Tales of Jasper V

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#5 of Tales of Jasper

Jasper woke early in the morning, tossing about ideas in his head. He did not know what he should do, as he was addicted to the lovely treat his mother gave to him, but at the same time, he really enjoyed getting to play house with Naila. He loved his mom, but he also really liked Naila, and it was a different feeling for the both of them. His stomach got butterflies when he thought about Naila, and he felt all warm and fuzzy when he thought about his mom. He wondered why it wasn't okay for him to love both of them... at least that is what it seemed like with Gliss' words.

Jasper slowly made his way out of bed, and gathered all of his things. He was running later than usual and it did not appear as though he would have any time to do anything but the morning routine. He wondered why he seemed so tired... maybe even a little grumpy. Regardless he made his way outside after breakfast and boarded the bus. Jack and Naila were waiting at the back in their usual seats and Jasper smiled taking a seat between the two.

Naila instantly pulled Jasper into her lap and started nibbling and lapping against him as if he were her cub or something, others around them gazing at them with strange looks. That was not normal, usually Naila was really bossy... Jasper didn't care he liked having the affection that Naila was sharing with him. Jack whispered something that went in one ear and out the other as the bus driver stopped to pick up more students and saw Naila.

"What is going on back there? Naila... what are you doing?" the bus driver asked, looking to her as she lapped more over Jasper's muzzle.

"I am kissing my boy friend," she said softly.

"Aren't you two a little young to be doing stuff like that? Anyway... not on the bus, take your seat, Jasper," the bus driver said, and Jasper followed the instruction, not wanting to get Naila or himself into trouble.

Jasper felt a little happier and he found that he was purring deeply, and longing for more of the sweet touch that Naila had been granting him with her pets and kisses. Her wolf tail smacked the seat happily as He sighed and looked to Jack, who he finally heard, coming out of his haze.

"Come on Jasper, if you do that then people are going to call you weird. I mean think about it... don't girls have cooties?" Jack asked.

"Except for Naila..." Jasper responded softly.

Jack smacked his forehead with his palm and sighed. Well, if Naila didn't then maybe his girl didn't either... Maybe it was the start of a revolution. Maybe the cooties were just a rumor? The boys and girls stared at Jasper and Naila for a moment as he leaned into her resting his head against her arm and nuzzling heavily against her. It was almost a unified thought that could almost be seen in the air: have we been lying to ourselves?

It didn't take long before Jasper, Jack, and Naila got to the school. As they shuffled off to class, Jasper remembered that Naila was supposed to be gone for a couple of days, yet here she was.

"Naila... didn't you have to get your uniform fixed?" Jasper asked.

"Jack took care of it, and it is all fixed. I just didn't want to be away from you, especially after that sweet letter," Naila said, looking to Jasper and petting over his eras gently.

Jack laughed a little and they went of to their classes. Jack and Jasper quickly finishing out most of the day and finally coming to the final class. A sex-ed class... for third graders? Jasper didn't really understand what that meant but he supposed he would find out. All the kids seemed to be squirming about and talking about some strange things... but then the dragoness came in and sat at her desk, most of the kids on the floor around the TV.

"Good morning my little students!" she almost cried with glee.

It seemed that a good lot of the parents had waived their children from the class, so a few of the classes combined from fourth and third grade. Naila, Jack, and Jasper all sat together and the dragoness started up some sort of strange video... one of those corny eighties videos with the ridiculous acting and music. It showed older furs in high school or so at a party and one of the guys was talking to a girl about sex. The very word seemed to make the whole class giddy, and those who did not know much about it just watched in awe as the video explained it.

Jasper was blushing madly as he suddenly realized he had done that with his mother and with Naila. Apparently that wasn't something kids were supposed to do, and even the high-schoolers had brought protection. So far Jasper had never done such a thing. He made glance to Naila who seemed a little tense, her tail smacking the ground gently. Apparently, Naila was really going to become a momma and Jasper did not know what to think about that. He supposed he could ask his mom how to treat a baby, or maybe the teacher?

"Alright, so that was the introduction. Now, class... I am sure that none of you really understand what that is like since none of you have done such a thing. But, I am supposed to teach you all about protection, and abstinence," Miss Adams said softly, pushing the TV aside with her tail, "You all need to remain abstinent until you are married. The idea of sex is to have children, though as a sentient race we do it for pleasure as well, but even then you have to be responsible. First, do any of you have questions?"

Instantly, almost every hand in class shot up. Jasper and Naila seemed to be sharing the same embarrassment and did not move to ask any questions. The class seemed to have simple questions on their parents mostly, and why people do it in different ways, not to mention different styles. Then one of the boys started to ask about anatomy and with that the teacher grinned. She took a seat and spread her legs, revealing her treasure.

Everyone in class seemed to blush at the same time. The obviously had a bigger sex than Naila or Gliss, due to the proportional size, but it was still fascinating to Jasper, Jack, Naila, and everyone else. They simply stared as the teacher showed them what she could explaining each part and its purpose before finally putting up a projection showing a drawing of a cutaway view, so she could explain the rest. Jasper hadn't really noticed before but the tent was rising in his pants as the scent of the teachers arousal flooded the air.

"Miss Adams, why do people have sex so much if it hurts?" Naila suddenly asked.

"Well, I suppose it only hurts for the first time. I mean it doesn't hurt, normally anyway, after that," the dragoness replied laughing a little.

"My momma told me, people who have sex should only do it if they love each other," Jasper said, suddenly and the dragoness shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, that is a nice notion, but when you get older you will find it a little harder to control. I mean right now, none of you have really been in any situations where you might have sex, so you wouldn't know how difficult it is to control, and as long as both parties are willing, then I do not see a problem with it. That is just my personal opinion though," Miss Adams said laughing a little.

Little did she know... Jasper sighed and he looked to Naila again before the bell rang. It was the end of the day, and time had just slipped by in that class. Almost instantly, people seemed to shove their things in their desks and be out the door. However, Naila had stayed behind, and Jasper took note of her standing there. She was holding her tail nervously in her hands and she stood before Miss Adams with her head down. Jasper came back to see if everything was okay.

"M-Miss Adams... what happens when a baby is born?" Naila asked softly.

"Still aching to learn?" the dragoness asked with a laugh, not realizing why Naila was being so timid.

Miss Adams had not been there that long, and did not know that timid was strange for Naila. Jasper was curious on the same question, and he moved up to stand beside Naila who had hardly noticed his reentry stuck in her own little world it seemed. Naila just slowly nodded, with a delayed response and she looked up to the dragoness. She had a worried look on her face, but she was not sad, or angry, just curious and unsure.

"Hey, Naila, we need to go... the bus is leaving in a few minutes," Jasper said softly, patting her back and Naila looked to him nodding.

"Oh don't worry about it, Naila... you will all see tomorrow," the dragoness said with a slight giggle.

With that, Naila felt a little relieved and she gathered her things and followed Jasper back out to the bus. They took their seats in the back and all the kids seemed to be talking about the last class they had, almost as if it was the only class the had that day. Jack seemed to be off in his own little world, and Naila pretty much the same. They had their reasons, Jasper assumed. He did not know why, but he was not going to ask about it, yet.

The bus ride was slower than normal, as if all the roads were undergoing construction, it was all up hill and they had to stop every ten feet. Whether that was the case or not, that is what it felt like and half way home Naila suddenly burst out with a deep growl. It did not seem to be very angry, given her expression, but she was staring right at Jasper and he, shaking a little from the strange outburst, simply stared back to her.

"Jazz... you have to marry me," Naila growled softly, leaning over and pressing her muzzle to Jaspers.

"You want me to marry you, Naila?" Jasper asked with surprise, turning his head and he reached up, naturally petting over her ears, making gentle sritches behind them.

"We are going to be a real mommy and daddy, so we need to be married, Jazz," Naila whispered softly, trailing a wet kiss up his muzzle and over his ear.

Naila started her own wave of affectionate petting and sweet kisses over him. Her tail curled gently about him, and his tail seemed to wrap about her. It felt so nice being so close to Naila and doting on each other as they did. Jasper felt the butterflies in his stomach, though a warm feeling also coursed through him. Jasper, being the kitten he was, climbed into the puppy's lap, purring heavily against her as people started watching them again.

"Jazz~ you should come over today," she cooed against his ear and he nuzzled his ear against her muzzle.

"Okay, Naila... okay. I love you," he said softly, suddenly realizing what he said.

The words had simply slipped out, but they had felt so right. Both of them had froze, and even Jack watched almost gasping at what Jasper had said. Luckily there wasn't anyone else around who had heard him say such a thing, but Naila suddenly squeezed him tightly.

"You are going to be all mine, you sweet kitten, Jazz. I love you too," she whispered into his ear.

"Don't I have to ask your parent's to get married?" Jasper asked softly.

"Naila and Jasper sitting in a tree~" started a kid in the back of the bus, and soon enough he had a small crowd singing with him.

Jasper blushed deeply and Naila pushed him out of her lap only to rise to her feet, her tail bristling and she stepped forward and thrashed the kid back against another. The driver stopped the bus and started moving toward the back to break up the ensuing fight but, it seemed that Naila was intimidating enough that the others did not want to fight her. She wasn't normally a bully, but she really did not like people picking on Jasper.

"Naila! Stop this at once!" the driver said angrily.

The man was a large bear, and thus was more intimidating than Naila. It did not take long for her to back off of the kid and she would move back to her seat, pouting and crossing her arms. Perhaps she had brought it on to herself, but she did not like people making her friends uncomfortable. Jack sighed and looked over to Naila, patting her shoulder gently, as the kid wiped his nose. It appeared as though Naila had given him a bloody nose.

"I am sorry, Naila, but you will be getting on out of school suspension for this," the bus driver said writing up a piece of paper and she growled.

"Fine! But at least now they learned a lesson!" she yelled and Jasper tried to take one of Naila's paws, her response being taking his paw with both hands and pulling it to her chest.

"You know, Jazz, that being so lovey dovey with Naila is only going to make the kids continue," Jack said softly, patting Jasper's shoulder.

"I know... but even so I really feel strongly about this," he said softly, sighing.

"Be careful, Jazz... you know Naila's parents aren't going to like this idea," Jack whispered, "But maybe you are different. They always liked you, and on the bright side all of the kids are opening their eyes to each other. So hang in there, buddy."

Jasper simply smiled and gave Jack a thumbs up. After a while they came to Naila's stop and she had cooled off considerably. The bus driver gave her the slip to give to her parents, and she simply sighed, taking it angrily. Hopefully her father was not home, as her mother was much more understanding. Jasper accompanied Naila to her door and she went inside and let Jasper in to stand by the door, while she went to ask. It appeared as though her mother was home, and her father was at work, a usual setup.

"Oh Jasper! How are you, you cute little kitten!" her mother cried running over to him and taking his bag and setting it off to the side.

"Hi, Miss Lili," Jasper said blushing a little as she lapped over the top of his head friendlily, "It is good to see that you are feeling better."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened the other day, but thank you for bringing Naila back, and be sure to thank Jack for me. You talk to him a lot don't you?" she asked as Naila smiled holding the slip in her hand.

"Mom, I have a piece of paper for you," Naila said, her tail between her legs, her head hanging low.

"What is this, Naila? Don't tell me you got into a fight again," Lili said softly, taking the slip of paper and sighing.

"Well, they were being mean to Jazzy, and I didn't like it..." Naila said softly.

"Well, Naila... since we haven't had Jasper over in a while I will let you play with him today, but starting tomorrow you are grounded as long as you are on suspension," Lili said softly.

It wasn't the first time that Naila had gotten in trouble, but generally she was a good kid. Keeping her trouble spread out enough that she never got in a lot of trouble, though she had missed several days of school due to fighting. Jack's butler was usually the one to deliver the homework, so it worked out alright. Naila nodded, and she moved over to Jasper to take his paw in hers and guide him over to the couch to watch after school cartoons with him.

Lili went back to work in the kitchen, and Jasper smelled an absolutely wonderful meal cooking. He had no idea what the special occasion was but there had to be something since there was such yummy smelling food. His stomach grumbled at the scent and Naila laughed a little. Once the cartoon was over she threw Jasper down onto the floor wrestling with him, her tail wagging from side to side. He mewled out blushing as she was over him.

Jasper was pretty much helpless, squirming about below her and she growled teasingly as she watched him. Lili walked in and saw that Naila had pinned her friend down and she decided to join in on the teasing. It was pretty normal for a wolf to play like Naila, but Lili knew that Jasper was nowhere near as strong as she was. Lili growled and nipped her daughter's neck playfully, causing her to squirm.

"Mommy, you cheated!" Naila cried out squishing Jasper a little more, though he could still breathe.

"You are the one who is cheating... Poor little Jasper is no match for a wolf like you," Lili growled.

"I just wanted a kiss from him..." she huffed out giggling as Lili rose a little to tickle her daughter's sides.

"Oh? Why do you want a kiss from Jasper?" her mother asked using tickle interrogation.

Naila squirmed and giggled almost flailing about, rubbing against Jasper as he reached up to help tickle her, giggling along with her. Naila tried to catch her breath to answer her mother's question, and Jasper's tail moved to seize hers and wrap about hers. She let out a strange sound, not quite a growl that rumbled through her as Jasper's tail curled about hers. Lili rose from the dogpile and Naila caught her breath.

"I... want a kiss... because I love Jazzy," Naila said softly.

"You love Jasper?" Lili asked crossing her arms and looking to them as they seemed to be almost doting on each other now.

Jasper had his arms wrapped about her, their tails were twined together and Naila was resting her head on his shoulders, and her weight on her forearms. Jasper gently lapped the top of Naila's head and smiled up to Lili. She found it to be the cutest scene ever, but she did not realize that they were completely serious. She cooed at the scene and she took a seat on the couch. Well, she did not think they were serious until Naila instigated a deep kiss with Jasper.

"Naila!" she cried almost in horror moving to pry her off of Jasper.

"Mom~ why did you do that?" she asked and Jasper sat up sighing from the lovely kiss.

"Naila... that is a grown up thing to do, you should not do that," Lili said taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Miss Lili... why can't we do that? We love each other," Jasper said softly, blushing a little and he rose to watch as Lili let go of Naila.

"Well, that leads to more things, and then to more things, and finally to a responsibility that you are not ready for," Lili said vaguely.

"Well, I want to marry Jazzy," Naila said softly.

"Yeah, and I want to marry Naila," Jasper said happily and he moved over to hug her, and they stood in a tight embrace.

"You two... I don't know how to say this, but you are not ready to get married. You are just kids. Perhaps in the future you can get married," Lili said with a sigh.

"Well, if we are not married then we will be boyfriend and girlfriend," Naila said giggling a little as Lili simply sighed again.

Lili could not help but think the scene was actually pretty cute. She remembered when she was a kid that she wanted to marry a boy, and ironically enough she did end up marrying her best friend. They did not even think about such a thing seriously until they were sixteen though. Lili took a seat on the couch and called Jasper and Naila to sit with her. A cub and a pup on either side of her, Lili stroked their ears gently.

"Tonight is the full moon. So I am going to be leaving and joining my hubby at that big hotel in downtown," Lili said softly, "So if you want to stay over, Jasper, you can. However, starting tomorrow, Naila... you are going to be grounded."

Naila was happy to be with her mom, since her mother was far more forgiving than her father. Jason was a good guy, but he was strict. He was out with his buddies getting ready for the crazy party that the local wolves did on the night of the full moon each month. Naila was far too young to go to such a party, so she was left home alone. Jasper's mother always had to work longer on her police shift on the night of the full moon, so it was a pretty normal thing for Jasper to stay over at Naila's house on that night.

Naila and Jasper started playing again, wrestling about, and Lili gathered a plate of food for each of them before gathering up her things to head out for the party later that night. Jasper and Naila ate the steak dinner for supper and worked on their homework, before getting back to the once strange cuddling. Jasper was finding it absolutely wonderful to simply cuddle with Naila. Jasper purred deeply as Naila pet over him and she led him up to her room.

"Normally you sleep on the couch, but if you want to we can sleep in my bed tonight," Naila said yawning a little.

Naila's room was not all that special, it just had a single bed with girly blankets, something like barbie, but with a catgirl instead. She had much less than Jack, or even Jasper, but she was a happy wolf. Jasper looked to her as he stood at her door. His tail flickered nervously at her offer, thinking about what might happen. His body wanted something it had only been introduced to recently, and with the full moon peering in her window, she was feeling a little hot herself.

"So, Jazz, what do you think?" she asked softly.

Jasper was so interested in looking about her room he had not even noticed her changing, off in his own little world and she stood there with a lacy scarf wrapped about her shoulders wearing nothing but her panties. Jasper was shocked by the sight. It was normal for her to walk around without clothes or in uniform, but with panties and a lace scarf? What was this all about?

"I once saw my mom like this with daddy on accident," Naila said blushing deeply.

"I don't really know what to say, but you are stunning," he said softly and he moved up to her and he pounced on her, pressing her back against her bed.

Naila giggled and she thrust her arms about Jasper hugging him tightly against herself. She lapped over the top of his head and she shifted back further on her bed, rolling over and looking to him. She grinned and she nipped Jasper on the muzzle gently before rising and going to the light and shutting it off, as well as shutting her door. She moved back to Jasper and she climbed back over him. He was blushing deeply and he lapped up against her muzzle gently.

"Jazz, it is bad to sleep in your uniform, it will get all wrinkly," Naila said softly, growling softly.

"Naila, I love you," Jasper said softly, wondering if that was the right moment to say it, feeling compelled by some unseen force to do so.

Naila merely giggled and started to undress Jasper. He did not resist in the least, actually wanting to strip down, and he would help her. Jasper already felt hot, and he did not know why, seeing the moon pour its brilliant light over Naila's fur and out over her bed. The light shimmered off the lace scarf she had about her neck and once Jasper was completely stripped, Naila started her nips against his neck, drawing little cries from him.

"Naila... that feels so nice..." he whispered against her ear, purring deeply.

Jasper gently nibbled against her ear and Naila growled against his neck. This time it was her who took the initiative, rubbing her crotch against him in seductive motions. Jasper could not help himself as he reached up and clutched into her back, attempting to pull her closer. She was driving him mad, and his reasonable thoughts hit the fan, coming back as sheer chaos and desire.

"I love you, Naila," Jasper whispered to her and he felt his erection prodding against her as she ground against his hips.

"Mmm... Jazz, I love you, too. I want to be a mommy and daddy with you. I want to marry you. I want you to share your warmth with me," she said almost moaning each statement.

Jasper could not help but blush as she spoke and he nuzzled up against her neck nibbling gently against her as she smooshed him against the bed. Naila stopped, only for a moment to slip out of her damp panties, and Jasper could smell her wonderful scent. He watched her dreamily as a haze overtook his mind. With her wet cunny exposed and rubbing over his erection Jasper and she gasped together.

"Hnn... Jazz!" she moaned and slipped a paw between them to direct Jasper's kittencock into her welcoming puppysnitch.

Jasper did not even have to move as she slid down, taking all of him and he pierced her deeply, his claws also sinking into her back as the pleasure overcame him. Naila howled at her lover's entry and her tail bristled out behind her as she started rocking her hips against him. Jasper naturally tried to thrust up against her as she dominated him, taking his paws into her own and forcing them at his sides.

"Jazz! I love you, I love you!" she barked to him and his body arched in frustration as he tried to thrust up against her.

"Naila... ah... hah... that feels so good..." he huffed out.

Naila ground her dripping cunny over him more fluid dousing her thighs as it drained from between her sweet lips. Jasper could feel his fur getting sticky with her juices, and he groaned as she started slamming her hips against his. Naila moaned louder and louder with each thrust she made against him and her body started to tremble over him. Jasper panted and tried to lean up to kiss her, but she held him in place continuing her rough work against him, the amazing yiffing commecning with the dirtiest of sounds.

"Jazz... oh my! Ah... I am feeling it coming!" she said dropping her muzzle to his neck and growling against his neck and he turned his head to lap against her the new angle allowing him to start his own thrusts drawing a bark from Naila.

"Yes! Yes Jazz! Just like that!" she commanded falling still as Jasper thrust against her his hips smacking against hers, the sticky mess between their legs making dirty sounds.

Jasper felt the deepest need to let go of a weight within him and he squeezed tightly against her paws. Naila suddenly howled and fell limp as the sweetest feeling she had ever experience ripped through her body and stripped it of its energy. Jasper on the other hand felt her hot pussy rippling over him and almost sucking at him to drain his fluids that were built up inside. Jasper took advantage of the moment and thrust Naila over onto her back and rode out her wonderful orgasm.

"Jazz~!" she cried out loudly grasping his shoulders as he thrust deeply into her and she started rocking her hips wildly back against his and Jasper mewled loudly.

"Naila! Ah, I am cumming!" he cried out to her freezing up and thrusting deep into her as his hot seed spurted from his raging cock.

Naila felt the same euphoric feeling tear her down again and she howled again to the lovely slathering of Jasper's seed against her inner walls. He filled her, the hot cum coating her deepest parts and even spilling slightly into her womb. Jasper had never cum so much in his life, not that he had many chances to before, but as he fell over her she squeezed him and lapped at his muzzle wildly.

"Mommy and daddy won't be back until tomorrow..." Naila whispered.

"I smell like you all over," he said noting the pool of their juices as he slid out of her drawing a shudder and a final moan from Naila.

"That is because you are mine," Naila said with a teasing growl.

They both knew that something bad would happen if they did not clean up and both rose and attempted to wash her blankets going to the washer and throwing her stuff into the washer. She had another set of bedding and Jasper helped her restore her bedding, and opened the window, noting the scent of their love. He found the smell arousing and at the same time just plainly sweet. After a while, Jasper went back to the washer and shifted the bedding to the drier before falling asleep. It felt as if it were imperative for him to do so, and yet he did not know exactly why.

Either way, Naila took a bath and he fell asleep on her bed. Naila giggled as she saw him sleeping and slipped into the bed next to him pulling him close, and a faint purring rose in him as she held him. She swore she would marry him and lapped gently against his neck before falling off into a slumber herself.