Through the Fire and Flames
Michael floated closer, "rough age? he doesn't look too happy." "no.
College Days: Chapter 1 - Meet and Greet
^-^ rough out! p.s. be on the lookout for _ **college days: chapter 2 - on the naming of coyotes** _ coming soon...
Wasteland Dreams - Prologue
Oh! The muse is a frail and fickle bitch! She cometh at the most in-oportune of times, whispering words of genius and pure poetry into one's ear, only to desert him when he has at last procured the tools of the scribe and is ready to cronical that...
Sorry people. Thought it would look longer than this. I guess this is my first post hear on YS, but I hope to be putting up my first real story soon. If anybody likes this enough I'll consider making a series out of it. If not.......... I can't really...
Roughing It
Walt wasn't prepared as the lion's wide, rough tongue scraped over his lips and slipped into his open mouth. it tasted of whisky and warmth.
Roughing It
"i mean, i figured we'd be roughing it a little--i wouldn't have expected a home theater or anything--but no chairs even?" coach pink came up to me and slapped my rump playfully. "don't be rude. a skunk is good enough furniture anyway.
Rough Day, Rough Night
:3 **rough day, rough night** teake jumped slightly as the front door burst open without warning, and sigma came barrelling through it.
Erina's rough ride. Rough draft
Erina was sitting at home on the couch, relaxing after the easy fight she just fought, She was a great fighter. The night was calm and relaxing, because the moon was shining down through the window. She was completely naked, and she was very beautiful,...
Rough Negotiations
She didn't hesitate, she drew her hind paws up beneath her and kicked out roughly to catch him right along the long curve of his stomach.
Roughing It Out
. :3 roughing it out "aw shit!" this was what came out of david's mouth on that one particular morning. he had come here to nigeria from his cozy ny abode due to prodding from his boss to take it easy.
Rough Enthusiasm
Max grunted and groaned, desperately reaching to push the cheetah out at least a little as andrew roughly fingered his butt.
Rough Start
The Lazarus Project was quite noble, invented by a man who shared the namesake. Technology had advanced to the point where you could essentially "upload" a mind into a computer, but this was only utilized in the military. Wounded soldiers who wanted to...