A Dream Come True Part 2

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dream Come True

Part 2

"Hey, it's time to get up."


"Come on pup. Wake up for your master."

The pup slowly opened his eyes. It took him a moment to realize what was going on. He rolled over and there was a squeek like sound that was made. Then he realized what was going on. The previous night flashed through his mind and a smile spread across his rubber-covered muzzle.

"Good morning master," Tundra said with a smile as he sat up, his sheath swelling from his body begging to remember that he was dressed in his rubber slave suit.

"Good morning pup. I have a surprise for you today, but I need for you to do something for me," the raccoon said with a smirk.

"What's that ma...grrrrah...ster," he responded as he stretched.

"As my slave, I command that you not do anything while I pleasure my toy," and as he said this, the raccoon got down on his knees at the side of the bed and wrapped his muzzle around Tundra's rubber coated sheath.

The pup let out a loud groan and it didn't take very long for him to get hard. His meat filled the coon's muzzle and he curled his rubber-coated toes as the pleasure surged through his body.

"Oh....thank you master..." he managed to moan out as he put his paws on top of his mate's head.

Cy continued to suck on the delicious husky cock. His tongue teasing the tip every time he came to the top and, his lips caressing the juicy knot every time he went down. Tundra wasn't able to hold himself for very long, and with a loud howl, his seed blast into the back of Cy's throat. The coon slurped all of it down. As Tundra sat in the afterglow, Cy picked his head up and then stood up.

"Alright pup. You need to change. WE have something that we need to do today that I know you're gonna love," he said with a smile and then slowly made his way out of the room.

Tundra nodded and then began to strip off the rubber suit and hood. He then pulled on a very tight pink thong. He went to the closet and debated on what he should wear and then grabbed a blue pair of shorts that were almost short enough to be considered underwear. He pulled them on and then turned in the mirror. He pulled down the back of the shorts just enough so that the "Y" of the thong was showing. Then he grabbed a blue spandex tank top and pulled it on. The purple pup walked out of the room to find Cy in the kitchen making breakfast. Tundra ran up behind him and put his paws over his eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Uh, is it my little bitch of a mate?"

Tundra blushed, "How did you know?" He took his paws off Cy's eyes.

The coon turned around and a wide grin spread across his muzzle, "I hope you don't plan on going out like that."

"Well, I know that you're trying to get me to be a little more open about myself, so I thought I'd take a chance today," the pup replied with a grin while still blushing.

Cy pushed Tundra up against the table and bent him over a little. He slapped Tundra's spandex-covered butt hard,

"Then you're definitely gonna be my little slut today."

Tundra yelped a little at the slap and then murred, "Yes sir."

"Good boy," Cy let him go and then went back to cooking.

Tundra laid out plates for them and then they enjoyed their first breakfast together in almost a month. Afterwards, they did the dishes together with a result of Tundra being almost completely soaked and Cy just as hard as he was last night.

"Alright my slut, we're gonna go for a ride."

Tundra gave a happy bark and then followed Cy to the car. They pulled out of the driveway and the neighbors couldn't help but stare.

After about an hour, Cy pulled them up in front of a large white building that Tundra had never seen before. He pulled into a spot that was right by the door and then stepped out. Tundra, now thinking that it wasn't so much of a good idea to wear what he did, blushed as he stepped out as well. To his amazement, no one around seemed to notice the sluttily dressed purple pup.

"Come on hun, this way," Cy said as he motioned toward the large glass doors.

Tundra picked his head up a little and followed. They walked inside and it was a very strange scene. Tundra looked around and didn't know whether to be excited or scared. There were many pictures lining the long hallway that showed the anatomies of many different furs. They continued down the hall, with Tundra staying extremely close to Cy.

"Alright pup," Cy said as they reached the end of the hall with two large metallic doors blocking their way, "I have arranged something with a friend that I think you're gonna love. I need you to be a brave pup for me."

Tundra looked at Cy with a little bit of fear and concern.

Cy leaned forward and pulled Tundra into a tight hug. Tundra hugged him back. It was always comforting to him to have his mate so close, but something didn't seem right. Then, it was about three seconds later that the husky felt it. He had felt this several times before and it made his skin crawl. The stick of a needle into his thigh told him that this was not what it was turning out to be. Tundra helped and jumped back. He saw Cy holding the syringe and a small look of remorse on his face.

"I'm sorry pup. I know you don't like needles, so it was the only way."

"Buh...but....hhhwhy...," Tundra managed to slur out. His vision went blurry and then he collapse.


"Be gentle with him"

"Don't worry Cy. He's gonna be just fine."

"He better be. You promised me."

"It's as exactly as we agreed upon."


Tundra's vision slowly came back to him. It started with only being able to see white. As anyone would, the thought of being dead crossed his mind. Slowly, his vision started to come back to him and it was a horror scene to him.

This was not anything he had ever imagined would ever happen to him. What was even more unnerving, not too long ago, he and Cy had watched a movie that almost mimicked a horror scene similar to this.

Now having his full vision back, Tundra tried to yell but the realized that there was a tube shoved down his throat that met a clear breathing mask that you would find in a hospital. The room was filled with instruments that were scary just from how shiny they were. He tried to turn his head and found that he was against a table. Moving his arms and legs proved pointless. He saw that there were cuffs that were built into the table that held his wrists down. He tilted his head down to see that his ankles had fallen into the same fate.

Images of horror movies flew through the pup's mind that only made him feel worse. His heart was now racing, and it felt like his heart was going to kill him before his mysterious captors could.

Then it hit him. The voices in his brain. The one of concern was definitely Cy. The other was deep and slightly familiar. Cy wanted him to not be harmed.

"Much too late for that," he said to himself. "How long have I been here? And why would Cy do this to me?"

Then there was a loud squeal that hurt Tundra's sensitive ears. It was followed by the sound of someone clearing their voice.

"Tundra? Are you awake hun?"

He jerked his head around to see where the coon's voice was coming from. A tear fell down his cheek as he thought that this would be the last time that he would be hearing the voice of his lover.

"Tundra, babe, you need to calm down. Your heart's racing. I need you to be calm for me hun. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you. I need you to trust me."

Tundra listened intently. He was trying to see if there was any desperation in Cy's voice, but it was only sincerity and love. Tundra took a few breaths out of his nose and tried to calm himself.

"That's a good boy. I can't come in there, but just be brave for me and I promise you that this will be more wonderful that you have ever imagined."

Tundra nodded. He knew that Cy could see him. When he was finally calm, there was a door opened behind him.

He turned his head to the left, but no one approached. He waited, but couldn't see anyone. He then turned his head to look forward and was immediately startled. The large tiger grinned and then smiled at Tundra.

"Yes Tundra, it's me," Kyle said. The gray tiger with blue stripes had on a white lab coat. "I'm sorry about how Cy had to knock you out, but it was the best way. I'm not going to tell you why you're here, but I do want you to listen to everything I tell you. As a friend of Cy's, I would hope that you can trust me."

Tundra let the words flow through his ears, and at this point, he didn't have a choice. He looked intently in Kyle's eyes and then nodded.

"Good," he said as he reached out and pet the top of Tundra's head. "Alright, now, you're mostly set up, but there's one thing that I need to attach to you. Well, not so much attach, as it is get in you." He grinned as he turned. Kyle took one of the instruments off the table and then turned back towards the pup. He was holding a large, metallic canine dildo. Tundra's eyes widened.

"I thought you'd like this of them all. Cy says that you have a thing for other canines as well, so I thought I'd help you with that." Kyle then walked behind the table, and within a few seconds Tundra was moaning in the tube as the toy was shoved up in his tail hole through an opening that was in the table. Then he could feel that Kyle was attaching something to it.

The tiger walked back around and smiled, "Now, here's what I need you to do. A fluid is going to come through your mouth and tail tube. It's going to be uncomfortable at first, but I need you to swallow it as it enters your muzzle. Otherwise the mask will fill up and it will be forced down your nose instead. It's not going to ruin the process, but it will be a lot more uncomfortable." Kyle pet him again and then walked out of the room.

Tundra's ears lowered as the fear of what was about to happen hit him. In the distance, he could hear the sound of a machine turning on. At the edge of the table he could see that his breathing tube was filling with a silvery liquid. It slowly crept up the tube, but while it was still several inches away, he let out a loud moan as he felt a cold liquid enter him through the dildo. What surprised him was that he could fell more of the liquid being pushed into him, but his body was accepting it wholly and it flowed deeper into him. During this time, he forgot about the mouth tube until the same cold sensation entered his throat. He panicked for a moment and forgot to swallow. He felt the fluid creep up his throat and out of his muzzle, He could see it filling the mask and immediately began to swallow. It was no different that drinking a cold glass of water. It took a few big gulps for him to get it all out of his mask and too keep up with what was being pumped in.

Within five minutes, Tundra started to notice that his body was changing. A feeling slowly washed over him, like a rising tide, that he was no longer a solid mass, but more fluid-like. He looked down and his eyes got really wide. He wasn't completely sure, but it looked like all the white fur on his footpaws had melted together and was extremely shiny. This also seemed to be the case for his legs as well.

The fluid feeling continued to engulf the pup as he kept gulping down the fluid. When the meshing of his fur made its way up to his crotch, Tundra couldn't help but moan. A warm feeling spread over his sheath that crept inside and surrounded his hidden shaft. He momentarily forgot to shallow and again the mask filled up with the fluid. This time he didn't catch himself, and the fluid filled the mask completely and forced itself into Tundra's nose. It was a pressure that he didn't think his nose could handle. He was waiting for his nose to explode. The pup closed his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek, and just as he thought he was going to get hurt, everything stopped.

Tundra took in a breath and there was a cold blast that filled his lungs. He shivered and it didn't feel normal. He looked down and he saw that his whole body looked shiny. He then looked to his left and right, only to see that his arms and hand paws had experienced the same treatment. He opened and closed his paws and there was a slight squeak involved. His eyes widened, and his tongue worked its way around his muzzle. The texture couldn't have been smoother. His tail wagged with a squeak.

There was a sound in the distance and the mask fell off of him and the dildo was pulled out. He let out a loud moan for the first time in his new form. He looked around, waiting to be released. He heard the door open behind him. The lights dimmed, except for one that was directed over the rubber pup. He felt his heart race with excitement as he listened to the sound of familiar paw pads cross the floor.....