For the Girls...
As you read this one, especially if you're female, you'll know exactly who i wrote the story for... i wrote it for you... ^^ "oh! h-hello..."
The Girl
I ogle at the female sex for just a moment my member hard and twitching from excitement. i pull the pants free, her footpaws kicking, her toes wiggling.
Don't You Dare.
The girl did not let go of the red haired woman as they hung off the edge of the black soot rail -both holding onto dear life. "_mommy!!
He remained quiet for many moments, leaving the green eyes female on edge; holding her breath. those blue artificial eyes, once so cruel and stark, flushed with life as he turned to the girl. no - not a girl anymore she was. a woman.
Lumina Mouse chapter one
The female was also blushing sitting on the other side of the dragon. "well." lumina yelled squeaking accidentally as she screamed.
Beach Trip: Part 1
Sol breathed a content sigh and fell backwards with an ungraceful yet gentle thud down to the tattered down thrown carelessly across the sand, swinging his legs in the air before letting gravity pull them back down. He was a black furred rabbit with...
Candy Mouse- Living with her dad
I'm a girl! laura!" she laughed. she must have laughed pretty loudly though, because a pack of them started chasng me. one stepped on my tail, and another on my foot. once they left, laura took me back to the cupboard.
Candy Mouse
Yes, I know I'm a mouse. If you want to do art, being a mouse is a MAJOR setback. You can hardly hold a pencil without falling over and making a big wierd circle on the paper. So...being a mouse artist isn't great. I got to love drawing when I was 3,...
Top 'Knot'ch
Kait turns to the left and feels her heart nearly stop as she sees a woman. she is. drop dead gorgeous. a fellow orca whose curves were deeper than the ocean.
A Day of Clowning 10
Gimmegee groans, rubbing her butt. "Fuck, man, where am I?" the gnome grumbles, blinking and adjusting to the darkness around her. "This is not the park." "How observant of you," says the calm and smooth voice behind her. Gimmegee whirls...
Delays and Dalliances
Clearly, this girl didn't know what she was missing.
Daddy's Girl.
Daddy's girl book two of 'emerald dawn'.