Fall from grace, Episode 3

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#3 of Fall From Grace

Fall from grace.

Episode 3.

Written by Wolfie Steel.

With the shopping trip over the three of us head back to Rick's place, obviously we knew that it was going to be a tight squeeze, but the plan would be that we set up a bed in the spare bedroom for Christopher to use until he has his day in court, where things lead after that is anyone's guess.

Once the young pup is settled Rick, Christopher and I head into the study where I will get as many details about the attack and the pups life as I can, all with a view to showing the establishment that I was still a force to be reckoned with.

I finish writing the last of what Chris has to say on my notepad, I then sit and read through everything to make sure that I hadn't missed any details because I knew that one piece of information missed would mean the difference between me winning the case for Chris and me losing, the latter notion not sitting well in my mind.

"So Christopher, the way I read this it clearly shows that you acted in self-defence and unless you get a blind jury you should come out of this and be able to hold your head up high. Now I want you to read each of the pages that I have written closely and if you are happy with each of them I want you to sign your name at the bottom of each one, but I warn you now, when we go to court you cannot add anything to or take anything away from what is contained within these pages"

The young Corgi nods his head and begins to read through what I have written, and halfway through the first page it is clear to me that Chris is even now reliving the attack in his mind, tears are welling up in his eyes and yes I know that they could be 'Crocodile tears' but in my mind I know that everything on the pages of the notepad is true.

By the time Christopher has finished reading and signing all of the pages his tears are free flowing, I look to Rick and nod gently, a secret sign from me for Rick to lead Chris back to his bedroom to get some much-needed rest.

"Okay Chris, come on, I will take you up to your room, reading everything that Wick has written has clearly taken it out of you, so you need to rest"

The Corgi just sniffs and shakily nods his head as he stands from his seat and follows Rick out of the room. With them both out of the room I sit back in my chair and gently rub my temples with my right hand paw.

Five minutes later and Rick comes back into the room, he sits in the chair opposite me and fixes me with a serious stare.

"What are the odds of the assholes being put away for what they have done Wick?"

I give Rick an even harder stare.

"If I have anything to do with it, they will be going down for at least ten years, but you and I both know that in some cases the system don't work like that, but I am a determined Husky and one badass lawyer to boot"

I close the notepad and place it in a lockable box the keys to which are only held by Rick and myself, I wanted to make sure that no one was going to be able to get at the notepad and make any changes without either myself or Rick knowing about it.

"Well Wick, I think that we both need something to eat and drink after the day that we have had, I will also make Chris a plate of sandwiches just in case he is hungry when he wakes up"

I just nod gently and Rick leaves the room, my Husky pride begins to stir as I watch Rick's tightly packed jean clad ass. I could so go for him right now but I hold myself back, it is something that I am having to do because I really don't want to be caught balls deep in Rick's butt by Chris, not only would it be unprofessional but it would also have the added effect of corrupting a minor, it would set our case back so far, hell Chris might even run out of the house and into further trouble.

I decide to head into the kitchen so that I can help Rick prepare the sandwiches and stuff, I can see that as he is working he is deep in thought.

"Penny for them Rick"

Rick's head spins to face me.


Oh yeah, there is some deep thought going on in there.

"Penny for them... I mean your thoughts hon"

Rick puts down the knife that he is using to slice the sandwiches.

"Wick, what will happen to Chris once all of this is over?"

I give his question a bit of thought before I make my reply.

"Well as you know Rick the outcome can go one of two ways, if Chris is found guilty then he will do time at a juvenile centre until he is old enough to go to prison, where he will probably spend the rest of what would most likely be a five-year sentence, if he is found not guilty then obviously we come out on top as does Chris, our involvement with him comes to an end and he will be free to go"

Rick looks down at his booted foot paws.

"That is the part that I am unhappy about, I mean think about it Wick, Chris got into this mess because he has no home to go to and no one to watch over and guide him"

I gently stroke Rick's right arm.

"Don't worry sweets, if Chris is found not guilty, the court will not turn him back out onto the streets; they will have to put him into foster care"

What Rick asks next is something that didn't faze me as I was kind of thinking the same thing myself.

"Wick, if Chris is found not guilty, do you think that the courts would have any problem with releasing him into our care?"

I consider the question carefully.

"Obviously it wouldn't be ideal as the courts could see us as some kind of sexual predators, because our relationship would have to be made clear which could then bring up the argument of corrupting a minor again, but there would be a way around that by allowing the courts to keep a constant check on Chris' well-being, we would also need to ask how Chris feels with being cared for by two gay guys"

Rick wraps Chris's sandwiches in some foil and places them in the refrigerator, we then head into the sitting room with our own snacks and drinks. When we are seated Rick continues.

"Well Wick, either way you and I need to have THE chat with Chris, I know that us being gay is need to know but Chris needs to know, and so when he is rested I think it would be best for the three of us to sit down together and put everything before him, though he is a smart pup I reckon that he will have already kind of worked things about us out on his own"

I cannot deny that, yes Chris is just fifteen years old, but he has been brought up in the age of the internet and I have no doubt that before he was kicked out of his home he had at some point come across homosexuality.

With our snacks finished and the plates and cups cleared away both Rick and I turn in for the night, I use the couch while Rick heads to his room. As I begin to drift off to sleep I think about everything that has been said between Rick and me since Chris had gone to bed, and I know that it all points to one thing, Rick wants us both to be in a full on relationship, to be brutally honest, I would welcome that idea with open arms, and if Chris is okay with things then we could become a family unit.

The following morning I am woken by the feeling that someone is watching me; I slowly lift my head from my pillow and look towards the sitting room doorway, it seems that my wits are as razor sharp as ever as I see Chris standing in the doorway looking at me.

"Hey Chris, Rick left some wrapped up sandwiches in the fridge for you"

Chris silently nods his head and then heads to the kitchen, a few moments later he is standing back in the doorway with his sandwiches, and I can tell that he has something on his mind. I sit up properly and give Chris room to sit on the couch.

"Okay Chris, you look like you have something on your mind bud, so what is it?"

Chris takes a bite from his sandwich and then speaks.

"Mr Jackson, something has been biting at me since I met both you and Mr Strand, you are both guys who work together from Mr Strand's home, you never went back to your home last night, and I have seen the odd look between you and Mr Strand, is there something going on that I should know about?"

There is a soft chuckle from the doorway; we both look up to see Rick standing just inside the doorway.

"Well Wick, you and I both said it last night that we needed to bring Chris up to speed, it just seems that THE talk is going to happen a little sooner than planned"

Rick parks his shapely butt in his armchair and begins to plan out what he is going to say. After a few moments, he begins to speak.

"Christopher, I will be willing to bet that you have heard a great many things about homosexuality?"

The young Corgi just giggles at the posh way that Rick has just broached the subject of being gay.

"Mr Strand, I am fifteen years old, close to sixteen and not a five-year-old pup, I know all about gay guys, hell I am gay myself, but obviously as yet I can't say that in polite conversation, I just wanted to get things about you and Mr Jackson clear in my head"

This revelation had the effect of flooring both myself and Rick, but moments later I managed to get some semblance of control back.

"Well Chris, I guess that makes the next question a little easier for me to ask"

I build up my loins ready to ask the question only to have Chris beat me to it.

"Oh for the love of god guys, to use the immortal words of Lloyd Grossman, The clues are there when you go through the keyhole, the question that you guys are trying to ask is, do I have a problem with you both being gay, the answer is no I don't, you have both agreed to take on my case and I feel that I have the best guys for the job, so relax will you, after all, if I'm found guilty how you two choose to live your lives will be the least of my worries"

And right there, in what Chris has just said it brings Rick and I back to earth with a bang.

"Chris while I have breath in my body I will fight for you and if there is any justice in this world we will win, in fact, I am so confident in my chances that there is another question that Rick and I would like to ask you"

This time Chris looks shocked as he has absolutely no idea what is coming next. Rick looks at me with a serious and worried look but he then takes up from where I left off.

"What Wick is saying is that IF we win and yes I did say IF, then the courts will have to place you in foster care as you are still too young to look out for yourself, so what would you say to Wick and I becoming your foster carers?"

Chris's tail begins to beat out a tempo against the sofa as a huge smile spreads across his muzzle.