Know Fear, Know the Mind

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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"Is this all so very necessary, dear?" Came the strained voice, even as the creak of firm leather resounded in the small chamber. In a simple, rather crude chair sat a pleasing avian, his feathers black as midnight save for his stomach and various crests along his form. A tired groan rushed from his beak as he murmured to some invisible person in the shadows, imploring him rather heavily. "Can I at least have my clothes back for this? It feels so weird to give someone their kink in the nude."

A low cackle came from those creeping shadows, making the raven blink harshly at the sudden light flickering on above him. Shadows were dashed before his vision, only to reveal nothing there even as he blinked away tears. Faintly, he remembered the hot pinprick in his neck, coming unexpected even in the agreed upon place. A parking garage filled his memory, and something like getting stuffed into a truck while bound hand and foot. Blurs after that.

"Oh no, you agreed to all of this. And sad to say, you did sign the agreement with me by taking the money. Though I suppose you're not too short of it, shaking your pretty rump at the Rainbow Shell every other night." A flicker of some paw in the dark of the corners, some flash of a brown tail. Even in his blurred gaze, his hearing was just fine and what he heard was unmistakable. Someone running a raspy tongue over equally rough lips. Despite himself, the avian shuddered, bringing his focus to bear on where he'd seen those glinting claws.

But as quickly as he was sure that the creature was there, the voice sounded behind him in a conspiratorial whisper rushed against the raven's ear. "Oh... where else would I have heard of the famous Deej Blackfeather? So eager to ditch some worthless father's name he gave you, that you didn't abandon parts of your name and identity. It's a wonderful dye-job you have on your legs, but it's not permanent..."

A sudden splash of water chased away any of the remaining grogginess from the avian's mind as the cold fluid rushed down his legs. In a stark instant, the black he'd painted his legs was gone and it left him feeling so bare to have this... this person know so much so intimately. His mind chased after their conversation, trying to remember when it had been let slip his true name, and not his stage name.

"No no, you didn't do something so silly as spill your name... it takes a sharp eye to see what I saw." A cold claw traced the intricate designs on his legs, status tattoos from his father's side of the family... meaning long since lost in the raven's mind. "But it was so obvious to me... I saw that part of the black on your legs didn't quite match." A lick was pressed to his head feathers.

"And I suppose the pieces fell together? So why the pretense of hiring me for some bonded fun, if you're really one of my father's friends or someone like that, just to bring all this to bear against me?" He spat at the ground, not having the person's face in his sight.

"Ah, but here's where your mind fails to see again. No, I'm not with your father, nor am I with your dear mother. I'm just a common bondage loving kinkball. But I love seeing my victims so..." A ponderous claw traced along his chest, touching along the tone hidden underneath his skin. "Disarmed..." The word was purred out sweetly.

"Besides, it's just a little hobby of mine to dredge up what most would see fit to stay at the bottom of the deepest, dankest pit. It's another tactic, I admit..." The claw stopped, full paw pushing against DJ's chest. He noted with some clarity that the paw was jet black and sleek, much like a cat's though more... he struggled for a word in his mind before settling on one. Cruel. That hand and those fingers held nothing but controlled malice.

"You have me fully disarmed then..." DJ spoke, trying to hide the almost irrepressible tremble in his throat, no his whole form. Not even Calvin knew about the tattoos on his legs, nor had he cared him to know. "So do with me what you will and we can part as nothing more than strangers on a sexual rendezvous."

"Not so very simple, that. You see, you have yet to truly have any fear of me. Oh, you hide it well, but it's merely discomfort at being so easily found out. I like to taste the fear surrounding them..." Those claws suddenly extended, pinpricks shooting like wildfire through the raven's chest as he screamed. Oh, this was clearly nothing for what was planned, but his whole world shook as he creaked against the leather bonds holding him.

As if from far away, he was sure of blood dripping down his chest in little droplets. But it didn't stop there as those claws suddenly raked down his chest, tearing both feathers from skin and the skin they were attached to alike. Another hoarse scream erupted from him as blood welled all the more freely.

"There, there... just don't stop screaming and I won't have to resort to less pleasant methods." The soft cackle resounded again in the small room, the avian shuddering as tears leaked from his eyes. There was something ironic in this, the raven had often contemplated pain as a form of stimulus, now here it was in his face. Or his chest, the raven's beak turned in a wry smile, before the claws tore into him again.

Blood was flowing free now as a soft purr sounded close to his head from the sounds he made when cut open. He was being weak, he knew it, but some part of his mind told DJ to genuinely fear his captor.

"There we go... nice and scared... scared enough to see what your captor is, I think." Slow, meaningful steps resounded as what became a wolf stepped around, eyes glinting a ferocious and supernatural red. Slowly the blood-tipped claws were raised to curled lips and a dark tongue flickered out to taste of that blood. It dawned on him why the creature preferred the dark, but that made no sense. They'd met during the daytime, in full sunlight. Though the trenchcoat had been drawn tight around the person's form, betraying nothing but a wisp of a brown tail...

"I see you understand, if but a little bit, what my curse so fully entails. But no curse to me, it's such a gift to be silent in the shadows, and strike with precision when there's naught but some stray shuffle to go by." The lips curled back further, revealing ivory white fangs resting against those black lips, hanging a little too low in the jaw to be considered normal.

A pregnant pause held in the air as the vampire- there was no other word for it- contemplated him. "But in that gaze I see a bit of pity. Is it for me or for yourself, knowing what I must do? You signed a contract permitting me free contact, but I wonder just how far that your mind would allow me to go?"

The wolf was atop him before anything could be murmured or some cry uttered to the clearly vacant area surrounding him, and he felt hot, canine breath against his throat. Brilliant fangs extended and gently pressed into his neck, a surprised grunt coming from the canid straddling him. But it was suppressed just as quickly as it came out, the hot fangs- like a needle the raven though idly- pressed further into his throat and hot blood spurted forth like a fountain for the wolf's eagerly suckling mouth.

Hungry, animalistic sounds registered faintly through the haze of the raven's head, the feeling of being fed on was something so invigorating but doing the complete opposite to him. But soon those jaws parted and the fangs slid out, rough canine tongue brushing over his neck. As the raven focused on those lightly pleasing sensations, he felt the wound close up and disappear as if nothing happened.

"So... the bird finds that prey heart beating all too willingly in his chest..." A soft, breathy murmur from the canine drew him out of that blank reverie. "You like being fed upon, though such is not so odd in someone like you. Mm... and such rich blood, too. Sweet, like the tastiest chocolate, but your soul carries in your blood the bitter after-taste of dark cocoa."

Gentle grinding thrusts brought the raven to full focus again, a weak moan escaping his beak as he realized again that both parties were so fully naked. The wolf's thick shaft was already pressed to his belly, shockingly cool pre running in a trickle down his belly feathers. "You... what're you d... doing?" He asked, faintly, before lips pressed to his beak and silenced him.

"Nothing more than what I paid you for... this will be the fog of a dream when you wake up, but I hope it's a good one. I do wish to visit you again in some future night, so I'll leave my imprint in your blood." A soft groan from the wolf atop him made the raven moan out in turn.

It slowly became a blur in the avian's mind after that, the wolf undoing the straps enough that the raven could be pushed down in the chair and made his rump a better target. The firm canine dick lanced into his body with such force that he was surprised that his bonds didn't simply break. But somewhere deep in the bird's mind, he knew his will was broken as far as this creature was concerned.

And so he pressed back into those healthy thrusts with some of his own, weak ones, eyes lidding as his own pre joined the wolf's to mingle upon his belly. Claws dug into his hips and drew a whimper from his beak, quickly silenced with another heated kiss that didn't silence him in the least. Those thrusts would wreck his tailhole, he was sure, even as the unbelievably huge shaft speared him again and again atop its length, cold pre filling his insides as readily as most other males' cum had.

They were a flurry of body against body, at least the vampire was, as fangs found their way to DJ's shoulder and the sounds of further feeding resonated in the room. By degrees, he was made aware that they were both so very close to an impending release, but neither cared. No, they strived for that goal with all the passion in their bodies, the avian's beak tilting to the only feature he knew of the ceiling, that dim bulb above. "O... ohh... Vente..." The name was past his lips before he even thought of where he'd heard it before, but he moaned it all the same.

The response was immediate, a loud howl of lust erupting from the wolf as he drew his fangs back from the raven's shoulder, powerful jets of cold cream pouring in his bowels. And as his own orgasm registered on the barest edges of consciousness, seed splattering his belly in a primal fountain, he felt himself slip into the abyss of darkness and passing out completely.


Wakefulness stirred him, lifting the avian from a deep slumber the likes of which he'd never had before. There were many signs around him that he was at home, but some aching part of him said he'd been elsewhere before he'd woken in his bed. On his bedside rested a folded slip of paper with a purple flower of some kind, drawing a smile from his beak. So some lover had decided to gift him with a flower as well as a note, explaining why they left. He opened it and nearly dropped it at the gothic script that flowed so well in the ink.


I know how this letter finds you and I hope you wish me no discomfort for it. The last night with you was... well, the best I'd had in a long while, and I hope to repeat the experience sometime. Don't worry about turning vamp suddenly, it doesn't work like that. You'll need vitamins, surely, but that's something you'll find plenty of in your well stocked pantry.

With high regard,

Vente Noir"

And for a long while afterward, DJ clung to that note, eyes wide open as he looked in the shadows for the person from the night before...