Die For My Sin Extra: Chapter 20.2

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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"Die For My Sin"

(C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 20 - 2 Extra

They walked for what felt like hours, though Zach's wetware told him that it had only been forty minutes. Chiko made it a point to walk upright, beside and slightly ahead of him, Zach on all fours with his head hung low, feeling deja-vu from all the times he'd been with Sinclair, who loved to walk him this way.

Sin preferred using a collar and leash, and Zach had tried to wear one on many an occasion, before he had finally donned a Mark V (for reasons having little to do with collars and more for the effects of that particular device.)

He couldn't stand them, and Sin knew he didn't like the feeling, there was simply no hiding it, and so that was the first thing they had tried to alter in his consciousness.

They merged artificial memories into his mind- pleasurable experiences, all while wearing a collar. Sometimes sexual, sometimes not, like maybe just having his fur brushed, or eating, or walking around. Some when he was just a pup, others when he was older. With enough of those, it was reasonable to expect Zach would form a liking.

It didn't work.

There was simply too much pre-existing cultural taboo of a Rhenthar wearing a collar, the conflict was far too great. If anything, the mixed memories of like and dislike made it even worse.

Ultimately, that was the prelude to Zach's love for harnesses, as there were no such inhibitions revolving around them, no time of slavery ever forced his species to wear one.

Chiko now held on to the rope attached to his, and it trailed between them like a leash. It was similar to a collar, and yet, not... mind you, by this point Zach was so aroused he couldn't even see straight.

It was a trick! Letting him sniff what was in that bottle, he decided. It would take hours to get that out of his system, and he was already beyond horny, the black tip of his prick refusing to fall back into his sheath.

His paws felt numb, walking along the moist ground, around steam vents and avoiding geysers.

No, not numb, he realized: warm! Some areas of the ground weren't cold at all, and from those formed a low, thick mist roiling over, collecting when the wind died down, and whisking away when it picked back up.

The path they followed between dense coniferous trees was covered in small green plants and a variety of grasses, all clinging tenaciously into the stony soil.

Zach kept arguing with himself, did he really want to go through with this? He should back out. He'd tried talking to Chiko about it, but the quiet Russian pointedly ignored him, he was too focused on the terrain and any potential sinkholes they might fall into, where they were walking.

"Lak vor wound cooloring, places we woalk. Deeferent teempature. Might seenk een, yis? All bad."

He promptly pointed out just such a spot that had a totally different growth on it, resembling a huge bullseye a dozen meters around.

Chiko stopped and threw a heavy rock into the center of it. With nothing more than a crunch, it sailed right through the surface, like a fork breaking into the crust of a pie.

A few minutes later, Zach was about to halt and lift his leg, and that's when disaster flooded his mind. He froze, the rope went taught, and Chiko turned to stare down at him.

"I can't... pee. I need to, pee!"

"Zo? Leeft leg and gko, like dug, pup boy. What iz de matter?"

"Can't! Completely forgot, left something back, at outpost, my penetrator... in my sheath, stops me from going without it!" Zach let out a long whine of frustration, tugging on the 'site.

"Vut? You keenot go pee?" He bent over and started laughing. "Poor Zak, not eveen pee like pup." He fell silent for a minute, thinking. "I vill go back vor it, bring eet in ze morning, you kin wait, yiss? Eet no snow, yoo be fine."

Zach didn't actually need to go, it's just that ever since the parasite took up residence inside of his badder, he kept emptying it far more often than he needed to, because he couldn't very easily tell the difference between having to go, and it just being there.



He looked up at Chiko with a whimper still on his lips, clutching his sheath in one paw, lightly tugging at the base.

He explained to him where it was in his and Keman's room, inside his backpack, what it looked like.

Zach couldn't fucking believe he left it behind.

"Cud git vaster, missage Neek-ell, bing here, queeck. Yis?" He grinned very wide after what he said next, though. "Boot he know whut you heer vor, theen. He laff, and laff, whut tink?" He asked this with a sly grin.

"Oh, dog." Zach just shut his eyes and decided he... maybe could wait until tomorrow. Or not. More like, when he got to the end he'd see how bad he needed to go and just... back out of all this completely.

They finally came to a moss-covered area with large rocks providing cover from the wind, it had a big metal rod hammered deep into the ground, terminating with a circular eye.

"Ind of zee woad, pup boy." He unlimbered a pack he'd been carrying on his shoulders and unzipped it, removing several items from inside. Zach stared at them with fresh anxiety. First came the familiar green glass bottle, then a metal thermos, filled with water.

"I lev thees vor yoo, kes change min-d. Course, woves hiv prob-lem, you secund thots. Nut gud idea, maybe decide to eet you instayd, hm? Best give them vut they wont. Deese... ah... not normal woves, yool see. Mach bigger. Wooin surpwise, hehe."

He leaned down in front of Zach and pet him softly between the ears, scenting the wind, staring around quietly.

"They newt far, I most go." Zach wondered what he smelled, the heater elements in his nose muted the surroundings considerably.

He pulled a steel aircraft cable out of his pack and uncoiled it, thumping the heavy end of it against Zach's muzzle, chastising him.

"No chewing thoo thees." He ran it through the eye on the ground and attached it to the back of Zach's harness. The straps above his hips tightened, and the lock snapped shut; Zach's ears went flat. He wouldn't be able to take the harness off now, not with it tight like that, it would never fit over his shoulders.

"Maybe..." Zach started to say. He was going to back out. Chiko surprised him by picking up the bottle, he pushed it near his muzzle.

"Dlink, pup boy. Keep thuts to self, no bocking ut now. I heer none of eet."

Zach whined, sitting on his haunches to open the bottle, he managed three swallows before his throat closed up. He almost choked then, holding still so he didn't aspirate any into his lungs. It was pure alcohol, and it burned... and burned...

The world went spinny after that, he felt Chiko's paw rub under his tail a few times, caught the scent of HER, and then subsequently turpentine, Chiko mumbling to himself in his native language. He was washing his paws off with paint thinner, his own black sheath showing red poking far out.

Now quite drunk, Zach just looked at the thermos with a sense of doubt, the beginnings of regret, even fear.

His bladder was deciding that all this alcohol maybe made it feel a little full, despite there being no water content in the drink.

Or was it just the 'site?

When he looked again, Chiko was gone. He raised the bottle of alcohol to his muzzle once more and drank deep, shaking his head to laugh at himself, this situation. What he'd gotten into.

Nothing compared to what was about to get into him...

They showed up at the same time he concluded that he really had to piss. He was squatting, trying to urinate around the 'site, pushing as hard as he could, when he saw motion at the edge of his vision, his eyes suddenly wide behind the heater's lenses.

A big gray wolf, solidly built with markings very similar to Keman's, though there was much more yellow in this one's coat, on his stomach and legs. As soon as Zach turned and looked, it sprang away. He stared after it, thinking... was he strong enough to defend himself? Would they really try to eat him?

His bladder cramped up, his body knew what was preventing him from going, and it decided right then to try to push the intruder out, all on its own. Which, really didn't work because the mass anchoring the 'site into him was about 6 centimeters in diameter.

Nevertheless, his bladder gave a good shove anyways, and it brought him up onto his paws, head low, wincing in severe pain.

A sound, behind him. Gravel crunching, a soft clink. He turned and looked-- both the container and the bottle were gone! A wolf bounding away.

"Hey!" Zach growled. "That was mine!" He stared, confused. How the hell did it pick the container up? The bottle had a narrow neck, sure, but the water was in a thermos, it was far too large to fit in a wolf's jaws.

Another sound behind him, breathing, sniffing, he turned and looked straight into the deep yellow gaze of a giant gray wolf, vivid black markings trailing back on his cheek fur, around his neck, his eyes seemed to bore right into Zach's, but then he realized with the heater on... the wolf wouldn't be able to see his own. His chance of expressing dominance just sank to nothing, he'd never manage to take it off in time.

He turned and backed up, but not far, the cable was a lot shorter than he realized. It was too short for him to even stand up onto his hindpaws.

Zach let out a quiet growl, and the wolf paused, then let its tongue hang out, panting, seemingly amused.

Another came from behind, Zach had almost no warning. It felt like someone had jumped onto him from high up, there was suddenly all this weight on his back, in his hindpaws, he kept thinking to himself, dog, he's so heavy!

Clawwed paws tucked deep into his narrow hips, and a severe pressure thrust under his tail, hard, continuous, not blind jabs. Zach grunted in shock, bracing his knees and elbows to take all the weight. He went to grab at one of those paws, but sharp teeth had his neck almost instantly.

Zach went limp and silent, feeling the burning hot slick shaft driven deep into him, the twinge of pain that meant, absolutely, his knot just went in him, too. Only then did the thrusting begin, but the pressure building up so quickly whispered the fact that he'd tie any moment.

Another wolf approached, even larger than the one who'd stared at him, but he couldn't turn his head to look directly at him, the grip on his neck was too firm, he let out a whimper of fear, this was all bad, a mistake! His bladder tensed up, trying to pee in submission, and it was too full, too much... but nothing came out.

A gutteral voice, even for Common, tore through the air.

"We know you're male , Husky. Your tricks mean nothing to us, we'd have fucked you regardless, if you had just asked nicely."

Laughter, from... somewhere close. Many different voices... where were they?

Hot breath steamed into his ears, thrusting still, hard and fast, the sharp rocks under his paws became painful from all the weight, and he realized it wasn't feral paws that had his hips, but hands, opposing thumbs, claws sank through his fur deep enough to draw blood, gripping him tight.

"Who-" Zach had no chance to say more before the jaws on his neck crushed even tighter.

"Silence! You intrude on my territory, you accept my terms."

Another wolf crouched next to the first, Zach watched him hold the bottle forward in its paws, ears both back, tail low, as if offering a gift to a god.

The bigger one, who had spoken, picked it up and gingerly removed the cork, sniffing its contents.

Zach felt the knot inside him tighten, further and further, joining the two of them together, though he kept humping, tugging, shoving, as if refusing to accept that they were tied. A loud, harsh yelp in his ears, when the wolf on top of him let his neck go and just panted, panted... licking his neck, his ears... Zach stuck far out of his own sheath, the pressure on his prostate was so severe, it almost induced an orgasm all on its own.

His mouth watered uncontrollably, but his mind was a whirl... and he had to pee so badly.

He started querying his wetware on bladder capacity, blockage, complications. Graphics swam into his vision but he backgrounded them all.

Quads, living as ferals? On Allenvan? He'd never heard of any such thing. Oh, dog, he hoped he didn't just stumble onto a secret that meant his life, to keep... he fired up his comms, but hesitated before calling for help.

"My beta likes you, yes he does. And I don't mind him fucking you, my mate goes into heat soon, this will take his mind off of her. But there's still the question of your trickery."

He took a swig from the bottle. Zach braced for him to start coughing, but he didn't even blink, just grinned wide and nodded.

"Chiko makes a good brew, eh? Not bad at all." He stuck the cork back into the bottle and handed it to the other wolf, whom accepted it and held it to his chest, silently padding away on three paws.

"I have the solution. Males! Step forward." Zach had no idea so many wolves were present... six, no, seven males trotted up to him, growling at him, each other, the scent of uneasiness, disrespect, dominance, confusion, poured in past the heater. They walked back and forth, darting in to get a sniff between Zach and who was on top of him, who immediately snarled and snapped, chasing them away.

"Husky wants to be bred like a bitch, so he shall..."

It took all night, under the pale yellow sun.

They bit him every time he tried to speak. And the biggest didn't come last, no. The Alpha, he mounted Zach next.

His knot was so large, his asshole actually stung from being stretched, he hadn't had something this large under his tail since Sinclair had last mounted him.

Query results returned in his wetware. Zach learned that his kidneys would eventually shut down once sufficient pressure built up in his bladder. Osmosis was halted by even minor buildup, and while renal failure would prove lethal, it would take a week before serious problems occured. No damage overnight would occur, the bladder was stretchy, though it would hurt. A lot.

And it did.

Some took him easy. Others fought for the right. More than once Zach scented and even felt blood trickling into his fur from wounds had by the victors, and the losers.

The omega slinked up to him last, ears back, tail low, he darted in and sniffed Zach, while the rest of the pack all ushered him forward, pushing him, biting him if he tried to turn away.

He jumped onto Zach's back but didn't thrust, instead he just poked against his hole, whimpering into his ears, begging: "Please?"

That stole Zach back to the present, somehow putting his mind to ease. These weren't savages, it wasn't even that just one could talk. There were so many questions he wanted to ask them...

Zach bobbed his head, nodding to that. Already his insides swam with wolfcum, he couldn't tell what was more cramped up, his bladder overlayed its constant state of agony, amplifying every movement, at one point his sheath had pulled back behind his knot and he hadn't had the chance to reach under to fix it. The 'site didn't seem to dry out quite like his prick would.

He wasn't the biggest, but he was the best. His paws tenderly rubbed Zach's ears while he thrust, whispering his thanks with cute little puppy noises.

His knot was perhaps the smallest, and by then Zach was so stretched out, he was able to keep thrusting even while they were tied.

The first few times that knot scraped past his prostate, Zach's ears went flat with despair, and then... with the solid realization of something he needed more than anything. It was about to happen, oh yes!

He kept clenching down on that hot wolf prick, harder... and harder... the omega twisting his paws through Zach's fur, running his fingers over his muzzle and around his neck.

Zack came like building demolished with pyrotechics. It was half pain, half ecstasy, and a hundred percent joy.

Maybe it was because of all the pressure in his bladder, or, how many times he'd been fucked in a row.

Maybe it was those two paws which had finally rested, holding his muzzle shut with delicate fingers, fingers which had just played with his whiskers, exploring his body.

It might have been the realization that this omega wolf, this feral quad Rhenthar, he was getting what might be his first and last sexual experience for his whole life, and it was with Zach...

Whatever the case, Zach's 'site got forced a meal it didn't like, and Zach loved every single moment of it.