Pity (HH)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#10 of The Hockey Hunk Season 7

Pity (HH)






Hello, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk! I am glad to see so many of you coming by again to read this tale, and I thank you for all your comments in the previous installment! Do keep them up! I hope to be providing you with more amusing stuff to read, whether it's part of this story or other tales as well. I keep working as much as I can, and I can certainly say that it helps me to keep...oriented, for sure.

I hope you'll enjoy the read and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories as well!

See you on next Monday with the next chapter!



I wasn't sure who I was kidding with my so-called working. I fumed and growled and wrote such crappy code that there weren't many useful lines to salvage out of it once I was done. At least the two bagels I ate earlier meant that I no longer felt terribly hungry. It could've also been the fact I was pissed off and lost my appetite from that. I wasn't sure. I just knew that I had sesame seeds stuck between my teeth and I kept trying to flick them away with my tongue.

I was still doing that tongue hockey when the door opened. It was the tiger again. He was waving one of the file folders in his paws when he came in.

"Don't mind me, Tate," he said almost idly while he walked over to the cabinets, "I'm just returning

the papers."

I sat up a bit straighter, to stick to my earlier mantra of not letting myself crumble down.

"Sure, yeah," I said. "It's your office."

The tiger smiled a bit.

"I don't mind sharing at all. I use it so little, anyway. Hal would call it a waste of expensive real estate that just sits here empty all the time while I'm seeing customers."

It did sound like something the raccoon would say.

"I guess."

The filing cabinet opened with a rattle. He sneezed once more.

"Phew! We really need to get rid of this stuff at some point...this is what is really a waste of space..." the tiger muttered while pointing at the numerous filing cabinets.

He stuck the folder into the cabinet. I thought he was going to leave but instead of that he went "oooh!" loudly and came over to the desk.

"...before I forget this..."

The tiger shoved his paws into the pockets of the white coat he was wearing - a regular one, for once, and he began to pull out strange things.

"There's so much of this stuff I got from the sales rep and I thought you might need it!"

The tiger emptied his coat pockets to the desk. There was a green key chain, a pad of green sticky notes, a couple of green ballpoint pens and a USB stick, also the same shade of green as the rest of the stuff and familiar from the sales fox's tie. The world 'SYLOXAL' was printed on everything.

I stared at it in surprise, and then looked at the tiger. He was smiling and looked like he thought he was doing a really kind thing by giving me all this stuff.

"Why?" was the one word that came out of my muzzle.

He looked confused by my response. I would have felt confused myself, I bet, seeing the face I made at the moment. And I made it much worse.

"Why the hell do you think I need this - this shit?"

His ears went flat. Mine were too.

"I don't need this fucking pity crap!"

"Well now - "

I yanked the charger off my computer and grabbed it under my arm. I got up, my tail bushed up and I wasn't looking at him even when he was calling -

"Hey, Tate!"

I walked out of the office, the shop, and probably my job too.


Thank you for reading my story! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

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See you next Monday!
