Anything for a Promotion

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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Hello! This story was first posted on my Patreon a couple weeks back!

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"Come on... Come on, just do it already..." Dylan paced back and forth outside his boss's room; his bushy, grey-furred wolf tail swishing back and forth as he turned, ringing his hands together nervously. He spoke to himself in a quiet, barely audible voice. "You've wanted this for so long... You've busted your ass for this firm; it's time you were rewarded for it." he stopped his pacing and forced himself to stand upright, putting on a brave, stoic face as he turned to face his boss's office. "Go in there... Remind him of everything you've done for the company... And then ask for the..." he hesitated, as if saying the word would jinx the subject, "...the promotion..." he braced himself, his fancy suit hugging his stocky form tight. He raised a hand and tentatively knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a strong voice bellowed from inside. Dylan hesitated before finally opening the door and heading inside to greet his boss.

"Er, good afternoon." the lupine said with a gulp. His much bigger bull of a boss looked up from his paperwork and peered over his thick-rimmed glasses at his visitor before giving him a warm smile. He was an older man; a big, beer-gut sporting man who went by the name Ethan Wilder. He was the type of guy many people wouldn't hesitate to call a DILF. He sat at his desk, his big, intimidating form dwarfing the office supplies that lay in front of him.

"'Afternoon, Dylan!" he said, "Take a seat. Everything okay with you?"

"Um, yeah... Yeah, everything's okay." Dylan took the seat which his boss so politely offered him, "I just had something to ask is all..."

"Well, ask away." Wilder said, gesturing for the wolf to continue.

"I was, er, I was just thinking, because I've worked here so long..." this wasn't going as Dylan had hoped. He had planned to waltz in there and sway his boss with his stoicism, charm and charisma. Instead he was immediately reduced to a nervous stuttering mess. Wilder waited patiently as Dylan collected himself. "I've been working here for a while, and I've put a lot of, um, effort into my work." he said.

"That's true." Wilder nodded, "You're about to ask me for a raise aren't you?"

"Yes. Well, no; not a raise." Wilder raised a curious eyebrow at that, "I've... I've wanted to be promoted to assistant manager for years. I've seen people be promoted who haven't done a fraction of the work I've done. I... I want a promotion." Wilder gave a nod of acknowledgement and sat back in his chair.

"I figured that was it." he said, "Most people who come in here this nervous usually ask for something like that." he paused and let Dylan sit in tense, awkward silence for a few moments before speaking up again, "Well, like you said, you've been here for a while now and you've done good work. A promotion may very well be on the table for you."

"Really?" Dylan's eyes widened and his tail started swishing with excitement.

"Well..." Wilder's tone changed suddenly and Dylan's swishing stopped, "There might be a couple of things you could do better."

"L-like what?" Dylan asked. Wilder looked through his papers for a moment, idly examining them before answering.

"Didn't you get a libel suit filed against a client of ours?" Dylan gulped at that.

"That... That wasn't my fault..."

"And now you're trying to avoid taking the blame for it." Wilder said, "Now that doesn't really make you look good, does it?"

"N-no, Sir..."

"Now, I'm not saying you can't have a promotion." Wilder continued, "I'm just saying, you're going to have to really convince me that you deserve it."

"How?" Dylan asked, perking up at just the thought of having a chance at this promotion, "Do you need me to work more overtime?"

"Nah, nothing like that." Wilder said. He started looking through his papers again. He wasn't looking at or for anything in particular, and Dylan knew it. Wilder just wanted to stretch this out; to make it as awkward and tense for Dylan as he could, just to mock him. Wilder eventually looked back up at him. "You... have a kid, right?"

"Yeah... Robbie. Why?" Dylan asked.

"Young, eighteen years. Looks like a more attractive version of you; that the one?"

"Er... Yes, that's him." Dylan said.

"Hrrrrm..." Wilder grumbled and sat back, twiddling his thumbs and thinking for a few seconds before speaking up again, "Alright. I know what you can do for me."

"Really? W-what? I'll do anything!"

"Well... I am a single man, Dylan." Wilder said, "An old, single man... And there aren't many younger guys out there who'd want to fuck a man my age." Dylan was taken aback by his boss's language.

"Er, pardon?" he said, "What, um, what does this have to do with my promotion?"

"I'm getting to that." Wilder said with a growl, "Like I said; younger men don't want someone my age; it's a damn shame. There's plenty of men my age to fuck, don't get me wrong, but I want something else. Someone younger." with a smirk Wilder reached under his desk with one hand and groped himself. Dylan watched, confused; unsure of what to say.

"I... I don't..." he stuttered.

"Come on, Dylan, do I have to spell it out for you?" Wilder asked, "Haven't you seen porno before?" he spread his legs, that wide smirk still on his face and his hand still on his crotch. It took Dylan a moment to twig as to what was going on.

"O-oh! You... You want me to..." his stuttering got worse and he could barely get any words out.

"Oh, no, not you, Dylan." Wilder said.

"Huh? Then who...?" Wilder raised an eyebrow and that's when it him him; "M-my son? You want to... t-t-to... with my son?"

"That's right. I was wondering when you were going to catch on." Wilder said with a chuckle. Dylan was speechless. He must have fallen asleep at his work desk or something; there's no way his boss just tried to bribe him with a promotion in return for letting him fuck his son...

"You look dazed." Wilder said, "Do you need some water?"

"No, no I'm fine." Dylan said, "I, um... I just want to make sure I understand this right... You want to... to, um..."

"Say it."

"You want to... have sex with my son...? And then you'll give me the promotion?"

"That's exactly what I'm offering." Wilder said, "Or you could just leave and forget about it. No ass for me, no promotion for you."

"If... If I agree to this, you'll give me the promotion? I'll definitely get it." Dylan felt sick with himself the moment he asked for even considering something like this.

"That's right. So, what do you say? Am I gonna get to fuck that kid of yours or not?" Wilder stared him down, glaring at the smaller lupine who's mind was racing. He knew this was wrong, but deep down he knew he'd already decided. He wanted that promotion. He'd worked so hard for a chance at it and now he was so close... All he had to do was have his son bite the bullet and go through with this.

"Okay... Okay... I'll talk to him about it."

"Talking to him about it isn't good enough." Wilder harrumphed, "I want a straight yes or no answer right now; do I get his ass or not?"

"Y...Yes..." Dylan didn't even hesitate and, with just that one word, had essentially pimped his own son out to his boss for that promise of a promotion.

"That's better." Wilder said, grinning widely and rubbing the crotch of his pants which had started to strain against his now hardening manhood, his dick starting to harden at just the thought of a younger ass to pound. Dylan gave an uncomfortable gulp and had started to dread the thought of going home that night and explain to his son what he had to do. He had no idea how he was going to get him to go through with it. There's no way he'd just agree to do it.

"Hey, there's still an hour left of your shift." Wilder spoke up, "Go on, get going. I'm gonna keep myself busy for the rest of the day thinking of all the things I'm gonna do to your son tomorrow."


"Yeah, you heard me; tomorrow. Bring him here, first thing in the morning."

"A-alright... I will." Dylan said obediently. Wilder nodded and shooed his subordinate out of his office before looking down at his twitching bulge.

"Mrrrr, I'd love to take care of this..." he thought, "But I think I'd better save my load for that boy tomorrow." he gave a wicked smirk. Dylan's son was undoubtedly going to be the tightest hole he'd ever fucked.

The rest of his work day dragged for Dylan. He couldn't focus on anything; all he could think about was the awkward as hell conversation he was going to have with his son when he got home. He was still trying to think of a way to ask his son to do this when he finally left his work desk and set off home, giving a long, exasperated sigh as he parked up before heading inside. He could hear the sound of the TV in the living room. His son, Robbie, was home already. Dylan braced himself and and wrung his hands together nervously. He was racking his brain, thinking of how to tell his son about this deal he'd agreed to, when he heard the younger lupine's voice calling out.

"Dad? That you?" he asked. Dylan hesitated before answering.

"Yeah, it's me." he said eventually before finally setting foot into the living room and greeting his son; a teenage silver-furred wolf. He looked up at his father with his bright blue eyes; his long hair tied into a ponytail at the back while he let his bangs droop over his forehead. "'Evening." Dylan greeted him.

"Hey." Robbie said, "What's up?" he turned his attention back to the TV.

"Nothing much..." Dylan said, "Well... work was interesting. I talked to my boss and..." he hesitated and froze up for a moment, "He promised me a promotion." Robbie looked up from the TV, his curiosity piqued.

"Seriously? So... Do I get a car now?" he asked.

"Heh, well, no... Not yet anyway. I haven't gotten the promotion yet. The boss still wants something from me."

"Huh? You gotta work some more overtime or something?" Robbie asked. Dylan shook his head.

"No..." he said, "I have to... Um... Fuck, how do I say this?" he paused and gulped under the scrutinizing gaze of his own son before finally managing to continue, "Look, can you come into work with me tomorrow?" Robbie tilted his head, confused.


"Well, erm..." Dylan didn't know what to say. He couldn't just come right out and say 'you have to fuck my boss tomorrow'. He decided to keep it vague. He'd be more open to coming with him if he didn't know what awaited him, and would be more likely to agree to the deal if he was already there in Wilder's office when he discovered what was expected of him. Dylan felt disgusted with himself. It was, to say the least, such a sneaky, deceptive thing to do, but he did it anyway. He'd told Wilder in no uncertain terms that he'd get to fuck Robbie tomorrow and he didn't want to disappoint him. It would undoubtedly cost him the promotion, not to mention his job. Wilder was known for being a stern, merciless boss. He wouldn't hesitate to fire someone if they got on his bad side. "I just need your help with something. You're not doing anything tomorrow are you?"

"Well, I was gonna hang out with Ethan and a couple other friends... Do you really need me to come with you?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't." Dylan said.

"Hrrmph... Okay..." Robbie said, not bothering to hide how reluctant he was, "I'll text Ethan and cancel then."

"Thanks, buddy." Dylan gave his son a good pat on the shoulder, "Hey, you hungry? I'm starving. Lemme go put dinner on."he rushed out the room, happy to finally be free of the tense, awkward conversation. He cursed himself as he marched into the kitchen to begin dinner. He was actually going to do it. He was really going to whore his own son out, all for a promotion. He sighed and shook his head.

"Fuck.." he muttered.


The next day couldn't come soon enough. He just wanted to get it over with. Take Robbie to work, explain what he had to do and then... see what happened. He got dressed, made breakfast for the two of them and soon after drove to work with his son in the passenger seat besides him.

"Well... We're here." he said, pulling into his designated parking spot and flicking the engine off.

"So, what do I gotta do again?" Robbie asked.

"You'll see, son. You'll see." they got out of the car, locked up and then headed inside. Robbie followed his father down the halls and up a couple flights of stairs, the older wolf tentatively greeting and giving polite nods to a few other passing workers. They soon came to Wilder's office, the big, wooden door standing ominously in front of them; Wilder's nameplate in the top-centre shining in the sunlight that shone in through a nearby window.

"Alright... Here we go." Dylan muttered, bringing his hand up and knocking on the door.

"Come in." Wilder replied almost instantly after the first knock. Dylan reached with a shaking hand for the doorknob; turning it nervously and finally opening the door. Robbie had noticed how odd his father was behaving. He could tell he was nervous, but he for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. He assumed it was something to do with the promotion he'd mentioned, maybe something to do with the reason he'd dragged Robbie here. The teenage wolf had no idea what awaited him.

"Come on in." Wilder said. The two wolves did as they were told and Robbie closed the door once he'd followed his dad inside.

"Er, I brought Robbie, like you wanted." Dylan said. Wilder smiled at the younger male and nodded.

"Nice to see you, kiddo! We've met a couple times before, haven't we?"

"I, er, I think so." Robbie said. He could recall a couple of times he'd had to visit his father during work hours; usually to deliver something Dylan had forgotten at home. He'd ran into the big bull once or twice while doing so.

"Mmhm, well it's good to see you again." Wilder said, "And, I have to say, you're looking pretty handsome today." Dylan gave an uncomfortable cough at that.

"Um... Thanks...?" Robbie said, a confused tone to his voice.

"Has your father told you why I wanted to see you?" Wilder asked. Robbie shook his head.

"He didn't tell me anything." he explained, "Just said I needed to come to work with him today."

"You mean you didn't explain to him what he'd be doing today?" Wilder looked over at Dylan who shook his head.

"I couldn't bring myself to..." he gulped.

"Tsk, now that doesn't make you look very good, does it?" he asked, "Leaving it until the last second to tell him what he'll be doing..."

"S-sorry, Sir..." Dylan said, managing to hold back a pathetic whimper as he spoke. Robbie was confused. He looked from Wilder to his father and then back to Wilder.

"What's going on?" he asked, "Are you guys gonna explain why I'm here or what?" Wilder cleared his throat and stood up, his intimidating form towering over the younger wolf.

"I think your father should explain it to you." he said.

"Um, n-no, that's okay." Dylan said hastily, "You can tell him..."

"No. I want you to tell him, Dylan." he glared at the lupine who looked back up at his boss, their eyes meeting. Dylan conceded and turned to his son.

"Alright... Robbie?" he gulped, "Wilder... My boss here... He says I can get my promotion, but you have to... do... something..." he paused there and Robbie waited silently for him to continue, "H-he, um... Well, Wilder- er, Mister Wilder, has been looking for a younger man to..." he paused again, "...sleep with." Robbie shook his head, confused, until it finally clicked with him.

"W...What?" he asked, "Did you seriously bring me down here to...?"

"I... I need you to let my boss..." he hesitated, unable to bring himself to finish the sentence.

"Fuck you." Wilder spoke up, "I want to fuck you, boy." Robbie stared at Wilder in shock.

"What the hell kinda prank is this?" he asked, "This some hidden camera bullshit?"

"It's not a prank." Dylan said, "He's promised me the promotion if you go through with this." it took a moment for Robbie to parse what was going on, but he eventually erupted.

"No fucking way!" he yelled, "Stuff your promotion up your ass!"

"Robbie-" Dylan spoke up but Wilder quickly cut across him.

"Hey, it's your choice, kiddo." he said, "Either your daddy gets a promotion today or he loses his job. Like I said; your choice."

"Wait... what?" Robbie asked, wide eyed.

"That wasn't part of the deal." Dylan said. Wilder just shrugged.

"Well, what can I say? I don't like being cock blocked." nobody said anything for a while after that. They all just stood there in tense silence. Dylan was looking over at Robbie as if trying to guilt trip or pressure him into going along with it. Robbie was hesitant, but what else could he do? He didn't have a job, his parents being divorced meant his father was the only source of money the household had.

"Fuck." he cursed under his breath before speaking up, "Yeah, fine! Whatever! I'll do it."

"You'll let me fuck you?" Wilder smirked, stepping around his desk and approaching the young wolf, his big, bulky frame dwarfing him, his eyes glaring down at him.

"Yeah..." Robbie said reluctantly.

"Say it, boy."

"I'll... I'll let you fuck me."

"Good boy." Wilder chuckled and gave the younger male a pat on the shoulder before heading over to a big leather couch in the corner of the room. He sat down and made himself comfortable, spreading his legs wide and groping himself obscenely. "C'mere, kiddo." he said, "Stand in front of me. I want to get a good look at you." Robbie gave his father a quick evil eye stare before doing as he was told and standing a few feet in front of the chubby bull.

"Er, I'll leave you two alone then." Dylan said. He felt awful leaving his son in this position, but there was no turning back now. Not if he wanted to keep his job. He made for the door before Wilder called out to him and stopped him in his tracks.

"Hold on there, Dylan." he said, "I didn't say you could go. Come here. Sit down." Dylan turned to him.

"Huh...?" he gave him a confused look.

"Are you going deaf or something? I told you to come sit down."

"O...Okay..." Dylan nervously went over and sat next to his boss on the couch.

"Now then... This little cutie of yours." Wilder looked up and down Robbie's body, licking his lips as he took in the wolf's tough, bulky form, "Mrrr, damn, he's quite the looker, eh? Let's see more of him. Get your shirt off, boy." Robbie looked over a this father who gave him a look of helpless uncertainty.

"Does my dad have to-"

"Yes." Wilder said, "Now get the shirt off." Robbie looked at his father and then back to Wilder with a sigh.

"Alright..." he started pulling off his shirt which was halfway up his torso when Wilder stopped him.

"Hold on, boy. You call this a strip show? Slow down. Jiggle your hips a bit. Give us a show."

"Fuck's sake..." Robbie grumbled before trying his stripping again; slower this time, like Wilder wanted. The bull sat back in his couch as he admired the young wolf's fluffy white-furred belly as Robbie gyrated his hips slightly while he pulled the short from his body before draping it over a chair nearby. Wilder gave an approving smirk while Dylan shuffled about nearby, clearly uncomfortable.

"Nice." Wilder said, "Now the pants. Shoes too. Stop giving me that look and just do it, boy!" Robbie grunted and did as he was told. He put on a show for the big bull; slowly unbuttoning his pants, kicking off his shoes and socks and then teasingly unzipping.

"I-I should go..." Dylan said.

"You're not going anywhere." Wilder growled, "You sit here and you watch." Robbie was hesitant to continue his stripping while his father was still in the room, but he went ahead and kept going. Wilder made a circular motion with one of his fingers and Robbie turned around for him before slowly slipping his pants down his legs and dropping them around his ankles. Wilder gave out a long, deep breath when he laid eyes on Robbie's brief-clad butt cheeks. "Fuck yeah." he growled, "Come here, boy. Let me get a better look at that ass." Robbie stepped back like he was told, bringing his rump closer to the bigger male. Wilder leaned forward and reached out with both hands, getting a surprised gasp from the young wolf as he squeezed his cheeks firmly in his hands. Dylan was wringing his hands while he watched his own boss touch and grope his son.

"S-Sir, can I please lea-"

"No!" Wilder glared at him, "I told you to sit down and watch! And if you ask me again then we're gonna have problems, you understand me?"

"Y-yes, Sir..." Dylan said, a weak-willed whimper clear in his voice. Wilder nodded and looked back at the ass presented to him.

"Fuck, you've got a nice ass, boy. So soft and squeezable... Bet it's really tight too." Robbie blushed deeply at that. Wilder kept squeezing and groping at his behind, enjoying the feel of his plump cheeks in his strong hands. "Why don't we get these off, eh?" Robbie felt Wilder hook his fingers into the elastic of his briefs before yanking them down, letting them drop to the floor and revealing the silver fur of Robbie's fluffy, naked ass.

"Ah!" Robbie gave a sudden gasp when Wilder got back to groping him. The bull squeezed and stroked and parted the two cheeks so he could get a good look at the hole he'd be fucking.

"Mrrr, look at that fuck hole." Wilder growled with approval, "I can't wait to get my dick in it." Dylan was about to speak up but decided against it. Wilder had already made his disapproval of his objecting clear and he didn't want to anger him further.

Wilder took a few moments to enjoy the sight of the tight, young wolf hole, but was unable to control himself for long. Suddenly, he threw his arms around Robbie's waist and pulled him close, shoving his face into the lupine's ass and pushing his tongue against his taint.

"Ahh! Oh fuck!" Robbie gasped out, his body shivering as he felt the bull's warm, wet tongue penetrate his virgin hole. Wilder licked all over it; the wolf's taste filling his maw as he lathered his entrance with his spit and forced his tongue deep into his body. Wilder took a few good moments to explore his soon-to-be bitch's ass with his tongue, making him squirm and gasp for him. Robbie felt his legs wobbling and threatening to give out while Wilder was eating him out. He'd never felt anything like this before and the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that shot through his body made him weak at the knees.

"Ohh... Oh god..." he moaned, his voice suddenly taking a high-pitched and submissive tone. Wilder made sure to give Robbie's ass a good, long licking before pulling his tongue out of his hole, much to Robbie's disappointment. As he was recovering from the licking, Wilder suddenly grabbed the young wolf and spun him around to get an eyeful of what Robbie had to offer on his other side.

"Heh... I see you were enjoying the attention." Wilder smirked when he laid eyes on the semi-hard cock emerging from Robbie's furry sheath. The younger male blushed and looked away. He gasped when Wilder reached out and took his hardening cock in his hand. The bull looked up at the wolf who looked back down at him, an unsure look in his eyes as his member twitched in Wilder's hand.

"Mmm..." Robbie whimpered as Wilder started to stroke him.

"You like that?" he smirked. Robbie opened his mouth to answer but all that came out was a soft squeak, "Hey, I asked you a question, boy!" he squeezed Robbie's dick tight which got another squeak from him.

"Mm! Y...Yes..." he said. He started humping into Wilder's hand, his cock growing harder and harder in his grasp.

"Heh, feels good, doesn't it?" Wilder chuckled, "Get all hard for me, wolfie. Show your daddy here what a big boy you are." Robbie's breathing became ragged as Wilder toyed with him and coaxed his cock into hardening further. He was stroking him slowly, teasingly, going just fast enough to stimulate the young wolf without going too fast. Robbie suddenly reached down and placed both his hands on top of Wilder's. The bull looked up at him, curiously.

"I..." was all Robbie could say before stopping himself.

"What?" Wilder asked, "You have something to say, wolfie boy?" Robbie hesitated, unsure and nervous, but a quick squeeze from Wilder got him to speak up.

"F...Faster..." he muttered.

"Hm? I can't hear you, boy, speak up!"

"F-faster!" Robbie said, loudly this time.

"Heh, faster, eh?" Wilder chuckled and steadily increased the pace of his stroking. Robbie kept his hand on top of his, gasping softly as his cock twitched and throbbed, soon growing to full mast and starting to drip pre-cum onto their hands. Robbie kept bucking his hips and humping into Wilder's hand, desperate to feel the bull jerking off his aching length.

Dylan stared in awe as he watched his own son humping into his boss's hand, whimpering and moaning as the bull gave him what he wanted and soon started pumping away at Robbie's cock.

"Mm! O-oh that's good!" Robbie moaned with pleasure, but gave a confused whine when he felt Wilder's hand leave his cock.

"That's all for now." he said, "Maybe if you do a good job on my cock I'll let you blow." Wilder sat back with his legs spread wide and placed a hand on the big, hard bulge in his dress pants, "I hope you're ready to get to work, wolfie boy." he snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor, "Knees. Now." he ordered. Robbie felt a fresh feeling of nervousness fill his body as he gazed down at the huge package in Wilder's pants. He'd been so wrapped up in having his ass eaten and his cock played with that he'd completely forgotten that he was expected to actually let Wilder fuck him at some point. Still, despite his nervousness, Robbie did as he was told and got down on the floor between Wilder's legs. He shuffled forward a bit so that he was closer to the bull's hard package. Dylan watched on, his eyes trained on Robbie as Wilder stared down at him expectantly. The bull gave his bulge a grope before addressing the younger wolf.

"Well? Get my pants down already. What are you waiting for, an invitation?" Wilder placed his hand at his sides and presented himself to Robbie who looked over to his father for guidance.


"Just... Just do it, Robbie." Dylan said, "Just do as he says."

"You heard your daddy." Wilder smirked, "Now be an obedient little wolf like he is and get my pants off."

"Okay..." Robbie gulped.

"That's 'yes, Sir', boy." Wilder said. Robbie grimaced, but didn't object.

"Yes... Sir." he said.

Robbie slowly reached forward, his hand brushing up against Wilder's hardness as he started to unbutton and unzip his trousers. He gripped the waistband and, with a short sigh, pulled them and his underwear down around his ankles, freeing his huge, nine inch bull cock from its prison.

"Fuck..." Robbie breathed as he saw the size of the cock he was meant to pleasure. Wilder smirked and took his own manhood in his hand.

"No time to admire it, kiddo." he said, "Just get your face right in there and taste if. Start with my balls. Lick them." Robbie took a moment to gaze at the intimidating manhood presented to him before leaning forward as he was ordered and opening his mouth. He gave a soft groan as he let his tongue drag slowly over Wilder's two big, heavy balls, smearing the fur with his spit as he elicited soft gasps from the big male. Wilder placed a hand on the back of Robbie's head and pushed him down, forcing one of his cum-filled orbs into his maw and ordering him to suck it; an order which Robbie hastily obeyed.

"Mm, goddamn..." Wilder sighed and looked at Dylan, "Enjoying the show, Dylan?" he gave him a wicked, evil grin. Dylan didn't reply. He just sat there, watching as his son sucked on Wilder's balls, running his tongue all over them and making them wet with spittle. Wilder let the young wolf lick and suck his balls for a while longer before grabbing him by the fur of his head and pulling him up. He gripped the base of his cock in his hand and slapped it against Robbie's nose.

"You're good at sucking balls, boy." he said, "Now get to work sucking this." he rubbed his cock against Robbie's face, covering him in his scent, the smell of which flooded the boy's nostrils. Wilder positioned his swollen cock tip against Robbie's mouth, "Open." he ordered. It took Robbie a moment to gather the courage to do as he was told but, soon enough, he opened his mouth and let Wilder shove the first inch of his cock inside him.

"Mmm!" Robbie groaned around the shaft as the taste of Wilder's manhood filled his mouth. Wilder let go of his head and sat back, looking down at his toy boy.

"Start sucking." he ordered, "And don't half-ass it either. Really put your heart into sucking my cock." Robbie whined and started to push himself down onto Wilder's length, running his tongue over the shaft and sucking on it as he went. He could feel Wilder's body shaking with pleasure while he worked a this dick, pushing as much of the throbbing member down his throat as he could until his gag reflex kicked in, forcing him to stop. Dylan couldn't take his eyes off what was happening. He was shocked, disgusted and ashamed, but he couldn't stop watching. He couldn't believe he'd let this happen. The whole thing was made worse by the fact that Wilder was forcing him to stay and watch while he violated his son. He was watching as Robbie bobbed his head up and down Wilder's cock, a hand stroking the base while he sucked him off, when Wilder suddenly placed a hand on Dylan's leg, making him jump in surprise.

"He's a good cocksucker." he said, "Really knows how to treat a cock. You sure he hasn't sucked dick before?"

"I... I don't know." Dylan said, "I don't really, um, ask him about that kind of thing."

"Heh, you mean you haven't been tempted to shove your cock in the boy's mouth before?"

"W-what?!" Dylan gasped, "Of course not, that's my son!"

"Hey, a fuck's a fuck." Wilder shrugged, "I wouldn't be able to resist if he was my boy. I'd be fucking him every damn night." he smirked and ran his hand up and down Dylan's leg before moving to his inner thigh.

"What are you...?" Dylan spoke up and gasped when he felt his boss's hand grab his package.

"Not hard? What, aren't you enjoying the show?"

"I... That's my son..." Dylan said again.

"Your point?" Wilder asked and started rubbing at Dylan's crotch.

"Don't..." Dylan said weakly. Wilder ignored his pleading and continued to molest him. Dylan soon felt a tingling downstairs as Wilder's playing started to have an effect on him. Dylan groaned and went limp, his cock hardening from his sheath and pressing against the inside of his boxer shorts. He knew he should stop this. This was wrong. He needed to put a stop to it... But he couldn't. In truth, Dylan had been so pent up lately. With nobody to fuck and no time between working and looking after the household to jerk off, it had been a while since Dylan cum. The need for release clouded his mind and twisted his judgement. He let Wilder keep groping him. So long as he got some kind of attention down there, he didn't care who it was from. Wilder soon slipped his hand into Dylan's pants and gave his semi-hard dick a squeeze.

"That's better." he said, "You're the only one with pants on, you know. Why don't you join us?" Dylan knew full well that was an order, not a question. He found his own hands working at his pants despite himself, almost as if he were on auto-pilot. Robbie watched out the corner of his eye, cock still in his mouth, while his father stripped off next to him, tugging his pants down and revealing his growing semi. Wilder whistled as he laid eyes on it.

"Whew! Not bad. I guess the boy gets his nice cock from you, eh?" Dylan just blushed in reply. To his own surprise, he found himself reaching over and touching himself, his hand steadily working up and down his hardening member as he watched his son sucking cock in front of him. Wilder smirked and turned his attention back to the wolf between his legs, content that Dylan was definitely enjoying the show he was getting at this point.

Wilder started humping into Dylan's face, making the younger male gasp and gag on his dick. He reached down and placed a firm hand on Robbie's head, forcing him down onto his cock and pushing several more inches of hard bull cock inside him. Robbie started to gag but Wilder wasn't letting up. The bigger, stronger male kept a good, hard grip on his head as he inched his way down his throat. It didn't take him long to get his whole cock inside Robbie's body.

"You look like you're struggling down there." Wilder said, "Let me give you a hand." he gripped Robbie's ears, one in each hand, and started moving him up and down his cock.

"Mrrph! Mmm!" Robbie gave out muffled moans as he sucked and slurped at the cock, his mouth making wet slapping noises as Wilder began to fuck his face.

"Mm! That's it!" the bull moaned, "Suck it good you little fuck slut!" Dylan stared in shock, surprised at how well his son was taking such a hard face-fucking like this. What shocked him more was that he, Dylan, couldn't stop stroking himself while he watched. He felt so dirty. What kind of father would just sit there and jerk off while his son was being blackmailed into sucking cock? He kept telling himself to stop, but it was no use. His cock was in command now. Wilder gave a sharp breath, his breathing quickly becoming heavy and his body tensing up. His grip on Robbie's head tightened and he started ruthlessly pounding away at his maw, pulling the younger wolf down hard on his cock and thrusting upwards, burying the entirety of his member down his throat and humping into him. He gave out a loud cry of pleasure as his low-hanging balls tightened and his cock throbbed before he blew his load down Robbie's throat.

"Mrrrph!" the smaller male moaned and tried to pull back, but Wilder kept him in place as he pumped load after load inside his stomach, forcing him to swallow every drop of the stuff, all while his father watched.

Wilder panted and sat back, his grip loosening. Robbie pulled away when he felt his grip relax, coughing and spluttering, his mouth filled with the salty taste of cum.

"Too much for you?" Wilder smirked, "Maybe I should have warned you that my species cums a lot. Well, too late now." Robbie coughed and spat some of the cum out onto the floor.

"S-so I sucked you off... Does my dad get his promotion now?" he asked.

"Not yet." Wilder said. Dylan and Robbie both gave him a confused look, "Hey, that was just a blowjob. I said I wanted to _fuck_you. And fucking your face doesn't count."

"A-are you shitting me?!" Dylan growled, getting to his feet and staring down angrily at the bull. Wilder scowled at his language and stood up to face him. He towered over the young wolf, both their cocks still standing fully erect as they sized each other up. Dylan was about to intervene when Wilder suddenly grabbed Robbie, spun him around and hurled him onto the sofa. Robbie gave a sudden grunt as he found himself falling forward onto his pantsless father with Wilder's weight pinning him down between them. Dylan gasped when he felt his hard cock pressing up against the fur of his boy's stomach, their eyes meeting as Wilder held him in place.

"You watch your fucking language when you talk to me, you little shit." Wilder growled and grabbed Robbie's head fur again, "You know what, why don't you show your daddy some love while you're there? Get your tongue in his mouth, come on!" he pushed Robbie forward and the two wolves found their mouth pressed up against each other. Lost in the moment and completely unsure of what he himself was doing, Dylan opened while and kissed his son. The younger male's eyes widened in shock as he felt his dad's tongue enter his mouth and start rubbing up against his own tongue. Wilder's cock throbbed at the sight.

"Can you taste my cum on your boy's tongue?" he asked.

"Mmm..." Dylan moaned. The salty taste was strong in Robbie's mouth and he could feel his tongue running across a few globs of cum that lingered inside his maw. Still unable to control himself, Dylan found himself jerking his aching canine cock while he made out with his son while his other hand held his head close to his own. Robbie gave muffled moans which turned to whimpering gasps when he felt Wilder's hardness pressing up against his tight ass.

"Mrrph! Mm! Nrrrm!" Robbie moaned and tried to free his mouth of his dad's tongue. No use. As he tried to break the hold Dylan had on him, Wilder pushed forward and finally penetrated Robbie's ass. He heard him cry out around Dylan's mouth as he forced the first couple of inches into him; Robbie's ass stretching painfully around his fat manhood. Wilder tilted his head back and moaned with pleasure, loving the feel of his cock being squeezed by the teenage wolf's hole. He grabbed onto Robbie's ass and gave it a hard slap on the left cheek which got a sudden, surprised squeak from the lupine.

"I bet your daddy could do with a dick sucking himself." Wilder said. Dylan broke the kiss and looked into Robbie's eyes.

"Robbie..." he stuttered. He didn't know what to say. Robbie looked down at the throbbing cock between his dad's legs which twitched up at him, as if it was beckoning him to suck on it.

"Do it, boy!" Wilder gave Robbie another hard slap which had him cry out with pain before practically diving for his father's cock. His mouth was an inch away from it when he hesitated. He was going to have to do it. He knew that if he got on Wilder's bad side there was a good chance his dad could lose his job.

He opened his mouth and leaned forward, the heat from his dad's aching sex washing over his muzzle as he drew close and eventually took the pre-dripping tip into his mouth. Dylan gasped as he felt his cock being enveloped by the first mouth in ages to pleasure him like this. He sat back and let his son suck on it, taking inch after inch of his six incher down his throat. Meanwhile, Wilder had nearly shoved all of his length into his bitch. He pulled Robbie back and pushed forward, managing to force the last inch of his cock into him. Robbie cried out in pain as he felt himself stretched painfully around the bull's cock. Robbie found himself being fucked hard from both ends; both of the older males driving their cocks in and out of his holes, making him whimper, moan and gasp. Wilder bred him deep, filling his tight passage with his thick pre-cum, his heavy balls slapping against Robbie's body whenever he thrust forward.

"Unf! Mm! Fuck yeah...!" Wilder grunted, his cock twitching inside his bitch's body. Dylan gazed down at his son, watching his cock being worked in and out of his maw; Robbie's face pressing against his pubic fur whenever he moved forward and took the entire thing down his throat.

"Mmm..." Robbie moaned, his own cock pulsing and firing globs of pre-cum onto the floor, staining the carpet with the stuff. Despite how humiliated he was feeling, Robbie's cock was still painfully hard and begging for attention. His balls felt so heavy and full of cum; needed to blow so bad. He tried to reach down to play with himself but found himself off balance whenever he tried. Wilder noticed his attempts and reached around suddenly to grab at the wolf's length. Robbie gave a surprised gasp when he felt Wilder's strong, warm hand around his shaft.

"Here, boy. I'll take care of that." he gripped it tight and started stroking it, making Robbie squirm and moan in his grasp. He was still pounding away while he stroked him, ploughing Robbie's ass with good, hard, steady thrusts. With a low groan, Robbie started to hump into Wilder's hand which soon became covered in his cum; his fur sticky with the stuff.

In front, Dylan was starting to feel his inevitable orgasm approaching. He gripped onto Robbie's head fur tight and humped into his face, whimpering and moaning at the blowjob he was forced to receive. His toes curled and his whole body shook with pleasure. He could feel himself getting close and he tried to hold back. He was ashamed of himself enough without blowing his load inside his own boy's mouth. His fingers scraped at the couch and he clenched his teeth, trying desperately to keep himself from cumming. It was no use. A few more seconds of hard sucking was all it took to send Dylan over the edge despite his best efforts to stop himself. Robbie's eyes widened as he felt his father cumming inside his maw and was about to pull back when he felt Dylan's hands on the back of his head, forcing him down onto his length. Dylan couldn't stop himself. It was like his body was moving on its own. He tried to stop himself; he tried to let Robbie pull off his cock, but he couldn't. He held him there, and he humped into his face, pumping his load inside his mouth and down his throat.

"I'm... I'm s-sorry, Robbie! Ohh, shit...!" Dylan's body tensed and his eyes closed, head tilted back as he thrust as much of his cock down Robbie's throat as he could. His cum spilled out the sides of Robbie's mouth and dribbled down his chin; the thick, salty stuff still being pumped down his throat for what felt like hours for the poor, young wolf.

Dylan, his orgasm soon passing, let his arms flop to his sides and let Robbie pull back; what little cum he hadn't swallowed dripping from his mouth.

"Your daddy taste good, boy?" Wilder asked, still going to town on his ass, "Bet you swallowed every drop he gave you, didn't you? Filthy slut." he thrust in to accentuate his words, his hand still gripping Robbie's cock like a vice, jerking and tugging at it, "You gonna cum for me, fucktoy?" Wilder grunted, "Come on, blow for me you little cock warmer!" he slammed his cock in hard and made Robbie whimper loudly.

"F-fuck! Slow down! Please!" he begged, his ass burning with pain.

"Ha! Awr, is it too much for the wolfie boy?" Wilder laughed, "But you were acting so tough before! Now stop whining and take it like a man!" his fucking only got harder, which meant Robbie's moaning became more pained-sounding and pathetic, his pleading for mercy soon turning into nothing more but submissive whimpers. The sound of Wilder's hips slapping against Robbie's body filled the room as he bred the young slut wolf. He leaned forward and whispered into the bitch's ear, "I'm getting close, boy."

Robbie could only whimper in reply as the nine inch bull cock was forced brutally in and out of his rump until, with a loud roar of pleasure, he filled his bowels with his seed, pumping load after load of the stuff inside him. Robbie could feel the stuff splattering against the walls of his passage, coating his prostate which was now receiving a rough hammering from Wilder's cock. Wilder's hand was still working up and down Robbie's lupine dick, which only added to Robbie's humiliation when he felt the attention soon bring him to his own climax. He opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a loud, whimpering moan as his cock erupted and covered the floor and couch with his cum. Wilder felt the stuff splattering onto his fingers and gave a mocking chuckle.

"Yeah, blow for me you little slut. You like having my cock in you that much, eh?" he thrust in one more type, shooting a last rope of cum inside Robbie before slipping his cock out and letting the younger male collapse on the sofa next to his father. Dylan sat there, recovering from his own orgasm and watching as his cum-covered son gasped for breath. "You covered my fingers in your cum, boy." Wilder said, approaching the exhausted lupine and slipping his fingers into his maw. Robbie gave a surprised, muffled gasp when he found his mouth filled with his own cum. "Clean them." Wilder ordered. Robbie did so and dragged his tongue over Wilder's cum-covered fingers. He didn't fight; what would be the point? He'd already taken two cocks inside him, cleaning Wilder's fingers wasn't too bad in comparison. He lapped up his own cum and was made to swallow the stuff as Wilder pulled his fingers out of his mouth and standing up to tower above him.

"Your son's a good fuck." he said, looking over at Dylan.

"T-thank you..." Dylan said, "Um... Do I get the promotion now?"

"Heh, that's all your worried about? I just fucked your boy up the ass and all you can think about it your promotion?" Wilder gave a short laugh and shrugged, "Sure. Letting me use an ass that good, I have to reward you somehow." Dylan perked up at that, "Now get dressed and get out of here. I have work to do. Dylan, you can head home for the day while I prepare some assistant manager appropriate work for you. And you..." he looked down at Robbie who managed to struggle to his feet, his legs shaking like jelly, "I'll see you later, boy." he smirked and winked before grabbing his pants and pulling them on, tucking his softening cock away and returning to his desk. He looked at the two wolves who were still idling about, "Well? Leave! I've got work to do!" Dylan and Robbie scrambled for their clothes; Dylan pulling his pants up while Robbie had to completely re-dress himself. They left once they were fully clothed, a tense silence between them. The ride home was awkward, to say the least. They didn't talk about it; they just sat in silence while Dylan drove. It was during that silence that he realized what he'd just done. He'd essentially pimped his own son out to his boss; let him use and humiliate him, and even went along with it when Robbie was forced to suck his cock. He was such a shameful wolf; a dirty, filthy excuse of a man. He'd sold his own son out in the worst way, watched and jerked off while he sucked Wilder off... Dylan felt so disappointed in himself...

But at least he got that promotion.