I Saw and Believed

Story by Kanga on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: The character 'Deltaru' is not my own. He is a character of Ether, who asked me to write this -overdue- lemon for a trade. Thanks, dude, for your patience! I hope it's to your liking!

The following is a lemon which describes the relationship between two guys of different orientation, and the difficulties therein. If homosexual/heterosexuality offends you (though why it would, I haven't a clue) do not read this fictional piece. If furry in general offends you, I'd ask you why you were on this site. And if sex offends you, well, that's what you get for reading a lemon.

The characters, unless otherwise mentioned, are copyright Kanga/Gojithefox. They, or this story, may not be reproduced without due credit and permission from the author. For comments, please email [email protected] or just simply leave a review!


"Only the weak-minded believe in fate."

That philosophy had been preached to me ever since I was just a little kid and able to slightly understand what those words meant. So many things were said to be the work of fate--life, love, success and failure... I had grown to believe the words my father said, that there was no greater purpose or meaning to life, that all life's actions were due to fate. I could say fate took my father's life, but that would cause him to roll in his grave. No, it was just unfortunate circumstances... he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid for it. I could wish that my mother had met the same quick fate, but wishes are like fate.

I could say fate brought my father, an arctic fox, a rather gorgeous arctic fox if I do say so myself, and my mother, a beautiful ermine, together, but that wouldn't do either of them justice. It could have been fate that produced the experiment that created me, a hybrid of two incompatible zygotes. I could blame fate for having caused me intense misery and agony, both from a weak heart and intense loneliness. I inherited my looks from my mother, but my ears, tail and paws were all from my father's genes. My unusual fur color, ice blue with lavender marks on my tail, ears, paws, and back, set me apart from everyone. I can't remember how many lunches I ate alone.

But this isn't about my father. This isn't even about myself.

No, this is about the one single event that threw my life, my world, into wonderful disarray. I was taught that order was the way to obtain happiness, but this... this wasn't order.

Love? Lust, maybe?

His name was Deltaru, though he'd earned the nickname Delta for more than slightly obvious reasons. I'm not really sure what he was, to tell you the truth, but I'm rather unique myself. He seemed to be a canine, though what species, I couldn't discern. His fur was acid green, though his fur seemed to be fox-like in its patterns. A trio of small gems seemed implanted in his forehead, though I don't know if that was just a fashion statement or permanent. It was humourous, though that he was born with a delta on his forehead.

As much as I don't believe in fate, there is one thing I detest even more. Love at first sight. How could you love someone just by looking at them? My mind said that over and over, that it was just lust, but my heart screamed a different pitch when I first laid eyes on that green dog. Whether it was the supple brush of his tail when he walked by me, or the spiked wristbands and collar he seemed to adore, I don't know. I do know that it took a conscious effort, almost more than I could stand, not to stare bullets into him. That was an impolite practice I had avoided doing ever since my first punishment. But let's not talk about that.

Of course, I could tell you that we became fast friends, but I was not blessed with an outgoing nature. I was a loner, still am, and I hate myself because of my doggedness. In fact, it was Delta, not me, who initiated the first contact just a day after he'd moved into our school. I could have blushed and stammered. I could have smiled and greeted him eagerly. Heck, I could have even rushed forward and kissed him. But I didn't and I hate myself for being afraid. I did the worst possible thing.

I brushed him off.

To my chagrin, days later Delta learned of my nature, my... interest in guys. He started avoiding me, as if he knew that I stole a look at him whenever I could. I had tried to be discrete but maybe somewhere along the lines I revealed myself. Probably when I walked into that pole... rumors spread like wildfires. I went weeks without seeing Delta, though I knew he was there. I gave up.

I was only thirteen.

I want to say that we both matured and grew closer, but no such thing occurred. Besides odd instances when I bumped into him, purely accidental, I assure you, I never saw him. But even as I grew older, I could never forget that friendly face or that incredible voice. I don't know how to describe it, but when he talks, it's like he has no secrets to hide. You can trust him, it seems. I love that voice... no, I like that voice. There had to be something wrong with it. Something undesirable. I'm still looking.

It was too much! I began to dream about him! Dreams of hugging him, kissing him, being done by him, the whole gambit ran through my mind! I would force myself awake whenever I dreamed of him. I became exhausted. The more I tried to ignore it, the more I realized that I needed him. Not someone, him.

The equivalent of the hi-joker was played.

A few months after I had come of age, I found myself in a terribly delightful, yet stunningly horrible situation. On a particular moonlit night in early April, in a needed break after a week of storms, I was out disposing of the trash. Well, technically my entire home was trash collected after my mother passed on. I lived in a treehouse far from the rest of society. I don't let being an orphan effect me at all. There's no point as my father would say.

Of course, others don't see it this way. I caught the eye of many a neighbor as I trotted silently along the mud-pitted road adjacent to a large dark woods. The moon's light caught in my fur, causing me to shimmer brightly. I gave a sigh as I walked past those cozy lit houses. My perked tail always sagged when I walked close to this neighborhood. The homes were large; I knew that from experience. I used to live in one of them. Of course, to the current residents, watching me was a favorite pastime. My ears could pick up tidbits of their conversations.

"Look at 'em," said a particularly clear voice belonging to an older bear named Mrs. Frankertiz that I never really liked. "Got all these good people tryin' to help 'im and all 'e can do is run away! Despicable!" My fist clenched, hidden by the darkness and the distance between the two of us. My eyes started to water and I doubled my pace, trying to get away from that look of disgust that followed my pawprints. I turned a corner and disappeared from sight.

I sat down on a rather large boulder implanted on the side of the road, setting my bag of garbage beside me. I pulled my legs to my chest and tried to sob, but couldn't. I hadn't cried in so long. Why did I want to now? I forced a few tears from my eyes. "Why..." I said. "Why can't they just leave me alone?!" I was bitter, but I didn't know why. I felt so alone.

The rumble of thunder spurred me to my feet again and I trudged on, garbage in tow. But my paws fell heavily. I could hear them. They were too loud. I sighed again. I just wanted to get there and get back to my little 'sanctuary' as some of the older adults called my treehouse. I reached the dump just as the sky clouded over and the first drops began to fall. "Great... now I'll have to walk in the rain...."

The feeling of mud between my digits should have been fun, but I was miserable. My pace back home was even slower in the cold rain. I'd probably end up getting sick from it. Well, good riddance. Who would care if I died anyways? My heart fluttered and I winced, threatening to fall to a knee. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.

But something spurred my pace. I'd just reached my home when I heard a loud scream in the woods. Normally I would have ignored it. My conscience didn't exist anymore. But there was just something familiar about that scream, and I felt compelled to go to it. And so, even in that heavy rain, I went, stumbling through the dark woods until I gained enough sense to leap into the trees. Now usually foxes aren't capable of climbing trees, but then again, I'm not a normal fox.

I followed the trees as quickly and carefully as I could. The woods were dark, and my eyesight wasn't the best. But my ears and nose were and as I got closer to the source of the shouts, I could tell who it was. My ears perked with glee and terror.

It was Delta!

But... he was frightened. Chased by something. What? Canine... vicious... wolves?! Delta was being chased by wolves! Why was he in the forest at this hour?! Why was he alone?! My mind raced with questions, but my body spared not a moment. "Delta!" I called out as I leaped from branch to branch, moving on what I thought was an intercept course. I had to do something!

But what? What could I do against a pack of wolves?

My brain finally came to, and I realized that if I just jumped into the fray, I would be killed in moments. That sacrifice might not even save Delta's life. It would be worthless. I changed my course and called out again. "This way! Hurry!" My sensitive ears could pick up a hesitation in footsteps. I cursed slightly. Even when being chased, he had enough to question whether or not he was hearing things?! "DELTA!!"

My cry spurred him back into action and he dashed in my direction. I'd say some 30 metres separated us, keeping us within earshot but out of visual contact. I moved quickly, calling out every few seconds. I was leading him to the only safe-haven I knew, my home. I would reach it a few moments before Delta did. My mind quickly worked out a plan. Everything required timing. No mistakes could be made, not if he were to live. Chance and fate had no place here.

I reached my branch and immediately grabbed a hold of it with my tail and paws, flipping down. My forepaw reached out, and I immediately saw Delta charging at me. "Grab my paw!" I cried. He did so, and with all my strength, enhanced through the surging adrenaline running through my body, I pulled him up. He flipped on to the branch just in time to catch me as my paws slipped on the slick bark. I narrowly avoid the snapping jaws of a large grey wolf.

I quickly led Delta to my treehouse, the wolves following us below. I didn't give the boy the time to regain his senses, things were too dangerous. But when we reached the safety of my little wooden sanctuary, everything slowed to a stop. I stood at the far corner, gasping as Delta fell to his knees. He shivered a bit before shaking his fur, splattering water everywhere. I could already smell the mildew growing.

"Hey, thanks a lot... um..." he started, finally regaining his breath and his senses. He reached up to rub his head and teetered a bit. "Nugh... dizzy..." He glanced at me. "Oh, you're that gay orphaned kid, aren't you?"

Great, so that's how he knew me. That gay orphaned kid. It wasn't like he had parents himself. As far as I knew, he was living with a bunch of roommates. "I have a name..." I said softly, trying not to growl. "It's...." I paused. What name should I give him? My real name? The nickname my father had given me? My mother's name for me? Nobody knew these. "Tor..ry..." I said, my voice breaking slightly. My mother's name it was.

"Tory, huh? Well, that's a... um... cute name, I guess," he said. I looked away. "Is... something the matter? Did I do something wrong? Tory? Sorry, I'm not feeling too well..."

My face had become flushed. Why did I give him that name?! It was terribly embarrassing to hear him call me that affectionate name. He must have guessed that because he moved closer. "Um...I think I remember you now. You're the one that the guys at school said had a crush on me, aren't you?"

I froze. What could I do? There's no way I confirm that, and to deny it was to deny myself. I said nothing, which, I suppose, spoke louder than words. Delta backed away a bit. "Um, I'm sorry dude, I don't swing that way." The words bit a lot harder than they should have and I collapsed right there. My eyes had filled with tears and my soaked tail wrapped around me. I had realized something. No matter what I did, I was always going to be cold, wet, miserable, hungry and alone. Always.

"It's not fair..." I muttered, holding my knees close. Well, of course it wasn't fair. Life was never fair. I hated myself. My mind was already working quickly. Why couldn't I just be at peace, but no, my mind was planning something. Perhaps through guilt... no, no that was wrong! But still I did. I glanced at him. "I... I've liked you ever since I first saw you...."

I saw the blush spread across Delta's muzzle. Good, it wasn't disgust. There was a chance, slim but still there. I let a tear roll down my cheek. "I... I'm not like you... I'm not an open person. When we met, I was scared. I was scared you'd hate me because I liked you..." I moved a bit closer, my hand on his leg.

"I don't... uh... hate you..." Delta stammered, his blush deepening. I could feel the conflict within him. The need to maintain his sense of self fought with his friendly and caring nature. No doubt my touch felt good. That was aiding the fact, probably. It was incredible, both the feeling of attraction I felt towards him and the sense of power his struggle seemed to give me. If I could milk it correctly, I would be in his arms in mere moments. "It's just..." he said hesitantly, "I don't... um... it just... would be weird... and stuff...."

I was so close. I let a few sniffles get by. Delta crawled forward a bit and rested a tentative paw on my shoulder. I had to be careful not to rush. I gently rested my own paw on his and rubbed it against my cheek. I sniffled again as I closed my eyes. His fur felt incredible, and my gut tightened. If only he had been willing. If only the guilt I tried to play on him didn't attack me as well. I felt absolutely horrible, but at the same time, I couldn't remember being happier.

Slowly I moved against him, much to his obvious discomfort. He shuffled uncomfortably, probably trying to find a way to lean against this strange gay boy without seeming gay himself. I sighed and looked at him. His gems sparkled, even in the dark. The sound of the rain only enhanced the ethereal atmosphere. I moved closer. He tried to move away without seeming rude. Impossible. There was only one thing I could do.

I kissed him.

My heart pounded quickly. My muzzle interlocked with his. To my great and pleasurable surprise, he did not pull away from the muzzle-lock, instead wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. My eyes closed, unable to focus in this great bliss. Even my calculating mind seemed completely frazzled. I melted into his arms, pressing into the kiss. My paws stroked his chest lightly, my claws slowly gliding through his green fur. My tail waved happily.

Another surprise greeted me, one even more alluring than the last! He pressed into me again, this time forcible enough to get me on my back. Our muzzles were still locked, but then he went much farther. His tongue snaked inside of my maw, dueling with my own. I held on to him tighter. I felt so weak and powerless, but I loved the feeling. I loved being in his control. In the back of my mind, a small spark continued to bother me. 'He's just making you feel better by giving you what you want,' it said, and I knew it to be true. But I didn't care. I loved this feeling.

Our kiss broke with the slight rumble of thunder and he rolled off of me. By this time, our close proximity had caused me to become very aroused. My sheath had filled and the very tip of my pink member was protruding from it. I wasted no time crawling to my knees and I nearly dove at his torso. My tongue quickly wrapped around his sheath, marveling at the fresh scent despite the situation Delta had been in earlier. Slowly my tongue rolled across his balls, eliciting a murr of pleasure from the object of my infatuation. It drove me wild!

My licks teased at his torso, coaxing out that precious member of his. When my tongue passed over that sensitive tip, I felt his body tense and I grinned, despite myself. I wasn't proud of his discomfort, but I couldn't stop myself. I continued to toy with his cock, brushing my nose against it, grazing it with the edge of my tongue, even running the tip of a fang across its length. He squirmed, but I continued. "Please just relax..." I cooed softly.

"Tory, please..." he said. "I don't want... really, I'm sure you're a really nice guy, but... I'm just not..." He sucked in as my muzzle went down on his delicious member. "T-Tory... when I kissed, I didn't mean... "

I pulled off of him, sighing. "But why? I don't understand..." But I did...

"It's just that...you're a guy and I'm a guy.... I know there's nothing wrong with liking guys, but..."

"But... this feels good, doesn't it?" I asked sincerely.

Delta's muzzle blushed deeply. "Well... yeah, I guess so......"

I smiled a bit and rubbed his sheath. He murred again as my fingers grasped and fondled with the base, coaxing that delectable pink member higher into the air. My other paw ran across his chest again. "And just because you're doing this with me... doesn't make you gay..." I said softly. "And you don't have to worry... no one will ever know...."

Delta's expression changed slightly. I could barely see it in the dark, but I knew what was there. Contemplation. Pleasure for the security that it wasn't permanent. That he wouldn't have to live with it. "So... what do you want me to do...?" he asked hesitantly.

I was silent for a moment before raising up and turning around. Though I couldn't see it, I could feel Delta's eyes go wide. I arched up tail up, revealing my small pink tailhole. My chest lay against the wooden floor. I could hear him mumbling, probably something along the lines of 'I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not...' or something like that. I glanced back at him and gave a small wink.

His breath trembled before he approached me, his cock still hard from my teasing session. I looked forward, my chin resting on my arms. My tailhole clenched in anticipation. The sensation of his paw rubbing against my hip was dizzying. I was burning with anticipation! Without any stimulation, my own member had become completely aroused. Slowly I felt his body consume my own, and I realized just how much bigger than me he was. I flushed when he wrapped his arms around my chest.

A gasp escaped me when I felt his member press against my tailhole. It was a sensation I hadn't felt in such a long time, and it brought back memories of times long past. I relaxed as much as I could, through my back remained arched. His member pushed against me, and I gritted my teeth as it slowly began to sink in. I feel a groan of pleasure from Delta and I grinned, despite the slight pain of it all.

I guess he got about a third of the way in before he started to pull out again. For a moment, I thought he had changed his mind, but my fears were put to rest when he began to thrust again. This time he sank his member as far in as it would go, eliciting a yelp from me. His hips bumped against my own and he held it there for a moment. My paws had clenched around my arms, and my breath was ragged. The pain had disappeared for an intense wave of pleasure. I was being filled by the one I had been attracted to for so long. Could it have been fate? Could I have been rewarded?

He started to pull out again, and my ears folded back. I couldn't tell which I enjoyed more, the thrusts or the retreats! His motions were long and slow, each one deliberate, as if he were trying to savor the feeling of my tight interior. "Oh god..." I heard him say, his voice wavering, his breathing loud and rugged. I clenched down on him, a whimper coming from my throat.

The thrusts slowly started to accelerate as my insides became more lubed with his pre-ejaculate. It seemed that he was becoming more comfortable and confident as he pressed deeper, moving with more aggression than he had first shown. My mind buzzed as I tried to keep from howling. The pounding deluge outside only increased my sensitivity; I felt so safe and warm in Delta's arms. I mewed even, giving in to the rush of passion that filled me as deeply as he did.

I lost all sense of time. I don't know how long he fucked me, but it had to be in excess of an hour. It seemed like forever, an eternity of sensual passions. By the time I'd come to my senses, he was pounding ruthlessly into. He'd braced himself over me, his paws on top of my own and he drove into me with everything he had. I squeezed my eyes closed, my cock so hard and rigid that a small pool of pre had collected on the floor beneath me. That burning pressure in my torso increased to the point where I couldn't stand it. I howled loudly as my member tensed and then released, sending white globules splattering on to the floor.

My tailhole clenched tightly, and my folded ears heard Delta match my howl. "Oh, Tory!" he cried as he slammed into me, and I felt that thick knot press between my cheeks. I cried louder as it slipped into, feeling me up to the brim and encouraging my orgasm even further. I could only imagine his hot cum splashing against my walls; I was so filled I couldn't feel anything but immense roaring pleasure.

After a few more humps, Delta came to rest on top of me. "Tory..." he said softly, and I only grinned. But it wasn't that satisfied grin that I thought I'd have. Rather, it was one of complete infatuation. I felt wonderful and I had no doubt that Delta felt the same. He rolled to the side, pulling me closer to him. He gently started to lick the back of my neck. "I don't know what to really think now..." he said in my ear and I blushed. "I won't think about it though. I'll deal with it tomorrow... right now, though... I just wanna sleep...."

And almost immediately he went out like a candle. I stayed awake for a moment, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain. Eventually, though, the heavy drumming and my own exhaustion lolled me into a dream-filled slumber with a smile on my face.

Perhaps it was fate....