Shifting Observation - F to Werewolf TF

Story by Eldoc on SoFurry

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My first story.

I know, it's bad, but hey! At least there is room for improvements!

"Are the restraints really necessary?"

The nurse was tightening the belts on the ankles of the young woman that was lying on the medical


"They are, Miss" with a last tug she seemed satisfied with the results.

"But what about the collar?" the girl tried to look down her body but she couldn't move her head far

enough "I will strangle myself with this thing!"

"Nothing to worry about, it is set to open once the critical mass is reached. They all are. You are not

our first patient. You'll be alright"

The girl sighed and let her head fall back on the bed.

"You could have at least let me keep the robe" she protested as she looked up at the ceiling.

The steel ceiling of the "Observation Room 2/b" was polished enough to give a faint reflection of

what was happening.

A stranger would have seen a young woman in her late 20s, bound to a medical bed, naked. Her

wrists and ankles were secured to the edges of the bed by sturdy leather belts. Another belt was

wrapped around her neck and held her head down.

She saw herself, her slender body glistening and body hair standing up, and a knot formed in her

throat. She was anxious and embarrassed, and closed her eyes for a moment, preparing for the next


A voice crackled for the intercom and snapped her from her train of thought. At the same time

several red lights started to blink, the telltale sign of the cameras being turned on.

"I am sorry about that Miss, but we need to be able to record everything with no obstructions. We

have learned from past experience that the best results are obtained with naked patients"

"It's OK professor Leary" her voice cracked for a second "It's just...I've never done this in front of

anyone...I don't..."

"I understand, but I have to ask you to hold those thoughts for a second. Mrs. Jones, you can go


The nurse gave a last look at the restrained girl and with a quick "Yes Professor" left the room from

a sliding metal door that closed behind her.

"Now, I would like to go over what will happen with you again"

The girl knew the procedure far too well. She had a whole week to read the papers since she signed

the contract, but the voice of the professor had an almost strange calming effect. He was not the best

in this field for nothing.

"I will start the recording in a few minutes, both audio and video, and I will stop it once the process

is complete. First I will ask you a few questions and read some of the information from your file.

Once we start, I want you to describe what you are feeling as much as you can, for as long as you

can. Do not leave out anything, even if it seems stupid. Can you do that?"

"Yes" the girl said, a determined look in her eyes "I can do it. I'll do it" she murmured the last few

words to herself, rather than to the professor.

"Great, thank you. Now, if the clock is correct, we are right on schedule. Remember that the

restraints will open once you reach enough mass. Once the process is complete we will open the

door to your right, to the woods outside the compound. You can go outside if you want, and we will

send a recovery team in the morning. Are you ready to begin?"

She clenched her fists "Yes"

"OK. Recording starts in 3...

This is it


There's no going back now


Let's do it!

"This is professor Alex Leary, and it is currently June 21st 2018, 8.24 PM Eastern Time. We are

beginning the observation of the metamorphosis of patient A0012, Mary Waters, female, age 27,

class 1 lycanthrope. The patient volunteered for this observation. Is that correct?"

"Y-Yes professor"

"Ms. Waters' height is 1,68 meters and her body weight is 59,6 kilograms. She has brown hair and

hazel eyes. This data will be compared with that obtained after the process. Ms. Waters, I will now

ask you a few question. I usually start with some standard ones and then move on to more personal

matters, both physical and psychological. I would like you to answer to all of them, but if you want

to skip some I will understand"

The girl nodded.

"How did you contract your condition?"

"I was infected" she replied "Four years ago, during the Spring Incident"

"Were you bitten?"

"No. But I was in the park when...that...happened. I tried to run away but I passed out from shock.

At least that's what the doctors said. When the paramedics found me I was covered in blood, and I

guess I swallowed some of it" Mary turned her eyes away from the ceiling and sighed.

Even though she came to accept what happened to her, the memories were still painfully vivid in

her mind.

"When did you realize you became a lycanthrope?"

"I instantly knew I had been turned. There was no way I wasn't infected. But I had the confirmation

when I first changed, one week later"

"How was it? The first metamorphosis?"

The girl licked her lips as she recalled that night "Well, I knew something was wrong with my body,

so before dark I locked myself up in my basement. The change itself was..." Gruesome?

Frightening? Monstrous? "...intense"

"How so?"

"It's just...your body, your brain, is not made to feel such things. Limbs stretching, stuff growing

and such. So it's filled with sensations you can't understand and...I'm kinda embarrassed to say overwhelms you" she gave a significative look to one of the cameras "In several ways"

"Does the metamorphosis usually happens at a fixed time or is it more of a random event?"

"Well, I usually shift between 9 PM and 10 PM during the three days of full moon, but the exact

time varies. I think it has something to do with my mood and my mental state. I can sense it coming

a few minutes before the actual changes though. That way I have some time to get...comfortable"

"Thank you. We might come back on this subject later. Now I would like to know how your

condition has affected you and your body when you are in human form"

"Mentally, not so much thankfully. I have rare cravings for raw meat and some canine instinct

outbursts" she gave a small chuckle "The urge to pee on the furniture to mark your territory is more

annoying than dangerous. As for my body..." she pointed downwards with one finger " can see

some of the changes by yourself. Hairs. Hairs everywhere. Mostly behind the neck and on my belly.

Sometimes I am tempted to give up shaving as after a couple of days they have already grown back.

My boyfriend likes them though. He says they make me look wilder" she said with a faint smile.

"Beside that, my muscles are more toned, and my metabolism is faster. I basically became a top

athlete without having to do anything"

"Very well, thank you. About that, we would like to run some more tests in the morning. What can

you tell us about your wolf form? What does it looks like?"

"I guess we will find out later. I mean, I never recorded myself transforming, and nobody has ever

watched, so I have only vague glimpses and impressions. Moreover, once I shift back, i hardly

remember anything"

"I understand, but every detail can be helpful. We have so very little information from the patients'


She sighed.

"OK. Well, let's see..." Mary closed her eyes and concentrated "...I am black. I mean, I have black

fur, and I think it's kinda long. I might have some sort of a mane" she frowned "I am quadruped and

I have a tail. I am certain of that as the limbs change before my mind simplifies. And I am big,

really big. I saw the claw markings I make and the way I tear my clothes when I shift. I am a very

big wolf" a grin formed on her face "That is one of the few things I remember after the change. The

rest are just flashing images, like in a dream, but I remember sensations. I am strong, confident, but

not aggressive, or evil. I am quite curious and I usually wander around a lot if I am outside during

the full moon. A couple of times I had to call a friend to come and get me as I woke up several miles

from where I shifted"

"Good, very good. You said your mind "simplifies". What do you mean by that? How is that related

with the metamorphosis? Can you tell us about the process?"

Mary blushed.


"Yes Ms. Waters?"

"These records are private right? They will not be released to the public?"

"Absolutely not. We have a very strict policy about that, and everything we record is used only for

research purposes. Why do you ask? Do you want to skip this question?"

"NO! I mean...I'd like to tell some things that are...quite personal..." she bit her lip "I never told

them to anyone, but I think they can be used to do...what you do"

"I appreciate that Ms. Waters. You have my word that none of this will ever leave this compound"

"OK, thank you Professor" she squirmed on the bed, as much as the restraints allowed her "Where

do I begin?"

"Just say what you have on mind, do not worry about it"

"Well...I said that the shift happens on a full moon, but it's not the moon itself that triggers it. I tried

to hide from it sometimes but I still change. It's period...even if I don't have that anymore.

It just has to happen and it does. I usually change under the moon now if I can. It feels more natural

that way. I know it doesn't make any sense, but I feel that this is the right way to do it" she said

clenching her fists.

"As for the transformation itself, I have come to the point where I have accepted what I am" she

closed her eyes for a moment "In fact, I started to like when it happens"

"What do you mean by "like"?"

Mary's face got redder as she tugged at the restraints "I mean that I like it. I find it almost enjoyable.

I often find myself thinking about it, and wait expectantly for the full moon even weeks in advance.

I'm happy when I feel my bones crack and I'm sad when I wake up in the morning. That's what I

mean by like" she let out a big sigh "This is something I've never told anyone. I don't want them to

think I'm some kind of freak"

"You are not a freak, Ms. Waters. I have interviewed patients who said exactly the same thing"

"I know, it's's so intense...sometimes I wish everyone could see it the way I do" she closed

her eyes "I know it's painful, and frightening, and several other bad things. But feeling your body can't fight it. Your thoughts slips can give up everything and become

something else for a while"

"Thank you for sharing this with us Ms. Waters"

She shrugged, but her voice trembled "It's something I've always wanted to say. I like being a

werewolf. It doesn't sound this bad"

Mary took a deep breath "Anyway, I like to think to the transformation as two separate phases. The

first phase, I call it "the shift". This is the longest part of the two, and it can take up to one hour.

During this part my mind is basically intact, with just a few more wolfish thoughts. My whole body

changes during the shift, but remains the same size, more or less. I get the whole package: paws,

tail, muzzle, fangs and some fur. The process completely random and uneven. I can get my left hand

transformed first and then, for the right, I have to wait until the end. I've also noticed that if I lay on

my back and relax, the transformation is smoother. The head is always the last to change though, I

don't know why, so thanks to that I should be able to speak through all of it. Change bursts are

common. I can feel the pressure building up for a while and then BOOM. Stuff snaps into place in a

second. Most of this process is quite painful, but over time I got used to it. As I said, I kinda like it"

She gave and excited smile "The second part is the good one. I call it "the hulking". I can't

remember much of that as it's when my mind changes. After a few seconds I basically black out and

wake up in the morning. It feels good though. I still have my mind but gradually more and more

things start to lose importance. I don't forget things, they just don't matter anymore. Words,

responsibilities, bad memories...I don't care about those things, I just want" her smile grew

wider "However, what I can remember is enough. I'll try to describe it now as later my mouth will

be fully changed. I said that I am a big wolf, and the hulking is where I put on that mass. It starts

with pulses all over my body. I remember the veins throbbing as my muscles contract. My breath

speeds up, my heart beats madly and a searing heat rushes over me. Then I explode. And it feels

good! Muscles ripple all over my body and fill me with power. My fur fully blooms, It's such a

rush! This is usually where I lose it and fully give in into the transformation"

Mary's smile stayed on her face for a few moments before she got serious once again "That's all I

have to say for now. I might be able to add something else as I go through it"

"Very well. You gave us a lot of information to work with, and it seems we still have time. I have

some more questions for you"

The professor cleared his throat "How did your condition affect your sexuality? You mentioned you

do not have a menstrual cycle anymore. Any other changes you are willing to talk about?"

Mary blushed again, her eyes open wide as she stared at a camera "WOW!" she squirmed on the

bed, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"OK, no harm in telling you this, I guess" she took a few deep breaths to steady herself "I go into


Not a word was heard in the room for a while.

She finally broke the silence "Heat...I don't really know how to call it, but I think heat is

appropriate" she took another deep breath "It's not something I can predict, like my period. Sure, it

happens on a full moon, but it's random. Sometimes it happens for three months, sometimes just

once a year. Luckily I can feel it coming a couple of days before the full moon, so I can


"This is very interesting. It is the first time I hear of something like that. Can you tell us more about


"Well, it starts a few days earlier, as I said. I can feel my body becoming more sensitive, like I have

some sort of a fever. I get aroused very easily, and usually I have" she looked around

nervously "Well, I masturbate. Sometimes I am so horny I have to do it even a dozen times a day. If

my boyfriend or someone else is around I have this urge to have sex, and I can become those days. And it gets worse on the days of the full moon. I basically lose my

mind. I get these urges, and it's almost impossible to resist. Most of the time I think about sex, and

when I don't, I want to transform so bad it's almost terrifying. I often lock myself up in the basement

for the whole three days. Once I start transforming it's...I don't think there is a word for that. I

basically explode into a wolf. The shift is super fast and it's such a rush" with a smile, she looked to

the camera "It's a sight to see. When I am transformed I become restless. I wrecked a lot of furniture

before I found some kind of solution" she gave a shrug "A big dildo mounted on the wall. I am sure

I play with it a lot, even if I don't remember it" she gave a small chuckle.

"Ms. Waters, this is a very interesting development. Tomorrow I would like to discuss the matter of

a future observation during this kind of experience"

She smiled "I don't know, Professor. I talked about it just because I thought it might be of some

help" she blushed "I don't think I'm ready to show that side of me"

"I understand. We will discuss it tomorrow. In the meantime, if you do not mind, I have more


"Sure, go ahead Professor, I...I...ah!"

Mary's eyes opened wide as she gasped. Somewhere, deep inside her, she felt a tug. She could feel

something sliding out from the darkness and crawling to the surface.

Professor Leary was speaking but she wasn't listening. Something far more important required her


"Professor..." she panted. A sensation was slowly filling her insides, and she tried to warn her

observer. But her voice cracked.


The professor kept talking.

"PROFESSOR!" she screamed.

He stopped.

She was close.

"It's coming! The change!" she clenched her fists and gave a sharp tug to the restraints.

This is it!

She could feel it.

"Here we go!"

And as she did countless times before, she welcomed it.


Her whole body contracted. The restraints squeaked, but held.

"Ah! This is usually how it starts. Contractions" she panted "My body is resisting even if I don't

want to"

She grunted in pain and tugged violently at the restraints as her muscles spasm. Beads of sweat

were beginning to form all over her.

"I'm so hot. It feels like I'm working out really hard. ARGH! I can feel my muscles ripple. Aaaaah!"

she let out a big gasp as she fell back on the bed, panting.

"Whew, Looks like the first wave is gone"

A familiar sensation began to grow inside her. Like a caress below her skin. It wandered around and

she savored it with a smile as it moved on a very precise area of her body.

"My tail is coming out" she declared "I can feel it shifting inside. Mmmh..." a small nub began to

form at the very bottom of her spine.

"It's nice and slow, good. Ah! M-my lower spine is separating" the nub began to push downwards,

between her buttocks. With a faint wet sound and small pops the new appendix steadily grew. The

new vertebrae tensed the flesh before being covered in tendons and slim muscles.

"It's a bit uncomfortable. Sliding between me and the bed. Not so painful. I can't move it yet.

C'mon! Grow!"

But the small tube of twitching bone and muscle was not in a hurry, and kept going at its own pace,

snapping a few times with a squeak from Mary. Like a pink snake, it slithered from under her for a

few inches, then a foot, then two. While lengthening, the protruding bones began to be covered in

muscle and flesh, giving it a smoother appearance.

"Almost done now. I can feel it. Can feel the bed" with a final pop, the tail stopped "Mmh. Let's

move it a bit"

She had a lot of experience, but always loved to slowly test her freshly changed parts. The fleshy

tube rose towards the ceiling and in between her legs, then it moved back on the bed, where it began

to move from side to side.

"Working as intended" she chuckled "It's a wolf's tail, so it's a bit stiff. I like how it slides on this

fake leather. Oh! A little secret. I actually hated the tail the first times. I kept hurting it when I

shifted as I trashed around a lot"

She let her tail wag some more on the bed, until she felt something different going on.

"Oh! Oh no!" she frowned "It's a burst. Fuck! I don't like those" she began to pant again "It's in the

left foot too! Fuck, NO!" her breathing sped up "I love when feet and hands shift, but not like this!

Oh God! It's filling up! You can't see it, I know. Gah!"

Her foot showed no sign of an incoming change, with the exception of little twitches of the toes.

She, however, continued to protest and pant.

"OK. Fuck! OK. Feels...feels like my foot is being AH! Being inflated and compressed at the same

time. So fast. It hurts. I can't..."

The veins on her foot began to throb and stand up as it started to shake.


She screamed as her foot jerked violently. Her toes painfully snapped, the bones stretched and then,

as sudden as it started, the change was over.

"Fuck!" she panted "That was fast!"

Where once was the slender foot of a young woman, stood a bestial paw. Her big toe spurted a

black claw but remained fairly small and receded back towards the ankle. The ankle itself was

bigger and was locked in a digitigrade position. Her other toes, tripled in size, were positioned on

top of a long foot, each one tipped with a wicked claw. On the bottom of each toe and of the paw

rough, dark, fleshy pads, glistening with sweat, were slowly pulsating. Small tufts of black fur

could be seen all over the limb.

"Aaah, it's still throbbing" she sighed as she tried to wiggle and curl her big toes "It feels OK

though. And it seems I got a bit hairier. Look at my tail"

Her previously naked tail was now covered in black fur, and it started to wag as she brushed it

against her thighs.

"I hope this was the first and last burst for tonight. At least you saw how they work. I really want to

talk about the changes. I've never done that, and it feels good. A bit weird, but good"

Mary relaxed for a few moments, taking in deep breaths as she waited for the next change.

A sudden crack made her chest jerk forward.

"Gah! It's my back. A shame you can't see it. Oh!" she writhed on the bed trying to get more

comfortable "Ah, I wish I wasn't tied up. This is going to be uncomfortable"

Another crack was heard and her left arm snapped around.

"AH! See? This is what I was talking about. My shoulder blades are growing and moving. I can feel

them slide around. Gh! And my arm is about to go wolf"

With that words her shoulder ballooned out and rotated painfully, as her arm was tugged in a weird


"Damn! Well, it's not so unbearable I guess...and there goes the other!" another series of cracks and

pops accompanied the rotation of her other shoulder "Mmmh! My back

muscles...contracting...should be over soon..." her upper body was quivering as her muscle fibers

were changing and contracting, making her body temperature rise again.

"The spine is at it too. Growing and tight! Ah!"

Loud pops were heard as she squirmed. Her vertebrae slowly protruded outwards as her torso

lengthened, stretching the flesh as her muscles pulsated. The whole process picked up speed until it

reached the highest point, where she started to sprout thick black hairs on her back and her


"Ah! Aaaaah! Doooone..." she finally relaxed "As you can see, digitigrade features. Shoulder blades

are bigger and more flared, as well as my shoulders. I think you can see some of the bones

protruding from my side. I am taller too, though it won't matter later. And I got some more fur, nice!

I like my fur. It's soft and thick. I really love to stroke it when...ooooh! OH! No break huh? OK!

Boobs changing now..."

With almost no time for her to recover, her nipples stood up and beads of sweat trickled down her


Mary panted as her bosom started to contract and bounce with each breath she took. She moaned as

it shrunk down "This actually feels good, like a massage. Mmmmh! Less is more for canines,


She threw her head back as her breasts were completely absorbed by her chest and little nubs started

to push out on her belly.

"Teats! I always like when they grow. Aaah! So sensitive. I like to massage them. It helps with the

pain. Oooh!"

She kept panting while new nipples formed and stiffened, dripping with perspiration. She worked

her abs and chest muscles as much as she could, trying to stimulate her growing features.

Mary exhaled loudly and tensed her muscles as they ended their growth, stopping the convulsed

waves of pleasure that were reaching her brain.

"Whoah...goood..." she whispered with ragged breaths " of the best parts..."

Mary closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the alien and yet familiar feelings of her distorted


As she laid there, her mind almost floating around, she felt a distant twitch, almost like a pinch,

coming from the lower part of her right leg. As she slowly opened her eyes her still human foot

started to heat up, and she smiled.

"Here we go. This time no bursts. My right foot is the next to change" she curled her toes, feeling

the transformation getting closer and closer "I'll try to keep it steady, so you can enjoy the

show...not much longer now..." she blushed "I guess I have a bit of a foot fetish...or maybe a paw

fetish? Maybe...oh! No time! It's starting!"

She moaned and splayed her toes as her foot started to shake. Slowly, with cracking sounds, her

toenails shifted. They pushed out and thickened, the keratin sinking in the flesh to connect with the

underlying bone. They kept growing out and around, becoming pointed and discoloring to a deep

black. The flesh was moved away as the bony claws made their way onto the digits, curling and

becoming disproportionate to the rest of the foot.

"Mmmmh, the claws are always the first part. Now it should...AH! Yes! The ankle goes next, GH!"

Her ankle snapped and bones pushed out, tensing the flesh.

"It's it should rotaaAH! AH!" she gasped as her foot was forced downwards. The

bones in her ankle moved under the flesh and the tendons snapped and stretched as the joint locked

into place. Her heel started to inflate as well, with the bones cracking and pushing out, in

preparation for the next change.

"Now stretch!" she cried as her sole started to pulsate rhythmically "Go! Stretch! Aaaah! AAAH!"

Her foot jerked, and with wet sounds and cracks gained an inch in length. Then two. Three. Veins

stood up and muscles spasm as the arch grew longer and flatter with small cries from Mary.

Meanwhile her big toe snapped backwards and started to move in the opposite direction. It shrunk

as it rose towards the ankle.

"I...Ah! Like to...hold feet...and toe...when...s-stretches...if I still have...hands...feels funny..."

The foot kept popping and moving around as it gained several inches in length. It finally stopped

and Mary gave a big sigh of relief.

"Heh...not done yet..." she said panting "Now for the best!"

The foot tensed as she tried to keep her remaining toes splayed as much as she could. Mary gasped

as the joints snapped around and inflated. The tendons shifted, pulling the toes to impossible angles

as the bones stretched more and more. Her toes lengthened and bunched up, becoming fatter and

tougher, to match the big claws.

"I...aaaah! Love the toe change...I like to...mmmmh! Press them on the ground...feel them slide as

they change... dirt pushed around as pads...AH! Here they come! Swelling pads!"

She moaned again as the bottom of her mutated foot pulsated furiously and slowly inflated. Her toes

curled as they too sprouted a set of pads. The flesh pushed out and darkened, becoming rough and


"Aaaah! Some hair coming..."

Black fur sprouted around on her new paw, covering the trembling flesh and pulsing veins.

"'s done...was a good change..." she panted "As you might have noticed, this is one of

my favorite parts of the change. Look! Now I have proper paws"

She chuckled, wiggling her puffy toes "Big claws, paw pads and shoes needed for the


"Now, usually when both feet are changed the legs shift too" she frowned "But not tonight it

seems...I don't feel thAH!"

Mary jerked on the bed "No...not! My chest! It's going to burst! Oh no, oh no..."

She frantically looked around and tugged at the restraints "This is AH! Not good...not good at big...going to hurt...a lot..."

She began to pant and shake as little tears started to form in her eyes. She was definitely scared


Small cracks emanated from her ribcage, the ribs slightly rising upwards.

"Fuck...please hard. AH! No, noooOH! AH! AH! FUCK! It's going! Please no!

Pleasepleasepleaaaah! FUUUUCK!AAH! AAAAAAAAH! AAAARGH!" she let out an earpiercing

scream as she violently jerked her chest up. A loud crunch accompanied the explosion of

her ribcage. Ribs pushed out her chest and snapped into a more barreled shape. Mary screamed

again as her collarbones grew bigger. Tears flowed from her eyes as her muscles bulged, covering

the mass of writhing bone and flesh, and the fur sprouted all over her chest. Her abs pulled tight,

contorting into a more canine waist and her organs squelched around, shifting and growing. Her

heart painfully expanded and her breathing stopped as her lungs inflated.

All of this took but a few seconds, but to Mary, it seemed like hours. She lay on the bed, softly


"As much as I like it..." she whispered "As much a I like it" she continued with a louder but shaky

voice "There are always parts that remind me of what is happening"

She sniffed and tried to shake the tears from her eyes "That was bad. Really bad. I think vagina changed too...I can feel it pulsate still, but the fur is covering it...that

usually feels really good"

She sighed "As you can see, I now mostly have the body of a wolf. Let's see what's left...hands,

arms, legs and the face of course...then it will be hulking time!" she gave a little smile "And the legs

are transforming now..."

Mary felt her hips, thighs and lower legs heat up "Mmmmh! My butt is turning to use

for butts in a's it should affect the joints AH! Here!"

As her glutes stopped hardening with muscle, her hips snapped. She gasped as they rotated into her

cracking pelvis, pulling her legs into angles more suitable for a quadrupedal position. She kept

moaning as the rest of the bones started to change. Her femurs shortened and her thighs rippled with

muscles. Her knees popped and mutated, while her lower legs contracted and got covered in strong

tendons. The legs shortened and the belts on her ankles bit at her flesh, but a thick black pelt

quickly covered her lower body and shielded her from the restraints.

"Full wolf legs! Nice! Oooh! No rest now! Now it's the arms!"

The same sensations she felt on her legs moved to her arms as they too started to shake. Muscles

pulsated and inflated as the bones shortened, matching her already changed shoulders. The fur grew

in but stopped at her wrists for the moment.

"AH! Another favorite...hands shifting...mmmh...if they change soon, I like to push them

against...OH! Body...feel them push and change...throbbing...AH! Here goes...tendons! GH!"

Veins popped up on her hands as they tightened. Her fingers snapped as the joints swelled. Her

thumbs painfully cracked and jerked up, shortening and receding into her wrists. And like her toes,

the other fingers puffed up and gained meat as they curled up towards her palm.

"Claws now...OH!"

Her fingernails jutted out, sharpening and hardening, as her fingers made some final adjustments

with small pops. Then her palms started stretching, this time faster as her bones ground and tugged

at her flesh.

"Getting pads! So good! AH!"

Again, her flesh ballooned out, giving her a set of durable paw pads.

"There we go...nice front paws..." she clenched her new paws experimentally "Everything's here.

Dewclaws, comes the fur! Nice!"

She moved her transformed body on the bed, testing all her new parts "Not much longer now...just

the neck and the head....GAAAAH!"

She screamed as her head snapped violently backwards "Woah! No warning...that was my

neck...connecting to the back of my head...AH! Now it's swelling...AAH!" Tendons and veins

popped in her neck. The muscles stretched as it lengthened slightly.

"Hear my voice...changing....ooooh!" Her voice dropped as her neck bulged "Much's

funny!" With a final crack, her bones realigned completely and the transformation slowed down.

"Ah...aaah...AH! The face changes more it...AH! Take me!" She started to

pant, sweat pouring from her face "That's it! AH! I'll be a wolf! See you tomorrooooooOOW!


Her cheekbones snapped. They pushed out from her face, pulling at her skin. She gritted her teeth

and snarled as they too began to change. The canines lengthened ad became bigger, pushing the

other teeth aside as they slid from her gums. Mary began to drool as she felt pressure building up in

her mouth. There was not enough room for her teeth, but the transformation quickly fixed that. She

screamed as her face crunched. Her upper and lower jaw stretched forward with loud jerks. Her lips

pulled back as they couldn't keep up with the morphing bones. Mary snarled and worked her

extending maw as her teeth shifted backwards towards the new empty spaces of her mouth and

crunched. Then the flesh began to grow. Her face pulsated as her lips relaxed. Her mouth joints

swelled up, matching the prominent cheekbones. More drool escaped from her jaws, as her nose

pulled up and down, fusing with the extending maw. Her eye sockets cracked, and she closed her

eyes, losing her vision while her eyeballs swelled inside her skull. She could feel her nose becoming

broader, colder and wet when, with a final push, her muzzle reached the final length. Mary opened a

pair of ember eyes and whelped as she felt her skull crack and pop. Her ears stretched into canine

points and moved upwards. Her forehead contracted as it changed shape. Her hairs receded back

into her scalp, darkening and thickening. With a final crunch and a half howl, her head stopped.

Mary looked at one of the cameras and barked. She opened her jaws and let her still human tongue

hang out from the side. She panted as fur covered her head and her neck sprouted long strands of

black hairs,. Her tongue flattened and elongated as she used it to lick her darkening lips.

Mary squirmed as she began to pant faster now. Her canine body began to shake, first slightly, then

violently. She made convulsed noises, halfway between howls and screams. Her mind was starting

to shift.

She went there. The place looked weird. She wanted this. Where was she? She tried to roll down

from the bed but she couldn't. She was tied up. Why? She didn't liked it. She wanted free. She

tugged at the restraints but they didn't budge. She didn't liked it. She needed more strength. Her

body was shaking, but it responded to her need. She roared as muscles exploded all over her. She

convulsed on the bed, but she didn't care. She wanted to go. Her legs inflated with muscles. Her

ankles bulged as the belts bit into her flesh. She snarled. Then, her legs were free. The belts snapped

as her calves grew bigger. Her whole lower body gained mass, bones swelling an muscles bulging.

She splayed her toes as her paws stretched out. More muscles. She needed more muscles to free

herself. Her arms inflated and the belts on her wrists gave up. She roared again as she tensed her

neck. Muscles bulged as the last belt snapped.

She quickly rolled on the ground. She was still shaking. It felt good. More muscles. More strength.

She swelled up. Her whole body cracked as she grew bigger. Muscles covered her, pound after

pound after pound of rough, bestial strength.

She howled as she felt it coming to an end. She was complete.

She rose to her paws. The floor was cold. No dirt, no grass. A laboratory? A small bed. She was far

bigger. It smelled like...her but...before? Not interesting. Strange noises...words...where was the

exit? A sudden metallic sound made her snarl. The wall was gone. Fresh air, smells. She trotted to

the opening. She stopped. Look at the camera. She did. Nothing happened. Not interesting. With a

leap, she wandered into the open world.

  • Epilogue -

Mary felt a gentle breeze on her skin.

She opened her eyes and saw leaves. She yawned as she sat up and looked around. She was in the

woods, under high, beautiful trees. Big paw prints covered the ground around her and some of the

trees were scarred with claw markings. She looked at her body. She was dirty, she was sore and she

smelled bad. The rough terrain scratched her feet and skin. She rested against a tree as she tried to

remember the night. Nothing, of course. She was happy though. She heard distant shouting. The

recovery team. Nice, efficient Professor. She placed a hand on her belly and started to remove twigs

from her hair. First night is gone. She brushed away dirt from her hands and feet. She smiled.

Two more to go.