Keith 'n' Matt: Street life

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#2 of Keith 'n' Matt

_Uuhhh... depth... And suspense!

Warning: This story contains sex between under-age boys and drug abuse. Who can't stand this, should turn away.

Spelling and grammar mistakes are all part of the creative process and therefore not worth mentioning afterwards.

Thank you. Now enjoy!_

Matt woke up in the darkness. Two seconds and he knew again where he was and what happened. He found himself in the arms of another boy, Keith, as he remembered. He couldn't really see the cat in the darkness, but he remembered that the cat had probably been the nicest person he'd met yet.

Keith was still asleep and Matt wondered what to do now. He didn't dare to move, he didn't want to wake up the other boy. Matt remembered the kiss, and couldn't help but smile. Keith was friendly and cute, and obviously Keith liked him.

Matt also found himself sore. He pulled a piece of cloth out of his nose, it was all red, soaked with blood which had dried over night. Everybody else would have just left him there, on the concrete, or added another kick. Or some guy would've passed by, picked him up and fucked him without paying. He could be dead by now, Matt was very sure of that.

But now he was in the warm hug of another boy, sore but safe. It was a very warm hug. Matt let his paw run over the cat's dull fur. It was filthy, yes, but yet warm and had a strange kind of beauty. He had stroked many furs, so many, but they were either complete strangers or he was forced to show his love to one of the other boys Don Gee owned. For practice. But this time... he was doing it voluntarily. And he liked it, since the pressure was away.

His paw ran up and down the cat's side. A very good feeling. He felt like giving something back for the help the day before. He just didn't know what. All he had ever learned, ever done in his life was... was sex...

His paw moved down to the cat's pants. They felt old and somehow ripped. His finger traced a line over rim, to the button in the front. With the help of his other paw, Matt opened that button, carefully, slowly. He didn't want to wake the other boy up. Well, not before he had finished this anyway.

He zipped the pants open and felt the fur behind the clothing. And then he arrived at the furless feline penis. It was warm and soft, and a bit bigger than Matt had expected of a boy of Keith' age. Matt rubbed up and down the full length, felt the blood rushing into the male meat, making it stiffen up and grow even bigger. It grew and hardened under Matt's rub, until there was a rock hard erection. Matt looked forward to taste it. He bent over...

"Say, what are you doing there?" Keith' voice suddenly moaned.

Matt jumped and withdrew quickly. "I... Umm... sorry, sorry..."

"Did I complain? Go ahead if you really want to. But I'm afraid I ain't able to pay you..."

"Oh, that's okay..." Matt smiled. Oh, yes he wanted to. He leaned forward again.

The vulpine tongue connected with the head of the feline penis and licked some times. Then tender lips embraced the glans tightly, the tongue worked on the head as Matt moved his head down slowly. Keith moaned under the sudden pleasure. He'd had a lot of sex in his young life, but never someone had been doing this for him. Not voluntarily, at least.

Matt moved down until the entire cock had disappeared in his muzzle. He rubbed the underside with his tongue, then moved up. He gave the cock's head some more tender licks, then embraced with his lips again and moved down. He listened to Keith' very pleased groans and grunts, felt the car ruffling his headfur. Matt speeded up.

With his movements, the noises quickened up, faster, louder. Then Keith dug his fingers into the other boy's fur. "I'm... cumming," he groaned out.

With open mouth, Matt waited for the load to shoot out of the feline cock. It splashed out, to muzzle and face of the young fox. Matt tasted and swallowed what he had been able to catch and grinned out of a cum-covered snout. "Fresh boymilk... nothing can beat that taste."

Keith could only smile panting. He waited for the fox to cuddle up to him and licked some of his own semen from the face. "You're pretty talented..."

"Practice, practice..."

"How long?"

The fox paused. "I don't wanna remember, actually."

"I understand," Keith said and kissed the fox. "I understand."

Matt looked up into the cat's eyes. "You know... it's the very first time someone said that to me and meant it." He kissed back.

As their lips connected another time, Keith dragged the fox closer, stroking through the fur on Matt's back. Then their tongues touched, groped and carefully played with each other. The boy made out, full of lust. And... love...

Keith' left paw moved down to the fox's hips and the butt. And then, out of curiosity, the paw slipped into the pants, in the front. Curious fingers touched the head of a stiff penis, then ran down, measuring. It wasn't much, just average for a boy of fourteen years. But Keith wouldn't complain. It was just perfect. He continued stroking the dick, enjoying the fox's body rubbing against his.

Keith rubbed the other boy's cock harder, their lips disconnected and Matt groaned in pleasure. Then they continued kissing again. Encouraged by the positive reply, Keith rubbed even harder, wanting to make the young fox cum for him.

While Matt took another break to moan in passion, Keith licked the fox's shoulder. Matt had enough mind left to open his pants, to make it more comfortable for his lover and the pant won't show any stains afterwards. The pleasing paw worked faster, more intensive on him, he moaned again. The wonderful movements brought him to the climax very fast. The first time someone cared about him enough to do that voluntarily...

The fox twitched, he grunted out and the semen spurted out of the boy's cock. It hit Keith' stomach and flowed down over the cat's paw. While Matt was a bit panting, Keith licked the semen off his paw. "Yeah, it's a nice taste in the morning..." Keith leaned back and they were cuddling a bit more in the darkness.

"Umm... speaking of taste... are any crisps left? I'm hungry..."

"No, sorry. But we can go and get something somewhere. I feel like a burger, hadn't had one for ages..."

"Sounds good."

Some minutes of silence. "Must we move to get the food?"

"Afraid so..."

They heard a loud growl. "Oh, screw it," Matt said and stood up. "Better get my stomach silent..."

After they had cleaned up, they went out, through the streets. Downtown was filthy and not really safe, at night. But now, at day, the sun shining, it seemed like a busy anthill full of people. Nobody noticed the two boys walking in the middle of the crows, nobody wondered why they were only wearing pants, why they looked very dirty, and why they weren't in school right now. Nobody cared. And Matt and Keith weren't the only ones roaming here.

"Pickpockets," Keith whispered as they were sitting as a fountain, munching their way through some hamburgers. Gosh, it's really been a while since Keith had been able to get one.

"Yeah, I see it..."

"Good ones, good ones... and they know how to behave. Steal the wallet, get the money out and throw the wallet on the ground."

"I think... oh, shit, that's Tommy. Let's move... over there..." The fox started to move behind a statue.

"What's the problem?"

"Officially I am outta town."

"City or district?"

"Better or my health if I was out of country. You saw what happened yesterday..."

"Did you steal from the boss?"

"Yeah... bad boy, I know." Matt sighed. "Hey, what about you? What's your story?"

"I used to live in an other city in the north. About... six month ago, my pimp got shot. And that's about it?"

"Really? Who shot him?"

"I am not quite sure. I think it was one of the girls. He was really, really bad to us. If we didn't bring at least one hundred every night he beat the shit outta us. And sometimes he forced the group to violently rape the one who brought too few money or did do anything else. Or maybe nothing sometimes."

"Wow... Well... Don Gee takes the money, gives us ten of it, no matter how much we made the night. And the one who brought the less would get bound by him and he'd rape him personally."

"Hey, sounds like paradise."

"That ain't no paradise... really... The others try to steal from you, to be his favourite, they try to make you the one getting that equine cock rammed between the cheeks."

"It's a rough world..."

The fox looked up and seemed to recognise someone in the crowd. Keith looked into that direction and saw another boy, maybe fourteen, in a net shirt and baggy pants, leaning against a wall. He had a very prominent necklace.



"C-Can you do me a big favour?"

"How big?"

"Can you lend me about... ten quid?"

"What? What for?"

"Can you or not... I'll pay it back, somehow, really. I promise."

Keith looked into the fox's brown eyes and couldn't help it. He produced a bill from his pocket. "There ya go..."

"Oh, thank you so much!" The fox kissed and walked over to the boy. They didn't really talk, in fact, Matt just passed by. Twice. A quick paw movement as he came by the boy. And then, Matt headed back. Keith realised what was going on. Oh, he had sworn not to support that...

Matt grabbed the remaining burger. "Let's look for a lonely gab," he said. With those words the fox seized the cat's paw and dragged him away.

"What the fuck is that?"

Matt opened a tiny bag made of transparent plastic and got a small pill out of it. "Dunno its name, but it's right what I need now..." And before Keith could say anything the fox threw the pill down the throat.

The next moment, the boy slit down the wall and landed on his bottom. Matt looked into the sky, but he obviously didn't see anything. Keith squatted down, worried about the other boy. "Matt? Matt! Aw, shit." He shook the fox. "Come on," he hissed. "Bloody drugs."

"Shhh," Matt suddenly breathed out and looked into Keith' vague direction. "I alright, I alright."

"Jeez, Matt," Keith said. "What the hell is that?"

"I think sum' painkillah... kicks yer arse the first moment, fades all too fast... a shaaaaaame..." The fox closed his eyes again.

Keith picked up the unlabelled bag. Yeah, drugs, the main problem of the whore boys. The first times your butt is completely unused to all that stretching, it hurts you, maybe there even something rips, and you can't go to the doctor for an obvious reason. And then someone passes by and gives you a tiny pill. And it works. It works really good. But it fades sooner or later, and you need another one. So you go to the friendly boy again. But he suddenly wants your money. But that doesn't matter, you're already addicted.

Keith knew that all. It had been hard to get away from that stuff. Heaven in pill shape. Very appealing, but he had made to get away from them. Keith looked at the other pills in the bag. White and blue. New type, he didn't know that colours before. Probably some poison a guy mixed in his garage, gave out to his sell-boys and now he collects the money. Actually, there was no difference between the whores and the dealers. Just, for some reason, the dealers were happier. And had more money.

Keith resisted the urge to throw the pills away. Well, at first they had cost money, and then they could be useful as a treat. Plus, Matt looked really bad with all that bruises and the black eye, maybe he really needed some painkillers. Some people think to get someone away from drug is done with throwing them away. But that only makes the person go buy new ones. And turn away from the friendly fur that only wanted to help.

Suddenly Matt stood up. "I feel great. What d'ya wanna do now?" Without waiting for an answer, Matt went out of the gab. Then in again. "Well, what?"


"So I didn't go wrong," a voice suddenly said, making the two boys look at a young male bunny standing at the entrance of the gab. "Matt, Matt, Matt, why're you still here?" The bunny stepped closer to the fox. "Now I think I gotta tell the old horse..."

"I don't think so," Matt said and seized the bunny's arm. With a quick and rather strong movement Matt slammed the other boy against the wall and kept pressing. "You shouldn't open your mouth that wide, Tommy."

"He likes me, not you."

Matt didn't wait long and slammed his fist into Tommy's face. "I know exactly that you called the thugs yesterday."

"Only 'cos you deserve it," Tommy answered. Matt's answer was another hit with the fist. Keith was impressed how strong the fox boy hit, he didn't look that strong. On the other side, it could be the drugs. Anyway, the last thing Keith would do now is doing something.

Matt hit again until Tommy spit out a tooth. "Now let's see how gorgeous you're now," Matt shouted and hit again.

"Thtill better 'n you..."

That seemed too much for Matt, now he started with groin kicks and belly punches. Tommy groaned and spit a bit blood. Then the fox released his grip, the lapine body fell to the ground, and Matt added some more kicks. "So! Now you know!" Matt kicked against the head twice.

"I think he had enough."

"He better does!" Matt squatted down. "Oh... unconscious... I don't care! Do you hear that, Tommy-Boy? I don't care about you!"

"You really hate him, don't you..."

"We beat each other up from time to time..."

"After throwing in drugs..."

"Of course," Matt said and rolled the body over. "Brings the kick into life," he said while pulling the bunny's shirt from the body. "Would fit you."

"White ain't my colour," Keith remarked, but took the shirt anyway.

Matt also took the pants off. "Just some pills... oh, here are your ten quid."

"We should run."


"I think that they're gonna find him soon. He wasn't alone on the square."

"Come on."

"No, you come on."

"Okay..." Matt stood up, gave the naked body some more kicks, and escaped with Keith.

"You look bad..."

"I need another pill."


"Gosh... I really beat him up?"

"I know you can remember it all."

"It was like... like a dream..."

"I know." Keith sighed and dragged the fox closer. "Hey, he deserved it."

"I don't want you to think I'm a violent person."

"Sh, I don't think that." Keith kissed. "Just..."


"Get away from the drugs..."

"If you help me," Matt said and kissed the cat.

"I will try," Keith replied.

They kissed again, in a close hug. Their paws stroked the other one's back, their lips played around. Then Matt's paws moved down to the other boy's pants, unbuttoned...

A loud knock made them jump. Someone was kicking against the wood. "Ma-att! I know you're in there! You and your friend!"

"Shit," Keith whispered, buttoned his pants and stood up. "We gotta run."

"Where?" Matt whispered back.

"And you know what?! I brought my own friends!"

Keith moved quickly. "The door, stupid. Through the house."

"Oh, okay..."


Keith ripped the door open, and the two boys escaped through a partly destroyed house, the back door, and into the back yard.

"And now?"

"You there, me that way."



The fox ran to the fence and started to climb. Keith turned, to the gab, the other street. Oh, did they really think he'd chose a hideout with only one exit? Idiots. He ran on, into the corridor, through it, to the street.

Two people pushed themselves to the exit. "Running?"

"Oh, shit," Keith screamed and spun around. But they caught his tail, he slipped and crashed to the concrete. The hard impact blacked him out.