stepped forward, quickly rushing to the polar bear's side and grabbing his arms, holding him tightly, just as he'd been expecting. They quickly rummaged through his pockets before shaking their heads at the seated bear.

"Unarmed? Really?" Thurman said, with a frown. "That's new. You make it this far and forget to bring any kind of weapon? You're not a very good assassin are you?"

"I am not an assassin." The polar bear stated, firmly.

"Is this an attempted robbery then?" Thurman said. "Perhaps you wanted to try and kidnap the very rich Dr. Thurman? Still incompetent to come unarmed..."

"I'm not a robber or a kidnapper." The polar bear responded. "I didn't come here to try to hurt you at all."

Thurman let out a low chuckle. "Congratulations. You have managed to arouse my curiosity." He stood up and walked around the table towards the where the bodyguards were still holding the polar bear. "So before I decide what to do with you, how about you go ahead and tell me why exactly you are here?"

This was it, the moment of truth. The polar bear said. "I'm here to ask you... to beg for something..."

Thurman blinked in surprise. "Really?"

The polar bear simply nodded. "Yes."

"So I have something you want." The brown bear said. "And you didn't think about threatening me to try and get it?"

"I'm not an idiot." The polar bear explained. "I've done a lot of research into you. I realized that there is nothing I can do to you or threaten you with that would get me anywhere."

"I don't know anything about you," Thurman said, letting out a short laugh. "But I'd say that's very likely true."

"So it seemed to me," The polar bear continued. "That my best option was not to threaten, but to ask. To find a way to get to talk to you and then throw myself on your mercy and hope you will be kind enough to help me."

"An interesting plan." Thurman said, thoughtfully. "Whatever it is you want, you must want it very badly to go to so much trouble. Which brings us to the key point. What is it exactly that you want?"

"Please..." The polar bear pleaded. "I beg you... give me back my mate, the guy I love..."

Thurman looked slightly taken aback. "I'm not sure what I was expecting. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't that..."

The polar bear continued his pleading. "I'll do anything, anything at all you want... just give me back the fox I love...!"

"He's a fox...?" Thurman said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." The polar bear confirmed. "We were so happy together. But then he started working as your personal assistant, and he changed and we drifted apart and he..."

Thurman went slightly wide-eyed as realization struck and he interrupted. "You're talking about Red..."

A moment's frustration and anger bubbled up in the polar bear before he could fully suppress it. "His name is..." He started to growl.

The brown bear cut him off with a wave of his paw. "I don't care what his name was in his old life. His name is Red now. That's who he is, who he has become."

Thurman dug into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He hit a button and put it to his ear. A second later he the call connected and he said. "Red, get back up here now." He didn't even wait for a response, disconnecting the call and slipping the phone back into his pocket.

He returned his attention to the polar bear and his bodyguards. "Release him, he's not a threat."

The bodyguards let go of the polar bear and stood aside. He took a second to rub the feeling back into his arms.

"Go wait outside." Thurman commanded. The bodyguards nodded and left the room, leaving the two bears alone while they waited for Red to arrive.

Thurman leaned against the edge of the table, looking the polar bear before him up and down. "You're built quite nicely. What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a firefighter." The polar bear replied.

"I see." Said Thurman. "And how exactly did a simple firefighter find out where I'd be eating and how to get to me?"

"Months of surveillance, observing your movements." The polar bear explained. "Getting hold of the plans for this place, bribing an employee to let me take a look around. I even managed to plant a bug. Under the table."

Thurman frowned and crouched down beside the table, glancing underneath. He seemed to spot what he was looking for and reached out, pulling out the bug. He stood up again, turning the small device over in his paws.

"Huh." He said. "Perhaps not a 'simple' firefighter after all. I'm actually impressed." He sighed. "You must really want Red back..."

The polar bear stared at him. "Of course. I love him more than anything and..."

He was interrupted by the door opening and Red slipping into the room, quickly closing it again afterwards.

The fox turned to Thurman. "Master, I..." His voice trailed off when he saw the polar bear, his face a mask of wide-eyed surprise.

"Red, do you know this polar bear?" Thurman demanded.

"Yes, Master." Red nodded.

"And who is he? Answer truthfully." The brown bear commanded.

"He is my mate." Said the fox, looking at the polar bear with big sad eyes. "The one I love more than anything in the world."

Hearing those words come from the fox's muzzle caused an explosion of warmth in the polar bear's chest and a smile to spread across his face. A flood of emotions overwhelmed him as he he fought back tears of happiness.

Thurman blinked at the fox's comment, a momentary look of surprise crossing his face. "I see." He glanced at the polar bear and then back at Red. "This is all very unexpected..."

A sudden look of fear crossed the fox's face. "Please, Master! Don't do anything to him! Please let him..."

"Silence!" Thurman barked. Red's muzzle slammed shut, but the fox continued to stare pleadingly at him. The bear met his gaze and sighed. "Stand to attention and remain silent."

The fox suddenly stood ramrod straight, eyes fixed forward, paws behind his back.

The polar bear stared in disbelief, shocked at Red's complete obedience. He'd known his fox had been brainwashed and enslaved, but seeing it in action was very different from just knowing. It made it much more real.

"He's fine." Thurman said, noticing the polar bear's look. "He's fully aware, just unable to move until I let him." He folding his arms across his chest, glaring at the polar bear. "Now, I just need to figure out what to do about this situation..."

The polar bear dropped to his knees, wanting desperately to do whatever he could to sway Thurman's decision. "Please let him go!" He pleaded. "Let us be together again, we..."

"Stop it." Thurman said, giving the polar bear a withering look. "As much as I like guys grovelling on their knees before me, I'm not in the mood for it right now. You've made your case clear. Get up and be quiet."

Sheepishly getting to his feet, the polar bear stood in silence, watching anxiously as Thurman

slowly paced back and forth in front of him.

"I am impressed with your initiative and planning, and in managing to confront me." The brown bear was saying. "As well as you pleading for what you want rather than resorting to threats or violence. It's rather surprising and refreshing."

Thurman came to a stop. "And although I am often arrogant, ruthless and selfish in my goals and desires, I am not completely heartless. And believe it or not..." He broke off for a moment as his voice started to crack with emotion. He paused and regained his composure before continuing. "Believe it or not, I have been in love. It may have been a long time ago, but I still have an idea of how you're feeling..."

He let out a long sigh. "The fact of the matter is that I would likely seriously consider giving Red back to you. However, there are problems with that which make it impossible..."

When he heard that, the polar bear couldn't stop himself from speaking out. "Please, no! I'll do anything! Just...!

"Do not interrupt me!" Thurman snarled, cutting him off. "Do not let yourself think that just because I am sympathetic to your feelings and situation that I will take any shit from you. So shut your damn muzzle and let me talk."

The polar bear shrank back slightly from this outburst, but stayed silent.

Thurman continued. "Now, as I was explaining, there are difficulties with what you want. Red is very good at his job, very efficient and organized. I have grown rather attached to him. And besides that..."

Thurman paused and then sighed. "Unfortunately, I cannot undo what I did to Red. The brainwashing process he underwent was a lot more powerful than what I normally use on the majority of my employees. It's deeper, more costly and time-consuming, so I reserve it for my closest staff. I like to ensure those closest to me are deeply and irrevocably loyal and enslaved to my will. Essentially, Red's enslavement is now hard-wired into his brain. It cannot be undone."

The polar bear's heart sank as he listened to Thurman.

"At best, I could erase his memory of me." Said Thurman. "However, that would ultimately do no good. The underlying need to serve me would still be there in his sub-conscious eating away at him, and not fulfilling that need would cause him immense unhappiness and drive him crazy."

The polar bear could hardly believe what he was hearing. "There's really nothing you can do?"

"No." Said Thurman. After a brief pause he added. "I'm sorry."

Falling to his knees, the polar bear felt despair wash over him, cold numbness clutching his heart, the hope that had been driving him up to this point crumbling away.

"However, there may be some other way to resolve this situation." Thurman said, thoughtfully.

"What other way?" The polar bear frowned.

"As I see it, there are two options." Said Thurman. "And I think I'll let you decide which you'd prefer..."

The brown bear stared the polar bear in the eye. "Option one." He said. "I can hypnotize you and erase your memories of Red, allowing you to go on with your life without the pain of your loss. You will go back to your life not remembering any of this, or your relationship. At most, you will remember him as a fox you knew once. All your memories of your time with him will be removed or edited to take him out of them..."

The polar bear had heard more than enough and climbed to his feet again. "I'll take option two!"

Thurman frowned at him. "You don't even know what is..."

"I don't care what it is." Said the polar bear. "Any option that involves me losing him, of not having that fox in my life any more, of not even remembering our love... that's not an option. I will never chose that. So option two it is..."

Thurman gave him a wry smile. "Yes, I see what you mean. You really do love him..."

"I told you I did and I meant it." Said the polar bear. "Just answer me this. Does this other option involve us still together in some way?

Thurman nodded. "Actually, yes it does."

"Then I'll do it." The polar bear said, without hesitation. "Whatever the hell it is, I'll do it."

"Let me at least explain it before you agree to it." Thurman chuckled. "Option two is simple. You become my slave as well. Red will still work as my assistant, you as a firefighter... and now that I think about it, I also have a club I think you'd be great for. The two of you will maintain a home together, and will be able to see each other when you're not working. Plus, if either of you serves me particularly well, I may very well arrange for the two of you to get some extra private time together where possible as a reward."

A brief flicker of doubt passed through the polar bear's mind. Allow himself to be brainwashed and enslaved? That was a huge thing to agree to. But he quickly pushed such doubts away. He and his fox would be together again, that was what mattered, what he wanted more than anything and he knew he'd do whatever it took to achieve that.

"I'll do it." The polar bear reiterated. "I'll become your slave to be with him again."

"Excellent!" Said Thurman, grinning broadly. He stepped forward and patted the polar bear on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family! And don't worry, you'll enjoy belonging to me. I'll make sure of that!"

He turned to the fox standing nearby. "Red, you may now move and speak freely."

Suddenly able to move once again, Red's expression shifted to one of extreme joy. "Thank you, Master! Thank you for letting us be together again, I..."

"Yes, yes, whatever." Thurman interrupted him with a wave of his paw. "I'm going to go wait in the limo. You two join me there in ten minutes. We need to get back and get to work. Red, you may tell your mate here anything you like."

"Thank you, Master." Red said, emotion filling his voice.

"Yes, thank you, Dr. Thurman." The polar bear said. "Or rather... thank you, Master."

The brown bear smiled and nodded. "Ten minutes. Don't keep me waiting."

Without another word, Thurman left the room. The polar bear watched him go and then turned back to the fox.

He and Red stared at each other for a few seconds, neither sure what to say, where to start. Those few seconds seemed to drag on for an eternity.

And then they both seemed to realise exactly what to do, rushing towards each other and into each others' embrace. The polar bear felt his heart skip a few beats as he wrapped his arms around his fox, hugging him close, burying his muzzle in the vulpine's neck fur, allowing his nostrils to fill with Red's scent. Being with him again, it felt like a piece of him that had been missing had just slotted back into place. He felt whole again for the first time in a very long time.

They hugged tightly for several seconds, neither of them wanting to let go. But eventually they pulled apart slightly, enough to look each other in the eye, yet keeping their paws wrapped around each other.

Red had tears in his eyes as he spoke. "I'm so sorry... I wanted to tell you everything before now, back when we had that big fight, about Master and me being his slave... But Master ordered me not to talk about it with anyone, and I can't disobey him..."

The polar bear stroked his head fur, soothingly. "It's okay, love. I understand..."

"But I want you to know," Red said, squeezing the bear's arms gently. "Through it all, through everything that's happened... I have never stopped loving you."

Hearing those words filled the bear's chest with indescribable warmth and he couldn't stop himself smiling. "I never stopped loving you either."

The fox in his arms let out a chuckle. "I kind of guessed that, Hon. What with you going to extraordinary lengths to get here and agreeing to become a slave and everything."

"Well, I did always tell you I'd never give up on you." Said the polar bear, running his paws up and down his fox, revelling at having him so close, being able to touch the one he loved again.

"I love you so damned much." Red said, gazing adoringly into the bear's eyes, his voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too." The bear replied, grinning broadly.

And then they kissed, their muzzles meeting, their bodies pressed against each other. Their tongues slipped into each others' mouths, intertwining passionately as their paws massaged each others' bodies and they both murred in delight, melting into the kiss.

And in that moment, the polar bear knew everything was going to be alright...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Everything was going to be alright.

Axe clung to that thought as he wandered through Master Thurman's private apartment, searching for Red. He hadn't been able to stand waiting for the fox to cool off any longer so had decided it was time to apologize.

He had already searched the lower floor and was now padding along the upper balcony, opening doors and checking each room beyond for signs of his fox. Master Thurman had a lot of fantastically well decorated living space, but it made finding someone a laborious chore.

As he searched, he tried desperately to figure out what he was going to say. Apologize first, of course. And then hope he was both cooled off enough and in the mood to talk about the fight. He had managed to formulate an idea of what might have got Red so upset, he just hoped the fox was willing to listen.

He pushed open the next door and found himself looking in on what had to be Master Thurman's bedroom. It was a large room, just as well furnished as every other room he'd seen, with a huge bed, elaborate wardrobes and some expensive looking abstract art on the walls.

And sat on the end of the bed was Red, looking thoroughly dejected, staring down at his feet. At some point he'd removed his tie and suit jacket, both resting on a nearby chair, and he had loosened the collar of his shirt.

The fox looked up as Axe stepped into the room, the fur around his eyes was damp and Axe felt a horrible pang of guilt as he realized he'd been crying.

He opened his mouth to speak, stumbling over the words, not sure how to phrase his apology. But before he could get anything out, Red was on his feet, rushing towards him.

The fox threw his arms around the bear, hugging him tight. Axe returned the hug immediately, his muscular arms engulfing his lover and holding him firmly.

"I'm so sorry." Red mumbled, his muzzled pressed against the polar bear's chest. "I so sorry for getting so upset. I don't know what came over me."

"I'm sorry too, love." Axe said, his voice breaking slightly. "I should have been calmer and more understanding."

"I..." Red tried to say more, but Axe silenced him with a kiss, deep and passionate, pressing his muzzle against his.

He let everything slip away as he lost himself in the pure delight of the kiss, of having the one he loved so close, his taste in his mouth, his scent in his nostrils.

The big polar bear was suddenly overcome with the desire, the all encompassing need to be as close as possible to his fox. Acting almost entirely on instinct, his paws moved to Red's shirt, pulling at the buttons. Axe could tell his fox was feeling the same way when he felt Red's paws moving down, unbuckling his belt.

Working together, they were able to get Red's clothes off in a matter of seconds. By the time they were done, the fox's cock was hard and throbbing, matching the erection that was tenting the front of Axe's briefs. A second later, he had slipped out of the briefs, allowing his erection to stand free.

They pressed against each other, paws wandering up and down each others' bodies, lovingly rubbing and massaging each other. The muzzles remained locked together, tongues exploring each others' mouths. Their equally rock hard cocks rubbed together suggestively. Both fox and polar bear moaned into the kiss.

Before long, they moved to the bed, breaking their kiss and their hold on each other just long enough to throw themselves onto the soft cleans sheets. And then they were kissing once again, hugging and cuddling as they did so, cocks hard and aching for release.

The two of them pulled apart at the same time, staring adoringly into each others' eyes.

"As much as I want to, we can't go any further..." Red said, a hint of sadness to his voice.

"I know, I know." Axe nodded. "We have strict orders from Master..."

Axe let out a sigh as he pulled his fox close, and they cuddled affectionately while he gently stroked his head. He knew they both loved being slaves, being the brainwashed property of Master Thurman, and would not dream of ever disobeying his commands. After all, they had been deeply programmed to feel that way. Neither one of them wanted any other life.

And yet, he had to admit, it had its downsides, such as not being able to physically express their love for each other without Master's permission. But, he supposed, it was a small price to pay to be together, and after all, it was just sex. What mattered was that they loved each other.

"I really am sorry about earlier." Said Red, nuzzling the bear's paw.

"I know, Hon. I am too." Axe said, soothingly. "But it was just a fight." He let out a small chuckle. "It's not even the worst one we've ever had."

The fox nodded his agreement, with a brief smile. He suddenly looked thoughtful. "I really don't know why I reacted the way I did."

Axe gave him a smug grin. "I think I might have an idea..."

"Oh?" Red frowned back at him.

The bear scratched the fox behind the ears. "Yes. You know I sometimes know you better than you know yourself."

"I guess that's true." Red smirked. "So what do you think?"

"It's simple." Axe said. "I think today you saw me with another guy, and that got to you, in spite of the fact that I was doing it to serve Master."

Red was incredulous. "That's ridiculous." He said. "I know what you do to serve Master, that you've been with other guys. I know what you do at the Working Bears club. I always have."

"That's the point." Axe explained. "You've always known. But I'd bet today was the first time you actually saw it for yourself."

The fox thought about it. "Well... Yes, I suppose it was."

"There's a big difference between simply knowing and seeing it in action, love." Axe said. "My guess is that seeing me with that jaguar on Master's hidden cameras made it more real than it was before. And that got under your skin, sparked off a bout of jealousy."

Red lay there for a few moments, mulling it over, as one paw ran up and down the polar bear's torso. "That sounds... plausible I suppose..." He said eventually.

"More than just plausible, my silly fox." Axe said, nuzzling and licking at his lover's neck.

"Well, there's only two guys who understand whatever craziness goes on in my head." Red said. "Since Master isn't here, that leaves you. So I'll trust your judgement on the matter."

"Glad to hear it." Said Axe, before cutting off further conversation with another kiss.

After another few minutes spent with their muzzles locked together in a deep kiss, they finally pulled apart again and lay on the bed, snuggling up against each other.

"I want you to know, Hon." Said Axe, cuddling his fox close. "Whatever happens, whatever I do to serve Master, I love you Red, completely and wholeheartedly. My mind and body may belong to Master, but my heart and soul will always belong to you."

Red looked him in the eye, his face beaming with adoration. "That's my big polar bear. Always the sweet talker."

"I try." Axe smiled back at him

"Oh, you succeed. Admirably." Said Red, giving him a small kiss on the nose. "And I love you too, my big handsome bear. My heart and soul are yours just as much as yours are mine."

"I thought you said I was the sweet talker..." Axe said, with a low chuckle.

"Who do you think I learned it from?" Red laughed.

Axe barked out a laugh and pulled the fox close, kissing him yet again

A few seconds later, they were back to cuddling, wrapped up in each others arms, enjoying being close to each other. Axe could feel his cock, still as hard as granite, pressing against Red and his erection. He felt a deep aching urge for sexual release, and especially for release with his love.

But of course, he wouldn't do anything, not without Master Thurman's permission. His programming just would not allow it. But he could want it, and he did want it. Very badly. And he knew his fox well enough to know that Red wanted it very badly as well.

"I wish I could fuck you right here and now." The big polar bear said. "Show you how much you mean to me with more than words."

"I know, Hon." Red said, stroking Axe on the cheek. "I do too, but we..."

A bleeping sound interrupted him and his ears perked up at the sound. "That's Master's ringtone!"

Axe released his grip on his lover, allowing the fox to leap off the bed and rush over to his suit jacket where it still rested on a chair. Red fumbled in a pocket and pulled out his phone.

He answered it quickly, putting the phone to his ear. "Yes, Master?"

Sitting up on the bed, Axe watched Red talk to Master Thurman, scanning the fox's face for clues as to what was going on. He could only hear one side of the conversation.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Master..." Red looked concerned and Axe wondered what had happened. Something serious?

But then suddenly, the fox cheered up, beaming ecstatically, smiling at Axe. "Thank you so much, Master!" The polar bear supposed it couldn't have been that bad after all.

"Very well, Master, we'll see you then." Red said, almost bouncing with happiness. He ended the call and stood there staring at his phone in his paw.

"What is it?" Axe asked, curious. "What's going on?"

"Well, how about that?" The fox said, tossing the phone aside on to the pile of his clothes. "Sometimes, wishes do come true!"

He turned to face Axe. "Master has been held up, he didn't say why. But he did give us permission to have some fun together and even for us to cum. He'll be back later."

"That's fantastic!" Axe said. He paused, suddenly feeling the need to correct himself. "I mean, not Master being late, it's always fantastic getting to serve Master... But I mean..."

"I know what you mean, Hon." Red said, reassuringly, returning to the bed. He crawled towards Axe, wiggling his hips suggestively.

Axe relaxed, leaning back on his elbows, enjoying the sight of the fox he loved, naked and smiling, crawling towards him, lust in his eyes, hard cock bobbing between his legs, intent on expressing his love in more than just words. His own feelings of lust and excitement were rising rapidly.

"So are you just going to sit there looking at me?" Red purred. "Or are you going to do what you said you wanted to do and fuck me?"

It was very tempting, Axe had to admit, the idea of grabbing this fox he loved so dearly, rolling about with him on the bed, snuggling and grinding against him, burying himself in him. He wanted it so badly, his cock hard and erect, his loins burned for this wondrous fox that was the centre of his whole world.

But he paused, holding back that desire rather than acting on it. Instead, he leaned forward and gave Red a kiss on the nose, one paw lovingly stroking the fox's head fur.

"No." He said. "I'm going to lie here and you are going to fuck me."

Red blinked in surprise. "But... but it's your turn. I got to fuck you last time we got to be together..."

"I know." Axe said, savouring the feeling of the fox's fur under his paw. "But I know how much you like fucking me, so I'm giving up my turn for you. Tonight I want you to know how much I love you and belong to you. Put your sub-conscious at ease."

The fox was still uncertain. "You really don't have to..."

Axe ran his paw down the fox's back. "I know I don't have to. But I want to." He leaned forward and gently kissed the end of Red's muzzle. "So stop your yapping and fuck me, you silly fox."

"You think I'm that easy?" Red said, playfully. "You could ask nicely, you know."

"Make me!" Axe responded, smiling suggestively.

"I'll do more than that!" The fox laughed. "I'm going to make you beg for it!"

Axe would have happily begged for his fox to bury his cock in him right then and there, his need to be with his love was so strong. But he held back, playing along with his mate.

Red slithered back, dragging his paws down the polar bear's chest and stomach, stroking and massaging the thick muscles as he went. Axe lay back on the bed, shuddering at the attention, moaning slightly. It felt so damn good to have his wonderful fox fondling his physique. It always did.

When the fox reached his cock, already hard and dripping slightly, he teased at it, running his fingers gently up and down the shaft's underside. His other paw cupped his balls, rubbing them playfully. Axe resisted the urge to cum then and there as he squirmed on the bed, his paws kneading at the sheets. He let a loud moan escape his muzzle, desire and lust building in him.

The fox laughed at the bear's reaction before leaning in and running his tongue up the length of Axe's thick meat, as his paws slipped along his legs, continuing their fondling and rubbing his muscles.

The sensation of the fox tongue on his cock caused Axe to moan and quiver all the more, sexual heat burning through him as the fox licked his shaft again and again and again. One of Red's paws slipped underneath the polar bear, between his butt cheeks and teased at his hole, one finger running around it, rubbing at it.

The polar bear's moans grew louder and lustier as his paws clawed at the bed sheets, his need for his fox to be in him growing stronger and stronger with every second.

Axe let go of conscious thought, revelling in the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. In his role as a slave, he'd had sex with a lot of guys and always enjoyed it, but those times never even came close to how great it felt when he was with Red or Master Thurman. And he knew that it was always fantastic with his Master because he'd been programmed to feel that way with him

But being with Red was an altogether different story. Any form of sexual activity with him was made all the sweeter and more powerful by the knowledge that he loved this fox with all his heart and that Red loved him just as much in return. Sex with others was fun, but sex with his fox was blissful, a life-affirming expression of their love.

Red pulled back from Axe's throbbing meat and crawled forward once again, nuzzling and licking at his muscular torso as he went.

Axe pulled up his head to look at him, and their eyes met, an understanding of pure love passing between them in their gaze. Warmth blossomed in the polar bear's chest and his desire and lust for this fox grew ever stronger.

When Red's muzzle drew level with his, there was no hesitation whatsoever as they kissed deeply, muzzles and tongues interlocking. Axe wrapped his arms around the fox, rubbing at his back. Red's paws traced suggestively up and down Axe's sides. Axe felt the fox's bushy tail brush expertly up and down his erect cock,

They both lost themselves in the kiss, in the pure unfettered delight of being together with the one they loved more than anything in the world.

Axe wasn't sure how long they held each other in that kiss before they pulled apart. But eventually they did, gazing into each others' eyes, once again exchanging adoring looks.

"Ready to beg now?" Red said.

"Anything for you, love." Axe replied. "I will always beg to be with you!"

"That's my sweet talker!" Red chuckled, and gave him a quick soft kiss on the nose.

The fox sat up, shuffling forward so that he was straddling Axe's chest, his hard cock bobbing in front of Axe's face, its movements almost hypnotic. His tail continued to brush against the polar bear's cock behind him, its every touch eliciting a small shiver from the big bear beneath him.

"Well then?" Red prompted. "Let's hear how good you are at begging for it!"

Axe pulled his gaze away from the fox cock and looked up at Red. "Please, my love, my wonderful fantastic fox, I beg you, bury that magnificent cock of yours in me! Fuck my ass hard and rough, I want and need it so badly!"

Red laughed. "That's good enough for me, love! But I think my cock needs a little lubrication before I stick it in you..."

Understanding immediately, Axe leaned his head forward towards the fox meat bobbing before him. He shot out his tongue, licking at it roughly.

The fox let out a satisfied moan as he shuddered. With the smell of his fox filling his nostrils, Axe kept up his attentions on Red's meat, licking it again several times before enveloping it in his muzzle entirely.

Axe savoured the taste of his fox as he rolled his length of hard rubbery flesh around his mouth, his tongue wrapping around it as he suckled gently. He enjoyed the moan of pleasure he got from Red in response.

The temptation was strong to suck hard until Red reached his climax and milk the fox cock of every drop of cum he could, but Axe fought it back. This was about lubing up the cock with his saliva, not sucking it dry.

He slobbered all over the meat in his mouth, giving it a good coating of saliva, eventually releasing it. As he did, he looked up at Red and smiled at the brief look of disappointment that crossed his face.

"That lubed enough for you, love?" Axe asked.

"I'm sure it'll do." Red chuckled in response.

The fox moved quickly, shuffling back to position himself between Axe's legs. He grabbed under the polar bear's thighs and hoisted them up, lifting the bear's lower half up to gain access to his rear, hefting the big muscular legs over his shoulders.

Axe knew it was the fox's favourite position when he fucked him. He knew how Red liked to be able to look him in the eye while they fucked. It was something they shared.

Without much pause, Red manoeuvred his cock into position and then plunged himself roughly into Axe's tail hole with a savage thrust.

Axe cried out slightly at the initial burst of pain at the intrusion, but as usual it quickly passed as he relaxed his hole, allowing the cock inside, moaning as it slipped in deeper and deeper. He let out a guttural moan of pleasure.

"How's that feel, Hon?" Red asked, on paw rubbing at the bear's stomach.

"Fantastic!" Axe gasped out, between panting moans.

"Only fantastic?" The fox said, with mock disappointment. "Then I'll have to do better!"

A paw grabbed Axe's cock, hard and firm, setting off another burst of warm sexual pleasure. He squirmed a little, but relished the feeling of his fox gently massaging his member, murring loudly.

Red chuckled at the polar bear's reaction, continuing to run his paw up and down Axe's cock. After a few strokes, he also started pulling his own slowly out of the bear's ass. When it was almost out, he slammed it back in as far as it would go.

Axe shuddered and cried out, pawing at the bed sheets even more as he let out a delighted growl, a pulse of pleasure shooting through his muscular frame. He forced himself to look up at Red. Their eyes met, exchanging looks of loving adoration.

An explosion of warmth spread through Axe's chest as he gazed into the eyes of the fox he loved with all his heart, knowing with every fibre of his being that Red loved him back. This wonderful, loving fox that owned his heart, whose very presence in his life filled him with happiness and contentment.

His lustful need for his fox burst from his control and his instincts took over. He wriggled his hips, pressing his rear down on Red's impaling cock, clenching his ass around his lover's member.

Red gasped a little, and took the hint. Keeping his eyes on the big polar bear's face, he started slowly pulling out and then pushing back into Axe's ass, again and again and again, with practised ease.

A deep rumbling expression of happy delight came from Axe's throat as his fox repeatedly pounded into him. His rumbling growl grew louder when he felt Red's paw on his cock tighten it's grip, firmly pumping at it with swift, strong strokes.

Axe lay back, awash with sexual heat, his whole body throbbing with desire for his fantastic fox, loving every second of the fox's thrusts into him, clenching down on his lover's cock each and every time.

The fox built up a good rhythm of pulling out and slamming back in again and and again, simultaneously continuing to stroke the bear's hard cock gently but firmly. The big polar bear writhed beneath him, panting and growling and Red took great pleasure in being the one to do that to him.

The fox and the polar bear both knew each other and their moves so well that it didn't take long for them to get into a seamless rhythm together, each others movements complimenting the other, Red's thrusting into the bear timed expertly with Axe's pushing down against him and clenching against the penetrating cock.

They lost themselves in a haze of lust and desire, revelling in the unadulterated pleasure of being joined together. It wasn't just the fox's cock slamming into the polar bear's ass again and again and again. It was the knowledge both of them had that they were with the one they loved more than anything in the whole world. That thought, that ever-burning spark of love, drove them both as they pushed and wriggled against each other.

They were both silent except for the most guttural and basic of sounds, expressing themselves purely with pants and growls and moans that erupted from both Red and Axe with every thrust and clench and spasm of ecstasy.

The pair were so lost in their love making, they lost all track of time, neither knowing or caring how long they had been at it, only that they didn't want it to end, that they wanted to prolong the inevitable climactic release as long as possible.

With the constant relentless grinding against each other, with their paws caressing each others' increasingly sweaty bodies, it was only just a matter of time until they reached their climax. They resisted as long as they could, their throbbing cocks aching, wanting to stay in this state of loving sexual pleasure for every possible second that they could.

But the end was inevitable, both Red and Axe could feel it building, despite trying to stop it and control it. Both of their tiring bodies were yearning eagerly for the burst of orgasm, the final release.

"I'm close, love..." Red panted between heavy breaths.

"Me too..." Axe rumbled back at him, shooting his fox a smile.

The fox smiled back at him and gripped the polar bear's cock firmly, resuming his pumping of it as Axe moaned more and more.

It was only a few more thrusts before Red couldn't hold back any longer. With one final energetic slam into the bear's clenching ass, the fox hit his orgasm, his rock hard cock exploding inside Axe's innards, blasting its hot creamy load deep inside the muscular bear. He threw back his head, howling in delight.

But despite the wave of sexual ecstasy washing through his shuddering body, Red maintained his grip on Axe's thick meat, wanting the bear he loved to cum and share in the delight of orgasm.

And it was only a few seconds later that Axe reached the point of release, the feeling of his lover's hot juices filling his insides causing him to let go and allow the climatic orgasm to hit him. He arched his back against the bed beneath him and let out a tremendous roar as the head of his cock erupted, spewing his white milky cum, sending it splattering across his stomach.

The two of them shuddered and spasmed against each other, Red's paw milking the bear's cock of its seed and Axe's clenching ass milking the fox's cock of his, both letting the rush of sexual pleasure ripple through their bodies, savouring and enjoying the sensation.

All too soon, it was over, the orgasmic feelings fading away, both the fox and the polar bear slumping where they were. Their fur was matted with sweat and they were both panting from exhaustion. Axe's stomach and Red's paw were sticky with bear cum

But they didn't care, they just stared at each other with dopey grins on their muzzles, the warm afterglow of their coupling settling over them.

"So how was that?" Red asked, once he got his breath back.

Axe thought about it for a second. "More wonderful that words could possibly ever fully describe."

The fox chuckled and raised a silent eyebrow.

"What?" Said Axe. "Too cheesy?"

"Perhaps just a tad." Red said, stroking the polar bears legs. "But a good kind of cheesy."

As Axe giggled at his comment, Red gently slid his spent softening cock out of the bear's ass. He crawled up the muscular polar bear, laying on top of him, ignoring the squelching as he pressed against the cum-splattered abs.

Axe wrapped his big arms around the fox and hugged him tight, nuzzling lovingly at him. Red simply nuzzled him back, too tired to do much else.

They rested there in each others' embrace for a while, regaining their strength, enjoying the quiet moments of simply being together. Both felt a lot better now, their passionate lovemaking serving to wash away any lingering doubts or bad feelings from their earlier fight.

Eventually, Red felt he should break the silence. "We should probably take a shower, make sure we're cleaned up for when Master gets here."

"Yes, but in a few minutes." Axe said with a nod, stroking his lover's head fur. "I'm not done cuddling you just yet."

Red giggled and planted a quick kiss on Axe's muzzle. "If we waited until you were done cuddling me, we'd lie here all night!"

"True." Axe agreed. He let out a long deep breath. "I'm just so happy we got things straightened out and that fight is behind is..."

"This one is behind us now." Said Red. "But what happens next time we have a big fight?

Axe frowned up at him. "You think there will be a next time?"

"Of course there will be, Hon!" Red said. "Couples fight and have disagreements sometimes. We fight sometimes, and sometimes it's pretty bad. So...?"

The big polar bear thought about it, idly stroking his fox's head and back. "I have faith that we love each other enough to get through anything life may throw at us. One way or another."

Red smiled at him, his eyes full of emotion. "And that, my bear, is why I love you, so damn much..."

"I love you too, my fox." Said Axe, his voice overflowing with the warm loving emotion that coursed through him at his lover's words.

And as there was simply nothing more that needed to be said, the two of them kissed once again, muzzles locking together as both fox and polar bear both knew in their hearts that they loved each other completely and that come what may, that would never change...

The End.