Calvin and Stephanie: The Morning After (Chapter 2)

Story by SashaLupe on SoFurry

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The second chapter in the lives of Calvin and Stephanie, this chapter follows the morning after their first time of making love with one another and some hard issues are discussed. I hope you all enjoy, comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Calvin and Stephanie: The Morning After (Chapter 2)

The air was crisp and surprisingly refreshing as Calvin unloaded his car, stacking up several boxes in an effort to limit the amount of trips back and forth to his room. He was just starting his second year of college and was really looking forward to it since he was able to pick out his schedule this time; now he had his weekends free starting Friday. Calvin was also looking forward to expanding his social network a bit more this year, since he was fairly settled in at school now.

Struggling with his boxes he realized a little too late that he would have to put the boxes down to get his card key to open the door to his dorm building. Calvin really did not want to have to do that, not with how much trouble it was to get them to balance just right; perhaps an extra trip or two would have been worth sparing him this odd predicament?

As he was fumbling about for a moment, "Need some help?" came a soft voice from the right of him. "Yeah...If you could get my keys from my back pocket...." he began adjusting a bit so the person who spoke could get his keys as he instructed. "...the right pocket, and then open the door for me I would be forever in your debt!" Now Calvin knew he was exaggerating a bit but at that moment he really did mean it. "Well how about you just owe me a pizza or something?" came the soft voice as a careful paw took his keys from his pocket. The voice had a female sound to it, but Calvin couldn't see too well with the boxes in his way. "You help me get in my room and I will throw in some soda with that pizza!" He joked as he adjusted his grip on the boxes as best he could. "Deal" said that same voice softly, though he could hear the amusement there as well.

Feeling more than seeing the person move to the door, Calvin waited patiently for the sound of the magnetic lock disengaging as the door was opened. "Thanks a lot! I was feeling rather lazy and was not looking forward to putting down some boxes and making more than two trips!" He laughed, relaxing even more when the person helping him laughed along side.

"Well it's a good thing I happened by then" came the soft voice that was still edged in laughter.

"Yes. Yes it is." Calvin felt himself smiling as he conversed lightly with the stranger who was helping him, "I'm down the hall on the first floor, last door on the left" Calvin relayed the directions to his room.

"Alright" came that soft female voice again which moved ahead of him leading the way; Calvin following behind with his boxes.

The pair traveled in silence; surprisingly Calvin found that the silence was not the usual awkward one that people tend to fall into. They were just silent and that was it, nothing more to it than that really. "Here we are" announced the female before him followed by the sound of keys in the lock then the door being opened.

"Thanks so much again" Calvin said walking past the female and into his room, setting his large boxes down on the floor beside his bed. With a somewhat exaggerated exhale of breath, Calvin stood and turned a smile already on his lips to finally face his rescuer. As his gold eyes took in the rabbit before him he found himself staring a bit opened mouth at the female before him, quite literally stunned by her beauty.

The female had been standing there by the door with her hands crossed behind her back as she rocked up and down a bit on her balls of her feet. Seeing him stare at her in such a way made her blush rather noticeably and turn her face to the side a bit so that she was not looking dead on at him. "Umm....well glad that I could help...." she stammered a bit nervously, "Plus I am not doing this for free it was with the promise of pizza with an added bonus of soda..." she chuckles lightly and Calvin grins a bit his tail wagging slowly from side to side as he watched her.

"Of course and I always keep my promises" he told her in a rather calm and somewhat serious tone as if he wanted to convey more to her. "I'm Calvin by the way" he says extending his paw to her.

"Stephanie" she answered back taking his paw into her own.

There they stood for a moment holding one another's paw, each not sure what to do now and both oddly not wishing to end the contact with the other.

"MAKE WAY!!" came the loud and somewhat rude voice of Jason, Calvin's roommate as he pushed past Stephanie and into the room.

Their paws were pulled apart, the moment lost as the blue and white furred husky dumped his crap onto the other bed. Calvin growled a bit low in his throat at the timing of his roommate, his golden eyes going back to Stephanie only to find that she was gone; apparently having slipped out of the room while Calvin glared at Jason.

"Thanks a lot man" he growled a bit at Jason.

"What?!" the husky asked as he turned to face his roomy.

"Nothing" Calvin sighed as he went back to setting up his stuff in his room, though his mind was on Stephanie wishing he had at least gotten her last name or some kind of other info to help him find her later. He could only hope to see her around campus, and then he could keep that promise to her about the pizza.

"What are you thinking about?" Stephanie said from where she laid spooning against Calvin as they cuddled in his bed the following morning.

"How do you know I am even thinking about anything?" he teased her as he licked the back of her neck getting a soft whimper of pleasure from the female.

"Stop trying to distract me" she snapped at first though the humor was evident in her voice before she continued, "I know because your body relaxed more against mine like you were sleeping, but your breathing did not change. You do that when you are thinking rather deeply about something" she told him softly as she scooted back closer against him.

"Do I?" he asked still avoiding answering her question, mostly cause he knows how much that bothered her. His lips and tongue once again giving attention to her neck, which he knew to be her weak spot and had won him many an arguments; as long as he could get a grip on her that is.

Another whimper came from Stephanie's lips followed by a slight growl of annoyance, "Stop that!" her tone a bit more stern this time, "Just please answer my question and stop this teasing"

"Alright....alright" he told her softly his paw rubbing gently on her stomach, "I was thinking about the day we first met and how you had helped me to my room, with me promising you pizza and soda" he whispered to her softly against her ear which he kissed lightly.

Moaning softly from the gentle affections of her love, Stephanie smiled "I remember that day well. I honestly don't know what possessed me to come over to you like that; you know how shy I am. But as I stood there watching you struggle I just had to go and help you" she shrugs then nuzzles up into his neck, "I am glad I did though" she whispered to him.

"So am I. I could have strangled Jason that year with all the times he interrupted me and my pursuit for you" he growled lightly as he nibbled on the back of her neck, making her whimper and arch her back pressing her tail and rump against Calvin's sheath. "Someone is about to make us miss breakfast in the café..." he whispered against her neck which he nibbled and licked on.

Moaning louder Stephanie grinned, "The café food sucks in the morning you're the one who is doing the nibbling and the licking...." she whispered out to him, though she finished her sentence with a slight grinding back against him.

Calvin chuckled a bit as he groaned from her actions, "Well it's not my fault that you are so damn sexy and I find it hard to keep my paws and lips off of you. Especially with you grinding up against me like that..." he said with another playful growl, his lips kissing up along the back of her neck.

Stephanie panted a bit now, "Grinding? I don't know what it is you are talking about..." she teased lightly her rump grinding more against him; pulling forth a deeper moan from Calvin who felt his cock beginning to harden in its sheath.

Calvin growled in pleasure licking and nibbling on her ear now, "I am only hungry for one thing now" he breathed heavily against her ear before he humped lightly against her rear making her whimper loudly. "I think you are hungry for the same thing..." he growled again against her ear as he humped against her harder, making her groan louder.

"Maybe..." Stephanie panted as she ground harder against his cock that was now fully emerged.

There was less hesitation this time, less tenderness, it was more aggressive almost animalistic; more insistent. Calvin pulled Stephanie up with him as he got to his knees, growling and pushing her down on her paws and knees before him; Stephanie finding herself whimpering in need and being extremely turned on by the whole situation. Calvin leaned over Stephanie; resting his weight on one paw above her left shoulder while he used his right paw to position himself at her hot and wet entrance. Growling and licking along her left ear Calvin brought his other arm around to rest above her other shoulder, before suddenly thrusting into her hilting himself in one move.

Stephanie's back arched in pure pleasure, claws digging into the bedding as she braced herself for his next thrust.

Calvin pulled out about halfway, then biting down on the back of her neck he thrust back into her hard, making her squeal in pleasure. Slowly out then hard back in was the pace that was set at first, both of them grunting and panting heavily in pleasure as he slammed into her over and over again. Stephanie crying out each time his balls swung forward to smack at her hard clit, driving sharp waves of pleasure through her body. The bed rocked in time to their movements, slowly at first then gradually getting faster and faster as the pleasure built within them both.

Grunts and growls g increasing in pitch and frequency, their feverish mating reaching its peek as Calvin's knot began to smack against the outer walls of Stephanie's pussy, causing them both to rock harder in their efforts to tie them to each other. It was Stephanie who finally forced the knot into herself as she pushed back as hard as she could, the knot popping inside of her making Calvin groan loudly. Unlike last time neither came right away, instead Calvin thrust in and out as far as his knot would allow; fast short strokes. His balls slapping hard and fast against her clit over and over again, Stephanie crying out "Oh...oh....oh....oh...." each time her clit was struck till finally she gasped sharply as her pussy clamped down onto his knot and she cried out "OH GOD!" as her orgasm struck. Calvin was not far behind her, the sensation of his knot being squeezed so tightly caused him to cum inside of her.

Stephanie collapsed forward onto her face, Calvin panting and resting against her; for several moments the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.

It was Stephanie grunting in discomfort that made Calvin wrap an arm about her waist and roll them both to the side so that they were in a spooning position, Calvin licking and kissing the back of her neck fondly as they bathed in the afterglow of the experience. "So I am going to vote that we shoot for a late lunch..." he murmured against her neck while hugging her to his chest.

Yawning she snuggled back into him, "I second that" her voice soft and heavy with sleep.

"Motion passed" Calvin said chuckling softly before yawning and pulling the blankets close about the two of them.

When they woke up later that day, Stephanie had to swat at Calvin's nose to keep him from making them miss lunch. After about ten minutes of some serious tickling, chasing around the room and a quick shower the two of them were dressed and walking toward the student cafeteria together. Calvin's arm was draped over Stephanie's shoulder as they both crunched through the snow, the hoodie that she had borrowed from him hanging down past her thighs. "Tomorrow we will get up early and go to the mall to get you some new clothes to wear" he said kissing the top of her head as they walked.

"Well you have to promise not to get all distracted again and make us end up sleeping in" she giggled as snuggling close to him. "Plus why are you talking like I am going to be spending the night again with you?" she teased.

Calvin smirked as he suddenly scooped her up holding her against him, "Well that's easy, I wasn't going to let you leave the room" he said planting a kiss on her lips.

"That's considered kidnapping" saying as she gestures for him to put her back down as they approach the building that housed the cafeteria.

"I look it more as.....what is that called when the victims identifies with their aggressors?" asking with a grin on his face while holding the door open for her.

"Stockholm smartass" saying while entering the building and stomping her feet to rid them of the snow.

"Yeah yeah I know you love my ass" he teased while stomping his own feet.

Paw in paw they walk to the cafeteria, charging the meals to their student accounts before going about getting themselves something to eat. With trays in hand the couple finds a seat near the back by the window allowing the pair to look out over the snow covered campus while they ate. The small talk is casual, upcoming tests and assignments, professors they could do without. The usual talk that they shared with one another before having slept with one another, though there is an unspoken tension between them that is finally breeched by Stephanie.

"We are going to have to look into some form of protection" her voice soft eyes focused down on the tray before her.

Calvin chewed slowly on the bite he had just taken, mostly just to give himself time to think on how to respond back to her. After swallowing he sighed and nodded, "The way I figured we only had to worry about it when you were in Heat..." says while playing with the straw in his glass.

"The thing is that being a rabbit my cycles can get thrown off because of sexual activity. Now that we have started having sex the chance of my body throwing me into an unscheduled Heat increases" pausing she finally raises her eyes too look up into his, "I love you Calvin and I truly hope to spend the rest of my life with you, but I am not ready for a baby yet and neither are you" her tone soft and full of emotion.

Calvin sighed again reaching across the table to take her paw in his own squeezing it gently as he smiles, "I can get some condoms at the store for now, then we can look into getting you on some birth control since that's the best course of action for preventing pregnancy. Ok?" asking her with a gentle smile.

"Ok. Sounds like a plan" her mood and tone lightening as she relaxes now that the tension was over between them.

The rest of the meal returns to the light and easier chatter that it always is, with the couple even being joined by a few of their friends. Soon a challenge to a snowball fight is issued and Stephanie is sitting there shaking her head as Calvin proclaims to the table that not only will they win but they shall completely destroy the others. Some 30 minutes later the two of them are taking cover behind a low wall as snowballs are hurled at them, "I thought we were going to be destroying them?!" she asked with a laugh.

"Well I over estimated their ability to recruit others!" he laughed back.

"All well no point in cowering down here like some chickens. Let's give them hell!" Stephanie shouts as she stands and starts throwing snowballs like crazy.

Calvin laughing and howling joins her and the pair begins fighting off the horde of other co-eds in an impromptu campus snowball fight.