Runaway Experiment: Mei's Big Scoop

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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#3 of Runaway Experiment

Intrepid reporter Mei Jing Zhu goes to get a real insider story of the infamous plant. Really in-depth, you might say...

I started working on this story almost two years ago and been working on and off on it. I think I've gotten as much out of the Runaway Experiment series as I could, so its time I start looking at other ideas with a similar theme.

Mei Jing © Me

Mei Jing Zhu stirred in her bed, woken by the growing daylight shining through her home's windows. She reached over to the other side, expecting to feel another warm body lying next to her. Instead, all the panda female found was an empty space with the covers pulled back. The male she slept with last night, a big sports celebrity she had invited for a "private interview", must have left sometime during the night.


Mei sat up, yawned and stretched her arms. Then she threw the covers off and got up. The panda was naked, but she was in no hurry to put something on. In fact, when she was at home she tended not to bother getting dressed, enjoying the freedom after a hard day of work. She went over to the dresser to check herself in the mirror. Her purple hair was dishevelled and she noticed that one of the two hair buns on the back of her head had come undone. She sat down on the little chair before the dresser and started to even out her hair. She made a new hair bun, then took a comb to brush the ponytails that dangled beneath each bun. A few hair clips and pins from the drawer, and Mei was looking satisfied at the neat hairstyle in the mirror.

Mei got up from the dresser and walked out her bedroom to the kitchen. Her large, firm breasts gently bounced with each step she took on the tiled floor, toenails making soft tapping noises on the marble. She switched on the kettle and prepared a cup with a tea bag inside. She then when over to a laptop that sat on the counter table, opened it and switched it on. While the panda waited for it to boot up, she made her tea with the kettle's hot water. she then sat down on a stool by the counter, her furry buttocks gently moulding to the seat. Settled in, Mei began to browse her emails and favourite news sites while taking the occasional sip of tea.

The news sites didn't have much in the way of interesting stories. There was an update about an ongoing conflict in the Middle East that was going nowhere, a story of a major hurricane brewing in the Atlantic and the latest movements on the financial markets. Slow news day, thought Mei. Taking another sip of tea, the panda went through her emails. Aside from a few personal emails and some spam that somewhere managed to get by the filter, her inbox was full of newsletters and correspondence from colleagues in the media industry.

Mei began to browse through them all. Much like the news sites, the newsletters weren't running any exceptional stories today, and the correspondence were mostly small, unimportant issues. Mei replied to a few them, but the rest she just quickly read before moving on. Then one email caught her eye. She set her tea down and leaned forward to read the email more carefully.

It was from a colleague who worked at a small television station on the American west coast. He told of a total media blackout imposed by the government about an event that was occurring around a town called Huskyville. While most news agencies had no idea of what was going on, he had managed to get a hold of a reliable source about what was really up. In fact, he had almost dismissed the story as nonsense until his source showed him a brief video of it. The video was attached to the email.

Mei was at first surprised when she read the source's story, to the point where she herself had almost dismissed it as nonsense. But then she downloaded the video and opened it. It was low quality and shaky, but it was good enough. It was shot from a hill, looking down at a row of expensive houses that sat at bottom. The camera was zoomed in on one yard, where the scene was playing out next to an outdoor Jacuzzi. A female skunk was being attacked by what looked like a giant purple flower coming out of the lawn, tentacles spouting around it and grabbing the skunk. The tendrils stripped the skunkette of her swimsuit before pulling her into the hole in the flower's centre. The panda watched breathlessly as the skunk was pulled in head-first and naked before the video abruptly stopped.

It looked too surreal to be true, but Mei Jing knew this wasn't some cheap trick or special effects. And she would have been shocked by the skunk's fate had she not read the rest of the source's story. Apparently this plant, created by accident in a lab, didn't digest its victims, but rather used their bodies for energy via sexual stimulation. The mere thought of it made the panda's one paw slide unthinkingly between her legs, though she quite pulled it back to type a reply to her colleague, thanking him for the information.

Sipping the last of her tea, Mei switched off the laptop and got up. She placed the cup by the sink before walking out towards her back garden.

Mei Jing was working out in the nude on a mini stepper exercise machine that sat on a patio overlooking her back garden. The panda breathed heavily and rapidly as her feet rose up and down on the small device, facing towards the garden. It was laid in the traditional Chinese manner, with a small pond, a pavilion with bright red roof tiles, winding stone paths along the pond and amongst the flower bushes and boulders, all surrounded by a white, high wall that kept out prying eyes.

But Mei wasn't paying much attention to the scenery. Her mind was still thinking about the plant the email talked about, wondering about how it really worked and what it did to its victims. Was there any footage of what exactly went on inside the plant? There were theories and second-hand accounts, but not hard proof. If only someone could get in there and send out information about what happens to the victims...

Mei stopped walking, her heavy breathing making her D-cup breasts gently rise and fall. She was beginning to form an idea in her mind. What if she was the one who went in and got that proof? Immediately the thought made her excited. If she could get it, then it would really be a big feather in her cap and really raise her profile in the media world. Not that she wasn't already a big name, but the panda wanted to be even bigger. Get a reputation for finding and reporting on the hard-to-get stories.

Plus, there was a more primal desire for Mei Jing to take on this story. Unlike most pandas, Mei had a very strong sex drive thanks to some earlier volunteer work she did at a medical facility to help test some fertility drugs. While the drugs didn't work for the most part, for Mei it gave her a very strong sexual desire. And she used it to her advantage, getting juicy bits of information or big scoops. Hence why she spent last night in bed with the sports celebrity. At the thought of that, Mei reminded herself to get that particular story done and sent to her employers this morning.

And if what her contact told her was true, then the idea of ending up inside that plant made her feel very hot. What an offer! Getting a big scoop and getting sexually satisfied like that.

That was it. Mei Jing decided on her course of action. She climbed off the stepper, grabbing a towel lying on a wooden chair and wiped her face. The panda then dropped the towel to go walking naked into her garden to do her morning mediation session.

Afterwards, she had some big planning to do.

The taxi pulled up to the side of the road, its headlights piercing the darkness. Inside, Mei Jing paid the driver with hard cash before climbing out with her duffle bag. She wore a plain jacket over a white shirt, some faded jeans and cheap sneakers.

"Thanks for the ride." Mei said.

"No problem," nodded the driver, a wild boar. "I would have brought you even closer, but the authorities got this area sealed up. Something about some critter running loose out there. All hogwash if you ask. Anyway, you keep it safe, y'hear?"

"I will, thank you!"

Mei Jing stepped back as the taxi turned around and drove back the way it came, its rear lights fading into the distance. Once the taxi had disappeared, she looked into the other direction. In the distance he could see the lights of a city. Mei Jing knew the name of the city was Huskyville. Her eyes then fell on another set of lights, much closer and on the road itself. Though she couldn't see it clearly, the reporter knew it was one of the military roadblocks that have been set up around Huskyville. She had no intention of going through it, or even try to. She instead chose to climb the small wire fence running alongside the road and head into the fields. Breaking a chemlight to provide a little vision in the darkness, the journalist made her way to the city.

Though it was still early into the night, when Mei Jing reached the outer suburbs of Huskyville she found the streets completely deserted and most of the homes devoid of any lights. All she could hear was the distant sound of military helicopters and the occasional siren. Most citizens had either fled or are under curfew. Mei Jing stayed alert, hiding behind bushes and fences whenever a military jeep or police cruiser drove by. She also occasionally consulted a map of the city to make sure she was heading the right way.

Along the way Mei also noticed a curiosity: large mounds of upturned earth on front lawns, gardens, parks and open grounds. They might look like ants hills, but they were far too large and loose. She guessed it probably had to do with what was going on around here. It also told her where to look. Stopping to check the map, she picked out a park located not far from where she was. Mei then checked the name of the street she was on with the map and she was off.

The sound of a helicopter forced her to dive under an abandoned truck. Above her a helicopter slowly flew over. The searchlight underneath it swept the streets and surrounding building. Mei held her breath as she saw the brightness go over the truck. For a few agonising moments the chopper remained stationary above her. Then the light disappeared and the sound of the rotors grew fainter.

The panda waited for a few minutes to be sure and then crawled out from under the vehicle. She checked the area again to make sure the coast was clear, dusted herself off and continued on to the park.

The park was a large enclosed space nestled amongst some row houses. Mei Jing scouted it out from one of the street entrances and immediately noticed the number of dirt mounds scattered amongst the trees, paths and benches. Like much of the city, the park was deserted as well. The few lights that were still on just added to the feeling of abandonment. She checked the street behind her again, but there were no signs of any patrols. She entered the park.

"This looks like the right spot. Now I just need to set things up and wait." Mei talked to herself, heading towards a cluster of bushes by the high wall that rounded the park. It was secluded enough to hide behind while also affording her a good view of the park. The panda put down her duffle bag, unzipped it and began to rummage around in it. Amongst the inexpensive clothes and toiletries she took out two items: one was a sealed cup of premade noodles and the other a camera bag. She sat down and crossed her legs, placing the cup between her legs and then unzipping the bag.

Mei Jing pulled out what appeared at first glance to be a head torch. Closer examination would reveal that the torch is actually a small but powerful camera. The straps attached to it would allow the user to wear it around the top of the head. It was also fitted with a small microphone that hooked around the ear. It had a powerful transmitter that could easily be picked up by satellite. She had set up her computer back in China up to connect to the headset as soon as it was switched on.

Mei turned the headset on and waited. A few seconds later two green lights appeared to indicate that her computer at home has both audio and visual. He tried out the microphone.

"Testing, one, two, three." A small bar appeared next to the two lights as she spoke. Having sound, she decided to record a brief report. She put the headset on her head and adjusted the camera and the microphone into the correct positions. Then she began speaking.

"This is Mei Jing Zhu, China Television News, reporting from the town of Huskyville. The town had recently placed under military quarantine following a series of incidents involving some kind of escaped laboratory experiment. The creature is apparently some kind of mutated plant that has been ambushing residents of this coastal town. So far there has been no footage of the strange, plant-like creature, but I intend to be the first to get a shot."

Mei Jing made a slow panning shot of the park she was in.

"Right now I'm in a park somewhere in Huskyville. There is nobody about except for the distant military patrols. The mounds you see were caused by the plant, if reports are true. So I'm going to wait here and see if it comes along. Then... we'll see."

Satisfied, she switched the headset off and set it down. She sat down cross-legged next to the duffle bag and took the cup of noodles. She peeled off the labelled cover and removed the plastic fork from the bottom. The noodles were mixed with bits of chopped bamboo shoots, her favourite kind. She began to eat, listening to the distant helicopters.

And waiting.

A few hours later it happened. Mei Jing was leaning back against the wall with the empty noodle bowl next to her when she began to feel the ground begin to rumble under her. She sat up and looked around. At first she couldn't see anything unusual, but the rumbling became more and more noticeable. That's when she notices the ground a few feet in front of her beginning to bulge, cracks forming in the grass and the earth beneath it. Mei Jing immediately grabbed her headset and jumped to her feet.

Mei Jing switched on the headset and checked to see if it was connected. Once she say the green lights, she put the headset on over the top of her head. By now the mound had grown in size. Clods of grass and earth tumbled down its sides. The panda began her narration.

"This is Mei Jing Zhu, reporting from Huskyville. I've just had something happening here before me in this park. As you can see, a mound is forming in the ground just a few feet before me. Might this be the plant that is the reason for the military lockdown of this town?"

Mei walked closer to the mound, but still kept her distance. By now the mound began to break and fall apart, revealing a large flower with purple pedals and a green stem. The flower grows higher and higher and it unfolded its petals.

"It is some kind of flower, bigger than anything I've ever seen. Its easily the size of a small tree with bright purple petals." The reporter kept up her narration while stepping closer. She knew that, normally, this was a bad idea. But right now, it was a good idea in her view.

The flower was now fully open. The petals surrounded a sphincter with slits that radiated out from a central point in its bud. Mei Jing was less than a couple of feet away from the plant, still keeping up her narration.

"It is clearly not natural. Its moving too quickly for any normal plant and its size is beyond.... oh!"

The ground around the flower erupted as thick green vines burst from the earth and immediately went for Mei Jing. Before she could even react, the vines curled themselves around her ankles and pulled. The panda gasped and fell backwards on the grass. She let out a gasp and a cough from the air being knocked from her lungs. While she was temporarily dazed, the other vines quickly wrapped themselves tightly around her waist and wrists. Just as quickly as she fell, Mei was hoisted up into the air. But Mei was more concerned about the camera, which she could still feel hadn't fallen off of her head.

"The vines have grabbed hold very tightly. I'm being lifted into the air with more vines coming towards me... they are..."

Mei Jing gasped as one vine slid right into the top of her shirt and wiggled down between her cleavage. At the same time, two other vines wormed into the pipes of her jeans and crawled up against her legs. Another pair of vines grabbed her sneakers and began to pull on them. They slipped off easily and were dropped by the vines. The tendrils inside Mei's clothing started to tug and pull on the clothing, stretching and pulling them.

"The vines appear to be trying to get my clothing off. I can feel them trying to rip them off my body. Oh! I hear the seams tearing now... they're coming off!"

The vines peeled away Mei Jing's clothing like they were gift paper around a present, which she likely was for the plant. The torn fabric fell to the ground into a ragged heap.

"The vines have taken my clothes off in one motion, including my underwear. The plant clearly doesn't like consuming any kind of clothing... now they are forcing my legs together and my arms against my sides and turning me head-first towards the flower itself. I'm being brought closer and... the flower's centre is opening up! I can see a hole with a tunnel beyond it... I... I think its going to swallow me!"

Mei Jing, held firm by the vines, was taken right up to the now-open flower. The hole just big enough for her to fit through and beyond lay the hollow plant stem. A clear and slightly greenish goo covered the interior. The plant pushed her head in first.

"Now I'm being taken in. The inside has a faint glow, perhaps bioluminescence from the plant itself. My head is in... my shoulders and..." The panda briefly shivered as her breasts brushed over the edge of the plant's mouth. "And my chest. Oh!" Mei Jing was pushed into the plant and its mouth closed around her waist. She was pushed further in, the rim of the mouth pressing down on her but not too hard. Her waist slid in, followed by her curvy hips and buttocks. All that was left of Mei Jing was her legs and feet. The flower tilted backwards until its victim was almost vertical and from there, gravity did the rest. The panda's legs slid through the plant's hole and finally her feet disappeared behind the closing mouth.

Mei Jing began sliding down the tube, her naked body gliding over the slick goo that lined the sides. The sensation was quite pleasing and she bit her lower lip to keep her focus. "Now I'm falling down this plant's stem. The sides are lubricated with slime that is making me fall down like I'm on a water slide. I have no idea how far this goes, but I'm definitely now underground."

The reporter kept falling for about ten minutes, keeping good time despite the feeling. Then, all of a sudden, the stem became transparent. Immediately Mei looked outside, wiping the slime off her face. "Okay, I can now see some kind of huge chamber or dome, lit up by bioluminescence. I can see other stems running from the roof down to... I think I see... pods, I think? We'll soon see: I'm about to come to mine." She looked down and saw a sphincter opening up before her. "There's an opening ahead."

The tube narrowed, slowing Mei Jing's descent before she came to the opening. The panda dove through the hole with arms stretched before her to break her fall. Fortunately it wasn't a high drop and she landed with only a grunt on the fleshy floor. She looked up in time to see the hole she came through close up tightly. Gathering her bearings, the panda stood up and wiped her face of the slime. She then felt to make sure the camera was still on her head before checking her new surroundings.

"Okay, I'm now inside one of the pods I saw on my way down. The floor feels semi-soft, almost flesh-like, under my feet. The walls appear to be transparent. I can see the liquid-filled with a... oh!"

Mei Jing looked directly at the pod next to hers. Inside of the gooey fluid that filled the pod floated a naked female rabbit, held by the arms and legs by tentacles coming from above and below. Her paws pressed against the transparent wall as support while two more tentacles penetrated and pounded her two lower holes. Two more tentacles with cup-like tips were attached over her breasts' tits. A final one with a mask was fitted over her muzzle.

Mei Jing looked at the bunny for while until spots appeared before her eyes. She gasped, realizing she had been holding her breath as she stared. The panda resumed her running commentary.

"Uhh... I don't know how else to put. In the pod next to me is a naked female rabbit, looks like in her 30s. The plant's tendrils are holding her and engaging in sexual intercourse with her. It also seems to be stimulating and providing air or sustenance to her as well... I wonder if the plant gets anything from doing this to her..."

As she spoke, Mei at first didn't realize that she was groping one of her breasts with one paw while her other paw fondled her private area. Her legs were crossed as the panda rubbed herself. As she felt an orgasm build, Mei Jing suddenly snapped out of it, however reluctantly. She still has a story to report here! Her eyes tore away from the rabbit to the other pods that she could see from hers.

"I can see other pods all around me, filled with trapped females of various species who are being yiffed like the rabbit. I see a few males here and there as well. I hear the muffled moans coming from them. I can speculate that perhaps the orgasms the plant forces from its victims somehow gives it energy. Like a car battery or... OH!"

Mei Jing immediately looked down when she felt wetness on her feet. Liquid was pooling at the bottom and fast. Within seconds her ankles were submerged.

"My pod is beginning to fill up too now! The liquid feels slightly slimy and warm. It's probably forms a sort of nutrient bath or preservative if the other pods are any examples. Its gaining on me quickly." Mei's voice was a mixture of fear and excitement. Perhaps more the former than the latter, the panda might admit.

As the liquid reached her knees, tentacles emerged from holes in the top of the pod and reached for Mei Jing's arms. At the same time, she could see more tendrils popping out of the floor and go for her ankles. The panda made no effort to resist the tentacles as they curled around her ankles and wrists.

"Okay, tentacles have come into my pod and have taken hold of my arms and legs. They have a very firm grip, not pain but enough to keep me from freeing my limbs... now I'm being held in a spread eagle position... I think I can see something coming up in the liquid below me.... um... Its more tentacles, two of them. They're between my legs..."

Mei let out a gasp when the wet tips of the tentacles touched both her holes below. She groaned and shivered from the incessant poking and probing against her vagina and anus. She clenched her teeth and her flesh from the touching, but the tentacles were not going to back down. They pushed harder and harder until they popped into the panda's body. Once inside, there was no stopping them as them wiggled and squirmed up into her.

"Aaargh!... Oooo! The tentacles... they're going into my privates!... Uuuurgh!... They're going deep... and... and rubbing my insides... s-s-stimulating me and filling me... I-I think their tips are growing bigger!... Oooooh!"

The liquid was now halfway up the reporter's body when two more tentacles dropped down in front of her chest. Mei Jing gritted her teeth, trying to concentrate on what is happening before her and ignoring the tentacles already squirming inside her.

"T-two more... tentacles have appeared... they have... cup or mouths... they are mooOOOOOHH!... T-they are sucking on my breasts now! Urghhh! Sucking so hard!... must... be... aahh... milking my breasts for n-n-nourishment... I'm... I'm..."

Mei Jing was now really struggling to maintain her concentration, but the sensations flooding her brain was making it very hard to keep her story coherent. Not that it seemed to matter. The liquid was now rising up over her tentacle-covered boobs. Soon she will be submerged. Then, before her eyes, appeared the same tentacle who's tip covered the faces of her fellow captives. The panda reporter knew what was to come now.

"Uhn... uhn... This is it! Here comes the feeder to go into my mouth a-a-and the liquid is about tooooh... to submerge me! T-this is Mei Jing Zhu, reporting froMMMMPHF!!"

The feeder tentacle latched onto her face and pushes the feeding tube right into Mei Jing's mouth, nearly causing her to gag. Right away a sweet-tasting goo was pumped in for her to swallow, probably to keep her sustained. Then, the liquid came rising up her neck and head. The reporter blinked once and then her vision blurred as her head went under. Barely a few seconds later the pod became completely filled, leaving Mei Jing floating in the middle with the tentacles anchoring her in place.

Mei Jing's body stiffened and she let out a muffled scream as she reached her first orgasm. She shook her head and clenched her fists, letting the pleasure run its course through her. Then, it subsided. The tentacles stopped screwing her, but they stayed inside her and held on. The panda took a moment to recover and consider her position. She was now clearly a prisoner with no chance of escape on her own. But at least she got the story out. Now all that was needed for one of her colleagues to come pick up the recording from her computer back home as arranged and get it to the station. It would be one hell of a story, not to mention help her rescuers get her and the others out.

Confident, and feeling the tentacles within her vagina and anus beginning to squirm again, Mei Jing gave herself over to the plant, letting her hunger for more sexual pleasure go wild. She squirmed and wiggled her hips around, working against the thrusting of the tentacles to get more feeling from her inner flesh. The reporter soon underwent another orgasm, her moans lost amid that of all the other prisoners within the chamber.

A few hours later in China, the neighbourhood where Mei Jing's home was located was completely in the dark. There were no lights or any other source of illumination. The only exception was the headlights of a van parked near a transformer hut. Inside, two pigs in electrician overalls were fiddling around with the circuit breakers. One held a flashlight while the other flipped the necessary switches. The moment he flipped the last switch, there was a humming noise and the next instant the neighbourhood street lights and houses radiated light again.

"Finally! That should be it." Said the first big, wiping his brow.

"About time." The second pig switched off the flashlight. "We've been here for nearly four hours. I could use a drink."

"Then let's finish up and head back to the station. Hopefully the circuit breakers won't trip again."

The two electricians closed the hut, got back into their van and drove off. Their van went past Mei Jing's home, where there wasn't a single light on. None except for her computer coming back to life again.