A Fresh Beginning, Chap 2

Story by OneBadMamaJama on SoFurry

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#2 of Sha'Ria and Raj

And here is chapter two! That's really all I got to say.

It's crazy how much things can change after a simple question.

After Sha'Ria caught up with Raj and dragged him back to her cave, which involved a lot of kicking and screaming and convincing the rat that she hadn't gone back on their deal (okay, she had to knee him in the plums a few times to make him stop flailing around, but that was HIS fault), the dragoness decided to see just how effective that whole phallum rigorum incantation was.

Oh ho ho, was it EVER. She rode that rat from on top, from underneath, standing, sitting and in every possible position between. The rat was shooting dust after a while, but he still had the tool to use (all the spell did was give him a boner, it didn't reset the clock, so to speak). Once the guy was feeling less afraid about getting his berries pounded again, he got into it, and damned if that rodent didn't have a marathoner's stamina. By the time it was over, both of them were wheezing and laid out on the cave floor. She'd never had rat dick before, and mayyyyybe she wouldn't mind it again sometime.

Bathed in the afterglow, Sha'Ria idly looked over at the rat and asked, "So what're you gonna do now?"

It caught him off guard. "...do?"

The dragoness nodded, rolling onto her side and propping her head up on one hand. "Yeah. I mean, okay we had our fun here, but I'm serious about what I said before. I catch you trying to do any of that dragon slaying nonsense and it's gonna be ten times worse than this morning."

The rat swallowed awkwardly, ears folding down. Somehow, he thought that since they'd fucked, and they had REALLY fucked, she would be more lenient on him. Wasn't that how it worked? Give a girl a nice hard dicking and she's sort of, y'know, on your side?

"Oh," he said lamely, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking down at his ballsack as if imagining the fate that would befall it if he ventured into their area again. "Uh... I dunno."

Sha'Ria rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. You thought you'd limp back to your village, lay low for a while, wait for us to forget about you, then start up again. That if you kept your head on a swivel you could avoid getting caught again and you'd just keep on with the amateur dragon slaying."

Raj looked incensed! He huffed and drew his shoulders up, brow all furrowed. "No!" Then he slumped. "...yes."

It was true, the rat didn't have much of a backup plan. Picking up jobs back home off the board was how he'd been getting by for his adult life. Usually it was stealing some piece of treasure from a remote cave or finding another rare book for the old man who sold him the pendant, normal small-time bandit jobs. The dragon slaying was supposed to be his and Ed's big break. They'd be REAL warriors then!

Best laid plans, right?

Sha'Ria flopped onto her back and crossed one leg over the other, bobbing her foot absent-mindedly. "You know, there is one thing you could do. It's a little crazy, but hear me out."

The rat looked over at her, admittedly distracted by her curvy, nude body all splayed out. It didn't matter that he'd just spent the last few hours fucking an Indian burn onto his dick with this dragon, she was hot!

"Okay, what's the idea?"

She glanced sidelong at him. "You could go legit."

The words hit him like she'd just put a terrible smell under his nose. "Eugh! You mean get some... plain villager job like all the other peasants?"

The female snorted, "Well I suppose you COULD try your hand at dragon slaying again. After all, it worked SO well for you before. Hey, honest question: how many broken nuts is that pay worth, huh? You must have a terrible gonads to gold ratio going here."

Raj huffed all indignantly. More like a pout, really. "Ed and I know what we're doing! We just... got in a little over our heads."

"Twice, in your case. Up here we call that a pattern."

The rat grumbled some more. "I coulda done it! If... if you hadn't gotten in the way! I coulda got those two dragons, no problem! We would have been fine the FIRST time, but ohhhh no. Ed sees a pair of tits and lets his guard down!" He snorted and put his elbows on his knees. "Sure HE's fine just going back and having a few beers and laughing about it, but... I mean look at him! He's a brick wall! No one's gonna say anything to him about it."

Hah, Sha'Ria thought. It always comes down to dick-waving. Rat feeling all insecure about being an amateur, not a powerful wizard or a big tough warrior and now he's too embarrassed to go back since he failed TWICE.

Then, some pity. Yeesh, the rat risked his balls a second time because he was too stubborn to just admit defeat. She wondered what it had to have felt like marching around in the forest knowing what his nads had in store for them if he fucked up again. That was comforting. He probably wasn't TOO surprised.

...and now he thought he'd give it a THIRD try? This stupid rat was gonna get himself nutted again or killed. Probably both. If the moron had a resurrection spell he'd probably be getting into even WORSE trouble.

She shook her head. "Okay look. I've got a feeling if I let you go back some part of you is gonna end up hanging off a pike in front of a cave, and that's just fine by me," she glanced at Raj, who was clearly dying to interject and argue, but quieted down once she caught his eye. "But I'm not risking that you actually manage to collect one of those bounties."

The rat looked confused. "...uh, so what are you... what's that mean?"

Sha'Ria sat up and eyeballed Raj coolly. "I'll let you stay here with me for a little while, I'll help you learn a trade. It can be whatever you think works best for you, smithing, tanning, whatever. I know enough and there are good dragons up here who owe me favors."

Somehow, the word 'let' in that sentence didn't sound like Raj had much of a choice. "Okay," he said, "So then what?"

The dragoness puffed again, chuckling humorlessly. "Then you get the hell out of dragon country, get a real job, and I don't see you and your magic dick ever again." She cursed inwardly. Didn't mean to say that last part. In her defense, he had a magic dick. I mean, come on. A magic dick!

But Raj didn't notice her slip of the ribbony tongue, and simply nodded. Just like that, Sha'Ria had a houserat.

After a short, but awkwardly silent, walk, the pair arrived at Sha'Ria's home. The dragoness's actual cave was significantly nicer than the desolate hole in the rock she'd dragged him to before. It was fully furnished, and even had more than one "room". Aside from being cut into a mountain, it really wasn't drastically different from the huts back at Raj's village. Or, in his case, the communal hotel he paid a pittance for bed space in.

Sha'Ria wasn't much of a tour guide, waving vaguely about. "Now that's my bed. Until we get you your own..." she began, getting a vague look of hope out of the rat. "...you can just deal with the floor."

Raj grumped. This was looking worse and worse by the moment. He glanced back at the entrance. If he ran now... no, she'd catch him. He could paralyze her first... but then what? Go back? Try again? The scrotal sorcerer didn't have a load of options in front of him. On the other hand, he could stay here, pretend like he's really interested in making leather pants or whatever, and get free room and board AND probably get laid! Hell, wasn't that what he was aiming for anyway?

Okay, sure, he'd probably be "paying" by having his nutsack worked over once in a while, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers, and if it meant fucking Sha'Ria regularly...

"So!" he said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together. "Where do we start?"

The dragoness snickered and looked him up and down. "We go down to the market, get you some new clothes and some supplies. That robe's GOT to go."

Raj looked down. He sighed. He liked his robe. Made it himself and everything. It made him feel like a proper wizard, even if it wasn't quite up to proper warlock quality. "Do we have to?" he whined.

Sha'Ria nodded firmly. "We do. Anyone sees you in that, they'll think you're up to no good. We need you dressed like an honest rat. So let's go."

Raj's shoulders sunk, the pout in him growing. He even jutted his lip out all adorably. "Hmpf. If you say so."

"One more thing."


The dragoness held out her hand. "Gimme the amulet."

Reflexively, the rat's hands went to his chest, right over the gem on its light chain. He'd already lost it once and then almost lost it a second time. For as much as Raj complained about the trouble it had gotten him into, the amulet was his, it was really what made him special. Plus, y'know. It fixed his balls. That's not a backup plan a guy wants to just give away.

"...why?" he asked, his rodent face a swirl of suspicious and concerned emotions. He even turned a away a bit, protectively.

"Oh relax, I'm not gonna break it," Sha'Ria replied, amused at his sudden worry. "But we can't have you tempted to start throwing spells around while you're supposed to be training. Plus," she added, a small grin on her face. "Maybe if you can't just spit a spell out, you'll actually try being polite and won't risk your gonads so much."

She tapped her broad foot, waiting. "I'm not keeping it, I'm just holding onto it! You'll get it back whenever you need it. Promise!"

Raj squinted at Sha'Ria. She'd never lied to him before. Well, she did tell him she'd only bust his balls once and then totally lied about that. Wait, did she actually SAY she'd only do it once, or did he just misinterpret? Ugh. That whole day was a swirl. Reluctantly, the rat slipped his amulet off and passed it over. His new matriarch of sorts had to prevent a little giddy squeal. This was working out FAMOUSLY.

The local bazaar was a simple affair, but a fairly big one. A central spot for merchants and traders to sell wares and services to anyone within a day's walk. It wasn't like the thing was dragons only, but Sha'Ria still told Raj to stick close by. The rat had a bit of a reputation already thanks to his original journey (dragons are solitary, but they do look out for one another), and the robes weren't helping him blend in at ALL. Long as he stayed with her, everything would be fine.

Then, haggling over the price of some leather strips, Sha'Ria's ears picked up a familiar cry.


The red dragoness looked to her side, then the other. She sighed, rubbing between her eyes. She KNEW that damn rat wasn't smart enough to hold still! Ugh, he must have gone wandering while she was focused on not getting ripped off by this old bastard saying his leather was more rare than anyone else's. And now she had to pay full price because she had to go find out what mess Raj had gotten himself into.

Following the sounds of a howling rat, Sha'Ria found a small crowd gathered not terribly far from where she'd been standing. She leaned over to a older dragoness and asked what was going on.

"Ohhh that dirty rat was trying to steal from one of the merchants!" the short female said with a huff, her weathered face all screwed up. "And it looks like he's one of those southern dragonslayers! But don't worry, he didn't get away with it, and I don't think he'll get away with his gonads, either!"

Looking up at the scuffle itself, Raj was on his back, his robe lifted up, and a rather portly dragoness was holding his legs apart and had his nuts trapped down in the dirt under her foot. Sha'Ria knew this one. Brielle, the potions merchant. Nice girl, fine prices, not TERRIBLY effective products, a bad temper and suspicious of everyone around her. Much to Raj's dismay. She had a number of earrings, as well as other jewelry, and wore a dark colored and somewhat overly-flowy dress. Even with her extra padding, the muscle on her was evident, particularly in her legs. And thanks to that stupid robe of his getting in the way, Raj couldn't even reach down to protect himself.

"So, rat! Thought you could steal from me AND collect on another bounty?"

"Noooo!" he pleaded, squirming on the ground. "I was just looookiii-AAUUUHHH!!"

The hefty female lifted her foot up and stamped on Raj's nuts again, bare sole making a nice solid THUNK as it flattened the rat's eggs down. "Liar!" she yelled, the small crowd echoing in satisfaction (well, half of the crowd, anyway). "You were caught before, yet you're so brazen as to walk into our markets?? Just how stupid do you think we are up here?"

Brielle punctuated that sentence by rearing her leg back and kicking the rat's drooping bag a few times, the SLAP of flesh to scaly flesh audible enough that it even made Sha'Ria wince. She was a strong female herself, but... well, this one had mass on her side. Those kicks looked bad enough to leave his pelvis bruised!

Granted, Sha'Ria could have stepped in and done something at any time. On the other hand, Raj still had a lot to learn, so why not let him learn it himself? Experience is the best teacher of all!

"Just let me explaa-aaaain!" he wailed, trying vainly to wriggle to freedom. Each time he tried, the Brielle dropped her foot again onto his tenderized testes and ground her heel onto them like she was stamping out an insect. His muscles flexed and tensed, his whole body doing everything in its power to get his leathery pouch away from the pissed off dragon, but it wasn't working.

One particularly vigorous wiggle got him to turn onto his stomach, unfortunately the heavy female answered that by simply sitting on him, prompting an awkward WHEEEZE of breath from Raj.

Reaching a big hand under Raj's robes and scooping up his swollen berries, Brielle turned to look over her shoulder. "I'll ask you again, rat! What are you doing here?"

Raj was whimpering pathetically now. Where was Sha'Ria? Couldn't she hear him?? "I was shoppiiiiiFFFUUUCK!!"

Apparently that was the wrong answer, as Raj's nutsack had one hand wrapped around the neck of it while another slapped it mercilessly a few times. Face down in the dirt, without his amulet, all the rat could do was wail and yell and claw at the ground. Meanwhile, that fat bitch just kept slapping his balls around like she was arguing with the organs themselves.

"If you don't answer me straight, rat, I'll mash these right now!"

And where was Sha'Ria? Oh, she was watching, biting on her lip, doing her best not to make her enjoyment TOO obvious. She realized she was starting to LIKE the look of her little apprentice, bare from the waist down, getting his male parts worked over. There was ALWAYS something so sexy about a nice set of genitals being abused, but realizing that, if she squinted and thought about it, they were sort of her property? At least for the time being? Oooh, it was just delicious.

She looked around at the small gathered throng. The females were loving the show, and the males were all standing with their hands over themselves. They figured it was the rat's own fault his balls were getting busted, but that didn't make it any easier to watch. Even more funny was the majority of attendants who were ignoring it entirely, and seemed more bothered that Raj wouldn't shut up because they had a hard time negotiating with the traders.

Raj tried again. "That WAS straaaaaight!" he protested with a voice strained from ball pain as well as a very heavy female sitting on him. Immediately he felt the big dragoness's hands gripping his gonads, one plump nut per. Jaw tensed with anger, she lifted straight up with enough strength that the rat's hips came off the ground. Then, to the trapped rat's horror, she squeezed on each of those tender jewels, twisting her hands from side to side as if she were wringing out a damp cloth.

"STOOOOOPPP!! YOU'RE GONNA BREAK EMMMM!!" Raj absolutely shrieked, eyes bugged wide and his back arching. His toes were digging into the ground and his arms were feebly trying to get under him to get his nuggets free. He knew he could get his amulet back, or at least hoped, but that didn't mean he wanted to go through with getting his balls ruptured again!

Sha'Ria decided it was time to intervene. Much as she wanted to just let the show continue, it wasn't really fair. Those balls had been through a lot already. Er, had they? That spell didn't really make sense. Were they like totally new balls each time or were his old balls made bigger and stronger? That got her thinking. What if she cut Raj's nuts off? Could he get a new pair? What if they were just, like, detached inside the sack? She'd have to find out.

A fresh wave of high-pitched squealing brought Sha'Ria back from her idle contemplation. She coughed and stepped out of the crowd, tapping the dragoness merchant on the shoulder.

"WHAT?" Brielle barked, still squeezing on Raj's nuts like she thought the answer she wanted was stuck inside them. She even started pressing the two against each other and grinding, still focusing on the female standing in front of her.

"Would you mind stopping that?" Sha'Ria said, voice elevated enough to be heard over Raj's cries. "He's with me."

That confused the big dragoness. She let Raj's rather discolored nutsack go and his legs plopped on the ground with a light clatter. She put her hands on her hips and sat upright, still kneeling straddled over Raj's writhing form, sitting on his back.

"And just what are YOU doing with this vermin?" Brielle demanded. "He's a bounty hunter, a would-be dragon slayer, and a thief!"

Sha'Ria crossed her arms under her bust. "Mm-hm. And just what did he steal?"

The merchant female grunted, annoyed. "Well. Nothing. But that's only because I caught him! I saw his thieving eyes!"

Sha'Ria nodded. "So he didn't actually steal anything. It sounds to me like you're being a bit unfair, aren't you?"

"Well... be that as it may," the bigger female sniffed, indignant, "That doesn't change who he is!"

"If you'll excuse me," Sha'Ria said, her voice growing cross. "I don't believe we're in a position to say that anyone is beyond reform, not with the reputation dragons have elsewhere, hm?" The merchant's unhappy expression said that she knew Sha'Ria was right. "Now we're here to get him some fresh clothes, some supplies, and to begin teaching him in a trade so he can STOP going about collecting dragon hides as bounties. So if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you let him up so we could continue."

The angry Brielle huffed and stood up. "Very well," she intoned, pointing at Sha'Ria. "But I'll be watching him, and I doubt I'm the only one! Get what you need and get him out of here."

It took some doing to get Raj to his feet, his now well-oversized scrotum bouncing between his thighs and making him wince. The crowd, after a brief sigh of disappointment from the females and one of relief from the males, dispersed. The market was back to normal, and rat and dragon could resume their shopping.

Having well learned from his experience, Raj spent the remainder of the trip up close to Sha'Ria. The rat continued to attract suspicious glances, but fortunately his chaperone was at least fairly well respected by enough of the citizens that they were willing to trust her, even if they didn't trust him.

By the end of the trip, Sha'Ria had a basket with food to last the week, tools that were lightweight enough for Raj to handle, and he had a pair of pants and a normal shirt on. Just having him out of the robes seemed to be a big help; Raj blended in with the crowd more and got fewer wary glances. Why, he almost looked like a normal citizen!

After a bit of silent walking, Raj spoke up.

"Where were you back there?"

Sha'Ria turned slightly, but kept her eyes in front. "Hm? Back where?"

Raj's tone was clearly accusatory. "Back at the market. Why'd it take you so long to stop that big bitch?"

"Oh! Um... I wasn't terribly close. By the time I heard the commotion..." she replied, a vague wave of her free hand.

The rat narrowed his eyes. "I wasn't that far!" he argued. "You could have gotten me right away!"

"Oh pfffft," Sha'Ria said, all casual and chipper. "Will you relax? I got you, didn't I? And look, you didn't even have to use any spells! For a first trip, that went pretty well!"

Raj groused, one hand drifting downward to gently touch his unhappy pouch, almost gasping. "That was WELL to you?"

She nodded. "Mmhm! I was expecting you'd have to use that nut fixing spell at least once."

The rat grumped, lamenting the swelling in his loins (a swelling he felt was ENTIRELY unnecessary), making his gait awkward and bowlegged. "It almost would have been easier. Least then I'd have a fresh set and not a swollen and bruised one."

The dragoness lifted an eyeridge at him. "Are you saying you'd rather get your eggs broken than not?" she asked, unable to stifle another amused grin.

"What? No!" he squeaked back, defensive. "I was just... I just meant that..."

Sha'Ria chuckled and shook her head. "I know what you meant, I was only teasing. Come on, I want to get home before dark. It looks like the weather could take a turn for the worse."

The pair continued along and Raj's markedly slower pace, when a husky, female voiced called out behind them. "Just a minute, you two!!"

They turned, and saw the surly Brielle marching toward them again. Sha'Ria sighed in exasperation and Raj turned his hips away defensively.

"Here," she said, handing a small bottle over to Sha'Ria. "A few drops of that in warm water, soaked into a cloth, put it on his nuts and the swelling should go right down. And as for you..." she hesitated, looking cross. It was obvious someone had talked to her and asked her to do this. "I'm sorry I acted so rashly."

Sha'Ria smiled brightly. "Well we thank you for your generosity, and appreciate your apology, don't we, Raj?"

The rat was no more eager to make amends than the merchant was, but he nodded. "Er... yes. Thank you."

"Very well. Good day then," the larger dragoness said curtly, and the two turned and resumed their walk.

Then, a moment later, a large foot flew up between Raj's legs from behind, flattening his bag into his hips, and sent the rat straight to the ground in a curled up, moaning, groaning heap.

Sha'Ria let out an UGH and looked down at him, then back at the round dragoness. "Was that REALLY necessary??"

Brielle shrugged and smiled, turning on her heel and marching back to the market with nearly a skip in her step. "Well, I certainly feel better."

Sha'Ria helped Raj get upright again and harumphed. "I know who's not getting any of MY money when we come back next week."

The rat whimpered. This was going to be a long few months.