Sera Fina part 3

Story by keristrasza on SoFurry

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#2 of Sera-Fina

I do not own or any of the pokemon trademarks but the personalitys of the characters i am writing about are mine

Serafina part 3


Hadyn hid in the park for a few hours, he was angry at how they all could just want to give up like that. Hadyn decided to try, he would care for the cubs, take care of them, nurse them and they would be loved. but he needed to know how Hadyn decided to ask Vernon how he could help them. And what would happen to them if he saved them both Vernon had said he would get one not two.

Walking in Hadyn saw Vernon feeding Serafina, "Vernon, what are their chances?"

"Very low, they are underwight and small, due to their sizes they would need somone with them and Serafina constantly. That shed wont due, nor will your parents living room where i am staying, too big to much air would get cold. Serafina would have to stay for a month longer that what i am able to stay, somone would have to take care of her they wont be able to travel and theyll need her for nouishment then, the male wont need that long he only needs about 6 weeks. im staying for about 8, then i have to leave."

"Vernon, you told me i could only have one, What if i save them both."

"Hadyn if you save them both you can have them both, but im not trying to get your hopes up it will be alot of work time and they still may not make it, i cant sell the runts anyway."

"Vernon we cant leave her here for more then a day or two, the people will be back to the center soon, how can we move them safely."

"you cant really at least not the females, the male will do fine, you have to keep them very warm and bikeing will be to rough, somone would have to carry them, but would have to keep them warm." Vernon said "Hadyn you need to sleep its late worry about it tommorrow"

"can i stay here Vernon"

"Serafina should be fine for awhile ill go back and tell your parents and brin fresh clothing for you, watch them Hadyn they probably wont make this night keep them warm, ill be back very early Hadyn."

With that Vernon left, Hadyn knowing how much the heat was needed went out to the pile and brought in wood to build the fire up. Hadyn went and found some bedding and set it down near Serafina and put a blanket over her and the cubs, Serafina just looked up at him and smiled in the way she could and covered the cubs with her tails to keep them warmer. Hadyn did not sleep that night he stayed up the entire time watching them, gathering wood and keeping the fire build. "Serafina, ill keep you warm while you sleep so you can rest, ill keep you all warm, and ill care for them." Hadyn said, " i made you a promise you would get to see your cubs and i will make them live so you can.

Vernon arrived early that morning, "well i see that you didnt sleep, thats too bad you needed your energy, i have to get sarafina to the house today, you need to ride back while i watch them and eat, take your bike, then walk back, you have to carrie the two females home. Hadyn you have a few hours, take a nap when you get there theyll be ok and it will be better to wait for the sun to come up"

"OK" with that Hadyn rode home and ate, took a nap, bathed, and found his winter jacket. Even though it was spring he diceded he could carry the cubs in it, and he needed it to keep them warm.

Hadyn arrived at the center and helped Vernon clean up much of the mess they had made. "Hadyn its very warm out right now and its only going to get colder, you go ahead and carry the cubs. Ill finnish cleaning and take Serafina and the male, be careful they are very small and cant get cold, a fall or drop could hurt them very badly."

Hadyn left, putting his jacket on and holding the two cubs in his arms he started walking home, he would bring the blanket he was borrowing back later. Hadyn realizing somthing was missing on the way home looked down at the cubs he was holding. "I never found a name for you, what should you be called. i know ill call one of you Ember because your such a little fire going to get bigger, and ill call you Flare for the flareing fire youll become."

Hadyn got home and quickly brought the cubs into his room and covered them with a blanket and got in it with them, using his heat to keep them warm. Vernon got there with Sarafina and the male shortly after, "Vernon whats his name"

"Hadyn i dont get to name him hes not mine"

"well what should we call him"

"Hadyn just call him the male cub, names build attachment, i have to go to town again Hadyn, i have to tell you parents your back, watch them for a bit."

Vernon left and Hadyn moved and layed down watching the cubs.

Hadyn woke up later that night not realizing that he had fallen asleep and check on the cubs and Sarafina realizing they were all ok he went back to bed as he had not slept the day before.

Over the next few weeks Hadyn cared for the cubs and Sarafina with Vernons help, Ember and Flare were getting bigger and had started wondering around some, Vernon said that it was a good sign as that means they were healthy enough to be curious, Mr Grimms had came by a few times and Hadyn had found out the Male Vulpix was not for him but for his Grandaughter, Hadyn wanted to meet her but she did not live there, it was supposed to be a gift for her birthday wich would be spent there as her parents lived in the northern part of Jhoto where it get cold for the winter so she stays at the beach city. Hadyn got up that day and did as he normally did, changed food out for Sarafina whom seemed to be very happy lately, Hadyn decided this was because Ember and Flare were doing good, and cleaned up poop off the floor, for some reason they always left a pile for him overnight.

Vernon interupted Hadyn that day, " i need to know if you can make sure the male is clean Mr Grimms is coming by to get it today, and then i have to leave ill be back in about 3 weeks, ive decided to leave Sarafina with you for the duration take care of her, the females will need her for a few more weeks still. Hadyn make sure shes happy she always gets gloomy when the cubs get taken."

"umm ok Vernon and about Ember and Flare are they old enough to get let out some, they seem to have alot more energy lately."

"as long as you let them in if they get cold or anything they are good enough to play for small amounts of time, just make sure Sarafina is able to see them so she doesnt freak out, she really likes those two."

With that Vernon left, Hadyn gave the male a small bath, by wich time he started Sarafina decided to take over, cleaning the cub the natural way, After the male cub was clean Hadyn let Ember and Flare out to play, Surprisingly they took turns tackling eachother and shoving eachother around, Hadyn found it quite amusing they were pretending to fight.

Mr Grimms came later that evening to pick up the male, Hadyn wished him luck and inquired about his granddaugther " she shouldnt be here for a few more weeks but ill let her know about you when she gets here" and Mr Grimms left.

Vernon was right, Sarafina didnt like that, she got all moody and didnt let anyone near the two females for rest of the day and the day after. It was so bad she didnt even let Hadyn into his own room that night. Hadyn would have to find a way to cheer her up, if anything so he could see Ember and Flare, Now what should he do....