At the Moutain Pass

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#45 of Commissions

Story for azil31 starring a cute chubby corgi gal and one of his buddies.

Nanna breathed out a relieved sigh when she finally saw town. The corgi's legs were aching from days on the roads. She'd been out and about in the wilds for a couple weeks now. Should've bought that horse when she had a chance. Didn't matter that it was swayback and mangy and... yeah, she wouldn't have known how to take care of the poor thing. No doubt she would've spent even more time walking.

Ah well. Bit of walking never killed anyone. Just had to treat it like everything else really and take it in moderation. A few helpful travelers had given her rides along the way. Farmers, merchants, even some soldiers. A little trade and they were usually more than happy to let her hitch a ride on a cart.

She stopped at crest of a hill overlooking the town and quickly took it in. Wasn't much of a place really. Looked more or less like a wide spot in the road. A couple buildings that looked like they might have been houses. Handful of ones that could have been shops. Had to be at least a blacksmith, judging from the smoke coming from one building and the steady ringing her ears picked up. Looked like the largest building in the whole place was the inn. Which made sense. That would be the area's money maker. This road was a major highway for the kingdom. Especially since it straddled the only path that lead through the mountains to the north.

Right now she was less interested in geography and economics. What called to her was a hot bath, good meal, and an actual bed. Maybe a bath. Ooh, a bath did sound really good didn't it? Legs ached softly as she stood there for long moment. She gave her thigh a rub before starting towards the town again.

Nanna hadn't gone more than a few yards before someone called out to her. Ears perked and the canine looked around to see who was calling for her. "Ho!" It took a second for her to notice the person jogging up the trail towards her. He looked to be about the same size at she was. Well, at least the same height that she was. She was larger in other ways. Strange, one didn't see too many furred dragons walking around. Much less blue ones wearing a town guard's outfit.

The corgi breathed out a sigh and planted a hand on her hip as she looked over him. Was this going to be one of those situations where she had to pay a fee to enter the town? Or one where she'd have to strike a 'bargain' with him to get into the town, then other 'bargains' with whichever official wanted to try and drum her up a bit. That had happened at plenty of backwater little towns. Just a way for the local leaders to show off their muscle and do something besides sow their seed on the ground. Or in their rather potato-sack shaped wives. All very lovely women in their own rights, so long as they didn't decide to chase her out of town just because their husbands were bastards.

She breathed out a quiet sigh and quickly put on her most charming smile as the dragon approached. "Howdy!"

"Hello. Is something the matter, Ma'am." The dragon stopped a few paces away and looked around a moment to see if she was with anyone else. "I mean, we were out in the town when we spotted you just kinda standing up here."

Nanna put on her best easy going smile as her tail waved behind her. "Wanted to make sure that I wasn't scouting out for a bandit party of something?" She barked a laugh when he nodded and rubbed his head with mild embarrassment. "Nah, just little ol me out here." A finger tapped against her muzzle, "Although that is something a bandit would say, wouldn't it be?" Her grin widened as his eyes widened in surprise, darting around again. Nanna belted out a laugh and stepped forward, swinging to put her arm around him. "Don't worry, Sugar. It's just me out here. All dirty from road grime, ready for a bath, a real bed, and a good drink. Maybe not in that order, but you get the idea."

The guard relaxed and offered a smile now that she put his arm around him. Perhaps it was her charming personality, winning smile, and good nature. Or maybe it was the breast that she pressed against him with the friendly side-hug. "Well, we've only got the one inn, but it's a good place. Think a bunch of people just headed out, so the rooms are mostly empty. Just don't let ol Rudgar know how much money you've got or he might try to bump the prices up."

"Thanks for the tip, err, what was your name?"

There was that flush again, "Everyone around here calls me Anny."

"Well Anny, thank you for the tip. Folks call me Nanna."

The two started towards the town, chatting. Nanna quickly picked up a few little tidbits here and there. Don't get the stew on Thursdays, there was a nice bath house, the Mayor had a wife that he was fond of, and the place was shockingly quiet. Which is why Anny wasn't in much of a rush to get back to the garrison. Boy it was really lucky for him that she didn't have any bad plans. Didn't even have to get any drinks in him to get the dragon chatting. What would he be like if she got his pants down?

She stuck the tip of her tongue out and snickered. She caught herself right as Anny gave her a sideways look. The noise turned into a cough. "Damnedable road dust." Another faked cough as she slapped her clothes, plumes of dust rising from her gear.

He laughed and stepped away, "Yeah, might wanna get in the bathhouse." The blue furred dragon grinned, "I should really," he pointed towards the second largest building in the town, "get back to the garrison. Town hall. Jail. Place. Before the Captain gets mad." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, not mad. He'd just be cranky and make me polish up the swords or something again."

"Yes, don't wanna spend all night polishing everyone's swords."

Anny seemed oblivious to the joke, "You'd be surprised by how nasty some of those swords get. I sear, I don't know what they're doing with them."

"Sticking them places they shouldn't go, obviously." She glanced towards the larger building before looking at the inn. Frankly, she was surprised there was a separate building for the town hall. Places this far out usually just had a keep or used the inn for practically everything. Well, guess someone decided it was important enough for a little meeting place so that's that. "If you're reporting back, I am going to go grab a bath first, then a meal. Get the taste of the road out of my mouth. See if I can't replace it with something better. Maybe try those meat pies you mentioned being so good."

Anny waved as he padded towards the town's main building, "Okie doke. Will see you after my shift. Always head there for dinner."

She gave him a smile, "Sounds like a deal to me."

Off the streets and into the inn. She had to stop and let her eyes adjust from the brightness to the relative darkness within. There wasn't much in the way of windows. Those that were there were thrown open to let in what light and air they could. Wasn't much, but better than filling the place with lanterns or candles all the time.

She only stood at the door for a minute before a voice called from the back, "Hullo, be out in a minute. Just find yourself a seat."

"Actually?" She craned her head a bit, trying to see who was talking. "I was wanting to get a bath first. Been on the road all day and could use a good scrub down."

A badger waddled out from the kitchen, wearing an apron coated in so much flour. Looked like you could've made a whole loaf off what was there. He narrowed his eyes at her a moment, "Ah a traveler, weren't expecting anyone new for another week at least. Thought you might have been a local for a late lunch." He thumbed towards the back door, "The boilers hadn't really been fired up so it'll be a little cold. Planning on staying the night?"

"Yes," she breathed out a relieved sigh. Even a room temperature bath would be wondrous, "I've been on the road for days."

He kept his expression mostly neutral but she could see that brief glimmer in her eyes. "Well... I mean we have several nice rooms. Much better than a bedroll here in the commons," he waved towards an area that was slightly elevated. With only a scattering of tables. "Unless you wanna try and sleep while the farmers and guards get their meals. Not to mention changing clothes." He snatched a rag out from under the counter and wiped the bartop. "Less you're into that sort of thing."

Wouldn't have been the first time. She laughed, "I've spent enough nights in my bedroll. I want an actual bed for the first time in weeks." Head rolled as she looked at her belt pouch. "I just hope I've got enough coin for it. But you said you weren't expecting anyone for another week at least."

Now a frown crossed his muzzle. The badger snorted, "Got a room for five a night."

"That include meals and a bath?" Another nod. "Good." She took a handful of coins from the pack and counted them out. "Fifteen. I'll take your best room for a couple nights and I tend to drink like a fish." She flashed a grin at him as his brows creased for a moment before he scooped up the coin.

"Deal." He shoved a hand into a box behind the bar and pulled out a heavy key. "Up the steps, last on the right. Overlooking the garden. Towels are in the bathhouse." He pointed towards the backdoor before waddling back into the kitchen with low grumbles. "Leave clothes you want washed just inside the door. The missus will clean them for you. Mend them too if you need it."

Shouldering her pack, Nanna headed out the door. Bath first, like she'd told Anny. Probably had pounds of dirt and grime packed away in her clothes and fur. A good scrub down, and even better a washed set of clothes, would have her feeling much more like an actual person.

The bathhouse was right against the rear of the inn, a stone path separating them with a pair of fences blocking the view. Windows set high in the wall, far above head height, bore panes made of stretched and scraped hide. It gave more line than the inn, but it was still fairly dim inside. Inside it was rather plain as well, with several copper tubs separated by cloth walls. Padding to one, she twisted the taps open to let water flow in. Off came her pack and clothes, both getting dropped to the ground. Sweat and grime matted her fur, making her feel and look like a mongrel.

She only let the tub fill partway before dropping in with a splash. Boy the water was chilly! Must have come from a well or something. Get pumped up into a holding tank, or maybe someone just ran buckets up into it. Didn't know, didn't care to investigate. The first wash was just to get that grime off. Fingers scrubbing through her pelt, rubbing some of the paste-like soap through her fur when she hit rough patches.

Once the water adopted a nice, murky look to it, she stood and drained before filling it again. Now she soaked. Didn't matter if the water was chilly enough to bring her nipples to twin peaks. It just felt good to sink back into an actual tub. Not a river, not a creek, not a lake, a tub. Civilization. Never realized how much you missed it until you were leagues from anywhere. Even just sun-warmed, the bath water was so far better than icy rivers it wasn't even worth comparing them.

Dropping back into the water, she let it soak into her. Now that most of the grit and grime was out of her pelt, she was more than happy to just soak and relax.

Maybe relax a bit too much. Nanna jerked awake with a sputter as water rushed into her nose. She shook her head, coughing as she hauled herself up to a sitting position. "Relaxed a bit too much there, old girl." Shaking her head, she snorted a few times. "That'd be a way to go. Drown in the tub after surviving out there for so long." Rather than risk going under again, she pulled the plug and stood up. As the tub drained out, she started to run her hands along her pelt, pressing out as much water as she could. Get as much water out as she could before stepping out and padding over to the rack to get a towel. Drying herself off as she headed back to her pack to find something to wear that didn't have too much of a funk to it.

Well, that took longer than she expected. Nanna settled in at a table wearing something she'd managed to find that wasn't too badly stained. But here she was. Her bags all stowed up in her room. She'd only barely gotten her clothing out of the back when the lady of the inn knocked to collect her things for the wash. Probably would charge a bit for that, but she didn't care. Just so long as she had something marginally clean and better. Although it looked like a couple of her garments would've been better to just sell for rags. The innkeeper's wife, probably the sweetest badger she'd ever met, told her not to worry, that she'd do what she could to save them.

Sweet ol thing was every bit as crafty as Anny had claimed her husband was. If she did get it repaired, they both knew that Nanna was gonna give her some extra coin.

So here she was. Nibbling away on a meat pie, Anny was right about how good it was, and sipping away at a decidedly average beer. Despite the otter average-ness of the meal, her tail continued to thump against the bars of her chair. Hips wiggling with the wags. Oh it felt good to get some really good cooking down. These would be better than the bath, except the bath left her feeling like a person again.

Nanna was working on the second meat pie when the door opened and several guards walked in. She quickly looked over them. Most of them were larger, burly looking types. Your typical looking town guards. One could almost swear that they were cut from a mold or something. The only one that looked anything other than big and swarthy was Anny. Which, the dragon scanned the inn's interior the moment he was inside, cracking a grin when he saw her. He looked vastly out of place compared to the others that he was with, but not the oddest she'd seen.

He excused himself from his fellow guards before coming over. "Hey, you look a lot more-"

"Clean? Fed? Lot less matting in my fur?"

The dragon coughed, "Well, I was going to say comfortable." A hand ran over the back of his neck nervously as he looked at her table. "Mind if I join you?" She smiled and nudged the chair next to her out. His face lit up as he slipped into the chair and leaned against the table. "So what brings you around here?"

Shoulders rolled with a shrug, "I'm just traveling really. Seeing where the road takes me. Exploring as I wish. Getting into trouble, getting out of trouble. Things like that. What about you?" Before he could answer, the innkeeper showed up. Anny leaned back to smile at the badger.. Getting the same thing that she had. When the badger looked to her, she held up her mug, "Another one would be more than welcome."

The badger nodded with a grumble, waddling back to the kitchen area. Anny leaned forward again, bracing his arms on the table. "Well, just kinda ended up here one day. Wound up as a guard, and kinda been here ever sense." His tail draped over the chair as he sat there, fingers tapping against his muzzle. "Nothing really special once you get down to it all. Just another..." The dragon froze, eyes going wide as he shot a look at Nanna. The corgi smirked at him, holding a meat pie with one hand as she nibbled on it. Her other hand had slipped under the table and was busying itself with petting over his thigh. Nice and slow.

Nanna arched her brows in a silent question as her hand slipped a little higher. His cheeks flushed under his fur, but he gave the slightest of nods. "You know, just another one of those... um, those... those..." A low grunt puffed from his lips as her hand ventured higher and began to play over his crotch. Fingers seeking out the bulge of his privates tucked away in his slacks. He shifted in his seat as her fingers started to play over his balls. Feeling over them through the material. Doing her best to roll them around. Without really even thinking about it, he reached down to loosen the ties that held his pants up. It had been a while since he'd gotten attention from anything other than his own hand. His cock was already swelling and pressing against his pants. "You know, one of those things that happens."

A low murmur came from the corgi as she took the loosening of his pants as an invitation. "Oh I know how those sort of things can happen." She lifted her mug and took a long draw off it as her hand darted into his pants. She pressed her palm against the hot privates, savoring just how hot and nice it felt against her hand. Nice and slow little rubs. Getting a feel for that smooth length at first.

She was still petting over the cock when the innkeeper showed up. As big and thick as the table was, it was impossible for the badger to see what she was doing. That didn't stop him from blushing through. The dragon uttering a little cough and a stammered, "Tha-thank you."

Eyes narrowed with a grumbled, "You okay there, Anny? Looking a bit flushed."

Nanna sipped her fresh beer a little too innocently as she ran her fingers over his shaft and began to circle the tip of his cock. Didn't take more than a second before there was a fat drop of precum to greet her finger. Which she gladly spread over his crown.

The dragon huffed, "Yeah, just feeling a bit parched. Got a tickle in my throat is all." He grabbed at his mug and quickly took a long draft from it.

"Yeah, been dusty today." The badger wiped hands on his stained apron, "Hope we get some rain soon. Gonna need it else things might start going up in price around here."

Nanna kept her motions nice and short, working just her wrist. "Been that bad around here?" Rudgar glanced at her and brushed his nose. She crossed her eyes and licked at her muzzle to get the beer's foam where it clung to her. Even as she asked, her hand started to glide up and down over the dragon's cock, petting it as best she could within the confines of his pants.

"Well..." the badger started with a grumble, "Weren't so bad at the start of the season. Got lots of rain then. Almost too much." He stuffed a hand into the apron and snorted. "Hadn't had much of anything for a good couple months now."

While Rudgar rambled about the farmers and the weather, and Anny did his best to eat his meal, Nanna kept her hand working. She worked her hand along his shaft, tracing the veins as best she could before rolling her hand around. Changing her grip up, she pressed his length against his thigh so she could reach in and start to play with those lovely fuzzy balls of his. She worked her hand just a little here and there. Feeling how nice and heavy they were. Well, it was really it was hard to tell. They felt nice and big, but she'd been known to be wrong.

Rudgar finally left away, much to the relief of Anny. The dragon breathed out a hurried huff and grabbed at the table before glancing towards Nanna. She returned his glance with a sideways smile. Lifting the mug to her lips she hide her mouth behind the rim. "Should I stop?" Came the hidden question as her palm rubbed his bare shaft against his belly. Fingers cupping those balls and rolling them ever so smoothly.

Anny tried to calm himself as best as he could. Her hand was rough, but that didn't matter. Not with how she was spreading his pre over his flesh. She seemed to know how to use that roughness to get him worked up in a way he'd never experienced before. Grabbing a pastry, he hid his next moan into it as he bit down. Few quick chews, eyes narrowing as her attention shifted from his balls back up to his tip again. Fishing it out of his pants just enough so she could work her thumb and fingers against his crown. He could feel her eyes on him as he just about drooled over the pastry.

Swallowing down the mouthful, he mirrored her secretive way. "N no, it's just... little surprising is all." Anny coughed as a bit of pie crust caught in his throat. Cheeks flushed more as he glanced around the room hurriedly as she pushed his pants down a little further and started to stroke his shaft faster. "J-just don't want to make a mess on the table."

Hips shifted a little as he began to huff. He'd heard the other guards talking about getting something from one of the town 'girls' in an alleyway. Even noticed one of them jerking off under the table in the garrison while doing some repair work on a gambison. But none of those were something happening right here, in the inn! That added that extra little thrill to the whole thing. The table was low and wide enough to hide them from everyone's sight. Or at least he hoped it did. Glancing around again, he didn't notice anything odd. Although a couple of the others were casting glances at him. Their looks didn't speak of surprise, more of jealousy that he was chatting with someone new. Oh, it as feeling better and better. Pre spilling more freely over her hand as she worked him right there in the common room.

Nanna popped the last of her pastry into her mouth and chewed it up before drowning it with a long pull of her mug. Drawing her hand away from the dragon's cock, she wiped up a few bits the leftover meat pie She used that as an excuse to clean the male's pre off her fingers. Eyes narrowing with a pleased murmur at the wonderful, rich flavor of it all. Thick thighs rolled against each other. While she might not be panting and huffing like he was, she was plenty worked up. It was a good thing that the inn had plenty of scents going on, paired with the low funk of her own clothing. Else a few of the people wandering in and around the commons might have picked up her scent. Wasn't sure how good Anny's nose was, which made things a little more fun for her. She smiled and licked a finger slowly to get the 'gravy' from her treat off it. Thighs rolling together to make her excited privates rub rub just so. Enough to send a shiver up her spine.

Up came the mug again, "Meet me out back. Don't leave right after I do though. Not unless you want your buddies to know what you're getting." She gave him a wink and a grin as she took a long draft from the mug. It came down with a soft thunk before she rose. Tail waving behind her with each sway of her steps as she strolled away from the table and out back. She knew that no one would think twice about it, not after she'd just downed two pints. But also knew that she'd be getting plenty of these folk staring at her rump. Especially that blue dragon that she'd left back at the table.

Anny couldn't tear his eyes off her body as she slipped out back. It took him a couple seconds to realize the state he was in. Not until the breeze from the opening door wafted across his pre-covered, raging erection. Clearing his throat, he leaned forward and busied himself with his meal. Doing his best to chew and swallow without rushing. Or without catching his cock in the ties as he did his best to tuck and secure with only one free hand. Really didn't want to stand up with a bow tied around his cock. Even if that might be a fun way to present it to Nanna.

He figured that the time it took him to get decent was enough of a gap there. Getting up, he did his best to stroll nonchalantly towards the door.

Didn't matter how casually he moved. He'd swear he felt knowing eyes boring into the back of his skull. There was nothing wrong with what he was doing at all. Just... he could feel the eyes burning into his back. Jealous of what was waiting for him. His pace quickened as he approached the door.

Anny darted through the door into the darkening night and peered around. Nanna whistled from a door nearby. Kind of an out building attached to the bath house. It held the furnace and boilers to heat the water and keep the place toasty warm in winter. Right now, with it being between waves of guests, it might be heated up, but probably not.

Rushing over and ducking in, he found the corgi waiting for him, sitting on a stack of firewood. The only light coming from the banked glow of the furnace. The room was warm, but she was hotter. Her pants lay on the stack of wood next to her, baring her lower half for him. Nanna grinned at him and leaned back, a hand sliding along her belly to spread her lower lips. Glistening folds flashing in the ruddy light. He was drawn to that pussy like a lodestone to iron.

Hands grasping her thighs before he even realized he'd crossed the room. Lifting and spreading so his muzzle could dive right in. Nose buried tight against her privates to take a deep whiff of that wonderful, feminine scent. His cock twitched within the confines of his pants. Surging back to life as his nose rubbed those warm, damp folds of hers. He took a deep whiff before letting it roll out in a noise that lay somewhere between a purr and a moan. Tongue lashed against her outer lips before plunging in. Another moan shook from his mouth, driving into her pussy as she flooded his senses. Fingers kneaded her thighs and held them up high as he drove his tongue in. Savoring the sounds of her moan as he nuzzled her clit and drove his tongue in and out of her. Testing and tasting her depths before curling up and around her clit then down into her. Feeling how her inner walls grabbed at his probing muscle with each pass.

It wasn't something he got to do terribly often, but he loved to eat out a hot gal. Especially when she worked her legs free of his hands and wrapped them around his head to draw him in. He buried a purr into her puss and drove his tongue nice and deep. Both hands playing over her plump rear as he arched his head into her body. Groaning with pleasure as he swept her insides and pulled her juices into his muzzle. Eyes rolled up with a muffled noise as he ate her out.

His cock surged against his pants. Pulsing with each lick as he worked his tongue deeper into her. Thick thighs pressed against his cheek, pulling him harder against her as she began to rock her hips. Anny's eyes closed most of the way with a pleased groan of his own. His cock overcame the loose half-done ties and sprang free of its cloth prison.

Nanna's nose twitched as the male's scent hit her. The corgi uttered a whine, rubbing both hands through his hair as she huffed and growled. She was close, teetering right on the edge of her orgasm, but she wanted that cock in her. Hips rolled against his muzzle as she growled to herself before pushing at his head.

Anny pulled back when she shoved his head and growled, thinking he'd done something wrong. Any fears he'd done wrong was alleviated when she huffed. "Get that cock in me."

"Yes, Ma'am!" he was more than happy to. Anny surged up and pressed against her. Cock rubbing her sopping folds for a couple seconds before he reached down to guide himself in. Dragon and dog groaned as he plunged into her. Walls clenching around his raging flesh. Hardness driving deep into the oh so soft insides. Both hands stroked her hips as he buried himself balls deep within her.

He groaned and rocked his hips against her, every last inch buried within her. Legs wrapped around and drew the male against her. Anny leaning over and planting his hands on the piles of wood before starting to rail her as best he could. Short, fast thrusts sending his slighter frame slapping against hers. The corgi arching with happy groans and wuffs as he held on tight. Tail lashing as he leaned up and groaned, lips almost touching against hers. He breathed in her scent as her arms wrapped around him and drew him in even closer as she groaned in pleasure.

"Ahhhh! Ahh...oh...huh."

Anny pressed tight against her, balls jumping as he pumped his load deep into the corgi gal. Nanna arched, huffing as her tunnel fluttered around him. Head laid on her chest as the dragon rode out his climax. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she laid there and let fingers comb through his hair slowly. Eyes closed as the male let out a low purr, simply enjoying everything happening right now.

Soon enough though his eyes opened and cheeks flushed as he looked up at her, head resting between her covered breasts. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.... so early. Just with everything in the common room and how you tasted and..." A finger to his lips silenced him.

"It's okay, Sugar. You got me plenty worked up too." She offered a grin and ran her finger over his lips. "Although, if you want to be a real gentleman and make it up to me." Fingers ran over his lips slowly as she murmured softly. If he didn't know she'd came around him, she wasn't gonna say. "I do have a room here you know. Much better to get down and dirty in than this." Hips rolled slowly, "Less likely to get splinters in my ass too."

If he'd smiled any wider his head would've broke in half. "Sounds good to me." He started up, pulling out of her. The dragon looked over her body with a pleased purr, watching that trickle of his cum as it started to leak out of her. Pants fell around his knees as he admired his handiwork.

"Let me just..." back down he went. Muzzle burying between her legs to lap at her. Tongue driving into her seeded puss. He slurped hungrily. Lashing against her inner walls. Driving as deep as he could to clean her up. The corgi gasping, stumpy legs kicking as he lapped her hungrily. Uttering little growls and snorts as he gladly cleaned his cum out of her. Loving how it tasted when it blended with her juices.

She huffed, pushing at his head with a giddy laugh, "Hold up there, Sugar. Don't want to wear me out this fast do you?" Nanna smiled as she ran her hands along his furred head. A pleased huff came from her as she stood up, brushing her pelt out. Reaching for her pants, she purposefully bent over to show off her ass to the drake. "Now, I was gonna say since you finished early, you'd have to come through the window. But now..." She grinned towards him, "Do you want to strut up to my room, or do you want to be all sneaky about it, big boy?"

"I can't believe you climbed in the fucking window." Nanna lay sprawled on her back, a tangled blanket half covering her. Anny lay on his back beside her, half asleep still.

He snorted a tired laugh, "I didn't want everyone to know. I mean, gotta think of your reputation and all that. Don't want people to start thinking that you're... "he drifted off with a yawn and a blink, just staring at the ceiling as the early morning light fell over them.

"That I'm easy?" she tousled her hair. "I can be when someone is nice and cute. But what are your guard buddies going to think when you didn't come back last night, hmm?" She smirked, "Certainly not that you stayed in the bathroom all night."

Cheeks flushed, "Didn't even think of that." He shifted onto his side, pressing against her so he could let his hand roam over her breast. Cupping the mound and petting it with a deep purr.

Nanna moaned softly as he played with her tit, leaning in to lick at his muzzle. Her tongue was just starting to lash across his muzzle when a bell tolled. Anny jerked at the sound, eyes flying open as he looked towards the window. Another chime rolled into the room and washed over them. "Shit..." The dragon lunged from the bed and started to grab for his clothes. No small feat since his things were intermixed with hers and scattered around the room. "Shitshitshit," came the chant as he tried a shirt, only to find it draped over his slight frame like a tent.

"What is it?" She rolled over, watching as he swapped shirts. "Town under attack or something?" A shiver of worry rushed up her spine as she sat up.

"I don't know," he admitted as he tried to pull on a boot, hopping around the room for a couple seconds before deciding he needed pants first. "That's the meeting bell. They only ring it when there's something up." He stopped, blinked, and shrugged. "Sorry, rambling." Flicking his pants out, the dragon jumped and somehow managed to get both legs in without ripping the seat out. "But it means I need to be out there in case the guard are needed." He dropped to the edge of the bed to get his boots on. "I hate to run after so much fun last night."

Nanna smiled, "I know, it's okay. But if it's important, do me a favor?" He looked at her curiously a she pointed towards the a cloth bundle on the table. Mrs. Rudgar had dropped her clothes off at some point before Nanna got back to the room, cleaned and mended. Woman had more than earned herself a couple coin. "Hand me some pants from there. I want to hear what's going on as well."

The bell was still ringing by the time Nanna joined the growing crowd outside the town hall. Anny had gotten out several minutes ago and joined the other guards. They were a pretty rag tag group there. Most of them looking like they never went more than a half-day's walk from the village. She padded around the crowd before finding herself behind the innkeeper's wife. "What's going on?" Nanna kept her voice low so she didn't bother anyone else who was milling around.

"Dunno. Folks heard some noises from up in the mountains. Deep, crying noises. Scared lots of folk round here. Sounded like some demon beast up there." Couldn't have been her or Anny, not after she wrapped his muzzle up.

Nanna nodded, "Didn't hear it myself, was dead tired last night." The Missus gave her a knowing smirk and an affirmative noise. "Thank you for the work, by the way Mrs..."

"Hanna, and you're welcome, Ma'am."

Nanna fished out a handful of coin, "For the work." Hanna took the coin with a smirk and turned her attention as a scarred wolf stepped up onto the hall's porch.

It wasn't much of a speech. Just saying the same things that Hanna told her. That there was an odd noise. Probably just a wounded animal. Yada yada. She could see the nervous shifting though. These were farm folk. They knew what a wounded animal sounded like, and if it worried them, well then it was something that might interest her. Excusing herself, she slipped off to her room.

She hadn't gotten far out of town before a call stopped her, "Ho!" Anny came jogging up, the dragon blinking at her. "Slipping off already?"

Nanna smiled at him, "If there's something wrong going on, I think I need to check it out." Shoulders rolled, shifting her pack around into a more comfortable spot. "It's kinda my job." Giving him a half grin, she breathed out a wuff, "Price of traveling around so much."

He fell into step alongside her. "So what do you do?"

Shoulders rolled as she gave a half smile, "I fix things, handle situations."

"Even dangerous ones?"

She smiled at the tone of worry in his voice and reached out to pinch his cheek. "Are you worried? Starting to get a crush on me, Anny?"

He huffed and blushed, batting at her hand. "Well, of course I'm worried. Don't want anything to happen to a friend I'd just met." His tail flicked behind him, "Least I can do is show you where to go. Jenkins mentioned where Muldin heard the noises from."

The pair padded along for another moment before Nanna glanced over her shoulder. They were just out of sight of the town, the gentle curve of the road barely blocking where they were. A quick look around showed a rock about the right height. Smirking, she shed her pack and padded over to it, working at her belt. "What's up?" Anny blinked curiously before he paused as she dropped her pants and bent over the rock.

Nanna grinned back at him and reached down, rubbing her slit. "I figure I should give you something for being a brave guard and showing me the way. Figure you'd like this more than some coin."

There was no denying what he wanted more. Especially not once his pants began to bulge obviously. The dragon groaned, rushing in and dropping to his knees. Pressing his muzzle against her slit, the male began to nuzzle and slurp at her. She moaned, body rolling back to expose herself more to him. Fingers drove in alongside his tongue before working in and out, slurping happily at her clit.

A huff came from the corgi as she reached back and patted her rear, "Don't worry about being too gentlemanly this time." She smirked, "Or cleaning up after." A wink made him blush all the more.

"Yes, Ma'am." He flicked his tongue against her inner walls before standing. Anny fumbled open his pants and brought his cock down on her rear with a firm smack. Nanna moaned and pushed against him eagerly, waiting that brief second before the dragon plunged into her. Holding tight to her rear, he began to pound and hammer her. Fucking her like a sire would the dam.

Anny dug his feet in as best he could, using every ounce of muscle in his wiry frame to slam the larger female. She started to moan, breath being driven from her with each pound. Low little moans turning into louder calls now. The blue furred male groaned and huffed, leaning over her as best he could. Tail waving behind him as balls bounced off her slit. Rolling his hips, he let the underside of his cock slide back and forth over her clit, savoring the sound of her panted gasps. A hand came down on her plush hip, smacking and jerking her against him.

She huffed, driving back eagerly into his thrusts as she looked over her shoulder. Chanting at him to go faster, harder. Her walls fluttering against his length. Her huffs turned into low growls, gritting her teeth as she pushed back. Clenching her jaws, Nanna uttered a muted call as she peaked, soaking his crotch with her juices. Anny managed to get a dozen more rapid thrusts before burying himself deep, calling out as he flooded her with his thick seed.

The pair stood there for a long moment. Hips pressing against one another as he drained his balls into the canine. A soft moan slipping free as he stepped away, watching as his load dripped from her. The temptation to dive in was there. He'd eaten out every load he'd pumped into her the night before, sharing some of them with her. This time, he blushed as he tucked his cock back into his pants. "I... um..."

Nanna pulled her pants up and smiled, tapping his lips, "Shh, it's okay." Leaning in, she kissed his lips with a murmur. "Where do I need to head?" Anny returned the kiss and quickly rattled off directions. "Okay." Pulling her pants up, she wiggled into them. "Shouldn't be more than a couple days to figure out. If it's all good, I might be back within a week." She winked and planted another kiss. "Don't let Rudgar run the price up on the rooms while I'm gone."

"No promises." He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he watched her stroll off, slinging that pack over her shoulder. A week? Well, he was going to need more fluids then.