The Abused
"You little bitch!!" her mother screamed at her as she brought the belt across her already scarred back. She couldn't remember what this beating was for only that it hurt and she wouldn't give her mother the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She sat...
Sasha moaned as she attemtped to sit up in bed. Under her thin,tan fur she could see the begining of fresh bruises. She knew where they came from,her mate,Rex. Rex and her had met at a movie. Rex offered to buy her a popcorn. How could anyone not fall...
Used and Abused
Ian could do nothing more than take the abuse at this point. the panther laughed and walked away, putting on his clothes and fading into the nearby forest.
Abused 4
Sasha dug around in her purse. "Crap" She mumbled as she pawed deeper into it. She had been dumped yesterday and was eager to get her mind off ex,so she hunted down the nearest theatre and bought a ticket all for herself. Finally finding her keys in...
Abused 3
The instant Sasha opened the door. A putrid smell invaded her sensative nose. She gagged and turned away for a second. She then walked into the apartment and set the paper bag of beer on the counter. She looked around the trashed apartment. Rex had...
An Abuse of Power
Sargon awoke from a peaceful slumber. The early morning light shone in through the large windows of his chamber. His three wives snuggled against him on their massive bed, surrounded by pillows and sheets. The lion sat up and stretched. The red locks...
Abusive Hubby...
abusive husband... "next time he'll kill you!" the police dog growled, trying to push her into pressing charges. but she reminded steadfastly silent, and the officer at last gave up.
As they get more wasted, things start to happen between them drug abuse ==== ===== "gravick it's pissing down!" the mouse snarled at his friend's door.
Psionic Abuse
# **psionic abuse** _a commission for selth_ there is something very wrong here. he does not know what it is yet, but selth can sense it on the humid swamp air.
Abused beginning
Common BS disclaimer. Don't reed unless 18+ etc., etc., etc., k? k Story, Locations and Characters Copyright © Snowolf, 2004 -======================================================================- A sharp breeze picked up, throwing half...
Used and Abused
Used and abused * * * of all the things that passed through her filthy and mildly violent mind, she was most appalled at letting someone she cared about getting intentionally abused.
An Abused Quilava
The pokémon had come from an abusive home whose owner's idea of training was spraying the fire-type down whenever it disobeyed its commands.