Dog Days

Story by Profesor Lambert on SoFurry

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More hypno stuff, yeah! I really like it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. Maybe I'll do a second part later

There was nothing worth at Ryan's hometown. It was one of those places frozen in time, with barely any visible changes. The old Blockbuster closed somewhere between March and April; a new supermarket opened after Summer ended. Beyond that, it was the same city. The same streets. The same people. Ryan was happy when he received his acceptance letter, for that meant he was going to left that forsaken place and enjoy the cliché so-called university life. There was, though, something that he really missed. Yeah, life without his family and friends was sometimes lonely, but now and then he found himself craving for someone else. For dumb that it sounds, it was his neighbor. He wasn't a good friend. Heck, they barely share any word since he moved to the street with his wife, when Ryan was 15-years-old. Gilbert Wallace was the grumpy neighbor no one in the block cares about. But Ryan did. Because the huge boar became his first and biggest crush since he met him, dressed with nothing but short pants and tight shirt, fur sweat-soaked, and the musk flooding his nose.

Who knows how many times he jerked off with that image. By that age the young german shepherd was more than sure about his sexuality, and developed a special taste for males around his forties. Mr. Wallace was one in a kind; he worked shirtless on his backyard, roamed around his house only on boxers. His wife worked outside the city, so no surprise why the lack of shame. And Ryan had the perfect view spot from his bedroom window, of course he would ended up obsessed with the stud.

Five years later and none of that had changed. Ryan was hidden behind the curtains, looking at the boar seated on the living room, beer in hand and watching god-knows-what on the T.V. He had the shirt open, and was showing off his brown fur, with spots of white here and there. Ears fully erect, like his cock under the pants, listening closely in case mom rushed into his room. The skinny dog wouldn't mind being down there, giving head or bent over for him. Well, those were some old fantasies. Good fap material, but nothing compared for what he had planned for that summer. The mere thought was enough for him to pull down his pants and jacked off without worrying about the risks. After all, he also became more shameless in the last two years. His dick was so hard it hurts, and the tip already dripped pre. It was just a matter of time. For now, that was enough. He had, of course, a perfect excuse.

Four days later he went to Mr. Wallace's house. It was a living hell outside, hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk. Another good reason for why he left the city. Dogs and heat were an awful combination. Ryan was already panting, not even safe under the portico, and he hated that even more than fleas. Unless it was for sex, he prefered to have his tongue not hanging out like that. Plus, dark fur is an absolute overkill in that kind of weather.

He knocked at the door a couple of times and wait. Hopefully the boar would appear on his usual attire. He glanced at the rocking chair; by the look of it, it was nothing but an ornament. Same goes for the swing, with some rust on the chains. The prior owners used both a lot, specially during winter while their grandchildren were playing outside. But the Wallace's never show any interest on it. In fact, it was kinda weird for them to bought a house so big just for a couple with no children. The two-story colonial house -- in perfect shape, he had to give that to Mr. Wallace -- wasn't anything special; usual white paint, four sets of windows at both side of the door, and a straight sidewalk dividing the wet grass.

Moments later the door opened, and a huge, muscled boar stood in front. Well, not shameless enough, for the look of his green shirt and jeans. That explained why it took him so long to open.

"Yeah?" he asked with a severe voice.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Wallace. I'm Ryan, your neighbor," he didn't wanted it to sound like a question, but wasn't that sure about the memory of the old boar.

"Yes, I know you. So you're back for the summer, eh? Your parents seem very proud of you for going at that fancy school."

"Is not that fancy. Most of the students are pot-heads."

"And you aren't?" he smirked, with his shoulder resting against the door frame.

Ryan smoked weed, yes. It was one of those things he wanted to prove about the university, and it got stuck on him. Not enough to become an addict, of course, but he had his small stack hidden in his backpack.

"Don't worry, I won't tell mommy and daddy. It's not like if I didn't had a bong when I was your age," he mocked, almost reading his mind. But that was a good sign, something he can use on his advantage.

"It's hard to imagine someone like you using drugs."

"I had a lot of fun back then and earned my right to be a grumpy old boar telling kids to don't be like me. What do you want, anyway?"

"Oh!" Ryan faked surprise. "I hear you were working on a new coverage about the brain drain from small towns and how that impacts the local economy."

"It's not my best work, just a project to kill some time. What about it?"

"I thought I could help you, if you agree," the german shepherd said that like the well-behaved kid that just want to help everyone in the block.

The boar didn't answer immediately. He licked his tusks and glanced doubtfully at his neighbor. But at the end he snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I could use another interview. Come in."

He followed the boar to the big, cozy living room, with a chimney that hasn't been used in years and a huge 40 inches smart TV recessed to the wall.. A set of two white couches and one armchair of modern style were around the chimney, looking almost new and far from being comfortable.He sat on the sofa. Yes, not even close to be comfortable. And by the look Mr. Wallace had minutes later after taking his spot at the armchair, it was clear that the furniture was chosen by his wife prioritizing more in style than comfort.

The boar handled him a beer -- cold as fuck, perfect to fight the hell outside -- and made question after question about the life of a student outside his hometown. Ryan didn't hesitate. From how amazing the campus was to all the job offers they had for the graduates. Whether is the boar felt impressed or not he didn't showed, having his green eyes dancing between the dog and his notebook. In the center table, over a bunch of magazines, was his digital tape recorder, with numbers moving forward. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. That was quite unexpected for him, speak in one afternoon more than what he spoke with the boar in five years.

"I'm not surprised for you being that happy," he suddenly said. His pencil scratched the notebook for two more seconds before he stop. "But here, being a shitty city," he remarked the words Ryan used minutes prior, "is the best thing it has."

"What do you mean?" genuinely intrigued, the dog leaned forward. That seemed to take his interlocutor by surprise, as the boar didn't respond immediately.

"Well I spent my entire life in the city. Some people get tired of that. I decided to move here because of that same reason. Nothing like waking up without the constant honk of impatient drivers."

"That... actually makes sense," and it was his sign to start. "I miss that sometimes."

"You do? I thought you were happy to leave."

"I was. I am. But of course, now and then you want some space for yourself. There's a park, 40 minutes away from the campus, that I like to visit."

"Tell me about it," and he went back to his notebook.

"It's pretty quiet, and kinda reminds me how it is to live here. No honks, no scream, just clean air and the sounds of the wind swinging the trees. I had the bad habit to study there. There's a spot where no one goes so it's completely quiet, just like here. I sit against a tree and study. Focused, just like you are now in your notes. I like to speak loudly; hearing my voice makes me feel relaxed and focused. Every word get stuck in my head that way. So I listen closely to everything I said. And between the warmness of the summer, the soft wind caressing my body and how quiet is everything, I forgot about any worry I had. I said it's a bad habit 'cause I tend to stop studying and just relax. Breathe in... and out. It feels so good to be there. It's like being here, at home. It makes me feel secure. Happy. It's a beautiful place that no even you would want to leave. It's so perfect that just by thinking about being there makes you feel relaxed. The kind of place that you might call a paradise. So I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep, feeling happy, relaxed and secure. Being in a place when nothing and no one can harm you. No one can judge you. No one can blame you. There's no one there but yourself. It's a perfect place to be."

He smiled in delight after seeing the old boar completely asleep. Well, no asleep, but in trance. It's easy when they don't know what's going on. Focused on his notes as he was, Gilbert didn't had another choice but to listen to him. The shepherd leaned forward. Gilbert was barely holding the pen. His chest grew under the shirt with every deep breath. Ryan was happy to see him like that, fully under his spell. He moved forward, resting a hand under his knee and making his way up. The boar didn't respond.

"That's much better," he said, getting up off the sofa. "How do you feel, Mr. Wallace? Relaxed, I suppose."

"Yes," he whispered, loud enough for Ryan to hear it.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" the boar nodded. "You enjoy to be like this, so happy and relaxed under my control, feeling safe just by listening to my voice. This is a safe place and you don't want to leave it. Say it."

"I don't want to leave," he said with a lifeless voice.

"Good boy. Now," he made a small pause, standing by Gilbert's side, "it's my turn to make the questions. Remember, you can't lie to me. Only the truth, no matter how bad it could be. After all, you're in a safe place. Got it?" the boar nodded. "Good. Now, why don't you tell me about your sexual life? How long it has been since the last time you had sex?"

Gilbert babbled.

"No, no, don't worry. I told you that no one can hurt you here. This is your safe place. Your haven. Now, answer my question," Ryan kept speaking with a soft tone, although he left clear that the one on charge was him. It took him a couple of seconds for the boar to give an answer.

"Three years," again, a shy whisper.

"Three years? That explain a couple of things. Is your wife treating you badly? That's such a shame, especially for a stud like yourself. I'm pretty sure you miss the touch of a soft hand over your chest. Am I right?"

"Yes..." he hesitated before answering. Not a good sign.

" What if you could feel that again? Would that make you feel more relaxed?" Gilbert nodded a couple of times. "Then I would give you than," Ryan stood behind him. His hands rested over the boar' shoulders. "Don't worry about who caress you. Just enjoy it. It's something you haven't feel in a long time. And it makes you feel wonderful," the young canine opened the shirt on his way to his chest. For someone of his age, the boar kept himself in great shape. Ryan felt the chest solid as rock, and the fur was softer than his. For someone so grumpy, he had some vanity. "It makes you feel sexy. Desired. You start to feel the heat building up in your chest. A warm, funny feeling. And it makes you feel great. Secure. Happy. The one giving you this feeling is you, no one else but you, sitting in your living room, exploring your body and finding new weak and sensitive points. Maybe in your neck. What about your nipples?" Ryan found and pressed his nipples across the fur. An almost quiet moan came out from the boar's mouth. "Yeah. This is a good spot. Whenever you want to feel like this again, just play with your nipples. The stronger you press, the more pleasure you'll feel."

He kept doing it for a couple of minutes, enjoying the moans and the way Gilbert trembled in the armchair. Satisfied, Ryan moved his hand down, going across the fur, giving a small pet to the firm belly, and finally reaching the crotch. He did all of this slowly as he spoke.

"Once the heat became almost unbearable, you will move it somewhere else. Remember, the one touching is you and no one else. Just give yourself up to the pleasure, and move your hand down to your crotch, focusing all the heat and desire and pleasure in your cock--"

Jackpot! When Ryan finally felt the bulge, he gasped, almost losing his own concentration. A quiet fuck escaped through his lips. That thing was huge! And he just needed to grasp the bulge to know that. Seven? Eight inches? Fuck. And it was thick, too. Males of his age rarely had something that big -- little detail that they made up for by being beasts at bed. How he was supposed to keep his hormones under control now? His cock was already begging to be free.

"Ah... focus, focus the heat right here. Yeah, it's more intense now," it was. Gilbert moaned louder with his cock being rubbed by an experienced and horny dog. And the bulge throbbed on his hand. Ryan was getting anxious. His tail wagged in a desperate way. "It feels good, right? And you love that. You love to feel like this. But just feeling it isn't enough. You need something to turn on that flame. So I want you to go some years back into your life. Back to college. Remember those nights of smoking weed and listening the music and voices of your generation. You had a friend, right? Your nearest and dearest friend. The one with whom you shared your bong. The one you could trust anything, knowing he would never betray you. He was the one that always was there for you. Think in one of those nights you smoke with him and keep that flame alive. When I snap my fingers you'll be back in the bedrooms, young again, and in your eyes I'll be your best friend. And when you feel ready, you will fall in the realization that a sudden attraction for me has born. You will explore something different, and I will be more than happy to help you. Because we are friends. Say it."

"We are friends," Gilbert repeated with a lifeless voice.

"Good boy."

Ryan sat back and put his paws over the table. It was finally time to see and enjoy his new puppet. He took off his shirt, ready to give a great first impression. And he snapped his fingers.

Gilbert looked puzzled. He stood, painted, and stared at Ryan. The shepherd was afraid that it didn't work and was ready to run like hell away from the angry boar. But his neighbor ended up falling back, making the armchair creak under his weight.

"Shit... that kicked like a mule, man," he said with the high-pitched voice he had before cigarettes ruined it. Ryan was amazed and gave the same look to his puppet. "I'm telling you... I almost reached the Nirvana..."

"Really? I didn't feel it that way," he followed the game. It wasn't that hard to know what to say. It didn't had to make sense, anyways. "Maybe I didn't had enough. Too bad you smoked the rest of it."

"Sorry. I really need it. Fucking test, man. I'm telling you, if I don't pass it, it's over for me. Dad is coming to take me back to the fucking farm. Pulling potatoes from the ground the rest of my fucking life."

"Maybe your dad can use some of the good ol' weed, like you:"

"Fuck it, my dad needs the good ol' pussy," and he laughed hysterically. "I'm telling you, me and my brother discovered that. When he was happy, it was after spending the night with a hooker. So... yeah, pussy makes you happy."

"Fucking in general makes you happy. I could use that, too. My girl isn't giving me attention enough down there," Ryan moved his hand down to the crotch. Gilbert stared at him for a moment.

"Lauren? But you said she's a slut!"

"Oh! Well, looks like she changed. I don't know, man. I just know that my cock is going to explode if I keep jerking off like this. And weed isn't helping me."

"Yeah... same."

The boar found himself looking at his best friend. More specifically at his bare chest. And at the way he was touching his cock under the pants. Ryan recognized the desire hidden in those eyes. The poor beast was completely under his spell. So he continued the teasing, even when his cock hurt inside the pants. In a discrete manner, Gilbert rubbed his bulge. He started to breathe more heavily.

"Y-yeah... I... I know how you feel, man. And I don't... well, she has to be stupid to say no to someone like you," he rushed to said that before looking away, blushing.

"And what exactly was that?" Ryan enjoyed the view of a huge stud acting like that. It was just adorable. Before he turned back, Ryan finally freed his cock, 6 inches of rock hard meat dripping pre. "Maybe I'm not big enough for her."

"What the fuck, man?!" Gilbert barely glanced at him.

"What? She's a slut, right? So maybe this isn't good enough. Maybe she craves for something bigger and thicker."

Gilbert was taking quick peeks at him. His hands rest over the crotch, hiding the throbbing cock and the small stain on his pants.

"I-I don't know why you say... it looks big."

"You think so? C'mon, take a good look at it. Don't act like if you don't have one."

"It's not that, dumbass! It's just... embarrassing."

"I'm pretty sure we had done worse things together."

Gilbert mumbled something and slowly turned to look at his "friend". The tip of his tongue showed between the lips for an instant after seeing the huge rod Ryan was holding from the base.

"Yours is surely bigger," Ryan said. He waged his cock a little and some drips of pre fell to the floor.

"Nah... I don't think so..." he looked insecure at the ground, scratching the floor with his paw.

"Let me see it," the boar jumped from the sudden request. "Don't worry. We are friends. Very high, very horny friends. But friends. You can trust me. I wouldn't betray you."

Those words were enough to tame the beast. Gilbert begun to unzip his pants, and seconds after his cock sprung free. 8 inches, almost three fingers of thickness, and a head covered in pre. Ryan almost jumped over him -- the claws nailed to the sofa were a proof of that.

"Fuck..." he didn't try to hide his astonished expression.


"That thing is HUGE! No kidding. I haven't seen something that big..."

"You think so...?" he started to said with a shy smile. "Wait! You have seen others?"

But Ryan didn't answered. He was drooling. Literally drooling.

"I wouldn't mind if Lauren cheated on me with you. I would do the same. Can't think someone saying no to THAT."

"Stop it, idiot!" if the fur could change color, Gilbert's fur would be completely red. The boar shrugged. It was shameful to hear his "best friend" saying that. Shameful. And hot.

"You think I can... touch it? It's ok, we are friends."

We are friends. Hearing that turned him into a shameless boar once again. He nodded, and the dog moved forward. Kneeled, he took the fat rod and pressed. Gilbert moaned, and Ryan started to jerking him off.

The young dog was speechless. After years of fantasies he finally had his neighbor's cock for himself. It was hot, and every throb brought out more pre. His hand was already covered in that sweet juice. He pumped faster. He wanted to reach that point. The desire was building up in the boar's mind. It was just a matter of time for him to give up.

The musk was the best part of it. The salty smell had his nose filled to the brim. Strong, but not enough to be uncomfortable to breath. It just made his wish to taste it even bigger. But just seeing the boar moaning and squirming like that was enough. Hell, even without asking him to do it he was already playing with his nipples and thrusting his hips.

It was better to end it quickly. Make it look like something completely casual. Leave the boar craving for more. Ryan didn't stop even when he begged it for, with his hands clinged to the chair. He wanted to see him explode, to give it the biggest orgasm in his life, and leave it wanting more. And when the boar finally reached that point, furiously blowing steam, he started to cum all over his chest. Thick, white seed flew as he moaned in delight, stretching his entire body. Ryan only saw loads that big after a week without cumming and hours of edging. He sat on the floor and both painted. The living room reeked with sweat and cum. And before he opened his eyes, Ryan gave a quick lick to his hand. The pre was delicious, salty and strong as he liked it. If he could clean it from his belly! But that would be later. For now, that was enough.

"Shit..." he tried to say between panting. "What the... what the fuck... that was intense..."

"I know, right...? That was fucking great," Ryan swore. "Now go back to sleep," and with a snap of his fingers, Gilbert went back to trance.

"Now, that was perfect. You know it was. But after that night none of you talked about it and it never repeated. Of course you wanted more. You started to saw your best friend with other eyes. Desire. Lust. You wanted something else, but was too afraid to ask it. That was the only thing you never trusted him. And that desire stayed asleep until now. We didn't speak today, you just fall asleep here. Once you wake up, what we just did will look like a dream for you, but it will also bring back the strange feeling you had for your best friend. And when you want to feel like this, sexy, attractive, desired, think about him and what you did that night," he said all of this while tinkering with the digital recording, erasing everything they said, and after cleaning the cum from his belly. "You can't be with him, and you know it. He has his life and he's happy with it. You can't mess with that. But you can look from your bedroom to the neighbor's house at night. The young german shepherd that lives there, don't know why, but it looks like your best friend. And he will wake up the same feelings you have for him. It's ok, he will be your friend, too."