Area51: The Life and Slimes of Giulio Gould

Story by topaz172 on SoFurry

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#4 of Area 51

Lucas Hardman has been transformed into a swarm of sex obsessed Pixies and flown away, all that remains is the gooey slime that nurtured the swarm in their chrysalis.

This is a follow up to previous 'Area 51' stories, specifically 'Breeding Cycle of the common Pixie'

It existed, it didn't move, it didn't think, it didn't plan, it didn't remember. The goo lay on the floor of the bedroom in a zen-like state of complete inactivity, observing its world in an unfocused way, just taking it all in. It was at peace with the world and its place within it. Occasionally a bit of local wildlife would land on it and become stuck, a fly here, a spider there, a mouse, a rat. Each tiny body was lovingly absorbed, most of the tissue became generic goo. Nerve tissue was different, nerve tissue replaced something it lacked. By microscopic increments it became more aware.

The environment changed suddenly. The above was brighter, some things landed in it changing its shape. One of the inert shapes brought with it the dead and broken body of a pixie, pinning it deep within goo. Over the course of the next day Goo absorbed the tiny humanoid's naked body, the process much quicker than usual as the goo and the pixie already had identical DNA. The goo's existence changed again. Like apple in the eden myth, the pixie's jellied brain provided knowledge, context, heightened awareness and memory.

Goo's first real thought was that it liked being able to think, accompanied by a determination to think more in the future.

Although memory was a thing it hadn't rediscovered yet, certain facts now existed within Goo. It had once been Lucas, a soldier stung by a pixie and transformed into a swarm of sexually insatiable pixie twinklets. The chrysalis and the liquids that had surrounded and nurtured the swarm as it transformed had become goo once pixie-Lucases took flight.

A few days later more hard, impermeable objects penetrated Goo's surface and it found that it was being placed in a different shape, the shape was very smooth and transparent. Glass. The sensation smooth/transparent was a thing called glass. It was surrounded by glass.

* * *

"That's the last of it" said the scientist, sealing the lid of the containment jar

"Good! Now get it the fuck out of here. The flame throwers worked, but these critters are smart, and it only takes one randy pixie stinging you to fuck you up totally," replied Sgt Castor.

"On my way!"

* * *

"According to the DNA results 'That' is Lucas Hardman, or what's left of him," said a voice

Goo was startled. It paused, examining the emotion 'startled' it was a new state. The cause of the new emotion was the concept 'speech'. It understood.

"Doctor Gillian! It moved, I think the sample may still be alive."

A face appeared next to the glass, Goo was fascinated by the contours and copied them.

"Holy crap! it just formed a face!"

Goo copied the moving of the face shape.

"I think its talking."

"Excellent! Finally we have a Mythic that isn't obsessed with fucking with us sexually."

Goo listened, the word 'fucking' triggered an awareness state associated with the concept memory. The pixie he'd absorbed remembered fucking, it had spent a lot of its short life doing it. It had fucked their original body to create more pixies and more goo. It had fucked other pixies for pleasure(a lot) and it had fucked other humans helping them become pixies too. Goo felt that it might be nice to feel the pleasure/reward associated with fucking.

Without warning Goo felt pain. It was unexpected and also a new sensation. Oddly the sensation originated on the table across the room rather than in his container. He paused again to consider another wealth of new things. Firstly, he was definitely 'He' although he had no clear understanding of what that meant yet. Secondly the position of the pain meant a part of him wasn't in the container. The pixie swarm had had a shared consciousness that was spread over all of their hot sexy little bodies, it seemed like the same was true of his body.

Fascinated by the idea that he was in several places at once he tried to feel some of the other places. He was on the table, being burned. He was on the shoes of some boots in a white room nearby. A lot further away there was a bigger part of him. The bigger part was still at home on the floor of his room. He longed to be back there where he'd been reborn... and then he was there, or rather his awareness was, he could still feel the glass of the jar confining him.

The pool of goo under the bed formed a smiling face and then tried being in each of the other places and then back to the jar. He chose to be in the jar because that was where the humans were. He liked watching the humans they were sooo sexy.

* * *

Jack Gillian eyed the football sized quantity of snot coloured slime in the containment vessel with fascination edged with fear. Mythic biology was his specialism and he knew exactly how quickly things could go south. So far, six temporary field laboratories had been set up at the edge of The Area, three of them had already been over-run. The satyrs had gotten the first, Nagai had gotten the second and the Pixie swarms had taken the last. According to the marines the jury was out on which ones were tougher to deal with. Satyrs could bring music-based magic to the fight, The Nagai you couldn't look in the eye, and the pixie swarms were only vulnerable to area effect weapons.

Under the microscope, the goo he was examining twitched and tried to slither away from the probe (effectively a soldering iron). It obviously didn't 'like' heat but it was considerably more resilient than the pixie-type.

"Session 76: The goo-type exhibits a pain reflex. Whilst it initially demonstrated an ability with basic mimicry, it hasn't repeated. Given that it has no brain in the normal sense, we can assume this was a primitive camouflage reflex."

* * *

Goo extracted himself from the boot's treads and extended a tendril that slithered across the floor until it reached the door directly below the entry keypad. Having established a route, Goo's mass flowed along the tendril until all of it was sat in a lump on the floor by the door. Carefully he extruded a new tendril that waivered unsteadily as it climbed higher. Once he had the keypad at 'eye' level he flowed into the electronics, forming the correct connection with a booger. The door clicked open. Goo allowed gravity to take charge and slumped to the floor. Swiftly reforming he headed along the corridor using the corner between wall and floor as a guide. The humans that walked by didn't notice a thin thread of slime less than a millimetre in diameter. Reaching his objective, his body acted as an elastic band that's been stretched tight and released, his body flew into the lab. The whiplash effect splattered him against a chair leg a few feet in from the door. After, literally, taking a few minutes to pull himself together he slithered up the leg and secured himself next to some used chewing gum.

About five minutes later, the pain from glob of Goo under the microscope ceased, finally succumbing to the extreme heat. Goo wasn't particularly bothered; his mind hadn't actually been in there at the time and there was plenty of goo to live in.

Using the part of himself that was in the containment vessel as his eyes, he practiced forming different shapes using the part of himself that was at home as his clay. Instinctively the first shape Goo tried to make was an erect phallus. Next he tried to create an eye on an eyestalk so that he could see if he'd gotten the cock right. The fifth attempt at an eye could actually see and the 23rd version of an erect cock looked plausible. Admittedly it dribbled greenly, but he felt justifiably proud of the veins and engorged cum-duct below the mushroom-head.

The forming of a hand came next, he needed to touch the cock in order to confirm that he had the skin sensitivity correct. It felt slick and slippery under his inexperienced fingers. One thing led to another and he quickly found that his cock simulation was fully functional. Admittedly the experience of orgasm had been cataclysmic with goo-cum, goo-cock and goo-hand losing solidity spattering the walls and splashing back into his main puddle.

Time passed. In the lab small samples were taken. In the abandoned base Goo experimented. The pixie he'd absorbed remembered blowjobs and he wanted to try. The eyestalk fattened, split into two and then expanded again, forming a humanoid head that lacked ears or nose. In front of the head a new cock formed on a mound that was shaped like a crotch, complete with bulges to either side where thighs would be. The self-blowjob was quite satisfactory. Beyond the cock a pair of nipples formed along with two pairs of proto-fingers to twiddle and pinch them. Without really intending to, step by step, the Goo under the bed became fully humanoid with only small puddles under his ass cheeks and where his shoulders touched the carpet.

The pixie he'd injested remembered flying so he decided to try that, flowing out from under the bed and building himself from the feet up. Standing vertically on feet and legs took far more effort than he'd anticipated, so he stopped and started again beginning the legs at just below the balls so that he had a more stable base. The wings were a total disappointment, he couldn't sustain anything that large and thin with any rigidity. He was about to give up on wings when a glint of something attracted his attention, a mirror!

Slithering across the floor into the bathroom he reformed, this time including complete legs. Over time a lot of his original memory had bubbled up. In his minds-eye he had a very good picture of what the human Lucas Hardman had looked like and also what the idealised pixie version had looked like. Unlike the original he was only 5ft tall rather than six foot and where the pixie had had chiselled abs and lean flight-optimised muscles...his Gooey body was smoother, less defined and of course, dribblingly translucently green. Fortunately, the inherited pixie instincts 'said' he looked attractive 'for a twink' and he was ok with that. It occurred to him that once he added the goo in the lab to his body he'd have enough mass to look more muscular.

* * *

Goo found that he rather liked looking like a 'hot twink' (whatever that meant), but legs were still something to be reserved for special occasions. Sinking down so that his legs started at mid-thigh and forming a pair of hotpants (which needed less detail than the cock and balls) he slimed his way around the wrecked science base that was his home. To a human, it would probably look like a sexy translucent twink dripping in cum was wading through thigh deep swamp water that had its surface at roughly floor level.

Scouting around, it was soon apparent that the humans had really done a number on the pixie nest. The Lucas-memory recognised the marks of artillery and flamethrower use. The tiny pixie bodies were all over the place, immune to rot and decay due to their arcane origin. Given that the pixies had originally been a part of him, he felt no guilt in covering the bodies in goo. He watched excitedly as they gradually became transparent, the dead flesh quickening, twitching as if fucking his goo-flesh and then becoming entirely indistinguishable from his normal goo as the transformed flesh fully merged with him.

The added nerve tissue made him smarter, hornier and also the tiniest bit vengeful. He now had several sets of whole-life pixie memories...admittedly they generally consisting of being hatched, flying, having sex, having orgies, ovipositing some eggs in humans, flying, having sex with pixies hatched from those humans...and then dying a horrid fiery death. He was somewhat heartened by the fact that as long as even one pixie survived the swarm, his swarm, could rebuild.

Being smarter made being able to stand easier, and improved the level of detail of his body could sustain. He could even look fully solid for some time before his hair started to dribble down his neck or he became translucent.

In front of his mirror he struck a pose, switching between several outfits, hair colours and ethnicities, goth-hot-twink, punk-hot-twink, Olympic-diver-twink, anime-demon, femboi, satyr, nagai. He loved all of the looks and couldn't wait to try them out on a human.

* * *

"Doctor Gillian, the motion sensors over at 'Three' have picked up something larger than pixie-type moving around." Reported Bannon "Central want us to check it out. They think it could it could be more UFO fan-boys sneaking under the wire."

"See to it," said Jack "If it's more Roswell fruit-loops, scare the shit out of them and send them packing, before they get pixied. If it's something else... use your judgement."

In his jar Goo quickly dissolved the ear he'd had pressed against the glass and tried to look innocently inert.

* * *

Goo took time getting his 'look' right, a skintight ben-10 t-shirt, camo-pattern Gillette, pockets bulging with tech and a pair of round shade-goggles slung around his neck. The real dilemma was whether to just fuck the troops or let them drop him off in town. Strategically he'd have much more fun in town. It wouldn't be long, he'd had eyeballs on the three since they'd entered the base, Castor, Dennison and Holton according to their name badges.

"Freeze!" shouted the first soldier, Castor.

"Don't shoot!" he replied, placing his hands on his head and striking his sexiest surrender pose.

"Kid, you have no fucking idea how much trouble you are in right now."

"I'm sorry. I only wanted to see if the aliens were real."

"Out-fucking standing. What's your name kid?" asked Castor his rifle still aimed at Goo.

"Giulio, sir. Goolio Gould" he replied, rather proud of the name he'd chosen. The internet thing he'd searched had so very few names that would work without giving the game away.

"OK Giulio, this area is off limits because it's contaminated. That means you get to empty your pockets and strip, you walk out of here buck naked apart from the shoes and you lose those nikes to the flamethrower when you reach the gate. Is that clear? Say, Sir yes sir!" yelled Castor.

Giulio pouted his lips, trying to figure a way to shed the clothes in a way that they wouldn't visibly turn to slime in front of the humans. "Sir, Yes sir. Umm can I have some privacy, I'm not used to striping in public."

"Oh for fuck's sake! Yes, knock when you're done," replied Castor, stomping into the corridor and slamming the door.

Giulio smiled gleefully and absorbed all the offending clothes. He glanced down at the genderless crotch, large or small? Cut or uncut? Shaved? A tattoo? Rock hard or limp? In the end, he went for shaved semi-hard 5inches long... and a nipple piercing shaped like the gay 'double-male arrow' (for good luck).

Using a tiny eyestalk hidden in the debris he assessed the other two soldiers, the second one, Holton, was a muscular hunk, but the final one... woah...Giulio became translucent and began to drool, that last guy Dennison was such a hottie. He shook his head and got a grip, tightening up his exterior solidity. All thoughts of self-restraint were out the window, he just hoped he could keep everything tight and not drool all over Dennison before he meant to.

He figured he had about five minutes 'stripping time' and shifted his viewpoint to a fist sized blob of goo that he'd placed by the base's main entrance. Quickly he formed the blob into an inch-high pixie shape and ran it out to the Humvee. Slithering into the engine compartment he began absorbing the non-metallic parts of the fuel injection system, replicating them with his own goo-flesh.

Satisfied, he rechecked his solidity in the mirror, placed one hand over his crotch, deliberately unsuccessful at covering his cock, and opened the door.

* * *

The outside was hot, a lot hotter than he'd bargained on, having spent most of his sentient life under a bed in an underground base. The soldiers were nervous, often glancing in the direction of the jungle of arcane plantlife that had no problem with desert terrain. Quickly they bundled him into the vehicle, the Castor-human in the driving seat the muscular one, Holton, on his left and the Dennison on the right.

The soldiers were clearly happy to be driving out of the zone. Giulio settled on the seat, absorbing a hole directly under his ass, spreading into the seat padding absorbing it and providing a reasonable facsimile. In other circumstances he would have prided himself that his replacement was softer under their asses. After about ten minutes Giulio figured that they were far enough out that the soldiers would be less twitchy about any strangeness.

Carefully, lovingly, he dissolved tiny holes in the seat fabric of the two soldiers pants, surprised and delighted to find that Dennison was a commando. Gently he eased a tendril of goo into each anus spreading quietly with the consistency of KY into flesh that soon softened and loosened allowing the tendrils to thicken and begin to pump serious amounts of gooey aphrodisiac laced cum into his soon-to-be-lovers.

Dennison let out a blissful sigh.

Taking the reaction as a sign that he might soon be discovered, Giulio constricted the goo he'd substituted for the fuel injection duct causing the engine to sputter and stall. The up front Castor cursed, tried the ignition a couple of times and then got out to check under the hood, not noticing the lack of comment from the cum-high soldiers on the back seat.

* * *

Castor lifted the hood and shoved his hand deep into the mechanism, feeling for the spark plugs. Something moved, flowed and jerked his arm forward as if his hand were held in the jaws of some monster. He went for his sidearm only to hear a clatter as the belt holding up his pants melted away, the weight of the holster pulling both sidearm and pants down out of reach.

* * *

Dennison was feeling so very mellow, his stomach gurgled and he began to feel wonderfully full. It felt like everything below his naval was wrapped in a warm bath, so much cooler and less sweaty than the desert heat. He looked down, his thoughts slow. Why could he see through his clothes? Why could he see a translucent green cock squirting cum into his entirely transparent ass?

The questions were so very difficult and the way he was sinking into the seat felt so very right.

* * *

Giulio grew an extra eye where his ear was located, the final soldier, Holton was struggling. Guilio blamed himself for getting too focused on the beautiful one. It was so very inelegant to let someone be afraid at such a wonderful life-changing moment. No longer needing to be quite as disciplined with his shape, he allowed his hair to run and raised a dripping finger that he quickly inserted into Holton's ear and brain. Turning the finger into a cock he liberally sprayed the inside of Holton's skull with gooey pink cum.

The attempts to fight stopped almost instantly as Holton's brain bathed in a marinade of soothing goo. His eyes becoming unfocused, a blissful expression on the rugged face as his eyes slowly filled with bubblegum pink goo. He'd be drooling goo soon, but not too quickly. Giulio owed the guy a long blissful transformation.

Satisfied, he returned his attention to Dennison. Stroking a hand through the soldier's fuzz of close-cut hair. "I think you look exceptionally beautiful today Dennison."

Dennison smiled and clumsily lifted a transparent hand and watched his fingers slump until they looked more like a mitten and then let the arm fall, lacking the motor-control to sustain the limb.

"Goo" said Dennison, licking his lips, his voice wet and bubbly.

"That's right. Soon you'll be just a puddle, you won't have to worry about being this shape. You'll be able to be any shape you want. Won't that be great?"

Dennison nodded, or the lack of spine made his head look noddy. He was entirely goo now, all that was keeping him looking human was that his mind didn't know any better.

Giulio slithered down nibbling a transparent nipple and then licking slimily upwards until his lips touched and mingled with Dennison's. He could feel a true orgasm building within them and knew instantly that neither of them would be able to hold their human form when climax arrived. Hastily he moved his hand and enveloped Dennison's cock.

A second later he was cumming, thick translucent green slime pumping all the way up to Dennison's mouth where it erupted spraying his own face. In his hand a similar stream of colourless goo shot up his arm. All focus on maintaining a shape fled and he sloshed into Dennison like a pot of partially mixed paint. The sharing was instantaneous and total.

The two lovers and a large portion of the Humvee slumped and dripped onto the hot asphalt below the gutted chassis.

* * *

Castor, yanked hard, without warning whatever had held him had let go. Picking up the gun he moved to check on the others. The kid was gone, so was Dennison. Holton looked completely out of it, but at least he hadn't been eaten. He picked up the microphone from the Humvee's dash, throwing it down in disgust when he noticed that the flexible cord between it and the radio transmitter had been eaten away.

Hauling Holton's limp body out of the wreck he put the man's arm over one shoulder and began the long walk out. Holton was with it enough to at least stumble along. With luck the perimeter security would notice them before something mythical did.

* * *

Giulio-Dennison slowly began to untangle themself. The joining had been wonderful, utter, and complete. But they knew there was unfinished business. Giulio slithered up the nearside of the Humvee and Dennison reformed on the farside. Thanks to the merger, Dennison had gained the knowledge needed to reassemble into a pretty good approximation of original look. The ex-soldier was still translucent and the details like hair and uniform creases dribbled slime. The look was deliberate, Dennison knew how sexy Giulio thought the look was.

A third mound of goo coalesced into a smaller figure, less well defined but with swirling bands of green goo suspended in transparent slime.

"Is that?..." asked Dennison

"Looks like it," Giulio replied "I guess we'll need a condom next time."

"Fuck that, Bro," replied Dennison "If a damn pixie can breed a hundreds of sons out of your corpse, we're not putting on any limits until we match that number. Besides you'd need a full wetsuit and you know full well you'd leak."

"Fair point," he acknowledged. "I think it's time I took care of Base Six, if Castor makes it back I want to be waiting."

* * *

In the lab, the chair Jack Gillian was sat on suddenly collapsed, turning completely to goo. Across the room, the glass walls of the containment vessel turned green and slumped into a transparent version of a famously gay Olympic diver from the UK.

Un-noticed his goo covered fingers began to become translucent.

* * *