Meet Me at My Studio (Patreon Extreme)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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This part of the city was a particularly dangerous place to be for anyone, let alone a young girl. Everything about this situation was harrowing, but the young zebra girl that walked dutifully on the sidewalk, was not to be deterred. She had an important mission at hand, and she intended to complete it no matter what. Standing at just under six feet tall, she was a confident woman that had just turned 18, and was determined to make her mark on the world now that she was capable

The afternoon had come on and the streets were quiet, despite it being the weekend. For what few people the girl passed by, they would often give her confused and angry looks. For the most part she kept her eyes averted and her head down, not wanting to invite any trouble. She remembered the directions to the building, the ones that her new friend had given over the phone. She continued on to the end of the street and turned left, making sure to check the street name with the one from her memory. From there it was a simple case and getting the right building number.

304, 306, 308! The girl beamed happily as the building number she was told actually existed, her thoughts having gone to the idea that she had been mislead. She was glad that wasn't the case. The building itself wasn't very remarkable, it was a huge, stone structure with three stories and surrounded by other very similar structures. It wasn't an apartment building, that much was for sure, as there was a huge poster that explained there were studios for rent inside.

She strode in without a second thought, her mind wondering a bit as she scanned the inside of the building. A wide open space was revealed to her with a central desk set in the middle of the room. A lone secretary at a computer was the only thing manning it, and she turned to look at the new arrival with a bemused expression. The zebra girl meandered up to the desk and gave a light smile.

"Can I help you?" the secretary asked, a middle aged tigress that peered out from behind a pair of thick glasses.

"Yeah, I'm here to see Mark Wollo?" the younger girl said and tilted her head. "He should be expecting me." The secretary blinked and quirked an eyebrow but then turned in her spot and pointed down at a hallway.

"Go down there. Forth door on the right, room number 707," she explained.

"Thank you!" the zebra girl said with a happy grin and trotted down for where she was directed. It was a very long hallway, lined sparsely with doors. The studios that each had must have been huge. It didn't take her very long, but she eventually reached her friend's door and reached to try the handle. The door knob was locked, and so she resorted to give a few sharp knocks on its surface.

At first nothing happened, but after a few seconds of waiting she heard the rhythmic thump of shoes against floor. With a click the door came open, revealing bull with kind eyes and an affectionate smile. It took him a moment to spot the new arrival, but when he did, his expression lit up with a broad grin.

"Hey! I'm glad you were able to make it!" he said enthusiastically. "Come on in." He held the door open for her, and she smiled enthusiastically as she entered. The inside of the studio was huge, sparse with various camera and scene equipment that was pretty typical of modeling agents. In the center of the room was a scene set up, ringed by huge screens and lights. In the center of it all was a large tripod with a very expensive camera set right on top.

As the zebra girl ventured in a bit further, the bull stepped up from behind and gave her side a gentle nudge. "Pretty exciting isn't it?" he asked with a smile and then stepped over to the side of the screen.

"Yeah, I'm nervous though," she explained and followed close behind.

"Everyone is usually nervous for their first time, nothing to worry about. What was your name again?" he asked and stepped over to a large box and rack that had a few uniforms on it. He began to feather through the articles of hanging clothing and then go over to the box to sift through more that was inside.

"My name is Matilda but friends call my Maddy," she said and craned her head to get a better view over his shoulder. "What are you doing?'

"I'm trying to find...a...aha!" he called out and produced two articles of clothing. They were a bra and pantie set, reflective of a light blue color. He turned and presented them to the zebra, his eyes glancing from what he was holding to her breasts. "Yeah, these should fit you nicely. Do you mind going into that changing room and put these one? When you come out we can get started," he remarked happily and nodded his head to a door on the far side of the room.

"Oh! Yeah sure," Maddy said enthusiastically before she took the pair and trotted over to where he had directed her. She knew that she was going to be modeling lingerie, he had said so over the phone. Once inside the changing room she was quick to strip away her clothing and replace the soft underwear onto her form. She made sure to check over her body in the room's full length mirror.

The way she turned her hips and felt her own hands up her stomach made her feel beautiful. She was very good looking, she didn't need others to tell her that. A modest bust, a flat belly, and hips that were perfectly curved to tantalize the eyes of men. She had dreamed of modeling for years, and now was the perfect time for it. Fresh from high school and a new adult, she had the world at her back and a future ahead of her.

Read the full story and many others here: