
Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Patreon story for Ruffe

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Shepard ran around his apartment, checking on food and making sure everything was perfect for his date. The table was set with all manners of covered food and two chairs had been set close together. Tall white candles were the only light in the room and classical music came from his little Bluetooth speaker, just loud enough to provide some sort of background noise, but still too quiet to really follow along unless the conversation died.

Neither he nor his boyfriend were really the fancy type, but it had come up a couple times. And when a transformer blew up, taking out the power to his apartment complex, a romantic dinner seemed to be the perfect solution. All the windows were open, letting a nice cross-breeze through his apartment, and even then, the rabbit was running about completely naked, high up on the third floor with no fear of being seen.

He'd just emptied out the last of the ice into a small, metal bucket and put it on the table with the rest of the food whenever a knock came from the front door. Shepard's heart skipped a beat and he ran over to the door, pausing for a second to check his reflection, though with no clothes, he didn't have much to worry about. He peered through the peephole to make sure it was his boyfriend before throwing the door open.

Wind, short for Wendell, was wearing quite a bit more than Shepard was, and more than what the rabbit had expected. The black and white husky was wearing a tuxedo and holding a small bouquet of white roses. He stood a few inches taller than the top of the rabbit's ears when straight up, and he blinked in surprise at the stark-naked lapine standing before him.

Shepard, too, was in a state of shock. He was used to seeing the husky in gym shorts and a t-shirt, not looking like James Bond. He stood there, mouth hanging open as he looked up and down over his stunningly-attired mate.

Wind noticed and held out the flowers, chuckling to himself. "Ah, I think I might be a bit overdressed," he said, nodding towards the rabbit's bare fur.

Shephard had gold fur and long, black hair that was currently held up in a bun. He was the more athletic of the pair, lines of muscle visible beneath the fine fur. Metal glinted in both of his oversized ears, both of which currently stuck straight up. "Oh. Uh," he looked down at himself, a bit of red coloring his cheeks, unnoticed in the dim light. "I just figured... since it's just us, and there's no AC," he laughed, embarrassed.

"No no, it's fine! I think you look great," Wind said, stepping closer and bringing a big, broad paw up to pet both the long ears back. He lowered his muzzle and kissed the rabbit's forehead, chest rumbling with amusement. "I had this for a while, and figured it'd be a good excuse to wear it, but I think I'd much prefer wearing what you are."

Shepard closed his eyes as his forehead was kissed and then took a step back to let the husky through. "Well, come on, then, I've got dinner waiting!" he teased.

Wind stepped inside and he laughed in excitement when he saw the table placement. "Oh my god. It looks..."

The rabbit locked the door behind the husky and stepped over to him, taking his free paw in one of his own. "Hah, kind of cheesy, eh?" he said, pulling him towards the candlelit table and taking the roses from Wind's other paw.

The husky's lips curled up in the corners and his eyes shone brightly for a second. "I mean, I wasn't going to say it, but-"

"You jerk! I went through all this trouble," Shepard said, laughing and punching the husky's arm as he went off into the kitchen to find something to put the flowers in, which ended up being an empty pitcher. He returned with it and placed it on the table, chuckling under his breath. "Maybe a little cheesy."

"Especially with the pitcher," Wind pointed out, drumming his fingers on the back of one of the chairs, grinning over at his boyfriend.

Shepard stuck his tongue out at the bigger husky. "I don't own a vase," he replied loftily. "I picked up the rest of the fancy stuff at the antique store just for our date! And you called it cheesy!" He faked a sob and looked away, pretending to be hurt.

The husky laughed and stepped over to the rabbit, pulling him into a tight hug. "It looks great, though. Thanks for all the effort."

The rabbit sniffed exaggeratedly and looked up along Wind's chest, pouting. "You think so?"

"Mhm. And cheesy."

Shepard grinned wide and stood on his tiptoes to kiss the husky's lips. "Says the guy wearing a tux and bringing roses to my door." He grinned and took a step back, drawing out a chair and falling into it. "Come on, let's eat."

"Hey, if you can't be part of the solution, you might as well be part of the problem, right?" Wind asked, taking a seat next to the rabbit and looking out at the food, seeing what was available.

It was mostly finger foods, making the silverware at the table all but unnecessary. There were kebabs, falafel, pita bread, bacon-wrapped sausage, baba ganoush, hummus, pastries, fried shrimp and mushrooms, and chicken nuggets. Wind's brow furrowed as he saw the last and he glanced over at Shepard who had been watching. He opened his muzzle to say something and the rabbit threw his paws up.

"Hey, I needed finger food stuff," he protested before the question could be asked.

"Where did you even go?" the husky asked, shaking his head. The taste of food was rather eclectic and not at all something that likely would have been found in one spot.

Shepard reached across the table and grabbed a piece of pita bread, dipping it in the eggplant dish and then slipping it into the canine's maw. "Not gonna lie, I hit up basically every food truck in the lot down at Hasting's."

Wind groaned happily at the taste of the dish, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. "Mmm, not going to complain one tiny bit. I should probably get out of this suit, though. I'll probably spill hummus on it," he said, laughing and looking down at the tux he was in.

Even as the husky was reaching for the buttons on his shirt, the rabbit reached over and slapped those paws away. "Nuh uh, I think you look too good in that outfit... you're staying in it," he said, running one paw down across Wind's thigh while he scooted his chair close enough that they were against each other.

Wind let out a playful whine and reached out to the table, picking up a piece of sausage and sliding it into the rabbit's mouth. "Evil. But it's the least I can do for the wonderful meal you... prepared for me," he said, chuckling.

Shepard ate the piece of meat and huffed, slipping his paw down between the husky's thighs, giving a firm squeeze. "And it's kind of sexy to get to tease you in a tux."

The husky's body tensed and he narrowed his eyes at the rabbit. "Oh, I see. You want cock?" he grabbed one of the chicken nugget and shoved it between the rabbit's lips, snickering. "There. Have some."

Shepard ate the nugget and glowered at the husky, making a point to chew with his mouth open to show his blunted teeth. Wind just giggled and ate a chicken nugget for himself. "It's not as intimidating when you're not a predator species," he said, baring his own teeth.

The two shared food back and forth, feeding each other and letting their paws roam across each other's bodies. Teasing was very much a two way street, the rabbit was quick to find out. All the touching and groping on his clothed boyfriend just made his own arousal surge and peak, and drove him wild.

Wind didn't even stoop so low as to bring his paw down between the rabbit's legs, even as Shepard's paw squeezed and rubbed at his sheath through his slacks. He'd squirm and try to ignore the paw, but Shepard was persistent. Though a glance down showed him that the rabbit's own shaft was sticking straight up from between his legs.

There was something sensual about feeding each other, licking at each other's fingers and hands as small, bite sized pieces were slipped between one another's lips. The rabbit and husky leaned closer and closer and by the end of dinner Shepard had straddled the husky's lap, grinding his cock against the husky's dress shirt while their muzzles hovered inches apart, enjoying the last of their finger foods.

He could feel the husky's shaft throbbing beneath him, straining against the slacks, and they sat in the chair for minutes longer, muzzles finally finding one another's and locking together in a passionate kiss. His soft, brown paws began popping open button after button on Wind's shirt until his fingers were able to dig into the fluffy, white coat beneath.

Wind moaned into the kiss, arms squeezing the smaller rabbit to his chest and he pushed back his chair, standing up and holding the naked lapine against him as he did so. He carried Shepard a few steps over into the living room and fell forward onto the couch, pinning the smaller male to the cushions. Paws made quick work of the rest of his clothes and soon they were naked, grinding against each other, and twisting their tongues against one another while soft, pleasured noises came from their muzzles.

Shepard broke the kiss and moaned into the candlelit apartment. "Nngh, I... Mmf, get up for a second," he whispered, pushing at the husky's broad chest.

Wind slowly sat up, leaning against the arm of the couch and panting slightly. His cock throbbed between his legs, against the cushions beneath. A growing damp spot was spreading from the tip and his shaft bounced with every beat of his heart. "Hm?"

Shepard's own, uncut shaft was stiff as a nail, a couple inches longer than the husky's, but not as thick. He shifted around on the couch, laying on his stomach so that he was face to face with the husky's length. Watery droplets of pre shot out onto his short muzzle and he squeezed near the base with one paw, letting it coat his muzzle a bit more before slipping the spurting tip between his lips. It was tangy and sweet and he pushed his muzzle down until his lips kissed the growing knot.

Wind ran a paw over the bunny's large ears, rolling his hips in small, undulating motions. His cock pulsed and drooled against his lover's tongue and every time Shepard had to swallow it made his fur stand on end. The dog tugged on those ears, pulling a whimper from the smaller male.

Shepard kept the dog's shaft in his muzzle as he slowly slid off the cushion to kneel on the floor, forcing the big dog to sit forward on the couch. Wind pulled off and brushed his muzzle against the fat girth of dog cock, his nose tracing one of the veins as more pre anointed his head. The knot at the base of Wind's length was almost the size of his closed fist and he kissed along the dark, red flesh.

The husky leaned back into the cushions and watched as his boyfriend worshipped his shaft, small droplets of pre coating the rabbit's face before they'd get smeared into the fur whenever he'd nuzzle along the length of it. "Sometimes I think you like making out with my dick more than me," he teased, squeezing those large ears and giving them another little tug.

Shepard whined, his face turning red in the dim light in the room. His tongue traced along Wind's flesh, flicking across the tip as he pulled away. "I can't help it, I really really like toying with yours," he said, giving the big rod a few more strokes before climbing up into the husky's lap. The large shaft pressed up between his cheeks, wetting his puckered flesh with pre.

Wind rolled his hips up, the tip pressing just inside a couple times without really spreading the rabbit open. "Rrf, I'm definitely not complaining... if you'd kept that up much longer your face would be in a much different state."

The rabbit put both paws on Wind's shoulders and pressed himself down against the length, forcing himself to relax. "I'd... have swallowed it..." he said, concentrating on staying calm as he pushed down, taking a few inches of the husky's cock into his passage. A year or so ago and the thought of taking the big dog with only saliva and pre would have left him in a world of pain, but he'd gotten used to their rough antics and he could manage.

The husky closed his eyes, paws coming to rest on Shepard's hips as the bunny sunk down onto his length little by little. When he felt the tight ring of flesh press down against the rim of his knot he arched upwards, flexing his shaft inside the smaller bunny. They both moaned aloud and Wind's head fell back into the cushions as he started rocking up into his partner.

Shepard helped rise and fall against the thick length, the soreness under his cottontail lessening as he picked up speed. His uncut shaft ground against the dog's fluffy stomach, leaving its own trail of sticky pre. It went unnoticed for only a few seconds before the husky's paw found it and squeezed firmly, thumb teasing against the rabbit's foreskin and peeling it away from his slick head.

They moaned together, the rabbit drawing himself up off the girthy canine shaft and slamming back down onto it, meeting the dog's upward thrusts. Moans and other pleasured noises were cut off with gasps, whines, and the occasional locking of muzzles. Wind's paw was stroking the rabbit off in time with his riding, and he could see the rabbit's sac pulling up close to his body.

"Ngh, w-wait, hon, I'm close," Shepard said, panting hotly as he rose and fell on the pole under his tail. One of his paws was clamped like a vice on Wind's shoulder and the other grabbed the husky's wrist to try and pull it away from his cock, but the dog was persistent.

Wind pumped faster, squeezing at the uncut length and dragging the rabbit's foreskin back and forth rapidly, thumb spreading pre everywhere. Shepard's paw tugged at his own and his motions faltered. He'd tipped past the edge and was on borrowed time now. Wind could pull his paw away and the rabbit would still cum.

So he did just that.

The husky's paws grabbed both of Shepard's and held them at his sides, jumping upwards into the tight rabbit hole and watching the pained and pleasured expression on his mate's face. The rabbit's eyes were screwed shut tight and his mouth was open in a wordless snarl. It looked as though he were trying to exhale and inhale at the same time as his orgasm began shutting down the rational parts of his brain.

Then the rabbit's body jerked violently and he slammed his forehead against the husky's shoulder as he finally came. Rope after rope of sticky seed burst from Shepard's neglected shaft, thoroughly drenching the husky's poofy fur and leaving it a sticky, matted mess. His passage clamped down on the dog's length and Wind forced the rabbit down into his lap hard, his knot grinding roughly against the puckered flesh before battering its way inside.

He howled out as he came hard as well, cum pouring up into the lapine's tunnel, filling it to the brim around the now-trapped length.

Shepard barely felt any pain as the big dog tied with him. If anything, his waning orgasm suddenly flared anew and several more thick strands of cum forced their way out against the husky's belly.

The rabbit slumped against his boyfriend's chest, cum smearing into their fur and gluing together as they drifted off into a light nap, holding onto each other and basking in the wake of their afterglow.

Wind's knot had just gone down enough to entertain the motion of breaking their tie when a loud noise in the apartment complex was suddenly followed by various lights in the apartment, and outside through the curtained window, to suddenly come on. The AC roared to life to start back up and both rabbit and husky nearly jumped off the couch.

"Oh... oh god. Finally. We have power back!" Shepard said, beaming wide as he settled back down against the big dog.

"Mmm, good. Now we can make it nice and cool while we sleep," the husky said, chuckling and pulling the rabbit back against his chest to resume their name.

Shepard laughed and snuggled against the husky's chest, yawning in agreement. "Then I think it's about time you carried me to the bedroom," he said, kissing the dog's neck.

Wind grunted in response and slumped back against the couch, knot slipping free with a wet pop. "Yeah yeah, I'll do my best," he said. "Shall we?" he asked, spreading his arms and waiting for the rabbit to get up off him. "Can't exactly shower if you stay on me, can I?" he asked, the hint of amusement in his tone.

Shepard shrugged and squeezed close to the dog. "You're strong, I believe," he teased, yawning sleepily.

"Fine fine, hang on," he said, holding the rabbit close as he stood up with the lapine in his arms once more. "Sleep... then much needed shower."

"Rrf, much much needed," the rabbit muttered sleepily, nuzzling into the dog's neck as he was carried off to the bedroom.