While the Parents Are Away (2)

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#2 of While The Parents Are Away

Garrett tries to get back at his little brother and thing don't exactly go his way.

Day Two

Garrett awoke with a loud yawn as he climbed out of bed, stretching his stiff limbs that had become sore from falling asleep in an awkward position. It must have still been pretty early since the sky outside of his window was still pretty dark. As he sleepily headed towards the bathroom to run through his morning routine, he had a rude reminder of the previous night as he tried to open the door, finding it still locked. This seemed to be enough to jolt him from his half asleep state as he looked down at himself, frowning. That's right; his little brother had gotten him to wear the diaper that was now wet, cold and sagging around his waist. As he replayed the previous night's events over in his mind a seething feeling of discontent washed over him as he walked back into his room, silently closing the door behind him as to not wake his mischievous brother. Taking the first step towards his dresser he heard a crunch as his foot came down on the piece of paper Shane had left in his room the night before. After leaning down to pick it up he started to read over it.

Hey Bro,

Sorry about last night, I didn't think you'd get so upset =(

Don't worry I already deleted the recording.

Hope we can come to better terms,


PS I still expect you to wear those diapers I bought you

Upon reading over the chicken scratch note, Garrett crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash. If the note's purpose had been to cheer him up, it didn't really do its job since Garrett's mood only soured further as he crept out of his room and down the steps to look for the package of diapers. As he searched, his mind once more focused on how easily he had broken down. It was hard to believe that he'd actually cried right in front of his brother, it was utterly embarrassing. After about five minutes of looking around the first floor he became increasingly agitated, unable to find the pack of diapers. And to add to the problem, his bladder was starting to strain a bit since his normal routine had been ruined and all the bathrooms were still locked. As he stood in the middle of the kitchen with no better solutions popping into his head he swallowed his pride and closed his eyes, letting his bladder go. He tried to distract himself from the fact that he was willfully using the diaper around his waist, but all the sensations were hard to ignore as the wet warmth spread back over his crotch, the sound of the slow trickle being absorbed by the once white padding and the smell of urine permeating the room. Unable to focus on anything else Garrett's cheeks reddened, finding that he somewhat enjoyed the sensation to an uncomfortable degree as he felt his shaft stir a bit, the tip poking from its sheath.

Noticing the unwanted arousal Garrett shook his head violently, attributing his budding erection to morning wood, there was no way he'd get aroused by wetting a diaper he reassured himself. However, despite his mental protests his erection only seemed to grow, making him frantically begin to think of anything else to get his mind off the new tightness in his diaper. Grasping onto the first thing that came into his mind he smiled. He wanted to get back at his brother for making him do something so humiliating, and he had a pretty good idea on how to do it as he rummaged through one of the drawers in the kitchen. It didn't take long to find what he was looking for as he pulled out a box of laxatives his mother kept around for when their grandparents would stop by. He then pulled out some pancake mix and crushed the entire box of pills, mixing the two powders together. If his brother was going to trick him into wetting himself, he'd make sure he repaid the favor two fold. As he poured the pancake mix into the frying pan something in the back of his head was constantly nagging at him, telling him that this was probably a bad idea and would only make things worse, but he just pushed the thought aside, using his embarrassment and indignation to fuel his actions. After finishing off the laxative laced pancake mix, his own stomach began to rumble, the heavenly scent of pancakes invading his nose. So after a little bit of searched he managed to find another box of pancake mix and started working on making himself a non-tainted batch.

As Garrett finished making his own portion his brother sleepily walked into the kitchen, sniffing the air as stumbled in. The cub's stomach immediately growled as his eyes settled upon the two large stacks of pancakes in the middle of the table, "Wow, you actually cooked breakfast? If I'd known putting you in a diaper woulda led to this, I'd have done it sooner," he said as he hopped into his chair. Garrett grumbled a response back, trying to hide his wicked smile by cleaning the dishes, "I only did it because you'd starve since mother isn't around." "Yeah whatever, thanks for the breakfast," the cub responded as he reached for the closest pancake. However, as Shane reached for the stack, which he had to stand on the chair to do since the table was pretty wide, he tripped, knocking the two stacks over. Luckily, his older brother, who was still rinsing the dishes, didn't seem to notice the mess he made so he quickly and haphazardly stacked the two piles back up before taking a few for himself.

Soon Garrett joined his little brother at the table; sitting next to the cub as he pulled a few pancakes from the stack he knew wasn't filled with laxative and reached for the bottle of syrup. "I saw your note, and I'll play along just this once," Garrett said as he poured syrup onto his stack of food, "but it's pretty hard to do when you hide the package of diapers," he continued in an accusatory tone. Not even bothering to look up from his plate as he continued to stuff his face with pancakes, his little brother responded, "Not like you have a choice," he stated as he grabbed another pancake, "and besides, if I left the diapers out, you'd have changed yourself, and big babies don't do that so after this I'll get you into a nice clean diaper." This additional stipulation irked Garrett, "That wasn't a part of the deal," he complained, "It's also not fair that you can use the bathroom, and I can't!" he continued to whine. But Garrett's complaints seemed to fall on deaf ears as his little brother spoke again, "Too bad, I'm the one with the evidence, so I can add whatever rule I want for the week," he said before taking another bite. As soon as the cub finished chewing he continued, "And besides, I'll be fair. I'll use my diaper as well if it is that embarrassing for you. Sheesh, it's like you're the child." This claim only added to Garrett's frustrations as he quickly stood up, practically knocking the chair he'd been sitting in over. He raised his hand as if to strike Shane, but he stopped himself, clenching his fist as he tried to control his anger.

As Garrett worked on quelling his anger, his little brother looked at him apprehensively, second guessing how far he could tease his older brother before things got out of hand. But then something strange happened as his older brother's face quickly switched from anger to panic. As he continued to watch, he noticed his brother's body get tense, as if he was desperately trying to keep from throwing up, so much so that it started to concern Shane. "G-garrett? You alright buddy? Need me to get a bucket for you to throw up into," the cub said concernedly. But as he finished speaking the unthinkable happened as his older brother seemed to lose whatever internal battle he was having. His brother gave out a grunt of discontent, and then his face turned a deep red, and Shane quickly found out why as the stench of feces hit his nose. He couldn't believe it, but the proof was right there in front of him as he watched the seat of his brother's diaper expand and turn a shade of brown, "Are... are you messing yourself?" Shane asked incredulously.

At the same time, Garrett couldn't believe what was happening either as he experienced the most painful cramps in his abdomen he'd ever experienced as he felt his diaper rapidly expand in the back, a warm mush spreading over his behind. He couldn't believe what was happening; this is what was supposed to happening to his little brother, not him! As he messed himself, he could only blush as his brother watched, a look of awe on the fawn's face. He wanted to run away and cry, but he was determined to not show his brother any more weakness so he just bit down on his lip and rode it out.

Even after Garrett had finished filling the seat of his diaper the two remained silent for a bit. However, the silence was eventually broken as his little brother stifled a chuckle. Although whatever embarrassment he was trying to save his brother from failed as he quickly started to laugh uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Garrett just frowned, humiliated by what had just happened as the cub tried to recompose himself. "I don't believe it! You just messed yourself," he teased, seemingly unable to filter whatever came from his mouth, finding the entire situation hilarious, "And just like a baby with no control!" And the worst part about it was that Garrett couldn't deny it, the proof sitting in his diaper. At the same time he felt the similar stirring in his loins from earlier, which scared him so he quickly slammed his hand down on the table, effectively making any perverse pleasure he was feeling disappear as pain radiated from his knuckles. With the pain temporarily clearing his mind Garrett finally spoke up, "Well don't just sit there laughing, give me a diaper so I can get out of this thing," he said trying to dodge the topic of what had just happened.

Fortunately, the act of hitting the table also seemed to startle Shane out of his teasing as he removed himself from the table, "Alright, no need to be angry about it mushbutt, I'll be right back so go lay down somewhere so I can change you." Garrett tried to protest, "No I'll change myself," but his brother was already out of the kitchen.

Garrett huffed out a disapproving sigh as he lied down onto the cold kitchen tile, and despite trying his best not to put any weight onto the diaper, he was unsuccessful, wincing as he felt the warm mush spread along his butt. He could hardly believe he was about to let his little brother change him like he was a child, although he managed to flip his mindset a bit, figuring that it probably wouldn't be the greatest experience for the cub either. A couple of seconds later Shane plodded back into the room, a diaper and a strange, oversized pacifier in his hands. Although Garrett didn't notice the pacifier until the cub had clipped it onto his shirt, "There you go, a nice paci to help calm the wittle fawn down," he said as he shoved the pacifier into his brother's mouth. Garrett immediately spat out the invading object, "Dude, what the hell where did you even get-," he started, but his brother already answered, "Ramazon." Garrett just stared unbelievingly at his little brother as the cub just put the pacifier back into his bigger brother's maw, "No more big boy words for a bit, just let your little brother clean you up," Shane said teasingly, giggling at the absurdity of his own words. Begrudgingly Garrett seemed to comply with his tyrannical brother's wishes as he positioned the bulb of the pacifier into the corner of his mouth and crossed his arms defiantly. This surprisingly babyish form of pouting only seemed to earn him a chortle from his little brother, who obviously found the way he was behaving befitting given the current situation.

Finally Shane started to change his older brother, although before going to remove the tapes he pressed his hand against the front of the diaper, feeling the lingering warmth on the front. "I was going to ask how you used the bathroom this morning, assuming that maybe you'd just peed in a bush outside or used the sink, but I never actually expected you to use your diaper willingly," the cub teased as he poked at the front of the diaper. This comment earned him a blush from the still pouting buck, who was now cursing himself for not thinking of either of those options. And with that Shane finally started to undo the tapes, "Well I guess we know who the baby of the family is," he said, pulling the front of the diaper down. However, as he pulled down the front of the diaper, he was greeted by something he wasn't expecting. Before him was his older brother's half erect shaft, which gave a small twitch as it was exposed to the cold air. "Uh... are you... enjoying this?" he said as he poked at the red shaft which seemed to make it jump. In response, Garrett immediately moved his hands down to cover his crotch, realizing what his little brother was referring to, violently shaking his head to deny the insinuation. However, the embarrassment only seemed to make his erection reach full mast even quicker, making him turn his gaze down to the floor so he didn't have to see his brother staring at him.

Garrett closed his eyes, wishing that the world would disappear as he felt his brother pushing his hands away from his crotch, "No need to be embarrassed," the cub said reassuringly, but that only seemed to make it all the more humiliating for the older buck. In truth, Garrett was never much of a top, although he bragged about it to his friends. He usually let his girlfriend be in charge in the bedroom, but being brought to this by his little brother's teasing was more than he could handle so he tried to shift away.

Shane immediately noticed his brother trying to move back, so he grabbed ahold of Garrett's waist. "Hold on Pamperbutt, you're not going anywhere until we get you out of that smelly thing," he said, trying to emulate the authority that his father usually spoke with. To his delight it seemed to work as Garrett stop struggling to move away, screwing his eyes shut. The cute display of his brother's submission was almost too much for Shane as unfamiliar ideas started popping into his head. Within a few moments the little cub decided on what he was going to do as a mischievous smile spread over his muzzle. "It's okay wittle guy, your bwuver will take care of you," he said teasingly as he wrapped his right hand around his brother's length, his finger's not quite wrapping around the entire shaft. His brother's hands immediately went back down to cover his privates again, but Shane just knocked them away, finding that his older brother wasn't really putting up much of a resistance and was now nervously sucking on the pacifier in his mouth. "Don't worry, just let big bwo make everything better," he teased again, this time getting the response he wanted as he watched his brother's ears droop submissively, followed by a throb from the cock he was squeezing.

Now with his brother seemingly pacified he started to stroke along his brother's length, "I was wondering what surprised you when you changed me last night, but now I think I understand. You were embarrassed, weren't you? That your little brother was bigger, although I guess that makes me the bigger brother," he taunted, smiling innocently as he watched his brother blush again. A wave of satisfaction seemed to wash over Shane as he effortlessly controlled his brother, now starting to stroke his brother's erection awkwardly since he'd never touched anyone's but his own, and since he'd only recently found out what it was like to have his own orgasm, he was intrigued to find out how his brother responded. And to his delight his careful administration earned him a nearly inaudible whine of pleasure from his brother whose body seemed to be tensing up with every stroke. This gentle stroking lasted for about a minute or so before the cub spoke up again, "Now tell your big brother the truth. Are you enjoying this?" he inquired curiously. And again, like earlier, his brother shook his head no, obviously still trying to settle the cognitive dissonance raging in his mind as his little brother jerked him off. However, seeing his brother deny it a second time, he let go of his brother's shaft, deciding that if it wasn't something his brother wanted, he wouldn't go any further. Upon removing his hand from his brother's erection, Garrett's eyes immediately shot open, letting out another tiny whine as he felt the pleasure disappear. Garrett desperately wanted his brother to continue, to take charge once more, but he couldn't bring himself to say it, leaving his shaft twitching in the cold air, so close to his sticky release.

But apparently his little brother took his response seriously as he pulled out a couple baby wipes and began to clean his brother off and disposing of the dirty diaper. Having changed his own diaper multiple times, Shane was pretty efficient at the entire process, having his brother cleaned and powdered within a couple minutes. And even though his brother's erection was still present as he finished, he taped the diaper back up, a tent visible in the front, before finally standing up. "There we go, all nice and clean. Doesn't that feel better?" he asked, looking Garrett in the eyes, seeing something present in his brother's eyes that he'd only seen that one time their parents wrestled on the bed. But that look was soon blinked away as Garrett finally nodded his head. "Alright, you do whatever you do and maybe we can play some games later, but I am going back to sleep so don't bother me unless you need another change," the cub commanded as he ran back up the steps and into his room, locking his door behind him.

As soon as the door was locked Shane's paws immediately flew into his diaper as he took ahold of his erection and rapidly started stroking. He couldn't explain what had come over him, the control over his brother had been euphoric, and that euphoria had brought him to an arousal he had yet to experience. As he continued to stroke himself frantically, he moaned as the memory of his brother's submissive behavior replayed over and over in his mind, feeding into his intense arousal. He wanted to feel that sense of control again, his body craved it, and eventually he hit his peak as he groaned in pleasure, a wave of incredible satisfaction rolling across his mind and body as he climaxed, a jet of milky white liquid shooting from his cock, splattering against his padding as he nearly collapsed from the intensity of the orgasm had he not gripped the doorknob.

As Shane finally came down from the high of his orgasm, panting heavily, his mind focused on one thing. He wanted to feel that again, he wanted to keep feeling it, and he knew that he could get it from his brother. But he wasn't sure exactly what these feelings were. This desire for absolute control was entirely new to him and he knew he couldn't talk to his brother about it since it would be too embarrassing for the both of them, so instead he turned to the best place he knew to find information, the Internet. As he pulled his phone from his pocket, he jumped onto his bed and began his search starting with, "Diapers make me feel good."

Meanwhile, Garrett was in his own room, watching videos in an attempt to distract himself from what had just transpired. Although, he was doing a pretty poor job at it since his mind just kept wandering back to what had happened in the kitchen, his body still in a state of arousal from the abrupt ending of the encounter. He didn't know what had come over him, the entire situation was completely humiliating, his thoughts now fixed on how good it had felt when his younger brother took control, and that fact scared him.

Finding himself unable to focus on anything else, he soon went to lie down on his bed, his mind far too busy to enjoy whatever videos he was watching, and too embarrassed to try to deal with his current erection as his mind replayed the events in his head, biting his lip as he remembered how he'd moaned for his little brother with each stroke of his shaft. It was only then that he realized that he was still sucking on the pacifier that his brother had so rudely shoved into his mouth, although he didn't really care to spit it out, finding its effects calming, which was exactly what he needed right now as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

But as Garrett rested, Shane crept out of his room on a mission. He had just spent the past hour or so "researching" a whole new world of information that he hadn't even known existed. The information that he had gathered and the videos he had watched reignited his desire to take control once more. He wanted to try the things he saw and now with a more solid idea of how to get it he peeked into his brother's room. Finding his brother asleep caused a smile to creep onto his face as he continued down the hallway, going into his parent's room. In order for this to work he needed certain items, items that he certainly didn't have, at least not yet. But he had a pretty good idea on where to start, and he'd just make up for the rest. Crawling under the bed he found what he was looking for, an old brown box that was taped up and had the faded words "Do Not Open," written on the top. He knew what was inside since he'd accidentally looked inside once, finding it mostly filled with old clothes, but at the bottom had been a strange device, and although he didn't know what it was in the past, he certainly knew what it was now and he intended to use it to the fullest extent. Rummaging through the box some more he became a bit disappointed, hoping to find some other fun items to use, but all he found was old clothing. After resealing the box Shane headed downstairs and into the garage, a mischievous smile forming on his face as he grabbed ahold of the old dog leashes and got to work.

Sometime later Garrett was startled awake as he felt something wrap around his muzzle. He tried to get up but found that he couldn't get very far, his arms restricted by something. Looking to see what was holding him, his eyes widened, he'd somehow been bound to the bed, his arms tied to the backboard by what looked like a leather leash. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw his brother standing in front of him, completely naked and stroking his own erect shaft. He tried to shout at his little brother to let him go, but the only sounds that came out were "Mmmmph mmmm mmm!" his speech muffled by the few leather straps that were secured around his muzzle. This only seemed to earn him a tiny chuckle from his brother who was now stepping closer, a lustful look in his eyes as his hand reached for the bound buck's diaper.

Garrett immediately tried to pull away, bringing his legs in close to block access to his crotch, causing the cub to frown. "Aw, don't be like that wittle bwother, I know you liked it earlier," he said teasingly as he got onto his knees and tried to part his brother's legs, "You were really cute, y'know? The way you moaned when I touched you." Garrett's cheeks flushed red as he felt a stirring in his loins, finding that he couldn't deny what his brother claimed. It had felt amazing, and he wanted to experience it again, but at the same time he was uncomfortable with these new desires that were undeniably fueling his lust. However, it didn't seem to matter what he wanted as his brother finally managed to spread his legs and squeezed the front of his diaper. A wave of pleasure immediately washed over Garrett, his brother's touch felt so good, so right, and he hated that fact. He hated that he was feeling this for his little brother, he had a girlfriend and a normal life, and this was anything but normal. Garrett immediately started to protest, hoping that he'd be able to stop his brother again, but his weak whimpers only seemed to egg his brother on further as the cub started to rub his small hand along the front of the diaper, the sensation causing Garrett to let out a muffled moan.

"There we go, isn't that better?" the cub teased again, smirking as he felt the euphoria of control come over him once more. He wanted to make his brother squirm, to beg for him and it didn't seem like it would take long as he felt his older brother humping into his gentle rubbing. However, he wanted this to last, so he soon stopped rubbing all together, but despite this his brother continued to hump against his hand, breathing heavily as he closed his eyes in preparation of his climax. But that was not what Shane wanted so he quickly pulled his hand away.

Garrett's eyes shot open as he felt his brother's small hand move away from him, leaving him humping into the air uncontrollably, a feeling of dread overtaking him. He had been so close! He wouldn't let the cub do this too him, he needed to cum so he could clear his mind and dispose of all these invading thoughts, but no matter how much he thrashed he couldn't get enough friction to push him over the edge, the soft inner fabric of the diaper only giving him enough to keep him teetering at the edge. "Ah ah, naughty little fawns don't get to cum unless they're told," the cub taunted as he watched his brother futilely humping into the air, his eyes looking at him pitifully. The cub then stepped forward, placing his cock right on the tip of his brother's nose, the scent of it quickly overwhelming the rest of the buck's senses as he felt the fawn begin to grind it against his face. "You must be real thirsty, isn't that right little fawn?" the cub said as he tried to resist moaning, determined to stay in complete control as he grabbed ahold of his brother's muzzle, shoving it into his sack, forcing him to breath in his scent and only his scent, "but don't worry, big brother has got a nice bottle here for you."

Garrett immediately jerked his head back; the straps tying his mouth shut being knocked off as he ripped his muzzle from his brother's hand. "Shane, what has gotten into you?" he quickly shouted aggressively. But before he could continue his protest the cub rubbed the front of his diaper, eliciting a loud moan from Garrett, and then shoved the pacifier back into his mouth, "Hush now, no big boy words, just let big brother take care of you." His older brother's protests had surprised him a bit, maybe he wasn't quite as ready as Shane thought he was. But that just meant he needed to get his brother to accept what was happening, to see that this could be an experience they both enjoyed, to show him that he had nothing to be afraid of. So instead of pressing back into his brother, he lied down next to the bound buck, hugging his chest tightly, wanting to share his warmth and affection as one of his hands returned to the front of his brother's diaper, rubbing it gently.

This sudden change in tactics took Garrett by surprise, his body relaxing a bit as he felt his brother's body embrace him, biting down on the pacifier to stifle his moan as he felt the hand return to his crotch. "It's okay, nothing bad is going to happen," the fawn cooed as he continued to stroke and caress his brother. "Doesn't that feel good?" Shane asked as he looked his brother in the eyes, watching the anger and fear dissipate, once again being replaced by lust. "It's okay, you can moan for your little brother," he continued, giving the bulge a squeeze, causing his brother to let out a moan. Garrett immediately blushed as he nodded; quickly losing himself in the moment as his brother once again took control, his resistance rapidly melting away. But as he started to hump into his brother's hand again, it was quickly taken away, causing him to whine loudly. "Shhhhh, it's okay. Let me take care of you," Shane said reassuringly as continued to look his brother in the eyes. Eventually Garrett calmed down once more and the hand returned. He wanted to hump into it, but he resisted, realizing that he had no control over this situation, a feeling of embarrassment and humiliation creeping over him as he also realized how easily his little brother controlled him, making the entire situation even more arousing.

However, after a few minutes of gentle stroking Shane finally broke off his embrace with his brother, standing up and presenting his cock once more. Garrett was still unsure about this, but as the cub removed the pacifier from his mouth and placed his erection against his lips, he simply whimpered, now too desperate for his own release to resist as he felt his brother cock press into him, the tip of the cock parting his lips. Whatever bravado his little brother had immediately seemed to fall apart as he pressed himself further into Garrett's mouth, moaning loudly as he felt the warm wetness wrap around his length. The sensation of his brother's mouth, and the warmth it provided was much greater than anything he'd felt prior. However, Shane seemed to gather his composure rather quickly as Garrett soon felt the cub's hands wrap around his antlers and pull him forwards, the majority of the shaft disappearing into his, leaving him gagging as it hit the back of hit throat. Garrett couldn't quite believe what was happening as he felt himself being guided back. Again his little brother had robbed him of any control, using his antlers like handlebars to guide his head up and down the shaft, his cheeks burning red as he heard his little brother's soft moaning above him. He knew he should stop the fawn, this still wasn't right, but he no longer cared, it felt good to give in.

Fortunately, it didn't seem that his little brother had much stamina, so it didn't take long for the fawn's breathing to become uneven and ragged as he began to thrust into his brother's mouth, no longer seeming to care about any semblance of control as he came hard, ropes of semen splattering the back of Garrett's throat. Garrett tried to pull back, but his brother's grip on his antlers was too firm, forcing him to ride it out and swallow whatever was deposited into his throat.

Eventually Shane did pull out, still panting as he wiped his cock on Garrett's muzzle, "Hope piddlepants enjoyed his bottle, because he'll be drinking from it a lot more often from now on," he teased as he lied down to cuddle with his brother, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. Garrett himself was still a bit dazed, gasping for breath. He was happy that his brother was finally done, but that still left his own erection to be taken care of, but before he could speak up, the cub shoved the leather straps back over his muzzle, silencing him once more. His mind reeled as he watched Shane close his eyes, looking as if he was drifting off to sleep. The little deviant was going to deny him after all that? Garrett immediately started to thrash around, trying to free himself of his bonds, but that soon stopped as his brother grabbed his bulge once more, Garrett's back arching in pleasure. But that was all, one single squeeze, but it was enough to send the pent up deer over the edge, his mind blanking as he climaxed, his seed plastering the walls of his diaper. And before Garrett had even recovered from his intense orgasm, his little brother spoke softly, his voice barely audible as he drifted off to sleep, "I told you big brother would take care of you."