Tiger Tiger: Prologue
#1 of tiger-tiger this is an older story of mine that i have posted on wattpad, i am sharing it here to show of something of mine that i've since finished writing.
Tiger Rides Tiger
The tiger riding rei could tell this as much.
The Tiger
The tiger hi, my name is julie , most of my friends call me jules. i have always had a love of cats, especially tigers and other "big cats". i love their sleek athletic bodies, and their grace and agility.
#2 of the furs fortune cookie book "a tiger furry is an individual who 'loves to live, and lives to love', known for being _passionate_ both in work and in relationships, tiger furries are fiercely _loyal_ to those closest to them, and show a quiet _courage
Tiger Stories And Tiger Songs.
I will make them tiger stories and tiger songs. mortals must know the world they live in is one of hardship and with tiger stories and tiger songs they will always remember."
Eye of the Tiger
The white tiger carried alex out of the bathroom, still with eyes closed and lips locked. they collapsed onto the bed where alex rolled the white tiger onto his back.
The Tiger and the Taxi
Before, randall could see both the tiger and the ram who drove the taxi. but right now, tiger was covering the view of the driver, and he hadn't moved since he started talking! looking down, the tiger's legs were growing thicker by the second.
The Rabbit and the Tiger
The siberian tiger sits on a log couch knitting. his coat hangs across her lap. "you're keserah?" she smiles and nods. "so, what's your business here?" "i'm trennan, i have a package for you, in my pack."
Approaching the Tiger
#2 of reader's choice **approaching the tiger** you pad across the floor to the high table just to the right of the counter. the tiger sitting there still reading his book is in a light blue buttoned shirt with a stiff collar.
A Tiger's Teachings
The tiger could barely hold back a grin as he watched the cub eat, chew after chew the boy slowly finished the meal, his breath soon smelling strongly of tiger shit.
Tiger Stripes
In fact, the border between human and tiger lands could be seen from my kitchen window. it was odd! i was married to what plenty of humans called a beast! or what tigers called mated to a skin.
Glamorous Tiger
"you're a perv," the tiger chuckled. the buck laughed too, and licked the tiger's striped neck with delight. "you don't seem to mind..." he said. "hmmph..." the tiger grumbled, "alright, alright..."