Miles, I love you.

Story by penelo108 on SoFurry

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Here's part 3. Hope you enjoy it! :)

*Warning! This story may contain adult and/or sexual material. If you are under the age of 18, do not read, and if you do, don't get caught ;)*

Keirn made his way to Biology, feeling light and giddy. He still couldn't believe that he was going on a date with Miles. Keirn could barely contain his excitement and for the rest of the day he walked merrily around the school, his old quiet dignity and confidence returning. The happiness was infectious, it seemed; right after Keirn had a conversation with anyone, they would walk away smiling.

Except for one person, Keirn noticed. Spot still wore a sullen expression, though he tried to hide it, forcing smiles and laughing without emotion. Keirn eyed his friend worriedly; he still couldn't figure out what was wrong with Spot, and was anxious to help him.

After school, Keirn's cell phone vibrated noisily. Keirn flipped it open to reveal a text message, the sender labelled as "Private Number".

The message had one word.


Keirn stared at the phone screen. Then he scoffed and deleted the message.

"It was probably that bull," Keirn said to himself, shaking his head with an amused smile. Keirn continued home, not noticing the dark looks he received from a group of large boys near the school entrance. Nothing in the world could ruin Keirn's good mood today.


Miles skipped merrily around the kitchen, throwing vegetables into a bowl and frying sausages in a pan. Miles was an excellent cook, so his mother handed control of dinner over to her son.

Miles mother, Pamela, was a short, chubby fox. Her fur was the same colour as Miles', and her eyes were chocolate brown. She tottered around the house, folding laundry and watching soap operas. Miles' little sister Becky, who was short and chubby like her mother, ran around the house, screaming and enjoying herself as only a three year old can. Miles' father Derek, a tall fox with half-moon glasses, sat at the dining room table, reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. Miles gazed at his family and a rush of affection filled him for each and every one of them.

As the family sat down for dinner, Pamela turned to her son inquisitively.

"So, have you made any friends yet?" she asked, piling salad onto her plate. Miles swallowed a mouthful of sausage before answering.

"I have met this one guy, only he's not really a friend, he's more of a-" Miles was cut off when Becky threw a piece of cut up sausage at his nose. Derek scolded her gently and retrieved the sausage as Pamela chuckled at her son.

"A crush already? My goodness, we've only been here two weeks!" Pamela smiled at her son, who was blushing and shrugging his shoulders.

"I know, but this guy, he's just so sweet and genuine and nice," Miles said. "And cute," he added as an afterthought. Pamela chuckled again and patted her son's paw affectionately. Miles' father looked at his son seriously.

"Now, don't go rushing into things, Miles," Derek said sternly. "I don't want to see you get hurt again."

Miles looked away, a hurtful memory flooding into his mind. He pushed it away and looked at his father and nodded.

"I know, Dad," Miles said. "Neither do I."

Silence fell over the table until Becky shrieked loudly.


The three older foxes laughed before returning to their meal.


Keirn was listening to his iPod in his room, reading a book when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Keirn retrieved his phone and flipped it open to reveal a text message.

"Hey Keirn. Just confirming our date :). Friday night, 6:30, we'll go c that new movie "If Only!", apparently its rly funny. Oh, and add me on MSN, [email protected] C u then, Miles Xx"

Keirn smiled; he had wanted to see the new film. He moved to his computer and opened MSN Messenger. Quickly typing in Miles' address, Keirn was delighted to see that the fox was online and opened up a chat box with him.

violet_wolf says: Hi Miles!

foxy_cute49 says: Hi Keirn! :)

violet_wolf says: How did you get my phone number? :P

foxy_cute49 says: Heehee, I asked a bunny in my History class.

foxy_cute49 says: She said she knew you.

violet_wolf says: Rly? Oh, that'd be Daisy, she's one of my friends. Lol.

foxy_cute49 says: Lol. Can't wait for Friday ;)

violet_wolf says: Me neither :)

foxy_cute49 says: Oh, sorry Keirn, I g2g :(

foxy_cute49 says: C u tomoz! Xx

violet_wol says: Okay, bye Miles :)

foxy_cute49 has gone offline.

Keirn closed the chat box and browsed the rest of his contacts. Seeing Spot's name in green, Keirn opened a chat box with him.

violet_wolf says: Hey Spot! What's up?

violet_wolf says: Spot? Are you there?

violet_wolf says: Hellooooo?

Keirn waited for about ten minutes, but Spot didn't reply. Keirn was puzzled, but thought nothing of it.

He's probably looking at porn, Keirn thought, giggling quietly to himself. After scanning through his online contacts, finding no one of interest, Keirn opened up an Internet window and quickly navigated to his Facebook page. He noticed a post from Spot and quickly read it through.

"I'm so confused...scared...I don't know what to do." Keirn frowned as he read Spot's peculiar message.

This isn't like Spot at all, Keirn thought. He's always so happy and bubbly. I hope he's okay.


Spot stared at his girlfriend, Mischa, who was half sitting, half lying on his queen sized bed. Her eyes were narrowed, a scowl on her face.

"Why, Spot? Why won't you have sex with me?" the German Shepherd demanded, tossing her long brown hair angrily. Spot frowned back at her.

"I told you, I'm not ready yet." Spot didn't mention that Mischa looked about as attractive to him as a dead horse.

Mischa snorted. "Well, I am. So get your ass over here!"

Spot shook his head furiously. "No!"

Mischa huffed and stood up, glaring at her boyfriend.

"Fine, then. I can see I'm not wanted. I'll go find a guy who actually wants me! Goodbye, Spurk!" Mischa snatched her purse up from the floor and stormed out of the room, leaving a dejected Spot standing alone.

Spot pulled his desk chair out and sat down quickly, as his knees felt like they were about to give out at any second. The white wolf sighed; he was stressed out and scared. Turning to his computer, Spot noticed a flashing box on the bottom of the screen. Spot clicked on the flashing box to reveal an MSN conversation box.

violet_wolf says: Spot? Are you okay?

Hastily, Spot typed a reply.

spotty_75 says: Hey Keirn. I'm fine. What's up?

violet_wolf says: Oh Thank God. I was worried.

spotty_75 says: Worried? About what?

violet_wolf says: Well...

violet_wolf says: You haven't really been yourself lately.

Spot grimaced. He should've known Keirn would pick up on his behaviour; he was his best friend, after all.

spotty_75 says: Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

violet_wolf says: Wanna talk about it?

Spot sighed. He wanted more than anything to share his secret, to get it off of his chest and hopefully find some relief. But his fear of rejection battled his desire to confess, and in the end, he wrote only two words.

spotty_75 says: Not really.

violet_wolf says: Well, just remember that I'm here for you.

violet_wolf says: If you need to talk, call me. See you later Spot.

violet_wolf has gone offline.

Spot slumped into his desk chair, sinking into the despair that threatened to envelop him, make him a statue of misery. Softly, so softly that it could barely be heard, Spot breathed a single word.



Keirn arrived at school on Thursday, simultaneously managing to feel elated and anxious. Keirn noticed the white fur of Spot ahead of him, and hurried to catch up with his friend.

"Hey!" Keirn puffed, having run to Spot's side. The white wolf turned and attempted a smile, failing miserably.

"Hey," Spot replied, sorrow coating his voice. Keirn stepped in front of his friend, forcing him to stop and stare at the black canine.

"Spot, I want you to tell me what's wrong." Keirn folded his arms and waited, head slightly to one side.

Spot sighed. He still wasn't ready to tell Keirn about his newly found interests, so he disguised a lie with truth.

"Mischa broke up with me." Spot mumbled, looking at his shoes. Keirn gasped lightly.

"I'm sorry, Spot," Keirn said sincerely, grabbing his friend in a comforting hug. Spot's eyes widened as his friend squeezed him gently, and hugged Keirn back, enjoying the contact.

Keirn pulled away and gazed at Spot, concern dancing through his mauve eyes.

"Why did she break up with you?" Keirn asked. Spot grimaced.

"Because I wouldn't have sex with her," he said sadly.

Before Keirn could say anything, Miles bounced up next to him, Keirn's favourite smile adorned on his muzzle. The smile quickly faded, however, as he saw Spot's expression, and Miles reached out and placed a paw on Spot's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Miles asked, his sky-blue eyes wide with concern. Spot glanced at the fox whom he had seen trying to kiss Keirn. Unable to speak because of the lump in his throat, Spot simply shook his head.

Miles pulled Spot into a hug similar to Keirn's, whispering reassurances to the white wolf he had just barely met.

"It'll be alright," Miles cooed, as he often did to his baby sister when she skinned her knee. Spot found the embrace soothing, even though he didn't even know the fox's name. Keirn chuckled.

"Uh, this is Miles, Spot," Keirn said. Spot raised his head and smiled at the kind creature who held him.

"Hi, Miles," he murmured. Miles giggled and broke apart from Spot, waving at the wolf.

"It's nice to meet you," Miles said, smiling. Spot smiled back, a real smile, and nodded.

The bell rang then, and the three furs hurried to their classes, talking and laughing along the way.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Keirn noticed that Spot's mood had improved ever so slightly, and gave credit to Miles.

He just needs time to get over Mischa, Keirn thought. He'll be back to normal soon.

The next day was Friday. Keirn awoke excited and nervous, showering and dressing quickly. When he opened the front door to leave for school, he was surprised to find Miles standing on his doorstep, wearing a purple T-shirt and green jeans. Miles giggled at Keirn's shocked expression and hugged the wolf, who was slightly taller than him, causing Miles to have to stand on his toes to reach him properly. Keirn returned the friendly cuddle, smiling brightly.

As they walked to school, they passed Spot's house. Keirn noticed that Spot's car was still in the driveway and frowned.

"I wonder if Spot is sick?" Keirn muttered.

"Hmm?" Miles said, looking at Keirn. Keirn shook his head.

"Nothing. Just thinking out loud." The furs continued on their way, not noticing a pair of wistful green eyes watching them from the house.

The school day dragged for Keirn; he was practically bouncing with excitement. Keirn thought of how childish he must look, and laughed at himself.

At long last, the bell rang to signal the end of school. Keirn and Miles rose from their desk and filed out of the classroom with the other furs. Miles turned and smiled at Keirn.

"I'll pick you up at six. Can't wait." The fox winked at Keirn before running off to his locker. Keirn grinned and began the walk home, all thoughts and worries erased from his mind in anticipation of his date.


Keirn glanced at the clock on his desk. "5:45pm", it read. Keirn was nervous; this was his first real date, not to mention his first date with a boy! Keirn pondered what to wear, settling on a pair of faded dark blue jeans and a light green shirt.

Ten minutes later, Keirn sat on the sofa in his living room, trying to read a book. He heard a horn blast from outside and shouted a good-bye to his mother. As far as she knew, Miles was just a friend.

Keirn walked to Miles' car; it was an incredibly bright yellow, so bright that Keirn guessed you could see it clearly in the dark. Miles opened the passenger door and patted the seat, smiling. Keirn clambered into the car, returning the smile shyly.

The drive was short; Keirn lived only ten minutes away from the town shopping centre, where the cinema was located. Along the way, Miles chattered easily about school and music. Keirn mostly nodded and mmhmm'ed, his nerves stopping him from completing a full sentence.

Miles parked the car and looked at Keirn, sensing his unease. The fox smiled and patted Keirn on the thigh reassuringly.

"Don't be nervous," Miles said. "I won't eat you."

Keirn looked back at Miles, soothed by the deep blue eyes of the little fox. Keirn took a deep breath and exhaled before unbuckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car.

The two furs bought their tickets and entered the cinema. It was fairly empty; the movie had been out for quite some time, so most people had already seen it. Miles guided Keirn to two seats near the back, with no one behind them.

The lights faded and the movie began; as Miles had promised, the movie was very funny, and Keirn chuckled at the screen every now and then.

Twenty-five minutes later, Miles sighed and shifted in his seat, moving closer to Keirn. He wrapped a paw around the wolf's arm and placed the other on top of Keirn's, which was sitting on the armrest. The fox leant contentedly against Keirn's shoulder, nuzzling the wolf slightly to get comfortable. Keirn blushed and intertwined his paw-fingers with the fox's. Miles smiled and squeezed Keirn's paw.

The two of them watched the rest of the movie in this position, Miles squeezing Keirn's arm or paw every few minutes. Keirn was in a state of bliss; Miles' paw was warm in his, and his head leaning against the wolf's shoulder felt soft and comforting.

The movie ended, and the couple rose, stretching. Miles smiled at Keirn as the wolf's tummy rumbled.

"Want to grab a bite to eat?" the fox asked. Keirn nodded enthusiastically and led the way to his favourite café.

They sat at a table outside, underneath a large umbrella. Miles sneakily grabbed Keirn's paw again, and Keirn grinned at the fox, completely happy.

A leopard walked up to their table in an apron, a smile on her cherry red lips.

"Hi! What can I get for you tonight?" Her voice was bright and cheery. Keirn smiled at her and glanced at the menu.

"I'll have a small serving of lasagne and a glass of Diet Coke, please." The waitress scribbled on her notepad briefly before turning to Miles.

"I'll have the same thing." Miles smiled sweetly at the waitress. The leopard nodded and left, assuring them that their food would arrive shortly.

Miles turned to Keirn, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

"So, did you like the movie?"

Keirn chuckled. "Yes, but there was something else that I enjoyed more."

Miles cocked his head. "What?"

Keirn squeezed the fox's paw in answer. Miles giggled.

"Aww, you're so sweet. I really like you, Keirn." Miles said, blushing slightly. Keirn's eyes widened for a second before he smiled at his date.

"I really like you too, Miles," Keirn said. The fox beamed.

At that moment, the waitress appeared with their dinner. As she set the plates down, the leopard noticed the two furs' linked hands, and smiled at them.

"Here's your food. You two look really cute together, you know that?" She winked at the two canines before departing. The couple gaped after her for a moment, stunned. Then Miles laughed.

"I'm going to tip her extra."


The drive home was easier than the one previous to it. Keirn was able to chat easily with Miles, and found himself liking the fox more and more as each minute passed.

Miles stopped in front of Keirn's house, turning to the wolf.

"So, do I get to come in and see your house?" Miles said. Keirn pursed his lips; he hadn't yet told his mother that he was gay, was now the right time?

"Okay, but you must know that my mom doesn't know you're my date yet." Keirn looked at Miles guiltily. The fox laughed and opened his car door.

"No time like the present!" Miles declared brightly. He opened Keirn's car door for him and walked alongside him to the front door. Keirn opened the door and walked in, Miles following behind.

"Is that you, Keirn?" Keirn heard his mother's voice calling from the sitting room.

"Yes, it's me. I have someone who wants to meet you." Keirn glanced at Miles nervously, who nodded encouragingly and smiled his favourite smile.

Keirn and Miles entered the sitting room to find Rosetta sitting in an armchair, watching a game show.

"Hi, boys!" she said and heaved herself up. Miles stepped forward, smiling.

"Hi, Mrs North. I'm Miles." Miles held out his paw and Rosetta took it, shaking it as though Miles was an old friend.

"Please, call me Rose," she insisted, turning to her son. "Keirn, you didn't tell me your friend was such a handsome boy."

Miles giggled and blushed. Keirn cleared his throat and stepped forward next to Miles.

"Well, actually Mom, he's not really my friend," Keirn said warily. "He's...well...he's kind of my-"

"Date." Miles finished for him. Rosetta's brown eyes widened in disbelief-disbelief, but not shock or anger as Keirn had feared. Then a wide smile spread on her muzzle and she hugged Keirn tightly.

"Oh, Keirn, that's wonderful! Miles, I'm very pleased to meet you!" Rosetta released Keirn and hugged Miles, too. Miles laughed easily and hugged her back. Keirn exhaled in relief.

"Well, Miles, want to see my room?" Keirn said. Miles pulled away from Keirn's mother and nodded. As he directed his date out of the room, Keirn glanced back at his mother and mouthed a silent "Thank you" to her. The plump brown wolf simply nodded and beamed at her son, full of pride.

The pair entered Keirn's room, the wolf pulling the door shut behind him. Miles planted himself on the edge of Keirn's double bed, stroking the blanket.

"Well, that went well," the fox said, grinning at Keirn. Keirn sat next to Miles and took the fox's paw in both of his.

"Thank you," Keirn said sincerely. "I couldn't have done that without you."

Miles smiled at the wolf, gazing into his solemn lavender eyes.

"Anytime." Miles leaned closer to Keirn, stroking the wolf's cheek with his free paw. Keirn could feel Miles' warm breath on his face. He stared at the fox, whose big blue eyes were half shut, but still watched him intently. Keirn leant forward, pressing his lips to the fox's gently.

The feeling of Miles' lips on his own made Keirn want to cry with joy. The fox's lips were so incredibly soft, and tasted so sweet. Keirn's eyes slid shut as he pressed his lips harder into Miles, making the kiss last longer. Keirn didn't want the moment to end, but Miles broke away for breath. Keirn opened his eyes slightly to see Miles lean forward again, their lips locking again. This time, the kiss was passionate, rougher and wetter. Miles' lips parted and his tongue traced the shape of Keirn lips; Keirn murred deeply and opened his own maw, sliding his tongue into Miles's mouth. Their tongues wrestled ferociously, the wolf's tongue overpowering the fox's easily. Keirn ran his tongue over Miles teeth, the roof of his mouth, the inside of his cheeks. Miles moaned softly and shoved his own tongue into Keirn's maw, probing around curiously.

The kiss lasted several minutes; when the two furs broke apart, they were both gasping for air. Miles laughed breathlessly.

"You're...a really good kisser," he panted. Keirn grinned.

"Thanks, you weren't too bad yourself," Keirn cupped the fox's chin in his paw, looking deep into his bright blue eyes.

"Miles, I...I think..." Keirn hesitated. Miles gazed at him expectantly.

"Miles...I love you." Keirn whispered, pressing his lips to the fox's nose. Miles gasped softly and kissed the wolf again, beyond happiness.

"I love you too, Keirn," Miles whispered, cuddling the wolf. Keirn beamed and held his boyfriend tightly, completely elated.


Spot sat on a park bench, alone. It was late; his parents thought he was asleep. Instead, the white wolf sat in deep thought, contemplating his problems.

Spot was gay; he knew it, there was no denying it. And this simple fact scared him so much that he just wanted to hide in a dark place, away from the judgmental faces and disapproving glares that inhabited his future. Spot buried his face in his paws as a sob escaped from his throat. Silently Spot wept, shoulders shaking and eyes streaming. Spot was miserable, and he thought nothing would help him feel better.

Spot felt a paw on his shoulder and heard a gentle male voice.

"Hey, are you okay?" the voice asked in a concerned voice. Spot turned to gaze at the stranger.

Who is the mysterious stranger? You'll have to wait for part 4 to find out! :D