Some Free Rides

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Patreon story for Chobin This is a stand-alone story, or a followup to ** **** No Free Ride**

If you want a story like this one, consider joining my ** **** Patreon!**

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Issac still had the taste of the last guy as he reached down between his legs on the bike, grabbed his water bottle, and took a long pull from it. He didn't normally head out so early in the day to please his "customers", but he'd gotten too antsy while sitting at home doing nothing, and figured he could make a few bucks before going home to play games.

"Glory Holes Anonymous" was a phone app he'd been using since the beginning of spring to blow guys in a bathroom stall down by the park. After school had wrapped up for the summer he'd spent even more nights up at the park fulfilling a perverse fantasy of his while making money by the load. No one else had apparently been using the app near him and he'd had seven customers in a little under three hours.

The sun was finally starting to set and Issac turned his bike down the last street towards home, spotting a familiar car in the driveway. Seth, his older brother's friend from college. The young shepherd had actually blown Seth, and his cover, which lead to Logan finding out his dirty little secret. Instead of telling on him, Issac found himself with a mouthful of his older brother's length.

Issac's shaft twitched in his shorts and he pulled his bike up into the driveway, glancing at the old, red sedan before opening the garage door. He put his bike away, closed the rollup door and ran up the stairs into the house.

Seth and Logan were sitting on the couch in front of the TV playing a fighting game and both were too focused to say anything to him. Seth was a short, slim fox with bright red and white fur while Logan was an older, buffer copy of himself.

The younger shepherd just slipped past the back of the couch and went into the kitchen, nose twitching as he smelled food. Two pizza boxes were open on the counter and Issac emptied out his water bottle, refilled it with cool water, and helped himself to a slice of pizza.

"No! Goddamn cheater," Logan roared from the living room, followed by cackling from the fox.

Issac walked back into the room to look at the TV, chewing on his pizza. They were on a new round and Seth was clearly in the lead. "What happened?" he asked.

Both seemed to notice him now, but only glanced over before back to the TV. "Oh, hey," Logan muttered, mashing furiously on the controller. "Seth's a stupid cheater who's awful at this game."

"Logan's just a loser who doesn't actually know the buttons," the fox countered, nudging Logan's shoulder with his own.

Issac made a noncommittal grunt and watched the screen as he ate, tail lazily swaying behind him.

Logan shouldered the fox back even harder and cheered as he took the round. "Hah! Suck it."

"NOW who's cheating?" Seth complained, leaning over and biting the older shepherd's shoulder with a growl.

The older shepherd just laughed and fought his hardest to beat the slender fox, but in the end lost the round, and subsequently the match. He huffed and shouldered Seth again, leaning against him hard until he'd pinned the fox down to the arm of the couch. "Prick. Where were you, anyway?" he asked Issac.

The young shepherd's ears perked up and his cheeks flushed as attention was back on him. "Me? Uh, I was..." he said, fumbling for a lie. "At a friend's place."

"Which friend?" Logan asked, not looking at this brother as he fought to keep Seth pinned down while the fox struggled and laughed.

Issac's jaw clenched and he took another bite of pizza to give himself a moment to think ."Uhhmmm, Robbie's."

"The cute husky guy in your class?" Logan asked, grunting as one of Seth's feet suddenly hit him in the gut and pushed him away.

Seth, not a part of their conversation, pressed his advantage and pushed off the couch's arm to side-tackle the large dog, growling playfully and lying atop him on the cushions.

"Yeah, that's the one," Issac said, looking down at the college kids.

"Isn't he off in Hawaii for all of June with his parents?" Logan asked, grinning up at the fox atop him.

Seth gasped dramatically and looked up at Issac with a surprised face that turned wicked. "Ooooh, you liar."

Issac's ears flattened and his cheeks turned red again, this time in frustration. "Fine. I was at the park, are you happy?"

Logan shifted under the fox and rolled to his side so he could help stare at the caught teenager. "No. I'm NOT happy."

"What's it matter to you?" Issac said, finishing his pizza and crossing his arms over his chest to glare back at them.

"Cause I don't have twenty bucks to chip in," Logan teased, sticking out his tongue.

Issac's eyes widened and he blinked a few times, muzzle open just a hair. "I, uh... what?"

"What can I say? I like getting good head," the older brother said. Seth nodded in agreement.

Issac's face flushed anew and he shifted around where he stood, feeling rather on the spot now. "So why not make him do it?" he asked, nodding towards the fox.

"Me?" Seth asked, feigning shock and disgust. "I would never."

Logan barked out a laugh. "Yeah, and he can't deepthroat like you can."

"Liar," Seth interjected.

"And even if he could you're much better than he is."


"And it's kinda hot having your brother blow you."

"Liaa-ooh, yeah... that's actually true," Seth said, putting a finger to his lips in thought.

Issac shifted his weight from one paw to the other, looking away from the older males. "It's still twenty bucks," he muttered sheepishly, rubbing his paws over his upper arms and shrugging.

"Oh come on," Logan said, pushing Seth's arms aside to stand up and step over in front of Issac. "Just this once, right?"

The young dog shivered as he felt that heavy paw come down on his shoulder and he looked up to meet his brother's gaze. "I... dunno."

Logan pulled on his brother's shoulder, taking a step back to the couch and grinning wide. "Come on. Do this one pro bono," he said, flopping back onto the couch and spreading his legs in front of Issac.

Issac tilted his head in confusion. "Pro what? Pro boner? What's that?" he asked.

Seth laughed a bit and leaned into Logan's side, resting a paw on the shepherd's stomach. "It's what you are, if your GHA profile is any indication," he teased.

Logan chuckled and shifted his weight back into the couch so that his tail was just hanging off the couch. "Come on. A little fun?"

The younger brother could see his older brother's soft shaft outlined through the thin fabric of his shorts. His mouth watered and he could feel his own shaft stirring between his legs. He didn't like the idea of opening up this can of worms for Logan to take advantage of, but all the same, it was something he did enjoy doing. He felt himself sinking to his knees between Logan's legs, eyes locked on the crotch of Logan's shorts.

Seth shifted around beside the pair of brothers, but no one said anything as Issac's hesitant paws reached up and hooked on the waistband of the black gym shorts. The teenager pulled the band down and Logan had to lift his hips to help Issac tug them all the way down. A soft, thick shaft flopped free of the shorts and over one of Logan's thighs, a little musty from the day's lounging.

The big shepherd sighed happily, arms resting at his sides as he looked down his chest at the younger kid. Issac reached up with a paw and wrapped his fingers around the base of the big length, hefting it up and giving it a testing squeeze. It had been a while since he'd gotten to enjoy himself in this fashion; most of the time it was quick with barely any foreplay.

Issac leaned in and pushed his face against his brother's package, nuzzling against the half-hard length and heavy balls. His tongue darted out to tease across the large sac and his fingers squeezed over the spongy cock, feeling Logan's pulse through the flesh.

Logan's chest rumbled happily and he reached a paw up to brush over Issac's ears. "Mmm, where's your phone? Seth can take pictures since I know you like that so much," he said.

Issac let out a soft whine and nuzzled more into Logan's crotch. He reached down into his pocket and fished out his phone, handing it up without looking. Seth took it and turned on the camera, grinning wide. "Ooh, damn, look at all these pics he's taken," he said, scrolling through the gallery.

Logan's paw held firm as Issac tried to pull away and protest. "I know. I love the ones where his face is a mess," he said.

Issac's stomach fluttered in a mix of embarrassment and pride. He liked what he did, and he loved the praise he got from others, especially Logan. He dragged his snout up along the underside of the thickening cock until the head was at his lips. He parted his muzzle and his tongue teased out across the head and frenulum of his brother's cock, his own stiffening in his shorts.

Seth took a few pictures and shifted about where he sat, reaching into his own shorts to adjust himself. "Man, why couldn't I have had a brother like this," he whispered.

The young shepherd just teased his lips over Logan's head, tonguing across the slit while pre oozed out to meet his attention. Logan's paw on the back of his head scritched behind his ears and the big dog let out a soft groan of pleasure. He rolled his hips upwards, pressing the glans of his length to Issac's lips and flexed, more pre drooling out.

Issac's lips sealed around the head of Logan's thick length and he began pushing his muzzle downwards, feeling his jaw stretch around the girth. It pressed against the back of his throat and the teen had to relax before he felt it pushing through that wet muscle. It squeezed down over Logan's shaft and the bigger dog let out a low growl.

"Oooh... damn, get a pic of him with it all the way in," Logan said, urging Issac down the last couple inches.

Seth nodded and reached his own paw down to toy with one of Issac's ears. "Damn, I'm jealous," he muttered, snapping another pic.

Issac's face was heated up in pride and he ground his muzzle down into Logan's crotch, swallowing around the few inches that were pressing down his throat. A few months ago and he might have gagged, or worse. It was still a bit difficult with Logan's size, but with how his own shaft pulsed and dripped against the inside of his shorts, it was obvious he didn't mind.

Logan moaned and arched his hips upwards, holding Issac's head down against his pelvis. "Ooh, if you're jealous then why not join in, hm? I bet he'd enjoy that."

The young shepherd's eyes opened and he glanced up at his brother, but had no way to protest the statement. His brother suddenly scooted forward on the couch and then stood up, keeping his head pressed down on his length. Issac couldn't see much else besides the tan and black of his brother's fur but his ears caught the sound of a zipper being pulled down next to his head.

If it weren't for the overwhelming taste of his brother's musk, he'd have noticed the spicy tang of Seth's scent as the canine member sprang free. Instead he felt the tip poke into the corner of his muzzle where his lips were spread over his brother's shaft.

Logan's paw allowed him to pull back and his eyes darted over to see Seth's long, pink cock dribbling pre right next to his face. His tongue dragged against the bottom of Logan's length before the head slipped from his lips. He took a shuddering breath and allowed both college kids to guide his head his mouth back down over the tapered, canine length.

It tasted much different than Logan's heavy, taste. It was sweeter and had a lighter taste to it that he enjoyed and couldn't explain. His lips dragged down the slick length and he could feel the soft pitter-patter of pre against the roof of his muzzle.

"Oooh," Seth moaned above, struggling to take another picture as his shaft disappeared between the teenager's lips.

"Still jealous?" Logan mumbled, leaning over to nibble softly at the fox's neck fur. His paw stroked over his shaft and he kept the head rubbing across his younger brother's cheek and muzzle, smearing pre into the fur.

Seth chuckled and gave a few gentle humps forward, getting a few more shots of Issac's muzzle. "Nah, I feel pretty good about now," he teased, rolling his head to one side to give Logan more access.

Issac just batted his eyes up at the camera and lolled his tongue out against the bottom of the fox's shaft, trying to look as innocent as possible with his mouth full. He was leaking profusely into his shorts now, but was quite disciplined in not touching himself after months spent servicing guys through the glory hole.

He knelt between the older guys, swallowing around the tip of Seth's length. Both of his paws were up between their legs, rolling around heavy, warm sacs. His tail was wagging behind him, betraying more than just a passing interest in what he was doing.

Seth drew himself from the slim muzzle and both his and Logan's cock pressed at the Issac's lips, forcing him to open wide. He couldn't fit both into his maw, but that didn't stop him from using both paws to squeeze down on each of their shafts and drag his tongue in figure eights around the dripping ends. Logan took the camera from the fox and held it steady while his muzzle met the fox's in a heated kiss. The pair kissed and groaned while the young kid literally drooled over both their lengths.

Pre was running from the edges of Issac's maw and he could feel it in soft rivulets along his chin and down his neck. The base of Seth's cock was beginning to balloon up and his paw was drawn to it like a magnet, squeezing at tugging at the knob of flesh.

Logan's entire body shuddered and he put broke the kiss with a low grunt. He fumbled with the camera, almost dropping it on Issac's head as he widened his stance. His other paw gripped the back of this brother's head and he pushed his hips forward, sliding himself in to the root of his cock in his brother's mouth.

The young shepherd let out a squawk as he nearly gagged, but recovered masterfully. He expected Logan to start humping his muzzle, but the engorged head drew back and suddenly Seth's length was sliding across his tongue.

Issac's body tingled happily as he parted his muzzle wide for the two. One would thrust in, drooling pre over his tongue, and then would draw back to let the other have a go. Their pace quickened and occasionally both would try to wedge his shaft into the shepherd's stretched muzzle at the same time. Sometimes one would slip against the side of his face, pre and saliva smearing through his fur.

Seth's moans had gained a telling note and Issac could feel the swollen knot pulse in his paw. He was used to this by now and knew just how close the older male was to the edge. He focused his attention on his brother's friend, tongue swirling in circles around the end while squeezing on the thick bulb.

"Ooh, oh shit," the fox whimpered, legs beginning to shake as his hips bucked. His back straightened and his tail hiked high, chest heaving as he began to tip past the edge.

Logan, at his side, huffed and pressed his muzzle to the fox's ear, stroking rapidly over his own cock as he watched. "Go on, fox," he whispered hoarsely, struggling to keep the camera focused on Issac's face.

"Fuck, fuck, o-oh fuck," Seth panted. His cock throbbed hard in Issac's paws and a thick rope of cum shot out into the waiting muzzle, more following suit.

Issac's eyes closed in bliss as he suddenly had the heady taste of fox seed fill his mouth. He ached for his own release, but knew that it would just be sweeter the longer he waited.

It turned out to be a good thing he shut his eyes as Seth suddenly pulled himself back and aimed his tapered shaft up along the shepherd's muzzle. Several ropes of sticky seed splashed over his brown face, marking his fur. Beside the fox, Logan let out a ragged groan and his own cock swelled in his paw before it too began unloading across Issac's face.

The young shepherd dog nearly came right there from euphoric pleasure. There was about having a guy spill their seed over his muzzle that drove Issac wild, and he'd never had two guys painting him at once. His muzzle hung open drunkenly, eyes squeezed shut as rope after rope of musky seed landed across his face.

Logan pawed frantically at his cock as he recorded, catching every hard spray of his seed landing on his younger brother's face. It ran off the bridge of his muzzle, hanging in gooey strands before they snapped and fell to his shirt or legs.

Seth whimpered and slumped against his the older shepherd, taking in a deep breath before moaning. "Ooh, wow," he said, looking on as his cock spurt another lazily rope of cum against Issac's tongue.

Issac closed his muzzle and swallowed, his heart racing a million beats a minute. His face felt cool in the air-conditioned room though the rest of his body burned with pent up need. His tongue darted out and licked his lips, getting a healthy taste of the pair of canines.

Logan chuckled breathily and rubbed the head of his cut cock over Issac's neck. "Damn, you'll love the video when you watch it," he said, dropping the phone to the floor next to his brother.

Issac groped around blindly, finding his phone and pocketing it. "Th-thanks," he whispered, reaching out for support so he could stand up.

"Here, let's get ya to the shower. You're gonna need it," Logan said.

Nearly an hour later the shepherd was stepping out of the bathroom with damp, clean fur. His clothes were wadded in a ball in one paw and he tossed them off into his closet, grabbing a replacement pair of shorts before running downstairs.

Seth and Logan were back to playing games and the fox's ears flicked back irritably. "Come on, still?" he asked. "Furyborn starts in like, fifteen minutes, I wanna watch."

The older shepherd grunted and looked back over his shoulder at Issac before back to the TV. "So? Watch it in your room. This is the only TV with the right hookups."

"My TV doesn't get cable," he protested, walking over to the couch and folding his arms over his chest, tail flicking side to side behind him. "Please?"

Logan grit his teeth and huffed. "So watch it in mom and dad's room. They can get it, too. And they won't be home until way late tonight. It's date night," he said.

Issac frowned, but mulled it over before acquiescing, turning away and bounding up the stairs to his parent's room. It was about twice the size of his own with a king-sized bed and a TV on the opposite wall. He grabbed the remote, flicked on the TV, and wormed beneath the blankets to watch his show.

The TV's blue screen cast soft light over the bed and sleeping form of the young shepherd tucked inside before the timer finally kicked in and it went dark. Issac had finished his show and, lacking motivation, continued to lay there, flicking between channels before he finally fell asleep.

The door to his parent's bedroom opened as a large figure stumbled in, closing the door behind. Issac inhaled sharply and his head lifted from the pillow, looking around in the darkness and blinking sleepily. He could hear the sound of clothes rustling and his ears twitched curiously, though he wasn't cognizant of what was happening.

The blankets were pulled away from him and a large weight settled in behind him, rolling close. Issac sucked in a breath of surprise and his body tensed.

A large paw reached out under the covers and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him back with impressive ease. "Mmm," a low voice grumbled into his ears. "I thought you were staying at your sister's," the man whispered.

Issac was wide awake now and he easily recognized his dad's voice. He wasn't sure what to say or how to get out of the situation; surely his dad would figure it out soon enough.

Byron's paw snaked up over his son's bare chest, dragging claws across his skin before cupping his muzzle. He turned Issac's muzzle towards his own and the younger boy got the strong scent of wine before their lips were pressed together.

The young shepherd let out a soft whine as his father's tongue coiled against his own but was held firm by those strong paws. He squirmed anyway and tried to slip away but one of his dad's legs draped over his own and pulled their hips back together.

The kiss broke and Byron let out a soft growl of pleasure, nosing into Issac's neck. "Mmm, you smell so good, hon," he whispered, teasing his teeth against his son's skin. The older shepherd ground his bare hips forward, hardening sheath pressing into the seat of his son's shorts.

Issac's face heated up; he'd been using his mother's shampoo for the past week after he'd ran out of his own. The teeth on his neck made him shiver and he couldn't help but press his hips back against his father's, tail raised out of the way. Any moment now his dad would figure things out and he'd be dead.

Byron rolled them both forward and ground his hips forward and down, pinning his kid beneath him and growling dominantly. His drunken breath washed out over the back of Issac's ears before his teeth nipped at the corner of one. "Mmm, d'you know how... rrrff..." his voice trailed off as he buried his muzzle against Issac's neck and then bit firmly.

The teenager's toes curled and his cock throbbed against the bed, outrageously turned on by the horny, older male atop him. He couldn't even process just how wrong it was what he was doing, but he wasn't entirely certain he could have stopped it if he wanted to.

The older dog's legs were on either side of Issac's and his ships rolled forward a few times, hardening length trailing up against those silky shorts and dribbling pre everywhere. "Outta condoms," he muttered, chuckling in the dark room.

Issac moaned into one of the pillows and pressed his hips up against his dad, his tail lifted out of the way. The older dog got the hint and was grinning madly in the dark.

"Ooh, works for me," he said, sliding down Issac's body. His paws caught the edges of Issac's shorts and tugged them down swiftly, snout pressing up under the black and brown tail. A long, wet tongue pressed out and against the younger boy's passage, getting it slick with saliva and ready for the big dog.

A pitiful, unmanly noise escaped Issac's mouth as his father's tongue teased him. He'd never had anyone rim him before and the sensation made his body tingle. Another firm lap had the tip of the ribbony muscle dipping between his ring and he made more pleasured noises.

Byron's tongue dragged back and forth over the teenager's ring, pressing in further until it snaked inside, swirling around the kid's tunnel. Issac thrashed around and dug his fingers in against the head of the bed as he was invaded by the exploring tongue. Byron was content to thrust his tongue in and out of the clenching muscle for a few minutes, intentionally drooling against the puckered flesh until he felt he was ready.

The big dog pushed the blankets away and clambered up atop the young boy, the tip of his cock pressing to Issac's passage and then slipping inside without any more ceremony. He didn't stop at just the tip but thrust forward and sank more than half of his length into the barely-lubed hole.

Issac's eyes went wide in the blackness and his muzzle parted in a noiseless scream. If he had thought Logan was thick, his dad was even thicker. He had been vaguely aware that his dad possessed the canine anatomy rather than their own after spending time in the same shower when little kids, but he never imagined that the tapered length of a canine could feel quite that large under his tail. It split him open wider than he'd had before and he knew there was no chance of getting a moment's rest.

Byron moaned out without any shame and humped forward again, sheathing his cock deep inside his youngest son. He wasted absolutely no time in pulling himself free of the tight hole before humping forward again. Heavy balls slapped against Issac's ass and the thick length throbbed inside him.

"Ooh god," Issac cried out, unable to hold back as he pressed his forehead down against the mattress, body quivering in a perverse mix of pain and pleasure. He couldn't believe that this was happening. Not once had he ever dreamed of this happening, but now that it was, he knew that it'd be at the forefront of his mind most nights that he was alone.

The older shepherd's moans drowned out his son's cries and he began thrusting with reckless abandon, shaking the entire frame they were laying on. His cock sunk in deep on every thrust, spreading the teenager wide and pumping him full of watery pre.

Issac's cock was leaking like a faucet against the bed covers and every hump from his dad ground his own over the slick patch beneath him, urging him towards his own climax. It had been days for the poor teenager who had been enjoying his own role as servicer at the park for the past week.

Tears streamed from Issac's eyes and the young shepherd pushed back into the hard thrusts, breathing quick through his nose. His body was on fire from the rough treatment, and then powerful jaws clamped down on the back of his neck.

Byron snarled in pleasure around the nape of Issac's neck, paws pinning Issac's shoulders to the bed while his hips worked in a quick, rough rhythm. The bed creaked and protested beneath the violent sex, but neither paid it any attention.

Both shepherd's were covered in a thin sheen of sweat from exertion; one from doing all the work, and the other from having all the work done unto him. It had been a few months since he'd last had someone under his tail, and he regretted not getting more practice about now.

He could feel the beginnings of his dad's knot starting to part him wider and an audible popping noise sounded through the wrong along with the beat of his dad's balls against his upturned rear. Issac hadn't taken a knot before, and as hot as the idea had been to him, he felt his heart pounding against his ribcage in apprehension.

The fur on the back of Issac's neck was damp from where his father was drooling against him, teeth holding him in a feral mating bite. Similarly, the fur around his passage was soaked in pre as the large canine continued pouring into him. Muffled, unintelligible words were muttered by the bigger dog around the nape of Issac's neck.

Byron had to put more force behind his thrusts as the the girthy bulb at the base of his shaft expanded. Issac wasn't sure if the pain had actually faded, or if he'd just grown accustomed to it. He knew that he wanted more, and his passage squeezed down on the pistoning shaft, his own sliding back and forth over the soaked patch of sheets.

There was no way to tell how big his father's shaft was without getting a good look at it, but images of that giant length distending his stomach flashed through his mind as it plowed him open. It felt like a pool ball popping in and out of his ring and the taper tip was jabbing his sweet spot over and over, keeping him on the brink of a powerful orgasm.

Issac felt the dam burst and he had to bury his face against the pillows as he screamed in ecstasy. Cum burst from his length, pumping out in thick gouts between his stomach and the bed. It liberally soaked his fur and the fabric he was laying on, pumping out of his pent-up balls like a hose.

Byron's body shuddered and he released his "wife's" neck as he felt that warm passage clamp down on him. The extra tightness made it difficult to tug his swollen knot free, but he managed with a grunt and forced it back in. "Oooh, damn... t-tight," he huffed.

The teenager cried as his senses were overloaded by the invading tool. Minutes passed by and cum had been smeared into his fur over his chest, stomach, and thighs from his messy orgasm. Still, his cock was hard as a rock as his dad pounded into him.

He had a brief concern that perhaps his dad was too drunk to actually get off, and that this charade would continue far longer than his body could outlast. The thought was pushed from his mind as a second orgasm wracked his body and cum poured out against his belly.

The large shepherd wrapped his arms around his youngest son and then rolled over onto his back, thick knot keeping them locked. Issac could only be tugged along for the ride as the strong paws help him up. With Byron on his back, he had to thrust up into his son's passage, and Issac's weight helped him constantly sink back onto that fat knot.

Issac's eyes had adjusted enough to the dark to see down his chest at his matted, sticky fur and hard cock. It flopped up against his stomach as his father pounded up into him. Sweat ran from his body in beads and his arms tried vainly to help support his weight back against the bed in this new, reverse-cowgirl position.

Byron's mind was too clouded from the excess of alcohol to notice that his balls were slapping up against another, smaller pair. His knot was fully engorged and it felt too good to continue humping into the once-tight passage to slow his assault.

Issac felt like he was going to pass out from the stress his dad was putting on him, but a loud, angry snarling from beneath him made him hopeful. He grit his teeth and steeled his nerves to hold out just a little longer.

The older shepherd's paws dug claws at Issac's hips and with one, final thrust he locked his knot inside his offspring as cum sprayed from the tip of his cock. It flooded the teen's passage like liquid fire and spread through him.

The boy's muzzle parted in heated gasp and tears streaked his muzzle as his cock fired again, ropes of cum splashing up along his chest and coating the underside of his neck and muzzle. His father's cock was throbbing violently under his tail and even with the older male laying still now, it felt like it was being jerked on over and over.

Byron's chest rumbled and his jaw clenched tight as he pumped his load into his son's tunnel. It poured from around the edges of his knot, soaking the fur on his crotch and thighs. A few more minutes of the rhythmic pulsing passed before his grip on Issac's hips went slack.

Issac collapsed backwards onto his father's sweat-drenched chest, laying there gasping for breath. His dad's length was still throbbing against the spot deep inside him and it kept the young boy painfully hard.

He wasn't sure how long he lay there, but he heard his dad begin snoring long before the knot began to soften.

Issac carefully rolled himself forward, wincing as the thick length dug deep inside him. It took less effort than he suspected to slip the fat knot from his passage, and he felt the syrupy seed running from him after the telltale pop. It felt like he slid up off that length for a mile as he dragged out of him and when he was finally free he had to clench down tight to keep from dripping everywhere.

The young shepherd had just enough presence of mind to grab his shorts before stepping out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. His chest fur was sticking up in odd places and the fur between his legs was liberally soaked. He'd taken only two steps towards the bathroom when the hallway light flicked on and a sleepy form stumbled out of room on the far end of the hall.

Issac's eyes went wide in terror and Logan blinked sleepily at the smaller canine before looking past at the door to their parents room. The younger dog froze, muzzle parted as his brain searched for any excuse.

Logan's face scrunched up in confusion and he tilted his head to the side and yawned. "What are you doing up?"

"Uh," the teen said, heart beating quick. "J-just going pee," he lied.

Logan snorted and shook his head, stepping into the bathroom. "Wait your turn," he grumbled, closing the door behind him.

Issac's ass was still sore as he wandered downstairs to find breakfast. He'd slept hard enough that not even a tornado would have woken him. Dreams of what he and his father had done had plagued his mind, and when he woke up he had to take care of the hardest case of morning wood he'd ever had.

It was now past noon and he saw Seth and Logan sitting on the couch playing yet more video games. The young shepherd just rolled his eyes and headed towards the kitchen, pausing when he heard voices coming from inside.

"No, I swear I thought you were home last night," his dad was saying.

Jenny, his mother, laughed. "Nope, I was staying with Karen, watching movies and drinking. Is that why you had to change the sheets?"

Issac's face flushed in embarrassment and he ran a paw over his stomach, remembering just how hard he came.

"Oh boy, they were still freaking soaked when I woke up. I must have had one crazy dream," Byron said with a chuckle.

"Mmm, was I any good?" Jenny asked.

"Better than ever," the older shepherd said.

There was a feigned gasp of indignation and Issac could imagine his mom putting her fists on her hips. "You trying to say dream me is better than real me?"

Byron laughed and his chair clacked against the floor as he stood up. "Mmm, if that's the case, maybe you should try and best her,"

Jenny let out a soft moan and giggled. "If that's what it takes we can always-"

Issac took a quick step backwards, shaking his head in disgust. He didn't want to hear any more than he already heard and was just thankful that his dad's drunken mind had conjured up a good enough false memory.

The young dog rounded the corner and bumped straight into his brother's larger chest with a grunt. "Oof, sorry," he said, moving to step around.

Logan's paw darted out and cut off his path while the other fished out a cell phone and held it up to Issac's face. "It was ringing," he said dryly, looking down at the shorter dog.

Issac paused in confusion and took his phone from his brother's paw. "Um, thanks?" he said, moving to step around again.

Logan took a step backwards and to the side, staying in front of his brother's path. "I found it against the wall under the bed," he said.

Issac just blinked, not following.

"Under mom and dad's bed," he continued.

The young dog's eyes went wide and his muzzle hung open in a mix of too many emotions to feel. "I-I, uh, I must-"

"Must have what?" Logan said, a wicked grin spreading over his muzzle. "I remember you in the hallway last night."

The bottom of Issac's stomach dropped out and his throat went dry. "You aren't going to say anything, are you?" he asked after a moment's silence.

"Tch." The big dog just laughed and shook his head, putting an arm around his sibling and dragging him towards the couch. "Me? No. Not if I get a free ride. Seth wants one, too."

Issac was unceremoniously plopped onto the couch and then wedged between the college kids as Logan sat down. "Fine, but..." he said, cheeks red. "Not today."

"Why not today?" Logan asked, an amused look across both his and the fox's face.

The teenage shepherd felt himself laugh despite himself and his own smile lit his face at the memory. "Because dad's really big."