Jack Hopps Final Chapter Part 1 of 2 (A Zootopia Story)

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#18 of Zootopia Porn Stories

The final chapter in the series, I apologise for the inconvenience. I recently had things planned to do but this had to be last on the list. It has been a good way to keep the spirit of the comic alive, although this story is coming to an end, the characters will have plenty adventures to keep going on with.

Final Chapter The Choice!? Part 1 of 2

Jack: ......

The rabbit got up from his bed and went to the fridge, from there he pulled out a carton of milk and poured himself a glass.

Jack: Hmmm <Glug!> Ahhh!

Toby: Are you still awake?

Jack: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up.

The fox smiled, he approached te meek bunny and cuddled tight.

Toby: I hope you enjoyed Animopolis?

Jack nodded as he peered his way out of the balcony staring at all the fishers fishing.

Jack: Don't you think it is funny how we evolved but they didn't?

Toby: You mean the fish? I wonder that myself, mind you Gazelle talks a lot about birds don't you think?

Jack: Hmmm. The clock says it's 6:35pm, Mom and Dad should be up soon to get ready to go home.

Toby: Great adventure though right?! Bunny Burrow's population increases 5 every second!

Jack: Hmmmm. (I just hope he has a better time than I do.

An alarm started blaring, <Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz!>. The two larger rabbits came out from the bedroom.

Stu: What should I do with the rubber it's stuck on?

Bonnie: Quiet! They'll hear you!

Stu: Sorry.

Bonnie had opened her arms for a hug.

Jack: Thanks Mom! I had a great holiday!

Bonnie: I'm glad you did honey bunny! Why don't go to get some breakfast and me Stu will pack?

Jack: Thanks Mom I'll get dressed.

Toby: So any last goodbye at all to Nicole?

Jack: I don't know if I can, I have no regrets. I need to get back to the Burrow and see how Unce Nick is doing.

Toby: Alright lets go to the bar they have every flavour smoothies there.

The pair of them darted off to the bar in seekment of cold beverages.

Jack: I'll get some toast with carrot jam, what are you having?

Toby: Bacon Bug sandwich it's tasty!

Jack: Huh, I'll have one two then.

The pair of them grabbed their food and sat down by the table by the pool, they glared at the still aquatic pit that started it all.

Jack: The pool? Could I maybe?!