A Mothers Choice. Chapter 2

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#2 of A Mothers Choice.

I went ahead and wrote Chapter 2.So yeah I might keep going with this.

It was finally Friday. The day she moved. Kara let out a deep breathe as she was getting the last of her things packed up. Her mother agreed to store all her kitchen items with the exception of Belles juice cups. The feline swayed her tail while Belle was standing near by looking at the now mostly empty apartment. "Mommy where are we going?" Kara looked to her and smiled. "Well baby we got a new home to move into. Mommy got a new job and at this job we both get to live there." Belle blinked and looked a bit confused but shrugged it off for now. For her it was a new place to explore. "Get your shoes on kiddo. Got your little backpack?" Belle nodded as she held up a little purple backpack with her favorite toys stuffed in it. Kara nodded and smiled before getting her own shoes up. she held the last box as everything else was already packed into her trunk. She watched Belle get her little flats on then took the little girl down to the car after locking up the apartment.

Kara got the girl into her car seat, hooking her in before putting the box in the seat beside her. "Ok kiddo. It is going ot be a long ride...took me a while to find it the other day." She smiled and kissed Belle on the forehead before getting into the drivers seat. After that she was off down the road. About a half hour into that drive Belle fell asleep in her seat which made Kara smile. She didn't disturb the child as she drove. Another half hour or so later she pulled into the drive way of Jacks home. Jack himself was on the front step waiting on them, smiling when he saw her pull in. Kara blushed a bit and shook her head a bit as she took a deep breathe. She got out of the car and moved to Belles side. She gently got the sleeping child out as Jack reached her. "Ah...welcome to your new home Kara....and this must be your daughter." Kara nodded and whispered. "She fell asleep on the way here so she will make her own introduction when she wakes." Jack nodded and smiled then led Kara inside to Belles new room that had been furnished with a toddler bed jut for Belle, the blankets and pillows dotted with cute little owls and walls a pale pink and yellow in color.

Kara blinked at the site of the room, smiling some. "Thank you for doing this for her....you didn't have to honestly. I didn't expect you to change up a room in your home for her." Jack shook his head and smiled. "No it is alright...It was amusing trying to find items fora three year old." Kara smiled and laid Belle down in her bed, opening the little girls back pack and pulling out a old stuffed owl. She laid it in the bed with her then moved to walk back out to the car with him. Jack helped Kara unload her belongings from the car even with her saying he didn't have to and that she could take care of it. One the last box was put in the floor of Kara's room which was across from Belles she looked to him and thanked him. "It is nothing Kara....now your job will start when your ready...I am in no hurry to force you into working." Kara nodded and smiled some. "I can start now actually. I mean it is a mess to unpack and then move from there." Jack chuckled and nodded, gently scratching under her chin like he would a house cat, the action causing her to purr before blushing as she pulled back. Jack laughed and spoke softly. "Cute...I will be in my office if you need anything or have questions.." He grinned and turned, leaving the feline alone in her new room. Once he left Kara closed her eyes and shook her head hard. "Lord help Kara...."

Kara took a deep breathe and rubbed the back of her neck before moving toh er suit case. She began unpacking her clothing and putting away her dresses and such away in the closet. She put sweat pants, t-shirts, underwear and her pajamas away in the dresser. Once that was done she put the suit case under the bed. She went to Belles room and unpacked her clothing, putting it in the child sized dresser while her daughter slept in the bed. By the time she was done Kara was taking the few boxes they had to toss out. She left Belles door cracked open for her when she woke up. Kara tossed the boxes into the recycle bin outside. After that Kara came inside she ran head first into Jack who grunted from the impact but caught Kara as she was stumbling back. "Whoa...sorry." Jack chuckled and smiled to the feline as she blushed. "Oh Sorry....I didn't see you." Jack smiled and shook his head. "No it is alright...I am the one sneaking up on you." Kara blushed still and smiled some as she shrugged. "Oh I was going to start dinner since it took me all day to get packed up at the apartment...um anything I need to know like...what you won't eat or anything that you might be allergic to?" Jack smiled at how she seemed to be rather attentive in what she did. He shook his head and spoke softly. "Nope. I will eat whatever you put in front of me." Kara nodded and gave him a shy smile before moving by him and heading into the kitchen.

Jack grinned and watched the feline walk off, watching her rear in the shorts she was wearing. He chuckled to himself before moving to the near by living room and settling back down. He had come out of his office to check on her in all honesty but he couldn't help look her over when he got the chance. Jack settled down on the couch in time to notice some movement on the stairs. He looked and saw Belle peeking around the corner nervously as she was looking for Kara. Jack got back to his feet since Kara clearly had no idea that Belle was awake. Jack walked over and knelt down to be level as best as he could with the child. "Hello...you must be Belle. My name is Jack." Belle pulled back some and stared at him with wide eyes. Jack smiled and held his large hand out to the child. Belle looked unsure and a bit frightened. Jack kept a gentle smile and voice as he spoke again. "Ah your shy. It is alright. I am not going to hurt you. In fact if you like Ican show you where your mom is." Belle stood her ears up as she looked at him before finally placing her hand into his and letting him shake it before he gently picked her up and carried her into the kitchen. "I do believe miss Belle is up."

Kara stood her ears up and looked to see him holding her daughter. she raised a brow and looked at Belle who smiled and let Jack put her down before she made her way over and hugged Kara's leg tightly. She looked back to Jack but was silent while Kara spoke. "Thank you for bringing her in here..I didn't think she would wake up so soon....might be because she is hungry or thirsty....or both." Belle looked up at Kara and purred softly. Kara smiled some to her and spoke softly. "I am cooking kiddo so it will be a while...if you ask nicely you might get to watch tv till it is ready." Belle thought on it then spoke out softly. "May I watch tv mommy?" Kara smiled then looked to Jack who smiled and nodded. "Come on Belle. I will put it on some cartoons for you." Belle nodded and walked back to Jack and walked with him to the living room. Jack sat down and gently pulled the girl up on the couch with him. He turned the tv to some kid friendly cartoons and watched Belle as she settled back into her seat, looking at the tv and giggling at bit as the show that was on.

Kara smiled some and shook her head with a deep breathe, glad that Belle wasn't showing signs of fear from him. Kara went back to cooking up. She made some Chicken Alfredo with mushrooms mixed in since Belle was a fan. She even made some garlic bread. Kara got the table set for three and placed all the food on the table once it was done. That was when she went to the living room to see Belle sitting there staring at the tv. Kara smiled and spoke softly as she looked to Belle then to Jack. "Dinner is ready." Jack blinked and looked at her then nodded some with a smile. Jack got up then watched as Belle got off of the couch on her own before walking over ot Kara who held her hand and walked her into the kitchen. She lifted her up and set her down in one of the seats before placing a cup of juice down in front of her, pulling the lid back for the straw to pop out. Belle thanked her mother and purred as she took a few sips of her drink while Kara fixed her a bowl of pasta. She set it down in front of her while Jack sat down and looked a bit surprised. "You...made this?" Kara looked to him and nodded. "Yeah I like cooking so it was no trouble making it." Jack nodded a bit as he fixed himself a bowl. He couldn't remember the last time he had a home made meal. He stared at the bowl for a moment before taking a bite and grinning some. After chewing and swallowing he spoke. "This is....really good Kara..." Kara blushed and smiled. she was about to speak when Belle finally piped up. "Mommy's food is best." Belle was eating on her bread at the moment while Kara laughed. Jack grinned and nodded in agreement to the child.

The three ate in peace together. After Belle had her second helping she was done and let Kara clean her face off. After she took her full cup and went back to watch tv since it wasn't exactly bed time for her yet. Though knowing the little girl she would clock out within an hour or two. Kara smiled and got the table cleaned up. She got the left overs put away for lunch the next day before moving to wash the dishes. As she was doing that Jack grinned and slowly moved up behind her, pressing his body up against her back as Kara blushed darkly and went still. She stood her ears up and gasped a bit as Jack leaned in and nipped at her ear softly a few times. "Dinner was good...and your daughter is adorable...I can tell she is a sweet child...." Kara gulped a bit, shivering as the small attentions her some what pleasing to her. "I um...I..uh t...thanks...I..try to ...make sure si is well behaved...and um..k..knows her manners." Kara felt so flustered from the attention that she dropped the bowl she was washing back into the water. Jack chuckled and grinned while he pressed into her rear a few times to tease her, whispering into her ear. "I want you to come to my room when you put Belle to bed....Till then I will be doing some work in the office." He nipped her ear and pulled back, rubbing his hand over her rear before leaving the kitchen. Kara was wide eyed and groaned a bit. "Oh....god..." She shook her head some and sighed. It had been three years since she last got laid and here this man was teasing her. She wasn't sure how she could handle this.

Kara took a deep breathe to calm herself then finished with the dishes before going into the living room where she joined Belle on the couch. She pulled her daughter into her lap and spoke softly. "One hour more of tv then it is bath time ok?" Belle purred and nodded as she snuggled into her mother. Belle was silent as Kara gently pet the girls head, smiling. Kara and Belle relaxed till it was time for the little girl to take a bath. Kara turned off the tv before taking Belle up to the bathroom. She gave the child a bath and smiled, letting her splash and play in the water after she was washed. Afterwards Kara got her dried off and tucked into her bed, reading her a story from one of the child's books. Kara read till she noticed her daughter was asleep, curled up on her side. Kara tucked her in, kissing her forehead. "Sweet dreams baby doll." she turned on her night light then left the room before she took a deep breathe. She looked down the hall to Jacks room where the door was cracked open for her. Kara flicked her tail and went into her own room to change into her pajamas which were simple pajama bottoms with a tank top.

Kara had to give herself a chance to keep calm before leaving her room and walking down to Jacks room, lightly knocking on the door and peeking in to see Jack sitting in his bed with nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms on, working on a tablet before he finally noticed her at the door. "Come on in." Jack grinned some and watched as the feline stepped inside, closing the door behind her and blushing as she made her way over to the bed. Jack kept his eyes on her as she stood by the bed looking unsure of what to do. Jack laughed and motioned for her to get in bed with him. Kara bit her bottom lip and did just that. She sat back against the head board and toyed with her fingers before finally looking to Jack who was finishing up what looked like accounting work on his tablet but she couldn't be sure. After he was done he turned it off and set it aside before he gently grabbed Kara and pulled her into his lap so she was straddling him. Kara lat out a gasp and felt her fur stand up for a moment before it settled back down as she looked at Jack. 'Um..." Jack chuckled and gently ran her finger tips along her neck and up under her chin making her blush and purr in the process. "Your rather cute you know that?" Kara pulled back and shook her head. "N...no I am not.."

Jack raised a brow at how she reacted to him saying she was cute.This was not a reaction he expected. He looked her over noticing her thin but curvy frame as he smiled. He thought on it for a moment before he gripped the bottom of her tank tip and slowly lifted it up slowly. As he did he looked her in the eyes while Kara had a nervous look on her face. "I...I um..." Jack grinned more and whispered. "You what?" Kara bit her bottom lip hard for a moment before she whispered. "I...have not um...done anything since I got pregnant with Belle..." Jack raised a brow a bit surprised but then smiled and nodded. "I won't hurt you." He got her tank top off then lean in, licking over her C-cup sized breasts, groping them gently and making her shiver as she let out a soft gasp that was clearly filled with delight from the attention. She closed her eyes and held onto his arms as he was rubbing over her breasts with his hands, giving firm yet gentle squeezes here and there as he looked to her with a grin.

Jack chuckled from the blush that was on her face and the sheepish expression on her face. Jack grinned and soon shifted them so Kara was on her back with him between her legs. Jack rubbed his hands along her breasts then down to her bottoms. He grinned the entire time as he gripped her bottoms and pulled them off of he, getting her legs up in the air in order to do so. He looked down at her in nothing but her thing white panties as she bit her bottom lip while looking up at him. Jack leaned down and let his nose brush against hers. He was teasing her with gentle touches and squeezes which was helping arouse the feline. He moved his hand down her body again while keeping his eyes on hers, his hand now between her legs and placed over her covered slit. Kara let out a soft moan when she felt him rubbing his hand along her. Jack grinned hearing the moan as he rubbed his hand against her slit a few times before focusing on her covered clit, gently rubbing his finger against the nub through the fabric of her panties. Kara bit her bottom lip to muffle the next moan coming from her. That attention alone was getting her aroused and soon her panties were damp with her arousal.

Jack leaned his head down and gently bit down on the felines neck, sucking on the skin as he shifted some, his member growing hard inside of his pajama bottoms. Jack moved his hand and slid them into the felines panties, pressing his directly to her slit and wiggling his finger between her lips as she spread her legs apart a bit more for him, a soft gasp like moan coming from her as she gripped at his arm gently. Jack grinned and sucked on her neck a bit more before letting go before finally pressing his lips to hers, kissing her softly for a moment as his finger rubbed against her clit a few times then slowly sliding into her. Kara moaned into the kiss now as she returned it, her nervousness gone now as he had her fully aroused. Jack broke the kiss and let out a deep breathe, grinning to her as she had her eyes closed while her hips started moving against his finger slowly. Jack moved that finger around inside of her, grinning to the feeling of her juices coating it before he pulled it out only to rub it against her clit ever so lightly to make her moan out softly. "S...stop teasing me!"

Jack perked his ears up and grinned when he heard her. He chuckled and nodded some as he pulled his hand from her panties. He held up his hand showing his finger glistening with her juices before sticking it into his mouth and sucking it clean making Kara blush brightly as she watched him. Jack grinned and finally pulled the felines panties off, tossing them off to the floor. Jack moved off the bed long enough to do away with his pajama bottoms revealing his thick ten inch cock with a knot forming at the base of it. Jack got back on the bed with her and moved between her legs once more, kissing the feline again. Kara this time let out a soft growl into the kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth which surprised him as he deepened the kiss with her. As he was kissing her he began rubbing the tip of his cock along her slit, letting her feel it against her before he lined up and began slowly pushing into her. Jack grunted, feeling how tight she was. "D...Damn Kara..." He closed his eyes as he had broken the kiss when he started pushing into her. Kara gasped and gripped his sides tightly, closing her eyes tightly as she growled softly.

Jack growled softly as he held himself still inside of the feline for a moment or so before he began pulling his hips back only to thrust back into her hard. His movements were slow but hard making her moan out softly at first with the movements. Kara opened her eyes and looked up at Jack with a dark blush coming across her cheeks as she stared up at him while she began pushing her hips up against his own causing him to let out a soft growl once more as he opened his eyes to look down at her. Jack adjusted a bit and began speeding up his movements now since the feline below him was moving back against him. He placed his right hand on the top of the headboard of the bed, gripping it tightly while his left began running through the fur of her stomach, moving up and cupping her breasts roughly as she moaned out a bit louder then she had been before.

Jack growled and grinned as Kara kept her hips moving back against his. His own thrust began getting rougher now, causing her breasts to start bouncing some from the impacts. Kara was gripping at the bed covers tightly in her hands as she tried so hard not to get to loud so the sounds wouldn't wake Belle. She closed her eyes tightly and bit her bottom lip to muffle her moans. It wasn't to long before Kara began feeling herself getting closer to orgasm as she panted out. "J....Jack...g...going...going to..." She didn't finish her statement as Jack stopped her by kissing her deeply, slamming his hips into her own now as his own cock throbbed as he felt close as well.Normally Jack would have knotted with a female but he was stopping himself from doing so with Kara. When he broke the kiss he moved his left hand down and began rubbing her clit quickly while keeping his movements up. He watched as Kara moaned out and arched her back up. It was clear the feline was trying her best to hold back from cumming to soon but she failed. Not to long after she had to cover her mouth with both her hands as she let out a moan while she came hard. Jack managed to not cum from how tight her pussy was gripping his cock as her juices washed over it. Jack slowly pulled from her and sat up on his knees, rubbing his cock with his hand quickly, growling as his cock throbbed hard before he finally came, cumming over her stomach and slit.

Kara panted and laid her head back, closing her eyes tightly as she blushed darkly. Jack shifted and sat down against the headboard beside her. After a few minutes Kara moved out of the bed, blushing and looking down at her cum covered fur before looking to him. "You can go....get cleaned up to get the smell of sex off of you and have a good night." Kara flattened her ears as she heard him. She shook her head and gathered up both her panties and pajamas before going back to her room. She set her clothing onto the bed then went to take a quick shower. Once she was cleaned off and dried she got dressed and laid in bed. "Jerk..." She shook her head and pulled the covers over her body before going to sleep for the night while Jack sighed in his room. He knew better then to get attached to a female, more so when she had a child. He shifted some and looked to a message about some shipments coming in and grunted some. "More work to do." Jack turned off his phone after reading the message before laying down and going to sleep for the evening.