a tale of dragons part 5

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#5 of A tale of dragons

The story is now shifting towards a more Brian-based story, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about all the other characters.

A tale of dragons: part 5

Brian awoke curled around a gently purring object. He snuggled up to it, before opening his eyes and seeing a large quantity of small red scales.

He sat bolt upright. Miralage gave a sleepy little squeal of displeasure, before sitting down on her haunches and cocking her head up at him in that oh-so-cute way she had of doing that.

"What are you doing here?" He asked incredulously.

Well, I came to find you, obviously. She said.

"How?" He asked.

I followed your thought-trail. She said simply.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

Miralage didn't answer him. She leaned back and stretched her neck down behind her, bringing out something that was hidden from his view.

She dropped a plant in front of her, looking up at him and smiling evilly, suddenly looking a hundred times cuter.

"Oh no..." Brian groaned, recognising the plant. It was the dragonsbane.

Either you do it to me, or I'll hold you down and do it to you. She said matter-of-factly, still smiling at him cutely.

"Do what?" He asked, hoping that she only meant kissing. She was too young to know how to mate, wasn't she?

What you were imagining when you mated that woman. She said. I could read your thoughts while you did it. So I know how to do it, so hurry up and make up your mind, I'm getting impatient. As she said this, she began to fidget slightly, as if she had an itch that she really needed to sooth, but was forcing herself not to scratch.

Brian could tell she was telling the truth, but he wasn't about to mate with her, she was too young, no matter how much he wanted her, and he wasn't going to be raped by a horny dragonet either.

He leapt to his feet, and began sprinting back towards the camp.

Miralage sniffed the plant. One quick sniff, and then she picked it up in her mouth and bounded after him.

She caught him after only fifty metres; leaping into the air and curling herself into a ball, slamming directly into his back, knocking him clean off his feet. She rolled for a few metres, uncurled, digging her feet into the ground, sliding for a few more metres, and then leapt atop him, pinning him with that same strange strength she exhibited the day before.

She laid the plant down on his chest, kissing him furiously. She broke the kiss for a second, and stared down at the plant, before leaning in and taking a deep, long sniff of it. She looked back at him, a ferocious hunger in her eyes.

She kissed him again, a single claw tossing the plant aside carelessly. Her licks began to work their slow way down his body, her claws removing any obstacles between her and her goal.

Brian watched as his shirt was systematically shredded. He could only stare as her tongue made its slow way downwards, her body turning slowly, her tail lifting slightly to show him the hot, moist lips of her little sex.

He let his lust for her take over, and grabbed her hips, pulling them towards him, positioning her so that she was standing over him with her back legs on either side of his head. Her tail lifted invitingly, and he took the offer, reaching up and flicking his tongue across her soft lips, making her gasp in pleasure and push back at him, moaning as he continued to lick her gently.

He paused for a second as her licks reached the hem of his pants, his tongue pressed gently against her pussy, not moving, just touching gently, enjoying the feel of her against his tongue, the taste of her in his mouth, and the way her juices started to run down his chin. He felt a sharp tingle along the length of his erection as it was exposed to the air, and then a warmth as Miralage engulfed his cock with her mouth, taking the whole thing easily.

Brian gasped and licked at her harder as her tongue started to work on him, twining around his cock between gentle sucks.

He couldn't believe he was doing this, she was young, very young, and here he was having sordid sex with her, but it felt so right that he couldn't bring himself to stop.

He began to move his tongue faster, feeling her juices start to run out of her, spilling across his face and neck, coating him in her sweet-smelling essence.

Miralage's tongue began moving so fast around his cock that he was surprised that her whole head wasn't moving with the motions.

He held her hips in his hands, and dove his face into her, pressing his tongue as deep as it would go, slipping between her silky lips as he felt her start to orgasm.

Miralage pressed back against him sharply, her juices flowing out of her like a river as she reached her climax, crying out her pleasure for all the world to hear as she came across his face.

Brian could feel the juices plashing the ground beside him, but he didn't care, he was too lost to pleasuring the vision of absolute beauty above him.

Miralage's licks slowed, losing their intensity as her orgasm released its grip on her, leaving her feeling tired and sleepy.

She gave a long yawn and looked ready to go to sleep, but she could feel Brian's cock pressing insistently against her.

She turned around, leaning down and giving a quick lick from the base of his shaft to the head to ensure hardness, before straddling him and beginning to lick her juices off his neck.

Brian pulled her head up to his face, kissing her passionately, as he felt her start to rock against him, the head of his cock almost slipping between her lips.

He rolled her over, kissing her again, and thrusting gently, making love to her with just the very tip of his cock, loving the feel of her tight little pussy tightening around his cock.

Miralage moaned and nipped at his neck, somehow turning Brian on much more than any foreplay could.

He thrust into her hard, smiling as she cooed with satisfaction. He stayed there for a second, letting her get used to the sensation, and savouring it himself.

Miralage soon grew impatient, and began to move against him, kissing him happily as her juices spilled from around his cock.

Brian rolled her over again, letting her get on top.

Miralage smiled down at him and drew herself up, until the head of his cock was only just touching her hot little pussy. She then slid down the slick length, her juices spilling onto his thighs.

Miralage did it again, a bit faster, letting her lust take over.

She drew herself up for a second, and then hopped off him, leaving his slick length standing straight up in the air.

Brian was scared that he had hurt her, but she just leapt up onto a tree stump, lifting her tail, the scaled under her tail slick with her juices as she threw him and inviting look over her shoulder.

He leapt up behind her, thrusting into her, growing close to his own orgasm. He kissed the back of her neck, and she turned towards him, kissing him furiously.

Brian started to thrust harder and harder, healing Miralage squeal with each movement inside her. He could feel it getting closer, and he thrust up into her hard...

* * *

...Brian opened his eyes, awaking for real this time.

Oh god. Even my dreams aren't safe. He thought to himself.

A mantra began to echo in his head over and over, like a skipping cd. I'minlovewithadragonI'minlovewithadragonI'minlovewithadragonI'minlovewithadragon

Brian looked around, and realised that it had snowed in the night. He was lying on his back, but something felt wrong. The ground was too far away. He clambered to his feet.

Clambered being the right word to use, as he found himself now on all fours.

He looked down at his huge hands, or rather, his paws. They were blue scaled, with long, sharp claws where his fingers should be.

He could also feel muscles moving that he never knew he had. He opened his wings, catching one on a tree and roaring with pain, almost deafening himself.

Brian fled, as if he could run away from his new body. Scales were torn off as he ran, and trees were uprooted. He could feel the wind caressing his muzzle, and he ran faster, trying to sort out what was going on, his new body making him so much faster. He didn't have much time for thought, because he found a cliff very soon after starting running. He fell off it, flapping wildly, not knowing how to fly. He hit the ground with monumental force, kicking up a shower of dirt and debris, the world going black.

* * *

Brian opened his eyes for what felt like the third time that day. He looked down at his hands, his very real human hands. That was when he noticed that he wasn't in the forest any more.

He was lying in Miralage's room. Miralage herself was standing near the doorway, staring at him in concern.

She walked over to him, and nuzzled his neck. He felt the now-familiar rush of emotions. His breathing picked up, and his heart seemed to be trying to escape his chest.

He stood up, and ran out without saying a word.

Miralage stared after him, wondering what had gotten into him.

* * *

Brian was barely a few metres from the door when he ran smack bang into the woman he had trained with.

"Nice to see you." She said coldly.

"What?" Brian asked, wondering what he could have done to make her mad.

"Oh, you don't even remember me. Without me, you'd be a block of ice by now. I was the one who carried you back to the camp, you could at least say thank you." She said angrily.

"You--carried--me?" He asked, looking at her. She was very thin.

She snorted in rage, and began to change in front of him.

Brian stared with an open mouth as she morphed into a towering, twelve metre tall yellow dragon.

She lashed out with a paw, lifting him into the air and holding him in front of her enormous nose, looking down it at him.

"Fuck me." Brian whispered.

"Been there, done that." The dragon said.

"You were a dragon all along?!" He yelled. "Why didn't you tell me?" He roared.

"It didn't really matter to you did it?" She roared back, giving Brian a very strong ringing in his ears.

She drew her free paw back, her long claws unsheathing and glinting in the sunlight.

Stop it! Miralage yelled, running out and stepping in front of the dragon, staring up at her impetuously.

Hmph. The dragon said, in a tone that suggested that the little red dragonet was of no importance.

"I'll see you later." The dragon said, in a dangerously low growl, before opening her wings and leaping into the air, flying off to the east.

Wait. Miralage cried out as Brian turned around and began to walk away.

Brian stopped, and turned back towards her slowly.

Why are you leaving? She asked plaintively.

"You really don't want to know." Brian said, turning away again.

Is it about that plant? If it was, then I'm sorry, that wasn't me. She said, sitting down on her haunches and cocking her head as she stared at his back.

"I think that's half the problem." Brian shot over his shoulder, walking away, leaving Miralage completely confused.