The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 4

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#118 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 4

"Thank you all! Goodbye and have a nice day!" Cynder exclaimed happily, dropping her rump on the sand of the training grounds, waving sincere farewell to the leaving people

Annoyed grumbles, grunts and growls were a clear sign that the trainees didn't share her enthusiasm.

"Thank you for your time" Spyro followed in his partner's example, smiling a honest smile of gratitude, yet toned as he waved his recent companions off to their private destinations

His lively and loving eyes landed on his mate, with rather kind amusement scanning her covered in sand body and heaving chest as it puffed pant after spent pant. This training session was different than every other he saw her participating in, before she mercilessly kicked every challengers butt, teasingly showing her dominance over them, on purpose frustrating them, having her own little payback.

In the training session that just recently ended she was an entirely different contestant. She sincerely concentrated on the opponent she was fighting against, forgetting about herself and entirely focusing on teaching them something. Allowing herself to get struck and chased around, especially the chase around into which she put much more energy than it was required.

As a result bruising herself more on her own than any attack of her opponent she took on her scales. All those bruises appeared due to her completely reckless and often utterly useless acrobatics of rolling and dropping on the ground.

She was smiling and laughing through all the session, entirely enjoying herself and having fun.

Truth be told he wasn't that far behind either when it came to fun and pleasure, he wasn't as expressive as Cynder, but he was still having fun. In fact not only he was happy, but also strong, the line of training partners was huge and yet he offered his wisdom and skills to every one of them with the same flare of passion as if every next trainee was constantly the first one.

He was not only strong, but also impossibly resilient. Instead of getting tired with each successfully serviced training partner, he seemed to be getting more and more powerful. Making the sessions not only passionate, but also challenging and worthwhile.

Modesty aside, he had to admit that the value of his lessons could be compared to the wisdom bestowed by all three Guardians combined. Every move, even the more difficult ones, he completed with extreme ease, his fighting techniques were so fluent and perfect that he sometimes surprised his own shadow.

Everything was so simple that he felt he could take alone not one, but two Malefors with a legion of grublins backing them up without breaking a sweat.

"Farewell!" from a spot just next to the exit, on the dais surrounding the arena came a baritone, truly honored blare belonging to the Earth Guardian

"Thank you for your participation and I hope you learnt something today and will visit us again!"

From the reaction he could clearly say that his words didn't reach deaf ears. The young were excited, even too much perhaps, yet he didn't blame them, how many times you have the chance to train with your idol and then test your skills against the villain.

The mature were reserved, stuck in a vortex spinning with satisfaction and irritation, being pushed around by dragons younger than you by hundred of years is rather depressing.

The old were resigned and jealous, knowing that they are too old to make a difference, but also wanting to prove that there is still vigor to be found in old bones.

No matter what people were thinking, be it positive or negative emotions, their body language were a clear signal that they were coming back. It takes a warrior to know a warrior.

Another example that Cyril's obsession is wrongly directed.

Terrador turned towards both young drakes, both he considered heroes. He smiled warmly.

"I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge with the rest of us. Almost makes me feel stupid that once I had the audacity to call myself your teacher, you surpass me in every branch of warfare. I must admit, Cyril doesn't have many good ideas, but this one, right here"

He tapped his claw against the stony dais to emphasize his point.

"This is brilliant and I'm not ashamed to say it. People will benefit greatly from this lessons and who knows, maybe there is a cure for bias to be found here"

He bowed apologetically.

"Excuse me Cynder if I remained ignorant. You seemed to overjoyed with the rather overwhelming and aggressive attention. I simply didn't knew how to react"

She waved her paw dismissively with a chuckle.

"Don't worry about me Terrador. I'm a tough nut to crack, especially know" she threw an inconspicuous, loving gaze at her mate "When I grew a shell that is impenetrable"

"That is nice to hear, I wish all the best for you. Say thanks to whatever gentle force that empowered you"

In the back of her mind she heard her own faint howls of pleasure.

"I already did" she mumbled seductively

Spyro's eyes widened, as a partner in crime he perfectly understood the subtle hint. It made him excited, embarrassed and scared that what they became will be revealed. All those thoughts, especially the last one squeezed his throat so much that his snout started to fill with red hue as thoughts of suffocating shoved themselves inside his mind.

He started to cough violently, making a fantastic impression of choking, it momentarily drew the attention of both draconic companions. Truth makes even the most perfect improvisations convincing.

The blush that began heating his cheeks felt as if his insides melted away, creating a searing pulp looking like lava that was eating its way through his snout.

He jerked his head away, coughing terribly and this time in fact mostly improvising, doing everything to simply buy more time for the discomfort and very pleasant image and sensation from the time he spent with Cynder alone to fade away.

With a worried giggle Cynder ran up to him, using her paw to strongly tap against the back of the purple neck.

"Wrong hole?"

Spyro's coughing intensified, he looked at her, eyes narrowed in a grimace of irritation and mix of defeat and agony, unable to understand how can she do such things to him.

Green eyes widened, the sight of his expression rekindled the bond of understanding between them. For a moment it was like she could read his mind, see every image and every thought.

A pot that started to boil due to her unfortunate choice of words.

She snickered.

She was embarrassed and so mad at herself, yet she couldn't do anything, but laugh.

She smacked her paw on top of her mouth, muffling desperately the uncontrollable and totally uncalled for laughter.

Terrador observed the pair of young dragons with a smile of his own, it was magical to see two mortal enemies laughing and enjoying their company. Not to mention that there were moments when they reminded him of his own childhood. He didn't understand what caused all that amusement, but when he was young and played with his three friends, people didn't understand them either.

Secrets and signals of the young are only for the young who understand them. That was a private ground where he wasn't allowed, hence he never allowed interpretation to flourish. Laughter however is for everybody and this particular sickness is contagious.

He chuckled.

"Calm your body Spyro, we wouldn't want the Apes to know that their nemesis choked on his own, unluckily swallowed saliva"

He kept on coughing, not because embarrassment was ravaging his lungs, but mostly because he also started to laugh at some point. He couldn't help himself, her sincere, tear squeezing laughter, sounding so close was strongly addictive.

He was sure it was a combination that made them both explode like this, after all they were already under the influence of another drug.


"Sorry Terrador" Spyro eventually managed to pronounce after some time of uninterrupted laughter, voice carrying the whiny tone of his recent struggle with happiness and pesky saliva

The Guardian shook his head.

"There is absolutely nothing to apologize for. Ancestors our witnesses that you need some time to laugh after everything you've done"

"I'm good now" the purple drake said, clearing his throat, he looked meaningfully at his beautiful, smiling mate

She nodded with a faint giggle.

"We both are. I still feel stupid for keeping you waiting, I'm sure you have a lot of stuff to do"

"Don't fret yourself my boy, I would wait even years if I had to since the stuff you're referring to, forgive me for being a nagging chore, concerns you. Both of you in fact"

"We'll be glad to help!" Spyro literally jumped up at the opportunity that allowed his thoughts concentrate on something familiar for a change

Terrador bowed respectfully.

"Thank you. Before I start however let me inform you that Volteer asked you visit him as soon possible. He wasn't really keen to talk, which, I don't have to tell you, is rather extraordinary considering his love for dialogue. He mentioned something about making progress though, didn't seem thrilled about it however, another oddity right there. Anyway I hope you'll get the chance to visit him, maybe you'll figure out whatever is bothering him"

He cleared his throat.

"Anyway, back to the reason why I am here. I have a small task for you"

"Oooh!" Cynder let out a playful whistle "A quest!"

Terrador smiled, the girl's aura of uncontrollable joy was making a mark on his own optimism. It was a welcoming change.

"Such enthusiasm for a mission? You got bored of peaceful times?"

"I just have so much energy!" she bounced around, playing with the shadows occasionally "I need to blow some of it or I start yelling soon, saying words that can't be spoken, for sure after that we will have a hard time remembering what peaceful means"

"Send us on a mission already! Pleeeeease" she dropped on the sand, stretching herself forward as far as she could as she let out a begging whine, kicking her rump in the air

The eyes of the Guardian weren't the only ones that widened in that moment.

"What is this?" Terrador snickered

"I don't know" Spyro shook his head with a shrug "A step towards peace in the world?"

"Oh come on grumpies, cheer up!" Cynder sprang up, with great dexterity pulling herself up on all fours from, what was undoubtedly a very uncomfortable position

She acted however as if this observation would be the most plain lie in the entire universe. She got up with ease, like she wouldn't have a spine at all.

"Life's too short for long faces and too much thinking. Let's do something! Go quest! You won't even know when we'll finish!"

Spyro chuckled, her overstepped every line of decency joy reminded him of a hatchling that just learned it is going to a candy shop.

"Your enthusiasm is inspiring Cynder and the way you show it is a welcoming change" Terrador commented warmly "You should do it more often, a broad smile really fits on your snout"

As if wanting to impress the Guardian her instinct stretched even further the already wide smile, showing a beautiful row of white teeth.

"Thank you" she bounced up, bending her paws as she landed, making an extravagant version of an artistic bow before the curtains roll down

Terrador laughed.

"I don't know what happened, but you start to remind me of a bigger version of Sparx"

Cynder frowned, her palpable joy sinking back to its nest. She straightened up, looking normal as always, excluding the side tilt of the head eyes of which thoughtfully focused on the Guardian.

Spyro observed his partner with an amused expression, tail making long, happy swings. Mind made all the necessary connections already, all it needed was a glance.

"Having a hard time deciding if it was an insult or a compliment?"


He burst out laughing.

The Earth Guardian raised his leg defensively.

"I had no ill intent, my words were nothing else, but sincere praise"

"Don't encourage her Terrador, she might hop around so badly that all rabbits will run away ashamed. What we will eat then?" Spyro smirked

She turned her head towards him, expression of confusion plastered on the snout, having an even more difficult time deciding if she really wants to think about the sense of this lame joke.

He rubbed the back of his head shyly, her confused stare reminding him of the idiocy behind his words.

So...umm...what's the job?"

"I need you to see Danox" baritone voice stated

Something happened, something clicked inside him, he didn't know why, nor did he fully understand what is going on, yet, deep down, he knew his reaction was justified.

It was the bluntness in the Guardian's voice, the brisk wariness ringing in between notes, that tone, there was something about that made his muscles flex. The cautiousness and the modest blame when he mentioned the task, it made his veins boil in irritation. Daring thoughts about challenging the Guardian to take that tone back crossed his mind.

From the way Cynder stood, without the overpowering aura of joy surrounding her, he was certain he wasn't the only one battling with such thoughts.

"Danox? Why?" Spyro asked, his tail flicking like that of a cat preparing to fight back with annoyance

Terrador looked past them, at the wall as if the stone from which it was made was transparent.

"I require your expertise on a certain matter, I want you to judge his character, see what kind of dragon he is exactly"

Spyro swallowed, the gulp of saliva that slid down his throat shook and was uncertain as were his thoughts. The bulge in his throat jerked up and down, not able to decide which way to go.

"Why us?" Cynder solved his uncertainty with a rather bitter snap at the Guardian

The aggression in her voice didn't escape Terrador's attention, all due to the fact that her happiness evaporated as quickly as sanity of a fighter who returned from war after watching his friends die that one time too many.

The change was surprising, however he would convince himself that everything is in the right order. He never had a mate, dedicating one's life to duty and warfare demands sacrifices, yet years spent on the battleground with females taught him that they are complicated creatures.

Becoming so close with one as Spyro had with Cynder most likely only added more layers of complexity to the already barely understandable cake. He would accept her reaction as normal, he really would.

If not for the sudden cloud of danger that unexpectedly slid down his throat, suffocating him, as if he would inhale toxic vapors.

"Because you've faced enemies smarter than population of whole cities combined. You two were on both sides of the fence, you know how it is to challenge the enemy and be the enemy. Perhaps you will see or feel something other's cannot"

He narrowed his eyes on the black dragoness, her contained wrath a perfect reminder and fuel for his words.

"Perhaps you already did"

Cynder was taken aback by his words, her head jerked back as if the air ahead would be threatening to burn her.

"What that supposed to mean?"

Spyro didn't stop her outburst, in fact part of him was glad that she stood up to the Guardian. The other part of him, that part was unexpectedly shy and silent. The part of him that awakens whenever he thinks about his partner.

"What are you trying to say Terrador?" he asked "You think Danox is a threat to us?"

The Guardian frowned, pondering the words, reminiscing memories of his meeting with the odd drake and Brill's words.

The only conclusion he came up with was that he bases his decision on confusion.

Something a soldier should never do and yet he couldn't stop himself, even after spending years on the battlefield.

He had faith.

"I simply want to fortify our every border"

"Dear Ancestors you think he is bad don't you?!" Cynder growled, her blade-like tail tip making furious swirls in the air "He has black scales so he has to be evil, right?!"

"This is not what I meant Cynder"

"Yeah? Then how come you never came with the idea to..." she snorted "fortify every border when involving Cyril, or Amela, hell even Spyro. We know what became of Malefor after all"

Terrador flexed his wings, rubbing his neck at the same time. He felt as if the cloud of misgiving he swallowed sprouted spikes and impaled itself to his throat.

"Why are you so defensive because of a total stranger?"

"I'm not defensive!" she snarled "I didn't suffer all this hate to let some pompous bastards spread lies about my-" and suddenly, just like that no more words came out of her mouth

Her mind became blank, nearly literally empty, she could feel the air she was breathing whizzing inside her skull. Her expression softened, adopting the features of someone who hit his head badly and for a moment forgot his own name.

She had no idea from where all that anger came from, nor did she understand why it faded away. Just like that her tongue became still, unable to pronounce whatever she wanted to say.

Black paw shot behind her neck, trying to grab the invisible chain that seemed to pull at her choker, squeezing it tighter against her throat. Her claws made a couple of blind, unsuccessful clenches before claws slid underneath the tightening jewelry.

She tugged at the choker fiercely, expecting strong resistance from the invisible chain that pulled against the bracelet with sole intention to choke her.

It gave up with ease as if no force was tugging at it to begin with.

The counter strength she put into the jerk, which as it turned out met no opposition, nearly slammed her nose directly into the floor. Only thanks to her gained through battle reflex and dexterity she managed to regain balance without turning her draconic nose into a pulp.

She was so fluent at it that the whole ordeal looked as if she tripped.

As she looked around the room in confusion, she felt that she indeed did trip. Not against a physical obstacle however, but insanity.

Terrador jerked forward instinctively, paw shooting in the air as if trying to reach an invisible branch to pull himself up. Mouth parting open, ready to spit out words.

And then he froze.

The uncertainty of matters beyond the battlefield crept in, making him realize that a commanding concern is not what is required here. He already tried to quench the unexpected fire with no luck.

Retreat is also part of warfare, in this particular case he was outmatched, offering support to a oddly behaving female was obviously beyond his competence. It would be best to leave this situation in more capable paws.

His pleading gaze landed on the purple drake.

He too however looked as if he would be pulled out of deep sleep by a nightmare.

"What if you're wrong?" Spyro asked emotionlessly, his eyes remained stuck at Cynder, casually, as if her behavior was as special as a sneeze

"Maybe we'll waste our time only"

Terrador frowned, he was lost, he wasn't sure anymore if he was overreacting or both of them were acting strange. To make things worse, the thin border line between faith and instinct started to fade, at this point he was unable to tell which of the two forces is speaking to him.

He was afraid that none were and all he is doing right now is blindly following after his chaotic, undecided thoughts.

The only thing he was certain of was his fighter's experience and that forced him to keep a cool head in every situation.

"If you believe that I'm overreacting by sending two of you then we can change our plans" Terrador answered, his voice low and calm "You can go visit Volteer and Cynder can go see Danox alone"

"No!" Spyro shouted, this time however his outburst drew four surprised eyes towards himself

His amethyst orbs ran over the snouts of Terrador and Cynder, both of them looked at him as if he was insane. Only under the weight of their stares he realized just how idiotic he acted.

"I mean..." he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his head "First thought is always best. If we won't find anything we can always come back quick, right?"

"Of course" the Guardian confirmed with a reserved tone

Purple eyes widened with sudden enlightenment.

"But...isn't Ignus watching him already?"

"He is, as much as I appreciate his opinion as someone who isn't biased by our history, I would also like to hear the insight of someone who knows our story all too well. If nothing will come out of it and I hope it won't, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the black dragons"

He directed his gaze at Cynder.

"That boy is a young adult, he must have a greater understanding of your element. Who knows, perhaps you might even learn a thing or two from him"

She swallowed, suddenly a memory of a recent dream shot through her skull, flashing images flickered in front of her eyes, lightened up like sky after thunder. She remembered the unusual dream, the way she was pulled out of it by Creep.

She remembered Creep, a creature inhabiting...what exactly?

She swallowed hard again. She completely forgot about her little friend, even he was silent as if he forgot about her too. Whether it was because she drowned in a see of happiness or he respected her privacy she couldn't tell.

It was good however to feel safe and perhaps the black drake has means to erase the uncomfortable sensation of being violated.

Surprisingly she heard no voice of protest.

"All right" Spyro stated "We will see him"

Terrador smiled, nodding his head.

"I would be grateful" he bit his lip, looking around the room anxiously "I would ask you of another favor if you would be so kind"

The purple drake smiled comfortingly, seeing the Guardian's uneasiness his heart immediately demanded to assist his friend

"Sure, no problem. What's on your mind?"

"If you run into Cyril please don't tell him about your task. We had a little...disagreement"

Spyro's eyes widened in surprise. It was common knowledge that the Guardians argued, in their case verbal fights were as normal and automatic as breathing. Things like that happen when you spend nearly every day of your very long life in the company of the same snouts.

He however never remembered the Guardians working behind each other's back.

"Don't tell Cyril?" Spyro repeated anxiously "Is there something we should know about? I feel like there is more to this task than you are telling us"

Terrador hissed, musing a curse. Spyro is young, intelligent and caring, playing some deceiving game was insulting, to both of them. Considering however Spyro's history with Brill, he wouldn't be so keen to assist with this task.

And his faith and instinct were screaming at him, holding him back as strong as they could from thwarting such opportunity.

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with" Terrador replied, a forced smile appearing on his snout, intensity of which could be compared to the rays of a desperate, fading sun behind the horizon

"I want to avoid another argument, bickering for years with the same people, about the same things can be tiring. I would like a simple, short break, that's all"

Spyro nodded, out of respect than true understanding. He knew Terrador for a long time, was smart enough to see the cloak of reserve the Guardian wrapped his words with. He was polite enough not to press the matter further, if he wants to keep some information to himself, he has all the right to do so.

Everyone was playing some game with their lives.

Image of his purple paw hovering above a wooden, rectangular mat with figures chaotically placed on even smaller fields flashed before his eyes.


He shook his head fiercely. Moving them was not an option.

He would rather stay away from the ongoing chess games, he interfered enough already.

It's better if the pawns move on their own.

"I get it" Spyro looked behind his shoulder, with eyes of imagination seeing the mountain behind the thick walls of the interior they were in "We'll be on our way then, we'll come back as quickly as possible and tell you all about it"

Terrador bowed gratefully.

"I would greatly appreciate that" he scratched his neck which finally managed to swallow the bulge stuck inside it

"We all would" he mumbled under his breath, in the back of his mind hearing faint sounds of war drums


She scratched her curved horns, annoyed about feeling their structure all along their rounded length.


That was the word that put a snarl on her snout, being compared to all those pitiful fucks surrounding her, their shit worth existence grey, withered and dull like sacks of their father's balls, ugly as night who slept with whores that even the horniest of rapist wouldn't dare to touch.

She is above those ants that crawl this hive of disfiguration and disgust they call a city.

Where are those fucking bracelets?!

She looked her paws over, they were also naked like her horns.

No matter, she will regain her prestige, even the most crap infested hovel has that one spot where an illusion of value could be found.

She will make sure that the spiteful, betraying fuckheads will remember who tore their hearts out and shoved them up their shitholes.

She yelped suddenly, train of thought interrupted by a surprising jerk forward, someone bumped into her side.

Something wooden dropped on the ground, muffled metallic sounds clanked in between the notes of rumbling wood.

"I'm so sorry!" a startled, young voice shouted

His loud shout in the bustling marketplace square was like a whisper. In this place shouts and apology were as common as breakfast served by a caring mother every morning in the young days of her offspring.

Iris growled, cold eyes targeting an orange, draconic male her age, the little shit was too unimportant and worthless for her to bother to remember anything else.

"Watch where you're going dipshit"

The drake's cheeks flushed red, he was chaotically fighting with the strap wrapped around his body. A typical harness with rings that helped quadrupole creatures transport all sorts of things. This particular strap seemed way too lose to be able to keep something stable on a constantly shaking back.

The crate that now laid on the ground a clear indicator of the harness' pitiful shape.

"I-I deeply a-apologize" the dragon stammered "I'm such a mess, I can't get anything right" he shook his head, paws tapping at the fallen crate, readjusting and generally fondling with the straps

"Misery after misery, I'm such a damn loser" his paws increased their movement speed in perfect accordance with the swiftness of words jumping out of his mouth.

"Not only I keep fighting to keep that crate on my back with nearly all my focus put into it" he pulled at the strap he just slid through a ring with all the strength

There was no visible improvement. The specific saddle was as loose as before.

With a whine he began folding the straps, making all manner of tufts just to tighten the grip on the crate.

"But then I notice you and all the rest of my focus goes away. I can't get my eyes off you and walk straight ahead. Not caring that you are closer and closer, I bump and this happens"

He let go off the strap he was fighting with in frustration, throwing his paws in the air and rump on the ground before shoving the crate with his fores. Forgetting completely that the harness wrapped around him he just recently connected with the crate. The wooden object slid backwards, yet it didn't move away from him since he was immediately pulled right behind it.

The surprising, strong jerk caught him unaware, his eyes widened when momentarily he lost his balance, toppling forward and smashing his chin into the solid wood.

The noise of rattling teeth reverberated through the air like an echo of a lightning strike.

Speck of blood gushed onto the wooden frame when the drake accidentally bit his tongue. His yelp of pain clearly muffled by the commotion in the marketplace.

Here screams of anguish were as popular as a worldwide known bard.

She moved around the crate, ignoring the throbbing pain in her side that will leave a bruise for a while. In every other situation she would flay the idiotic shit first before skinning it alive.

This one smelled of the betrayer.

Iris stopped next to the sprawled, groaning drake, she craned her neck down, big, white eyes observing the drake as if he would be the most specific alien specimen.

"Are you a moron?" she asked and her soft, accented voice vibrated with interest

"Yes I'm a moron!" the drake whined pitifully pushing himself fiercely off the chest

She slowly withdrew her head, eying him calmly, with the scrutiny of an aspiring medic who observed a dead fly that suddenly flapped its wings and buzzed after being a test subject of some sort medical experiment.

"You don't have to call me names lady!" the drake snarled, yet his voice couldn't get rid off the bordering on despair squeaky touch

He jerked back even more fiercer, in desperate irritation forgetting that he was still attached to the crate. All the force he used to pull back kicked him towards the crate again, this time however he managed to put his paws on the wood to lessen the impact.

"Dammit!" he slammed his fist into the wood, the hollow thud that followed reminded a groan "I'm such a loser! I can't properly deliver this junk, I hurt innocent passersby and to make things worse I wasn't there to help my friend who recently died. He was just a damn kid and something happened to his heart!"

He hissed when suddenly something stung his paw that earlier connected with the wood. He looked at it and whined.

A splinter.

"Ancestors!" he let out a wail of despair "Does my misery has no end?"

"You are weak and pitiful" Iris stated, voice cold and calm like that of a healer announcing a diagnosis

"I am!" the drake growled, leaping on all fours aggressively, the crate tugged at him again but this time he managed to keep his balance after a little swaying

"Are you here to point out the obvious? If so, I don't need your help, if you haven't noticed I do well without anyone reminding me just how big of a loser I am"


That was the word that confirmed that the scent she smelled wasn't a delusion.

Her tail wagged slowly from side to side, every now and then curling to rub against her gently quivering thighs. She licked her lips, diamond eyes with great care examining the dragon in front of her from top to bottom. The usual cold temperature of her body warming in accordance with the heated pulses wafting from her groin.

His figure was bent and crunched, looking like a mule that was about to collapse under the weight it was carrying. Rest of the details were unimportant, she couldn't see them, unable to tell if the drake has four legs or eight.

Pitiful, miserable, weak. A lost, dumb boy.

Silver claws, sharp as talons of a bird, dug into the small cracks found in the stony ground. Forelegs shaking in anticipation.


Impossible to contain urge to feel his body against her own, urge to lick and taste it. Urge to bite into it and tear scales out, to skin him alive and wear his flesh as coat.

"I've been alone for years" Iris said, her accented voice drawing the attention of the drake "I've lost much of my social abilities. After my mother was murdered I became harsh towards other people. No way around that now. I don't pity you, I can't pity you, I've been close to my mother and she's dead, how your misery can be compared to that?"

He listened to her intently, enchanted by her snout and the oddly, beautiful accent that this pretty voice created. He felt uneasy around her, the aura of confidence surrounding this cute girl was intimidating. Her piercing eyes begged for understanding and looked as if they wouldn't hesitate to hypnotize you and order you to slit your own throat.

The straps of his loosely hanging harness became surprisingly tighter, burning his body.

"I'm very sorry to hear that" the drake replied, rubbing his slightly red cheek "But death isn't an auction, it's tragic. All death is painful, it doesn't justify the actions of those that have to live with the burden"

All of the passion for the drake hid in the background after hearing his condescending words. Fucker believed he could be compared to her. She looked down on the shit worth betrayer and all she did get in return is a spit in her snout.

No burden, no pain, no attention, nothing can top her personal emotions. She is superior on every level, in every way.

Remember that you adorable, backstabbing, weak fool.

"What if someone forgot how to live and all she remembers is the hole left after the death?"

"Umm..." the drake rubbed the back of his neck, for a moment remaining silent and blushing stronger and stronger

Her wings stretched with ungraceful jerks, feathers on her membranes fluttered as if every one of them would inhale air on its own. She recognized the nervousness, pitiful, weak, sweet males always displayed in her close proximity, overwhelmed by her majestic presence.

She bit on her tongue, trapping it wiggling inside her mouth. Piercing eyes never leaving their target, practically making the drake shrink and shrink even more.

"I...I don't know" he stammered, his gaze brushing only against the constant stare of diamond orbs before nervously slipping at crate

"M...maybe do something t-that keeps your m-mind focused on something. I transport stuff" he concentrated on the sorry harness and fallen crate

A wince wrinkled his snout.

"Not like I'm doing a good job at it, but still..."

Inability to withstand her gaze meant only one thing.


Stories about males flirting and seducing females, winning them over, are as real as dragons farting rainbows. It is always the girl who choses the boy, out of pity most of the time.

The only way a boy can get a female is either by groveling, or, what those motherfuckers are more inclined to do, by rape.

"I am lonely" Iris accented softly

He swallowed, his entire body quaked. Shy, embarrassed eyes looked at her, there was a glint of something else, but it didn't matter. That graze of his burning, big eyes was enough.

He was hers.


"Will you keep me company?"

Whatever words he tried to say turned into a whizz, mouth remained open, eyes wet as if he was about to cry.

"Me? I..." he looked at the crate, one paw callously tugged at the harness on his body "I still got work to do" he mumbled without conviction

She moved next to him, brushing her flank against his as she turned around to face the crate. He retreated slowly, his whole body titled shyly away, enough to avoid touching scales, but not enough to stop feeling the cool of her body.

She craned her neck forward, eyeing the crate with fake interest.

"Are the contents so vital that they can rip away my chance to taste companionship?"

The drake gulped, the sadness in her voice was piercing his heart like daggers. He threw the crate a disgusted glance.

"It's some forge junk. It can wait I guess"

Diamond eyes turned sharply at him, beautiful snout mere inches from his own nose, he felt her warm breath on his scales. With a fierce flush he made another modest step to the side, scratching at his red cheek.

"I'm grateful" she whispered and momentarily began fondling with the straps

"Very, very grateful" she bit her lip, dropping on her haunches

Front paws unlocked the first strap on the boy's waist, before they reached another one however they touched the male body. One paw massaging its way to the side, towards another part of the harness, the other one kept feeling the stiff, male body vertically, caressing its way towards the underbelly.

Tips of claws grazing his groin.

A pulse shot through his body, making him quiver. His mind was suddenly numb, unable to comprehend what is happening, holding to the thought that she accidentally ventured too far.

She had to.

They were surrounded by people after all, people towards which he began paying more attention to, much to his displeasure. Times where he could lie his eyes on a beautiful girl like this weren't common, if they existed at all.

He muffled a yelp when he felt draconic toes touching the same spot her claws did earlier.

"Th..." he gulped "...there are no straps there" he gibbered

Her paw immediately retreated, he nearly jumped when unexpectedly he heard a snapping sound. Another strap gave away, this one more strained than the other.

And yet when piercing, diamond orbs looked at him he couldn't erase the image of a cracking whip from his mind.

"I wanted to make sure" Iris whispered

Her accented voice only pushed his mind into a more serious state of disconnection from the world.

Her paws explored his body further, to say that he enjoyed the soft paws rubbing his body would be an understatement, there was something magical about tasting the touch of a stunning girl exploring your body as if you would be a deeply burrowed treasure she looked all her life for.

Nothing else mattered.

Two more snaps followed soon after, the weight of the harness pushing against his body disappeared, the touch of smooth paws together with it.

He was free from the burden of a job he hated.

He was almost devastated because of it.

She sat ahead of him, innocent and full of expectations.

Her beauty was overpowering.

"So..." he rubbed his foreleg bashfully "...where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere, just far away from all this noise"

"I know a spot like that, it's not very rom...pretty though"

"Doesn't have to be. If we can be alone than its perfect" she got up on her four legs, making a step forward, urging him to do the same, to keep her company

He did exactly that.

She didn't expect anything else, trapped, backstabbing, pretty morons always danced as she wanted. Males of all sort, even those adorable ones, they always want the same thing.

They moved on and as they went on she looked around all those people, those oblivious motherfuckers. They wanted to play, then she will play, they won't however like the finale.

Especially when they walk around, expecting nothing. No one was paying her any attention.

On the way out of the marketplace she only spotted only one pair of eyes staring at her. They belonged to a powerfully built malachite dragon with a horn projecting up from his nose. He didn't turn around like the rest when she countered his gaze.


Such fucks believe that if they pump their bodies with mental labor she will run up to them and without asking jump on their cocks.

Think again dick for brains, the only way you will be getting inside me is when I tear your stomach apart and eat your entrails.

"I don't even know your name"

She blinked, turning her attention at her companion, not before however she scouted the surroundings. Realizing that they have already left the marketplace and are walking down some of the small alleys. Walls of sturdy buildings surrounded them, as well as did people who walked back and forth across this street.

"You want to play a game?" she asked, intimidating him with her eyes once more

"What..." he swallowed, he didn't know how many times he did that already, but he was quite certain that he won't have to drink ever again "...what sort of game?"

"You can ask me about anything else besides my name. Yours also should remain a secret till our time is over and I promise you that by the end of our meeting you'll be screaming mine"

Another swallow, it's a wonder his stomach accepted more of his saliva. Perhaps all the fluids he swallowed evaporated with sweat.

And he sweat profusely, especially now.

"S-S-Sounds l-like fun" he rasped, breathing heavily

They continued on in total silence, or at least silent when it came to talking. He couldn't control his lungs, they heaved for air and he did his best to muffle his pants, to avoid huffing like one of the mole's machinations.

She didn't seem to notice, or she simply was polite enough to not point out his nervousness.

"What is that crystal in your chest?" he finally asked after, of course, gulping

Iris looked down, pressing chin to her white scales, without any emotion noticing the hint of swirling colors in the gem so neatly tucked in her scales as if the oversized ring would be a part of her body since hatching.

"Of all possible questions you ask me about this barely visible bauble?"

He looked her over shyly, taking advantage of the opportunity that she wasn't focused on him right now.

"I wanted to ask about something less obvious. I bet everyone ask you about your wings"

Trying to impress her

This was the typical behavior of every male. This particular weak fool was no different, there was nothing to blame him for, the drowning always catch the first straw they can reach.

She spread her wings, opening her feathers for the breeze to touch them, back in the days it was an enjoyable moment. Comes with the blood mother always said, heritage of her father mother always said.

She was dead now, partially because of such fuckers like the drake over here.

It was better for him that he didn't ask about the wings, the risk was high that she might forget about subtlety.

"Or the accent" the drake added shyly

"I'm one of THE dragons" Iris replied, her voice remaining cold and calm even despite the thoughts that circulated in her head "I got sucked into your world, the crystal appeared when I got here. I don't know what it does, it's so inconspicuous that I forget that it's even there"

"That's good I suppose"

She frowned, he had to turn his gaze away, there was something strongly adorable about the way the white line in between her eyes wrinkled.

"You don't sound surprised" she noted

He chuckled.

"I'm a moron, but I can add two to two. When the truth about the portals came out it was quite clear that you different dragons are a part of that. Especially someone like you, you have feathery wings, legends say that this is the trait of wind dragons. They were killed off over here"

"Legends are true, a wind dragon sired me"

"That's cool, I never met someone like you before. You're special"

Her eyes sparkled with cold flames. A glimmer he undoubtedly spotted since he opened his stinking maw to say something.

She didn't care, this was the time where she rips apart the impudent, sweet moron.

Don't you ever remind me of my mom you dump eating, fart smelling piece of motherfucking crap that even a shit rolling bug would be disgusted to touch.

Don't speak of her betrayer.

Her whole muscles tensed.

Nothing like that happened however.

A gasp escaped her throat unexpectedly, she tripped over one of the many steps in this fucking full of stairs dumphole. Whoever planned this piece of shit had some serious high issues.

She was heading head first towards the ground, she pushed both of her fores forward. She would manage to keep herself above the ground, yet she already knew that her chin will won't be so lucky. All because of those fucking stairs.

Again, nothing came to fruit out of her plan.

Her body smacked into an orange male back that suddenly appeared below her.

"Whoa!" the boy exclaimed, momentarily raising on his legs "That was close"




Her head exploded with one single word, paws full of male body, bending by forceful move of the stern flesh. She unable to do anything to oppose it.

Smacking and squelching noises filled her head.

With a terrified squeal she scrambled chaotically off the male back, scratching it on the way back. She jumped back as far as she could, back slamming into something solid and charred, black dust fell from above like snowflakes.

She pressed against the obstacle, forcing her rump to nearly touch the ground, adopting a position that would gave her the edge on escape, or that extra boost if she would go for a lunge at the potential attacker.

Tail curled around one of her hind legs gently, icy tip glowing threateningly. Left front leg touched the ground, wall of ice was slowly being erected all around it. Second leg clenched the cold chain of the medallion, cold aura surrounded it, empowering the artificial, icy chain.

Big, white eyes stared at the young male, soft tails of icy mist danced at the corners of her eyes.

"Don't touch me!" she roared, in her voice was more pain and fear than real threat

"Hey, hey! I'm not doing anything!" he rose on his haunches, waving his front legs "See? My paws are over here"

Iris panted, her eyes never leaving the boy.

"Just relax and calm down" he dropped on the ground to look less intimidating "You're not the first one who acts weird in this place. It's really scary here even during the day, especially with this silence, hardly anyone walks here. It's ok to be afraid"


The time to be scared was over, being weak is in the past.

In the past fucker!

"People say that ghosts of the family that lived here still haunt this place" he uneasily looked around the charred remains of the building "Stories go that they got locked out and killed by their own devices, trapping them in a room full of explosives. When they realized what is happening the fear reached such a high peek that it manifests as their essence in the afterlife"

He looked at her, apology shimmering in his eyes.

"The theory is that if your vulnerable to..." he tapped his temple " know, mental influence. The essence of fear really gets to you"

She blinked, when her eyes opened up again nothing remained of the fear that for a moment clouded her senses. Her gaze was once again cold and confident, paws returned to their normal positions, tail straightened also. She rose on all fours, adopting presence of authority, feathery wings stretching, making her look like a fallen angel.

The image intensified by the hate and contempt radiating from her eyes.

"Are you calling me weak?" she said slowly, her accented voice sounding like a murderous growl of a Death Hound

He balked, throwing his paws in the air defensively.

"No, no, no! Nothing like that, it's just that this place is creepy and we shouldn't really be here. The place where we are heading isn't too far now"

She inhaled deeply, feeding on his fear, it was enough to convince her who is the superior creature here. He was weak and fragile, afraid to face the murder he had committed, backstabbers hardly have the guts to do so. They don't have the stomach for it.

You are afraid to face your crimes you pretty, sexy, beautiful, pitiful idiot. Here is where you're going to learn how it feels to be a toy, you will learn the meaning of pain and humiliation.

Iris looked to the right, then to the left.


"This place is perfect"

His eyes widened.


Without any more words she moved alongside the charred wall she touched, brushing her flank against the black dust and ash and destruction. Eventually she found an opening, big enough for a dragon to fit through. Stepping over some debris she entered the ruined building that once belonged to a mole family, slaughtered by another incarnation of treachery.

She disappeared behind one of the destroyed walls.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, pouncing forward, stopping before the opening she went through "Where are you going?" he blurt out, cringing and bending on his legs, scared eyes swiftly scanned the luckily empty streets "We really shouldn't be here" he muttered

There was no response.

"Hello?" he shouted quietly at the hole


"Strange, pretty girl?" he gulped "Are you there?"

Acting completely opposite to what his instinct was telling him he put his paw above the debris that filled the ground near the opening.

"H-Hello?" he whispered softly, entering the ruined house

Frightened eyes scanned the surroundings, practically nothing remained of the house, stones and cracked walls filled what remained of the interior, which wasn't much. Remains of only two rooms were left standing, walls of each destroyed like the rest of the house.

It was black here, scraps of carpets and occasional paintings were like scattered notes of a long lost diary. The memories of the tragedy were so fresh that he could swear that he inhaled the ashes of the family that lived here with each breath.

He jumped back with a gasp.

A rumble of rocks echoed behind him when a piece of the wall gave under the assault of the wind.

"Hello?" he let out a wavering mumble, every part of his body demanded that he gets out of here

And then something unexpected happened.

"I'm over here" came the female voice from one of the mostly still intact rooms

Judging from the piece of picture that looked like it was colored by a child's hand the room probably served as living quarters for that very child.

Wave of calmness washed over him, he wasn't alone and none of the scenarios from the horror books he read were coming to fruition.

"We can't be here" he said heading in the direction of the voice "This is basically a cemetery, we sho-AAHH!" he yelped when surprisingly a body slammed into him when he crossed what remained of the doorstep to the child's room

He got hit in his rump, the impact turning him around until he faced his attacker.

Iris lunged towards him, lowering her head to slide under his chin. She threw her head up, lifting the drake of his front paws, her horns making small holes in his shoulders. The moment he was standing on his rear legs she bounced forward slightly, smacking her front paws into his chest. She threw her head up, looking him straight into the eyes as she pushed him against the wall, rear legs tapping alternately and as quickly as that of a gazelle.

The boy grunted when his back smacked into a dusty wall.

He stared at the girl with shocked, huge eyes, mouth parting open to say something.

She momentarily lowered her head.

Whatever words were building up within his throat were quickly interrupted when he felt a tongue touching his underbelly.

She pressed her tongue to the firm scales, sliding it up roughly across his chest, forcing his head to tilt back as her tongue invaded his neck just to pop with a soft slurp the moment it finished running across his chin.

His head remained in place, wide eyes staring into the sky visible through the non-existing ceiling. Paralyzed by shock.

She lowered her head again, repeating the same ascent of tongue as before, perfectly following the wet trail she created earlier.

She went down again, repeating the same movement.

His paws clenched around her legs, the moment that happened she jerked back and pushed again, slamming him against the wall again. Feminine paws pressed against his shoulders so strongly as if they wanted to crush his bones.

"What are you doing?" he let out a wavering mutter when her tongue slurped off his chin again

Her right paw moved slightly, touching him near the wound her horn created. One of her claws slipped into the hole, making him quake and hiss in pain.

"I want to fuck you" she whispered, her cold breath nearly stopping his heart

"Wha-" he started to trash, bewildered blare silenced by her claw sinking deeper into the hole

Rope of blood pushed out from the wound.

He wiggled more fiercely, trying to break free, elemental energy began to charge up.

She went for his throat, tips of her sharp claws sinking delicately into his scales.

"Behave" she said and her voice was freezing and merciless like a snowstorm

He stopped fighting immediately, submissively releasing the grip around her forepaws, throwing his own to the sides, letting her know that he is completely under her rule.

His heart pounded in his chest, if the stories were

She sucked at his neck, absorbing whatever drop of blood her teeth drew from his flesh.

"We can't do this" he whined pitifully

She jerked her head back, smashing her paw on his nose, forcing his mouth shut.

"This wasn't a request"

She went for his lips, kissing them aggressively and hungrily, molesting his idle mouth. She clamped her teeth on the lower lip, the bite causing them to bleed.

He groaned in pain, mouth parting open.

With a growl she sank her teeth deeper into the lip and jerked her head back, ripping a chunk of the soft flesh.

"Are you insane?!" he let out a full of suffering roar, spitting blood all over his neck, including the snout and throat of the girl attacking him

He started to thrash again wildly, his protest didn't last long however, effectively silenced by the claw drilling the hole in his shoulder and the claws of other scratching his neck.

She spat the flesh out, licking her bloody lips, looking with great lust at his torn, bleeding lip, from which streams of crimson, hot liquid flew down like from a waterfall.

"You love pain betrayer"

He didn't answer since momentarily her mouth pressed against his wounded mouth, drinking the blood that erupted from his lip.

He grunted in disgust.

"Pleashhe letshh me go" he slurred pleadingly against her sucking mouth.

She pulled out, bloody claw that devastated his wounded shoulder pressing against his cheek, scratching it gently, smearing hot blood all over it.

She tilted her head to the right side

"You never listened to my pleas" she slid her claw back and forth across his cheek

Her head swayed in the opposite direction with a blink of her eyes. It was like he would be staring into the eyes of a completely different girl, more spiteful and malevolent than the incarnation before

If skulls would have eyes than they would look like the white ones in front of him, more decayed, blank and dead than those of a corpse.

"You kept abusing me, hurting and hurting"

Head returned to its natural position, he could swear that these glistening eyes belonged to a girl that fallen in love with him.

"My poor, sweet, beautiful moron"

Both her paws landed on top of his shoulders, she raised on her hind legs, her head reaching above his. She twirled her neck, resting it behind his horns. Her body pressed against his own, tightly. She began to rub against him, sliding up and down, chest to chest, groin to groin, slit to slit.

"Come to me" she purred

He groaned, not because of pleasure, but abhorrence, in all other scenarios a girl grinding against his sheath would send him to the moon, all two of them. Right now however he couldn't think about anything else but the blood smearing in between them.

Driven by impulse he put his paw on her shoulders, delicately pushing her away. Looking down in between their slightly separating bodies he noticed lines of red blood stretching in space between their bellies, as if their scales would be connected by freshly put glue.

He gagged, nearly throwing up at the sight.

"Enough" he hissed through clenched teeth "Please"

She stopped, one paw shot up, grabbing him by the horn and forcing his head down.

"You never stopped when I begged" she growled into his earhole

He swallowed, feeling the gulp of saliva moving directly down to his stomach, pushing out his scales, the bulge brushing against her scales no matter how hard he tried to be away from her.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I had nothing to do with your plight!"

She kissed his shoulder fondly, backed up and kissed again, lips bouncing from left to right along his scales.

With each kiss she shivered as if snakes would be coiling around his body, ready to bite.

"None of you do" her cold breath wafted off his scales "Yet you always were there, waiting for your turn. I won't be waiting for mine"

She bit into his shoulder, not deep, but enough to make him cringe, with that she channeled her elemental energy, creating from the very wound a steaming, cold volcano.

Her paw clenched on the icy mist and surprisingly she grabbed a hold of it. With one swift sway of her paw she stretched the mist all the way to the middle of his throat. Momentarily solidifying into a frozen scythe.

He yelped, throwing his paws on the magical blade in a vain attempt to push it away.

"No!" the drake screamed, big, tear filled eyes entirely focused on the sharp object in front of his throat "Why are you doing this to me?! I was nice to you!"

"Shhh" blue paw smacked into his mouth while she lowered down along his body "Don't wiggle or you might hurt yourself"

Her paw joined its other half.

"What are you doing?" his eyes nearly shot out of their orbits when she stood down below with her eyes aimed at his groin and paw with sharp claws reaching towards it

"Taking what I want" she hissed, pressing her sharp claws against the lip of the male sheath and stretching it to the side

"No!" he cried out, wiggling, putting the bulk of his weight on the ice blade near his throat, pulling himself up he bent his hind legs defensively

With an annoyed growl she drew her claws into the risen thighs, shoving them down.

He screamed.

She pulled out her claws roughly, streams of blood followed them, spilling the life sustaining liquid everywhere.

Without any more reserve she reached for his groin, one set of claws sinking into the sensitive scales near the slit, one claw stretching it again. Another dived roughly straight into every draconic male's most vulnerable part of the body.

Her claws were spread apart, scratching along every sensitive wall on the way inside, making him literally bleed from the inside. Her claws weren't gentler even when they found what they were looking for, sharp tips curling into a hook, making small indentations on a head she knew all too well.

He howled in sheer agony, muscles reacting on their own, disposing all manners of control. His wounded hind legs kicked up, strongly pulled by the defensive cramp of pain.

His legs smashed into the chin of the girl that violated him.

Blood spurted from her mouth with a painful groan when the impact forced her to bite on her tongue. She tottered back, for a second losing balance.

Orange hind paws kicked at her shoulders, shoving her away.

She was thrown back, with both her forelegs pressing against the male body she didn't have the opportunity to balance herself. Claws still hooked withdrew from his body, leaving painful scratch marks on whatever flesh they touched.

She made a vertical flip, fighting to keep standing by jumping only on her rear legs, yet the blow was too strong, throwing her eventually on the back. Black dust and small rocks shot in the air when draconic back smashed into the debris on the floor.

With a furious roar she rolled back onto her belly, clenching her bloody paw, channeling elemental energy to the sharp block of ice to force it to slice the throat it was aimed at.

The moment the kick connected he already had his paws on the scythe, already charging his elemental energy.

The scythe started to cut. He was roaring at the top of his lungs as the blade of ice sunk into his paws, it cut his forelegs nearly to the very middle until his fire element finally kicked in and overpowered by flames coming out from both paws and mouth the cold that was spreading inside his veins.

His paws made a wet smack when he dropped on the ground, blood sprouted from underneath them like juices from a crushed strawberries.

Rocks and all sort of other sharp objects got inside the gaping wounds.

He screamed out in agony, the pain was too much, he couldn't keep standing, wounded fores gave under his weight, making him drop roughly on the ground, chin first. Luckily everything hurt far more than feel the impact with the ruined floor and feel the cuts.

A thought occurred to him when he felt the impact of the fall ringing in his very brain.

Why does nobody hear his screams.

Iris got up, walking slowly to the bleeding dragon, already savoring the moment when she will steal his life. Very, very painfully.

Yet then suddenly the ground shook and momentarily a solid wall of earth burst from the floor, separating her from her kill.

"Get out of here" a strangely familiar voice sounded from behind the wall. Muffled by the still rumbling ground

She stopped, cocking her head.

"She's insane! She wanted to kill me!" the boy cried out

"Fly away, that way, keep close to the ground. Now"


Nothing happened for a while, she blankly stared at the wall, completely ignoring the blood dripping from her mouth.

The wall went down.

The boy disappeared.

It wasn't Spyro on the other side.

"How dare you interfere worm?" Iris growled, diamond eyes glinting murderously

"Another casualty would drag too much attention" Capro explained calmly, his low voice not even disturbed by a bit by the mess and her look "Killing a child usually puts people on edge"

It was the muscular dragon who was watching her, judging from his words for far longer than just mere minutes.

Blackmailer, promiser of advantage.

A tool that needs to be broken when no longer needed.

Why is his voice so familiar?

"Cretin. If you worry about attention then letting that fucker go was not the brightest solution"

The big dragon smiled, putting up a grin of a kind priest.

"Don't worry, he won't talk, trust me"

"What the hell do you want? I don't need your help, I don't want your help and as fuck I won't trust you. You've been stalking me motherfucker, spit your bile and be done with it. Mind you that I don't respond well to threats"

"Nothing like that" his grey eyes became nearly dark in the company of floating dust and ash "It is I that require your help in a matter that would benefit you greatly and cost you absolutely nothing. Well, maybe you're going to feel more satisfied than usual"

Iris snarled.

"I asked you want you want you dumb fuck, I have no intention to listen to your sweet talking. Give me a reason why I shouldn't skewer you right now"

"I ask you to continue your hatred. I want to make one black bitch suffer indescribable torment, from what I've heard you already know each other" he slid his claw across one dusty wall, emotionlessly eyeing it up "Here is my offer. You do what you do, you have your own reasons, but if you cross someone from the whore's happy party I ask you to tell me what they are planning. In return I cover up your tracks"

He smiled.

"Sounds reasonable?"

She narrowed her eyes on him.

"Backstabbing is never reasonable"

"Remind me of that when that dagger in your back makes a twist. It's fighting fire with fire"

The longer she spent around the drake the harder time she had remembering what no means. She was played long enough to know when someone's trying to manipulate her.

"Listen you overgrown pussy, I don't like your pretense of knowing all about me, I don't like your indifference about me being in that wanker's blood. To top it all, I don't like you, so why won't you crawl back into the hole you came out from, shouldn't be hard to find, that disgusting, big ass of yours probably made a crater"

Capro chuckled.

"If only your sanity would be as vile as your tongue" he mumbled under his breath, he cleared his throat "Let's cut to the chase shall we?"

"You want to hurt someone, I want to hurt someone. You work more boldly, I more subtly, in the end we both want to see suffering. What more reason do we need? Two stabs are more painful than one"

Iris snorted.

"I see muscles cramped your brain cells. I don't work with losers"

"What you got to lose? You might as well try, I don't believe you had such an opportunity before"

He was right, no tool before willingly jumped into her paws, every other required coaxing and agony to prove useful. He had no advantage over her, he was useless, yet even a blunt tool could crack a rock if it hits it long enough.

The question is if he is sturdy enough to keep hitting without breaking apart.

"You're nothing right now" she said sternly "Exactly how can you be useful?"

The smile was gone from his snout, he was eyeing the girl with nearly similar contempt that he has for that purple dick who has no shame about wallowing in that black trash.

"Give me some valuable information, a secret and with enough time we both will be satisfied with the results"


His brow raised in response to that statement.

"This place" Iris made a swipe with her bloody paw "This was no accident"

Capro balked.

"Is that so? You know what happened?"

Her cold eyes glimmered.

"Better. I know who did it"