Busted on Broadway 2: Encore!

Brandon laid in bed, his pillow over his face to try and drown out his alarm. "Phone, please. I need sleeeeeeeep," he groaned. The horse had always been a stomach sleeper, but after three weekends in a row of getting his balls punted by his...

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All's Well that Ends Swelled: ch3A

T'lak had the most beautiful dream that night. He was flying, soaring through the sky, feeling the wind caressing his scales as he traveled high in the air. The red dragon sat on a big puffy cloud, swaying side to side, feeling the gentle rocking...

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All's Well that Ends Swelled ch2a

Sha'Ria was absolutely over the moon. All she had planned for the afternoon was dropping off a few of Raj's latest leatherworking efforts at the tanner to see how he'd been progressing (fingers crossed soon he'd be ready to sell at the market for...

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All's Well that Ends Swelled: ch1

Like the sun in the evening sky, T'lak's scrotum hung bright red and extra low as he walked his way along the path through the town center. It was just another Saturday, and yet it had been... quite the day. Sure, every day posed its challenges for a...

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 4

Sha'Ria bounced her way into the cave, quite the extra spring in her step (a comical but charming look given her size), and held one hand up to her mouth. "Oh Raaaaaaj!" she said in a sing-song voice. The rat, clad in a pair of loose fitting pants...

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Brandon's Big Break

"CUT!!" For what felt like the hundredth time that day, the dress rehearsal run of A Midnight Courtship came to a screeching halt. Not to mention, it nearly was midnight. It was the week leading up to opening night, and that meant hammering down...

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 3a(?)

"I just... can you BELIEVE he said that?" \*WHAP\* "AUUHHHH!! Nngh... that was... awful of 'im..." "I know! Right? I go there every week! And he... rrr! Hold your dick out of the way, will you?" \*WHAM\* "GAHHH! Hnn... Did... he apologize?" "No!...

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 3

The past few weeks had been a bit of a whirlwind for the once proud sorcerer rat (for loose definitions of "proud" and "sorceror"). He thought he could bide his time at the dragoness's place, earn some credit for being well behaved, then skip town and...

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A Fresh Beginning, Chap 2

It's crazy how much things can change after a simple question. After Sha'Ria caught up with Raj and dragged him back to her cave, which involved a lot of kicking and screaming and convincing the rat that she hadn't gone back on their deal (okay, she...

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 1

Raj skulked along through the woods, muttering to himself. It had been a long week. Getting his nads stomped into jelly was only the start of his problems. After making his way back to the village (well, getting carried), he had to convince the old...

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Tyler #1: Introductory Lesson

It was dark. That was about all that Tyler could say with any confidence. It was dark, but warm. There was carpet under his feet. Wherever he was, it wasn't a cell, it wasn't a dungeon. A quick sniff of the air gave no further hints. If anything,...

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