A Buck is a Buck
buck. \>10 perfectly symmetrical long points, about 200lbs, this boy was beautiful. \>stunning, really.
buck followed the hose down to the large foot pump on the floor, and let his keen eyes roam over the rather bloated drake. the fellow saw his gaze and winked, causing buck to light up in the faintest of blushes on his squeaky frame.
The bulls thrusting gradually became erratic, he began to abandom his rhythem and buck wildly.
buck always was an odd creature, and took a liking to the young man clearly.
The Bonded Buck
Knuckles blushed when the winged buck said this. "well...um..."
Buck the Hypnotist
buck is bored and lonely in the dino world with nothing to do except he suddenly learns how hypnotize dinosaurs. rated m for sexual content. buck x guanlong at the beginning. buck x momma dino at the middle. rudy x momma at the end.
A Quick Buck
A buck, with a neatly groomed rack of antlers. handsome fucker. fortysomething. working man. not a newbie, but he hasn't picked up boys often, that's for sure. at least he doesn't look like an asshole.
What the buck!
Zeryx stared at that thick buck cock that was pointed towards him, and mason quickly made his move. the ram suddenly felt the construction buck's hard grip now on his shoulders, pulling him towards the naked buck.
Bucking Crazy
All i know is that i shot that buck and then crawled up inside it to stay alive when the temperature dropped one night. after that i was the buck and it was a monster that chased people out of the woods.
Buck and Belly
He gasps as the bigger buck sweeps him off his couch, carrying him towards the bedroom.
Buck Or Two
I waited at the front of buck or two, the most ghetto-ist dollar store ever. 10 mins later my boss opens the door. al risk, a big, huge furry grizzly bear. he is really a hard ass, but mmmm that ass really makes up for it.
Buck Shot
He'd been shot... in the back... with what felt like buck-shot.