High Tide (By Valyri)

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#6 of Received stories

So apparently I inspired Valyri, at least in part, to get back into writing! And - damn, he's really got something goin for him! <3 he did this as a little practice-thing, a fun story where Lukas stumbles across a certain fox at a nude beach while he's looking for somewhere to empty this bladder.

And. Uh. I already said it. He found a fox. Valyri rather enjoys what I've got between my legs, & he's a fan of brimming bladders as well. Can't complain. ;3 Just like me, Lukas can get a bit needy and rough if he really gets into it. This fox, Julian, learns that firsthand.

Original upload: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1175385

Why is it the only people taking advantage of a nude beach are always the ones who shouldn't be?

The age-old quandary popped into Lukas's head, but didn't exactly linger - insistent pressure on your bladder sort of has a way of overriding more abstract concerns. The otter's long rudder flicked about quickly behind him - anything to move, to distract from said pressure - and his quick, bouncing gait would've betrayed his urgency to anyone who looked very closely; but his choice to contribute to that nude-beach dilemma by wearing a red speedo assured most guests had their attention focused on the slender young she-snep a little down the way, happily displaying her...ample assets.

At least one fur was nude beaching properly.

He supposed it wasn't entirely surprising that he couldn't find a private place to relieve himself at a tourist spot using a total lack of interest in privacy as its primary selling point. You were supposed to use the ocean after all, but there was a reef nearby - and he could vaguely recall some report that had come up somewhere in the droning boredom of one of his recent classes, suggesting coral and urine didn't mix so great. That being said, if the otter didn't find his option in the next few seconds...well, at least he'd feel bad about it afterwards.

Lucky day for the reef, though! As Lukas rounded a hill, a group of large rocks came into view in the distance, flanked by a few palm trees, set far enough back from the water as to reasonably expect decent protection from prying eyes. Those rain-touched stones were exactly what he needed - he could only hope no one else was taking advantage of them. Well, only one way to find out.

The otter rushed over the remaining swath of white sand, drawing a few glances of mild curiosity - he thanked himself again for wearing the suit - and reached the jagged outcropping with no more than a minute or two of resistance left. In fact, as he clambered over one of the shorter ones to reach the promise of quiet, private sand in the middle, a drop eased its way out of him. His eyes flashed around frantically outside the rocks as he stepped down onto warm, shaded sand. Seeing no one following him, he tore his speedo down to his knees, freeing his hooded length to the cool air, relief so close -

"Well, hello there."

The voice was playful, teasing, male, and nearly made Lukas jump out of his skin, quickly pulling his speedo back up and clumsily packing himself back into it, choosing not to look down at someone who clearly wanted privacy as he tried to climb back out and make it to the water before pissing himself. "Fuck, sorry, sorry, I didn't know anyone would be here--"

"What makes you think 'anyone' is asking you to leave?" As if the implied invitation wasn't enough, the voice was dripping flirtation - enough to give Lukas pause. He glanced down for just a moment and - fuck.

It was an exceedingly handsome red fox. Completely nude, his bushy, snow-tipped tail up between his legs and across his chest, covering his privates in a coy gesture. His lithe, slightly muscled abdomen rose and fell slowly with his breaths, issuing quietly forth from a mischievously smiling muzzle. The fox's slender black digits were stroking his tail softly - as they had likely been stroking everything under it prior to the otter's arrival - and his footpaws were surprisingly close to Lukas's, enough to make him relieved he hadn't jumped down onto the fox, who took up all of the tiny space. Something about the black curves ascending from the corners of his eyes, curling up around his big vulpine ears, struck the otter with a sense of familiarity, but -

"HEY, LUKAS, YOU NEED TO PEE!" screamed his bladder.

He turned around and began to climb out again. "Hey, listen, I can come back, just - I really have to pee--"

"Well, don't stop on my account."

He stopped again, dancing back and forth on his webbed feet. "...Are you asking me to...?"

The handsome fox grinned wider. "Only if you bring that down here."

Fuck it, I can't wait any longer.

In a matter of about three seconds, Lukas's speedo was completely off, resting on the fox's ankles, and he was down on his knees atop the vulpine, pinning his arms down, a sizeable tube of thoroughly piss-primed, hooded otter meat dangling ominously above that smiling muzzle.

He took his last ten seconds of resistance to make absolutely certain. "Listen, are you...sure you want this? I've really gotta go..."

The fox just leaned slightly forward and allowed that tip to rest on his tongue.

* * *

As the unfamiliar but decidedly cute otter seated his uncut tool in Julian's mouth, the fox chuckled inwardly.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Being a celebrity often had pants falling to the ground for you, so there was something thoroughly amusing to Julian about setting a record for greeting-to-gulping with this passing otter that clearly didn't recognize him (to be fair, many people didn't, without the attire and face paint). Maybe a nude beach was cheating in that regard, though.

He'd had barely a few moments to take in the otter's form from below, but he liked what he saw so far. Unfortunately, before he had any real chance to ruminate on the stranger's attractiveness, all such thoughts were abruptly silenced by the explosive arrival of a mouthful of very powerful, very hot otter piss. Very well-hydrated otter piss. The saltiness was almost suppressed, just strong enough to leave a tinge of that acrid aftertaste that began to spread around Julian's mouth as he gulped as fast as he could, but found himself losing the battle. Each mouthful, each swallow - they were getting bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier, until barely a few seconds in, his muzzle was completely loaded; and it was clear the otter was only getting started.

It wasn't as though the fox hadn't been marked before - far from it - but he'd certainly have to go deep in his memory banks to find such a violent opening. He probably wouldn't. As subby as the otterboy may have been, certain biological needs overrode that for anyone, and giving Julian time to adjust was evidently not in the plan. Perhaps "I really have to go" had been an understatement. As if to punctuate those thoughts, the otter's sigh of relief came out in a loud huff, almost a grunt. Somebody had been holding it in for quite a while...

In a matter of seconds the watery, gold-kissed deluge was overflowing the fox's muzzle despite his best efforts to swallow, its warmth rapidly flowing down into his white chest fur, darkening it, faintly staining it with the otter's mark. The scent started to rise to his nostrils now, almost as powerful as the stream itself. He could only imagine the twitching noses, the strange looks he'd be getting as he left the beach, if the damp lutrine had elected to unleash himself entirely ON Julian instead of in.

"Fuck, I needed this..."

He looked up at the voice to see the otter smiling, blue-streaked eyes closed as he basked in the pleasure of his relief, his hips - oh so slowly - starting to roll on the vulpine's abdomen, bushy foxtail tickling his smooth ass, as the pressure eased its hold on his brain and allowed him to begin feeling the warm, wet grip Julian's muzzle had on his penis. The fox felt a faint twitch on his tongue, a slight swelling between his lips, but the stream never abated, liberally pouring from his mouth now, the otter seemingly oblivious to the onslaught he was inflicting on his partner's stomach.

Piss was beginning to pool around the heavy, dangling balls resting on Julian's chest, and the stranger finally seemed to feel it, opening his eyes and blushing as he glanced down and saw the fox's eyes wide. Breath was fast becoming an issue as the otter's relentless mark forced its way straight down Julian's throat, removing any hopes of breathing by nose - in fact, as he began to choke, his nose itself started expelling some of that hot liquid, coating his nasal passage. That cock was forcefully demanding he spend the next few days getting a direct reminder of what it did every time he breathed. He wanted to reach up and gently push the boy off to get some air, but his arms were pinned. The otter's blushing face and apologetic expression clearly showed he didn't intend to go quite this hard, but the warmth of Julian's muzzle was a bit too enticing to give up quickly, so he slowly withdrew his meat, bracing himself on the rocks to stand, moaning as the fox's lips pulled his foreskin back up.

"Sorry...I shouldn't have done it in your mouth..." the otterboy muttered quietly as his shaft came fully out, stream continuing - thick, messy, splattering all over the fox in the way that only an uncut cock can.

Julian gasped for air and was immediately assaulted by a powerful wave of lutrine scent from the piss in his nose, on his breath, soaked through his fur, blasting down onto his belly from the semi-hard shaft dangling over him. His bushy tail was now taking the brunt of the otter's mark as it rested on his abdomen, the pole underneath still rock-hard and twitching with excited vigor - it's not like he wasn't enjoying it.

The otter wrapped a paw around his meat, slowly easing the foreskin back and forth as he kept spraying, long rudder flicking happily behind him as his arousal grew. Each tantalizingly gentle stroke sent a brief twinge of pleasure up his spine, along with an unpredictable splash of piss somewhere onto the prone fox beneath him. As soon as Julian's breathing had calmed, he felt that stream make its way up to firmly and intently bathe his face and realized the otter had more than enough to choke him AND get him those funny looks when he left. His eyes closed as the warmth spread across the outside of his muzzle, the sensual pattering of the continuing deluge so loud to his nearby ears that he could barely hear the otter's increasingly breathy grunts as his relieving of one need only seemed to amplify the urgency of another.

The fox was mildly startled when those cool asscheeks plopped themselves back down onto his stomach, sliding forward, the long piece of meat once again being presented at his lips. He accepted, of course, feeling the stream finally beginning to ebb, still providing a healthy mouthful before it eventually abated - but the warm cock was twitching on his tongue, swelling, growing, pulsing with life as it inched its way closer to his throat. As he glanced up, he could see the fire of lust in the otter's eyes, a smile once again on his flat muzzle, those balls on his chest suddenly feeling a bit heavier, the resumed rolling of hips a bit more insistent now. A damp rudder began tickling at his own tail and playfully batting his legs. There was little doubt what the boy wanted next.

Ever the gracious host in his tiny sand domain, Julian abruptly obliged, tongue caressing the otter's delicious shaft as he drew it up towards the tip. A sigh of delight reached his ears right as an excited thrust reached his tonsils - but before he felt any need to gag, that cockhead was pulled back, resting on his tongue. This, fortunately for the boy, gave Julian a moment to focus the tip of said tongue on that sleek foreskin, digging gently around its rim and forcing out a moan loud enough to briefly leave the fox concerned someone outside their little hideaway might hear. A final inch pressed insistently into his mouth before the sheer heat emanating from the pulsing flesh between his lips assured him that he was tasting all his partner had to offer.

He'd sucked bigger cocks, of course, but also smaller ones, even smaller ones that still pleasantly filled his muzzle. The otter certainly had a mouthful for him, a mouthful that could be difficult to manage if its owner decided to get a bit more aggressive with it. For now, though, the lutrine sat still atop the fox's chest, eyes closed, seeming content with the service his foreskin was getting from the vulpine tongue bath. At full size, Julian could even slip his tongue inside, squeezing it between the spongy head and its soft covering before slowly licking around - and, each time he did so, the otter gasped, bit his lip, gave a stuttering half-thrust as though attempting to force that tongue deeper. He felt a webbed paw on his head, gently tousling his russet fur in a show of appreciation words could never convey. Precum drooled liberally, drowning his tastebuds, the delicious tang amplifying his own excitement. The otter's ass was tense on his stomach, seeming on the verge of snapping back into its driving motion with even more vigor.

Sure enough, he felt that weight on his torso easing just a little, the heavy balls resting a bit further down below his collarbone. The otter was rising up on his knees, giving himself leverage, his face contorted into a mask of lust so intense his eyebrows were barely short of a frown. The eyes beneath them opened, fixing a burning gaze straight down into Julian's, as the paw on the fox's head shifted from its gentle rubbing and instead took a firm grip.

One quick, hard thrust, and those balls were flush against Julian's chin, his entire muzzle utterly packed with every inch of blazing, twitching meat the otter had to give. Even if the actions had given him warning, it was a bit too much not to tickle his gag reflex as the head entered his throat, but he managed to keep his breath, the cords on his neck standing out as that passage gripped and massaged the lutrine tip stretching it. The pleasure brought on by those muscles seemed to leave the boy unsure of what expression to wear on his muzzle as his breath came out in a broken series of huffs, tailing off into a quiet and high-pitched moan - and then Julian felt that cock slowly withdrawing, dangling balls dragging down his chest as his partner readied another assault.

This time, he didn't get any reprieve. As soon as he could taste the messy boy's precum, the otter was slamming his pole in again. And then again. And again. Weighty, loaded balls slapped hard against his chin. In...out...in...out...submissiveness had been entirely replaced by animalistic breeding instinct, and the stranger had no concerns other than his own orgasm. All Julian could do was try to convey a slow-down request with his eyes - but the otter was having none of it. In fact, despite making eye contact, he continued to thrust even harder, even faster - he needed this.

All the fox could do was relax his throat as best he could and go along for the ride. With the otter's position, Julian couldn't have resisted even if he wanted to - he was fully at the mercy of the boy's overwhelming lust. Despite his expertise, he couldn't stop the first gurgling "glrk" that would alert anyone nearby to the very rough muzzlefuck going on - he couldn't stop any of the ones after, either. Although the otter's rhythm was certainly hard to cope with, its broken nature left Julian more ability to breathe than the copious mark he'd struggled to swallow down had - but there was no doubt his throat would be sore in the morning.

Probably the next morning, and the next, too.

A mouthful of otter seed was clearly approaching fast, the boy grunting or moaning with each thrust now, his eyes squeezed shut and his muzzle twisted with ecstasy. Julian somehow doubted he'd get the luxury of a warning from a partner so caught up - but he did his best to prepare, taking note of the otter's twitching, waiting to feel those balls tighten against his chin -

And then, just before he did, the otter placed a second paw on his head and bent over him, coiling his body completely around the muzzle he was using. The boy's skinny stomach pressed down against his head as he delivered one, two, three, four final, brutal humps into Julian's throat - and then held himself there. The change of position had shocked the breath out of the fox, and as he urgently sucked in air through his nose, he felt that tightening - the otter's cock bucked violently once, twice, and then -

He'd received heavy volume from canids, and thickness from stallions. The otter had neither, but his first shot burst forth with a power exceeding anything Julian had ever attempted to swallow. It blasted into his throat with such force that it actually stung a little, and even as he started choking in surprise, a hard pulse between his lips promised more on the way. In a repeat performance, the otter claimed his nose with that shot, decorating his own groin with the small white backwash from the fox's nostrils. Although he probably should've expected such force after drinking the otter's piss, Julian still found himself awed at the boy's cock being so overwhelming as to choke him with both outputs. And damned if he could smell anything but sexy otter right now, with his nose pressed into the lutrine's groin and his nasal passages dripping cum - not to mention the ever-present aroma of what he'd received from that same cock when it was soft...

Fortunately the choking didn't become such a problem this time, because, well, when you spurt that hard, you don't spurt very long. Three more quick rockets and the otter's orgasm tapered off, actually surprising Julian with how quickly it dried up given the messy deluge of precum the boy had oozed onto his tongue.

Finally, the otter released Julian's head and fell back to his position seated on the vulpine's chest, open-mouthed, panting, glancing down at the fox and, at seeing the drips of white around his nostrils, apparently finally realizing how rough he'd gotten. An even deeper blush than before snuck its way through the brown fur around his muzzle. He scratched his headfur and gave an embarrassed, nervous chuckle.

"I, uh...didn't mean to, well, get that into it. Sorry again..."

Julian found his contrition extremely cute, but the situation under the fox's tail was demanding some attention. He gave the otter a friendly smile after his own breath had calmed a little.

"That's twice you choked me, you know. Pretty impressive."

"Sorry, I just...I lose myself a bit sometimes. I--"

"You don't have to apologize, although I wouldn't say no if you perhaps wanted to make it up to me," the fox said, giggling.

"Hmmm," the otter answered, rudder swaying behind him once again. He blushed even harder, but forced out a smile. "What did you have in mind?"

* * *

The fox grinned back up at Lukas, giving a brief flash of perfect white fangs, licking his lips, collecting a small dollop of ottercum at the corner of his mouth. He chuckled. "Depends what you're ready for. For now, though...there's someone under my tail that would quite like to meet you."

A brief glance down revealed two slender, toned legs spreading apart, making a comfortable space on the sand and showing off bright white fur, flecked with sand, climbing up the insides of those thighs to disappear beneath that bushy tail...

"I think it's time you introduced yourself to him, don't you?"

Lukas needed no further invitation, dropping to his knees in the proffered space between the fox's legs, his webbed paws immediately massaging them, feeling the warmth of orange fur that's been under the sun for hours. He knew his partner had been very patiently awaiting his turn, though, and had an apology to give, so rather quickly those paws slid up, digits curling into the fur on the fox's thick tail.

The otter glanced up to see an innocent grin decorating the muzzle he'd treated so brutally moments before, and smiled himself, maintaining eye contact as he - oh so slowly - slipped one paw right under the base of that tail, exploring what was beneath; and he quickly felt fur. Fur on what could only have been a very full, very_large sac. He paused in surprise as it came in contact with his pawtips, eyes widening a little as his blush returned, full force. The fox's grin widened, becoming noticeably less innocent, as Lukas continued his exploration, allowing one warm, heavy nut to fill his palm. For a moment, he swore he could almost _feel it vibrating with life as it gently rose and fell with its owner's breaths, and his smile widened, too, at knowing that he would not be leaving this rocky hideaway without a healthy coating of fox seed either in or on him.

"Impressed, are we?"

By way of answer, Lukas simply slipped his other paw under that tail, gently fondling the loaded sac as his first hand began climbing, tickling over the telltale bulge of a knot and then quickly coming in contact with a thick, steel-hard pole, blazing with heat. For some reason, it didn't feel quite as wet as the numerous canine cocks he'd toyed with in the past, and the skin felt a little softer - but the reason became clear as his paw kept climbing and finding more and more length, the fox becoming more impressive by the second. There was no tapering - in fact, after what felt like an impossibly long journey upwards, the otter felt the telltale bulge of what could only be a mushroom head, crowned by foreskin.

He grinned at the fox. "Human mom?"

"Dad, actually, but we'll give you half credit," the fox replied, giving a thrust upwards, driving his considerable length through Lukas's palm and quietly groaning as the otter's gentle squeezing resulted in that hood sliding pleasurably down under his crown.

The fox's action freed a deluge of precum that had been trapped within his foreskin, and it flooded across Lukas's pawtips, coating them in warmth and enticing him to - only for a second - bring that paw up to his nose and catch a brief whiff of heady, vulpine scent. He knew how thoroughly the fox was coated in his own, but had a feeling that favor would be repaid by the time he left the beach...he couldn't go without looking anymore.

As if reading his thoughts, the fox lifted his tail, intentionally tickling Lukas's crotch as he laid it to rest on the warm sand between the otterboy's legs, grinning wider and nodding downward, inviting Lukas to see his partner's equipment for the first time. A pang of renewed arousal shot through him as he examined the fox's meat, separated from a well-endowed human's only by the promise of a knot - and the raw pink color brought on by normally being sheathed. The heavy snow-touched sac underneath was begging for a nose pressed against it, and Lukas obliged, purely because it had been a while since he'd had a chance to add a new scent to his compendium.

And definitely NOT because he had a thing for canine balls, or anything like that.

He reeled for just a moment as he took in a heavy dose of that scent, not quite prepared for how strong it was - he had himself to thank for that, of course, having thoroughly masked any other aroma in the small area with his voluminous...relief. The fox just laid his head back with a content smile and relaxed, allowing Lukas's cool nose to explore each inch of his crotch. As the otter moved up towards that twitching pink cock, the spice of piss eased its way back into his nostrils, and he couldn't help but flash a hidden smile at his thoroughness.

A moan reached Lukas's ears as he slid his partner's hood back into place and his exploration finally shifted from nose to tongue. By now, the fox's excitement had coated the upper half of his meat rather liberally, and the otter enjoyed a long lick up that shaft - from the salty, primal tang of those first couple inches so often buried deep in his sheath, to the sweet sheen of arousal slowly descending from the tip. It was a foregone conclusion, of course, that said tip was going to get plenty of attention - the only thing Lukas loved more than a nice, sleek foreskin was a nice, sleek foreskin with his tongue digging inside.

The otter sighed with satisfaction as he got under that hood, tasting the virile scent the handsome fox's cock was pouring forth. He felt the gentle tightness of the foreskin as it moved and stretched around his tongue while he bathed the head softly, paying special attention to every guy's favorite spot - and it seemed to be working, the fox audibly struggling to keep himself quiet, basking in the warmth of the otter's exhalations, the pleasure of his tongue's ministrations. Almost a full minute passed with Lukas enjoying the stranger's unique anatomy before, rather abruptly, he stood up, spun around to lean forward against one of the rocks - and hiked his rudder high. Sure, he was a little nervous - while not the biggest he'd taken, this fox was certainly close - but he'd been so unusually rough with piss, cock and cum that he felt obligated to provide, and, well...

He wasn't a selfish lutrine, but his dick was pulsing in front of him once again, and slurping on the fox wouldn't do the trick.

He heard paws shuffling in the cool sand as the stranger, slightly taller than he was, moved to a standing position behind him...and then the pulsing, red-hot shaft he'd just been playing with was sliding between his thighs, pressed up beside his balls, its tip tickling his underside. His nerves spiked a little as he glanced down and noticed that even under his own, the pink slab of foxmeat was visibly larger, a sign of the stretching to come. The fox leaned forward, his soft, piss-soaked chestfur pressing against the otter's back, pinning his rudder against it - and two russet-colored arms wrapped around the boy's abdomen, pulling him into an embrace. The cock against his own started easing back and forth as the stranger gently worked his hips behind Lukas, teasing his formidable pole against the otter's twitching, leaking member.

A warm, very wet presence on his shoulder accompanied by a brief nip at his neck - the tip of a black nose and a grinning muzzle at the corner of his vision, and a flash of white fangs as the fox spoke - "You really are messy, aren't you? It's cute, actually, when I'm not choking on it." A giggle.

Lukas turned his head to catch one mischievously glinting eye and gave it a jokingly annoyed look, briefly smiling for the fox. "Shut up and fuck me."

"Patience is a virtue, you know. You've got me amped up. I'm pretty tempted to just...RIP into you..." He gave a hard thrust between Lukas's thighs as he said it. "But I'm not gonna last long in there, so let's make sure you can cum with me, hmm?"

He pressed himself flush against Lukas's backside as his paw slipped down the otter's skinny abdomen to their cocks, black-furred tips wrapping around both, as much as would fit between them, of course - it's not like the otter didn't have some thickness in his own right - and the two groaned in unison as they pulsed and throbbed against each other, sharing their considerable heat.

The fox panted quietly, slowly stroking up and down, up and down - Lukas could feel his partner's foreskin tickling his underside as it rolled gently back and forth, and warm breath washed over his whiskers. "Get me messy, otterboy...make it easier on your--"

Lukas reached up a paw and jokingly pushed the grinning muzzle closed. "It's Lukas. And there's no need to fish for compliments, you know you're big."

Another glance over revealed a look of mock indignation. "I'm Julian, and I'll have you know I would never do such a thing. What guy likes hearing that?"

The name played on the same sense of familiarity that the black marks over the fox's eyes did, but Lukas still couldn't place him. "Hi, Julian. You're not half bad looking. Biggest I've ever seen on a fox, too. That good enough for you?"

Julian growled playfully, but the otter could see a faint blush through his white muzzlefur (okay, admittedly it might take a shower or two before it was entirely_white again) and turned away, grinning, storing that information for future use. The fox stroked faster, his cock so soaked in their combined pre that it was beginning to _schlick with each motion.

"Nothing's good enough for me until I'm in you. Are you ready?" Julian pulled away from him, and suddenly a very thick cockhead was positioned up against his ring, preparing to stretch him wide.

As good as he'd been so far at hiding his nerves..."Oh, um...y-yeah."

The fox paused, grinning. "What happened to 'shut up and fuck me?'"

Lukas just gave a half-smile.

Julian's expression softened. "Tell me if it's hurting you, alright?"

Having had some very rough partners before, Lukas was a bit relieved at the concern. As long as he wasn't going to be TOO gentle, of course.

With that, the fox started forward, his precum-lubed cock still meeting some serious resistance. Sure, Lukas had taken bigger before - but that had followed a nice, long rimming...in this case, the lube was only on one end. Nevertheless, Julian would not be denied, and suddenly his head gained entry, causing them both to gasp as a twinge of discomfort shot up the otter's spine. As fast as it had arrived, though, it was fading, and the rest would be easier. The fox drove in slowly, inch by inch, his heat spreading through Lukas's body as he lubed the passage from the inside with an output rivalling the otter's own, which was now dripping onto the sand.

Every time Lukas felt he must be nearing the end, more foxcock kept pressing in, reaching deeper and deeper, spreading him wide. It had him short of breath. "F-fuck...big..."

"Yeah..." Julian crooned in his ear, hugging him tight, pushing him against the rock as, finally, Lukas felt the warmth of two heavy balls flush against his own, and the fox came to a stop, his groin pressed firmly against the otter's asscheeks. "You're doing great, though...fuck, you feel so good. I'll wait as long as you need."

Lukas took a moment to adjust, catching his breath, feeling Julian's warm, wet chestfur pressing against his back, feeling eight, nine inches of thick meat throbbing hard, deep under his tail. He could feel a knot, too - not fully engorged, but very much there. The apprehension must have shown on his face, because Julian quickly turned to look him in the eyes and spoke up.

"You don't have to take it. You'd have to work pretty hard to stop me from cumming at this point..."

Lukas was going to reply his thanks, but as he inhaled, he couldn't help but giggle like an idiot, leaving the fox in a state of confusion. "I mean, of course if you want it, just tell me?"

"No, no, sorry, it's just - all I can smell on you or your breath, without your crotch in my face, is my cock and everything it did to you."

Julian blushed again, but quickly adopted a lusty smirk. "You know, that's right. Maybe I should be as rough as you were, hmm? What goes around..."

Lukas closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warm pulsing deep under his tail, all discomfort having long since turned to dull pleasure. He then looked the fox right in the eye once again, meeting that expression with a similar one of his own. "Shut up and fuck me."

Julian's grin widened as he pulled at least six inches back out of the otter's ring. One of his paws wrapped its tips around the uncut lutrine pole drooling onto the sand, collecting some of that pre, soaking it around the frenulum. With his other, he gripped Lukas even more tightly, spreading his footpaws on the sand, taking a better position - "Oh, that I will."

A tensing of muscles, a hard thrust, a loud slap - a sigh in Lukas's ear - and the otter's body was driven forward, his foreskin rolling back as his shaft pressed into the orange and black paw positioned for its pleasure. That, combined with the jolt to his prostate, had him moaning before the fox had even really gotten into his rhythm, which took merely a few moments after that. Julian groaned amid his gentle exhalations of enjoyment as he started rutting into the otter before him, feeling the warmth inside his shaft as it continued pouring precum forth, feeling the throbbing between his pawtips as Lukas offered more of his own. He hadn't been wrong earlier - the otter certainly was messy, though he was yet to find out just what the fox himself could manage in that department.

It's not as though there was no warning in the weight of the larger balls slapping repeatedly against Lukas's own, but the otter wouldn't have noticed it anyway - he was lost in a haze of pleasure from multiple directions.

True to his word, Julian was not gentle. His thrusts came harder and harder, faster and faster, until a couple minutes into his lust he was brutalizing the otter's tailhole, slamming in his full length on every pump - so ferociously, in fact, that every now and again a droplet of the otter's lingering piss would fly from his chestfur or chin, to decorate some part of the boy's back. Somehow the skinny otter had pissed so damn much that it was giving both of them constant reminders as they fucked.

Not that either of them were complaining, of course.

Each thrust pressed hard against Lukas's prostate, from the thickness alone. Each thrust spread him so wide it was giving him flashbacks to experiences with some particularly hefty ferals. Each thrust sent a spike of ecstasy up his spine, and his cock into Julian's welcoming paw. The fox was so deep - he knew he had to have this again. Both knew, in fact.

Julian nipped at the otter's neck again, growling lustily as his hips kept working, his animalistic pace ripping into the lutrine. "I'm close, Lukas..."

Lukas, for his part, didn't want it over so soon. In fact, he almost regretted digging his tongue up into that foreskin -

Okay, maybe not actually. Well, definitely not.

"Ah...me too...p-paw me..."

Julian began stroking down on each thrust, both fox and otter moaning as they climbed the final hill of their orgasms. The knot was fully engorged, now, banging on Lukas's cheeks as the enormous pole attached continued combing his depths.

The otter came first. Julian felt it in his paw, the same he had in his mouth, two, three hard twitches - and he watched in awe as thin bullets of otter sperm sprayed out against the rock in front of them, splattering audibly on the stone. One, two, three, four, five, six - Lukas's balls had an impressive recovery time. The fox understood how he'd choked, now, watching the incredible power - in fact, as he kept thrusting, that was what sent him over the edge himself.

Lukas felt a hard pulsing under his tail as Julian hilted himself to the knot and allowed his seed to burst into the otter's tailhole, burying his muzzle in Lukas's neck, panting and growling. Lukas learned a few moments later, as he began to feel a spreading warmth, that it was going to be a long and voluminous experience for them. Loads were often not large enough to feel back there, of course - but that wasn't true of this fox.

Julian mumbled something against Lukas's neck, too quiet to hear much more than the fact that it was broken by his heavy breaths and moans. He sounded almost vulnerable, though the otter could tell it was simply the pleasure sweeping him up. "What?"

"This is gonna be...a while...you don't mind...do you?"

Lukas grinned. "Everything about you is big, huh?"

A mumbled, "Something like that."

For a minute or more, they just stood there, Julian's cock continually increasing the mess in the otter's tailhole, which was starting to sneak its way out into the fur on his ass. The fox gradually regained control of himself enough to stop moaning and gasping and move his muzzle back to its resting position over Lukas's shoulder, simply enjoying his ongoing, gentle orgasm.

"I got the best of both worlds. Long and hard like a fox, thick like a human. Makes pawing off a real pain, though..."

Lukas shot him a look. "Try spraying so hard it's fifty-fifty for you to cum on any given thing in your room every time you do it."

The fox grinned. "Sounds rough. Pretty hot though. Wouldn't mind being any given thing in your room."

Lukas smiled and leaned back into that wet chestfur - man, he'd really had to go - before giving a playful tweak to Julian's whiskers. The fox was still cumming into him. "Everyone says that until they're actually in that position. Although, most of them aren't still interested after choking on it, either..."

Julian giggled. "I volunteer as tribute. But, to be honest, I can't let myself be the only one getting funny looks on my way off this beach..."

Before Lukas could ask what he meant, he'd withdrawn his cock entirely, making the otter gasp at the sudden emptiness and the warm flood of foxcum that poured out of him, pooling on the sand. The fox leaned back to properly aim as he began painting Lukas's back with the lazy spurts of a continuous canine orgasm - with exception to the thick and sticky nature his human father had added. Best of both worlds indeed.

It only took about twenty more seconds until Julian sighed and released his cock, allowing the final dregs of cum to ooze out of him as he began to soften back towards his sheath. But by that time, the otter's back was crisscrossed with thick lines of white, and any hopes of inconspicuously leaving the beach were fully dashed. He didn't mind, honestly - it was only fair. The other beachgoers would smell Lukas's mark on the fox anywhere within twenty yards.

"You know, I think we need a shower, Lukas."

The otter turned and leaned back on the rock, adding Julian's cum to the rockets he'd fired onto it moments before. He cocked his head at the vulpine. "Is that an invitation?"

"Only if you're having a good time."

Lukas grinned. "I think we need a shower."

"You live around here?"

"Nah. Just on spring break."

Julian flashed a mischievous smile, as though there was something he wasn't telling the otter. "I...travel for my job. Love to hear where you're from. Once we've cleaned off, of course."

He made to climb out of the rocky enclave, but paused - only for a moment - to give the otter another smirk. "I've been a little lax about emptying my bladder today too, by the way."

Lukas felt a twinge in his meat. "Uh...I can help with that."

"I was counting on it."

And with that, the fluffy white tip of his tail disappeared over the rocks. Lukas hastily scrambled back into his speedo, his dick finally, mercifully, both soft AND free of urgent pressure. Julian's voice floated across the rocks.

"You coming or what?"

As he checked with one last cursory glance for anything the fox may have forgotten and found no clothing of any kind, he smiled.

Okay, maybe there's TWO furs nude beaching properly.