Leo and Tigress Chapter 2 Tigress
tigress hissed. "father!" tigress said pushing both doors open while walking through. he looked up to see his daughter in full armor. "yes, tigress?" he asked. "i'm going on a spy mission." she said looking him dead in the eye.
A Tigress Scorned
This time, the tigress joined him, hir own clothing dropping to the floor with his. once both were nude, shi embraced the fox, kissing him deeply.
The Tigress Den
It smelled nicely of jason and the tigress, i imagined the tigress scent being mine.
Symphony to a Tigress
**_Symphony_** I can see, within your smile, the echo of music forgotten. I can feel; once held within my arms, your love, your trust, and your friendship. Head held high against the night, the universe convulses, but of the shelter of this...
The Wolf and the Tigress
The tigress smirked and walked around him, putting her hind legs on the branch as pushing it away freeing him. the wolf got up as best he could, avoiding purring weight on his paw.
Tigress Dream
Collapsing forward tai-lung still held tigress on his cock with a paw wrapped around her abdomen. his other paw on the floor holding them up as tigress' legs were too weak to hold her own weight let alone his.
Tigress In Heat
tigress closed her eyes in bliss, and it was the last thing she remembered as she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep... * * * "tigress? tigress, answer me, can you hear me?"
Tigress Trap
The tigress moaned, hissing as she climaxed just as her master stiffened and shuddered.
Bottom of a Tigress
tigress smiled at and waved to the mouse.
The griffon and the tigress
**the griffon and the tigress** by strega he was five hundred yards up, drifting silent and unseen on the winds, when he spotted the tigress sunning herself in the meadow.
Leo and Tigress Introduction
He was playing with his best friend tigress. although they were of different lands and of different ancestors they were one. tigress opened the bushes and popped her head in to see him. "found cha!" she called loudly.
I'm Sorry Tigress
tigress responded in a none believing tone of voice. "no, tigress. i'm serious, i came to-" "humiliate me again?" tigress cut off po, while sitting up to be within his eye contact. "you've done enough."