maturation by: pent ghelsburg disclaimer: the characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. they are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators.
Age of Maturity
A different stallion, with a bolder scent that spoke of maturity and confidence. a stallion that made my heart thud like a hammer against my chest. i loved my brothers, but we were all still young _--_ even lothar.
Mature Guys (HH)
See some more mature guys do it?" i chuckled. "mature guys?" i told him, giving him a look, "and 'doing it', huh? really?" i nudged him with an elbow. victor winked, and licked his lips.
Loriavva: A Dragoness Matures
The guests who ignored the now-mature dragoness' wish not to get presents all brought her books, received by her smiling mother and father.
Marquis' Mild Maturing
~neptune ================= marquis' mild maturing a work of fiction by neptune ================= percival's paws shook as he sipped his morning coffee.
Primrose Valley: Maturity
Primrose valley: maturity by calextheneko arzure sat on the swings at the old, abandoned playground on the other side of the river. although, given the existence of the forest faerie he supposed it wasn't really abandoned.
Chapter 3 - Views of Maturity
Ray had found a rather small, sleazy hotel that was somewhat affordable. He didn't really have any money, but doing odd jobs around the place that gained him his room each night. That had been going on for about two weeks now. The lab he was...
The White Rose Matures - 2023
The white rose matures dexter underestimated the impact that power rangers had in miles' life. it must've been the toy he got him when he was an infant. no, it definitely was the power ranger toy, the action figure.
Stubborn Love
#2 of pokemon mature content "your chances are low,no more you can't go,it's forrbidden,you want to go,you need to go,it's locked,begin your new life." a voice rang through the mind of a pokemon named ginger the espeon.
**FATEFUL DECISION** _ **A/N: It's been so long since I submitted a piece of erotic fiction that I thought I couldn't any longer but this came to me a month ago and only now was I able to finish it. It's slash and graphic. You have been warned....
**CUDDLE** _ **A/N: This came to me this morning and I just had to put it down. It's deliberately short and sexy. Everyone needs someone to cuddle and love them even our curmudgeon of a Commander. Hope you enjoy it.** _ Chapter 1: Arriving in...
**CHANCE ENCOUNTER** Chapter 1: The Attack The attack had been perfectly executed and they had been sitting ducks. A nauseous looking green gas poured into the room and was so quick acting that no one was able to do more than leap from their chairs...