Breaking in Modruk Part 4

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#4 of Breaking in Modruk

_Sorry about the long wait folks. Been a little busy with stuff. Anywho here's chapter 4 and no it's not the last. I can't seem to stop writing, ack! The next chapter will actually wrap up this whole series. I can say that with full honesty because its done. ^_^;; Just gonna edit it a bit then post it a little later, maybe in the next week -ish- time frame. If you want it sooner please comment for I am susceptible to flattery. _


Ah this is the life.

Max, reclining back with his blunt surveyed the scene like a king on his subjects. He was enjoying it all and couldn't decide if he should be more pleased with the stellar party he was throwing or the genius way his little studio with the star in the room upstairs.

The sun had just set and again the mansion was alive again. Lust, musk and smoke again were thick in the air. The various brutes, orc and furry alike were all in full swing of the evenings shenanigans. Raucous laughter filled the air. The tabs on cans of beer popped followed by swift chugging. A couple joints were passed around, and a few beasts had already begun to grope each other again.

The large living room flat screen aired the obscene view of his human, Danny, giving long slow licks up Seymour's black ape dong.

This was just all too easy. Everything I anticipated about this human was correct; he was just a cocksucker waiting to born.

Max let his mind wonder to when he had first pitched this whole party idea to break the human in to Seymour. Getting the primate in on the gig was the only was Logan would allow this to fly initially. But even the ape was skeptical saying it couldn't be done. Now on full screen the gorilla, grunting like a feral beast, was eating his words while the human gobbled down on his junk.

And the angles were perfect. From the wireless remote in his hand Max could control either profile shot when the human had to switch between the large rhino Darren to the hairy ape. Just the look of it, that small human pressing all up against their beefier forms while they talked down to him, and fed the lad bits of pizza that had been smeared all over their bodies. Max recalled his instructions were to put on a show. He was expecting they would make the human beg for it, but this over the top play acting was the jackpot! Plus it was working. Danny's face looked glazed over with satisfaction, letting all inhibitions go.

As he watched the human he realized to him there just wasn't anything more beautiful.

The young orc inhaled the raw stench of sex and sin that heavily filled the air. The party of tusked green skinned beasts and animal creatures alike were all openly playing with themselves or each other from the TV screen. One of the studs a chubby rhino groped his cock, and then blushed as his stomach gurgled loudly.

"Aw, got a loud one there." One of the stallions teased next to him. The rhino patted his stomach. "Hey it's all this food play! It's gotten me hungry and the belly knows when it wants to eat."

"Well get your ass up and make some popcorn." One of the lounging wolves demanded. "And make me some too; I want the full cinematic experience."

The rhino grunted and got himself up. "Anyone else want some?" He asked absentmindedly. At once half the room chorused out,

"Fuck yea!"

"Make me some."

"Just a bowl here..."

"I want a whole bag."

"Hop to it fat-ass," jeered Ace, one of the mini orcs as the pachyderm now a little pissed went to make enough snacks to feed an army.

Max chuckled to himself and stretched out more. His broad feet propped up on the table ahead of him, and he flexed his toes. Everything was going just as planned and he was having the time of his life. A fat blunt puffed between his lips intoxicating his senses as much as the stink from the randy beasts. The fat green log between his legs was feeling good, and hung over his thigh like a slug. He had a good view of the flat screen, enjoying the show. Lazily he spread out his legs and groped his cock. With a great sigh he took a nice inhale from the cannabis, held then tilted his head back to give a great exhale. His eyes were closed, as he was obviously enjoying that succulent moment when abruptly he felt the blunt snatched from between his lips.

One of those damn thieving orcs!

"Who the fucking hell did that, get your own weed!"

Max leaned himself forward only to be met with an olive green colored piece of orc tail It hung limp over the heavy sack and Max recognized it well.

Oh shit...

He looked up the naked body of his larger and brawnier brother, Logan, standing before him. The younger orc went wide eyed as he gulped down the stream of curses he was about to shout and his eyes narrowed as he saw Logan raise the stolen fatty to his lips and casually gave a puff.

"Ya know what." Logan said in a loud voice. "You're enjoying yourself way too damn much."

The younger brother didn't have time to react as Logan suddenly reached down, and grasped Max from behind the head. None of the other orcs sitting close by stopped the two as Max found himself forced off his comfortable seat on the couch and to his knees before his brother. Logan was not hesitant as Max felt himself shoved in, and his face mashed up against the meaty uncut meat. Max blushed as he heard several snickers from all around.

Guh, not in front of everyone!

The warm flesh pulsed and rolled against his cheek, and breathing in now, Max was forced to inhale the raw pheromones and stink of his brother's package.

"Ya know exactly what to do." Logan barked from up above. His hand tensed around the back of Max's head and the younger orc grunted in frustration.

The shaft pulsed its hot flesh against the orc's cheek and the younger male felt his cheeks burn now. He didn't hate it, but Max knew he was no sub. He'd much prefer the silky insides of some tight bitch just felt better than some beast tearing out an orifice. Still though subbing to Logan's mighty member wasn't something he was a stranger too.

His own treacherous cock was swelling to life between his legs and he grumbled a bit. There was no way out. Max knew with the males watching, they were looking for any excuse to hold him down and take their turns of lust on his smaller form. With shaking hands he reached for Logan's package. Max moved one under to cup under Logan's heavy ball sack, while his other gently grasped around the base of the cock tip. Suddenly though he saw stars as Logan slapped the side of his cheek.

"What the fuck was that for?" Max said. His voice got loud and again he received another sharp smack across his other cheek. Logan then grasped his fingers in that messy Mohawk and rammed Max's face against his plump package.

"First you will watch your mouth! This is my house, and brother or not I will not be spoken to like that." Logan sounded fierce. That bare cock jumped against Max's cheek. "You were not told ta use your hands. I jus wanna feel those lips only around my cock, slut."

Max eyed his older brother from below with a furrowed glare. The larger beast chuckled superiorly on back down and sucked in at his stolen blunt then let bits of the debris from the joint pepper on down to the top of Max's head. More severely the younger orc blushed. He could see from the corner of his eyes the lustful and leering gazes of those around. Half the room seemed to be watching the brothers as much as the human on screen. Still though the younger green skin's cock hung erect now and gulping down his shame Max tilted up his head to Logan's uncut tip. The glands were spicy and moist looking. The grip on his hair slackened and with more freedom Max leaned in and drew his lips around the egg cock tip from his older brother.

From up above Logan gave a huge lusty sigh as Max did one of his tricks he knew the larger orc liked. The tongue licked around the crown but then let his lips slide between the greasy foreskin and the globular glands. Logan liked to be cleaned that way, and from the heavy breaths he could hear the green skin make from up above Max knew he was enjoying this greatly. However Max wouldn't have time to dwell on that as he felt Logan tighten his grasp and pull him in. The younger orc's working tongue was still hooked inside the slimy foreskin when more of the cock entered his mouth. It was forced to peel back the bare cock tip slide across the top of Max's tongue and bore deeper into his maw.

"Oh fuck yes. You and that mouth," Logan wheezed from up above. The orc rocked his hips inward more watching that green shaft disappear between his brother's lips. "You know when you're not using it to be a smart ass your mouth actually comes in pretty handy."

Max only glared back up at his brother. _ _

_ _

I am so going to get you back for this he thought as he worked on.

The tip eased its way into the back of his throat and Max opened it up to allow it in further. Before all the spectators the younger orc expertly pressed on in, with his bro's aid until his sealed lips met the damp brush of Logan's inner loins. Around him the male's murmured openly their thoughts, impressed at the feat on the lengthy tool.

"Shit, right to the fuckin crotch." One of the furries rumbled.

"It looks like he's kissing right on his groin." Another said.

Max felt Logan ease up on his hold, and even patted the top of his head. The younger green skin just rolled his eyes. Since they're early childhood, Logan had "trained" the younger orc to accommodate his length in such ways; still though he took the lustful praise and heckling comments with a small amount of pride.

Max pulled his face out from, and watched the base of the spit slick member appear between his eyes again. Logan was erect, but within his maw, Max could feel the shaft pluse and harden more. The hot piece of flesh was like stone now. The glands flared up, and when again that fat tip rested on the tip of his tongue Max swallowed the copious amounts of leaking pre before diving back in again. This time he was faster and expertly allowed the tip to slide into his awaiting gullet and swallowing throat.

The older orc seemed to allow this for a while. With casualness he puffed away at the screen. Logan watched live as the human slide from stuffing his face inside Darren's rank armpit to on top the gorilla's lap. The two wrapped their arms around each other and locked lips while mutually eating a pizza slice. Another deep inhale from his blunt and then exhaled the full contents down at Max who grunted a bit. The smoke only built upon his other ensnared senses. Logan's inner groin and meat were grimy. Max could taste mixtures of stale piss, cum and whatever else might have been left from Logan's unwashed package.

The hand idled on his head again until Logan's large body swayed suddenly. The hand gripped firmly at his hair again, almost painfully and Max winced around the cock.

"Shit bro..." Logan said in a woozy sounding voice. "This shit is strong here. What didja put into it?"

Max grumbled angrily with the cock half embedded in his mouth.

It's just pot you idiot! God you're such a light weight. Plus I can't quite answer like this now can I.

The painfully hold Logan had on his younger bro's head held fast. He thruster forward catching Max by surprise and the orc gagging some on the meat suddenly felt himself pulled by his bro. The cock still fully embedded in his swallowing throat, Max turned to follow with Logan's movements. The older orc moved himself so Max's old spot on the couch was behind him and with a content sigh the orc slide in the seat.

The smaller orc flushed, furious at having to so submissively crawl between Logan's heavily built thighs to keep the meat between his lips. The sooner he got his brother to climax the sooner this would end, and there the orc went to work. With an increased vigor Max worked his head up and down the solid green shaft. Logan made his grunts and groans of pleasure while Max pressed his lips all the way down to the orc's smelly groin and pulled those fat lips all the way to the tip.

From above Logan's drug induced mind wracked with pleasure. That throat was tight and warm around his needy shaft. Copious amounts of leaking pre continuously swallowed down by said throat. The image before him was of that human rubbing his small face into the rhino's broad sole. His breathing got heavier.

The cock squirted a load of pre cum which Max suckled down fast. He always knew when his bro was about to shoot. There were telltale signs which he knew well. Logan's breathing got husky and soon Max felt both hands suddenly press down atop his head. His lips forced down to hilt around Logan's cock base right as it rippled. The tip bloated up like a large egg and with it fully embedded in the younger one's throat nothing stopped the gushing stream of cum. Max could feel the base of the cock pulse as each load of his brother's creamy essence passed through it, straight into his belly.

Logan's legs had clamped tightly around Max's sides, trapping the smaller orc within his grasp but soon as the waves of euphoria passed through him and out his cock he calmed some. Gently he released the tight hold he had on Max's head, still though the smaller orc remained as tightly attached to his member as ever. He felt the smaller orc pull at his meat with his tightly wrapped maw and the last final spurt of semen leaked out into the hungry maw.

The smaller orc was hard. The front of the couch was covered in his own cock juices, but made no effort to acknowledge it yet. Instead he remained latched until he felt Logan's thick slug soften. He knew well it could easily be roused again 10 minutes later. Sliding off it though the fat tip finally slipped past his lips and fell atop Logan's spent sack. Max looked up to see his baked older brother. Logan's hair was mangy, and his eyes blood red fixed down back at him.

"How'd ya like that, slut?" Logan said with a slurred voice. But another voice quickly called out.

"Ready for round two?"

Max turned his head to see another orc gripping the base of his shaft. It was shorter and stubby, and the green skinned wagged it with a hopeful expression. The younger orc grinned and looked back to the flat screen. Darren and Seymour were done and leading Danny to the bathroom to be cleaned up.

"Sorry," Max said to the hopeful looking orc who's face quickly looked dejected.. He turned to another stoned looking stud that was more compliant and dropped down to slurp and lavish over the needy meat.

Max knew he couldn't. Slowly he slid his frame up Logan's sitting form. Their fronts closely pressed together. The larger hazed orc was still coming down from his sexual bliss to stop Max as the younger orc leaned in to whisper something into his hear.

Logan's scrunched up his face as if to try and comprehend what he was being told. Then his eyes widened and his mouth turned into a grin, but as Max continued to whisper, just as fast the orc blinked. He looked at his brother who pulled back with a smug leer. Logan then frowned and bared his tusks to a low growl.


Danny let the pair of that primate's big hands help him to his feet. He needed it, he felt dizzy; drunk almost. His mind was still reeling with the shameless foot worshipping the three of them had just done and his loins were coming down from that mind wracking orgasm it wrought. Smacking his lips he noted how the tastes of the helping gorilla's foot funk overpowered the pizza he had just eaten. He could taste the grime that stuck between the ape's toes.

Man I am never going to think of pizza the same way again. At least I'm not hungry anymore.

For the second time Danny, filthy and covered in cum was led to the bathroom. He looked down his form as he followed the larger grey pachyderm into the spacious bathroom. The gorilla followed from behind and the human couldn't help but feel relieved at how gentle they seemed compared to the pack of wolves from yesterday. Instead of the forceful shove to his back the gorilla had just kept a calm hand between his shoulder blades to guide him to the showers. With a faint blush Danny eyed the rhino's backside and downward to those massive feet. Those big soft soles padding loudly with each step, God they felt good against his face and member.

What the hell is wrong with me?

_ _

The human was discovering more and more about himself here in this mysterious house.

"Hey Darren," Danny heard the gorilla say from behind. The human blinked. That must have been the rhino's name. That was confirmed when the rhino snorted from ahead, "Yea?"

"Look I'll get the cleanser ready if you watch and make sure the slut gets himself cleaned up."

Danny felt himself frown. He thought the name calling would end after all they had just done. He felt the hand leave his back when they got to the walk in shower entrance. The rhino, Darren, stepped inside the black tiled stall first but then stopped and moved to allow the human passage. Danny saw the rhino grunt and motion his head, as if to say "get your ass in." It was clear the rhino was going to stay there to seal off the entrance, as if the human were going to escape. When Danny past the large beast he was a bit timid, but Darren delivered a swift smack to the human's backside, and blushing fiercely Danny jumped on in.

The stall was dark and from the outside the human could hear the ape opening up a cupboard as if to set something up. He looked back though and met the gaze of the stern looking rhino facing him. Danny half expected to be washed again like last time but the large naked pachyderm remained with his arms crossed over his beefy chest. Danny saw the male snort and knew this time was not going to be the case.

On the bench the human saw the razor, hair removal cream. Next to that was the bar of soap Hank had brought in and grabbing at it, the human turned the shower dial and a powerful stream of water poured out from over head.

The dial was on hot, but the stream was still cold at first. The human's back was to the guarding pachyderm, and with a quick look Danny turned his head. Silently the naked beast observed, and gave another snort.

Jeez is he going to watch the whole time?

Mere moments ago the three of them were intimately embraced; the human sucking down on the rhino's skin like it was lollypop but this sudden silent treatment he was getting. The human again felt hesitant and nervous. He turned his head back on the falling water, and felt the water jets. They were starting to warm up and Danny allowed himself to step into the falling stream.

Danny again wasn't sure just how filthy he was until he began to get clean. As the water fell it cleaned off the pizza sauce that clung to his skin. The smears of semen from all three bodies washed away and he used the soap to lather himself up good.

Looking up the human was sure to get his neck and face before scrubbing under his arms and down his stomach and sides. The slimes from the bottom of the two brute's feet left him feeling and smelling rank. The human made sure all of it got cleaned off before lowering the bar downwards. Again he felt utterly exposed. His hairlessness was so alien to him. It made the water feeling pleasant hitting his bare skin, and the bar of soap easily rubbed against his silky groin.

Danny half groped his cock, but stopped excepting to be shouted down, unsure if it was ok to touch himself there. When no shout came to stop the human gave a sigh of relief and moved back down. Again he gently groped his cock bringing pleasured smile on his face, when he thought about all he had gone through thus far with these studs. Despite releasing a load so soon the familiar tingling feeling in his balls increased. The human felt his shaft fatten up more and again he rubbed the soap at his groin. He lathered it up well and leaned back to let the falling water clean it all away. Danny closed his eyes and for a moment felt lost when a gently placed hand suddenly brought him back too reality.

Openly the human jumped, his side crashing into the wall of a stomach on the large rhino. Danny never noticed when the rhino approached him, and another hand came down to hold his side, making sure the lad didn't fall on the slippery floor.

"Whoa there," the pachyderm said with a self-satisfied tone. "Don't fall now. That wouldn't be good." And Danny nodded a bit. He blushed as the large mitt rubbed down his slipper back, the other rubbing across his hairless chest. Danny couldn't believe himself. He knew he wasn't alone in the first place, he should have known better, playing with himself like that. It must have enticed the large beast.

The grip was warm, and a little soothing, though still though it was a little unnerving mostly because he felt that large animal cock, with the pink tip slide against his thigh. It hung half a foot, though clearly still flaccid.

This Darren, he's not horny. What does he want?

"You looked like you were enjoying yourself there, getting all clean like that."

Danny nodded solemnly, eyes looking up to fix on Darren's. "Yes sir."

The pachyderm's chest half blocked the stream of water that fell from over head and he moved in stopping the flow from coming down altogether. Danny was pushed back and saw the rhino get soaked. Still though the pachyderm never taking his mitts off the human's form, Danny blushed as he was kept closer. Danny looked up to see the rhino spread his arm away from his side. He leaned in muzzle and gave a deep whiff of his armpit and grimaced some. Danny could smell the rank musk too. "Well I know I'm damn smelly." The pachyderm said.

Danny looked up the powerful beast's frame. The creature was bulky was muscles and a foot taller than him and he was smiling back down at the human.

_ _

He's not suggesting what I think he is?

But he saw a genuine smile spread out on the brute's face. The rhino snorted gleefully and rapidly he started making his rotund pectorals bounce up and down right in front of the human's face. Danny wondered if this was what it was like to be hit on. In any case the message was as clear as crystal.

The problem was the human wasn't exactly sure of saying no was optional, but then saying no wasn't at all what he wanted to do. His hands shook, not from fear but from anticipation this time.

"Well here." Danny heard himself say. The blood rose to his face at what he would be so bold to say next. "I can help."

Raising both trembling hands up, he pressed the bar between them to gather a handful of suds. Once foamy he reached up to the brawny animal frame, letting his hands move to the rhino's bouncing chest. Water ran down the thick slabs of meat, and almost instantly the suds washed away but the human saw that he rhino didn't seem to mind.

Danny ran his hands up those powerful pecs, feeling their heat and thickset rock hard forms. He couldn't believe how strong someone could be! The bar of soap that he had he let rub more swiftly, between the two powerful muscles. Across one rounded pectoral, and then dipped down some between the cleft of the two and again over the rounded other slab of pectoral.

Being so close to the powerful creature, Danny couldn't help but feel that twinge of excitement build up. Never before did he see himself intimately washing another guy. Now from below he could feel his cock starting to harder as he felt up another male's massive muscles, only reconfirming his newfound sexual identity.

The fat nipple rolled between his palms. Gently he teased it, and even let his fingers travel around the areola, then clasp on the nub. From above he heard the rhino give a snort and meekly Danny looked up. The rhino's face was contorted in a "what the heck are you doing" expression with a raised eyebrow. Hotly the human blushed, his embarrassment making him quickly avert his gaze. The rhino smirked and slowly shook his head.

The human's hands moved up the pachyderms' shoulders and to one of those massively built arms. He suddenly felt a bit inadequate as he rubbed the soapy bar down one of the biceps.

Damn he's big. It's almost like he has more muscle in his one arm than I do in my whole body!

It seemed like as he clutched it. Darren lifted up his arm a bit with Danny's hand still on it. The pachyderm flexed, and under the small grasp the rounded bicep suddenly tensed and swelled up. Like a hot boulder lying under the skin, Danny thought.

A small feeling lingered at how much more weak by comparison he saw. Danny knew he'd have to live at the gym to get a body anywhere near that. Not dwelling on it much he gave the sizable muscle another grope before rubbing the bar of soap under the pachyderm's arm. The musk from the male's natural body was potent. Though the human breathed it in now with relish he rubbed the soapy bar under the pit and thoroughly cleaned the skin as best he could. From above the pachyderm rumbled his approval and shifted away some, getting his side under the water.

"You're going a good job there, slut."

The rhino smiled more openly now. One his pit was clean he patted the human on the shoulder, making the smaller lad grin.

"Thank you sir," Danny said.

The steam from the shower began to build up. The room was getting hotter from the blasting shower head though now most of it was blocked by the larger figure. The rhino kept his meaty hand on the human's shoulder and rubbed it a bit. The hand moved down the lad's arm, to his hand which grasped the soap. The pachyderm was gentle about it, but those thick fingers took the bar away and the human backed off some as the animal began to lather up his other armpit.

"So, how are you handling everything so far?"

The question seemed to hang in the air for a few seconds. _ _

_ _

Are you for real?

"You- you mean being here with all you guys?" Danny asked. The rhino grunted and lifted his arm to let the water wash away his own filth and grime.

"Well yea. You seemed to be coming along. Are you still scared of us?"

The wet human looked at the nude burly grey beast with quizzical expression. He wasn't sure how to answer, but he found himself remembering what he was told last night. In a flash he felt sick. "Well, last night Hank, that orc... said I might be let go if you guys decide."

Darren grunted and paused some under the running water. The calmness Danny had been edging away and that biting feeling inside his stomach. The room was getting hotter, especially his face. The biting feeling got stronger and the dripping wet human suddenly felt like he was crying. He took a few steps back pressing into the corner of the walk in shower.

"Look, sir - Darren... whatever. Look I - I don't want anything bad to happen to me." Danny was saying it before he could think. "I like a lot of this. But when it's all over... I'm playing along but please don't do anything bad to me."

The rhino was swift in his movements, reaching those big arms out and enclosing them around the blubbering human into his grasp. Danny felt himself almost consumed by the powerful frame. The beefy gut pressed his head between the muscular pectorals. Whatever Danny's words were he found they were muffled as Darren held close. The lad wasn't sure why it had all come out like that, but the masculine heated body against him was calming, like his time with Hank. The biting feeling in his stomach lessened and Danny began to feel a bit better, even raising his arms up and giving the rhino a bit of a hug in return.

The human felt those larger male's mitts roam his smooth back. His face was firmly planted into the chest, and above Danny could feel the rhino's heavy breaths ruffle down atop his head.

"Kid, I don't know what you've got thinking in your head there, but it's a little messed up." Danny tried to respond back. He spoke but his voice was too muffled, the rhino's grasp wasn't relenting at all. "What Hank said was true. We may or may not let you go, but hell kid. That doesn't mean anything bad is going to happen. Jeez...if you're really having fun why would you want us to let go of you anyway?"

The mitts slacked around Danny's head and the human felt himself able to pull back a bit. The large pachyderm made sense. He never thought about it like that. Thought their bodies still ground flush to one another. Danny looked up to the disturbed looking rhino. "I'm nervous about everyone down stairs. There's a lot of ... of you all."

"They're all a bunch of horny assholes. But they're alright." The rhino responded. "And the most they'll do to you won't be anything worse than I've got planned." At the end of the sentence the rhino let his voice sound a little bit darker, leering down to the human. He added a small playful wink and Danny felt better. Lightly he blushed and offered a small smile.

"Hey you guys."

The voice was from the gorilla, which was leaning against walk in shower entrance. His arm propped him up against the wall while a hand rested on his hip.

"When you guys are finished getting sappy I've got the thing set up."

Darren turned his head to the gorilla and nodded. "Alright," he turned down to Danny and gave a light squeeze before letting go. He reached to turn off the dial to the shower. When the stream ended Danny again felt a hand press against his back and he was guided back to the main bathroom. "You're going to be good for us now, right?" The gorilla said when the lad stepped out into the brighter room. Danny shivered when the cold air met his wet skin and he shivered but nodded in the ape's direction.

"Seymour I think the slut is going to corporate just fine alright." Darren said in his thick voice, stepping out. He reached for a towel and pressed it around the smaller human's shoulders. Danny nodded again, "Yes sir." And gripping the towel he began to swiftly dry himself off. He watched the rhino grab one too, and the ape watched with an unsure expression.

Danny felt a little timid at being leered at like that, but the ape moved across the room. The main bathroom was void of any toilet but the human saw the ape go for a door and opened it up. It was a smaller room, another niche where the "throne room" was actually at. At once the idea of what the ape was referring too was coming together. In any case the human didn't exactly feel like he had to go at the moment.

"Making sure I get a restroom break, right?" Danny said. The ape only grunted and reached inside the room. Danny's eyes widened as he saw the black hairy animal produce a large clear plastic bag. He watched it get lifted up and hung, high on a hook in the wall. It looked like it was filled with a gallon clear liquid. At the bottom of the bag was a tube, and on the other end of that was a small cylindrical nozzle with a rounded tip.

Uh, what the hell is that? It's not what I think it is?

"Kid I really mean it. I need you to work with us on this."

Danny was speechless and the rhino's hand patted his shoulder from behind. "Ever had an enema before?" His tone was nonchalant. Danny didn't respond, he just kept staring at the giant filled sack. .

"I- uh - no... I've never, what are you going to-"

The hand on his shoulder suddenly got firm. The lad knew he'd have no way to back out. The human approached and once within reach the gorilla gave a light pat on the arm.

"If you've done this before we'd leave you to it but from your answer and the look on your face, you'll need some help." The gorilla lifted the nozzle end to show the human. "This is going right where you think it is. Later in the evening you and the rest of us will be grateful."

The rhino nodded and patted the human's shoulder. "Yea, there's no need to worry about being hurt. We'll be right with you all the way."

The consolation wasn't any help. Danny knew what was going to happen. He was going to be forced to take a crap before the two brutes.

Golly, thanks.

He would do anything to get out of this, it was so degrading! "Uh, but you know I'm sure I could do it myself. It really doesn't look that hard." Danny tried to plead as best his could.

"Oh its not," the ape responded. He smiled showing off his sharp teeth. "But just ta be on the safe side you're getting help. With inexperienced hands there's the potential you could get damaged and well ruining that fine ass of yours is the last thing anyone here wants."

The rhino chuckle from behind. "God Seymour just admit you're a perv for this kind of thing."

"Well of course! But don't act so coy, I can clearly see yer dick getting hard too." The gorilla shot back.

The embarrassment built up even more. Danny's face felt red hot from it. His legs started to shake as the mitt pushed him more towards the toilet. If he could have turned away he would have but the rhino behind, the human knew, wouldn't allow.

Seymour lifted the lid and the rhino behind half manhandled him forward. Danny could have done it all himself but he felt rushed and soon the two animals had him standing over the toilet, facing the wall with legs on either side of the bowl. With the feeling being ashamed at his backside being so utterly exposed, Danny clenched his eyes shut tight.

_ God, I'm not here. This isn't about to happen, they're not about to plug that thing up my ass._

He kept running the mantra over and over in his head. Even when the gorilla ordered that Danny squat down some over the bowl, his body shivered when he squatted down.

The human's dark world though was interrupted though when an unseen pair of hands clamped down on his outwardly pressed ass cheeks. The human's eyes flew open and he tried to look back. It was Darren. The rhino had a lustful look on his face staring down at the human's rump. Danny's mind suddenly raced. He wanted to yell at the monster to stop touching him like that.

The rhino snorted and looked up some to see the human staring at him. With a firm slap on the pressed out ass, he returned to gently kneading each globe. "Eyes forward. You've got only one thing you need to be concentrating on right now."

"Aw he's just tense." The gorilla cooed. Danny heard the rhino chuckle from behind. Damn he was almost grinding on down behind the human and the black haired beast was just as close to the human's side. The primate's face leaned in and he breathed softly on the human's ears. "Want us to help you relax?"

Danny wasn't sure what the gorilla meant but then he felt the gorilla's hand grasp around his length. The human couldn't help but gasp from it. He was nervous and terrible embarrassed now, not to mention a little frightened, but the plump mitt was just felt too nice. The warm and slightly sweaty palm stroked from the base of Danny's silky shaft all the way to the tip.

Fuck! No, fuck fuck fuck, don't touch me like that! Not like this!

Danny cursed to himself as like before, when he didn't think he could get hard, it did. Whose side are you on? The pink shaft only grew in response in the primate's grasp.

"There we are," Seymour said, with a grunt. He made sure hat the human was fully erect, then circled only a finger and thumb around the shaft. He turned back to Darren. "You got the lube? I'm not just ramming this thing in bone dry." The primate lifted up the nozzle.

"Hell yea," the grey beast responded. Though Danny couldn't see from behind he knew the rhino hadn't left to get anything. He knew the pachyderm wasn't holding anything but the ape squeezed down on his cock and Danny felt it. The fat spongy tip of something was pressing between the cleft of his cheeks. The lad wondered what it was but heard the rhino grunt and the ape snickered to his side. The human instantly knew the giant male behind him was rubbing the tip of his cock up against the inside of his ass.

The color from his face drained down to his chest as the human felt the rhino's mitts suddenly spread his ass apart and the intruding tip sunk in deeper. The shame was immense but Danny's traitorous body was awash in the pleasure the two were forcing on him. He could just imagine seeing it as he felt the blunt tip poke right at his tight pucker. The pink tattooed tip pulsing with blood, leaving trails of pre wherever it touched.

_ _

Just don't fuck me, I'm still a virgin, I can't loose my cherry like this!

For a full agonizing minute the two worked over his body when the rhino pulled back, the fat tip leaving the tight cleft. Darren huffed. "Fuck kid, you've got me rock hard. I cannot wait until I finally get to pound you stupid!"

"It all nice and slick down there, Romeo," The gorilla asked.

"Uh-huh, all nice and covered," the rhino gloated.

"Good," the gorilla responded. Then without any further hesitation the human felt it. That nozzle the ape was holding lowered down and suddenly speared into his guts.

Danny clenched his eyes. "Shit it's happening now!"

A little painful the intrusion was suddenly a jolt of sharp pain. Though it immediately lessened. The gorilla raised the bag with one hand while the other kept groping the lad's member keeping it erect. Danny wasn't sure if it was working when a chilled feeling suddenly welled up in his lower abdomen. The feeling was dull but became slowly grew intense. As his innards expanded the feeling of needing to expel grew

"Oh shit..." Danny gasped out.

"Yea you will be." Darren's thick voice said from behind. Look, let us know when it gets a little painful for you."

Danny lowered his head. "Painful?" The human never anticipated it would hurt. The need to expel his guts was becoming more intense, sure. But it was a few more moments later that he heard his belly began to churn. It was like his stomach growling expect from his lower abdominal region. The human's eyes widened and instantly the two brutes seemed to realize as well.

"Alright, squat and have at it." The gorilla said cheerfully. Danny's cheeks burned with dread and his stomach loudly gurgled again. The nozzle was pulled out and Danny felt it. He thought he'd be given the luxury of turning around, but his bowels couldn't wait. Squatting down, right over the bowl in a loud painful squelch Danny could only hold his position while his muscles rectal muscles contracted and the contents of his insides loudly squelched out, splashing into the water below.

The flow was continuous and when it finally ended, the human, now sweating and visibly shaking. He felt the rhino's hands grasp under his armpits, making him stand back up. Of everything that he had endured so far this was by far the worst.

Darren wolf whistled and stroked the human on the shoulder to his neck. "Damn that smells rank." He jeered.

Seymour chuckled to the side, and a shaken Danny tensed up feeling the nozzle spear back into his guts.

_ _

Please let this end.

Danny wanted to scream as again he endured the feeling of being filled up with that warm liquid before his insides got agitated again. This was the most degraded he'd ever felt before. The gorilla's mitt suddenly grasped around his ball sack as the warm liquid began to make his stomach expand. The sensation was awkward, but those kneading fingers around the hairless scrotum didn't relent. They seemed to individually press into his tender skill while the palm pressed into the bottom part of his cock. That damn ape and the lewd pleasure he was bringing. In a terrible way Danny was being forced to link physical pleasure to this traumatizing ordeal! The nozzle yanked out again and the human squatted for a second expel. It was longer this time and the rhino grunted from behind.

"It's a lot clearer this time, bud." The rhino commented. Danny wasn't sure if he should've been relieved when he heard Seymour respond.

"Yea, one more ought to get it nice, jus one second here." The gorilla grunted as he worked. Danny saw from the side of his eye. The first bag was empty and he produced another heavily fluid filled one.

Once set, again the nozzle sunk in and for the final time the human felt his guts slowly expand. The two animals never taking their hands off his shaking frame. Danny knew he wanted to be alone but their presence in a very weird way felt somewhat comforting. They at least weren't talking down to him, or heckling. Just like Seymour promised there was an air of professionalism. After the third and final time Danny felt his intestines heavily expand, much more than before the nozzle was pulled out. The ape suddenly ordered, "Hold it!"

Danny was lowered down. He was a second away from expelling this final, and pain jolted through his backside. "I- I can't."

Gingerly the gorilla rubbed his hand over the human's stomach, tenderly. Though almost affectionate it only made the human need to release that much more. "Not until I say so, otherwise I'll try again." The gorilla warned

Agonizingly he let his hand continue to ling on Danny's stomach until he pressed on down. The pressure built up, and closing his eyes tight the human held back as best he could.

What is he doing to me?

But he felt that can't begin to work. The gorilla messaged his hand into the lad's stomach, and it rippled. Danny realized the hand was messaging the water deeper into his system, forcing the last remnants of filth to unclog his body. For a full agonizing minute the ape worked. Danny's whole world became concentrated on the muscles in his rectum. Though the primate was continually increasing his pressure it wouldn't last long. The kneading fingers pressed harder and harder. It was like a dam bursting forth. Letting out a heated sigh, the human released his bowels a third and final time.

He remained on the seat this time this time when it was over. The human had let out a long heated sigh. He felt like he had shit expelled all his bowels. Danny was covered in sweat and quaking from the ordeal. Darren, he heard stepped away. Danny didn't turn around, he just heard the sink tap run for a few moments. Then the rhino's large form came to him again.

"Stand up slut, your all done."

Weakly Danny got to his feet, with the aid of Seymour grabbing and helping up via the human's arm. The rhino pressed a wet cloth to his backside and cleaned him up good. The cloth was warm, and soothing. Tenderly he felt it travel all along his upper inner thighs and into the cleft of his rear making sure to get any and all excess. When he was done the rhino threw the towel aside and both he and Seymour helped the human away from the toilet.

Danny never felt so empty before like he was 10 lbs lighter though it came at a cost. He felt disoriented and a little weak, not to mention dehydrated again. He didn't wait for the two brutes to do allow him out. And they didn't stop him when Danny made for the door. He walked past the threshold into the bedroom. What he saw greeting him on the bed made his eyes suddenly widen. For the first time through this whole ordeal he saw a very familiar face. Danny's mouth dryly opened up, but no words came out, not until he managed to choke out, "It's you!"