Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#32 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

Yes... the hour is finally here and the darkness has fallen, fully. The night is full. Hope is held only in the screaming of a desperate flame, a light, guttering against the darkness.

After a month of building tension, all things are finally in positon, all the pieces are in place. The actors know their roles and the games are finally to begin.

Except... the pieces are people with lives and futures and...

Yeah, Plaisir was never meant for October's kind of adventures, tracked in like dirt, dripping like blood, like a foreign object in-

Ah, yes, that might be the other, talking... the darkness. That voice is stronger, now.

For this is the time of midnight. Now is the time of conflict. Now is when the avatars of light and darkness come to the fore and make themselves known for what they are, fight for everything they're worth...

Who will win..?

You'll have to find out.

Yes, this is the end.

October's Jaunt is over.

Glad to have you all along for the ride. Hope you all enjoyed it! ^.^

Yes, yes, yes, it has been a fantastic ride. A long time ago, I was searching FA for Verrin / Waxell appropriate porn and came upon some Firenze and Rain Flower. I came across that twice and on the second time... was drawn into a world of wonder that I just had to join in with. Had to, with all of my heart. Plaisir was a beautiful, promising thing that I had to join in with and at no point has it let me down. It's one of the best thing that's ever happened to me, creatively. I was thrown into a world of creative collaboration... and never looked back...

Here's my final contribution...

...For the October's Jaunt storyline... anyways...

Oh, you didn't think I was done... did you..?

Just this storyline.

See you later. z: )

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom belongs Firenze, Rain Flower, Eclipse, Nature, Sinister and Dextus

Also credited in this part: Coldstone to whom belongs: Neon Staccato and Coco

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

The full-sized version of the picture, beautifully done by Dark Violet can be found here on FA:

Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour By October.

Eclipse sat, illuminated only by the glow of the almost silent television set he wasn't really watching with a big, satisfied smile upon his face, as if daring them to say something. By his side lay Vermont; the Glameow literally kept under his paw, the Mightyena's forepaw roughly grasping and stroking his head as he kept the cat's body held down under his leg, pinned; as if to make another point.

Dextus straightened up and moved back from the sink, an ashen look on the smaller Mightyena's face as his sister moved into the gap he'd left, looking between the doors into the under-sink compartment...

"Huh..." she said, before stepping away and pushing shut the gap in the under-sink doors, hiding away the eyes that stared at her from within.

"Lock it," said Eclipse, simply.

After a moment's hesitation, Sinister pushed shut the deadbolt Eclipse'd had installed on the doors. Then, with the unsettling sight of red eyes, silently staring, sealed away again, she stepped back, blinking a few times.

Having just finished the same, Dextus frowned at his older brother "You can't be seri-" he began.

Eclipse simply turned his head and simply glared in return. Glared with the pressure and intensity to instantly shut Dextus up and force his younger brother to drop his own worried gaze to the floor.

Only glancing at this instant conflict and resolution, Sinister cleared her throat before speaking up, "So this is happening, huh..?" she said softly.

"This is happening," confirmed Eclipse, with a nod, his eyes lingering on the cowed Dextus's. Making sure that gaze stayed on the floor.

"Bro, this isn't-" started Dextus, before Sinister cut him off with a quick shove to the shoulder.

"Three at once? One not enough?" said Sinister, jocularity in her voice, "Eclipse, brother, I think you're getting greedy!"

Eclipse slowly smiled, "Needs must... and I'm sure the pair of you'll help out..." he said all-too pleasantly, "Those two couldn't wait a damn minute longer. Besides, might be four, before too long..." he chuckled, softly.

"Four!?" repeated Dextus, with a look of momentary horror on his face.

Eclipse smiled at him, unpleasantly, "Don't think we've got room for a Fox in here..? Stinks, some, but we already owe him a scrubbing, don't we..?" He was referring to the near-catch they'd had in the showers, recently, during the sanctioned hunt for the Ninetales they had so nearly made good opportunity of, "Thinks he got away, but we'll clean his act up for him in the end, he'll see..."

There was a lingering moment of silence as the Mightyena shared looks between each other.

"Yeah, about that," said Sinister, "I saw October running past, he didn't look too 'winged' to me..."

"I know," said Eclipse, darkly, frowning, "Magic tower. Well, we're just gonna have to have a little conversation on that, me and him..."

"Conversation," said Dextus, looking upset and sounding exasperated, "You mean you kidnapped two of his friends..?"

Eclipse smiled at his brother, saying nothing.

"So now he's gotta talk to you, I follow," said Sinister, nodding slightly and wearing a soft smile, "Not the worst idea, brother. October's just enough of a sap for that to work. You want us to take him a message for ya..?"

"That'd be swell," said Eclipse, with incongruous pleasantness and a growing grin, "That's real kind of you, sister... I'd appreciate if you did exactly that for me."

"Had a feelin' you would," said Sinister, curtly, "So what do I tell him, exactly..?"

"You tell him," said Eclipse slowly, stroking Vermont's head as he cocked his own, slightly, thoughtfully, "I wanna talk to him. Tonight. Midnight. I got the whole night off..." he said with a slow and lingering chuckle... Squirming under Eclipse's paw, Vermont looked terrified.

Sin and Dex shared concerned looks.

Eclipse went on, "The roof ought to be fine for him. I'm sure he can find that. Tell him it's in his friend's best interests that he ain't late."

"Right," said Sin, "Simple enough I'm sure even he can follow it."

"Is it too much to ask that you leave off of 'em until then?" asked Dextus, sounding unhappy.

Eclipse's brow fell into a frown.

Sin shoved her twin brother, "Dex! Don't be stupid!" she said, sharply, "Brother knows his business. I'm sure brother's savin' his stamina for a certain red devil..."

"'Brother's stamina,'" growled Eclipse, "Ain't neither of your concerns. Go on..."

"Hey!" said Sinister, suddenly looking her older brother in the eyes and frowning, "Dex won't speak his mind, the little wuss, but fact is, we've been lookin' forwards to spending some serious time with that Umbreon you got there."

"...Right," said Dextus, huffing slightly and frowning at his brother, "Don't want you ruinin' him before we even get a chance, bro. That one we might just keep around a while! I bet-"

Eclipse growled, cutting his younger brother off, "I had my eyes on that one longer than you..." he said, a dangerous warning rumble in his voice, "and he'll be around as long as he's around, as long as he feels like he can be part of our little family... just like little Vermont here, right..?" he stroked the Glameow's head as he said it.

Vermont whimpered, pathetically.

Eclipse smiled at them, "Got it..?"

"Got it," confirmed Sinister, with a nod.

"Right," said Dex, "but-"

"Go on," said Eclipse, firmly.

Without another word, the twins turned for the door and left the room.

They closed the door slowly and with temerity. As soon as the latch clicked, they heard Vermont cry out; a lingering, pained yell. They glanced nervously down the hall, but no-one else was out of their rooms, right now. It was a busy evening, upstairs and the basement was practically deserted.

"...Fuck..." said Dextus.

"Don't say it," said Sinister, staring at her younger brother.

"Sin..." started Dex.

"Don't start," said Sinister, staring him directly in the eyes, "Come on," she nodded down the hallway, "Let's bounce."

They started walking together, but the look on Dextus' face told his sister that this was far from over. She stared at him, unhappily, questioning his wisdom with a look.

"He's gone too fucking far, this time, Sin!" growled Dextus, at least as unhappy as his sister and sounding at least as incredulous as she looked.

"Psh," said Sin, twisting her face unhappily even as she tried to pull a stern expression, "This is nothing new, nothing's changed, Dex."

"Nothing's changed?" snapped Dex, twisting his face right back at her. "Okay, okay. Okay, we knew we'd see Chai in here, sooner or later, but this is Nature, Sin, Nature!" he exclaimed almost angrily, his eyes bulging at his sister, "This isn't some pickpocket or bad apple, Sin! It's Nature!"

Sinister snorted, her voice shaking with what she made out to be chuckles, "Come on, Dex..." she said patronisingly, looking him in the eyes.

"Come on, what?" Dex said, twisting his face angrily, "Come on, Nature's like all the rest? He ain't!"

"Because he's what..?" said Sinister, "Not a thief, a malcontent or a druggie or whatever?"

"No shit!" said Dextus, practically shouting though his voice was low, "Let's cut to the chase, Sin! It's fucking Nature! Nature's the exact kind of Pokemon we DON'T give the treatment to!"

"Tch," Sinister made a scornful noise, "Come on, Dex..."

Dextus frowned at his sister.

She looked around at him, frowning, a sharp look in her eyes, suddenly, "You know they weren't all bad apples... you know he just said that to comfort you." The way she said, 'you,' made it sound like he hadn't said it to comfort her...

"...What..?" said Dex, frowning.

"You knew it, you damn pussy," said Sinister, harshly, scowling judgmentally, "You dumbass. Even if they were, you really think any of 'em they deserved what he put 'em through..? Seriously?"

Dextus face softened, his eyes widened, unhappily.

"Cut that out," said Sinister, her face as hard as she could make it, "Either you're stupid or you're willfully ignorant, brother. Neither's any less pathetic. Neither makes any difference to the law. Fact is, you enjoyed each and every one of 'em, all the same..."

Dextus looked away, apparently trying to speak, but losing his voice.

"We're Dark Types, Dex, we're Mightyena," said Sinister, "We're predators. Pack predators. We're built from the ground up to love this kind of stuff, no questions, right or wrong..."

"...Well," said Dextus, almost whingily, "Maybe I shoulda been askin' more questions..! Maybe there's some things we've accepted being put upon that maybe we shouldn't've..! He's going too far, doing things wrong!"

"You KNEW," said Sinister, sharply, glaring at him, "In your damn heart, you already knew this. So stop being a goddamn coward and accept it. It's what you are and it's what we've always done... We can't go back, now, we can't change the past, so..."

Dextus brow creased further, upset in his big eyes that seemed to twist his sister's features further. He huffed, saying again, his voice becoming whinier, "This is Nature, Sin. Nature! Everyone's gonna be asking where he is... this IS different..."

"What's so different, Dex?" said Sinister, her voice suddenly becoming sharper, "It's another young Pokemon with no confidence who came here alone to find a new life. Whatever else was wrong with any of 'em, he's exactly the damn same!" She looked away, just as sharply, "He's just like that quiet little Leafeon who got caught with a few joints... or that klepto Zigzagoon who couldn't help himself around the damn silverware..." she looked at him again, some actual sadness in her eyes, "...or just someone like Vermont, whose only crime is that he's got no damn friends to look out for him! Eclipse didn't choose 'em because they're bad apples, Dex! Eclipse chose 'em because they were easy targets! He picked out the weakest members of the herd, just like a wild Mightyena does, Dex..!" She snarled slightly, as if mustering her resolve... or justifications, thought Dex, sadly, unbeknownst to her, "...and we enjoyed 'em too, because we're Mightyena, too! We did what came natural whether we thought it was right or not and it's way too late for objections, now! What we've got now is Family and Loyalty and that's what we've gotta stick to!"

As she'd spoken, Dextus' eyes had left her own and sank. As if the weight of painful thoughts and memories was growing on his brow, the male twin's head drooped until he was staring at the ground as he walked, shaking his head and muttering things under his breath... So Sinister knew her words were finally hitting home, she was sure. She gave him a little time to think and swear before she spoke, again.

"I'd give our brother three days, tops, to get him in line," said Sinister, firmly, "Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if Nature wasn't grovelling before him by the end of the night, he seems like a real Stockholm Syndrome sort, know what I mean..?"

Dextus looked away, speaking softly, speaking very softly, "Dammit, Sin... this isn't right, this is just stupid, this isn't the way... I don't know if I can bring myself to do this, anymore..."

"You've been doing it fine, so far!" said Sinister, turning her anger on her brother again, "...Dammit, Dex! Don't provoke him! He will NOT listen! The only reason he keeps up the facade of being anything other than what he is, is just to keep us happy!"

"Oh yeah..?" said Dextus, looking at his sister with subtle tears in the corners of both their eyes as they met, matched in anger and sadness, "...and what is he, huh..?"

"Our brother!" Sinister said sharply, "and that's never gonna change!"

Dextus lowered his head, "Right..." he said, quietly, breaking eye contact.

"The only things you can count on in this world," said Sinister, quoting, "Are family and the loyalty of a Mightyena. Eclipse is both."

"Right..." said Dex, with a low, but firm nod, staring at the floor as he walked.

Silence lingered for just a few seconds. Ominous, thoughtful silence before one of them thought they ought to break the mood.

"Cheer up!" said Sinister, suddenly, smiling slightly, "You're gonna feel better later!"

Dex looked at her quizzically.

"We finally got that Umbreon," said Sinister, smiling, "bet you're not gonna be bitchin' like a whipped pup when you're pumpin' his ass, huh..?"

Dextus started to smile, slightly.

"Right..?" said Sinister, smiling at him, "I know you wanna hit that again. Shit, I wanna watch!"

"Right..." said Dextus, smiling softly.

"Genuine miscreant, that one," said Sinister, grinning her most infectious grin, "Shit, not a bad cock on him, neither. How's about you wear his ass around your dick and fuck him into me, huh..? I know you like that..."

"Hmph..." said Dex, softly, "You know, I always kinda hoped we'd turn that one around, maybe even get him on-side... I mean, he seems like our kinda sort, I just get that feelin' like... maybe he could take what we get up to," he smiled, subtly, "I mean if anyone around here could actually handle us, y'know... without Eclipse breaking 'em..."

Sinister gave him a sad look, which firmed quickly, "Don't count on it," she said softly.

"Right..." said Dextus, "...but... we see him in the infirmary almost every damn day! The stuff him and that Ninetales gotta get up to..."

"Dex," said Sin, "It's a nice thought, honey, but you ought to know from your own ass that October's WILD, October's FUN, even on a Dark-Type's kinda scales, but he ain't, no, Eclipse." She drew out each word on purpose.

"Well, maybe he was goin' easy on us," said Dex, "The way we went to him... and all... We probably didn't get his best..." Sinister frowned, he was referring to the deceit, the trick that had started them on this course. He was thinking of it like that, she could tell.

Sinister rolled her eyes, "Dex, if you don't quit with the rationalisation, you're gonna get yourself hurt... worse, you might hurt our family..."

"Huh..?" for a moment he looked confused, she frowned at her idiot brother, harder, "Yeah. Right..." he said quickly, nodding, "Right. No way that's happenin'."

"C'mon, cheer up," said Sinister, "Close as he is, our brother ain't a total dick... and whatever he says, he's gonna be saving for October." She smiled, with the special smile she reserved for scheming with her twin, "Tonight, we'll get back, have some fun with your new little yellow-ringed brother whilst he's still fresh and YOU'LL feel a damn sight better for it..."

"Yeah..." said Dex, smiling again.

"Good boy," said Sinister, smiling back.

They continued walking, in silence again, for just a little while...

"Later on, I guess we might have October, huh..?" said Dextus.

"Right," said Sinister, "it's probably about time he ran outta luck."

"Shame..." said Dex, quietly.

"What?" said Sinister, frowning softly. She thought she had dealt with this...

"Come on," said Dextus, smiling at her, "These last few weeks have been a blast! Eclipse busy, always something happening... and c'mon, that time in the closet... he's fun!"

"Yeah," said Sinister, closing her eyes and nodding.

"Won't be so fun when Eclipse is finished with him, huh?" said Dex, quietly.

"No..." she said with a sigh.

* * *

Chai frowned, irritably, knowing what this was about.

Nature's eyes were wide and horrified as he listened to the sounds Vermont made. He was pulling his arms tighter against his chest as they heard the Glameow cry out in rhythmic pain and anguish, again and again...

There was a particularly loud cry and Nature straightened up against the back wall, eyes going even wider.

Chai frowned sharply at him, "Hey," he said, "Don't listen to it..."

Nature stared at Chai, horrified, "He's... he's..."

"Yeah," said Chai, plainly, "He's totally raping the shit out of Vermont. I almost feel bad for the prick."

Nature's look of horror didn't shift, "He..." he went silent for a while, then spoke to Chai unhappily, "How can you say it like that..? That's..."

"Vermont's a prick, believe me," said Chai, sharply, "not that he deserves..." he frowned, looked away, took a breath, "...Look, Eclipse is just doing him so hard right now so we can hear what we've got to look forwards to. He's doing it to wear us down, don't let him. Don't listen."

Nature stared at him, his eyes objecting, "How could I not listen..? He's hurting him so much..!" He gripped at his arms, tightly, "I want to do something..!"

"Yeah..?" said Chai, frowning at the Lucario, "What?"

"I don't know," said Nature, "Just... maybe I could distract him..!"

"You'll get another turn, don't worry," said Chai, frowning, "When he thinks we're ready..."

Nature's stare almost became a glare, "Why do you sound like you know all about this!?"

Chai snorted, looked down, "Because I do, that's all," he said, quietly.

"How..?" asked Nature, sharply, "How do you know about this..?"

Outside, Vermont's cries became more urgent. Nature's glare softened into worry.

Well shit, thought Chai, it seemed like the newbie needed a distraction. Looks like I'm leading him through it again, after all, thought the Umbreon.

He didn't have anything else to talk about, there was nothing else on his mind, but he had to think of something quickly.

For the third time around this Lucario, he had a bad attack of 'what-the-hell.'

"I know about this," said Chai, quietly at first, but it wasn't grabbing the Lucario's attention, "I know about this!" he said over-loudly, upset in his voice, then he settled down... "I know about this because some of those wrong turns I once told you about lead me to a few places just like this one."

Nature blinked at him, still not quite with him, "Just like..?"

"This room, this sink, this... situation," said Chai, "Except squatting in abandoned buildings, the free food not so free, the roof not so watertight. Like I said, some wrong turns..."

"Wrong turns..?" said Nature, "Surely you didn't HAVE to live like that..."

"That's good living for a stray," said Chai, looking him sharply in the eyes, "beats no roof, no food, believe me... starve for long enough, freeze for long enough, nearly die of exposure enough times and you'll do anything, anything to survive, seriously..."

"-UAH...! UAAAAAAAH-! Vermont's voice cut through.

"Oh," said Chai, "and THAT..."

Nature blinked, stared at him.

"You stay under the roof of some rough 'Mons," said Chai, "You gotta put up with some rough stuff... and it don't get rougher than the Dark Strays..."

"The... who..?" repeated Nature, staring.

Well, fuck, thought Chai again, I've gone and gotten his interest. I'm gonna have to say. He paused, sighed.

"Who is that..?" asked Nature, again.

"About the roughest Pokemon gang on the streets," sighed Chai, barely believing that he was talking about this, that the words were actually coming out of him, "Whilst you were at High School... they were my High School."

"A gang!?" said Nature, looking suitably shocked, at least as shocked as Chai expected. At least he was satisfying to tell... this Lucario who was apparently still about as innocent as he was at half the age...

"Yeah, a big gang," grumbled Chai with gravitas, "and a bad gang... just as bad as you'd expect... and worse."

"...I thought gangs were a thing of the past," said Nature, "On the TV, they're always saying that crime is going down-"

"Bullshit," declared the Umbreon, shaking his head, "They're always saying bullshit, that's what. There are gangs, there are always gangs," he frowned, "All different kinds of crime, all different kinds of scumbags of every type and kind..."

"There are Psychic Pokemon in the Police, now, though!" protested Nature, "They can't get away with big crimes like they used to!" he frowned, "That's why they say that crime is going down..."

That made Chai smirk, "Nah," he chuckled, "Don't sweat too hard about the damn thought-Police. Well, maybe a Fighting Type should..." he looked the Lucario in the eyes, "First; There's not that many of them. Second; they can't scan without at least Probable Cause and if you're a Dark Type, they just can't scan you at all," his smile grew, "You know Dark types often don't even show up in premonitions? Maybe just a shadow where we're meant to be. We just don't barely even exist on the same level of consciousness or something. We're too animal for their 'higher states.' That's why we mess 'em up so bad..."

Nature blinked, thinking quickly, apparently comprehending. Quick, that one, Chai had to give him. "...and..." said Nature, "The Dark Strays are all Dark Types..."

"Yup," said Chai, smirking, "Big and getting bigger every day. 'All hail the grand Liberation and the new age of opportunity for all it's ushering in..!'" Now THAT he was quoting from the TV.

Nature looked suitably horrified. Satisfyingly so.

"Well, as you'd expect, the Strays are big on what makes a Dark type tick..." said Chai.

Almost as punctuation, Vermont's groans became louder again.

"...Like that," said Chai.

Nature remained staring at him, in horror...

"Three guesses as to how you rise in the ranks, huh..?" said Chai, smirking, "Those on top gotta make sure those below know it, too..."

Nature looked down, looking lost...

"So," said Chai, taking this opportunity, "That's why next time he opens the door, he takes me," he said it firmly, staring Nature in the eyes as he looked up in surprise, "Because this shit? This is old news to me. Schoolyard stuff. Let me take the worst of it."

Nature stared at him.

"Glad we've got that sorted out," said the Umbreon, firmly.

"No," said Nature, shaking his head, "I can't let you do that..."

Chai glared at the Lucario, in disbelief, "Didn't you hear what I just said..?"

"Yes..." said Nature, looking away and gripping his arms, tightly, "I did. You said you went through this for years, just to survive, right..?"

"Right," said Chai, nodding, "that's why it's got to be me."

"No..." said Nature, shaking his head, "You said you took wrong turns. That means you didn't want to be there. You came here to get away from that..." he looked at the Umbreon, "Didn't you..?"

Chai sighed, looking down, "That's just tough shit," he said, "it's my own fault I ended up like that..."

"You've been through enough," said Nature, firmly, looking him directly in the eyes, an odd determination in his own, "Maybe it's my turn."

"Wait, no, don't be stupid-" started Chai.

"No! Listen!" said Nature, actually talking over him, which was surprising enough that he kept the initiative, "Chai... Charlie... you said you took the wrong turns and I took the right turns, right? That I've been lucky and that everything's gone right for me, right..?"

Chai stared, wrong-footed by the use of his name and unable to deny that he had said those things to the Lucario and meant them.

"Maybe things aren't as ideal for me as you think they are," said Nature, frowning, "but maybe I have been luckier than you, a LOT luckier than you..." he took a breath, "Well, maybe it's my turn. Maybe I owe this..."

"Owe this!?" frowned Chai, "Now that's ridic-"

"Is it..?" said Nature, "When I first got here, you helped me out, didn't you..?" he didn't wait for Chai to answer, "...and we said we'd be friends, didn't we..?"

Chai kept frowning, quietly.

"Well," said Nature, "Things didn't work out like that and I'm sorry... let me do this for you, now!"

Chai frowned sharper, "You don't know what you're saying. You don't know what it's going to be like, not really..."

"I've handled Eclipse more times than you have!" said Nature, fighting to keep the high ground.

Chai sighed, "Yeah, but he wasn't raping you. Know what happens when one Pokemon rapes another, Robin..?"

"It's-" began the Lucario.

"Rhetorical question," said Chai, frowning at himself for having picked a word like 'rhetorical' up off of October, "...look, I'm not like, an auramaster like you Lucarios and I don't really get all of that stuff, but a stronger Pokemon doesn't just stick their dick in you; Their aurafield invades yours." He grimaced, remembering, with his body and shuddering as he spoke, "They get right inside of you and mess with your feelings. They'll MAKE you scared of them if you're not. They could make you beg and cry or whimper and obey if they're good at it, tame you like a wild bitch... and doing it feels just great, makes 'em feel powerful..." he frowned, "...and no-one's better at giving OR taking it than Dark Types! Just like Eclipse ...or me..!"

Nature stared at him, fear in his eyes at what the Umbreon was saying. Chai expected that was that.

He was wrong, though. Nature frowned, "Well, I AM an auramaster, even if I'm not very good at it," he said, quietly, "and I may not be a Dark Type, but I'm Fighting... and Steel," the slight Lucario furrowed his brow in what he probably thought was a determined expression, "Unless what they taught me in school was 'bullshit,' too, that makes me twice as resistant as another Dark Type!"

"You don't know what you're saying-" began Chai.

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the doors flinging open.

Eclipse scowled in at them, "You're makin' too much noise," he growled, his eyes terrible as he looked between them, "Time to break this up..."

Before either one of them could do anything, Eclipse suddenly hooked a paw under Nature's chin and dragged the Lucario out, throwing him carelessly to the floor outside, thus ending their debate for them.

Frowning, Chai bunched up to try and jump out, but the door almost instantly closed in his face.

Snarling, he slammed his paws against the sudden wall of thick formica, but it barely even made a sound.

"FUCK!" the Umbreon swore, tears suddenly appearing in his eyes, hissing, "...You asshole..."

* * *

Still surrounded by the non-stop bustle and hustle of the Main Bar, this table was still an island of silence. In the seductive mists of the pallor of pheromone-laden dry ice hanging around the room, it was this table alone which was cloaked in clouds of gloom.

The Sylveon and Jolteon hadn't said anything for quite some time, except for Colin to order another Sylveon Milk. Chai's seat was still ominously empty.

Neon still stared at her half-finished cloudy-lemonade-and-vodka, not quite in the mood for the usually-stimulating bittersweet taste. It was too damn sweet, right now.

Colin sighed, "Wow... this day is just the worst," he said miserably.

"Not the worst, for me," said Neon, "not by a long way. At least we're getting somewhere..."

Colin moaned, "I don't want to believe it at all, Plaisir's meant to be a happy place, where Pokemon like us can live and be themselves... this isn't right..."

"No, it's not right," said Neon, "but Eclipse is 'being himself' as well... we shoulda been watching closer for stuff like this..."

Colin moaned again, "Pokemon aren't meant to be like this..."

"There's always been Pokemon like this," said Neon, "People, too. Believe me..."

Colin sighed.

"Hey," said Neon, "Chin up, Colin... now we know about it we can do something about it, right? We can stop it."

"It should have never happened in the first place," said the Sylveon, miserably, staring blankly into his drink.

Neon frowned, "Yeah," she said, "Got to agree with ya, there, Pink-n-white... we shoulda expected this..."

Colin whined, "No-one could have... should have expected this... it's not right."

"I coulda," said Neon, quietly...

She took a sip of her drink, tasting it... Yeah, bittersweet, but still too sweet for today, she thought. Maybe it needed more vodka in it. Lifting the base with her paw, she tipped it back and finished it with a sigh, "I'm goin' for another, want another..?"

Colin shook his head.

"Well, watch the table, huh?" asked Neon.

Colin nodded, still staring at his drink. With his ears, tail and ribbons low, he still looked wilted.

'Nothin' sadder than a sad Fairy,' thought Neon and headed for the bar.

Not that she could particularly blame the sensitive one. Today wasn't much fun for anyone, except maybe for Eclipse... fucker.

Speaking of which, Neon was surprised when she walked around, turned to face the bar and almost ran smack into the back end of the original source of all their troubles. Shouting, loudly.

"LOOK, just give me a drink, you overgrown weasel!" growled October, indignantly.

Jack, looking none too impressed, was glaring at him over the bartop, having paused, paw-frozen, in the middle of cleaning a glass.

"I'm SICK of this!" declared October, his tails bouncing in an angry fan as he spoke, "I work here for FREE like a SLAVE. Every morning, I clean up the messes, feed the masses, drag around a tonne of cummy bedsheets and prepare the place for you all to fuck up again and I get NOTHING out of it!"

Jack looked like he was about to speak when October went off again.

"All because of a fucking WINDOW that your insurance probably paid without a second thought!" snarled the Ninetales, "Well I do more work than half the Pokemon around here and I get NOTHING. For ONCE how's about you can SPARE ME a FUCKING DRINK!?"

"Well," started the Typhlosion, "Since you ask so effin' politely, N-"

"Hey! Jack!" Neon suddenly interjected, throwing herself up to bar level and hanging off by her forelegs, hindlegs just about reaching the ground on her clawtips, "Forget what he just said and I'll buy him a drink, huh?"

"After what he just said!?" growled the angry-looking Typhlosion, heat-shimmer pouring from his back.

"WHAT, the TRUTH!?" growled October, shimmering almost as much right through his fur, "Who do you think dragged those kegs up there from the cellar, this morning, Jack!? Because it wasn't the EFFING. MICE... OR the the pint-sized Umbreon who does the other half of everything around here for no fucking appreciation!"

Neon frowned. Fucking Fire Types. Leave any two alone in an empty room and they'd find an excuse to fight. Worse, tonight; you had a tired and grumpy looking October who'd been dealing with Eclipse and an equally tired and grumpy looking Jack who had been dealing with one of the busiest and most hectic nights in recent memory. This was almost guaranteed to end badly for October, though Neon quickly realised that if Electricity was going to be heard in this fiery confrontation (however petty) it was going to have to land with a crack of Thunder!

"Funny," said Jack, raising a sardonic eyebrow, "Can't remember either o' you for employee of the month..."

"JACK!" said Neon, suddenly shouting sharply, over both of them and glaring at October, "He's being a real ass, but October here's been having trouble with Eclipse, I assume YOU know that Eclipse is real trouble, right..?"

The Typhlosion stared at her, angrily and remained quiet.

Neon met that gaze and stared right back, "Well October here's been takin' the brunt of matters this Cafe should have never let happen. This morning he literally SAVED my ASS from Eclipse and the LEAST you could do is let me buy his whiny ass a drink!"

Jack frowned, leant forwards and put both paws on the bar, "I don't 'ave to serve anyone I don't want to. In fact, this trouble maker'll be lucky if he apologises right quick that I don't fire 'im for how's he's talkin' to me..."

October started to speak, so Neon literally shoved a paw on his muzzle to shut him up.

"What, you gonna stand there and tell me he doesn't get a raw deal?" said Neon, quickly, the hasty Jolteon making sure to steer the conversation and realising this was a damn fine time to make some sharp points, "Him or Chai..? Who lost his room for not makin' targets he can't POSSIBLY meet on Morning Shift traffic or timetables? Think it's fair or even LEGAL that October gets no livin' wage..? That the kind of exploitation you and your owner started this place up, for? Let it go, Jack. This is a bottle of snakes you don't wanna open even before you get to the TRUE allegations of rape that so far, shit hasn't been done about! This place is a such a bucket-fulla-lawsuit waiting to happen that you wanna be GLAD the likes of me, October and Chai don't snitch..!"

Jack's frown increased.

"...Unless we gotta," finished Neon, looking firm.

"One drink," grunted Jack, frowning angrily, "Then I'd better not see either of you for the rest of the night..!" He turned away, literally fuming from his back with an impressively controlled temper...

October on the other paw, was looking at her with a surprised expression.

"What?" said Neon, "Believe it or not, you've got rights, October!"

"...Ever thought of running a Worker's Union..?" said October, "I think you're the sort," then he smiled, "You know, except for everything else you do, of course..."

Neon smirked, "I ain't the boss of anything, even a Worker's Union. You know that, Foxie. I'm not that kind of party girl!"

"Well, current events lead me to believe that the workers should unite," muttered October, scowling, "I'm feeling about ready to start a red revolution, I tell you..."

"Well don't," said Neon, "This place still means something, even if it's fucked up, along the way..." she frowned, "Pokemon should be able ta stand up for themselves in a free and fair society, but society's failin' them. No point in it if it don't protect you from the strong, right..?"

"That's a more basic question," said October, "Can you find and defeat the monster? Like myself, he's an abnormal case. So it's really more a question for the likes of me than for society. A Monster like Eclipse will always mock the rules set for a reasonable society... actually they thrive even better with unreasonable rules," he sighed, "Myself, too, really..! Just in very different ways. I'm a rebel, but he clearly did very well in a military dictatorship."

"Military dictatorship?" repeated Neon with a doubtful frown.

"What else would you call a Pokemon Trainer's team of Battle Thralls?" countered October, "not long ago, that was the highest rank a Pokemon could hold in this society. Thank your world's Liberation for changing that."

"Well, right now I'm glad of both it and you," said Neon, then, "Thanks," she said suddenly, to Jack, who was placing down their usual drinks. Another cloudy lemon with vodka and a tall glass of undiluted, aniseed-laced, extra-spiced dark rum for October in a measure that looked unusually generous, if not for the fact that no-one else generally drank the stuff outside of a bet.

"Piss off," said the still-fuming Jack, turning away quickly before Neon could even offer to pay.

They took their cue to grab their drinks with October's tails and leave before he changed his mind.

"C'mon, this way, we got a table," said Neon, nodding.

October paused and spoke, awkwardly, "Look um... I'm sorry... for being a dick..."

"Great," said Neon, before smirking at him, "but you had me at saving my tail, Foxie. You came through."

October sighed, "I literally couldn't have done less," he muttered...

"You did enough..." said Neon, smiling, "You've done enough, Foxie. Now other stuff is being done."

"Other stuff..?" October began to inquire, raising an eyebrow.

Before October could ask further though, he was suddenly cut off by a bright and high, "OCTOBER!"

Jumping and almost spilling the drinks, October turned around to see Colin, the Sylveon's eyes wide and bright and blue, his ribbons up in the air in greeting... then a thought seemed to cross his mind and he began to droop again.

"Hello, Colin," said October, softly, "It's good to see you."

"Hmmm, it is..?" said the Sylveon, looking sad and uncertain. A normally bright creature rendered limp and downcast. Truly a miserable sight.

"It is..." said October, frowning, unhappily, the sight shaming him more by the second, "I'm sorry if I've been brushing you off, lately... things have been... bad."

"...but I want to help!" said Colin, bursting out, unhappily, looking up with those big eyes, all glassy, "I didn't mean to not be there! I wanted to help! I still want to help..." almost instantly, he had descended into sniffles, "I wanna be your friend again, October..."

October paused, taken aback and taking a deep breath, shocked at first by what the Sylveon had said, then regarding the picture of misery before him and remembering only now that he had previously said otherwise. "Okay," he muttered, softly, "One feels like a real fucking dick around about now..."

"You oughta!" said Neon sharply, staring at the Ninetales, firmly, "Now tell him!"

"...I'm sorry," said October, "I umm... might have said some things I didn't really mean..."

Colin sniffled, looking at him, the most pathetic creature that ever there was and it was alllllll his fault. October found himself defenceless against such a thing and it was all he could do not to sniffle himself, feeling pretty bloody awful about it.

October sighed, "You're still my friend, Colin. I was stupid for suggesting otherwise, I'm sorry. I had a bad time but it's no excuse! I'm an idiot who sometimes speaks without thinking, please forgive me for saying something so stupid and wrong..!"

Colin sniffed, then looked up at him, big blue eyes wide, "...You mean it..?"

October nodded, "Yes!" he said firmly, "I promise with all my heart, Colin! You are my friend! If you'll still have me-"

Before he knew what was happening, October was knocked, stumbling backwards, a sudden Sylveon wrapped around his chest and neck with all eight limbs, hugging him like there was no tomorrow, crying like a summer storm and seeming to make a constant, high-pitched whine...

Sighing, October accepted this, the stares of all around and the measures of drinks he had spilled upon his tails. All was quite fair and deserved, all things considered. Smiling with some amusement at the situation, he sat down in the Sylveon's still-warmed former place and placed what remained of their drinks on the table, still with Fairy attached.

As Neon went to sit across from him, he shared a smile with her and rested his chin upon the whining Sylveon's head, quieting him, sightly.

"Well," sighed October, "and Neon, enjoy this moment; You were right."

Neon blinked, then smirked, opening her eyes wide in exaggerated surprise, "Well fuck, Foxie! There must be something wrong with you..!"

October chuckled a few times, then smiled, "...Friendship is greater than Loyalty. At least in wider society, it is, the lines are broader. This isn't a life or death situation - or at least it shouldn't be - and whilst I'm still not happy that you turned on me, turncoat," she frowned at him, playfully, but quickly they were both smiling, "...we'll both still look out for each other when it really counts."

"Good!" said Neon, sipping from her drink, then lapping it from her chin, "It's about time you figured that out..!"

"Of course," said October, "That leaves the other one..!" then he paused to take a sip of his own, vile, caustic brew...

"Oh..?" said Neon, raising an eyebrow.

"Hon-Oh, shit!" said October, suddenly jumping up so quickly that Colin fell off in surprise, "That stupid Typhlosion kept me waiting forever! Just because he knew I didn't have any money, the prick!"

Suddenly the original source of the conflict seemed a little clearer. October could take being ignored about as well as Jack could take that kind of tone from a troublemaker... Good job they normally stayed away from each other. Damn Fire Types...

"What!?" said Neon, "Geez, don't frighten me like that! We already dealt with that!"

"No!" said October, "I mean yes, we did! ...but I'm late! I have to meet someone!"

Before they could ask any further questions, October was already scrambling off.

"Huh," said Neon, "For such a big, red Fox, he sure disappears fast..."

"Where did he go!?" asked a shocked, wide-eyed Colin.

"No idea..." said Neon, shaking her head, "To meet someone, apparently... Hope it's a lucky night for him, I guess..."

"Hey!" called a slightly deeper voice, "Wasn't October just here..?"

Neon looked around and jumped back a little at the sight of grey fur. Her eyes narrowed and she hunched back, defensively.

"Woah, woah," said Sinister, smirking at her, dangerously, in a way that told Neon that the female Mightyena wasn't remotely worried about her, "Down girl! We don't wanna play with you..."

"Yeah," said Dextus, making Neon jump, realising the other twin was behind her other shoulder, "We just wanted to talk to October!"

"You two can stay away from him!" squeaked Colin, suddenly, "You're mean to October! You tricked him!"

"Shut up, pipsqueak!" snapped Dextus at the Sylveon, "You can't prove anything!" His sister scowled at him, Neon noticed...

"Can so!" said Colin, frowning mightily and pouting, "or we will, at least!"

"We've got a message-" began Sinister, before she heard what Colin was saying and stopped, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Colin-!" Neon began to say, trying to talk over the Sylveon.

The Fairy was charged up, though, with a righteous look upon his face, his ribbons high and his higher pitched voice cutting right over everything, "Mister Firenze knows you've got Vermont and wants to talk to him tomorrow and if you don't stop being mean to him and let him out, tomorrow, Mister Firenze'll be coming to save him with the Police!"

Silence fell all around them.

Sinister, Dextus and Neon's eyes all bulged at Colin.

Sin and Dex turned tail and rushed towards the stairs.

"COLIN!?" shrieked Neon in disbelief!

More innocent and without guile than it should have been possible for a whore to ever be, not knowing what he had done wrong, Colin blinked in confusion, practically making 'blink blink' sound effects in his perfect portayal of a Pokemon as pure and as dense as the driven snow...

"What!?" asked the Fairy.

"You tipped them off!" growled Neon, leaning on the table angrily.

"Oh, that's bad because they're mean..." said Colin, "Wait... even so... why wouldn't I give them a tip..? That's just being nice!" then he cocked his head, "...and wait, how did I tip them!?"

Neon facepawed hard, slapping both forepaws against her head and groaning...

* * *

The dark room was still lit only by the flickering blue of the television and it stank of the strong pheromones of fear and lust that hung in memory.

Dragged halfway across the floor, stumbling and scraping on his hands and knees, Nature was released to fall face-first onto the carpet whilst Eclipse jumped back up to the couch, next to the still-whimpering and leaking Vermont.

Nature looked at the Glameow, at least what he could see of him whilst he was balled up and hiding himself. His face was hidden, shaking with his suppressed misery and he was covering his tailhole several times over with limp coils of his extra-long tail, but it couldn't conceal either how badly gaped the cat was nor how much he was leaking, nor how much of that white, weeping seepage was stained and marbled with lines and streaks of crimson...

Nature swallowed, then started to pick himself up.

Eclipse glared down at him and he froze in place, as if some tangible pressure had been applied to him.

They were silent, for a while, Nature staring at Eclipse, his face somehow seeming all the harsher in the blue-stained gloom of the flickering television light.

"You and me need to talk," said Eclipse frowning at him.

Nature stared, finding himself unable to answer.

That didn't seem to bother Eclipse, "You know, boy, you've made a damned pain in the ass of yourself. That's something I don't appreciate..."

Nature looked up at him, silent and still.

Eclipse frowned harder, "You know, I tried to keep you out of this. This ain't your world, this ain't Nature's Garden," that frown turned slowly to an ominous scowl, "I tried to protect you, like I always have, but you just HAD to keep creepin' into danger, huh..?"

Nature frowned, suddenly. Wait a minute.

Eclipse growled softly as he spoke, "You coulda just stayed where you were, Plaisir's favoured little Prince and I'da been glad to leave you there. See; Your world and mine ain't the same..."

"Protect me!?" repeated Nature, suddenly finding his voice from no-where, "You don't protect anyone! You..!" and then his voice caught, as he searched for the words. He looked to Vermont for inspiration, but the sobbing Glameow wasn't exactly an inspiring sight.

"Boy..." growled Eclipse, quietly, "You just shut up and listen," he stared harder, his eyes seeming ever-more intense, "You're damn right I do... Like I said, we live in different worlds, boy. You live in a pampered circle protected from the outside by the pains of other Pokemon. You're a child peekin' in on somethin' you don't understand, but you've been benefitin' from it, all the same..."

Nature stared, unhappily, still struggling to find the words...

"...Look at you," continued Eclipse, looking down at him contemptuously, "Shocked and horrified by the little you've seen. Tell me, boy, don't you know that there are worse things than me in the world..?"

Natured stared at him and swallowed. He had been about to say he couldn't imagine anyone worse than Eclipse, but the Umbreon's words were stuck in his head, about gangs and gang rapes and criminal underworlds.

"Whatever you're thinkin'," said Eclipse, "I don't think you do. This is a dangerous world, boy, this a world full of scum and monsters, where cute little Pokemon like you go missing all the time after some predator or other snatched 'em up. You don't know how lucky you are..."

Again, thinking of Chai's words, Nature looked down, the words he had been struggling to put together dying long before they'd gotten anywhere near his mouth. He looked up at Eclipse, wide-eyed.

"You think I'm bad," said Eclipse again, frowning at him, "Because you don't know how many worse Pokemon I run out of here. Sure, they hired Bouncers, but they're just about up to dealin' with drunken assholes," he scowled, "It's still me they turn to for troublemakers who give those big, slow, oblivious asses the runaround. It's still me that chases out the ones they don't even know are a problem. The Pokemon... and people... that are just like me... or worse..." Eclipse leaned close, "Real monsters."

Nature stared at Eclipse. He wasn't sure he could imagine a worse monster than this one, whatever Chai said...

"Hell," said Eclipse, "That's not even goin' into the Wild Pokemon me and the twins keep away from here. All manner of beasties with no respect at all for Man's laws. If we didn't patrol every night and keep markin' the border, that forest you seem to love might have seemed a damn sight less friendly to you when somethin' crept up to eat your damn face off..."

Nature's eyes widened further, Eclipse seeming to force needles of fear deep into his heart. The forest... a personal sanctuary... the woods around Plaisir where he felt safe and at peace... Where he went to feel the oneness of the world around him, the place of which he thought when he needed to calm down...

Where just today, violence had erupted and he'd been worse than helpless. The trauma of the memory, of spilling blood and screaming, haunted him, made him physically twitch.

"'Course, you should know about that," said Eclipse, "Damn fool boy; Messin' around with things you don't understand... Goin' out as far as you do... with no ability to look after yourself... you realise the only reason you ain't been eaten up yet is 'cos you belong to the worst of 'em all..?"

Nature blinked. Kusa..? He couldn't mean Kusa. His loving Master was the very portrait of a good Wild Pokemon, as pleasant as he was relaxed and in tune with the world around him and if he ever doubted that he only needed to look in his Master's eyes and feel beloved... He had been kind of wishing earlier that Kusa came around here, so that maybe Kusa could find him... help him... maybe teach Eclipse a lesson, he thought, guiltily...

"Snake like that don't get so big livin' on berries, boy," said Eclipse, snarling and leaning closer, jolting the Lucario, "You might give him the jollies for now, but, you realise, sooner or later, he'll get bored with his toy and... GULP!" he scowled at Nature, seeming angry, "No more little Prince. Just like that and not one shit given. You've got NO idea what you're messin' with..."

Something about the way Eclipse said it made the image very clear in Nature's mind. The thought that sometime, one day... That big, slow smile of Kusa's might change, if barely. If those big eyes got a little wider. If Nature, finding himself stretched and worn out and straining... as thoroughly satisfied as sometimes only the great snake could make him, that he might find himself lifted up... helpless in Kusa's vines... and then falling down... into that great maw... and deeper... into darkness and death.

He shuddered. Perhaps the worst part about this was how the Umbreon's warnings resounded in his head. He didn't know if these thoughts and feelings were his own intuition or if these were impulses being forced on him by the base powers of Eclipse! He couldn't find any of the focus needed for aurasight, thanks directly to these dread sensations that felt as real and present as the Dark Mightyena himself, who was, after all truly, rationally terrifying...

"You're a stupid little morsel skippin' his way out to death's door," said Eclipse, "and again the only reason that you're still alive is because somethin' worse is protecting your naive, helpless little tail..." he leant a little closer, "...For now."

With two of his supports knocked from under him, Nature was off balance. He wanted to argue these points, to protest that Kusa wasn't what Eclipse thought he was, that those woods had never really seemed so dangerous to him, that Eclipse himself was the biggest monster that Nature had actually seen...

Yet those eyes... and that growl. Both bearing down at him, they made Nature feel like the stupid, weak little fool he was. Ignorant..? Of course he was. This morning, he would have never believed that Eclipse would really hurt October.

Again in his mind he saw the points of broken bone and he skipped a breath, started panting fearfully.

Eclipse's frown softened, though barely... and he went on, "The whole time you've been here, I've protected you, boy. First week you started goin' out into those woods you nearly got stalked by a damn Wild Seviper. Wanna guess who saw it off..?" then the Mightyena was smiling, "If not for me, Nature'd've taken his course pretty damn quick..."

Nature was still panting, still fixed on those eyes of Eclipse's... he wasn't thinking of arguments, now... The fear... the panic, the confusion, it was all rising up and all he could do was listen, hinging on every word as his world crashed down around him, his supports washed away and drowned in a sea of fear.

"You're only alive because of me," said Eclipse, speaking firmly, "because of my protection... and as it was with the Seviper, so it is with that damned Ninetales."

Nature stared, wide-eyed, only able to listen.

"Just like all the rest I deal with," said Eclipse, snarling, showing teeth as he spoke, "he's a monster worse than me. He's a thing that walks in the shape of a Pokemon with less respect for society's rules than the things that creep in the forest," he growled, becoming more agitated, "He pretends to be like the rest of 'em, jocular and witty," he said with disgust, "but he's not like them. He never was. That thing walks in the form of a powerful and untrustworthy Pokemon stained the colour of blood. That thing's playin' a game, like it's played a game with every unfortunate place that it's cursed with a wake of chaos... You've seen his Tower, haven't you..?"

Nature continued to stare, listening in horror, overcome with spinning emotions of fear and uncertainty, unable to do so much as confirm or deny. He might have tried to nod, reflexively, but he just about managed to twitch.

Apparently, it was enough for Eclipse, "You just saw it today, right..?" the Mightyena cocked his head, "So, how much old blood did YOU smell from those weapon rooms..? How many places..? How many dead people..? He's a killer, boy... and you know it," pausing to let that line since in, the Mightyena scowled, then eventually, continued. "That's a line I've never crossed. Whatever else you could say about mean old Eclipse, I'm no damned murderer."

Nature winced and Nature tried to argue, tried to refute it all, Kusa, the forest, October... but struggle as he might, the Mightyena just seemed to loom too high above him, seeming even bigger than he really was...

Besides, it was true. Nature's sense of smell was keen enough to pick up most of what Eclipse had said. October's Tower stank of the violence he'd tracked back into it. Violence he hadn't denied, but brushed off with a smile and a joke...

"That thing's playing games with us," said Eclipse, "and right now the rules of the game say he doesn't kill. Plays nice. Pretends to be another of Plaisir's soft little playthings..." then the Mightyena scowled hard, "...but that's something THAT thing will never be. If the rules of the game changed enough, make no damn mistake, boy..." Eclipse leant closer, "October would kill every last one of you and he'd still sleep sound that night."

Staring, wide-eyed, moist-eyed, Nature found that he literally couldn't disagree.

Eclipse smiled, pridefully, but in a way that was deeply unpleasant, "He's a wanderin' devil and I asked whatever god it is that listens to me why they let him happen through here, but I think I've finally figured it out..."

Nature blinked, no longer following. What was he saying..?

Eclipse's smile grew, "Y'see, he's worse than me, but he isn't as strong as me. Hasn't figured out how to Ninetales, right, yet. Well; Ain't it Fortuna he swears to? Shouldn't swear to Fortuna," he grinned, "Because he's had the bad luck to go and run into someone ready and willing to leash the damned devil and take his damned Tower from him."

Nature's eyes widened again.

Eclipse chuckled, apparently in good humour, "Boy, people we've never met in worlds we'll never know ought to thank me for stoppin' that thing in its tracks." He grinned, "Then the Tower'll be in better hands than his. I'll be doin' a lot of people a favour..." he trailed off into another, apparently good-humoured chuckle...

Nature gulped, getting a strong and ominous feeling...

Eclipse continued to chuckle, looking off into the distance, thoughtful...

Relieved of that stare, Nature was able to blink and for a moment, try to put his thoughts in perspective. Try to make real sense of all he had heard...

Then Nature's eyes widened as he suddenly found a Mightyena's paw upon it, stroking his head, not-too-softly...

"Hey," said Eclipse, grinning down at him, toothily, "On account of all I've done for you, past present and future, boy..." he gestured downwards with his eyes, "I could use a little gratitude, don't you think..?"

Nature stared in confusion, though his heart seemed to quicken in instinctive fear...

He glanced down. Whatever Eclipse had been thinking of, apparently the Dark type had found it pleasant. Sliding free of its sheath, stroked by Eclipse's free forepaw, Eclipse was already very hard, indeed. A huge length of pink Mightyena meat... but dappled...

Stained. Still wet with seed... and patches of red. Blood. Vermont's blood.

Nature tried to pull back, disgusted.

Eclipse's paw held him firm, dull claws digging into his scalp, painfully.

"No..!" gasped Nature, trying to pull away again and again despite the pain, "It's filthy..!"

"That Seviper didn't go without a fight," said Eclipse holding the struggling Lucario with a grin, "I already tasted blood for you. Time you return the favour, boy..."

"No..!" cried Nature, "Not now, not like this, please! I don't want to-!"

Eclipse grinned. A very big, very toothy grin full of the anticipation of brutal pleasure...

Suddenly the door burst open and a pair of Mightyena burst inside. Two faces with matched crescent-moon markings wore looks near as worried as Nature's.

"Bro!" called Dex, "We've got a problem..!"

Eclipse stared at his younger brother.

Sinister glanced between them, then kicked the door shut with a hindleg.

"What is it..?" said Eclipse, then.

Approaching quickly, the smaller Mightyena looked at Nature and Vermont, "Maybe they should, ummm..."

"What..?" said Eclipse.

"Shove 'em under the sink, brother," said Sinister, "Because we've got to talk about what we're doing, right now..."

* * *

October knocked boldly at the door and as before, he shortly thereafter met by the Mienshao. This time, she beckoned him in with a single, "Come..!" and a wave of her paw.

Closing the door gently behind himself with a roll of his tails, October re-entered Elegance's room.

"So..." said the Ninetales, "You've made whatever... preparations, were necessary..?"

"Yes," said Elegance, simply.

"Preparations..? The plot thickens!" came a rich, deep voice, "Elegance; Now my curiosity is doubled for whatever you have summoned me for..."

Hearing Prometheus, October practically jumped on the spot to turn and face the source of the voice.

Lounging across Elegance's new bed, Prometheus's grand form seemed to fill it, all on his own.

A veritable fiery leviathan, even relaxed and at rest, the Arcaninetales was threatening to say the least to October. Mostly Arcanine, which was bad enough, this one had just a splash of Ninetales to it, making it quicker, warier and with more of an ego. Just like a Ninetales like October, this one was in the game, wanting to be on top and enjoying the thrill of the hunt...

Prometheus was something else and by and large, October had hastened to avoid him, a fresh scent alone often keeping him from areas he knew the Arcaninetales occupied, lest the top Fox attract the kind of attention of even-topper dog-fox that he frankly knew his bottom could NEVER take.

For the most part, anyway. There was this one time a combination of rumours and October's own insecurities had lead to him impulsively hatching one of his... less admirable schemes upon a rare opportunity which he just had shamefully been almost unable to resist. Well, fortunately, that had fallen through and it had turned into a rather pleasant evening of debauchery, instead. One in which, unfortunately, he had ended up owing Prometheus one in about the worst way possible and had to redouble his efforts in evasion as a result!

October briefly considered just turning and running out of the door. If not for the gravity of the Eclipse situation being just slightly greater, he probably would have...

"Hi, Prometheus..!" said October, trying to sound confident and failing, coming off slightly whiny.

...and here he was, in Elegance's room.

"Hello, October..." said the Arcaninetales, smiling a big, slow smile, "It is good to see you again," he said, in that deep, rich mediterranean accent of his...

October reconsidered running straight out of the door.

"Hahah..." laughed October, nervously, "Good to see you again, too!" he politely lied.

Despite the tranquility and non-suggestibility of the situation, those facts alone had October's heart moving quicker than it needed to, forcing an uncomfortable fidget as he unconsciously adjusted his posture to a slightly more ready one.

"It is a surprise to see you here," said Prometheus, smoothly, smiling, "How has it been going?"

"Oh, ups and down, you know..." said October, then he frowned, "Mainly downs..."

"Oh, that I'm sorry to hear! Perhaps you'll grant me the opportunity to give you another 'up,' soon, hmmm..?" said Prometheus, his smile broadening, "I don't think I ever got a proper chance to thank you for the gift of warmth..."

"Thank me..?" said October, shrinking back, slightly..

"Yes!" said Prometheus, a glint in his slightly narrowed eyes as he looked upon the slightly squirming Fox, "For the Chicken Soup, of course! When I was poorly! That was a kind gift."

October chuckled, nervously at first, but then with genuine warmth and mirth behind it. Couldn't help it at all. "Oh, that was no problem at all, I assure you," said October.

"Well I slept very warmly that night," said Prometheus, smile growing, "...and the pleasure I will repay you double..." he said, his voice low.

October's blood froze and he winced slightly as he straightened, "Ahahahah..." he laughed nervously, skittering back a step, "Maybe... so, indeed..! Ha, hah..!"

Prometheus chuckled, too. It was warm and genuinely pleasant, but it was, for October, not reassuring.

Elegance looked between them, "The two of you have met, then?" she asked.

"Not as well as I would like!" said Prometheus, pleasantly, "One poor evening, this one visited me to pay me the gift of his kindness," He put a little extra emphasis on 'kindness.' October caught it. Oh, he caught it. October had been drunk and kind of lost control and kind of felt bad about it. Was that just a test though? To see if he still felt bad about it..? He shouldn't think about it. He did, though. Because he did feel bad about it. Being square in fair aim for retribution and all...

With October grinning awkwardly and Prometheus smiling, Elegance stared at them for a few seconds of awkward silence before nodding, "Very well then, we shall save time on introductions."

"If you say so," said Prometheus, chuckling warmly and smiling pleasantly at October, "Though sometime I might like the chance to get introduced even better... if not another visit to my room, then perhaps to his..?" he said it suggestively, an egging temptation in his voice, "I could bring more in the way of fine drinks if you think you could handle them? Not quite as fine as the last bottle of course, but of great quality and curiosity, none the less...." the egging in his voice sliding towards outright teasing, "Why; it should make for a pleasant evening... if a Ninetales dares chance such pleasures, that is..?"

As October began to move, beginning to gather the courage to speak and trying to figure out some excuse that would allow him to retain his pride, Elegance raised a paw and nodded on his behalf, "Knowing October, I'm sure that your alcohol will be very well received. If introductions are not at issue I would like to proceed."

"Proceed with what?" asked Prometheus, raising an eyebrow, "Elegance, pleasant as it is to see you both, you have not told me why I am here."

"Indeed," muttered a still-wincing October, "I'd rather like to know, myself..."

Elegance turned to Prometheus, "I have called you here today in hope that you will illuminate October on occurrences here before his arrival and my own..." she said smartly and efficiently, then quietly, she finished, "and to retell events too painful to recall,"

Prometheus paused, frowned and looked at the Mienshao, "Oh..? Is it what I think it is..?"

"Your friend, the Sylveon, Colin," said Elegance, nodding, her voice serious, "October owes me an apology, but he must first comprehend how it is I came to this place." She took a breath, a momentary pause before resuming in the same tone, "Yet he only knows of the Colin of today.,," There was pain in her voice, but she had it barely screened behind her usual, sharp mask, she went on without pausing, "To fully understand and believe what occurred, he must know of the Colin that was. I believe you are best to relate that tale, how it ended and how my tale here began, Prometheus. I humbly request that you do so."

Prometheus continued to stare at the Mienshao, as she looked downwards, unhappily, then back up at the Arcaninetales' eyes, her gaze firm despite her downcast posture.

"This is an unusual request," said Prometheus, with unusual quiet, "and I am concerned that digging up such memories might only be painful for all concerned..."

"Yet," said Elegance, "October has need of my teachings and thus I require his apology, which in turn requires this understanding. Pain must defer to Honour."

"Hmmmph..." said Prometheus, "Honour..? Well I am not so foolish as to question the priority you put upon that, Elegance..." he said slowly and with a tone that suggested he wasn't too happy with this, "Therefore... I will honour your request..!" he finished more grandly and with a more customary smile.

'That was terrible,' thought October, with a frown.

"Thankyou," said Elegance, bowing her head.

Prometheus looked back, thoughtfully, "Hmmm..." grumbled the big hybrid, "Where to begin, let's see..."

* * *

"I suppose the best place to start would be the Summer in which Colin arrived," said Prometheus, thoughtfully, "Quite a long time ago, now, four years, in fact, when this Cafe Plaisir was barely a few months old, itself..!"

It was good to see the Main Bar so busy. In fact, this might have been the first time anyone had seen it so full.

The room was filled with the hubbub of conversation, of comings and goings and the clinking of glasses. A light air of celebration filled the air, like the people and Pokemon all felt like now, things were really picking up!

The new Cafe Plaisir was finally taking off..!

Prometheus was walking through the place with a strut in his step like he had pride of place, as only an Arcanine-Ninetales hybrid standing taller than most men could. Dressed in a solid white apron subtly striped with blue and wearing a serving tray fit to hold a feast strapped to his back, the gigantic Greek Waiter none the less did his best to look as prideful as imposing. Not the easiest feat, but when you were as majestic as Cafe Plaisir's dashing new Arcaninetales..? Well..!

"Hey, honey..." said a nearby human woman, smiling a coquettish smile at him.

"Greetings..!" said the Arcaninetales, "Alas, I am needed elsewhere!" he declared, lying, in order to swiftly move on with a charming smile.

Well, if just THAT would stop happening. He couldn't help but feel like there should be some easy way of letting others know his preferences in advance. Maybe a badge or a catalogue or something. Not that he could blame the ladies for trying to get his attention, of course, but he just wasn't interested in them and the Main Bar Melee in general tended to result in a lot of similarly crossed wires between Customers and Waiters.

Still, he was new here and he accepted that perhaps he simply hadn't learned all of the tricks, yet! Perhaps there were better ways of presenting himself that he simply hadn't yet found...

Anyways, he hoped he would soon find someone more to his liking. He could do with earning a few more tips! As well provided for as the employees were, here, some of the finer luxuries of the world simply couldn't be obtained through the Employee Lounge menu!

"Wait, wait, wait," said October, snickering, "So you had a big white apron with Greekiness and an oversized tray of classical-era dorkdom? That's adorable! You must have looked so silly..!"

Prometheus narrowed his eyes at October, "I was one of the first Bedroom Waiters as soon as they became a thing, but I went through my time on the front, yes... hmmm..." he said, thoughtfully, drawing October's eyes, "Didn't I say I wanted to see how you look in your uniform..? I had forgotten but I'm now reminded. I do hope Firenze dressed you up in a French Maid style..."

Thinking of his frilly black little apron and pretty silver tray with the frilly black straps, October gulped. Not quite the 'full style' but closer than he would currently like. That it had taken him this long to make the connection personally shamed him. That did not feel anywhere near as bad as the ominous feeling that Prometheus might catch him in his usual attire and similarly find it close enough... He promised himself to have a word with Firenze on the topic of his wardrobe, knowing that he, most likely, never actually would. His braveries lay elsewhere. Violence, he could handle. Embarrassment..? Oh no...

Thinking of all of this, a literal heat-shimmer was rising from the flushing Ninetales.

Prometheus, smiling broadly, went on, "Anyways, that was about when he came in..."


Every head in the room turned towards the sudden, high-pitched noise. Every sensitive ear went back, folding away from the sudden pain.


Standing in the entranceway, stood up on his hindlegs, a pretty young Sylveon was doing his best impression of a rearing stallion, whilst himself wearing a lone-starred cowboy hat and a loose-fitted bandolier bearing plastic revolvers. He looked ADORABLE.

"I'M COLIN! I REPRESENT MASTERSON'S IN TEXAS!" declared the Sylveon at the top of his lungs, heard by just about literally everyone whether they wanted to or not, even were they in the next room... "I'VE BEEN MEANIN' TO APPLY FOR WORK HERE! I'M THE FAIRY YOU NEED AND I'VE GONE AND COME WHEN YOU NEEDED ME! NOW I'M GONNA MAKE YOU ALL COME!"

"Gracious," muttered someone nearby to Prometheus, he looked over to see Plaisir's current resident Sylveon, a tall and stately Fairy with gigantism (though he still didn't seem overly large to six-foot tall Prometheus,) who looked positively shocked, "How crude!"

Colin marched into the room with an exaggerated, bow-legged swagger, made slightly ridiculous by his quadrupedal stance and somewhat feminine build, but the look of confidence he had on his face was ironclad. The Sylveon apparently had gusto to spare...

Prometheus couldn't help but find that interesting.

One of the new hires, a young male Flareon called Red came marching up to the Sylveon, proudly and squeakily starting the spiel as he had been recently taught, "Hello and welcome to Café Plaisir! Can I help-"

"YOU'RE TOO DAMN SMALL!" declared Colin loudly, before a couple of the Sylveon's ribbons whipped down to one side.

Despite Colin's words and the fact the older Sylveon was a little taller, the stocky Flareon probably had a few pounds on him in muscle. Yet when those ribbons grabbed his right-side legs, hauled him up into the air and casually tossed him aside onto a nearby table, sending drinks crashing to the floor, you wouldn't have thought it.

"Rude and messy!" gasped Oberon, apparently horrified by his fellow Fairy.

Prometheus was transfixed.


"Hey!" barked Claudius, the male, wild-look Furfrou charging at the Sylveon with his stern face showing every intention of bringing the interloper to heel, "You can't go on like that in-"

"I SAID A REAL POKEMON!" said the Sylveon, suddenly leaping.

Claudius was full of his own gas and confident to a fault. He'd never hesitated to get involved whenever there was a hint of any trouble. Some had suggested that Furfrou were perhaps a little too high strung, but confidence had carried the dog through on many an occasion.

He stopped running, pausing, blinking confused, taking whole seconds to realise that the Sylveon had leapt right over his head and onto his back.

Suddenly the Sylveon was using all four ribbons to whap him - quite hard, from the loud sound of it - rapidly on the ass, creating an almost gunfire-sounding soundtrack to his declaration, "THE PEOPLE AT MASTERSON'S TOLD ME I NEEDED WORK EXPERIENCE FOR A GOOD JOB, SO I WENT AND WORKED A YEAR AT A RODEO! NOW I NEED A REAL MALE TO SHOW MY STUFF!"

Claudius paused in open-mouthed shock, then shook at the back end and gradually collapsed, whimpering from a bruised booty.

Now with a convenient ramp, Colin hopped off and continued walking right through the middle of the stunned and awe-struck room.

Back in the present, October was staring with a similar, open-mouthed, I'm-looking-at-something-impossible expression. "Wait... what..?" said the Ninetales, "We're talking about the same Colin here, right..?"

Prometheus smirked at him, "I can see why you would ask that, but yes... and we haven't even reached the best part! You see..."

"Oh this is just disgraceful," muttered the sensitive and catty Oberon, "completely unbelievable! What a boorish little-"

"Beauty of a Fairy..." rumbled Prometheus, appreciatively. What confidence this one had! Louder than life! He had to respect that...

Which was about when the Fairy's eyes found him. Both Fairies.

Oberon was staring at him in disgust, of course, however, the new Sylveon, this loudly-declared, 'Colin!' was looking at him with a growing smile.

Turning towards him, Colin grinned from ear to ear, making no attempt to hide the sharp predatory teeth and particularly impressive, vampiric fangs that most Sylveon did their very best to hide. This normal-sized but comparatively tiny little Sylveon, however, was making no effort to conceal his bright and irrepressible spirit, let alone his teeth!

"Now here's somethin'!" said Colin, appreciatively, "YOU THERE! FLAME-DOG! I'M TAKIN' YOU DOWN!"

Prometheus blinked in surprise, "...You're going to take me down..?" he asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow as he stared at a Pokemon less than half his height and perhaps a tenth of his weight...

"You're damn right I am!" declared Colin, boldly, "Come at me or I'm comin' at you! Flame-Dog! Either way I'm gonna be ridin' you!"

Prometheus smiled, the fires of a challenge catching easily and quickly burning bright in the Fire-type's blazing heart, a big smile growing, "Oh, will you now..?" he said, confidently, "You say that, but you've had the gall to challenge Prometheus, he who brings the Fire of the Gods!" he rose his head high in pride as he delivered his introduction, "Fairy! I'll give you one chance to back down and come peacefully... I promise I shall be gracious to such a bold challenger..."

The Sylveon giggled, then laughed, a big, belly laugh, "OhHAHAHAAaa..! FLAME-DOG! PROMETHESSE! I LIKE YOUR STYLE, BOY, BUT I SAY YOU'RE FULLA HOT GAS..!"

"Is that so..?" said Prometheus, before suddenly taking off and rushing the Sylveon, a quarter-Fox part of him unable to resist making a sudden, surprise assault that was sure to catch him off guard! That ought to wrap things up pretty nicely, without any more damage, he told himself as his long stride quickly ate up the few meters between himself and the Fairy...

He was about to bend down and quickly take the Sylveon by the scruff of the neck, picking up the 'Wild West Stranger called Colin' when he suddenly found himself without any stride at all.

In fact, he was flying. Straight at a table. Oh no.

It was a small miracle that the customers managed to jump out of the way before the flying Arcaninetales hit. Still, that didn't make things anything more comfortable for him as he and the table went crashing to the floor...

Lying on the collapsed table, in an undignified posture, Prometheus groaned.

"FLAME-DOG, I'LL MAKE A DECENT TAUROS OUTTA YOU YET! NOW GET ON UP!" declared Colin before suddenly whapping the fallen Fire-Dog on the ass so hard it sounded like a gunshot!

With a yelp, Prometheus jumped up to his feet and ran around, Fire suddenly burning in his heart, a desire for vengeance in his three fluffy tails!

Balefully, he glared at the confidently-grinning Sylveon.

"He took you down!?" exclaimed October, staring in disbelief, "YOU!?"

"Me," confirmed Prometheus, with a nod, "In fact, more than once. I managed to avoid breaking any more tables, but neither did I let it go! How could I..? The Fires in my heart were burning bright..!"

By this point, most of the Customers and Waiters in the room alike had cleared to the edges, leaving the pair of them to it.

Prometheus was jumping in the air, bounding, trying to throw the Sylveon off. After his last fall, the Fairy had ended up sitting upon his back, riding him like a bull..!

No matter how hard he jumped though, no matter how sneakily he twisted on landing to break the Fairy's grip, that Fairy remained steadfast.

"YEEEEE-HAAAAAW..!" shrieked the Sylveon, torturing the ear-drums of all present for the umpteenth time!

Prometheus didn't want to admit it and he certainly wouldn't show it, but he was starting to tire out. He couldn't remember the last time he had jumped and leapt about like this! He probably hadn't even evolved at the time...

Colin seemed to sense it, though, "HAHA! YOU READY TO LIE DOWN FOR ME YET, BOY..?"

Prometheus frowned, "Perhaps I am!" he declared, between hefty bounds across the floor, "Perhaps you should be careful what you wished for..!"

"HAH! BRING IT!" beckoned Colin.

Frowning, Prometheus decided to give him his wish; He leapt up into the air, again, but this time, he twisted, aiming to come down on his back!

He didn't want to harmfully squish the Fairy, of course, but if unless he missed his guess, this one was of a higher breeding grade! He had the feel of the unnaturally strong and tough, about him! ...Along with the smell of bourbon. He could surely handle a LITTLE squishing.

Prometheus landed heavily on his back, smashing a chair to splinters as he did. Grunting, he got ready to get up quickly... or at least as soon as the Sylveon said, 'I give!'

Extremely surprised was he, then, when he found the Sylveon sitting on his belly. Grinning.

"Easiest log of a Pokemon I ever rolled around with," said the Sylveon through his teeth, stroking his paws into the deep, warm fur of Prometheus' belly, "Plentya big stuff to grab onto, here...!"

Prometheus couldn't help but smile, instantly forgetting the pain in that way an excited dog all too easily could. "Looks like you've brought me down..." he said with good humour.

The Sylveon's grin brightened, his big blue eyes were shockingly energetic and perky, filled with excitement... "Just like I knew I would!" declared the Sylveon, "Today Promemethese was brought down by Cafe Plaisir's newest and best Fairy..! My name's Colin! Y'all remember it!"

"I think I shall...~" rumbled Prometheus, pleasantly, forgiving the apparently drunken southerner the butchering of his name. Time enough to make Colin remember HIS name later...

"You'd better!" said Colin, "Now let's REALLY get this show on the road!"

"Huh..?" began Prometheus, then when the Fairy started rolling his hips, pushing a rather full and shapely rump over his sheath, he had to say it again, "Huh!?"

"You heard me..!" said Colin, grinning, "Time for a ride! ...or my interview! ...or whatever!" He started grinding his hips, more firmly, "C'mon..!"

Prometheus growled, feeling himself stir to life. How could he not? Such boldness, such confidence, such character! The Sylveon was larger than life and full of spirit, with an attractive physical proportion that was blown all out of proportion by the way he projected himself.

How could he, Prometheus, deny such a force..? Was he not made for such a challenge, purposed to it, duty-bound to it, here as he was, in Eros' den..?

Prometheus was QUICKLY rising to the challenge. Something far smaller, but just as hard was also scraping through the soft, warm fur of his belly, as Colin's bright-eyes became slightly hooded with lust.

"Wait, wait, wait..!" gasped the high and wailing voice of Oberon, the giant Sylveon suddenly creeping over from his hiding place behind a table, "You can't do this in here! This is the Main Bar! Where we present a civil experience to patrons!"

"Aw, can it, big stuff..!" declared Colin, "I'm here to prove my sweet derriere's got what it takes and I don't mean to fail..!"

"Big stuff!?" gasped the larger Fairy, "I am Oberon! King of the Fairies..!"

"You're a tall glass of Fairy, alright!" shouted Colin, grinning, "and if you wanna come around front, I'll even take a drink..!"

"Oh!" gasped Oberon, putting his ribbons to his blushing face in shock, turning away, "You awful little Fairy! You come in here, drunk on cheap whiskey..!"

"Hey!" said Colin, smirking as he continued to grind Prometheus' now-hard and glistening cock, "A real man drinks bourbon, just like they told me at the rodeo!"

Staring and sputtering incredulously for a moment, "Gah! You awful thing!" pronounced Oberon, "If you like it so much, take it..!"

As convenience would have it, there was a bottle of half-finished bourbon on a nearby table. Oberon slapped it petulantly with his ribbons, flinging it at the smaller Fairy's head.

Colin caught it easily, the bottle slapping into his ribbons, "Wow, thanks..! This is just what I need! You're real nice! Sure you don't wanna come and have some fun..?" he declared and asked, before up-ending the bottle over his muzzle.

Oberon stood, stuttering, staring aghast at the smaller Sylveon literally pouring Bourbon into himself before crying out, "Why I never-!" and turned to saunter off dramatically, muttering to himself all the way.

"Wuss!" declared Colin, before looking around at the room, "Offer's open! I can take y'all..!"

Prometheus had been about to say something, but as Colin had finished drinking, the Sylveon had started moving the bottle backwards, pouring the still-flowing bourbon carelessly down his back and then straight onto Prometheus' rock hard and ready shaft. Sticky, cool bourbon continued to dribble right off of Colin's perky hindquarters and straight onto that shaft, pouring down in ribbons that followed the contours of cock and rump alike, making Prometheus gasp...

The Arcanine's throbbing, ready, bourbon-glistened canine shaft, a great chunky stake of meat, the biggest canine cock in all of Plaisir, glazed and shining, throbbing and wrapped in Colin's ribbons like a fine and juicy roast, the Fairy presented to his own oven, before throwing himself back to stuff it in!

"YEEEEEEEEE-" began the Sylveon, as, seemingly defying all reason, biology or the physics of elastic limits, he started to make more than a foot of Arcanine cock disappear right in front of everybody!

"Wait, wait, wait..." said October, eyes-wide, "In the MAIN BAR!?"

Prometheus chuckled, "Things were newer and wilder, back in those days, but still, that wasn't okay even then. Didn't matter though, there was no stopping us!" He grinned, toothily, though his cream-white fluffy tails wagged behind him, in almost puppy-esque glee at the memory.

"...and who the hell is Oberon..?" October had to ask.

"Ah! That's Plaisir's original Fairy," said Prometheus, "I'm afraid he left a long time ago. Not very long after that, I think. He was good at his job, if a bit too sensitive! Big, also, for a Sylveon."

"A big Sylveon..?" said October, thoughtfully, "Seems strange to consider... What happened to him?"

"Staff come, staff go, it's mainly the strong characters that hang around," said Prometheus, sadly, "He was around from the start, so folk noticed that he was gone, but he left without any warning. There was nothing to go on, not even a note, he didn't even pack up his things, so we informed the state Police he might be missing and that was all we could really do," then Prometheus shrugged, "Sad, but I'm afraid it happens, here!"

October frowned, then, having a few thoughts on that, which he told himself he would follow up on, later...

"Anyways, we haven't even gotten to the best part," said Prometheus, "...and this part you'll like!"

"Oh..?" said October, still frowning.

They were right into it, now and it was fair to say that no-one dared come near them.

There was back a symphony of the squishing noises of bourdon-slick, heavily abused meat to accompany the show. Right in the full view of everyone, in front of dozens of disbelieving eyes, a Fairy type quadruped less than three feet tall and not that much longer, was busily riding the life out of a cock well over a foot long and thicker than all reasonability. Moreover; Prometheus, perhaps more than any other Pokemon here, used to the leading role, wasn't doing much of the work!

Prometheus' maw was hanging open and his eyes were hooded with pleasure as he passively enjoyed that brutal treatment, the rough riding and incredibly tight squeeze... A smirk on the sharp and determined Fairy's face told the Arcanine not only that the Sylveon was enjoying it just as much as he was, but that he was very much in charge of these here procedings.

There was something about the way Colin held you with his eyes... and the way those soft-yet-strong ribbons and paws grabbed and pulled upon Prometheus' body for leverage... there was a feeling like you were just there for his pleasure, whatever the traditional roles said.

Prometheus was lustful, yet unusually, relaxed. Full of desire, yet happy to be enjoyed at the Fairy's own pace... Not that it was anything to complain about. Colin was fucking himself harder than he would have personally pounded the Sylveon had he been the one in charge. Yet it was such a tight fit that he was astonished the Sylveon was even alive!

He had been worried, once or twice, feeling worrying sensations, but Colin would just sigh, bend down and nibble at the Arcanine... seemingly just taking it out on him for a second... and then the Fairy would come back up with an even bigger smile! Unbelievable..! Meanwhile, the rougher Colin got, the more Prometheus' own desire roared out of control, practically making him a slave to the Sylveon's seemingly insatiable desire!

He was unstoppable. Despite the fact that Prometheus' huge cock was prominently protruding at the Sylveon's abdomen with each unceasing, squishing bounce! Amazing!

It was a magnificent performance! Colin was like an avatar of the dominant-submissive pleasure-seeker! Not even he, the great Prometheus, could last long to this!

Nor did he.

Slick flesh squished and a big, wet knot slapped against a small yet full and feminine male's behind... harder... and harder...

"Giddyap, firedog! Give it to me!" demanded Colin, then he threw himself back, full-force. The wet, meaty noises of that final squeeze were obscene as the impossible became fact and that Sylvon forced that huge knot inside of himself.

He immediately started to swell as Prometheus erupted, within.

Prometheus cried out and howled... overcome with explosive pleasure...! Quickly, with noisy, wet sounds, seed exploded from the overpressured Sylveon's rear, erupting onto the ground and quickly overtaking the puddle of bourbon in a pattering rain of lust to the shocked awe of their many spectators!

"YEEE-HAWW!" declared Colin again, sounding very much on top of the world, right then.

"Really, he should have been thrown out and myself, fired," said Prometheus, with a chuckle, "but as I said, those were wilder days... and after an audition like that, who could let him go..? We suddenly had our first, male equivalent to Rain Flower and he never seemed to tire! Colin took the Cafe by storm!"

October cocked his head, frowning thoughtfully whilst smirking. It was an amusing story, but Colin? Their Colin..? The Sylveon who couldn't stand mess or dirt, wilted before bad manners and never over-indulged..? "...This can't be the same Colin," he concluded out loud, "That's just... not the Colin I know, frankly."

"Quite so," said Elegance, then, "neither it is the Colin I now know... but it is the Colin I met that day."

"That day..?" asked October.

"That day... far more recently, just around five months ago, that was when things changed," said Prometheus, sighing.

It was literally a dark and stormy night, with grand clouds flowing over the plains so deep that they had darkened the day. Every inch of Plaisir was drumming with the heavy rainfall. Every now and then, thunder would boom, exploding overhead, sometimes even shaking the windows, making them rattle in their frames. It seemed like Cafe Plaisir and this unusually grand, late-winter plains-storm were both showing their best.

That was the night that a potential foreign investor happened to be visiting.

Waiting there in the Main Bar, Plaisir's best and brightest sat and waited. With the weather, there weren't too many customers around, so it was an odd atmosphere. All the same, the owner wanted the best presentation possible, so all the names were there, from Jack himself on down.

Waiting, casting nervous glances to the lobby, for when the doors might open.

"This is boring," said Rain Flower, the small Vaporeon looking annoyed. A new addition to the Cafe's stuff, having barely been around a month, she had none-the-less impressed enough folk to be included in this line-up, her star rising rapidly, much as Colin's had, three and a half years ago.

"Shush," said Prometheus, "Just keep sitting and looking pretty."

"Awww," said Rain Flower, smirking at him, "Ya finally admitted I'm pretty..? I'll get you yet, Dream-Doggy..."

Prometheus sighed, heavily.

"Oh, you're pretty," said Colin, suddenly, "but not as pretty as me," he smiled with a bold, sweet smugness and straightened his pretty, peach-coloured apron. Rain Flower was the latest in a long line of competitors for Colin's title of top cock-wrangler and as usual, he was taking to the competition with relish, every bit as rude and ready as the newcomer...

"Oh yeah..?" said Rain Flower, frowning at the Fairy, "Wanna bet I get more cock tonight than you..?"

Colin grinned at her, confidently, "You betcha! Maybe it's the bourbon talkin', but I've got a good feelin' about tonight..."

"You've been drinking again..?" asked Prometheus, raising an eyebrow.

"Extra much!" said Colin, smiling brightly, "They said 'Be at your best,' right..?"

Prometheus sighed again.

Then the doors opened.

The entourage appeared through the doors in almost perfect formation, with the white figures of several Mienshao stepping out first and seeming to establish an outer perimeter ahead of the human guards. Large, scary looking humans wearing dark glasses and very fine looking suits, most of whom were clearly of asian descent.

The whole column, front and back, nestled around a single, old, asian man, with a shock of white hair in a vague semblance of an older-business style to match an old-fashioned grey suit. The smiling face and bright, unhidden eyes of the self-styled man marked him out alone amidst his escort, that and the particularly fierce looking Mienshao stood next to him, alone amidst the human core of the procession and looking wariest of all...

"That's Mister Takoyaki, huh?" asked Colin, quietly.

"Who..?" asked Rain Flower.

"Shush, both of you," said Prometheus, quickly, as the old man looked their way.

'Oh wonderful, now all three of us look bad,' thought Prometheus and that was BEFORE the Mienshao looked at him.

The closest of them looked unhappy. Maintaining a perfect perimeter as the group travelled, they barely moved their eyes to judge the chatty, unseemly Pokemon who had the lack of deference to speak.

That was nothing compared to the look on the face of the Mienshao stood next to the old man. Her blue eyes were so sharp it looked like you could cut glass on them. She glared at them like she wanted to beat them to death on the Cafe's behalf for the embarrassment they were causing. Prometheus gulped and sat back. He didn't want to quarrel with any crazy Asian bodyguard Pokemon... That would be problematic for all concerned.

He was so worried about trying not to cause an incident that Prometheus didn't notice at first that Mister Takoyaki was looking in his general direction, but then he realised, he was actually looking at Colin.

The Sylveon was smiling back at the man with that big, bright, confident smile of his...

"Wait, is this going where I think it's going..?" said October, "Because as much as I love Sylveon action, this doesn't sound like the sexiest story that ever there was..."

"It isn't, believe me," said Prometheus, heavily, looking October sadly in the eyes, "It really, really isn't..."

It was an awkward situation, sitting around the Main Bar with a security entourage, they were making the best of it, though. Light conversation was gradually creeping up, at least in the few places that language barriers didn't exist.

Prometheus, lacking such an advantage, having only recently completely mastered English, sat back and sighed, trying not to feel as uncomfortable as the security folk did.

Large suited men and Mienshao sat or paced looking grim faced and frustrated. They had a simple job to do, but Mister Takoyaki had loudly brushed them all off.

The small, old, rich man had quite insisted that he be given his privacy with this, 'Cowboy Fairy.'

Though whilst Rain Flower with her boredom had to be a close second, no-one had looked more uncomfortable than the Mienshao that had stood next to Mister Takoyaki, his apparent Chief Personal Guard. She had been the one giving even the human security men their orders.

She still remained where she sat, as instructed, looking furious, as if by will alone she could undo the instructions she had been given and allow her to keep the close eye on her Master that she wanted.

Prometheus couldn't help but pity her and be amused by her at the same time. She was frustrated, yes, but her concerns were surely misplaced. This was no busy destination near any large population centres, nor near much of anything at all. Mister Takoyaki could scarcely have been safer than in remote and barely-known Cafe Plaisir.

Which made the visit all the more interesting to Prometheus. He knew the owners had been reaching far and wide to find investment, there were even rumours that the Cafe, now that the concept was proven, was considering expanding to new sites in less subtle locations. He knew that Mister Takoyaki, owner of some restaurant chain, abroad, was apparently the most vocal and important of the respondents, allegedly speaking highly of the principles tied to a solid business model that Cafe Plaisir represented and having more than sufficient money to back even those grand ambitions...

That was what they had all been told and what they had gossiped amongst themselves, anyway. The main thing for the staff members was to look their best, be on their best behaviour and do their very best to impress the man.

So, suddenly Prometheus got the idea in his head that perhaps he should try and reassure the Mienshao. He wasn't sure if it was a great idea, but it was better than just sitting around looking bored, like Rain Flower, who had been told to shut up after her blunt advances had failed to impress Mister Takoyaki's security staff.

Prometheus hadn't approached more than a step towards her before she was looking at him. A stare so intense he almost back off, immediately... but it softened, somewhat, quickly.

Remembering to take a breath, Prometheus continued his approach.

"Can I do anything for you, Madam..?" asked Prometheus, pleasantly.

She made a hissing noise at the back of her throat and glared at him, "I want none of your pleasures..." she sounded like she was about to say something more, but trailed off, bitterly.

Prometheus frowned, but bit back his frustration, smiling pleasantly, "I was thinking more along the lines of food and drink than pleasure, Madam," he said softly, "Excuse my presumption."

The Mienshao made another hiss, then glared at him more softly, angry, but apparently not at him, she was very expressive without speaking, he thought. "No, I apologise, the presumption was mine," said the Mienshao, "I am not comfortable here."

"So I see," said Prometheus with an encouraging smile, "and I felt compelled to try and help-"

Suddenly someone ran into the room, bringing an atmosphere of worry in their wake. The Mienshao's attention left the Arcanine instantly. Prometheus glanced around to see who had entered.

Claudius stood there panting and stumbling, leaning against the wall, having just ran into the room. His eyes were wide and glassy... He whimpered as he tried to speak. He looked like he had seen a ghost, thought Prometheus.

The Mienshao didn't wait for an explanation. She jumped and ran towards the stairwell.

Not knowing what else to do, Prometheus took off in pursuit.

October sighed, "I have a nasty feeling I know where this is going..." said the Fox.

Elegance was very silent. She had walked away to look out the window.

"You might be right," said Prometheus, "but I was surprised and shocked..."

Prometheus could barely keep up with the racing Mienshao, by the time they had reached the corridor with the high-end room Colin had apparently taken Mister Takoyaki to, he just barely managed to clear the corner in time to see the Mienshao go bursting through the half-open door... and he heard the wailing.

Charging down the corridor, it just sounded like noise. It wasn't until he was closer that Prometheus' ears picked up the meaning.


At first Prometheus didn't even recognise the voice. He burst through the door with no idea what to expect, more than he knew.

With apparently deliberate dramatic timing, lightning flashed outside, illuminating the darkened scene.

Prometheus stopped, the great dog halting in his tracks... The Mienshao was there, staring, in a rigid stance, unnaturally straight.

Colin was upon the bed... upon the old, naked, Asian man, upside-down, with his rear covering the man's face and his hindlegs locked into the strange headboard, which was made with sliding sections to facilitate such irregular bondage exercises. It would have been a humorous sight if not for the foreign look of pure horror on the usually fearless and irrepressible Sylveon's face. He looked like someone else. The man's arms were also holding him down. They were very, very still.

The boom of thunder hit and it was a few seconds before Prometheus realised Colin was even speaking, whining, in a high-small voice, "Why are you just looking at me like that? Why won't you help me? What's wrong with him?"

Prometheus winced and couldn't think of anything to say, but he forced himself to overcome his own horror, moving quickly over to unlock the sliding sections that were holding the Sylveon immobile. Colin started to struggle out, whimpering hysterically.

"You killed him..." hissed the Mienshao, in an odd voice, followed by a burst of Japanese Prometheus couldn't understand.

A cold sense came over the Arcaninetales and he shuddered, then looked around, too late.

Another flash of lightning lit the room as the Mienshao leapt, ferociously, at the Sylveon, her face etched, every millimetre, with the intent to kill.

Colin shrieked at the top of his piercing voice, a sound of sheer panic as he whipped his feelers into the air.

The boom of the lightning was matched by a blinding explosion of rainbow-coloured light and a sickening, jarring motion as a wind that ripped everything in the room, even Prometheus himself, from the ground and threw it towards the bursting windows and screamed with the noise of a thousand dying wind-chimes.

When Prometheus woke up, it was to an unconscious Mienshao, limp and wedged against the bent window frame, still inside of the building itself seemingly by luck alone... and to Colin, lying, balled up on the floor and crying. Somehow, as never before, he looked tiny.

The dead man was still smiling.

October stared in horror.

"After that, Claudius quit and he wasn't the only one," said Prometheus, "That was a bad night for everyone. We all wondered what would happen to Colin, especially since he was practically a basket case, for a while..." He took a deep breath, "It was ruled as accidental death, however. A man his age with a heart condition shouldn't have been carrying on like that..."

Elegance hissed, softly, drawing their attention.

Prometheus looked at her and took another breath, "I'm sorry if my retelling pains you..."

"...It was at my request," concluded Elegance for him.

"Well, that was bloody horrible," said October, speaking from the heart, "Good grief... and he wonders why I tell him not to..." then, thinking better of it, October did not finish that sentence. He just happened to be thinking through what he'd just learned...

"Still, I am sorry," said Prometheus, sadly, "but at least it is over, now."

"Indeed," said Elegance, softly, still not having turned from the window, "...and now October knows of the Colin that was..."

"Perhaps," October muttered, "or at least enough to make me more interested..."

"I would let it lie, my friend," said Prometheus, carefully.

"That was a day of death for all concerned," said Elegance, "For it was not only my Master who died that day. In a manner of speaking, so did Colin... and so did I."

October looked down, huffing, "I've met various bodyguards," he said, "I know it's generally bad form to lose your charge. How bad was it in this case..?"

"Bad," said Prometheus.

Elegance coughed, then made a sound slightly like a growl, before speaking with an even tone, "I had not only lost our charge but failed in an unauthorised retribution, October," she said quietly, "By the rules of our Clan, who have protected important humans for thousands of years, I now belonged to Cafe Plaisir and my duty was now to Colin... as it shall be unto death." She sighed the sigh of the resigned, "It is the only Honour that remains to one who has failed as utterly as I have."

October suddenly growled.

Prometheus and Elegance both looked at him.

"You know, you could have probably just told me," said October, grumpily, "That in allowing myself to be locked up in that stupid death-bed by Rain Flower, that I had dredged up horrible old memories..."

"Only now you know the true depth of those feelings," said Elegance.

"Yes," said October, "That and the problems; You're all insane."

"October!" said Prometheus, shocked.

"Mister Takoyaki made some poor decisions at the end," said October, frowning, "I can only hope he died happy. As for Colin, no-one's ever accused a Sylveon of an over-abundance of common sense, but I'll wager he didn't make the mistakes he thought he did," then he looked at Elegance, meeting the Mienshao's moistened, frowning eyes, "As for you; Elegance, what on earth possessed you to keep that bloody bed?"

"It was a symbol of my failure," said Elegance, "I requested and continue to pay for this room as a constant reminder-"

"THAT'S INSANE!" said October, sharply, "No wonder you could never relax and enjoy yourself, here! No wonder you can't face the thought of Customers! Every day you lay in that bed, you reminded yourself of THAT! Every day the worst day of your life, for five bloody months! You never ONCE gave yourself a fair chance to recover! Let alone improve your life!" He shook his head, "Little wonder you're always in such a bad mood!"

Elegance and Prometheus both frowned at him.

October sighed, "I AM SORRY, that I brought this back to mind. MOSTLY. Frankly, this needed digging up! I think there's more here that needs talking over and I REALLY wish I was less of an ASS so I could do it properly!" He took a deep breath, then went on, "I am SORRY that such an awful thing happened, but for the sake of everything holy or otherwise, bad things happen in this universe and most of them are just cruel and random horrible chance..!" his voice becoming strained by the end, he frowned, "It's how you cope with it that counts..!"

Prometheus shook his head at him, "You have an odd way of apologising, October..."

"October speaks his mind. Some time ago I realised that it is not the flaw I once thought it was," said Elegance, quietly, "Apology accepted."

"What..?" said Prometheus, confused.

"Hmmm..." said October, frowning, "I was rather hoping you'd get annoyed and argue the point..."

"I know," said Elegance, smiling, despite her tears, "but right now, I do not want to, October. I need to be alone."

"Fine," said October, with a sigh, "but we're talking about this again... and if I find you've got any of that bedframe left I'm getting you to smash that, too..!"

Elegance frowned at him, but the smile hadn't disappeared from her eyes, "Get out of here for now, Wandering Spirit. We shall resume this battle another time."

"Count on it," said October, with a smile.

October left the room with new purpose in his stride. He had done what he'd come here to do and with that apology, had gotten what he'd came for. Actual training would have to wait for another day, he reckoned, in the wake of all of this, but he'd also learned some things that had made this endeavour more than slightly worthwhile...

* * *

"Great," said Chai, sarcastically, "Now that we've got more company, it's even better in here."

It was getting pretty tight under Eclipse's sink. With a Lucario, an Umbreon and a Glameow in there, none of them could even move.

Vermont was sniffling, not looking at either of them.

"So; Vermont's here," muttered Chai, staring at the pitiful creature, "You're not gonna tell me to buff your claws again, are you..?"

Vermont didn't respond, but Nature did, frowning slightly, "Charlie, leave him alone, look at him..."

Chai shot a look at the Lucario, as if he could communicate what he was trying to do.

Nature just looked back at him unhappily, apparently confused as to why he was being rude.

"Just trying to work up a little conversation," said Chai, holding the Lucario's eyes, "It's better than just sitting here and worrying, right..?"

"There's no need to be mean," said Nature.

Chai frowned harder, still trying to hint with his eyes, glancing towards the Glameow's back, "Can be a good... strong... distraction..." he said.

Nature shook his head and looked unhappily at the Glameow.

'Dammit, get the idea, you idiot!' thought Chai. Quietly, he said, "Sometimes it's better to be angry. Sometimes that's the only strength or warmth you have..."

Nature looked at him again and frowned. He looked like he'd finally caught the idea... but a moment later he shook his head, "We can't all do that, Charlie... and there's got to be a better way than anger."

"It's a start," said Chai, frowning, "Besides, I don't have much use for that name, anymore."

"Isn't it your real name..?" asked Nature.

"It's the name of an unwanted Pokemon," said Chai, frowning, "it was never much use to anyone."

"Huh," said Nature, frowning, "Sorry... ummm... You prefer Chai..?"

"Nicest memories," said the Umbreon, simply, "At least some folk say it nicely, like Pouncer... and October..." then he frowned and glanced at the Lucario.

Nature looked at him again and now it's Chai's turn to look away, frowning.

Nature frowned at the Umbreon, though less at his face and more at his aura.

It was funny, he felt slightly as though he had an unfair advantage on the Umbreon. 'Chai' was clearly used to hiding his feelings. He could put up a heck of a sharp front to hide them on the surface, just giving you an irritable and impatient look. He'd also made a great mention of how Dark types were unreadable to Psychics... and how that was due to how base and raw, how 'animal' Dark types tended to be. Yet it was that exact quality that made him so transparent to the Lucario. Chai's emotions were shady, hidden within the inky black of his aura's dark outer shape, but they were strong, so strong... Like neon beacons in the gloom.

"You were really upset when you saw me with him," said Nature.

Pain and anger flared within the Umbreon, sliding partly into sadness as he spoke, "Yeah. Forget about it. You got him, whatever..."

"Got him..?" asked Nature, frowning.

"Whatever," said Chai, anger brimming back up like the glow of a furnace inside him.

"You know, we didn't do anything," said Nature, frowning harder as he saw the Umbreon's anger and pain both rise, "I'm telling the truth. He only took me to his Tower because Eclipse was there and he was hurt-"

"Hurt..?" asked Chai, quickly, looking at him. Pain. Fear. The anger guttered, then started to flare up, "October was hurt!?"

Nature winced and looked away, "Eclipse, um... it was..." again the memories, the traumatic images, "...It was a Shadow Ball, he was hit bad, but he's okay, now..."

"Yeah, yeah," said Chai, not looking at him, "He looked okay when I saw him, didn't he..?" the pain and fear were beating with his apparently quickened heart...

"I helped him get to his potions," said Nature, "That's all we did before you saw us," he said carefully, "though I'm not even sure why it would be such a problem..."

Chai stared at him, anger flaring up and fear, with it, he looked like he was about to speak, then stopped, "Look, I guess it isn't. It's not. I'm sure you'd both have fun. I was just being stupid, forget about it..."

Nature suddenly got the distinct impression that this supposedly world-wise Umbreon wasn't quite sure what he was talking about, like he hadn't fully thought things through... but at the same time, the Umbreon's tune had changed and he was curious, "...Didn't you say something about taking him..? Like I didn't have enough..?"

"I said forget it," said Chai, quietly.

"Everyone-Loves-Nature, you said," said Nature, "you think everything's perfect for me, that everyone loves me and perhaps you thought maybe that he'd..."

"SHUT UP!" said Chai, sharply... and there it was.

Nature wasn't exactly good at this and the hidden emotions were always the hardest to spot, especially if the Pokemon wasn't aware of them or was suppressing them... or both... but for a second, he thought he saw it, the deep rosy glow behind all of the Umbreon's pain, anger and darkness.

Nature blinked and sat back.

Chai growled softly, fidgeting, practically wrestling with his aura to get it under control without consciously realising it. Bright, stridently bright colours flashed. Colours and feelings fiercely intense enough to kill by...

"You care about him, huh..?" said Nature, cautiously, knowing that whatever he had seen, whether his guess was right or wrong, was a dangerously intense undercurrent...

"He's the only Pokemon, hell, the only anything that ever-" Chai began, though his feelings began to flare up, again, "Look, just shut up. Maybe it's better if we're just quiet for a while, let's just... shut up..."

Staring with a combination of wonder and worry, Nature did just that.

* * *

"So, if it's true, we're in trouble," said Sinister, "Somebody's said something to Firenze, probably the Jolteon. This is exactly what we didn't want to happen..."

"Heh, Firenze," said Eclipse, grinning, "I ain't worried about him."

"You ought to be, brother!" said Dextus, looking the most worried of all of them, "He was talkin' about the Police!"

"Firenze ain't gonna call the Police," said Eclipse, firmly, "He might get more upset, might even get all resolved, but in the end, he knows better than anyone how this Cafe might suffer in a scandal this serious. He won't do shit unless he's sure and he won't break the law to be sure about shit. Don't worry about Firenze."

Dextus looked away, without looking convinced.

"He gets out and around more than Clarice," said Sinister, seriously, drawing Eclipse's attention, "and I wouldn't discount him so easily. What if he just goes and talks to October, huh..?"

"If he talks to October," said Eclipse, suddenly sounding angry, his eyes going crazily wide with his flaring temper and snarling voice, "That Ninetales wouldn't tell him shit about this even if HE KNEW, because YOU TWO didn't do as I asked you!"

Both twins backed off, then, cowed by their brother's sudden outburst.

Eclipse leered at the pair of them, thrusting himself muzzle-first at the retreating pair, growling, "This ain't Firenze's world and that Devil knows it, too. Firenze ain't like us. This is between me and him. It always was. Our eyes locked the minute we met and the two of you OUGHT to remember what that means unless you're gettin' soft..!"

Dextus looked cowed, but Sinister, frowning, pulled herself up a bit, saying, "We're not gettin' soft," as firmly as she could, "Mom didn't raise any weaklings." She looked around at her twin brother, fixing him with her eyes, "Did she, Dextus..?"

Dextus, looking for all the world like a whipped pup, frowned, "No..." he answered, then sighed, "No, she didn't."

"This family'll pull through anything," said Sinister, apparently trying to sound as convincing as possible, almost desperately so and she frowned, "I think our brother's got a plan," she looked at Eclipse, "Right..?"

"Right," said Eclipse with a sudden grin, suddenly speaking pleasantly, "Your big brother's got it all worked out, like always. When have I ever let the two of you down, huh..?"

"Never, brother," said Sinister, quickly.

"...and I've never been wrong, have I..?" said Eclipse, still smiling, if a bit more ominously, "Just like I was right when I said that this was just the place for a bunch of real Dark type perverts, a place where the Dark and dirty things can dwell, just like my dirty little brother-and-sister-fuckin' little brother and sister. I went well out of my damn way to find someplace for you. Good job it suits me so well too, huh..?"

Sinister and Dextus briefly shared nervous looks, but it was again Sinister who spoke up on cue, "...Right, brother. We finally found some place we can all fit." She looked around at Dextus, again, "Shows the strength of family. Right..?"

"Right," said Dextus, "Right, we've done real well, here..."

"Just in time, too," said Sinister, still looking at Dextus, firmly, "I think Cyan was starting to get suspicious, wasn't she..?" She was talking about their former Trainer, a young human woman.

"Right, right," said Dextus, an odd quake like a chuckle in his voice, "She started acting real weird around us after you left," his voice kind of slowed, like he was thinking, "bro..."

"Brother looked after you, like always," said Eclipse, almost pleasantly, "Just like I've always done, just like I always will. Just like I'm gonna do, tonight..." he suddenly frowned and began to growl as he spoke, "Just as long as you two do as I say and tell the damn Ninetales to meet me."

Dextus' face pulled about in all manners of unhappy confusion until he suddenly stared at Eclipse, "Is that really what's important, right now, though?"

Eclipse leaned towards him, looking disgusted and disappointed, Dextus retreated quickly, hiding his eyes.

"Do we gotta have a deeper conversation," growled Eclipse, "after all that..?" Dextus looked back around at him and Eclipse smiled, "Just trust your brother. After me and the Ninetales have had it out, all our troubles will be over. You'll see."

"We trust you, brother," said Sinister, quickly, "We'll do it right away, but then we've got to hurry into town and get Vermont onto one of the night buses. I'll call a taxi for him... make sure he gets on..." she glanced at Eclipse worriedly, "Maybe Nature and Chai, too... if they'd even take three Pokemon at once, all 'drunk from their leavin' do...'"

Dextus looked at her, "Chai won't squeal... we can keep him and then it's just two, we can tell the bus driver they're a couple, leaving together..."

"Do as you like," said Eclipse, smiling oddly, "I'll look in on 'em later, anyhow. Maybe some old favourites, too. Wonder what Teacat's up to... wonder if I'm still a bad trip," he chuckled, "you know, I sometimes wonder where you send 'em..."

Sinister gave Eclipse a curious look, but nothing. Dextus sighed, drawing attention.

"Half the time we don't even know," said Dextus, quietly, "Hey, do you think Vermont's actually from Vermont..?"

"No idea," said Sinister, "Don't much care, either. That Leafeon was from the Caribbean and I'm pretty sure we sent her to Mexico..."

"Huh, wonder if she got through customs," said Eclipse, chuckling with dark humour.

"She kept wakin' up offa the sleepin' pills," muttered Dextus, unhappily, "So we double-dosed her and put her in the luggage... made a bunch of holes..." he looked down, "I didn't like doing-"

Eclipse burst over him with laugher. Cruel and loud laughter, "Dammit, I just love my little brother and sister," he said, cackling with good humour for a while whilst Dextus sighed and let it go.

Eventually Eclipse turned back to them, "So! Here's what's gonna happen;" he looked at them intensely, "I'm gonna go up to the roof and wait for the Ninetales. You're gonna make sure he knows I'm waitin' and that the only way he's gettin' his friends back is through me, whatever you end up doin' with 'em. You tell 'em it's time we had it out and that things happen TO his friends if he doesn't show. Alone. I absolutely guarantee he will." He finished with a toothy grin.

"Right, brother," said Sinister, a little too quickly and dutifully.

"Right," said Dextus, tiredly, just a second later.

"You're damned right I'm right," said Eclipse, suddenly walking past them towards the door, "tonight, everything changes for the better..."

Sinister and Dextus remained silent, watching Eclipse as he lightly chuckled and sauntered out, seeming in bizarrely good humour. He seemed to take a long time to cross the room before he got the door and the door didn't seem to close as he left for an agonisingly long time.

Dextus sighed and sagged down.

Sinister wheeled on him, "Don't start-!" she began.

"I wasn't gonna..!" moaned Dextus, "Just... maybe let's not talk about this too much, sis... maybe I don't feel like talkin'..."

"Well..!" started Sinister, her eyes seeming to bulge a little, "...Good..!" she frowned, "We don't have time to talk about this! We got stuff to do if this ain't gonna all come crashin' down around our heads!"

"I know," said Dextus, frowning sharply and grimacing toothily as he thought, "Arceus, fuck. Fuck..!" he swore, "...If he thinks we can go up to October, tell him we've got his friends and alla the rest of it, there won't be any stoppin' him goin' right for us, there and then..!"

"We could handle October," grumbled Sinister, "If it came to that."

"October makes the kind of noise and fuss people notice, Sin," said Dextus, "We piss him off enough and people in floors above are gonna hear all about it, shit, the fire might reach 'em, too!"

"Almost as bad," sighed Sinister, "Eclipse won't be happy if October doesn't show or tracks up attention..."

"We can't afford this when we've gotta do what we've gotta do," said Dextus, frowning, "There's no way we can take that risk..!"

Sinister frowned, "Dammit, you're right, but we've gotta do what Eclipse says, somehow... fuck..!" worry showed across her face as she desperately thought for a solution, "...Think there's some other way we could send him a message..?"

Dextus frowned at her, firmly, "Sin," he said, sharply, "Think we've got someone under our sink who could carry a message but ain't the type to go snitchin' to the management..?" Then he grinned, toothily.

Sinister grinned, suddenly, matching him, "Dex!" she said, brightly, "Just when I'm thinking my other half's somehow gettin' dumber..." she gave him a cheeky look, which lasted for a second before she seemed to melt towards him, leaning and speaking softly, "My sweet wholeness... there's times like this I treasure when I think of how great we are together..." she leant in suddenly and put her nose to his, huffing softly, "...dammit I love you, Dex..."

Dextus met her firmly, pushing their noses together and meeting her until their foreheads also rested together, enjoying each other's company and unintentionally matching their markings as they comforted one another and leant heavily upon each other for mutual support, as ever they had. Their mutual weaknesses disappearing in the strengths of their other like the very model of a perfectly matched couple, becoming infinitely strong, together. "I love you too, my Sinister," he said softly, "Together, we'll always get through, no matter what, no matter anything..."

A short while later, a heavy sink door was opened and a thrashing Umbreon dragged out, by a pair of grinning Mightyena, freshly high on each other's love.

They bore down, synchronised, on the scowling Chai as they closed up the sink doors, again, "Here's the thing, pipsqueak," said Dextus, sounding confident and assertive, "You carry a message to October and keep your mouth shut and you get to go..."

"Hah, those weird Umbreon ears of his," said Sinister, "He heard every word. Even through three inches of composite wood, am I right?"

Chai scowled at her, "Pretty much, bitch," he said acidly, his sharp red eyes showing as much anger as fear.

Sinister growled slightly and moved towards him.

Dextus put a paw on her shoulder to stop her, "Hey, mind your manners or we might have to deal with them, brat..." he said quietly.

"Maybe I won't and maybe you will," said Chai, staring at the male twin slightly differently, angrily, but oddly, "I don't think you've got the time right now though..." he seemed to pause and think for a second, then tilted his head slightly smiled an impishly sarcastic smile as he sarcastically said, "...brroooo..!"

Dextus' face darkened, becoming distinctly fearsome, "Bitch;" he addressed, with a playful, yet dangerous snarl, "you've got exactly ten seconds to get out of here before I decide it's worth the time to teach you a lesson. First part of many. Ten... nine..." he continued to count.

Chai, frowning, turned around, got up, trying not to look like he was in a hurry. Then headed for the door at a quick pace whilst Dextus counted and Sinister, unable to help herself, snickered away, mirthfully.

"Dammit Dex," said Sinister, giggling and practically wagging her tail, "I fucking love you."

"Y'know," said Chai, pausing at the open door, "I'm not one to judge, with all the shit that I've done... and with how this whole situation is not too different from how I used to live, just nicer, but that's also why I can say with confidence; You two are a pair of stupid fucking assholes," he said with a snarl and before they could answer, shouted, "Incest really isn't shit on the scale of things around here, you dumbasses! Eclipse is a fucking asshole Dark alpha dickhead like a bunch of others I've known and I can also tell you with complete fucking certainty that you'd be better off without him in your life! I came here to get away from that kind of fucking stain on the world and from the dumb assholes who follow them like the pair of you! Just get yourselves rid of him!" Then he tore off, running away before they could respond.

Sinister and Dextus frowned.

* * *

Neon and Colin sat in silence. Neon was nursing her drink, now, since it was probably her last of the night. At least Jack had apparently grumpily slugged a little too much vodka into it.

Colin on the other hand, had slowed right down, barely touched his drink in ages, apparently just maintaining a level.

"You're a careful drinker," Neon observed, out loud, for want of something to say.

"Mmm," said Colin, softly, "Gotta watch the liquor! Silly-drunken-Fairies can do silly-drunken-things..! ...and no Customer likes their Pokemon to come along smelling of booze!"

"Gotta disagree with you on that last part, Pink-n-white," said Neon, smirking slowly, "Sometimes a bit'a sloppy drunken-fun's just the best kinda fun..."

"Hmm..." said Colin, looking down and blinking oddly, then seeming to stare harder at his drink, "Dunno, ma'am, like maybe, but... it can go real bad..."

Neon stared at Colin, curiously. There it was again, she'd kept hearing it, "That twang o'yours," she said suddenly, "The more you drink the more you sound like me. That your real accent, Colin..?"

Colin frowned, "Kinda, sorta, not really, but also kinda," he said, slurring his words a little, "I'm from Texas, same as you, Neon Girl!" declared the Fairy, "...but I didn't really start talkin' like that until after I left the compound!"

"Huh, no shit..?" said Neon, with a big grin, then she paused, "wait, compound..?" Her eyes widened, "Oooooh shit, Masterson's! You're a Masterson's Pokemon!"

"That's what I said, ma'am!" said Colin, smiling at her, "Didn't'cha hear..?"

Neon put a paw to her head, smirking, "Oh, hell, I'd forgotten about that giant, creepy-ass place..."

"Creepy..?" said Colin, sounding confused.

Neon gave him a look, "It's a giant grey sprawl big as a town that pumps out genetically engineered Poke-pups, Colin, it's pretty damn creepy..."

"Huh," said Colin, "Never thought of it like that! Well, Masterson's are serious about the quality of their Pokemon!" declared Colin, sounding like he was reading from the company sheet, "I turned out..." he went quiet, "Okay... I think..." he said with increasing uncertainty, frowning a bit.

"Man," said Neon, smirking, "I went to a protest outside there, once! Of course for me it was more of a street party with placards, just there because of some friends, y'know..?" Then she frowned a bit, "They were real serious about not liking the place, though."

She thought back to some of the placards, 'Life should be free!' 'Liberty is for ALL Pokemon!' and 'No to factory-produced puppies!' Actually that last one kind of sounded hostile to the likes of poor Colin and was completely at odds with the peaceable (and largely ineffectual,) types holding the placards.

"Huh..." said Colin, "I think I remember the protest... that was right back when I was leavin'... I was talkin' to one of the overseers and I saw this big mess of colour far outside the window, behind the fence... huh..." he frowned, "Wonder if you were the quick, bouncing yellow dot I saw..."

"Coulda been, Pink," said Neon with a smirk, "I was a real party animal back then."

"That protest scared me," said Colin, "Masterson's was just about the whole world for me, growing up. Couldn't imagine what anyone would have against my home..."

"There's a lot of people and Pokemon still think they shouldn't be breedin' Pokemon like that, Colin," said Neon, "Produced to be bought and sold, living, thinking creatures made industrially and bartered like currency..." she frowned, quietly muttering, "hell, even this place has shit to answer for, there..."

"I didn't know any better, so it didn't bother me," said Colin, then he looked down, "Suppose I didn't know how to handle the real world, neither. I don't know what I'd have done if I hadn't come here..."

"Someone's pet, probably," said Neon, "There's still people buying Masterson's Pokemon. Shouldn't be legal but there's too much money in it. Paranoid freaks love it, too, 'more, stronger, safer Pokemon in our country...'"

"I don't know about any of that," said Colin, quietly, "I just know it was my home... and that some people wanted it to go away."

Interesting how differently two Pokemon can remember the same event, thought Neon, reflecting on how though there were from the same area, their upbringings couldn't have been more different.

It didn't get more strict and regimented than a puppy factory like the Masterson's compound, whereas Neon had been about as wild and free as a southern girl could get! Yet here they both were, sitting in the same workplace, worried about the same issues with the same Pokemon, getting to know one another.

Neon had been serious about what she'd said to October, jokingly, earlier. She was no activist, she was just there because some of the folks she'd liked to party with at the time were there, too. They hadn't been that much more together and with it than she was at the time, but they'd been serious in their beliefs that non-violent passive-aggressive insistence could change the world for the better against a wall of indifference. In fact, some of those sweet and nice, overly-optimistic people and Pokemon kind of reminded her of Colin, here, who she'd quickly realised wouldn't harbour seriously hostile intent against a fly.

So different, so similar, yet as divergent as they were, they were a reminder that people and Pokemon, when you got right down to it, were just about all the same. After all, after everything that had happened, wasn't it Neon who was now on some crusade..? Trying to fix the world around her by making noise? Seemed like she gave a damn about making it a better place, now.

Funny how things all rolled around and came together, she thought...

* * *

October made his way down the stairwell, his mind still racing, analysing what he'd just discovered about his friend and drawing some conclusions... but not nearly as many as he had further questions...

'What a mess,' he thought, shaking his head, "Oh Plaisir," he wondered aloud, "You still look all new and fresh, but in your short history, you've already got some skeletons, eh..? Why one just needs to scrape the nearest wall..." and sighed.

As he reached the ground floor and turned left, October decided he needed a drink. Though not nearly as much as he needed a DAMNED-

Suddenly something struck him from the right hand side, sending the Ninetales sprawling.

Silently, something clung onto him fiercely, like it was trying to take him down! Pressed over his shoulder and neck, he couldn't turn his head to see..! He wheeled quickly, skittering and swung his assailant into view! He saw black fur. Black... and yellow rings.

It was Chai, holding on so tight he was practically buried into October's thick, crimson fur. October sighed and stopped circling, muttering a quick, "Sorries!" to several terrified customers that had cleared out of the way.

He slunk to the side of the corridor to let them past and turned his attention to the Umbreon, several of his tails slinking under the Dark-type to support his weight.

"Chai..." said October, softly, still unable to see the Umbreon's face, "Are you alright..?"

"Shut up..." said Chai, in an odd voice, speaking into the thick fur of October's mane, which felt pretty weird.

"Ummm, Chai," said October, "...No, I think I need to know if you're alright, right now, alright..?"

"Alright..?" said Chai, his voice sounding thick, "You're alright! You dumbass!" suddenly he whapped October hard on the back with a paw, "How did you get hit!?"

Wincing at the memory, "I couldn't let it hit the Pokemon behind me," said October, with a sigh, then he frowned, "Wait, how do you know about that..?"

"Nature told me," said Chai, "Whilst... look, October, you've gotta promise me you don't freak out and do something stupid..."

"Chai..." said October, quietly.

"Because I know this is gonna upset you and I know what you're gonna think you're gonna wanna do, but that's not what you wanna do..." said Chai, being very unusually verbose for the Umbreon...

"Chai," said October, slightly firmer.

"...and I can tell from the tone of your voice that you can already tell it's somethin' bad or maybe you're already pissed off about something so maybe you'd better sit down and get a drink or-"

October's tails stroked against the back of the Umbreon in a soothing manner, embracing the Umbreon gently in his warm fur until he seemed to calm... then October sighed and started walking.

"-Huh? Where are we going..?" asked Chai.

"To join the others, see if my drink's still there and to sit down," said October, quickly, "Well, I'm sitting down, you seem to be quite comfortable where you are."

"Huh..? Oh..." said Chai, before loosening his grip, probably planning to drop off. However, about four of October's nine tails had slipped under and around him by now and held him to the Ninetales securely, mashed into his thick fur. "Hey!" said the Umbreon, sounding instantly irritated, "Let go..!"

"No..." said October, quietly, smirking and walking along, "Clearly you've been through something traumatic and so have I, so it's very obviously time for big floofy hugs, Chai!" he said, with maybe just a little hint of teasing in his voice.

"You.. gah..!" cried Chai, now trying to struggle free. Unfortunately, he could only lift one 'lever' of four off himself at a time and the tails would just tighten up again, making the Umbreon's struggles futile. To add to that, between the thick crimson fluff of October's body and the even thicker fluff of his tails, the Umbreon was pretty much getting mired in floof, "Dammit!"

"Hahah," October chuckled, taking no small amount of delight from the Umbreon's struggles, "Accept my kindness, Chai."

Chai sighed quickly and lightly and then sagged a bit, "You know what? You're an asshole, October, but you're my kind of asshole," and once again proving that the Umbreon would never cease to surprise him, suddenly hugged him tight.

Well, he couldn't make any jokes about that, so he just smiled, feeling a bit better.

Especially when he jumped back up to his former seat with the Umbreon still attached, to the bewildered stares of Neon and Colin.

"What..?" said October, smiling at them like there was nothing wrong with this picture.

Chai eventually realised what was happening however, where he was, in the middle of the main bar, surrounded by who he was, widened his eyes and began to squirm.

This time, October let him go, accepting a few painful scratches as tax as the Umbreon scrambled towards the free seat and flung himself into it, glaring at Neon and Colin like he was daring them to say something.

"Kept your drink, Foxie," said Neon, sliding the tall glass of rum towards him, "though Ceylon almost took it jokin' he thought it might've been a fire risk..."

"Bloody Ceylon's had enough to say on my vices," mumbled October, along with something else, that disappeared as he took a deep swig of the noxious booze.

"Anyhow," said Neon, "Now we're all back here, maybe we should find somewhere else to go. October here's closed the bar for us, tonight."

"Looks open," said Chai, looking over his shoulder.

"Closed to us," said Neon.

"October was angry at Jack and Jack was angry at October," said Colin, looking unhappy.

"That's braver than usual," said Chai, frowning at the Ninetales, "You're usually smart enough to be scared of that one, October."

October grunted with embarrassment, "I'm just having a rough time..." he said quietly before staring at the Umbreon, "Anyways! Chai! Here we are! I'm sitting down, I've drank the drink, what is it that I'm not meant to freak about about..?"

Chai sighed and looked down, speaking slowly, "Right... um. ...Eclipse wants to see you on the roof, he's waiting for you up there..."

"Is he now..? Well! Good for him!" said October, raising an amused eyebrow, "Can't see why I'd..."

"That's why he kidnapped me and Nature," said Chai, quietly, "He's been holding us both prisoner under his sink since you last saw me on the roof. Nature's still down there and he's been treatin' him real bad..."

Saying nothing, but literally hitting them all with a wave of heat as his temper flared, October began to stand up. Chai quickly jumped up, followed by Neon as Colin blinked in confusion.

"Wait! October..!" cried Chai.

"What the hell are you doin', Foxie..?" said Neon, sharply, grabbing the Ninetales quickly by the shoulder with both forepaws.

"He wants to see me, doesn't he..?" said October, a growl in his voice.

"Yeah, well," said Chai, urgently, "That's why you shouldn't go. Don't get hurt again, October!"

"So," said Neon, suddenly, to Chai, "You were in his room... under the sink!?"

"Yeah..." said Chai, "with Nature and Vermont, who had a thousand-yard stare. Both of whom Sin and Dex are gonna be taking out to the night bus to no-where as we speak."

"Taking them out!?" repeated Neon, eyes widening, "They're shipping 'em off!?"

Chai frowned, "Yeah, they heard you'd been talking to Firenze," he said bitterly, "They didn't seem too pleased about it, either... so now they're trying to clean up after their asshole brother, like idiots, like usual..."

"Alright," said October, looking around suddenly, "I know this ditty. I assume Firenze can't call the Police without evidence, Vermont I saw earlier looking very much the rape victim, Sin and Dex..." his eyes flashed sharply to Chai, "Did they touch any of you..?"

"No... not that I saw," said Chai, quickly, perhaps too quickly, "They're assholes, but I only saw them trying to protect their asshole brother. They've got good reason to be scared of him and they seem to give a shit about the whole family thing..."

"Taken as a whole, not admirable," said October, but as he continued to stare into Chai's worried eyes he nodded, "But as those most-oppressed by him, they also deserve the benefit of the doubt, afterwards." Chai smiled, subtly and October continued, "Alright, here's the plan..."

"Plan!?" said Neon, "We've gotta do something! Maybe tell Firenze!"

"I don't see him," said October, "nor do we have time to explain to those who need lawful proof to interject. These are dance steps I've taken many times in the past; We need Vermont to make a witness statement and that's our first priority..."

"Right... right..!" said Neon, blinking in surprise at the Ninetales, as if wondering where all this had come from.

October continued to speak, quickly, "Clarice will still be in, she doesn't leave until two am and comes back at ten. Her office is the goal and we'll be throwing nearly all our resources at this."

"All our..." said Chai, frowning, looking confused, "What..!?"

October first looked at the Jolteon, "Neon, whatever happens, you're the fastest and the hardest to ignore. We're going to depend on you to get Vermont to the Goal. Drag him if you have to, but try and get him talking, I have every faith that if any one of us can do that..."

"Ummmm... 'kay..." said Neon, blinking, "What're we..?"

"Chai," said October, "The first thing I want you to do is to run and get Elegance before you all go down to the basement and intercept them. You don't waste words and you can make yourself understood, tell her that the Honour of the Cafe is at stake and it's time for Warriors to make a stand, she'll follow." He frowned at the Umbreon, "...and hurry back! The others are going to need your quick wits and sharp edges, Chai..."

Chai frowned, confused, but then everyone looked at Colin, as it was clearly the Sylveon's turn.

The half-drunk Fairy looked completely bemused and bewildered, however, near enough to a panic. After a second, he squeaked up, "I don't know what's going on!? Are you talking about fighting? I don't think you should be talking about fighting I think we should go straight to Mister-!"

Suddenly Chai slapped his paw over the Sylveon's maw before he could alert the whole Cafe.

October sighed, "One moment," he said, before leaping up and disappearing into the bustle of the Main Bar.

"...Where's he going..?" said Chai, with a frown, still holding the still-whining, still-muffled Colin.

Neon shrugged and then threw up her paws, "I dunno!"

Right across the noise of the bar they heard Jack bellowing, "OI! You pesky crimson rascal! You're on thin ice..!"

...and as Chai frowned and Neon put her paws on her head.

"Look, sorry! It's an emergency!" they heard October shouting back, "All will become clear! Just add it to my debt for now, alright!?"

"Thin! Bloody! Ice..!" they heard called after him.

October reappeared before the wildered Eeveelutions and advanced straight on Colin, "Move your paw," he asked Chai. Chai moved his paw.

In one fluid motion, October presented a hexagonal bottle full of brownish fluid he had a tail curled around, ripped the stopper out with his teeth and jammed the bottle straight into the protesting Colin's maw.

Neon and Chai stared in disbelief, but Chai moved to secure the struggling Sylveon without question.

"...What the hell are you doing!?" asked Neon, surprised, distressed, a little outraged...

October sighed, "Well," he said casually, slowly up-ending the bottle as the Sylveon swallowed, "The fact is, Colin as we know him isn't really up to what we need him for, right now."

"Come again..?" said Neon, frowning.

October continued to slowly tilt the bottle, "We need the more useful Colin."

Chai frowned and smirked, "Colin, useful..?"

October nodded at the Umbreon, "You remember that time the pair of you tussled on the roof, Chai? Remember how different he was..?" Chai nodded, uncertainly, October continued, frowning, "That's the real Colin, Chai. The Colin we know is a shell, a result of him reverting back towards childhood after a traumatic event."

"...What..?" said Neon and Chai, almost together.

"Short version; and I can't believe I'm saying this," sighed October, "We need the adult and actually useful Colin and for that we need to fill him with bourbon."

"What kinda freakin' cartoon logic is that!?" said Neon, aghast.

The last of the bottle finally emptying down Colin's gullet, October withdrew it as the Sylveon wheezed.

"If you think that's ridiculous," said October with a smirk, "You simply haven't met enough Sylveon."

"GAH-! OCTOBER! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, BOY!" suddenly a loud voice erupted out of Colin, the likes of which had Chai and Neon ducking back, in fright at the presence of a sudden stranger, whilst Colin suddenly pushed up onto the table on his forepaws, drawing his eve-level up to October's, "That was a real dick move..! I coulda choked!"

October, smiling, though more at Chai and Neon, replied, "Sorry, Colin! I need the you that took down Prometheus! Because the fact is, if Chai can't bring Elegance, you're the big guns on the team! I might need to count on you to take them down if it comes to it!"

Colin paused, pouting at the Ninetales suddenly, though still frowning fiercely, "You've been talkin' to Elegance..?"

"We're making up," said October, firmly, "so yes, I got the story. No time to talk about it now. I need you all to posse up, immediately."

"You're presumin' a lot of all of us," said Colin, frowning.

"Yeah, well, then again, maybe not," said Neon, "We're already too deep in and after the day I've had? I'm just plain pissed off. I'm already in a fighting mood..."

October looked at them, "Ordinarily I would have given an 'You're in-or-out now' speech earlier, but the fact is, the moment's on us," he took a deep breath speaking gravely, "Fate has chosen it's players and now the game is on. I can't spare any of you," before his tone became increasingly urgent, "Either the evidence disappears out of the front door and we go back to scampering out of the way or we roust this Big Bad Dark Wolf from his lair and see how he likes the light of day!"

"...Fuck," said Neon.

"What..?" said Chai, frowning at her.

"That made sense," grumbled the Jolteon.

"Damn right it did," muttered Colin, "but yeah; Fuck."

"Good," said October, smiling, "Then let's get to it," he started getting up, "You all know what you're doing. Take off every Zig."

"What- no, never mind," said Neon, quickly, "October, you ain't said what YOU'RE gonna be doing!"

"Well, I think that's obvious," said October.

Chai suddenly snarled at him, wheeling on the Ninetales, "You're still going up to meet Eclipse!?"

"Of course," said October, frowning.

"Nuh-uh," said Chai, shaking his head and snarling, "No, you're not gonna risk yourself like that! He could hurt you, bad, October!"

"I had noticed," said the Ninetales, frowning back.

"So, fuck him!" said Chai, quickly, "We've got a better chance if we all gang up on Sin and Dex!"

"No," said October, firmly, staring the Umbreon in the eyes, "All of YOU are ganging up on Sin and Dex. If they've got any sense they'll give Nature and Vermont up without a fight... but if Eclipse is there or if he comes looking, there won't be any backing down or ending it quickly. If Eclipse is involved, there's every chance that this turns into a bloodbath."

Colin suddenly piped up, "Ain't'cha gonna say, 'it's between me and him..?'"

"Again," said October, "Thought that might be a bit obvious. Don't know about you..."

They all rolled their eyes. "Asshole," muttered Chai.

"Alright, let's do this," said Colin getting up, then suddenly whapping the Umbreon on the back of the head with a ribbon, "Go get Elegance..!"

Chai paused a while anyway, staring at October, silently... they all briefly paused until Chai spoke, "Don't you dare get hurt..." he said quietly and leapt off, racing ahead of them.

"Never dull around you, Foxie, is it..?" said Neon, smirking.

"What do you mean..?" said October, stretching his back and flaring his tails before smiling back at them, "This is normal, for me. Friendship, hanging out, easy times... that's new and exciting! Let's get back to it soon, eh..?" then he raced off, leaving a wake of bewildered Customers and Waiters as he went, as ever.


* * *

Exactly a month ago, a strange creature had come to Cafe Plaisir.

One that had bounced from world to world, never settling, not on one world, not on one form, always wandering, seeking interest and adventure in a gigantic multiverse.

It had been in many of the most exciting places in all those universes, indulged the pleasures, taken in the spectacle, jumped on any pretense of adventure, left chaos in its wake, worn out its welcome, became bored and moved on... A new exciting world each week and then gone. By chance, one evening, this creature, had happened to choose this quiet locale...

Cafe Plaisir, a legal Pokemon brothel-resort on the southern grand plains of the North American continent of Earth, on a Pokemon-bearing iteration of that planet, sub-setted into one of those very few where a large-scale language curse was broken for all and where humans and Pokemon were gradually, slowly, learning to live as equals.

None of which he'd apparently bothered to find out, of course. He seemed to plunge in with ignorance.

That creature had almost immediately started a wave of chaos, as it ever had. Causality, ever seeming two steps behind that inherently whimsical creature, seeming to form a fickle wind of catastrophic humour around a being who himself seemed to need no such assistance in failing to grasp the social norms of the places he never long lingered in...

Well, he had seen the few sights, sampled a few pleasures and quickly found adventure. He had delighted in himself as a Ninetales and set himself as he ever had, on a bright, brash and sure course to wearing out his welcome, as he had on a thousand worlds before this.

After all, it had seemed so very similar. There was a fortress of sorts and mysteries... He had quickly found the grand golden prefect of the station and earned his ire. He had quickly attracted the dark knight of the palace guard and his wicked siblings. He had found a Prince in his Garden and nearly ravished him.

Something different had happened, this time, though.

The prefect had tricked him and he had been caught. Well, that wasn't the first time that had happened, he had escaped captivity before. Only this time, he didn't. He had been abandoned, plane-locked, by the one who had known him best and who had thought him quite deserving of some just desserts, a course he was usually never around for...

For the first time, he who had leapt from story to story, picture to picture, found himself stuck within a single frame and spine, made to follow the plot to his punishment and make up for his mischief.

He hadn't thought there could be anything worse, for a participant of the exceptional to be marooned in mundanity, unable to skip past the worst or to the best, he had found himself trapped by pride and responsibility, ensnared into despair... Like the prison-mines of some evil empire.

Seemingly abandoned by those who'd loved him, trapped by his own word to the prefect, he had been left alone to toil in the meniality and grime of the station's lower reaches, alone but for the constant torment of the dark knight and the trickery of his siblings. This story had become filthy, hard and grim, so it had seemed.

He had been lucky though. He had found common ground with a fellow lost and bitter yet warm-hearted scoundrel, a sweet, innocent, fallen fairy and a bitter, withdrawn, noble warrior. Not to mention a fun-loving shrine-maiden of light and sound. When he found trouble, as he always had, they had all been there to help, each saving him in their own ways. Together, they had triumphed, things were better, he had been himself again. The story had been good, after all...

Though the golden lord, magnificent and grand and warm as he was, had a dark, ice queen, brooding in her lair, who had thought to rein him in. He had been defiant! He would never bow to tyranny!

...and again, he'd lost.

So cowed, beaten down and made to eat the pride that had kept him working there, still he remained. He had regained his freedom, he could have left, but he hadn't. He had thought there no room for an adventurer such as himself, but now it seemed obvious...

All the while he had been here, that dark knight and his kin had hounded him. He had taken it for personal torment but the torment wasn't his alone. The authorities were powerless and the victims hidden, but the power that made that dark presence so formidable was very real... and built upon the suffering of those it had consumed in its path. The mechanics might differ, but the beast was much the same as many he'd faced before it... and though be it a beast of order, the sullen and spent it left in its wake were no less a trail of carnage and waste than October had left behind.

As if there could have been any doubt.

Of course he was here to fight Eclipse.

The pieces were assembled and the lines finally drawn. A month of uncertainty and discovery boiling down to one, critical hour...

October strode up the stairs with purpose in his stride and pride in his fiery, green eyes...

The game began.

Down below, four Pokemon had gathered. A pair of Texan Pokemon had sat and lingered, drunk and past caring, at ease and leant against the wall on the precipice of disaster, neither looking at the other nor saying a word, but understanding all the same that this was the way things had to be.

"Eyup." "Yup."

That was all they said as the black and white Pokemon descended from the stairs. Each terse in their own manners, though each from further lands away yet still, neither did they spare words at this time.

What needed to be said..? It had been, all, already. Each Pokemon had what they needed and the scene was already set. It was on.

Together, they took off, moving forwards in a line. They descended to the basement of Plaisir and marched along its corridor, the scoundrel, the stranger, the maiden and the warrior, each firm and resolved in their own way.

Though it was sodium light that shone upon them brightly from above, hidden though it was, far above, this high midnight, the full moon was as it had been a month ago, a silent witness to it all.

They advanced.

At the other end of the basement, a door was closed and locked. A nervous prisoner shook in the hallway, watched by a sullen prince, in turn flanked by the dark twins who kept them both in wary eye...

"It ain't too late to put you both out," growled Sinister, as warning, "So behave..."

"I'm not going to do anything," said Nature, still watching Vermont, "I'll get on the bus, I'll make sure Vermont is okay, but I'll be coming back..."

"Whatever," said Dextus, "This is your early get-out ticket! If you come back to Eclipse, you're dumber than I thought, Nature..."

"We need to talk things out," said Nature, "Things don't have to be as they are... I believe you can all be better Pokemon if we just talk things through..."

"Tsk, shut up, boy," said Sinister, laughing doubtfully, "and get movin'!"

So, four by four they came. The sodium lights didn't feel for the drama or they'd have thrown some longer shadows... for as these groups neared one another, so closed the jaws of fate.

* * *

October advanced onto the roof, his expression set in as plain a determination as his stride. He raised his tails high behind him in a fan.

The dark landscape of the roof beckoned. A tight landscape of metal and darkness, glinting in the moonlight like teeth in the night.

October grew a smile as he walked. No, no need at all for a Ninetales to advance blindly into the jaws of darkness.

Without even opening his mouth, barely waving his tails, October put what practise he had to work.

Four will-o-wisps, balls of floating flame formed from concentrations of his aura and burning bright green, emerged from no-where around his tails, following as he walked, keeping pace and casting October's own, eerie green light over the scene, bringing the landscape of roofing felt and protruding utilities into view. Across the roof, the grand solar mirror that concentrated the light into the inner garden recast that dim green light all the farther, making for a galaxy of glinting, green returns, becoming verdant in a manner like the night sky, above.

By this light, however, October himself was black. His own eyes, also glowing, shone all the brighter.

"So now you show yourself," growled a deep voice from some hidden place, in the shadows, "Is this the stealthy vulpine terror I've stalked through the woods? Where's your guile, Fox..?"

"Oh, far be it from me to deny the fun of our little chases," said October, loudly to the darkness, still striding out towards the middle of biggest space on the roof, making a grand show of himself, "but that was then and this is now, Eclipse. I'm done running. It's time to shine a light against your darkness."

A deep, dark chuckle resounded around the roof, "Oh, October... you're talking such deep commitment, when I think you're too used to changin' the channel on things you don't like, gettin' away from all your consequences," the Mightyena's tone was almost light and jovial, "You don't really get what facing me might mean..." his tone became low and threatening, "but don't worry... you'll learn... I'll make sure of it, this time..."

"Oh, will you now..?" said October, smirking confidently, still striding forth.

"I will," said Eclipse with surety, "Confident as you might strut, you know I'm stronger than you, Ninetales. Arrogant of you to just walk out in the open like that..."

Finding his place in the middle of the roof, October stopped and stood, posturing, smiling as he declared, "You wouldn't just ambush me, now, Eclipse! Not me. Not after everything. You want this face-to-face. You need this in the open so that there can be no doubt as to the victor..."

"Guilty as charged," said Eclipse, appearing suddenly from the shadows, looking big and mean as the night itself, wearing a grin that was a snarl and reflecting the moonlight, darkly. "Gotta admit," growled the Mightyena, those eyes bearing into October's, "I was worried I'd winged you too hard. You're right. This wouldn't be as satisfying if there were any lingering doubts... and it'll be all the better to break you when you're at your best. Though make no mistake, I want you broken, Ninetales... and when I break you, you and everything you are is going to be mine..."

Gritting his teeth against the tangible pressure of the overbearing Mightyena, October stood his ground, making himself stand straight, facing that darkness given wolven form, staring into those baleful eyes... searching, then frowning, "You've got a plan of some kind..." said October, "I can see it on your face..."

"Is it so obvious?" said Eclipse, suddenly grinning with seemingly good humour, incongruous in the green-lit darkness, "Are we really this much alike..?"

October's eyes narrowed, sharply, his posture lowering, his teeth showing, "What!? No... we're nothing alike."

"Aw, don't say that," said Eclipse, smiling oddly, a strangely bright over-intensity to his stare... The Mightyena started walking, stalking around him, not getting any closer, circling, "One thing that ought to be clear between us, whilst none of your little friends are here to hear it, is that we know each other better than just anyone else here in this den of little... soft... things..." he growled those words with obvious desire.

October backed up a bit, as if struck. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, less confidently.

"Don't lie to me, growled Eclipse, continuing to circle, "Not to me... there's no need to lie to me, you understand..?" he said in a low voice, "I know you see 'em like I do. They are soft, pliable things, easily broken... just about good for some fun, am I right..?"

October snorted and didn't answer...

Eclipse's muzzle showed a little grin as he went on, "So you stalk 'em and you have your fun with 'em and there's no doubt there as to who's on top. You love the power you have over 'em... over the little things that just love to feel themselves under that power... prey, trapped in your jaws for you to rag on until they thank you for it..."

October turned about, following the Mightyena before he slipped behind, snarling, "I'm not like that..."

"Yes, you are," said Eclipse simply, smiling the smile of the Wolf, "You might do it with a trick and a smile more than the brute force and honesty I prefer, but I see right through you, Ninetales. You ARE like me..."

"I am NOT!" growled October, the fur on his back bristling.

"I said don't lie to me..." growled Eclipse more angrily, "Not to me. I know you. I'm just more honest than you... Far more honest. At least you get a plain deal out of me... I don't hide what I am..." he frowned, "I don't creep about, smiling lies through my teeth as I compete for the same prey..."

"Same prey..? Lies!?" repeated October, looking increasingly furious..

"Which is why there's no room for us both, not as we are," said Eclipse, "As soon as you took that Umbreon, I knew that. I knew I'd have to break you for that, but now... now... after gettin' to know you..." the Eclipse grinned, his wicked teeth catching on the moonlight as he strode into darkness, "...I've come to realise it's more than territory I'm challenging you for..."

October stared, silently, now a picture of fury.

"The two of us were born to meet in battle," growled Eclipse, suddenly snarling.

"That's the least stupid thing you've said so far..." grumbled October, the Ninetales sinking low in posture, his back so bristled it was jagged, his tails narrowed behind, his body the sharp point of an arrowhead as he snarled, toothily and growled, "The most was reminding me that once again you threatened Chai!"

"Oh yeah..?" said Eclipse, about to chuckle.

October took a deep breath, his tails flared out wide. His eyes glowed and his stance became low and tight.

Eclipse leapt away, towards darkness as an explosion of light chased away the night.

A tremendous burst of flame pursued him, consuming the ventilator stacks it illuminated, chasing the growing shadow of the Mightyena deeper into cover. Chasing, but not catching. In scant seconds, the light was again swallowed by the enclosing night and the again-invisible Eclipse's laugher echoed around the roof. Inviting October to pursue him into the darkness.

So, he was having the Ninetales chase him, for once. Well, this was a reversal, thought October, pausing less than a second before taking up the invitation, advancing quickly and starting to hunt the hunter...

* * *

They saw each other from fifty meters away. The door-lined staff-quarters of the Cafe Plaisir basement were quite long. Two lines of Pokemon, cautiously approaching one another.

Faces were serious and set and determined for the most part. Aside from the eyes of Vermont. Their Objective, who Neon was to spirit to the goal, if they could. The three Eeveelutions looked tense and nervous, tails low, but their eyes were set and determined. 'No more of this,' they said.

Nature looked quite fearful, but in his eyes, an odd look lingered. A strange determination in his expression as he walked ahead of Vermont, the downcast and hidden feline.

Yet the most dangerous eyes were elsewhere. The twins hovered like a pair of shadows, whilst neither was quite Eclipse, neither was either lacking in formidability. The two Mightyena were each bigger than their mostly-Eeveelution opponents and though they stalked on separate sides of their prisoners, they moved in odd unison, as if both matching twins were but one fearsome beast with two heads, bearing the same, grim and utterly unintimidated expression. There was no sign either Dark type was prepared to back down from a fight, in fact... from the hungry opening of maws and showing of the teeth, it might have been quite the opposite. These were no shy Pokemon.

Even in the face of perhaps the most dangerous Pokemon present, the deadly, sharp blue eyes of the Mienshao, Elegance, standing tall over the three Eeveelutions. Her stride was calm yet purposeful and perhaps most of any, radiated a readiness to action...

With a grim inevitability, the distance between the groups closed. The number of doorways counted between them diminished and at about twenty paces, the groups slowed and stopped, staring at each other, but for Sin and Dex sharing a confident grin.

"You've gotta be kidding," said Sinister, "The nerd-posse..?"

"Hey, we're not the nerd posse..!" squeaked Colin indignantly.

"Yeah!" shouted Neon, "we're Plaisir's good-hearted renegades with a cause..!"

"...and if you know what's good for you," said Chai, the Umbreon narrowing his eyes dangerously, "You'll be letting those two come with us and getting gone. This is your warning..." he lowered his head as his rings began to softly glow.

Dextus laughed, aloud, smiling, "Oooh, scary..! Did you guys work on that, first..? Honestly I'm impressed for a bunch of geeks..." then his expression dropped, "...but I'm not intimidated," he said with a snarl.

"In fact," growled Sinister, "I'm pretty annoyed. I'm thinking you guys have got about ten fucking seconds to get out of our way. We've got a Taxi, waiting and we're in no mood for your shit..."

Both Mightyena seemed to lower their posture at once, growling and bristling, staring down their opponents angrily.

Elegance stepped forwards, calmly, "This posturing is unseemly as it is unpleasant," she spoke without an ounce of passion, "but if you think either of you can provide any obstacle to me, you are sadly mistaken. Heed the Umbreon's warning or I shall dispense with you."

"No..!" the cry had come from Nature, the Lucario suddenly stepping forwards, holding out his paws, "It can't come to that, not here, not in Cafe Plaisir..!"

"Get out of the way, Robin..!" shouted Chai, urgently, "Don't be stupid! Eclipse has got to get what's coming to him..!"

"Not if you have to fight to get him!" said Nature, "We can work things out another way, no fighting!"

"Nature," said Sinister, "I think you'd best step back and get out of the way..."

"Seriously, boy..!" shouted Colin, "Even I think it's time we've had enough!"

"Plaisir needs us to make a stand..!" cried Neon.

"Dumbass," muttered Dextus.

"No!" cried Nature, stepping out and putting himself between them all, a determined look on his usually passive face, unusual force in his voice, "This is wrong, especially in Plaisir! This place represents a dream for Pokemon like us prospering in peace! They founded this place so that Pokemon wouldn't have to fight to get by! I can't accept a world where violence is inevitable! There's always a better way! That's what this place means and that's what I believe..!"

"Well, damn..!" said Colin, blinking with the rest of them.

"Well, boo-hoo..!" said Sinister, as both twins charged.

"Shit..!" hissed Chai, as both Mightyena took off with shocking acceleration, crossing inwards and towards each other, putting the wide-eyed and shocked Lucario between themselves and harm.

Without a clear shot for any Electric or Fairy powers to use, Neon and Colin had to turn and quickly retreat, cursing, with Chai reluctantly following, backpedalling fast and keeping himself between them and the oncoming and quickly charging Mightyena...

So the battle surged onwards down the hall, leaving at once behind the open-mouthed and horrified Nature, who found himself just as shocked and surprised to see Elegance standing before him, still, with an unearthly serenity as violence erupted behind her. Paying attention to him and only him. They both stared at each other in silence.

'Ohfuck,ohfuck,ohfuck!' thought Chai as the seemingly massive and towering pair of Mightyena came charging in at him. 'Why am I being so brave..?'

As the twin spectres of death came scything in from either side, jaws gnashing wide, Chai suddenly leapt, his slender-looking limbs slipping away from Sinister's jaws by the barest of margins as he tumbled and rolled to one side.

Still, they were both nicely in the middle. Colin frowned, but Neon didn't hesitate.

"Targets sighted!" the Jolteon declared, grinning and hunkering down.

Colin's eyes widened, but it was too late, Neon opened up with her pin missiles, the Jolteon's fur cracking as she rapidly applied powerful static fields to her fur, hardening long yellow hairs into quills and then electromagnetically launching them with an audible little 'bang..!' sending volleys of projectiles down the corridor.

"You dumbass! The lane's not clear!" shouted Colin, at her.

"I'm a good damn shot!" spat Neon, back at him, using her developed twitch-reflexes, aiming every projectile as precisely as her amped-up Jolteon nerves would allow!

Neon was an acupuncturist after all and she wasn't firing at random. She was aiming for nerve clusters. Didn't matter how strong your opponent was if their legs wouldn't respond!

Yet somehow, it wasn't fast enough. Sin and Dex twisted and reacted, ducking and jinking as they ran, changing course as quickly as Neon could aim, throwing her off the pinpoint aim each time. Half of her shots didn't even hit the Mightyena and the fewer still that hit that tough and aura-protected hide straight enough to stick in went unnoticed!

A completely unhindered Sinister, scowling from the pin-cushion side of her face, ran-down the retreating, wide-eyed Jolteon and headbutted her, HARD. There was a sickening thud and a transfer of momentum. Sinister was left grinning as Neon flew off, ahead. She looked over to share the grin with her brother...

Just in time to see Colin rising from a roll, releasing the Mightyena whose paws he had held in his ribbons. Dextus went flying through the air in much the same way as Neon had and Colin looked over, just a second later and frowned.

Sinister growled, about to charge, but Colin had already reared his ribbons and a spherical field of insanely bright light the colour of the moon had begun to form between them, the growing, glittering orb singing with power and almost outshining the Sylveon's angry eyes...

"I don't understand, why aren't you fighting too..?" said Nature, staring at Elegance.

"Your plea was impassioned and eloquent," said Elegance, "and I respect your beliefs. Honour requires that I hold debate with you."

"Honour..?" repeated Nature, confused, "Debate..! When there's fighting in Plaisir!?"

"It is true I have not adapted to all the customs of this land," said Elegance, "but some things I hold dear. Honour and Philosophy among them. We will discuss your grievances."

Nature looked over her shoulder and saw the coming trouble for one side and, "Don't your friends need you..?" he asked, with urgency in his voice!

Elegance didn't look around, merely raised her eyebrow and said, "Indubitably."

"You're not gonna hit me with that," said Sinister with a grin, staring down the Fairy with the large ball of energy that looked set to do some damage... Yet the Wolfess was grinning in the stark moonlight it cast...

"How'd you figure that..?" said Colin, smirking wickedly, "Lady, you're a big-ass target and I don't mean to miss..!"

"LADY!? BIG-ASS!?" growled Sinister with indignance, "I'm a GIRL and I'm in GOOD SHAPE you DICK!"

Colin blinked, took aback and looking shocked, "Umm, sorry, didn't mean to be rude to a lady-GIRL! To a Girl, ma'am!"

Sinister, suddenly grinning, said, "Besides..."

Dextus slammed into Colin's side, tackling the Fairy so hard, he flew into the air, back towards the non-fighting Fighting types. The Mightyena had apparently recovered a little faster than expected.

"...There's no way my other half is gonna let you," grinned Sinister, at her identically-grinning brother, their faces lit from one side as the Moon Blast exploded on the floor.

Then they turned their eyes as one on Chai, who now stood alone, in the middle of the corridor, against the victorious and grinning beasts, looking frightened...

* * *

The tallest roof of Plaisir wasn't too wide a circuit. Just enough girth for rooms and the corridor to reach them. Still, there was enough cover on the roof to make it it a running maze, snaking ventilators and air conditioners and all the other things they couldn't squeeze in elsewhere.

A glinting, shifting, rolling landscape October ran down, lit by the limited green radius of his wisps, pursuing a nightmare.

Eclipse had offered him tantalising glimpses, but after another wasted flamethrower had done nothing but made a ventilator stack glow, October decided to save his heat for now and shouted, "What's the matter, won't you face me..? Afraid of my flames..?"

Eclipse chuckled, from the darkness, ahead of him.

October frowned, "Of course, you know... Fire's not like the other types. If you catch; If I heat any part of your body enough... you'll burn right down to the bone like anything else, no matter how strong you are..."

"Hah, well said, Ninetales," said Eclipse, oddly, "I'd probably say the same in your place..."

October frowned.

"You know, it's shame you came and raised your voice to me," came the teasing, growling voice of Eclipse, "If you'd known your place, we might even have been friends.." he chuckled darkly, "Just imagine what we could do, together... with your wit and my will..."

October had just about had enough, "I thought you said you were honest, Eclipse!" growled the Ninetales, "We could never have been friends!"

"Too right," snarled Eclipse, suddenly leaping at him from the corner of his vision.

He appeared so suddenly, having feinted so quickly that October had nearly ran right past! There was naught to do but spill and roll and try to take the Mightyena's fangs at a glance on his back..!

That 'glance' bit deep, tearing right through fur and hide and anchoring hard enough that Eclipse tumbled with him, yanking on his flesh as he brute-stopped their inertia, dead.

Shriek-yelping, October collapsed on the ground with a huff, twisting back on the painful bite.

A powerful forepaw shoved his head to the ground and Eclipse rose to stand atop him, "So I lied!" laughed the Mightyena, exultantly, "Didn't I say we were alike..? Different sides of the same dirty coin... and now I got you under me, there's gonna be no doubt which of us is on top..."

"Oh yes..?" said October, scowling and twisting.

Eclipse shoved him down, hard. "Yeah."

Perhaps too used to the small and weak, Eclipse had underestimated the strength of a desperate Fox, especially one as desperate as October. Twisting so hard that clumps of his fur and mane pulled out under the Mightyena's claws, October managed to rise and scream a blast of searing flames right into the Mightyena's flank! Eclipse was tough and his aura formidable, but fire was, after all, fire. There was a hissing noise as fur began to burn and flesh began to heat...

Grunting and yelling in pain, Eclipse jumped off and rolled, rubbing his burnt flank against the ground...

October rose, snarling, his mane mussed and his body bleeding in three places. Not to mention his head...

"Takes more than that," growled October as he found his feet and pulled in the deepest breath he could.

"So noted," growled Eclipse as the Mightyena surged to his feet, smoking from his flank.

October's blood surging, his eyes ablaze, slid back along the roofing felt, his claws digging in and scraping as a brilliant inferno erupted from his maw, chasing and catching the Mightyena, just barely, singing at his flanks and hindquarters...

With so much force behind it, October couldn't just re-aim his most powerful attack, so he had to cut off and save his energy, cursing.

Still. Not a direct hit, but Eclipse had felt it. He had felt it! Even now he saw the Mightyena had developed a favour for one side. He wasn't out of reach! His flames could hurt Eclipse!

His confidence surging, October took off after the Mightyena, though he immediately winced, stumbling, slowing, for the pain in his back. Fresh blood poured from his bite-wound... He hissed at the sharpness - the flesh was even crushed so hard the remaining tissue was like one big bruise! It felt as if Eclipse's teeth were still pressed in, there..!

Then when Eclipse reappeared, jumping over a vent, having heard his yelping and knowing he didn't have a breath ready, October realised his mistake.

The Mightyena charged in, jaws-wide! October's eyes narrowed.

One of the green will-o-wisps October was using to light the scene struck Eclipse in the shoulder and burst into real, orange flames, the energy of October's aura heating the Mightyena's fur up instantly to ignition!

His charge faltering, twisting, preparing to tuck into another roll, Eclipse caught October's forehead on the side of his jaw with a dizzying smack.

"FUCK YOU!" screamed the Ninetales as the Mightyena twitched, kicked and fell.

One of those kicking paws caught the Ninetales in the chest and knocked him sprawling, gasping in lost breath, stumbling, almost to the ground, but he managed to find his feet. He grimaced... Even without effort, Eclipse could throw him around... and the wound on his back was aching fiercely... and bleeding a lot, slowing him down considerably... This was stupid! This was playing to the Mightyena's strengths, he had to open up the range!

So he turned and ran whilst Eclipse was rolling about to put out the fire and ran as fast as his aching, bleeding back would let him, an odd, stuttering run.

"Hahah, run, Fox, run! Didn't take you long!" called Eclipse, his voice raised in either excitement or pain, "What's the matter, can dish it out but can't take it!?"

October didn't dignify that with a response. As if he'd fall for that one.

Still, he could hear the Mightyena reaching his feet and starting after him, muttering, "Yeah, me neither. You're gonna pay for those burns you fuckin'..."

October picked up the pace, ignoring the pain in his back. Adrenaline gave him fresh strength... false strength, but strength he needed, badly!

The Guest Wing's roof had one other obvious feature and it was one that a pressed Fox instinctively sought... He ran towards it, now.

Cutting across the sloping inner side of the roof, his claws scraping on skylight windows and pattering musically across wooden roofing, he was confronted with the beauty of the evening sky, concentrated and magnified, showing the darkness of the clouds framing a watching moon, until, without stopping, up he leapt and filled that view with himself. Crimson, black in night and green light, filled his horizons...

The solar-mirror was nearly six meters tall, stretched around the north-east corner of the inner roof, meant to reflect the sunlight down into the balconies and garden of the inner courtyard below throughout the day.

Despite his condition, desperation and all the inertia his injured body could conjure leant October the strength to leap and scramble up the side of it, barely making the lip, pulling himself up and employing the kind of vulpine agility a Mightyena could only dream of, standing on the mirror, tightroping with all four paws and spreading his tails for balance, accidentally looking magnificent in the process as he balanced upon Cafe Plaisir's very highest point.

His muzzle held high, he tilted his head to see Eclipse rushing up below him. As the Mightyena leapt, filling that grand parabola with the sight of rushing darkness, October nearly flinched as Eclipse once again lived up to his name.

Yet Eclipse failed that jump... and with a screech of his paws upon the glass, slid back down, a look of hate upon his face as he failed to reach the Ninetales' height. October smirked down at him, making eye contact with the darkness. Even though the path between them was speckled with the blood October had rained as he'd leapt, blood that still dripped, even now, a Fox simply had to enjoy holding the high ground.

He took a very deep breath and aimed at Eclipse. He leant forwards such that he was near-about to pitch over and ignored all of the growing yet comparatively insignificant pains of aura-drain to erupt with another, furious Flamethrower!

The mirror caught the light of that brilliant orange-gold inferno, magnifying and expanding the brilliant flames until the entire huge mirror seemed a landscape of flowing flame, briefly making day of night upon the roof and in the inner courtyard, drawing cries of surprise from those guests and Waiters on the inner balconies or in the main dining area or around the garden, who he realised only now, had been watching. As ever, October paid the onlookers no mind but to try and keep the fight away from them.

They were more than distraction enough, though, as it turned out. As his flamethrower ceased, plunging the roof and inner courtyard back into night, he realised he had no idea if he had caught Eclipse or not. In fact, he'd lost track! Silence fell to the cries of alarm and bewilderment from below. His eyes and ears tracked about the darkness, searching...

Then, as swirling blacklight grew in his vision he saw the Shadow Ball incoming.

October bunched and leapt, immediately, leaping towards the safety of a tall and nearby water tank on the roof!

Below him, the watching Waiters and Customers cried out in alarm as they saw Eclipse's Shadow Ball, a manifestation of his wrath, shining and spinning with its condensed hatred and malice, growing huge in the grand parabola of the mirror, some were already running for the doors..!

With a shriek like the world ending, the solar mirror deformed, then exploded into a thousand tortured pieces, reflecting spots of purplish darklight in a million directions as that glittering debris went whirling up into the air in every direction like a grand fountain of shattered glass, which fell like tinkling rain upon the roof... and upon the screaming, panicking guests who were rushing to get inside.

October could only hope the civilians got to safety, had his attention full jumping and falling down the side of the water tank, counting on its cover to protect him from most of the slashing, piercing rain. He cursed Eclipse for his violence... and himself for not realising the danger!

Taking a moment behind the water tank and huffing, October thanked his fur for being so thick and the few shards of glass that had hit him for being so small. At least there wasn't that much extra bleeding... and he wagered that would have caught Eclipse at least as badly...

In fact, he could hear Eclipse, stomping through the broken glass and yelling, "No more running or hiding!" the Mightyena bellowed, angrily, "Get over here!"

October frowned. Eclipse certainly had been caught in the rain, just as certainly as he was walking over broken shards, right now. Eclipse however, was certainly almost too angry, from the sounds of it, to even feel or care, at this point. He would chase October across the rings of Ravage and through Prometheus' flames, at this point...

"Dammit, come on out!" yelled the Mightyena, furiously, "I know you liked getting under me, Fox! Why don't you come on out where I can get to you!?"

Oh..? I thought it was fun to chase me? thought October, with a dark smile...

This corner of the roof, behind the shadow of that mirror, was where Eclipse and Firenze had caught him, that first night. It had to be fate, "Oh, Fortuna..." he cursed, softly.

Well then, that was it, he thought.

October had officially ran out of fucks to give and knew exactly where he would get the angry Mightyena to follow him...

* * *

"There was once a famous general, in Sinnoh's distant past," said Elegance, quietly, "He believed as you did, that with sufficient intelligence, violence could be avoided and for a long time he did exactly as he believed. His mind was so keen and his tactics were so superior that his enemies would surrender without as much as touching blades or loosing Pokemon..."

Nature, blinking and shaking in horror at the violence unfolding around them, stared her in the eyes, "What..? How can you be talking about..!? That doesn't even sound true!"

"Yet true it is," said Elegance, apparently unmoved, "It was a more civilised era and gentleman officers were willing to concede without shedding any more blood than their own, following Honour, of course."

Nature blinked, uncomprehendingly at first, then looked at her with horror, "They... killed themselves..?" he said, already-wide eyes widening wider.

"Such were the ways of the time," said Elegance, "Complete accountability. However, the General eventually failed when he was sent to quell a peasant's rebellion. He outmaneuvered them with ease, as always, but they came on, anyway, because desperate men cannot surrender. This General, who had never lost a battle, would not give the order to attack and in the confusion, his army was routed by pitchforks and village Pokemon."

"The peasants won..?" asked Nature.

"Yes," said Elegance, "and after that army was gone and that General lost to Honour, unresolved tensions exploded across the land and the resulting age of civil strife claimed victims beyond counting. Instead of one act of bloodshed, the land would come to be soaked in it. I put to you that Sinister and Dextus are desperate Pokemon and that one act of violence may save a great deal of future woe."

Nature stared at her, "What..? How can you talk about this stuff!? You're crazy! We have to stop this!"

"I very much agree," said Elegance, "but first we must resolve this dispute."

Nature stared in incomprehension.

Sinister and Dextus were chuckling, falling into step with one another as they approached the smaller Umbreon, rolling their shoulders, confidently...

"Oh, pipsqueak..." said Dextus.

"...You've been real naughty," said Sinister.

The Mightyena parted, walking to either side in unison, moving to flank the Umbreon. Chai scowled and stood his ground.

"I was gonna punish you good," said Dextus.

"...but now we're gonna punish you bad..." said Sinister.

They both grinned at once.

"Oh yeah..?" said Chai, feeling no-where near as confident as he sounded, facing this pair of living tanks, but all the same, he scowled at them, "Bring it."

Snarling, Sin and Dex charged at him in unison. Two huge Wolves coached from birth for combat by a human trainer who had taught them moves, gave them pills and treats, found them strong opponents and all the rest of it that supposedly made a Pokemon strong. Well, Chai didn't have anything like that kind of weaponised power...

Instead, counting on every ounce of reflex, speed, desperation, guts and savagery the streets had taught him, Chai watched the seemingly huge Mightyena charge in... and waited until the last possible instant before his red eyes narrowed and he reacted like greased lightning, tucking forwards in a roll and letting the Mightyena crash into each other and him. Then those razor sharp claws of his whipped out with all the ferocity he could muster, knowing, with practised reflexes, exactly where to put them.

Sinister and Dextus yelped in unison and Chai regained just enough of a footing to scramble away, looking back over his shoulder at the pair of stumbling, bloodied Wolves and smirking, "All that dangerous power and you trainer-dorks use it like a nerf-bat," said the Umbreon, wickedly, "Let's see you smile and hound me with cut hamstrings, assholes," he grinned, "Doesn't matter how strong you are, you've got soft bits I can cut. If you creampuffs had lived in my world, you'd've known that."

Sin and Dex shared wide-eyed looks as they stared at their bloodied hindlegs and the deep cuts Chai had put into their ankles. Then they scowled together and rose, together, shrugging off the pain that creased both of their faces and supporting their crippled legs between them.

"Got it, punk," growled Dextus, looking well beyond regular angry...

"Now we're gonna repay you the lesson," snarled Sinister, looking just as much like death.

"...Fuck," said Chai, sighing, then he turned to run.

With six working legs between them, the twins were in hot pursuit!

Neon sighed, hoping that Chai could hold their attention just a little longer, without getting caught. Her head was spinning and she knew she had a concussion... Sinister had a head like a wrecking ball! ...and Neon needed a Doctor...

...but she had something more important to do.

Dizzy, one eye closed and heavy of breath, Neon stumbled over to the whimpering Vermont, the Glameow curled up exactly where everyone had left him.

"Hey," she said, "Vermont... I uh... know you don't know me, but we've gotta talk..."

The Glameow looked up at her, blinking, "P-please, just leave me alone! They were going to let me get away..!"

"No, no honey, no," said Neon, suddenly sounding reassuring and stumbling up to the Glameow to lean down and catch his downcast eyes, "You can't get away like that. Not as long as you know the sonnofabitch could be doing it again."

Vermont sniffed, "I don't care..!" he gasped, "I just want it to end! I just need to get away..!"

"It doesn't end whilst he's still getting away with it," said Neon, "but it can end with him getting what he deserves. Something like this happened to me, once and all that got me through was knowing that they wouldn't do it again... and unlike me, all you gotta do is talk to the right Pokemon, we're doing all this to give you that chance..."

Vermont stared at her, wide-eyed, "You're hurt!" he suddenly seemed to realise, "Your eyes are bloodshot! Your head is bleeding! You're concussed! ...and a terrible mess!"

"Yeah, not gonna lie," said Neon, "I'd kinda like us to get movin' so I can get you there whilst I'm still conscious. Think you can do that for me, Vermont..?"

"Umm..." the Glameow started forwards, looking over her with worry, as if noticing her properly at least, "Can I help you..?" he asked uncertainly.

Neon smiled, "Hey just because I'm dinged in the head... that just means you've got half a chance of keepin' up, Kitty! Now c'mon, let's move..!"

Chai ran out of room and turned to face his pursuers with a snarl on his face. "Alright, you fuckers!" he shouted angrily, "Prepare to lose something that you're going to fucking miss!" and he raised his claws in defiance at the great and terrible double-headed beast that was bearing down on him...

There was a bang and a flash as something yellow zipped past, followed closely by something feline-quick and grey with a long, curly tail.

Chai was left blinking as Sinister and Dextus fell right over, twitching.

"Hey! Fuck y'all..!" shouted the departing Jolteon, "Suck a Thunder Wave, you assholes..!"

Twitching, the pair of Mightyena stared after the Jolteon hatefully, then with a sighing look of almost-despair...

"Hah!" said Chai, "You lose, suckers!"

Turning baleful eyes upon him, Chai suddenly got the impression he probably shouldn't have said that when Sinister and Dextus suddenly rose, twitching though they were, managing, slower and more shakily, to get to their feet, once again...

"Oh, come on!" cried Chai, annoyed, "Fall down, you obstinate assholes! That asshole was never worth this! You're free, now!"

"H-he's family," said Sinister, gasping and snarling.

"..R-right," said Dextus, "Ww-we can't-"

"AW, SHUT THE HELL UP!" cried a loud and high voice, before the white streak came charging in.

Sinister and Dextus blinked as a Sylveon slid under them, wrapping their forelegs with his longer, lower ribbons, then pulling.

They were yanked to the ground with a yelp as their footing was pulled from under them.

Not finished, Colin leapt up onto their backs and 'lasooed' the pair of them around the neck and pulled their heads up, bearing down on the pair of Mightyena, "I was real rude to you before, Miss Sinister," said Colin, "but only in my hesitatin' to whoop your ass! I forgot that Fairy love is for everyone, all equal and that includes tough love..!"

"Are you for fucking real..?" said Sinister.

"I'm gonna rip this Fairy's ass right off his-" began Dextus.

Suddenly Colin tightened his ribbons, choking both Mightyena and leaning in closer, an oddly intense look in his eyes, as the suddenly shocked and wide, red-on-yellow Mightyena eyes bulged. "Listen, you," said the Fairy, firmly, "You've been a pair of real itchy assholes and it's only 'cos you did it out of love that I'm gonna let you both walk with a bit of a scratch! ...Back to your rooms that is, where I'm gonna patch you both up and give you both a long damn lecture about your damn manners, because keepin' you naughty Dark types in line is what us Fairies are for, you hear me..?"

"...Yes, sir..." said Sinister, sounding slightly dazed.

"...We're sorry, Mister Colin," said Dextus, sounding just as off.

Chai frowned, watching this unfold, as Colin, standing on the back of the pair, induced them to stand once more, despite their physical condition. Still standing on top of them, he had them start limping back towards their room, having thoroughly bewitched them. Fucking Fairy magic, thought Chai with disgust...

"If you're especially good, I'll be real nice..." promised Colin, "Hey... Y'got any bourbon..?"

"I think our brother keeps some," said Sinister.

"I know where he hides it," said Dextus.

"Grand," said Colin, with a big, big smile.

"You know what..?" said the wickedly grinning and wonderfully vindictive-feeling Chai, taking great pleasure in saying, "You get 'em, Colin. I think 'owned by Fairy' is EXACTLY the punishment they deserve... For now."

"It's all over, anyway," said Nature, with a sigh, "Look at all this damage... and blood..!" he cried, looking at the mess they'd made of the hallway.

"Yes," said Elegance, "and all unnecessary, too. I could have ended this in seconds. Sinister and Dextus were no match for me, I would not have even had to injure them."

Nature stared at her in silence.

"Had today not been a busy evening," said Elegance, "and all the Pokemon upstairs, it is likely others would have been hurt, also..."

Nature looked downwards, sullen, "Are you trying to tell me my beliefs were wrong..?"

"Not at all," said Elegance, frowning at him for the first time, "I told you I respected your stand. That is why I had to refute it. You are one of the few Pokemon I respect, here, Nature."

"I... am..?" blinked Nature, confused.

"Your drive for self-improvement, your curiosity," said Elegance, smiling, "and your strength of belief... these are admirable traits, Nature. Forget not that in my story, that General won every battle he fought, but one, winning along the way, ten years of peace. Never forget that there are always exceptional circumstances and for those circumstances, we must be ready. That is why Fighting Types exist."

Nature blinked, then let himself fall to the floor, sobbing...

"I invite you to visit me in future," said Elegance, "I would be happy to discuss these things with you again and perhaps even aid in your self-improvement. It seems I am accepting students, these days..."

* * *

October landed heavily and stumbled, the dark, purplish blacklight of the Shadow Ball exploding into a stack of air-conditioners, tearing the metal apart in a howling explosion of expended kinetic energies, sending metallic shrapnel whipping into the air!

"Stop running and I'll..." Eclipse snarled, "NO! There's no going easy on you!!" he yelled hysterically.

Struck and cut again, but past the point of caring, October bled freely as he half leaped, dragged in a hoarse breath and exhaled a heavy gout of flames at the charging Mightyena.

More heavily than he would have before, Eclipse rolled out of the way, the flames again barely licking him, but those licks were adding up. The Mightyena was smoking and scorched and his movements were heavy.

"Blah, blah, all talk!" shouted October, hoarsely, "Fuck you, Eclipse!"

October's movements were heavier, but he leapt with all his determination into cover, out and around, drawing the increasingly angry Mightyena out.

"FUCK YOU! JUST GET BACK HERE AND LET ME HURT YOU..!" roared Eclipse, impatiently.

Practically bellowing with rage and pain, Eclipse tore after him.

October had two cards left. He played them both.

Eclipse came running out, facing the squared-off and readied, October who stood staring with his tails flared out, looking every bit ready to deliver a cool line and a finishing move.

Eclipse charged in without pause, aiming a bite for the Ninetales' face, around the eyes... and sailed right through the illusion.

He was staggering, all too close to the roof's edge when the real October barrelled into him from the side.

For a moment, it seemed like it wouldn't be enough, as the Mightyena tottered close to the precipice of a three-story drop.

October whipped his tails to one side, all at once.

With a sickening acceleration, they fell...

He took a deep breath and thanked his tails for all they'd done.

* * *

"Yes, Mister Vermont," said Firenze, though his attention was upon the Jolteon, spraying the expensive Hyper Potion upon her head, "You're quite safe here, I personally assure you."

"Not even Eclipse is dumb enough to try anything in this room," croaked Clarice, "Which is a shame, because I've been waiting a loooong time for him to try something..." she hissed... and with a crackle, the desk around her paw began to freeze, "but only October's that dumb..."

"Now now, Clarice," said Firenze, "October isn't dumb, he just has a lot of adjusting to do."

"Oh..?" said Clarice blinking, "Sorry, Mister Firenze..! He just upsets me, but I'm sure you're right!" she was speaking with her 'soft voice,' such as it was, "Wild types upset me, you know what I've been through..."

"Yes, I do," said Firenze, sadly, "I'm sorry if this is difficult for you, Clarice," then she looked back at Neon, "...or yourself."

"Hey, don't worry about it," said Neon, softly, managing a smile, "Just keep sprayin' that on, that's the good stuff..." Though her smile faded and she sighed, "Memories I can take, I told Vermont my story... and he's promised me he'll tell you his..."

"...and it's about time someone gave me a clear story!" said Clarice, "I wish I had the time in the day to deal with stuff like Eclipse... but my work here never ends..!"

"Alright," said Firenze, flicking a tail in Clarice's direction and laying the tip up on her shoulder, "Calm down, Clarice... it's clear to me that something must be done," and he glanced briefly at Neon, "Coco is saying similar things... HR could use a little expansion, perhaps... and Jack tells me that someone was shouting sensible things at him, earlier..." then he looked back to Vermont, "...but for the meantime, Mister Vermont, would you be willing to speak, for the record..?"

The Glameow, who so much of this had been about, sat before two of the most powerful Pokemon in Plaisir and the Jolteon who had risked head and hide for him and sighed. Slowly, he nodded.

Suddenly, there was a bright orange glow from outside that cast an angry orange square on the wall.

Getting up quickly, Firenze gasped, "It's the dumpsters! They're on fire..!"

* * *

The blaze was literally hellish... and like one of hell's demons, the blood-red Ninetales laughed.

"Have you ever heard of Hell, Eclipse..?" said October, "Of course you have! Such a common concept! A place where beasts like you go to burn for all eternity!"

Beneath him, the package of tails he had held between his legs squirmed again, bouncing and rocking him up into the air.

"Stop struggling!" shouted October, above the roar of the flames, "Otherwise..!"

With a roar, Eclipse broke free - for an instant.

One instant of furnace-hot temperatures was all it took for a pained yelp and a retreat. October closed up the gap in his tails and smirked, feeling the warm spot against the inside of his tails as the Mightyena's face smouldered.

"Theeeere we go," said October, "That's Hell, for you! I couldn't tell you if there's a real Hell for this Earth, but I have met Demons. They'd love to give you the treatment. Me; I'm happy enough to let you have a taste!"

Muffled noise came from the cocoon of tails, with the angry Mightyena wrapped within.

"You know," said October, "If I were like you, if I were remotely like you, I would probably be raping you about now. Oh yes," he smiled, "Now that I've got you under me, you don't feel all that big. Frankly part of me wishes I was as big a dick as you are, but the truth is, I'm not." He frowned, "Thinking about you makes me sicken at the thought. Fuck, I almost want to apologise to a certain dickhead Leafeon, almost..." he sighed, "...but fucks like you deserve a taste of their own medicine and yes, a part of me wishes that right now, I really was a rapist, like you..."

He briefly opened his tails, around the same, smouldering spot. Beneath him, Eclipse yowled.

"I suppose that will have to suffice," growled October.

It had been a close thing. The fall could have been enough to kill them, Pokemon or not. He'd had to act quickly otherwise they could have both died... He thanked his tails, again.

Whilst Eclipse could only fall and flail, October had nine lengths of rudder and ballast. Far better adapted for mid-air, October had righted himself, grabbed the Mightyena and then put everything he had left into one Flamethrower, aimed straight down...

He was glad he'd been right about the position of the dumpsters. There hadn't exactly been time to check. The slightest error and they would have hit hard concrete instead of huge, heaping piles of socks.

His luck had held out for once, though... and now, he was almost comfortable. The burning temperature of socks and trash was apparently quite pleasant for a Ninetales. Like a warm bath. Just like he needed. He sighed.

Then the rain started.

October blinked as the first drops fell into the fire, hissing, from an apparently clear night sky. He saw the sudden, small, low clouds. It wasn't weather, it was Rain Dance! He gritted his teeth, "No, no..!" he began to say as the rain started to pick up, "NO!"

"NOOO..!" he shouted as he saw the thick streamer of water burst high up into the air and arcing... that had to be a Hydro Pump... "NOOO-!"

The torrential downpour of Water-Type Aura infused water landed like a giant's sledgehammer, rolling October, Eclipse and the dumpster's entire contents all at once in a seemingly solid wave of agonising cold.

October's tired blood, just pleasantly warmed, seemed to seize in his veins as it was sapped of energy by its nemesis element. Every inch of his body was pain. Every wound went numb. The pain completely enveloped him in a pitch black, drowned world of ash and half-burned, floating socks...

October was in a delirious daze, half-conscious, already feeling like he was going to die when he felt himself get grabbed by the scruff of the neck and yanked back above the surface. Oxygen returned as a painful memory when his body remembered to breathe...

"Stupid fuckin' Ninetales..!" growled Eclipse suddenly slamming him against the dumpster wall, head-first.

"Fuck you..!" growled October.

"Fuck me!?" snarled Eclipse, his face crazed with pain, his face, previously drowned in black markings, now on one side more permanently blackened... the furnace-scorched flesh was still steaming, scaled and cracked, still smelling like overcooked meat as he stared at October with one eye faded almost completely yellow, the cornea slightly melted, yet entirely full of pain and hatred as he screamed, rattling with all of his being, "FUCK YOU!" ...the partly melted skin at the corner of his mouth hanging open in a now permanent grimace...

October was slammed into the dumpster wall again, yelping and screaming back, "FUCK YOU! I HAD YOU!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" snarled Eclipse furious back at him, spittling at the corner of his mouth. He fell upon the Fox and growled, shakily, "PASSWORD, RIGHT NOW!"


"SAY YOUR GODDAMN TOWER PASSWORD!" snarled and spat the Mightyena, "RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

October looked up at him, dazily, with just enough alertness left in him to snarl defiantly, "NEVER!"

Suddenly there were teeth around October's right forelegs. Dazed and blinking, he had just about started to worry when the Mightyena bit down, vindictively. There was a loud CRUNCH.

October awoke back to alertness with a loud and sharp, pained shriek, his bones splintering under Eclipse's teeth...

October was left whimpering, struggling in the bubbling water that was sapping away all of his heat and life, staring dazedly at the floating socks and listening to the drops of rain fall...


October winced and huffed, grimacing, for even the recent pain of those broken bones was going numb, but slowly, he managed to look into the Mightyena's eyes, "You're going to have to," he said, softly...

"FUCK YOU..!" growled Eclipse, pushing down on him again, "DAMN YOU! BEND! BREAK! DON'T YOU DARE DEFY ME! I WILL KILL YOU!"

October smiled and slumped sideways against the wall of the dumpster, "But you won't... win..." he said softly, the fire in his body almost entire quenched by the waters, but still he was smiling as he was closing his eyes...

"DAMMIT!" growled Eclipse pulling him up again and shoving him against the corner, "I'll fuck you right here, I mean it..! Let's see you defy me, when... DAMMIT! WAKE UP..!"

Eclipse huffed and paused, holding the limp Ninetales, "Fuck you..." snarled the Mightyena, "Wake up, dammit... this isn't how this is meant to go..."

"Alright Eclipse, it's over," said a firm voice from behind him.

Eclipse looked around to see Firenze standing outside the dumpster. The large Ninetales looking grim and unperturbed by the ceasing rain... Looking almost like part of the storm, himself.

"Pull him out of there and surrender yourself at once," commanded Firenze, "We have a witness statement for some of your other crimes and the Police are already on their way, don't make things any more difficult-"

Suddenly Rain Flower leapt up to the dumpster's edge, shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK IS REDTALES DOING NOW!?" then she saw what was happening and paused, shocked, blinking at the carnage.

"Rain Flower-" started Firenze.

The Shadow Ball was small, hastily formed, but it struck the yelping Rain Flower squarely and slammed her into the side of Firenze's face, sending both Pokemon reeling.

Eclipse threw October under the surface and leapt from the dumpster. The crimson Ninetales vanished in a spray of ashy, sock-ridden water as Firenze fell to the ground with Rain Flower sprawled uncomfortably over his neck.

"Damn you..!" cursed Firenze, shouting after the Mightyena and glaring angrily, "Get back here at once you..!" Not one to throw insults, Firenze was sorely tempted, now.

The Mightyena was making good speed across the parking lot, running with all the speed of a desperate Pokemon despite obvious and serious injuries. No-where near fast enough that Firenze couldn't catch him, though...

"Rain Flower! Get off! Please..!" Firenze muttered at the groaning Rain Flower, trying to get up as fast as he could.

Rain Flower struggled, but she was groaning, "That freakin' hurt..!" in obvious pain and flailing without much coordination... she was only making things worse. Firenze had to use his tails to brush her carefully off before he could rise...

Eclipse was almost to the edge of the car park as Firenze took his first steps after the Mightyena, glaring.... Wouldn't take Eclipse much longer to get across the grounds and into the treeline. Firenze thought he could catch him before that...

...but Rain Flower still wasn't getting up... and there was no sound of movement from the dumpster at all...

Eclipse got further away by the second as Firenze stood there, debating... How quickly could he subdue Eclipse? How long could... He didn't debate for long.

Sighing, Firenze had to satisfy himself by shouting, "YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED, ECLIPSE! DON'T COME BACK!" before turning to the dumpster and the still red form spread just below the surface of the inky waters like a dead octopus...

* * *

A month ago, now, a strange creature had come to Cafe Plaisir.

He had come in expecting a pleasant little evening and a break from Adventure, but he had tracked Adventure in with him like dirt, failing to fit in and making a great deal of fuss around himself, getting into all kinds of scrapes because he was ill-equipped to deal with a safe, peaceful place.

They had caught him out for once and instead of letting him skip out, his long-suffering mate had finally made him suffer some just desserts, probably hoping he'd learn a thing or two about responsibility along the way. Instead of punishment, though, they'd just put him to work, tried to give him direction and purpose.

He'd been lucky to make some good friends... though his fellow scoundrel wasn't a fellow inmate, but just another lost soul, as were they all... and he had been blessed by fate to find such fine company; Him, who could scarcely name a dozen friends from out of a thousand worlds he'd visited... in some of which his name had actually become a curse.

What sort of a place took in the likes of him and actually found him a place..?

What sort of place could hope to hold the likes of him..? Surely not here, surely not somewhere with neither mile-high waterfalls glowing with mystic lights or daily borealis carrying the glittering rain of everyday space travel... Somewhere of almost no interest or importance whatsoever...

Yet when the chance to leave had come, he couldn't. Not for all the slights, not for all the torments, not for all his complaints.

For all his discontent, he had found a peace he had never known. Earned smiles he never thought he could have earned. Found somewhere he was wanted... and for once not just because he had tricked someone or just because he was apparently a bad thing that made worse things go away.

They actually seemed to want him, here. For all he had screwed up, for all the trouble he'd . caused... They actually wanted him.

Of course he had to fight Eclipse. There had never been any choice. For this insignificant little place on this insignificant little planet on this unimportant little universe... He had been prepared to face the monster one more time, putting on the line, for needs must, his all... and his last.

Thank goodness it hadn't come to that. October woke up with a pained groan, on the damp parking lot, hating all of existence for all it had done to him. His first word was, "Fuuuuuuck..!"

"Glad you're back with us," said Firenze, with a relieved smile, rising slowly...

October groaned and tried to rise, but the pain in his chest was immense, like he'd been crushed whilst he was out. Felt like his ribcage was healing... He winced, hard.

"Take it easy for a while," said Firenze, softly, "I was... worried we were going to-"

There was splat as something landed in October's wet fur, Firenze and October both recoiled in surprise at the sudden, black presence...

October's wide-eyes grew wider as he felt thin but strong limbs grabbing him and sharp claws digging in.


"Hah..!" gasped October, having trouble breathing, but still just barely able to mock his friend, "You were worried..!"

"YOU... ASSHOLE..!" wailed Chai, sounding suspiciously like he was crying, "You stupid asshole..!"

"Hahah..!" groaned October, "...Yeah... maybe..."

"Alright Chai, be careful," said Firenze, "He's not in good condition, be careful until the Ambulance gets here..."

"Bah..!" said October, croakily, "I'll be fine, I'll just... ugh... I need..." he trailed off.

"What..?" said Chai, suddenly, "October!" he shook the Ninetales, "Speak!"

"Indeed, what?" said Firenze, "Is it something from your Tower? I could get it for you..."

"No... no..." groaned October, lay limply on his back, "I just... look, before you take me inside, I really need a bloody cigarette."

Firenze frowned. So did Chai.

"A cigarette, are you serious..?" said Chai.

"October, you really must get that habit in check," said Firenze, frowning, "and check your priorities whilst you're at it. You're seriously hurt..."

"Gah! I know!" protested October as loudly as he could, "but quite frankly, even if I wasn't a smoker, now would be a good time..!" He huffed and flopped, "Also, it's been three bloody days. Long, painful days..."

"...What..?" said Chai, suddenly.

Firenze looked at him, confused.

October sighed, "After the bath, Ceylon was speaking to me and... well, it seemed like time to make some changes and... yes, three whole days... not one coffin-nail. Sorry if I've been acting like a bit of a bitch..."

"A BIT!?" yelled Chai.

"Well, that is admirable, October and I think-" began Firenze.

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO QUIT SMOKING AGAIN, EVER!" yelled Chai, into the injured Ninetales ear.

"Ow, hey!" protested October, "...I know, I know! It's not worth it! I like my friends more! Grief..!"

"Wait, October, no, you should-" started Firenze.

Chai thumped the Ninetales on the shoulder, "DUMBASS..!"

"Gah! Hey!" said October, writhing in pain and grinning at the same time, "Alright! It's alright! It's fine..!"

"We almost lost you!" said Chai, sniffling again, suddenly, more distemperate than October had ever seen him.

Still, October was smiling, if sadly, "Yeah, in more ways than you know, Chai. I'm glad I decided to stay, too... because..!" he brightened up suddenly, smiling not-so-sadly despite all the pain, "Ultimately, I'm not a quitter!"

Firenze sighed and put a paw gracefully to his forehead, then another. Double-facepaw. "No, October, don't make smoking a positive thing, that's not-"

"Damn right you're not!" declared Chai, loudly, wearing something almost like a smile as he leant down and hugged the groaning Ninetales, hard.

Firenze shook his head, slowly, then couldn't help but smirk and close his eyes as he shook his head.

"It's been wonderful to be here," said October, suddenly, "Thankyou for catching me, Firenze..."

The larger Ninetales chuckled, "It's been a pleasure 'catching you,' October, even if you're far more trouble than one bargained for."

"Good things can be trouble," said October, smirking at the Umbreon and bringing some of his limp, sodden tails over to rest on the dark-type's back.

"Indeed," said Firenze, smiling.

"Hopefully, I'm worth it," said October, smiling, "I mean, by now, I've worked a month and served like... at least five legitimate customers! Surely I've paid off that bloody window, right..?"

"Um..." said Firenze, for once at a sudden loss for words.

"Uhhh..." said Chai, looking awkward, then smiling broadly.

"What..?" said October, raising an eyebrow.

"Look behind you, dumbass," said Chai, his eyes amused...

October moved his head to look upside-down at Cafe Plaisir.

Heated by the intense blaze of the dumpster fire, Cafe Plaisir had suffered mightily. Paint had burned, panelling had cracked and heat-warped... and somehow, every window on the southern side of the guest wing was out.

"Looks like you'll be staying a while longer, huh..?" said Chai, with a smile, holding the Ninetales tightly.

"Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuaaauuuuuugh!" groaned October, raising his head to the heavens and wailing, "FORTUNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA...! OW!"

"Dumbass," said Chai, pulling back his claws and smiling.

Firenze chuckled.

For a full, chronological timeline including all shorts and related stories for Cafe Plaisir: October's Jaunt on FA, click here!