"in san francisco, it was one of the best gay bars around, then when it was destroyed it was rebuilt as more or less an orgy pit. i was a bouncer to both versions of the club for a while." "didn't partake in any of the services?" keith asked smartly.
Denny The Raichu In, Vacation Time With Pikachu and Meowth II (And Strange Transformations)
Denny The Raichu In, Vacation Time With Pikachu and Meowth II (And Strange Transformations) Sitting on Brock's towel, I was sure my anus was leaking some, as I sat scared to move. I looked under my anus, and sure enough, there was a spot of red on...
Monster's Dawn
"not... erm... not gay." if keith's dragon ears were exposed, they would have perked up with interest; a challenge.
**"Bandits"** The sun was beating down hard at this early-afternoon hour. Even after the catastrophe that occurred years before, the Nevada desert hadn't changed much, if nothing more than growing more arid, it at times had a heat that could...
08. In the Master's Service
**"In the Master's Service"** The sound of his feet tapping loudly on the slick stone flooring of the cave, Grik skidded around the corners of the labyrinthian tunnel, he knew it like the back of his claw, the small, reptilian kobold had spent his...
Everybody Knows
Any man, especially a gay one, could apprecite a good body, and wes was no different. the sight of that cock had his heart racing. rakes chuckled beside the vice principal. "he likes it."
A New Suit, Part 04
Chapter 10 The phone rang twice before someone picked up. "Orr Programming," the man said. "Which one is this?" "Hi Damian, it's Donny." "Hello Donald, are you and Daniel busy this Friday evening?" "Let me check." The rest was...
Models of Influence
I guess these guys are trying for some spark in the bedroom, particularly on the gay market. most of it's pretty innocuous. but some of the shots can get pretty risque from what i was told and the guys aren't... really very comfortable with it." he said.
The Dragon's Eye
**"The Dragon's Eye"** A whistling, screaming noise could be heard from overhead as a brilliant orb of fire illuminated the night sky. Men screamed like women and dove out of the way as it struck, causing a massive fiery explosion that curled up into...
Community Spirits
**"Community Spirits"** "I'm sensing..." Lightning flashed around the group of four men as one of them had laid a hand upon the skull of a long-dead human. They couldn't tell what the corpse had been in life, but using Marshall's abilities, they...
16. Boared
**"Boared"** The sun tore through the window of the inn, waking Suel sharply from his sleep. He hissed a bit and turned onto his side to face away from it as he curled the pillow over his head in hopes of blocking it out. Surprisingly he received a...
28. When Warriors Cum Together
**"When Warriors Cum Together"** Guin's hands slid up Don Puma's naked torso, making the feline gasp and moan softly as the rugged skin on the leopard's hands ran along his fur, immediately he began to sport an erection as he leaned back the thick,...