a friend ch 1

Story by Dragonlover1235 on SoFurry

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#1 of a friend

my first time i try to write a series. so if i make a mistake please tell me instead of hate comments. also this is almost all original. but things like sergals or other creatures of that like belong to their owner if they have one. so without further ado here is my first story enjoy!

who are you? this book is off limits to children under 18 summers old. who am i, you ask? well lets just say for now Fate. oh so you are 18 summers old? so you say. then it`s time to tell the tale of a kid who just wanted a friend.

" Get up Jake its time to see your new caretakers." A stern voice said " yes ms. Madison." I yawned " get cleaned up! We need you to be as clean as possible. We dont want our name to be sullied be a half dead human like you."

" Yes ma`am" i said, "now you remember your history boy?" The anthro ocelot asked, " yes ms. Madison." After i said that she made me repeat it almost word for word. Humans were a dying race due to a war about who was better. 600 years ago humans were in the millions nearing one billion, the most amount of intelligent species for a long time. But we were also very dominant not wanting to give up that space. But some humans wanted to help the "lesser" species causing a civil war. During that war some of the other species saw the opportunity to fight back and killed any who helped or got help from humans. Dragons were the only ones who played no part in the war and just stood back.

But no matter how much they fought the humans who hated the "lesser" species kept winning until IT happened. Humans left and right started becoming ill. It started as a cough which then got worse and worse then all of a sudden stopped. Then you get sores all over inside and outside that start decaying, rotting, eating at more flesh all the while you can feel it happen as death slowly takes your body.

Then the bones slowly break down before the final stage, the brain starts to decay causing insanity. It all happens in 8 years some times in 5 and others 20, and of course it was highly contagious but only to humans. We found ways of keeping it at bay, but it was expensive even so we had managed to keep it at bay for awhile. But we could only hold it at bay for so long... At this time today there is only 3021 humans left and only 50 don`t have it.

The humans who helped the now "greater" ones realized it could not be stopped so they helped them get ready for a new world... Without humans, their only request was to remember them and to tell the amazing tale of humans. They did at first but over time they forgot their promise. They told their kids how puny and weak humans were, how we could not accept love, compassion, friendship and how they were so pitiful.

When i was tested i turned out positive for the plague. I have it in the first stage but for the last nine years of my life it has not progressed any further. My mother died when she gave birth and my father died two years later where then i was put into a orphanage, i was raised with the knowledge that i would die a painful death. It baffled them that i survived so long in stage one with it progressing so slowly.

"Good lets go, you will meet your new caretakers soon." And so i got up made myself presentable i just wish she would say family instead of... Caretakers. As i shiver i decide to take my only possession, a necklace that was my mothers it was gold with some diamonds in it near a locket. I could never open the locket no matter how much i tried to pry it open. After getting all ready i leave the bathroom and head to the front of the building to see my new family... or captors.

Once i get to the door and reach out for the door knob i see the cold sweat pouring off my shivering arm. " Damn is this really that scary?" I whisper to myself, after wiping myself down with my shirt i walk in. " Oh here he is say hello Jake" says Ms. Madison " hello my name is Jake nice to meet you." I politely say to two sergals. " Hello Jake my name is jasmine and this is my husband Matthew but you can just call him Matt." She said sweetly she was a nice peach red with a white secondary color while Matthew was a grass green with black as a secondary color. I just hope they aren`t like the last ones who had me.

"We will be your new family! We hope you will like us." Jasmine said a bit quietly. I smile as i say " i can`t wait to get to know you." At that she smiled but something flashed in her eyes when i said that but it was gone so quick i just decided to watch her a bit more closely for now. "Oh and we have two other kids too so i hope you three get along well." Matthew said a bit sheepishly i was a bit surprised since he looked like the silent type, " yeah it would be nice to have someone to play with!" I said with what looked like happiness "good now can you wait outside for a moment dear?" I was off put slightly but did as told. once out of the room i sat by the door and slowed down my heart.

"Ok sounds like he is gone do you like him?" Ms. Madison asked " Oh he looks just delightful. Hes just so full of life! What do you think honey?" Their tone changed it was different... like a cat that just found a cornered mouse. "I think he is perfect how much did you say?" Matthew asked his tone changed also, so much so that i had a hard time keeping my heart silent. " One thousand in total just dont complain if he is too skinny. He is only twelve years old as you know." Then all of a sudden i have the urge to cough! damn i wanted to hear more but i stood up slowly and walked away, when far enough i ran before the urge forced itself upon me where i just started to cough hard and long. After five minutes my throat was sore and weak but i managed to stop. Then i realized i was in the park.

I went underneath my favorite tree where i then just thought about everything, my past, present and future. " Will i ever get a break?" I cried after all this time even now no one wants a human. Each one wanted something different, Ms. Anderson wanted to have a way to find out why the plague affected only humans and why mine stopped progressing she wanted to become a doctor... Well her boyfriend had fun kicking me around so she had to heal so many injuries and broken bones that she knew all the basics. Mitch had me work in a drug plant where i would be subject to all of the fumes, although the only reason he went to jail was because i did not have a suit or at minimum a gas mask. The drug was legal as long as it was made in a suitable environment. Then there is Emily... She was a naga and she was hungry. The cops found her with two other humans but they did not make it.

" Hey look it`s the no fur." A familiar voice said as i look up wiping my face. " What do you want Andrew?" I ask the sergal " Oh just wanted to see you off before you come right back to this place... Is that blood? Hey look i think he is finally getting worse." He laughs as i look down i see blood dripping down my chin. " Staying silent? Well i know how to fix that." He grins as he picks me up then throws me ten feet to the right where i then start screaming. You see there is a magic fence around the place that keeps the kids from leaving. If you pass it you start to become weaker before it starts to zap you forcing you to stay. It is for those who are not human and does not hurt them but for a weak human... " Ahh thats such a lovely sound you two make sure i get to listen to it a bit more." As i tried to get away a lizard man and what looked like a eagle with both arms and wings kept me down on the ground as i screamed.

When i woke up i was in the nurses office " try to be a little bit more careful next time please. Especially with your new mother and father here. Please go to the front they are waiting." after thanking her i leave and head to the front.

"Oh there you are lets go to the road before you cause more trouble." And so we walked through the front doors, " hey there how you doing?" Matthew asks " i`m good i just got some rest and packed up what i had left." I say trying to look like i just woke up but hyper.

"I can see that." he laughs " lets go into the carriage. I got a chess board in there if you would like to play?" I look at Matthew with suspicion but dont let it show on my face. " Ive never played chess before, is it fun?" I ask trying to look as hopeful as possible. " Yes it is very fun! Come on i`ll show you how to play." He says looking like a puppy that just found a new playmate.

After learning how to play i start with going forward two spaces near the middle and in two turns i lose that piece" how did you do that?" He just laughs" its easy if you`ve played alot." He says smugly and so we play until its zero to fifteen. " We are here you three." The coach says as i jump out Matthew pays for the ride after the coach leaves we turn around and walk up the path, " you see we have our home pretty far away from all that hustle and bustle over in the city so we live in the forest a ways in." Jasmine says as we walk towards the house.

As i look at the wood house more a stupidly large cottage than anything. I see it has two stories what looks like a shed connected to the house which Matthew says is a "garage" the place has three windows on the top facing forward and two on the bottom one is three panels of glass poking out slightly. The other one is next to the door too see who is at the other side. Soon we make it to the front door as Matthew opens it.

That is all i can say for today. Oh you want more? Well i got to sleep. You can listen more tomorrow maybe. Cant wait huh? Well you can do something like tell me if i said something wrong. Your language is so primitive yet way too complicated... If you like this story so much then just tell people about it. You can become a bard who tells the weirdest stories saying its all true, you can become famous probably, i would probably help you, just do say you got it from me please do not say it`s yours or you will have bad luck for who knows how long... maybe when i get bored of giving you bad luck. So for now goodbye and goodnight. And yes this book is talking to you.